he Nation's Top Comics DAILY AND SUNDAY in Your Home Newspaper l TWe ALARM fT OlONTOOOPF ) (f -lUL BC LATH TO TMEOFFlCoL CTg 53 BLONDS i gotonc) - MINUTE TO Y CATCH MV tS rffo. 00 XXI UCVE iT TIME TO MS AS MJCW TALK HOW AS ON GOTTA TAKS UPS TMCr jL4- MAKE 30 BUCKS Mju vt LEMTME.TWr5T THANKSA lot. rU-PAY VOU BACK I'M WCX2R1ED. ry 1 1LI DICX TRACT I've cdt to wave mv LAUNDRY CONE. THE. ONLY CLEAN CLOTHES I NAVE ARE ON MY BACK. iSj iHHi!;;; vou just put tuipttv CENTS IN THE SLOT.I -, and the machine , DOES THE REST. LADVJ 11 BinTTELLVDU, T HAVE To SIJ? DOWT JEShLy MAKfS DESERT XI THE U060EAO- ZJTTLE ANNIE BOONET DEAD OR ALIVE -SUE HAS A) BUNCH OP KEYS VJOP.TH A MILLION DOLLARS-HELP J ME FIND IT ANO SPLIT IMS HAVING A MILLION OOLLACS P HONEST, Mf?. 6UUIVER-j0OfT THANK ME, IN DEAD MANS OESEHTT'nMEAN'ZEPO THINKS CfCHILO-ITWASTHH IS LIKE HAVING A r-7r), YtXBE JUST" GCAKO-7 HAMO OF FATE GOLD MINE IN TMETTlVOU SAVED OUR fH THAT 8C0UGHTV0U SKY-YOU GOTTA ) TWvTl LIVES-XJ0 MXPl lcorrrr juirrt tmi fukt evenw von om tks sm of tmew BOM f TO-ST. VUZ IOLY PLUMKM6 A 6UTAK. OVtf TT OTCAMMd. BUZZ 8AWTEB JUtH IT 'SE6INS. Ct TMS JUM6U mow, a UOPAROCOUCKi rnstfrcNEP A900N4 CKJ4 M JMrSWE&T. MYTWA4 VS6M rtCNT CUOULISM tAucme. tou CBOCOOlLC emow. euphamt tsumsbtcuom GOMt. RMMOS clmm m snoots vrnt. J : jpv StT NOW VOUSCLL, SB 7f75dCSCT ABLE TO ENJOY i4a?C"-L WHAT'S OONNA, MXCXEY IfOUSS -jrxx now, oenI! Vwvt JOLO PfcIS rcuPN GOT a 7nSL I LOVELY 14 V PIZBN Xl T AS K X TOSSES IT UP IN 1 DS AJQ ...SCS? T TURNS PER C DOOR .SEE? ...AN' ... STARTS TO 2UN.. AN'.NEYr - lf( I W1TH TM1 OLD LAC7Y.MU3QK AT MAMA ' sTUAcrar r Mr r TvvA beaumont grw out thoss tsth LATEST IS ' , rfTT.ArV AA9 AS RALSS AC TVC REST OF I'M LEAVIM3 PO V O-fD IXVB MY SOUTRN PLACS I 8LACKWMTBl, MEXT WEEK m XXI J HONCVi 00 MUST CCMS C0M A SAV NCXl'U. ANOBWjWAyOv OAS tONa vwrr f fTT X, 1 yX MVE AN EXCSXCNT APPrrm. mr. BCAUMONTi ANO HOU HAVE PCRLgNT TASTE M f BUONOES. AVt. ICJR0 DOKT TEU. XVRS QOtHO TO LET rr eftOTHW STEAL GASOLCIE ALLEY T BUT PARTNER OKAV, VWMOS I tMALUTT ISNT 0 1 1 E094 AROUND O V MOT ABOUT MM. I THESST VOU T t V TOLD MC VjfiJ IT - OH, 9URS! T K3U KEEP fT THAT WW, T1 EVEJtyTMWC I I DEAL WTTH JUST ONE M TH6 700JUST CALLED , WLTYl ER - A FELLOW ftTTINS SNUFfVrS DESCRIPTION WAS SEEN OUST 8CORE CLOSING Ticoe.voftwoewNe ARJUUND Trie enooNos VG DONTT say Goooy- Goooy- GANDER BAKHZr GOOGLS IT'S A WONDER I GOT WINK O' SLEEP, WIF ALL THEM QUARE NOISES GOIN'ON LPS' WIGHT -UH -WHAR OM GNNVHOW IJLvyv AIOTH AAn T A ' BAILS O'FIRE!! -j;LJ THey flung me moth J iJAI LHOUSE wJLl 5 1 "THE4 YOUNG IDEA" Tly ATlf Bto Slot mmt;goW CWom THdoy, rbrutaT tS, l 8-I3 GRIN AND BEAR IT ByLichty i lj y EoodncMt Toa'r vnreMonAble, Buford W can't BOTH I U ' X-r I b rirht and I know fM rlxhtr I .7 f I , II - i I 1 FRIDAY'S BROADCASTS Pacific Standard Time Kilocycle: KSLM ISM. KOCO 14M. KODT 17. KGW f 2t. KEX 11M OOUK 6 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX 0:0 Morning Nw KOIN Hod4 0:11 t04 (March Tlmo 0:41 News IKOEN IClock Hodf Pod IHod PodK Squirrely Bird iSquirrsly Bird lSjuirrly Bird Irarm Ntwi N KOIN Klock New (KOIN IClock Hodg Pod 7 KSLM KOCO KOIN KOW KEX Ntwa Tex RitUr KOIN Klock farm Tlmo Nc R1m and Shin , News 4k SporU News Farm Tlmo M. AcronaJcy Orchestra Top o' Morning! Boo uarr4 (Old ton(i Tempos 1 ITop Trades News Fred' Beck Hares, n Zeko 8 KSLM Barg. Counter IV. Undlshr (Sons Pioneers KOCO King CrusadersJCing Crusaders West