The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 24, 1949, Page 8, Image 8

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    'i The Stohman, Salem, Oregon, Thursday. February 24. 1949
Initiated '
Initiation was a feature of the
meeting of American Leegion aux
iliary, 136, Tuesday night at the
Salem Woman's clubhouse. Initi
ates included Mrs. Carrol Addi
son, Mrs. Charles Driver, Mrs. Jo
seph Felton. Mrs. Abraham Frie
sen. Mrs. Duane Janicek, Mrs.
James Jarrett, Mrs. Jack John
son, Mrs. Wilbur V. Lytle,- Mrs.
Donald Reinke, Mrs. Homer H.
.Smith, Mrs. Vernon Greig, Mrs.
Calvin Rempfer, Mrs. Howard
Mix, Mrs. Rosemary Hennings
gard. Mrs. Jack Watkins. Mrs. Wil
liam P. Roble and Mrs. H. C.
iThe ritual team gtt Capital Unit
No. 9, conducted the initiation
ceremony with Mrs. Paul Gem
mell, president, and Mrs. Austin
Wilson, captain of the team, in
Dates for the American Legion
state convention to be held in
Salem in August were announced
wjtL Mrs. Harlan Judd, president
of , the auxiliary, named on the
convention directorate wila Mrs.
I. N. Bacon and Mrs. Helen Mc
Leod. The Legion Post, 136, presented
the auxiliary their colors and flag
at the Sweetheart meeting on Feb
ruary 14 and were used for the
first time Tuesday night The
color bearers are Mrs. Joseph
Felton and Mrs. Harold Streeter.
Mrs. Jack Simkins reported n
the January rummage sale and
the sale of greeting cards which
has ben profitable for the group.
Mrs. Theodore Ullakko reported
the' auxiliary has 182 hours of
community service hours to its
credit. Mrs. Carrol Robinson, Mrs.
Edward Klippert and Mrs. Har
lan Jpdd told of the presentation
ij ir m i t"i
near jiiunnu jruutrr s ;
This Afternoon at 2
This afternoon Miss Ta
ber will prepare baked
foods biscuits, bread,
pastries,. etc., for freez
ing . . . She will also
present previously froz
en .baked foods for your
taste approval and enjoyment
The Merry Little Bakers
Applaud the way they should.
The speaker just said Master
It Ponolar BeeaBse it's
of an American flag to the six
graders at an assembly at the Sa
lem Heights schooL The flag was
won by the sixth grade in a flag
code contest sponsored by the
Marion county council of the
American Legion auxiliary.
The tea committee for the eve
ning was Mrs. Charles W. Creigh
ton. jr.. and Mrs Edward Nor
dyke, chairmen, assisted by Mrs.
Dow Lovell and Mrs. Ullakko.
Mrs. Delbert Bailey ef Mehama
was surprised Saturday night
when relatives and friends gath
ered to celebrate her birthday
anniversary. The occasion also
honored Mrs. John McClurg of
Lyons on her birthday. Cards fur
nished the entertainment for the
evening and refreshments were
served to Mr. and Mrs. Eldon
Tietze Mr. and Mrs. John Mc
Clurg. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Carle-ton,-
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Down
ing, Mrs. May Pat ton. Juanita
Downing and Mr. and Mrs. Del
bert Bailey."
Abb Chambers will celebrate
her fourth birthday at a party
Friday afternoon at the East Mey
ers street home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Chambers.
A few of her friends have been
invited to come to view colored
movies and birthday cake and re
freshments will follow.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas RieB. 1S9S
North Church street were called
to Spokane upon the death of a
brother-in-law, M. E. Cogley and
have now returned. They made
the trip by air.
Dr. Chester Maxey. president af
Whitman College will be speaker
at a luncheon Wednesday noon.
