The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 25, 1949, Page 5, Image 5

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Two shows will be given at Sa
lem YMCA today by Norris (Cor
ky) KeUam, water comedian, who
is touring the country. The 300
po under will present stunts and
demonstrate new swimming
strokes in the pool, at 4:30 and 8
p.m. Four junior high school boys
who will aid in a water-boxing
demonstration are Jim Coker, Bill
Dunsworth, John Gaylord and Bob
Ann the Re-Weaver. All kinds of
mending. 11?? N. Winter.
Old Time Dancing. Roberts Grange
Hall, Sat. Feb. 26th. S. River Rd.
Dean Robert D. Gregg of Wil
lamette university will speak con
cerning National Brotherhood
..,ir tnnicrht at 9 o'clock in Tem
ple Beth Shblem, Broadway and
Madison streets. The program,
open to the public, is sponsored
bv the local organization of the
National Conference of Christians
and Jews. Ford Watkins, chairman,
will introduce the speaker.
McKinley Sch. Mothers club food
sale Sat., Feb. 26, Marshall-Wells
Store on State St.
Insured savings earn more than
two per cent at Salem Federal
Savings Association. 860 State st.
Rep. Lyle Thomas of Polk coun
ty, a member of the taxation com
mittee in the Oregon house of rep
resentatives, will speak to Salem
Retail Credit association at the
Friday noon luncheon in the Gold
en Pheasant. Thomas is state sec
retary of the Farmers' union and
former school principal.
Launderette 1255 Ferry St
There's no shortage of oil! See Jud
son's now for low cost oil heat.
J. S. Strom and Sons of Scotts
' Mills is the assumed business
name of a farming operation filed
with., .'the Marion county clerk
Thursday by J. S. Strom, W. H.
Strom and J. A. Strom, all of
Scotts Mills route 1.
The Flower Basket, 1020 Market.
Open Sun. 10-3. Ph. 2-4802.
Rummage sale Jason Lee church,
Jefferson & N. Winter, Thur., FrL
Articles of incorporation of
Brownell Electric, Inc., -335 State
t., were filed with the Marion
county clerk Thursday by Phil
Brownell, sr., Mabel H. Brownell
and Cora Hill. Capital stock is list
ed at $40,000.
Coal, lump, nut, stoker, available
any quantity. Larmer Transfer,
889 N. Liberty. Phone 33131.
Big one-hour comedy play,
lous Case Against Casey,"
ed by a box social at Macleay
Grange Hall, Fri., Feb. 25, 8 PJVI.
School benefit, admission free.
Reynolds Allen of Salem is one
of the 12 new county chairmen of
the University of Oregon alumni
association, it was reported this
week by Robert S. Miller, Port
land, president of the association.
Allen is chairman for Marion
county. Appointments of the 36
county directors are for three
year terms ending Dec. 31, 1951.
Ralph W. Skopil & Otto R. Skopil
announce the moving of their law
offices from 211-215 Oregon Bldg.
to 413-414 Masonic Temple, effec
tive Feb. 28, 1949. New phone.
Final clearance dreses, size 10
22 Special at $5.00, this week
only. Lormon's, 1109 Edgewater,
W. Salpm
leo C wood, 493 Ford St., was
fined $100 and sentenced to 30
days in the city jail in municipal
court Thursday after he pleaded
guilty to beating his wife and step
child at their home earlier. City
police arrested Wood after he had
beaten the pair near unconscious
ness, according to police report.
New Gregg Shorthand class. Day
School, February 28, Capital Busi
npss follppp Phone 35087
Johns-Man villa asphalt shingles
applied right over your old roof.
10 down, 3 yrs. to pay. Free esti
mate. Ph. 3-4642. Ma this Bros.,
164 S. Com'L
Mothers leaving Salem General
hospital Thursday to take home
newborn sons were Mrs. Forrest
Bouchie, Turner. Mrs. Carlton Mc-
Leod. 346 N. 13th st, Mrs. M.
Clarke Houser, 1215 S. 19th st,
Mrs. Ronald J. Lush. 1985 N. 23rd
st, and Mrs. David Pfau. 1170
James st
You want expert electrical wiring.
refrigeration repairs, washing ma
chines, radios, all appliances. Call
Broadway Appliance, 453 Court
Street Tel. 2-1565. Wiring and re
pairing or all kinds. You can put
your reliance in Broadway Ap
pliance immediate service. 2-1565.
Tom Warren, Lead, S. D.. can-
tain of Willamette university's
Dasxetoau team, was named Wil
Lunette Rotarian for the month of
March by the campus student
council. He succeeds William Mer
riam, Salem, who holds the honor
this month.
