The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 15, 1949, Page 8, Image 8

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To Whitmainii
Si n ' - i
r .Trt Whit th flattie manteer and a visitor to th Wl league
- . . .
Banquet tne ower nigm, came up who vuu
render a few words. The Jo Jo from Georgia got off with a story, on
a hunting experience, which went something like this: :Ha and Charley
uf-: t ji
Ti . .r '-V
- Y V
X " , 7 - ' -s . T- 'X
... r
- t'i,: - f
t l ,- 1 -r' - ,' A
1 ' fW-
3t mMtT .' '
,4", . y .. .. .
hear somebody cut loose Like he has a machine gun. We galloped over
the hill and there we see our deer, deader'n a mackerel, with some
great big guy, his chest about to
ing over it.
"'Iley. we heyed at him. Too
" 'Your deer?' he grinned. 'I Just
bill there
"Well he's get ear tag en bim looke there." At which Messrs.
White and Gehringer pointed te the famed second baseman's tag
tied around the fallen deer's antler.
M 'Well 111 be,' snorted the guy.
tag one of those things on the run
County Tournament Unjust to Real Champs
Another ef the upset-filled and purely silly basketball tourna
ments is new la prorress at Willamette U. and we hope the Mar
lon County B learners whe voted It In are getting- their fill ef It.
After playing all season loaf te determine divisions champions,
the loop bossee chucked the works and threw all but 12 teams In
to a "sudden death" playoff Instead of patting together the two
division titlists to play It off, two out of three, for what would
have been a sure championship. The result? : Both Gervals and
Mill City, easily two of the top teams all season long, eliminated
In upsets by teams which proved to be Inferior to them over the
fx-week campaign. Tournaments such ao this one just don't make
sense . . . Another tournament that we know won't take plaeo
again Is The Statesman bowling meet. Altogether too many
squawks along the way In the one Just finished. We might add
that the paper was in ne way responsible for the rules governing
the conclave, or the way la which It was directed. We merely al
lowed the ase of The Statesman name ao a measure of stimnlat
lag play ...
Sowers Developing Fast for Webfootsi
One of the most improved players In the Northern Division cage
chase improved to the extent that he's now on the terrific side is
Oregon's Paul Sowers. The former
we see him, and against WSC over
the top operators in the crucial
Is uncanny with his passing, can shoot well with either hand from In
close or afar and is defensively sound. A transfer from Vanport, Sow
ers is now a junior with another
JJC w aa ail au-9iici ui uic
Astoria's Cliff Crandall and Pendleton s Jim Catterall, who now play
for OSC. We ve already wired a
eight all-star honors, adding Sowers name . . .
Hobson's Yales Going Great in East
Better be keeping an eye on the Tale cage team and Its famed
Tony Lavelli, bossed by Howard Hobsoa. The Bulldogs have woa
their last nine In a row. have a 14-4 record (up until Monday)
for the season and amount to the top team now performing In the
NCAA's District 1. Which means that If they keep it up. they're
apt to be present next month at Seattle when the NCAA's top
four teams got together for the national championship ... Od
dity: California AH -American Jackie Jensen's father Is a Janitor-
In. of all places, the freshman dormitory at Stanford U . . . For
the first time la years, Idaho's Vandals have this season defeated
r every team la the Northers Division.
; ; ;
Final Plans
For Baseball Banquet
Salem Breakfast club President Howard Maple yesterday met
with committeemen to make final
Baseball banquet Wednesday night,
commerce. The principal speaker
of The Orezonian. And if he is
able to get here before leaving for
Tucson, Ariz., and the Cleveland
Indians camp, Joe (Flash) Gordon
will be at the head table also. The
same applies to Alan Strange,
It was decided Monday that
the baseball banquet win be
open to both men and women
Wednesday. The affair was stag
last yesr, but Breakfast club of
ficers voted In favor of the fe
males this time.
Bremerton Bluejacket manager
who is scheduled to be in town
this week, en route to California.