March 2 for former students of
the college. The luncheon will be
at the Senator hotel. Dr. Maxey
will be the house guest of Mr. and
Mrs. J. Howard Shubert while in
x i
; ,vvi
4' p
Free Prize Drawing
Refreshments For All
Get the Thursday afternoon habit
at ELFSTROM'S. You can learn
at lot about modern living in the
General Electric Model Kitchen.
C iSef
At your Grocer $
Final Symphony
Program Tuesday
Werner Janssen has promised
an interesting program for the
third Salem concert of the Port
land Symphony, to be heard at
Salem high school auditorium
March 1.
Members of the committee are
asking holders of season tickets
to notify Mrs. George Schwa rz,
985 North Capitol street of the
place their seats are located, eith
er by sending in stubs from the
past concerts or by listing the seat,
section and row number. This re
quest is being made so that the
management may have a complete
record of where persons' seats are
located. This will make it possi
ble for purchasers next season to
be given the same seats or others
if preferred. Ticket sale will be
held Saturday, Monday and Tues
day at Ladd and Bush bank.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ralph Har
ris and son, Ralph, have moved
from Oakland. Calif, and are now
living with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph L. Harris on North
Capitol street. Mr. Harris, who is
now employed at the Man's Shop,
is a nephew of C. C. and Harlan
Harris of Salem and a cousin of
Mrs. Robert Eyre.
Mr. and Mrs. Rabert Kerr and
sons. Billy and Bruce, of Portland
were visitors in Salem Tuesday
and guests at the home of his
brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert E. Shinn.
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Dyer.
jr. will be hosts for an informal j
dinner party Saturday night at '
their Chemeketa street home for a j
few of their friends. i
Salem chapter. OE8. will meet
at the lasonic Temple tonight at
8 o'clock with dancing following.
Women are. asked to invite their
husbands for the dance.
Mr. and Mrs. Budd Coons ef
Corvallis were weekend visitors
in the capital at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Pax
son. 1
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Kern of :
Jitland. formerly of Salem, were
ronisna, iormeriy or 2aiem. were
in the capital Monday visiting '
wun mends.
Boise ... $ 9.75
Sail Lake . 15.75
Denver . . 25.80
Kansas City 35.40
Si. Lonis . 40.55
Chicago . . 40.55
Delroil . . 42.80
Hew York . 49.80
rttts F4. t
52 N. High at Marion - Fh. 3-3815
Bluo Lake Packers. Inc. P. O. Box 591. Salem. Oregon. Is
holding reserve certificates andor checks lor interest
on certificates, and will mail to the persons listed, below
upon notification of their present address:
Akman & Bronel
Barrett & Smith
J. C. Campbell
K. D. Cobbon
J. F. Coleman
C. C. Comstork
Lewis J. Davis
Guy O. Dery
E. Douglas
F. R. Elliot
Ernest Garrison
Gossler & Aberson
L. E. Hawk
Walter Kirkwootl
C. W. Leeper
D. E. Mann
W. A. McCullough
Clay Perkins
W. R. RaIeka
Claude Reinoeke
Roy Reed
Campfire Corner
The Otoyokwa Camp Fire group
with their leaders Mrs. il W.
Megquier and Mrs. G. T. Hewitt,
entertained Saturday for the Da
Konya Camp Fire group and Mrs.
E. McCleary, leader, from Dallas.
The girls visited the legislature
and had lunch at the YWCA.
Kewene-alan Camp Fire girls
joined their leader Mrs. Raymond
Olsorl, for a visit to the legisla
ture and a tour through the cap
itol Wednesday.
. Another Camp Fire group work
ing on their "Make Mine Democ
racy" birthday project is the
Okiyasin group which met with
Mrs. Robert Irwin and visited the
legislature Saturday morning.
Nineteen girls met Monday to fin
ish leis for the Englewood carni
val. The Bambi Blue Birds made
Valentine book marks of lace and
red felt hatchet lapel pins.
Mrs. E. Wood gave a Valentine
party for her Chatterbox Blue
Birds on Wednesday.
The American Blue Birds anc
the Happy Blue Bird group had in
structions in handcraft Monday.