Karakul Karpet. It's new, it's re
versible, it's 100 virgin wool and
woven through and through, onlv
$4.93 sq. yd. Ph. 3-7648 or 3-3364.
Thief Loots
Middle Grove
School Kitchen
Nearly $38 worth of food was
taken from the kitchen of Middle
Grove school Wednesday night,
according to Deputy Sheriff Wil
liam DeVall, who investigated the
entry Thursday.
Entry into the school was gain
ed through a north window - - ap
Darently left unlocked. The entire
building, including desks and the
principal s office, was ransacKea
but nothing was taken except iooa
from the pantry and ice box in the
Missing, DeVall said, are cans of
corned beef, turkey, honey. Deans,
a case of cheese, three pounds of
butter and three pounds of fresh
meat The food is used in the
school's student noon lunch pro
gram. Middle Grove school if
about three miles northeast of Sa
lem on the Salem-Silverton road.
Camp Planned
Approximately 30 scoutmasters
of the Cascade area P-y Scout
council are expected to attend the
last meeting of a six-weeks train
ing course Saturday and Sunday
at a state forest camp near Cor
vallis. The "graduation" program will
start Saturday at 1:30 p. m. at the
old Arboretum CCC camp about
seven miles north of Corvallis.
The men will camp in a crewhouse
there. ' t , .
Autos will leave the Salem scout
office at 12:30 Saturday afternoon.
The party will return Sunday aft
ernoon. Directing the program are
Lou Amort course instructor, and
Arthur Lamka, chairman of the
council's leadership-training com
Robert McKee, 24, 90 Beach ave..
was in Salem General hospital
Thursday night with a fractured
left arm incurred when his truck
follow- I on onver ion roaa near
x-raium xnursaay anernoon. He
was given treatment earlier by
Salem first aidmen.
Dr. Roy S. Scofield, Salem chi
ropractor, is to be in Portland Sat
urday and Sunday to attend a re
view course in chiropractic given
by Dr. M. B. DeJarnette of Neb
raska City, Neb.
Closing out smoke, water, fire
damaged goods at Wichman's
Men's & Boys' Wear Keizer Dist
For Best Buys in Cars, see
Shrock's Strip on the Classified
Notice of retirement from the H.
S. Smith Co., a candy and drug
sundries store, was filed with the
Marion county clerk Thursday by
H. S. Smith, P. E. Hicks, Leonard i
Hicks and C. . Hicks.
Federally Insured Savings Cur
rent divident 2 See First
Fderal Savings First 142 S. Liber
ty. Phone S-4944.
Willard W. Day was issued a
permit Thursday by the city en
gineer's office to build a new house,
at 975 Skopil st, to cost $12,500.
Alteration permits went to the
Nazarene church, 1320 Center st,
$500, and Bernard Smith, 425 Han
sen st, house alterations, $100.
An ' assumed business name of
East Salem Fumigators was filed
with the Marion county "clerk
Thursday by Treston Howe, 3825
D st
Dismissals from Salem Memorial
hospital Thursday included Mrs.
Wayne Soltau, who took home a
baby daughter to 1138 S st,
PORTLAND, Feb. 24-W)-The
latest flying businessman" tour
is over -- successfully. Part of a
group of 40 private planes, which
ARC Campaign
Roster Filled
With the appointment of the
rural division chairmen and an or
ganized labor representative, the
directorate for the 1949 American
Red Cross campaign in Marion
county, to open Tuesday, has been
The rural division will have two
chairmen, states Wesley E. Stew
art, Jr.. general campaign chair
man. Harlan Pearson is to be
chairman for the north section of
the county and W. Jerry Scott will
be chairman for the south section.
H. E. Barker is the organized
labor representative, the cam
paign in organized labor to be
handled through the individual
Nelson Equipment Co. vs Fred
E. Lockyear: Suit seeks possession
of a diesel engine or $12,700 plus
$2,000 damages for alleged un
lawful detention of the engine.
Henry Carl vs William Fawk
and Florence Fawk: Order auth
orizes plaintiff to recover $868
and to foreclose lien upon real
J. W. Cope land Yards vs Clyde
K. Crossland and W. D. Kayton:
Jury finds for defendant
Edna M. Kish vs Jesse Ear?
Kish: Decree of divorce to plain
Vernon T. White vs Lorraine
wnite: suit ror divorce chargim
cruel and inhuman treatment asks
for custody of two minor children.
Married Dec. 5, 1943, at Yoder,
Lucille Everhard vs Henry N,
Everhard: Suit for divorce charg
ing cruel and inhuman treatment
asks for custody oof two minor
children. Married Nov. 28, 1923,
at central Foint.
Edward L. Stiff, 43. engineer
aide, 3703 u st., and Dellora L,
Steele, 25, domestic, 1974 N. 4th
St., both of Salem.