There is a possibility that Gor
don, Strange and Larry Jansen,
New York Giants pitching star
from Hilhboro may not be able to
attend, as they are scheduled to
leave for camps this week. All sig
nified to Invitations Chairman
George Emigh they would be here
if at all possible, however. Num
erous other diamond stars,- many
of them Portland Beaver players,
have notified Emigh they intend
being present. So have a number
of college and high school coaches.
The banquet, open to the public,
will cost $1.50 per plate. An in
formal gathering of the visiting
notables will be held following the
- sanquet at Maple's residence. Tick
ets for the conclave may be pur
chased at Maple's sporting goods
TsM of CloaUI Tides
Tides (or Taft. Oregon. February.
1S4S (compiled by U. S. Coast St coo-
detie SWvey. Portland. Oregon).
Tlmo Ht Time Ht
If J9 .m. S.4 7:50 a.m. l.S
1:47 p.m. 7.S S:l p.m. -SI
JS 2:44 a.m. S. S:4 a.m. U
2:44 p.m. S.4 S p.m.
7 3:23 a.m. II 0:44 a.m. SS
J:4 p.m. S.7 93S pjn. 1J
IS 4:04 a.m. 7.0 10:47 a m. 0.7
4:54 p.m. 10 10 ll p.m. 2M
It 4:47 a.m. O S 11 J7 ajn. 0.S
0:17 p.m. 4.0 11:0 p.m. 2.7
SO S:3S a.m. 0.0 1:10 ajn. 0.4
1S2 pjn. 4.4
81 0:40 a-m. 0.0
933 pja. 4.0
S3 . 1:44 ajn. 0.0
1032 p.m. 4 0
88 8:40 a.m. 0.0
11:10 p.m. S O
84 0:43 a.m. 0.0
11:57 p.m. S 3
12:1) ajn.
2 :22 pjn.
1:30 ajn.
327 pjn.
3:40 mm.
422 p.m. -0.3
3:53 ajn. 3 J
S7 pjn. -OJ
4:47 ajn. S.l
0:40 pjn.
5J1 ajn. 2J
020 pjn. -0J
0:18 ia 84
01 ajn. 0.1
10:37 autn. 0.7
1237 a.m.
11:22 ajn.
13 53 ajn.
12:02 pjn.
1:10 ajn.
12:43 pjn.
Drop 8 -Si CDasOn
... it- V, mmimm mmlrmA
r lanrinoar ss m mu i lvorr- lkiiiiiiulc.
- r - "7" TK
- -
hired an Indian guiae wno piacca
them on stands at the head of a
draw 1
glan tc
and then went down into the
to chase the deer toward the
waitins: White and Gehringer.
i "Prettv soon here comes a big
Vbuck. drawled Jo Jo in his Geor-
,(gian tones. "I drew a bead, but bang
luenrineer snoi iirsi ana aown went
'the deer. We fan to it and Charley
tied his tag on the horns. Then he
reached for his Bowie knife, but
lust when he started to do some cut
ting up jumped the deer and took
off over a small hill. We started
chasing the thing, but hardly got
going when bang! bang! bang!--we
bust the buttons off his shirt, stand
shot ear deer there.
shot him when he came over that
'Anybody crazy or fast enough, to
deserves him. Take him, he s all
Baker prep looks better every time
the weekend he was easily one of
games. Sowers is exceptionally fast.
season left to play for the Webfoots.
1,111 :wuaAiaiucsx tctct wuu( niui
change on our selections for district
are Made
plans for the club's Second Annual
ht, 630 o'clock. t U clumber of
will b. L. H. Q,..rr. .port, editor
Karpets Crab
2d Half Title
Th!L.Kra1 KtTK ?.ult?
wrapped up the second ; half title
in the City. Basketball league's
American division last: night at
Leslie with a 48-31 victory over
the 12th Street Markets, as the
regular schedule ended. The Mar- Monday passed and sent to the sen
kets previously had been knotted te a bill to remove 1100 acres In
with the Karpet crew for the top eastern Polk county from a game
spot. In other tilts the Warner refuge. The bill was Introduced by
Motors club chalked a 31-27 win
over the Valley Motors and Arrow
Mill edged Knights of Columbus,
me Karpet-Market clash was
close in the initial half with the
Karpets holding a narrow 22-19
advantage at the intermission
Sparked by Lind, Haag and Mc-
Morris, the Karpets pulled away in
the final half.