The girls made pot holders for
their mothers and lape! pins.
Fifty guests were invited to a
tea given Monday by the Johnny
Jump Up Blue Birds. Pouring were
Mrs. H. Elbert and Mrs. C. Long.
A patriotic theme wat carried out
and the centerpiece was an at
tractive arrangement of pussy
willows and miniature silk flags.
Mrs. Ottis Berry has invited
members of her bridge club to a
dessert supper tonight at her
South Cottage street home. Mrs.
Wayne Criswell and Mrs. Bjarne
Ericksen will be additional guests.
Mrs. C. C. Craig, 13 Abrams
avenue will be hostess for a des
! sert luncheon at her home Friday
at 1 :30 o'clock to members of
the Merry Time club.
Mrs. Harmon Garrett. 1825 North
i 4th street, will be hostess to mem
! bers of the auxiliary to the Na
1 tional Association of Letter Car
j riers at 8 o'clock tonight.
Uthltn TrtaiLTt
iiaaen M reOSUre
Well Filled Cookie
Memory Inspires Recipe Offering
By Maxine Buren
Statesman Woman's Editor
Usually one memory of childhood stands out most prominently of
all on one's mind. It may be a memorable party, a visit or other event
that excited the mind of the child and remains always.
One of mv most vivid memories is the cookie jar kept filled by
the grandmother of a neighbor
Whether or not I was allowed
to reach through the "pantry win
dow for a handful of the sweets
only once or whether it was a
standing invitation, I do not re
call. But that, to me, was the clos
est thing to paradise.
Not having a grandmother, es
pecially one with a well filled
cookie jar was a far greater trag
edy than that our family was more
moderately situated than the neigh
bor boy. That I had brothers and
sister and he had none did not
compensate for the lack of a free
hand in the cookie jar.
My belief is that all grandmoth
ers, all aunts and even perhaps
most parents should supply a
steady stock of cookies for the
young members of the fampy.
The same spirit which directs
grown men to hunt for Spanish
treasure inspire the young child to
long for treats hidden just enough
to make it so seem like something
special, but not be too hard to
Because I recall that memorable
cookie jar treasure, it is my belief
that all grandmothers, all aunts
and as many parents as possible
should provide an inexaustable
supply of cookies or fruit or some
other special treat for afternoon
Cookies to satisfy the children
need not be rich or expensive, they
should merely be available. Most
anything found inside the closed
cookie jar is more than welcome.
E. M. Rhhlell
E. E. Rood
E. B. Sroffield
C J. Seibel
C. A. Simpson
S. R. Skeels
H. A. Smith
L. C. Sodler
Ed Sommers
Carl Stary
Starr & Grant
J. M. Sylvester
R. W. Sylvester
Wesley Toboka
William Wallen
W. W. Wall
C. H. Wells
Charles Weathers
G. H. Williams
Ada Wilson
R. J. Wolf
Robert Yokum
Rotary Board at
Cooley Home
Women of Rotary board mem
bers were entertained at a des
sert luncheon Monday afternoon
at the North Summer street home
of Mrs. Ralph H. Cooley. Attend
ing were Mrs. Abner K. Kline, Mrs.
Harry B. Johnson, Mrs. John L.
Franzen, Mrs. Floyd Bressler, Mrs.
Charles Fowler, Mrs. L. O. Arens
and Mrs. Cooley.
Plans were made for the regu
lar luncheon meeting on February
28 at the Golden Pheasant with
Dr. Harry Dillin. president of Lin
field college, the guest speaker.
Golfer to Make Plans
Salem Woman's Golf association
is making plans for the opening of
the spring season and a meeting
will be held today at one o'clock
at the home of the chairman, Mrs.
Harold O 1 i n g e r. Other board
members, who will meet to dis
cuss plans for the coming season,
are Mrs. Fred Bernard!, co-chair
man, Mrs. Louis Gerlinger, Mrs.
John R. Wood, Mrs. Vernon Perry
and Mrs. Stephen Fouchek.
