House Defeats Move to Boost Vet Loan Base By vote of 48 to 12, the house of representatives voted Monday gainst proposal to allow the state to loan up to 5 per cent of its valuation, instead of 3 per cent, to veterans for farms and homes. The 3 per cent appropri ates $30,000,000. The resolution by ?Reps. Phil Dreyer and Howard Morgan of Portland, ; also would have re quired a two-year residence In the state rather than a pre-war residence. The final vote was along nei ther party nor veteran lines. Proponents said passage was necessary now so that the act could be referred to the people in time for the next general elec tion, and that if such action were not taken there would not be suf ficient money to loan before the next legislature could take simi lar action. Opponents said sufficient mon ey would remain a valla Die, ana that payments would replenish the fund without further obligat ing the state. Rep. Carl Francis of Daj read from bonus statutes of other states which require pre-war resi dence and said veterans' legisla tion should be "consistent.' The 12 "yes" votes were those of Reps. Adams, ' Brady, Dickson, Dreyer, Gill, Lieuallen, Logan, J. Moore, Morgan, Peck, Robinson, Thomas. Lawmakers Shown Where thb Money Goes t V i . ..... Mountain Goats To Be Imported In State Ranges COKYALLJS, fcin. 14 These members ef a sub-cemmlttee ef the Joint ways and means committee ef the legislature saw fer themselves seme ef the rffrea being made in forest predaete research when they .visited the bis- Oregon forest product research laboratory on the Oregon State college campus. Here they are being shown some of the end pro doe ts of research by Dr. Phimster B. Proctor, techni cal director. Lawmakers are (left to right) Sens. aex Ellis, Pendleton, and Tmman Chase, Eugene; Keps. William B. Morse. Prinevllle, and Sea. Carl Engdahl, Pendleton. Jars contain varioas fractions of fir bark from which valaablo wax has been extracted by a process developed here. On the shelf behind are different Kinds of plastic board made from planer shavings, and samples of "waste" lumber from overripe trees with which the laboratory is experimenting. Request for Pay Increased for Solons Called f Futile Gesture9 But It Passes Anyway 33-27 Mountain goats probably will be imported into Oregon for planting" in the Wallowa, Cas cade and Coast ranges and "may fc 40 years from now there'll be open seasons," Rep. A. P. Meyers of Redmond tow ine nouse 014 The house voted Monday 33 to 27, after one of the Uveliest debates represeniauve jwona-j. of the session, to ask a constitutional amendment providing $1200 Meyers' statement came during Diennium as pay for senators and representatives. his arguments in favor or. a duj Legislators now get $400 a biennium ($8 a day for 50 days each ciassuying goais ana ucwa twd years). Until 1942 it was $150 a biennium ($3 a day for 50 days), game animals, placing them un- The joint resolution requesting the move was introduced by Rep. der supervision oi me sxaie ga Lloyd R Crosby of Milwaukie, for commission. est engineer, who said even the me dui was passea ana wut $1200 "Would be purely compen to the senate. In the Senate SB W PASSED satory and not profitable. He said the money was "penny-ante," that many good men could not afford to run for the legislature, but that "as far as I am concerned, I can afford it and it doesn't make a bit (Betton Ac others) JUturn- I . i . . 1 1 .. . . P..11, vr. i uwipwi.. tuf.iv Drr Angel and Springfield land deeded to Crosby also read a Washington the tat by them In 1930. dispatch from The Oregon States- J? tJSSSL SSlffSmtoSS: ma? in Which it was declared tee Con adoption laws. Prohibits Jnstitu-I .l, was wnnamug paying uw Uons from pUcinc children in horn I legislators, and said that while he unJr, f?,, was "a friend of labor" he did not ,mStBciin p-or .PProv. of anyone except the state SB 201 (Education) Permit direc- I sharing: in legislators' support. Rep. Paul Geddes of Roseburg, tors of school districts of tba first class Trw. Kill said Wialator to moloY Hnoni hvin outside dis- I opposing u. pi".. w legislators tnct boundaries at cieraa. HB 132 (Came) Provides that per sons must be residents of Oregon to hunt on their own property with 11- ADOPTED " SCR (Parkinson) Commemorat tnc the SOth birthday of Oregon. anitting the American Legion to hold Steelhammer of Salem, who said tts convention in the statehous on I putting the resolution on a general .uKu . I KnTint "would be a futile gesture were underpaid but that "this is not the opportune tune" to ask for an increase "wait until we fulfill our obligations, and come back next tune and do it." Termed .Tntlle Gesture Geddes was joined by Rep. John INTRODUCED en 7 fNihm.r t nrohibit at this time: Rep. . W. Kimber- placement of advertising- signs within MO feet of any state highway or coun try road. SB 238 (Med.. Pharm. Sc Dentistry) Boost the pay of pharmacy board members from i to 910 per diem and; pharmacists' licenses from $2 