Ollie Williams hit 16 points fori
the Arrow Mills to run his leading
total to 1U8. : I
The Karpets. co-holders with
Warners for the first half title, will
play off with, that club next eek
iur me lu viatuij crown.
K of C (34) (35) Arrow Mill I
vandevort (8) T (10) Williams
tppmr s)
(4) Salter
(4) ... C.
(2) McRae
(3) O.
44) O.
(0) Wilson
Rescrvos scoring: X of C Prang
2. Herbergor 2. Mills Dtmlt 7. Half
Tim score: K of C SOL A. M. IS.
Warn. Mot. (31) (27) VaL Mot
HiU (0) ; M2) Bailey
umt c zi r (f jonn
Anoerson 9) (S)
, I
ttuey 13) l f)
Huggina (2) O ()
Crahm I
Farmer 1
Reserves scoring: Warners Point-1
unruli s. Waters 3. Douglas 4.
. v. Motor morn o. oern-i
toii i Himant score: W. M. 10.
X- H- 'i.. .L - -
war. s f
Jon (3 ..T.
iZZ?." "J?.. -i JHaag
w-VT , ' i , '' ,P"!i I
HerreU (1) G (10j MeMorria
neserves scoring: utn at. Rimm I
2. K. K. Wlttemoro 0. Halftimo I
score: 12th St IS. K. XL 22. Offlelater I
Quesseth and Cvana.
Chnrch Lcagne:
- V KHn HINMM MM ninM 17
nigbt at rarrislu rresbyterlans
Z7. Yoota Center 15; Naxarenes
over First Baptist by f.rfelt:
Mesnsoaltes 84, taints!' SX. mV
mm r,lnn WtmmlAm
mmbo auawM ii ivmHBMIIIWi tfli Aran 93ft
Frnhyterians S2, Cosri 8L Chris-1
Umm 1. r,mm m fUJ mm I
See IHlopes Fadle
Locals Absorb
2nd Loop Loss
Victors Hold Lead
Throughout Contest
I .
I w L Pet w L PeL
L-ciark 1 .s7 C-Maho a 4 .444
""- tSlTTu ? 2 111
Last Dight'. results: At Whltnia M,
i -
nuianirur ia. uhki oi juing fi,
lunwid s.
hto VSSL Slf, -..,r
. JT;.ih " r'i
land Whitman at College of Idaho Sat-
WALLA WALLA. Feb. 14-(Special)
-Willamette university's hope
for a Northwest conference bas
ketball championship was handed
a non-appreciated "valentine" to
night when the Whitman Mission
aries led practically throughout to
take a S8-S1 victory over the vis
itors. It was 33-28 at halftim
and only once, when the score
was 2-0, did the Bearcats enjoy
a lead.
The loss was No. 2 for Coach
Johnny Lewis team in league
play, as against four wins. The
leading Lewis it Clark Pioneers,
who play Willamette at Salem
Friday night, have six wins, one
loss. The Bearcats remain In sec
ond place, half a game up on
The Cats, who have had better
shooting percentages this season
than they had tonight, rose to
a 20-26 tie shortly before half
time, but dropped back when
Blickenstaff and Jack Heron,
Whit sharpshooters, bucketed the
home team ahead. The Method
ists whacked the lead to four
points with three minutes left to
play, but again Heron & Co. took
over to hike the margin
Whitman played a ball control
and set-'em-up offensive game
and most of the feeding was done
to the six-foot, three-inch Heron
a sophomore and one of the con
ference's top scorers.
Only Center Jim Johnson of
Willamette seemed to bo up on
bis shooting. He hemped 12
markers, six more than brother
Bob and guard Ted could muster,
The Bearcats will leave here to
morrow for home. Road conditions
are reportedly good it is raining
tonight and the team expects to
srrive home tomorrow night
Willamette (SI WMtaaam CSS)
it it pr tp'
(ill SI Heron.
fa ft pf tp
1 J 14
I 12lAnder.