James Stewart, 19, kitchen helD-
er, 1773 n. Front st, and Winona
Cantlon, 20, candy clerk, 571 N.
Church st., both of Salem.
Lary Van Vleck guardianship
estate: Order appoints Roy Van
Vleck as guardian and authorizes
him to execute a non-waiver
agreement with two insurance
Anna Bell estate: Order vacates
previous order allowing sale of
real property.
Ida Marie Girod estate: Order
authorizes sale of treasury bonds.
Leo C. Wood. 495 Ford st.. as
sault and battery, fined $100 and
sentenced to 30 days in jaiL
Members of
Group Meet
Nineteen members of Sigma
Delta Chi, national journalistic
fraternity, attended the state leg
islature Thursday and met with
Portland and Salem newspaper
men at dinner at the Golden Phea
The dinner was sponsored by
the fraternity s University of Ore
gon chapter, with Larry Lau,
chapter president presiding. Mem
bers of the Oregon State chapter
also attended.
Visiting officials included Dean
Clifford Weigle, head of the U. of
O. journalism school; Profs'. Gor
don Sabine and Warren Price, also
of the U. of O. school; Fred XL
Shidler, head of the OSC journal
ism department; Prof. Sam Bai
ley, OSC, and Carl Webb, secre
tary - manager of the Oregon
Newspaper Publishers' association.
University students attending
included Richard RevenaughyJohn
V a 1 1 e a u, Donn Bonham, Kirk
Braun, Steve Loy, Robert Karle
vitz, il John Martin, Dan Wyant,
Charles Grell, Ron Phillips, Rob
ert Reed, Victor Fryer, Warren
Mack, John Kahananui, William
Stratton, Robert Dasch and Lau.
OSC students were James Barratt
and James Gossler.
Professional newspapermen who
were on the receiyijg end of the
question period were Paul Hau-
ser, Oregonian; Larry Smyth, Ore
gon Journal; Paul Harvey, jr.. As
sociated Press; Eldon Barrett Un
ited Press, Robert L. Jones and
James Olson, Capital Journal, and
Wendell Webb, Oregon Statesman.
William IV of England, the
"Sailor King," was 63 years of age
when he ascended the throne and
reigned but seven years, to be
succeeded by his niece Victoria.
Forum Tonight
Subject for discussion tonight
on xne wuiamette university legis
lative forum over station KSLM
is "Lobbies."
Speakers will include Sen. Al
lan Carson of Salem; Rep. How
ard Morgan of Portland, and Roy
Meyers, one of the lobbyists at the
Prof. Quintin Johnstone, of the
university law school, is modera
tor for the program, which will
begin at 9:30 p. m. A forum broad
cast Is made each Friday night
Y.W. Regional
Meeting Near
A group of Willamette univer
sity YWCA members and their
advisors will attend the regional
conference for YMCA and YWCA
councils and advisors in Portland
today, Saturday and Sunday.
Willamette women attending are
Eleanors Loveless, Eugene; Jean
Carrico, Phoenix, Ariz.; Betty
Jackman, McMinnville; Jo Oliver,
Yakima, Wash.; Alice Turtledove,
Portland, and Jackie Chute, Port
land. Advisors attending are Re
gina Ewalt Willamette dean of
women; Mrs. Brooks Moore, and
Mrs. Esther Little, executive sec
retary of the Salem YWCA.
Willamette Farm
Loan Association
To Meet in Salem
Election of two directors and
yearly reports will take place at
the annual meeting of the Willam
ette Farm Loan association In the
Marion hotel Saturday.
The terms of directors Fred
Muhs of McMinnville and C. E.
Lewis of Aumsville have expired.
The Statesman, Salem. Oregon, Friday, February 23. 1943- S
Other directors include Robert C.
Mitchell of Perrydale, Ralph O.
Otis of Newberg and Fred W.
Dickman of Aumsville.
J. J. Sechrist, secretary of the
association, announced this week
that the board of directors had
approved payment of a 5 per cent
dividend to all stockholders of
record on Nov. 30, 1948. Dividend
checks to the 550 association mem
bers have been sent out
Henry Matthew, president of the
Federal Land Bank In Spokane,
Wash., will be the main speaker at
the Saturday noon luncheon. The
business session will take place
Saturday morning.
4 Corners Community Hall
At 4 Comers
The Chin Up Store Hast
Fresh Country Ranch
EGGS dox. 58c
TIDE Lt. pkg. 33c
Gifts For All Occasions
1275 N. Church Ph. 3-S91S
Dial to Chin -Up Chatter
1-4 pjn. Saturdays ever KOCO
Income Tax Belarus
Elmer M. Amundson
Tax Censeltaat
Experienced Servtee
Ph. 1-SU7 or S-ttll
f M N. High
ft Kodak PrfaKte Field tens
more than doublet Image
brightness , . . you get a
clean-cut screen Image with
no distortion or doubtful
margins, even when the
light b poor. Automatic film
stop, 1300 flash shutter,
twin f3.9 lumenixed (ernes,
Neoctfves, 2V4x2Vi
VX "-i-i -iiij- j - mil
Gty Manager Ass'n.