to $3 and In the House anDlication fees from S3 to S3. SB 239 (Med.. Pharm. At Dentistry) An act to channel unclaimed bodies to the University of Oregon Medical school or the university ox (jregon Dental school for scientific research purposes; provides for their burials and regulates the entire traffic In un claimed bodies within Oregon. SB 240 (Rand & Rep. Short) To permit cities designated as ports to maintain and operate municipal hospitals. SB 241 (Bain) Provides that any petition, report, claim, tax return or application mailed to the state shall be considered filed by the time shown n 'the postoffic cancellation mark. SB 242 (Bain) Appropriates SSOO. SOO from the general fund to meet any wage deficiency Incurred through boosts authorized by the state board f control. - SB 243 (Gardner) To legalize angling for salmon, shad, striped bass. sturgeon ana otner 100a iisn in cer tain portions of the Salmon river in Lincoln county. SB 244 (Thompson) To require motor vehicle operators to turn on their headlights after sundown, bar ring the use of parking lights or any ether lamps in lieu of the headlights. SB 243 (Dunne .& Others) An act to place people's utilities districts and cooperatives as well as private power companies under the regulation of the public utilities commissioner's office In new construction. Would require all public and private companies to file a certificate of convenience and necessity when proposing construction of new utility facilities. Applications would be subject to the approval or disapproval of the public utilities commission. SB 246 (Be I ton & Rand) An act to validate formation of rural fire pro tection districts, consolidated within the past two years, when some legal defect in their formation has been noticed. SB 247 (Hitchcock) ' A law to out law bookmaking in connection with racing or any other form of sports r gambling. - SB 248 (Holmes) To place the raising of foaes fitch, mink, chinchilla, rabbit or caracul under state laws governing domestic fur-bearing ani mals. SB 249 (Neuberger) A substitute for SB SI, providing for re-registration for voting by mail. HB 96. 249. 260. 290, 291. 317. 340. SCR 9 (Parkinson) To comment erate the 90th birthday of Oregon. SJM 8 (Neuberger Ac Rep. Morgan) Petitioning congress to admit 400. 00 displaced persons from Europe into the United States. SJM 9 (Bain) Asking concrs an-1 the president to enact legislation to provide a minimum of 1,500.000 low cost housing units for the United States. ' REFERRED SB 214 to 236. HB 70. 144. 14S. 147. 150. 177. 203. 128. 289. 323. 347. HJR S UP POR FINAL ACTION TODAT SB 74. 158. HB 136. 137, 138, 347. SENATE RESUMES AT IS A. M. TODAY. PASSED HB 139 (Game com.) Prohibits ftahms- from boats In Illinois river above confluence with Brian creek HB 185 (Local gov't, com.) Boosts fees for photostatic records. HB 196 (Game com.) Makes It un lawful to fish within 200 feet of fish' IT. HB 949 (Military aff. com.) Gives veterans preference in state civil ser vie examinations. HB 260 (Thomas. Sen. Walker) Removes 1100 acres from game refuge In eastern Polk county. HB 268 (Peck. Brady. Anderson) Lets bund persons choose own aid instead of poll clerk. In marking bal lot. HB 290 (Military aff com.) Re moves a requirement that state mili tary general staff shall give to audit all claims of military nature. HB 291 i (Military Aff. com.) Cuts national guard age limit from 18 to 17. HB 317; ( Elections com.) Elimin ates requirement that state must pro vide clips to fasten ballot together at polls. HB 340 (Edue. com.) Repeals old law that specifies school directors shall continue In office a year after district becomes first class. SB 69 (Game com.) Adds moun tain goats and bears to list of animals under jurisdiction of game commission. ADOPTED HR 4 (Riles com.) Provides that house members may explain their vote, up to 1 minute. HJR B ( (Crosby) Asks constitu tional amendment to make legislators' pay S600 a year. HJR 10 (Yeater) Appropriates 95. 700 to increase parking space between state offce building and supreme court building in Salem. SJM 7 (Mahoney) Asks protest at persecution of Cardinal Mindzsen ty. SCR 9 (Parkinson) Recognizing Oregon's 90th birthday. DEFEATED HJR 1 (Dreyer. Morgan) Would have increased from 3 to 3 per cent of assessed valuation the amount which state could loan veterans for farms and homes. RE-PASSED (Senate an ended) HB 17 30 33 RE-REFERRED TO COMMITTEES HB 217 324. 337. REFERRED TO COMMITTEES HB 349 -37 J inc. SB 82. 89. 94. 118. 136. 139. 133. DO-PASI REPORTS ADOPTED HB 225 i INTRODUCED HB 273 (Agr. com.) (Substitute for HB 103 providing for the- identi fication of livestock..) SB 112. 114. 201. UP FOB FINAL ACTION TODAY HB 338, 339. SB 24. HOUSE RESUMES 19 A. M. TODAY. "0Idat40,50,60?" Man, You re Crazy 'svooiae in" vita (Mm. rnulm luala lor rauwfeva tsaeac das toWr t Mr kt at trust rate sua am sa4 wwa ssB "at - Tnr I Tat TaMsss agr rwnssr Statist, thtm w -SOT nimnlil ats mim torn. Sit All Drag Sterea Everywhere. In Salem At Fred Meyer's. Attend Portland Men's Glee Club Concert Tuesday, Feb, 15. 