S mingle
S JIGren.s
S 10
TJhns. S
Lottie. 1
1 IWlllj
WarD3 S
Bark.j 1
Garr ,s
Bry nt 1
rotals IS IS 17 SI
S3 IS 17 SS
Two Games on
M-P Schedule
Marion-Polk league basketball
action tonight finds Independence
playing at Sacred Heart Academy
and Philomath at Monmouth. Nei
ther Salem Academy or Stayton,
nod for the league lead, are book
ed for action.
The third - place Hopsters, in
Jf.hlii Si .r.,n..Vrn
j S'SE&rSTrS
their game with the Cards at St
hopelessly out of the race for the
title, as are both Philomath and
Monmouth. The Wolverines will
be after their first win of the sea
son against the Phillies.
House Passes
T?kfiirr. ATtaianiA
The house of representatives
Sen. Dean Walker and Rep. Lyle
Thomas at the instance of the area's
about a rourtn or tne reruge tern
The Four Comers Auburns In'
dependent basketball team last
night topped Turner's Townles,
41-33. at Turner. Feskens ef the
winners had 14 points for scoring
a ham (411 (331 Tamer
Osborne (4) T (3) Brauaor
. '
EES"& oZZIToi) S3
loisen ( 17 u norwi
Reserves seorlnc: Auburn Br.
Baker 4. Turner comer s, wataoa
Bowling Scores
L.TJTZ nxmiSTS 3) Parkor 403,
IncUa 442. COLJJDCS (0) Bewl
420. J. Herr 444. Frank 810. O. Horr
433. Bentaon SIS.
t - K fis. Simons 007. Boyce 048. J
44s. Ounean Ml. CAL FAK (0)
Laneo 459. Sloan 472, Heiako 404.
482. Priem 41. Famwr 010. Mattaoa
!. Powell 470. EAGLES (1) Ft-
enon 438. Kerb 470. Conklln S23. Zol-
ct a bo raim t am
cu. aaa Lmvtm aai pn 11V
t, m rvitn-P -r stanfrt ti
cdv47. BoIUmb S3S. MeCiano 4S1.
WOtsey 450. Ostund 017.
Walton loown i2 canaaner
909. SUke 80S. Rlffey 537, Sinew 018,
Larson 524. ACME WRECKERS (1)
MARION CRZAMXry (2) Xonyon
fL atJX'& city' rlktSic
? -Pv'S?.,, BnWBr
Vtidtc S34. McCluakey se7. Bnoer-
Son 48.
. High tnd. sertos Ralph Magtoy of
Jkmm WreeKOrS SOS.
Parks, LaBell
Canadian Ilerb Parks, the per-
petual motion
f grappling
and always
here along the
top row wher
ever ho hap
pens to be bul
ging his pinkish
bleeps, collides
with Keae La
B e 1 L the
French - Cana
dlaa scientific
swifty In to
alght's mat
mala event at
the armory. The
brawl is a car
ryover from the
siasiiag session Bans- Cleateata
they had last week la a prelim
shot, so the fireworks of that tilt
are expected te explode all ever
Not all the aolse will be made
la the mainer, however. Match-
WVUs Top
Uolalla high's Grant Schiewe (above) has pumped In 158 points In
11 Willamette Valley league games for a fine 14.4 average for
Coach Bad Gronqoist's team. The six-footer Is a senior. Molalla
plays Dallas at Molalla Tuesday
f play
Mt. Angel Plays at Silverton
Estacada Quint Seeks Valley
League Title Clinch Tonight
The next to last regular round of play In the Willamette Valley
basketball league tonight will find the Estacada Rangers, leading the
pack with 10 wins and a single loss, poised to clinch at least a tie for
the championship In a home game with the lowly Sandy Pioneers.