Secretary Visits Salem
Clarence RidleyT evtary of the
National Association of City Man
agers with headquarters in Chi
cago, 111., visited Salem Thursday
as guest of City Manager J. L.
Ridley, who has held his secre
tary position for 20 years, is in
Oregon to attend the Oregon As
sociation of City Managers meet- j
ing in Portland Friday and Sat
urday. Franzen also will attend.
went to Death Valley of California
last Saturday, were back today.
The others will return In differ
ent groups.
ZAK To Mr. and Mrs. An
thony Zak, Woodburn, a daugh
ter, Thursday, February 24 at Sa
lem Memorial hospital.
EDWARDS To Mr. and Mrs.
Leland Edwards, 125 Wanderway
at., daughter, Thursday, Feb
ruary 24 at Salem Memorial hos
pital. PROCTOR To Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth C Proctor, Salem route
9, a son, Thursday, February 24
t Salem General hospitaL
WHITE To Mr. and Mrs. Ro
bert C. White, 2296 Fairgrounds
rtL, a daughter, Thursday, Feb
ruary 24 at Salem General hos
pital. COTJMERDLH To Mr. and Mrs.
Orin K. Caumerilh, 1309 Court
art, a son, Thursday, February 24
t Salem General hospitaL
BOXTZ To Mr. and Mrs. Ro
bert Boitz, Salem route 9, a
daughter, Thursday, February 24
at Salem General hospitaL
JONES To Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Jones, Salem route 7, a
daughter, Thursday, February 24
at Salem General hospitaL
nOYT To Mr. and Mrs. Bill
G. Hoyt, 122S S. 19th st, a
daughter, Thursday, February 24
at Salem General hospitaL
RETJST To Mr. and Mrs.
Bobby G. Reust, Stayton, a son,
Wednesday, February 23 at Sa
lem General hospitaL
See the Daring Hew Dodge
At Our Salesroom
Starting Friday, Feb. 25lh
Each day, lor S days. February 25th through March
2nd, we wiQ draw the nam of the lucky person who
has attended our showing. This party will b award
ski $50-00 In free) sonrlce) on his car or truck. This sor
ice) wiHbe performed by us in our shop at any time
within t months. The winner will bo notified by us
and noed not bo on hand lor the drawing.
Feel lucky? - Remember - February 25th
thru March 2nd
stiui BMEn riOTons
rde . Plymouth Dodge Job Rated Trucks
- High A Chemeketa Streets
SHORTER OUTSIDI . . . Longer Inside 52y ( w ' SS?1 V ,-J
NARROWER OUTSIDI ... Wider Inside 9 'g Q ' ' '
MSW MEAD ROOM . . . Ne daeger ef knock,
lag yur hat ( getting ia r eat ...
Mre head reoa whether ym sit in front
er rear seat, in the center r n the side.
NfW HO IOOM ... Real stretch-eat' rm
for long legs and tall people ... and
Dodge "knee-level teats gtre them fall
rapport for relaxing day-long comfort.
NEW asOW tOOM . . . Vide, wide seat
bnilt for three paMcnger comfort. Yon
ran relax in natnral, eay poanlon with
bo bonlder cramping, no elbow bagging.
NEW rarOUAAHd , . New "CetJkwsy
engine, pies Flnld Drive, aqassaes extra
mile front or err tankJal ef gse .'
give footer acceleration for safer peetlaa,
IVhM Army physicxxl mxarm revocaW that our wartime? feneration was far biggmr, taller,
Dodge started planning this great new ear
ITS lower on the outside ... higher on the
inside! Shorter on the outside ... longer
on the inside! Narrower on the outside . .
wider on the inside! You will wonder how
it wss done!
Here's daring new design . . distinctive new
style . . natural beauty that flows from truly
functional engineering. Here's new elbow
room, more leg room and more head room
plus the amazingly s-m-o-o-t-h ride of
Dodge All-Fluid Drive.
New styling . . . new "Get-Away" engine .
new luxury and comfort ... optional Gyro
Ma tic transmission ... are only a few of the
new things that'll thrill you. But see them
all at your Dodge dealer's now. Learn first
hand just what the daring new Dodge will
do lor you.
gyrol Fluid DHv pus GYRO-MATICI
frees you from thtftlng
S25 ClhieiniiieElefta SftirGeft
A -