MT. ANGEL Mr. and Mrs.
George Kruse were hosts at a
bridge party at their country
home Sunday night. High score
honors for 'ards went to Mr. and
Mrs. Frar -. Schmidt and the low
prize to Air. and Mrs. Don Aman.
A late supper was served by the
hostess. Guests were Mr. and Mrs.
Aman. Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt, Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Kruse, Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Predeek, Mr. and
Mrs. Tony Bigler, Mr. and Mrs.
Melchior Uselman, and Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Bourbonnais.
BROOKS Guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Ramp
Monday were Mr. and Mrs. Hen
ry Berning and Donna Rae, Mrs.
Russel Gooding of Parma, Idaho,
Charles Walker of Mt. Angel and
Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Walker. The
occasion followed the baptism of
Bonetta Kay, daughter of the Cy
ril Walkers, at St.Mary's church
in Mt. Angel.
Jar, Favorite
Molasses cookies are just about
the least expensive possible, though
oatmeal cookies run them a close
second. Here's a quickly made drop
cookie which should please the
chocolate loving younger genera
1 cup brown sugar
2 cup melted shortening
2 squares chocolate
1 egg
'.1 cup milk or water
1 cups flour
4 teaspoon soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 cup chopped nuts
1 cup dates
Melt shortening and chocolate
together. Pour over browned sugar.
Add other ingredients, mixing
well. Drop on buttered baking
sheet. Bake at 375 degrees for 15
minutes. Makes 40 medium sized
Cj ond botdarad
cop naava.
o yaJlow,
1 1
wtf. or
powda blue
( mm
373 State Street
Also Albany Corvsllis - Eocene
Town and Gown Today
An interesting program has
been arranged for the Town and
Gown meeting this afternoon in
the Carrier room of the First Me
thodist church at 2:30 o'clock.
Miss Mabel P. Robertson will be
the guest speaker, telling of her
trip to Europe and England, and
Betty Starr Anderson will sing
with Miss Alice Crary Brown the
Garfield Wins
In Flag Contest
Garfield school's sixth grade
won the annual flag code contest
for the sixth grades of all the
Salem district schools and spon
sored by Capital unit, American
Legion auxiliary. McKinley
school's sixth grade placed second
and Highland placed third.
Four hundred seventy one sixth
grade pupils participated in the
contest. The examination covers
the America rT flag code. The prize
is a 3 by 5 foot silk flag and
standard was presented at an as
sembly Tuesday by Mrs. Helen
McLeod, president of Capital
Unit. Mrs. A. W. Lovcik is Amer
icanism chairman and is in charge
of arrangements for the contest.
Mrs. Carolyn Blake is teacher
of the winning sixth grade.
Schools in Marion county win-
ning the American flags in the i
sored by Marion County assem
bly, American Legion Auxiliary
are Union, Mrs. Ray Shaner,
teacher; Bethany, Mrs. Dorothy
Wolford, teacher: Macleay, Mrs.
Ethel Ramus, teacher; Union Hill
with Mrs. Dorothy Carpenter,
teacher; and Salem Heights with
Mrs. Marian Hiller, principal.
Mrs. Frank Marshall represent
ing the assembly worked with
Mrs. Agnes Booth, Marion County
School superintendeent in pre
senting the contest to the pupils
of the sixth grade. Pupils from 66
Marion county schools took the
examination which covers the
American Flag code.
The silk flags with standard
were presented February 22.
8ILVERTON Royal Neigh
bors of America McGrath camp
No. 5225 will attend the 50th an
niversary celebration of the Sa
lem camp at the Veterans of For
eign Wars hall in Salem tonight.
Announcement has also b,een made
for the district convention at La
bish grange hall. May 6, when Sil
erton camp is to demonstrate the
ballot and retiring marches. The
local camp will observe its an
nual homecoming, Monday, Feb
ruary 28.