The Rangers have two more ,
games to go following tonight's.
one of these a makeup nit. They
are with ML Angel and Molalla
But no matter what might hap
pen in those games. If the Rang
ers come through tonight they're
in for at least half the pennant
Molalla, in second place, takes
on the Dallas Dragons at Molalla
tonight in what could be a ding
dong battle in their fight for a se
cond place finish. At the same
time at Silverton the Silver Fox
es will attempt to crack a two
game losing streak in a "civil war"
game with Mt. Angel's Preps, who
along with Molalla, Dallas and
Silverton have a mathematical
chance of finishing second also.
The fourth game tonight finds
Csnby st Woodburn. All Hits
start at 8 p. m., and will bo pre
liminaried by Bee team clashes.
Jarvis Signed
Byenator f9'
The signing of Frank Jarvis,
six foot, 180 - pound catcher was
announced last night by Salem
Senators Busi ness Manager
George Emigh. Jarvis, 23 years
old, bats snd throws right snd
attends Llnfield college. He play
ed last summer with the Bandon
team in the Southern Oregon
semipro circuit and was deem
ed an outstanding played with the
pennant winners.
In announcing the signing, Em
igh stated, "I think we have an
other Bill Burgher in Jarvis. He
may bo the young catcher to help
out BUI Beard back of the plate."
ORLANDO, Fla Feb. 14 -JP-
President Clark Griffith of the
Washington Senators today an
nounced the signing of three pitch
ers and the retirement of Coach
Sam West. Griffith said Sid Hud
son and Joe Haynes, righthanders,
had signed, along with Ed Kile
man, bespectacled righthander ob
tained from Cleveland.
BAKER, Ore., Feb. 14-6P-The
Pacific Northwest Ski association
umping championships will bo
held at Anthony Lakes March 17.
The scheduled meet was post
poned from yesterday because of
snow-choked roads.
Coaltown Tops Records
MIAMI. FU- Feb. 14-CP-CeI-towsi
ran la aa bsconsplcaoas
overnight race at Hlaleah today
mad wheal the das settled, too
CaJnn-et flyer had knocked three-
fifths of a second off the track
record and equalled the world's
record for the snUo audit furlong.
And although It woat get into
the racing record books, bo also
bettered two world marks.
Cevpled with Free America as
a Calumet Fans entry, Coaltown
covered the mile and a eighth
route in 1:47. three fifths of a
better than Hlaleah's track
in Mat Mainer
maker Elton Owen has Installed
a fall-scale battle royal as his
preliminary card, starting at 8:30
o'clock. This will be the first
"royal" for the local pit la many
months, and six topnotch gladi
ators, including Coast Junior
Heavy Champ Frank Stojack
will make with the aU-for-oae-and-oae-forrall
action la it. The
six matmet will start out oa an
every - man - for - himself basis.
The first two spilled are through
for the night. The aext two will
return later to grapple off a 15-
minute , scrap and the finalists
wiU return for another 20-min
te session, Just before the main
Besides Stojack there will be
Maurice LaChapelle, Bill Weld
ner, Bulldog Clements, 8tocky
Kneilaea and Irish Jack O'Reil
ly la the royal, every one a main
Point Pitcher
night In the league's 13th round
Beavers Begin
Work for WSC
CORVALLIS. Ore.. Feb. 14-;P)
Slats Gill sent the Oregon State
Beavers Into the week's drills to
day for the crucial Northern di
vision, Pacific Coast conference
week end basketball series against
the Washington State Cougars.
. Evidence that Cougar Mentor
Jack Friel fully appreciates the
status of this weeks test was
shown when ho elected to hold
the Washington Staters st Eugene
for drills there this week rather
than make the trip to Pullman
and return.
Big question marks In the Bea
ver gym are centered around in
jured Cliff Crandall and Ed Flem
ing. Crandall's knee, hurt In the
second WSC clash at Pullman i
week ago. Is not limbering as ra
pidly as hoped. Fleming, who has
missed six games because of a
bad ankle, Is still troubled by
swelling although he ean walk.