Melodies KOIN User News I Art Baker Grand 81am KGW fred Warinf JTred Waring (Jack Berch KEX Breakfast Caob (Breakfast Club (Breakfast Club (Orchestra West. Melodies Rosemary (Melodies (Breakfast dub 9 KSLM KOCO KOIN KOW N.W. News (Kate Smith Pastor's Call Orchestra WUdWd Church Vocal Varieties Vusle f Music Wendy Warrcnl Aunt Jeuny Helen Trent IGal Sunday Tommy Oorseyl Tommy DorseylTommy DorseylTommT Dorsey News Today's Stars Kay Kyser (Kay Kyser 10 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX News Coffee Cue Big Sister Kneass N Ted Maione Cos pel Singer Peggy Lee Ma Perkins Marine Band Galen Drake I Orchestra ) Lulls by Rhythm I Dr. Maione Current Events! (True Story iWalts Serenade King Cole Guiding Light Brighter Day I True Story 11 KSLM Ladies First I Ladles First KOCO News Glass Wax KOIN Mrs. Burton Perry Mason KGW Doiu Nothing IDou, Nothing KEX Betty Crocker I Eleanor. Anna Queen for Day J Queen a Day I Glass Wax (Glass Wax Nora Drake JYouf Tick Today's ChQd (Light of World Northwesters Northwesters 12 KSLM Hit Time KOCO Melody KOIN News KGW Kneass News KEX News (News I Organ Moods (Come Get It Ma Perkins Farm Outlook ft 3 Ike Show (Don Ameche iPepper Young (More of Life Variety Show Mem. Muste Don Amecbe Happiness Easy Aces 1 KSLM U N. Today KOCO Classics KGW O'Brien Show KOIN B'stage Wife KEX H'wood Brkfst. Earn. ILanny Ross IJohnson ICtasaics I Listen Ltebert (Barnyd. Follies Air Newspaper Stella Dallas IL. Jones H'wood BrkisLlKay West IBingxSlngs AU - byline rmt. Air NewiptM WldSer Bn iKay West 2 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Anniversary ' (Anniversary (Salem H.S. 4 Corners Hour H Corners Hour It Corners Hint Hunt Girl Marries Jsy Stewart (Hint Hunt (Portia Way Stewart iRed Cross Hour U Corners Hour I Meet Missus (front Pace (Bride. Croons (Bride. Groom "I always get confused about the Eroposn situation ... I never remember which country is the powder keg and which is the) tinder box ..." Your (Health) Written by Dr. Barman If. Ban dense n. HJX Meet Missus I Plain Bin 3 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Happy Gang 12th St. Hour Art Klrkham Road of Life Ladies Seated Happy Gang lzta st. Hour Tunefully Lore Lawtoa ILadies Seated (Orchestra 12th St. Hour Art Godfrey Aunt Mary (Art Llnkletter News 12th St. Hour Art Godfrey Dr. Paul Art Linktetter 4 KSLM Fulton Lewis IF. Hemingway JPassmg Parade! Orchestra KOCO Women's Page Felton (Music Spotllte (Music SpotUte KOIN Art Godfrey (Art Godfrey fCluo IS Ed Murrow KGW Woman Secret iLife Beautiful (Linda s Love U4e rive KEX Welcome Trav. IWelcome Trav. ISqulrrel Cage (Squirrel Cage 5 KSLM Superman Superman ICapC Midnight Tom Mix KOCO Sleepy Joe iRhythra Ranch! Bing Crosby IsS Keys KOIN Knox Manning Sparkle Music Huntley Boo Garred KGW Chuck Foster IH. Ka It en born ESumny Side IE. Peterson KEX Yukon Story (Yukon Story (Jack ArmstrongTack Armstrongl 6 KSLM Gab. Heater IBailey Show (Off. Detective Off. Detective KOCO Candlelt. MeL tCandlelL Met (News My Song KOIN Theatre Theatre Theatre Theatre KGW Serenade (Serenade (Red Skeltoa Red Skelton KEX Sports (Home Edition Tbe Sheriff irhe Sheriff 7 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Great Scenes Proudly Hall Playhouse Life of Riley (Life of Riley Sport Cavalcade Kid ICisco Kid tove League I Mid -court ours Truly I Yours xruiy ports IRhythra Tbno port Cavalcade: Sport Cavalcadel Sports IGreat Scenea I Proudly Han Playhouse 