HUBBARD Mrs. Edward
Schoor will be hostess for the
Hubbard Woman's club at her
home Wednesday afternoon, March
2. at 2 o'clock. Mrs. A. F. deLes
pinasse, Hubbard, will be speaker.
Her subject will be "Women and
New School Methods."
The Past Presidents club of Hal
Hibbard auxiliary 4, USWV, vill
have a no-host luncheon with
Mrs. Lee Weatherby, 1525 Jeffer
son St., Friday at 12:30 p.m.
"Saved my
Whea nmm atomack trM rauan painful, aufrnrat
tnc aaa, aour atoaaara aau aaanburn, doctors aaually
imrrlbi I ha rateat-arttnc wtftelnaa know a for
ymptumatle rrllM BM-dk-tncsMketBaaela BrU-tum
Tablrta. No lautiv. BHkana brlnca eoaifort la a
jtOy orrrturn bottle to ira for doubte mooty bark. Q
BEU-ANS for Add Indigestion 25 i
1 ptsitirtly aumtas sekctiM if tew styles far iter
wmm mi tvery warinhi! Imhriiti, erctrizti ctttsf
prats, bvely lev ssn rrrsss, nyn Frucfe crepes . . .
ta weir it toot, fee jteppwLhr parties... ewrfrtere!
h i cwpleti etior Mi patten mp, sizes S U 44
I ; .- IS . M "il
Ii '
1 7. 'I. Mi ' V V 11
Juvenile Costume
Party Given
ams won first prize, and Mrs.
Wava Axley, second, at the ju
venile costume party held in con
nection with the week's meeting
of Home Temple No. 21, Pythian
Sisters. Mrs. Dorothy Hadley,
most excellent chief, presided.
All officers and members of the
degree staff are asked to meet at
the hall, February 27, at 7 p. m.
Grand Chief, Elma Friday of
Forst Grove, will make her official
visit here March 3. Mrs. Albert
Grinde has planned a 1 o'clock
luncheon that day, honoring the
grand chief, with officers of home
temple as assisting hostesses. Ap
pointed to serve on the supper
committee are Mrs. Theodore
Grace, Mrs. Grinde, Mrs. L. O.
Hadley, Mrs. Lena Hamilton, Mrs.
C. E. Higginbotham, Mrs. W. E.
Hope and Mrs. Wilda Jacobson.
Mrs. E. R. Adams and Mrs. Ralph
Adams will be In charge of deco
; i
Mrs. Claude Thompson of Po
mona, Calif., is visiting for sev
eral weeks at the home of her
son-in-law and daughter. Dr. and
Mrs. Merle Brown.
Through Saturday, February 26lh
Hiss Nathalie Blackwell
From the Rubinstein Beauty Salon, New York,
Will Be at Our Stora
To Advise on Beauty Skin Care
State and Liberty "On the Coref
v7 V'AffClf
S Your Local
a . . In gay stripes by Vicky Vaughn Jr. The tTOwd
around you will increase when you wear this two-piece)
charmer with its gay flower otppliquod peplum that
flares all around with a huge love-knot of a bow for
back-talk interest. Youll create a stir too with that
snug-mo-tight bodice, a sweet keyhole neckline and
pert cap sleeves. Of Sanforized striped chambray In
grey with lilac, grey with mint or grey with aqua.
Sizes 9 to 17. 37 95
TTBd Ma!eirira
MODES -315
Court Street Satan, 'Oregon
Salem Toaslmbur esses win Meet
at Nohlgren's tonight at 6 o'clock.
Participating in the annual speecn
contest will bo Miss Amanda An
derson, Miss Ruth Jaynes, Miss
Loraine Meusey, Mrs. Herbert
Simpson, Mrs. Emmerson Teaguo
and Mrs. Edward White. The sub
ject is Th Improvement of tho
Spike Jones'
Lalesl Novelly-
ia Wanna Buy A Bunny'
"Knock Knock-
Downstairs Oregoa Bldg.
State and High 3-SS32
Trlanglo Doalar"