Salem Shooters
Rack Up Scores
Jim Bird. C. O. Hiltibrand and
Chris Neitling, all with scores of
-4A.D were tne tnree aiem l rap
shooters clubmen whose tallies
were turned In to the Portland
Journal Telegraphic tournament
Sunday. Other scoring Sunday dur
ing the club s informal shooting:
100 birds: Nettling 07. Hiltibrand 83.
FVed Vlesko 81, Bird 00, Don Cannon
88. Jim Janlck SO. C. W. DeJardln 70.
75 birds: Bill SheparoS8. K. Ball 03. P.
Tnede and a. e. sterxen si. Dave
NeltUng 47. SO birds: A. L. MeK
R. Weity 44. K. firmer. E. Nygaard
and Fred Bernard! 41, W. T. Chestnut
10. 23 birds: Oeorge Hurley 23. Earl
Vlesko 10. Frod Lelsi 13 and Martin
Vlesko 12.
CHICAGO. Feb. 14-(jip)-White
Sox officials said tonight that the
club has made offers of cash and
players to Washington for pitcher
Rae Scarborough and to Philadel
phia for hurler Phil Marchildon.
The sum ef money and Identity
ef the players in the offer were
not revealed.
Stagehand and! to too world
mark set by Indian Broom ia
1838 aad later equalled by Shan
non 2nd. t
Unofficially. Coaltowa also
broke two world's records for
the seven furlong dash and for a
mile even. The sensational fear
year old was teietimed at 1:21.2
three fifths of a second better than
the seven furlong- record shared
by Honey-no and Buzf as. His
tlmo of 1:34-8 for the mile was a
fifth of a second faster than the
1:34.4 world record set by Equi
poise aad equalled by Prevaricator.
8 The) Statesman. Salonx, Oregon, Tuesday. February 15, 1949
Norton Pockets Title
In Bowling Tour nament
Dick Morton was a busy and prosperous gent on Capitol bowling
alleys Sunday afternoon. He bowled four games in the third round of
me last annual statesman kegimg tournament, and became the last
person to qualify for the grand finals, slated for 4 o'clock that day.
a urn, roiling against ten Dowiers
who had previously earned finals
berths, Morton posted an 816 score
to snare first place honors. .
Luke Braden, who had qualified
just the night before, finished sec
ond with 793 and Whitey Strat
ton's 788 . was good enough for
Final round scores were on a low
level throughout. Pete Valdez, who
had tossed the top series of the en
tire tournament, 886, in first-round
action three weeks ago, could fash
ion only 726 in the finals and
wound up in seventh place.
Twelve persons the top four
finishers in each of three prelim
inary . rounds had been listed as
finalists. One of them, B. Barkland,
failed to show up for Sunday's ses
sion. The eleven who participated,
and their scores, were Dick Morton
816, Luke Braden 793, Whitey Stra-
ton 788, Jim Millford 752, Jack Cd
ney 747, Roy Farley 745. Pete Val
dez 726, Pearl Smith 722, Louie
Myers 717. George Causey 713. At-
lee Watson 701.
Oveu200 local pin-topplers com
peted in the three-week event.
Numerous prizes were distributed
among all twelve finalists and j
otners wno posted nigh scores in
qualifying rounds.
Farnam Holds
Scoring Lead
Salem high's Keith Farnam,
with 123 points in nine games, is
now leading the Big Six league's
individual point-making parade,
according to up-to-date statistics
compiled by Statisticians Bill Love
of Eugene. The tall blond-forward's
average of 14.3 per mage is second
to Bob Heins of Albany, however,
who has notched 107 markers in
seven games for a 15.3 mark. Bud
Duval and Ben Pitzer of Salem are
the third and fourth high scorers
in the league.