8 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW Straight Arrow Straight Arrow Orchestra (Orchestra Basket ban Basket bait I Basketball Basket baQ Lowell Thotnae I Smith Show I Jack Carson Jack Carsc Supper Club (News IJtmmy Durante Jimmy Durante rat Man IFat Man 'Your r 9 KSLM News IF. Lawton fOrehestrs (Orchestra KOCO Basketball (Basketball (Frank DuVol Frank DuVol KOIN Favorite Hus'4 Favorite Hus'd JBeuiah JNigth Editor KGW Piano (Orchestra Big Town Blg Town KEX Break Bank I Break Bank (Western Skies I Western Skies 10 KSLM Fulton Lewie KOCO Rem. Rhythm KOIN S star rinal KGW News KEX Richfd Report (Local News IN Rem. Rhythm fTrack 1M Sports I Century IS ports Page Stand Wagon intermezzo tconcert Hour (Orchestra (Track 14M I Air Flo (Morton Downey (Concert Hour 11 KSLM News Reel KOCO Track 1M KOIN Serenade KOW News Concert Hour Open Ho Track 1490 You A World iPro at Con (Concert Hour Open House (Open House Track 1M (Track 14M Band Box Rev. Band Box Rev. Orchestra I Orchestra rrosnorw Mam .(Tomorrow Mem. KOAC SM k.eFriaay 10:00 ajn. News; 10 US Especially for Women; 11 M Oregoa School of the Air; 11:1S Concert Hall: 1240 News: 12:1S Noon Farm Hour; 140 Ride 'em Cow boy; l:lt Oregon School of Air: Ids VS. Marine Band; 1:45 Melody Lane; 2M ciubworaens Half Hour; 230 Memory Book of Music: I.-O0 News; 3:U Music of the Masters: 4:00 Uni versity Hour; S 40 On the Upbeat: SJ0 Sports Club: S40 News; S it Dinner Melodies: Sao Music of Chechoslovakia; 7:1S VEvenlng Farm Hour: 7:5S Basket ball. OSC vs. Oregon: f JO News; 141 Evening Meditations: 1040 Sign Off. Goood posture Is not only an aid to beauty but a positive health asset. In other words, lz you In dulge in slumping you will event ually oav a Drlce for It and a painful one, because one of the penalties usually exacted Is back ache. Of course, backache may result from other causes but by far the most common type of low back pain is due to nothing more than a long-continued habit of faulty standing or sitting. Stands Correctly f When a person stands correctly head high, chest in, shoulders back, abdomen flat his body is perfectly balanced and poised for action. Very little effort Is re quired to keep it in the upright position. But suppose the abdomen sags, the chest is flattened, the shoulders humped, and the back swayed inward. Then everything is thrown out of allgrjEtnent and normal body balance is upset. In order to maintain the erect posi tion, undue strain Is placed on muscles and ligaments which sup port the spine. Long-term result of such strain is pain in the lower part of the back where the stress is greatest. This type of backache is known as mechanical backache because it is due to a disturbance of the factors which upset normal body balance. Other things which may contribute to It are relaxed ab dominal muscles, overweight, and weak back muscles. Certain Indi viduals suffer from this same sort of pain because one leg Is shorter than the other. In these cases strain oon the back muscles is increased by a tilting of the hips. The same things which produce a mechanical backache may also play a part In Inflammation of the connecting tissues or fibrositis, arthritis, or inflammation of the joints in the spine, .or similar conditions. Chief VtetlaM Women are the chief victims of mechanical backache, possibly due to the frequency in women of poor posture, and weak muscles. To make a diagnosis of median ical backache, a thorough study is required, including X-rays of - the QUICHES "Try running tig I want to try eat this gma I get with a SUteeaeaa Want Adr Thcyll Do It Every Time By Jimmy Hatlo TELL HER T-ttStSCNiy A BkERV-lFSHE VJMTS A BOOK PRINTED, SHE BETTER GO&JER. ID THE VILLAGE PRESS- vA4LE she's at rr Mfid SHED LIKE THE BILL OF RKSHTS INSCRIBED AROUND A V0U6HWT- VW SWgS. SO TW-THtS UTTLE CAkflE Y WA JLR 1 mbrtK. NUWrtKti WrVM WJ I VAMT ON IT: HAPPy BIRTrlDAy I 7 "R My BELOVED LWkSHTER. 