The Vikings have but one more
game, Friday at Springfield. Bend
plays Eugene and Springfield the
coming weekend at Bend. Expect
ed victories in all three games will
leave the Viks and Lava Bears tied
for the league championship with
9-1 records. Other league games
this week find Springfield at Al
bany on Tuesday night. Scoring:
g fg ft pf . tp
iraim, saiem
Heina, Albany 7
Duval. Salem . , 9
Pttzer. Salem 9
Simons, Albany 7
Hawes, Bend .. 8
Parsons. Eugene 7
Sullivan, Bend 8
Hogland. Bend 8
Babcbck, Corval. 8
48 27 24
37 33 IS
38 1 13
34 21 17
30 12 87
30 IS 16
27 10 23
24 24 12
31 9 24
27 IS 21
rSatch9 Happy
Over Contract
KANSAS CITY. Feb. 14-P)-Leroy
(Satchel) Paige, the ancient
and fabulous negro pitcher, slept
through today's snow storm and
most of the morning but finally
got ap an announced he had sign
ed his 1949 contract with the
Cleveland Indians with more pay.
He was pretty happy about it
once he crawled out of bed.
With a little prompting, "Ole
Batch" reported, he had been giv
en a little boost in salary - - he
didn't care to say how much. Last
season Paige Is believed to have
earned about $15,000.
Hoop Tixers'
Plead Guilty
NEW YORK, Feb. 14 (JP)-Tour
men pleaded guilty today to char
ges that they tried to "fix" a col
lego basketball game by offering
a player $1,000 to see that his team
lostby at least 18 points.
Pleading guilty to bribery and
conspiracy were Joseph Arono
witz, 35, Philip Klein, 34. and
Jack Levy, 40. The fourth man.
William Rivlin, 43, pleaded guilty
to conspiracy.
The four were accused of at
tempting to bribe David Shapiro,
25 - year - old co-captain of the
George Washington university
basketball team. Shapiro's team
won the game, against Manhat
tan college early last month, 71
to 08.
Whitman SO, Willamette It.
Portland OS. Seattle V 59.
Kontuckr 74. Alabama 32.
Purdue 83. Wisconsin 40.
Indiana 50. Northwestern 41.
Oklahoma 47. Nebraska 49. -St.
Mary's 87, San Francisco St. SS.
on t6c 1SxUr
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WW llliltZI 9
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Dick Morton (above) and Lake
Braden (below) Sunday fin
lshed In the 1-2 places as the
Statesman bowling tournament
closed at Capitol alleys. They
were victorious -over a field of
more than 200 pintopplers.
OSC, Cougars
Collide Next
By the Associated Press
Both tied at the top of the stand
ings with seven wins and three
losses, the Oregon State Beavers
and Washington State Cougars will
have a showdown series in North
ern Division basketball play at
Corval lis next Friday and Satur
day nights. At the same time the
Oregon Ducks, with a 6-6 record,
will take on the highly rated Uni
versity of San Francisco Dons in a
McArthur court series In Eugene
Washington and Idaho, tied for
last place with 4-8 records, play
Friday and Saturday at Moscow.
Gray Jayvees
In First Place
The Parrish Grays club holds
the top spot in the Junior TTtgh
junior varsity cage race following
last Friday's action. The Gray
Bees hsve five wins, one loss on
their record. In second place are
the Parrish Cards with four wins,
two losses. The Leslie Blues, Par
rish Pioneers and Leslie Gold
JV's have three wins, three losses
and West Salem trails with six
straight setbacks.
Dnck Pins
Ladies league results last night
at B and B Bowling courts: Mas
ter Bread 2, Jackson Jewelers 2;
Highland Market 3, Siewert's Con
struction 1; Mayflower Milk 3, Sa
lem Linen Mill 1: Memorial Hos
pital 4, Rickert's Market 0. Memor
ial hospital . had high team series
and game with 1803 and 685.
Gladys Angel's 159 was top solo
game and Iwana Macklin's 417
was best series.
IT Ttars aso this -tooth: Jack
ckasa. stoooed two ft inters la
at Stocktoo. CsUfarala. He
8 tlsses la the first two rounds
ecoads of the 3rd. thea toes oa wauy si eat orovpeo
klaa with a hard left to the heart hot the tell savee Hs-it
frosa a first reaad K.O.