6RENADIWE J I I k . irrunwT- uiA mi lien ?lt l A V TEEHTH BwTTHCsav, rcPKUAR J- THERES A LOTOF J WWfAHD CAN ytxj work in A I -f this rsTte last straW.'S cough made. j FEW CHRySANTHEMJMS? FT51LtHE BAKER ALREADY Yf A!9L?.HRe I ( HER, FAVORITE FLOWER- f THREATlF.KiED 15 IVST WTIHTHEftZOfTCMB HATtP FtXJriDCAKE TO SAM L. SlLB&Z. 4XX UCRVHTSAV spine and i careful physical ex amination. In mechanical backache, the) pain comes on gradually. It may be limited to the lower part of the back, but sometimes the pa tient complains of pain and dis comfort over the entire lower back extending into the buttocks. The pain does not pass into the legs. Pain Net Severe The disturbance is usually pres ent for many years. The patient is not Incapacitated since the pain as a rule. Is not severe. The pain is made worse by activity, and relieved by rest Standing or ait ting for long periods may increase the discomfort. Once the diagnosis is made, treatment properly carried out will relieve the symptoms. The patient with mechanical backache should sleep on a firm bed, using a piece of plywood be tween the mattress and sprtnxs. Heat will aid In relaxing the back muscles and stimulate circulation. Hot tub baths are satisfactory. An infra-red lamp or a heating pad may be used. Massage Is helpful. Certain exercises, carried out regularly, will also be of great benefit A supporting corset or belt may be worn if the abdomi nal muscles are weak and If the patient is overweight QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS D. R. G Z have gout in my big toe. What causes this trouble and what treatment would you adviser Answer: Oout Is a disorder of the metalollsm, in which uric acid is retained in the body: there are also attacks of acute tnflammatiast in the joints due te the depositing of salts of urle add in and about the joints. Heredity Is one of the predisposing factors in this dis ease, as is alcohol. Overeating without exercise Is often a cause. Worry and slight Injuries may produce attacks. The treatment ef gout consists in temperate living, ihouse of a low purta diet, such as chicken, fish, seafoods, milkcereals. vege tables and fruits, and abstinence ' from alcohol. Mrs. Bacon Donates Blood Mrs. Floyd Bacon, route S. an swered the appeal to donate blood for a woman critically III at a loeal hospital recently, according te of ficials of Marion county chapter. American Red Cross, whs had been asked to locate someone witlt the rare type of blood needed. "Every week we have had three) to five calls for! blood donations, some times more, and it surely will be a blessing when the blood program Is in operation and we know the blood win be on hand at the hospitals," said Mrs. E. T. Arneeoau director ofnurslag vices for the Red Cross here. i mi m i ,i mi "my big sister says a cuild is a sto mach iSURROUNDED BY NOISsV ; y Your Rcdia WQ not bm surrounded by noise) If you harm U repaired uAnnrcirs rfcewe S-7C31 ... I - .:'