Spokane Deal
Goes Througli
Hotchkiss Buys in ; I I
Temporary Park Set jj
SPOKANE, Feb. 14 -V Roy
Hotchkiss has purchased John
(Buddy) Ryan's Interest In the f
Spokane Indians' Western Inter- ,j
national league baseball club for 1
$35,000, Hotchkiss said today. .
The sale was approved - at a ,
league meeting In Seattle last
week. jt . . - .
Hotchkiss, a Spokane business
man, thus enters into the Indians' -front
office with J. Lamar Butler,
a Los Angeles attorney who will i
retain his share of the club. Ryan
and Butler bought the team last-
year from Sam Collins. f
The new owner said yesterday j 4
that Spokane will be ready with a
team to open the season at homo '
in a temporary park as scheduled !
on April 29. The old park burned I
down last October 29. , ' f
a $252,000 insurance claim on the
park but it was reported that con- :
struct ion of a new park would go 1
ahead anyway.
Wiley Fattens
Point Margin .
Oregon's Roger Wiley dumped
In 33 points in the recent Washing
ton State series at Eugene to gal
lop his individual point total; to
176 In 12 Northern Division bas
ketball games. 36 more than second'
place Bill Vandenburgh of Wash
ington boasts in the same number
of games. The Husky captain took
over second place from WSC's Ed
Gayda. who scored only 12 points
against Oregori;Gayda Is in third
place with 118 "points, one more
than Idaho's Nick Stallworth who
had a big weekend against the
Huskies with 33 points. The top; 10
scorers to date: ;!
Wllev. Oregon if of 40 34 j l?f ..
Vandenburgh. Wash. 12 82 38 M 1 14$
Gavda. WSC lO 40 30 30 ill
Stallworth, Idaho 13 43 31 48 : UT
White. Waxh 11 44 23 38 111
Pritchett, Idaho 12 48 22 32 108
Sowers. Ore. 12 41 31 29 103
Henson. Wah 12 38 23 42 ' M
Crandall. OSC 10 31 33 33 M
Brim hall. Idaho 13 30 28 31 SS
' f
Hornets Gain
Top Spot Tie
Bobby Maxwell's goal late in
the final period Sunday gave the
Salem Hornets a 4-3 victory over ,
the Eugene Red Wings In sn Ore
gon Hockey league tilt and the
result pulled the Hornets Into a
first place tie with the Wings. :
Turner tallied for the Salems
In the first period and Erlandson '
and Bill Faminow registered tor
the locals in the second heat. Eu
gene scored once in the opening
chapter and finished with a pair
in the second.
Lynn Orton played a great game
at goal for the Hornets, making 38
saves. .I
The Hornets play host to Eu
gene st the local ice arena Wed
nesday night, 8:30, with the top
spot at stake.
Molalla Tops f
Vik Grapplers
Molalla's wrestling crew grap
pled to a 24-18 win over Salem
high's Vikings on the local mats
last night, the Molallas took tin
matches, the Viks four and tw
were draws. One of the draws end
ed Vik Vic Schweitz' nine-match
winning streak.
09 Harvey (M) dee. Neureidi is?.
104 Hutchinson (S) dee. Cribble
(M). 112 Sills (S) pinned -tester
(Mi. 121 Wheatler M dee. Coop
er (S). 128 Najrlor (M) pinned Half
man S). 134 Crsnn (M) dec. Lo-
fan (S). 130 B. Wheailey M) dec.
Drlccs S. 148 Schweitz C drew
with Cribble (M). 155 Lucht M)
dec. P. Yellen (S). 169 L. Ycllan
S) dee. Kelly (M). 179 Peterson
S) drew with Polack (M). Heavy
Paulson (S) dec Payton (M). .
For a limited qri.
time only I3C
' Hydraulic Brakes
- Adjusted
(Our Regular 81.58 Job) !
Hike Panel:
The Brake and Wheel Spe
cialist, 275 Sot CemT. Street
Phone 8-5181. -Avoid a I
Panle See Mike Psnek"
Dessosey. 'eraser heavyweUht
3 re-ma Ibj Sis eossekack try
floored "Bad News". Jokosoo
and thea stepped him la M
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