8:15 p. m- Salem High School ' Presented by Salem Ketary Clab, Benefit Willamette University JtelMtershls Fand ling- of Prairie City called the bill "bad legislation," and Rep. Giles French of Moro who said its pro vision for "the presiding officer of the senate" might brine; constitu tional confusion if a lieutenant governorship was created in which case the lieutenant governor instead of the senate president would be the presiding senate of fleer. French's motion to re-refer the bill to committee was defeated. Rep. Rudie Wilhelm of Portland, favoring the bill, commented that "everyone is sitting around hoping the bill will pass and yet probably will mm I T3 r.,1 Francis of Dayton said many states have adopted similar systems. Bill New Goes te Senate The bill now goes to the senate where a similar measure to pay legislators $2400 a binennium has had rough sledding thus far. The 33 yes votes were those of Reps. Adams, Allen, Anderson, Baum, Brady, Coutler. Crosby. Day, Dickson, Dreyer, Dyer, Fran cis, Gill, Greenwood, Hounsell, LieuaUen, Logan, McColloch, Mey ers, J. Moore. K. Moore. Morgan. Morse, Peck. Peterson. Robinson. Short, Swett, Thomas, Wade, Wells, Wilhelm, Van Dyke. Voting "no were Reps. Barry. Bennett, Carter, Chadwick, Chind- gren, Condit, Doerfler, Erwin, Fish er, French, Geary, Geddes, Gile, Harvey, Hendershott. Hill. John son, Kimberling, Landon, McNutt, Sell, Semon, Shepard. Steelham mer, Wilson, Yeater, Ziegler. Limitation Sought On Road Signs A measure to prohibit construc tion of advertising signs within 300 feet of any state highway or county road was introduced in the senate Monday by Sen. Rich ard L. Neuberger, Portland. The bill would give the state highway commission and county courts full power over the sign boards, permitting them to re move any sign now standing. It would not affect signs on busi nesses along the roads. Ban Requested on Betting on Races Outside Oregon Bookmaking on dog or horse racing would be outlawed by a bill introduced in the senate Mon day by Sen. Phil Hitchcock of Klamath Falls. The measure directs all law en forcement officers to enforce the proposed regulation which out laws taking bets on races in other states. Another "bookie" bill in the house would allow the state tax commission to levy on incomes of bookmakers. Pay Fund for Board Sought A bill introduced in the senate Monday would appropriate $500, 000 for the state board of control to pay state salary deficiencies during the next biennium. The measure would make it unnecessary to call a meeting of the emergency board if and when a cost-of-living salary boost is found necessary. Postmark Sought as Legal Filing Time For State Matters A bill to ease the deadline for filing petitions, tax returns and documents with state departments by mail was introduced in the senate Monday by Sen. Jack Bairn Portland. It would fix the postmark time on letters as the official filing time, permitting persons to mail material to state departments on the same day as the legal deadline. Return of Flax Plants Given Senate Assent A bill authorizing the state board of control to return from lands to flax cooperatives in ML AngeL Canby and Springfield was passed IB the senate Monday , and sent to the house. The lands were deeded to the state by the cooperatives in 1939 to enable the flax farmers to se cure WPA funds to bufld flax plants In the three states. Sen. Howard Belton, Canby, sponsor of the measure, said it was no longer necessary for the state to retain title to the lands because the cooperatives have fulfilled their obligation to the federal government He said return of the lands would eliminate the necessity of tne state to include the plants in the restoration fund. It will also allow the cooperatives to ob tain loans on the lands and plants. , Although Youngstown, Ohio, did not have a steel plant until 1892. it was an iron-working cen ter from its founding in r797. Noah Webster was 18 years in writing his "American Dictionary of the English Language." YOUR BEST DOLLAR BUY IS WHEN YOU BECAUSE ITS S TIMES FAtTER SAVES MONEY, TOOI TO Portland 30 min. Seattle ltf hrs. San Fran. 4', hrs. L. Angeles 714 hrs. easf fe "elf ffte f esf CaO 2-24S5 ac 3-2499 ar aa authorised traval aeaat. Tk. AN SUA Mm, III Tlva PREFECT 4-Dooc Bare is tae aaawar to oatwar to your traasportotioai assrts Timamate delivezy ... Uwaan report W3 ssiles per oalloa . . . Easier to kaadle . . . Easy cruisia? raage SO-60 sa.p.a.... Large, oomiart ttble Interiors . . . Service at Ford Dealers everywhere. Com plete supply oi parts at selected Ford Dealers. See toe AagUa aad frafect today! THE ANGLIA Delivers at Salem fer with full warrant. Ceme la fer Demonstration. Valley Ilclor Co. 275 Ph. 2-2147 Center Sales Bill Proposes State Control ForPUDs A bill to place peoples' utility districts and cooperatives under state control was introduced in the senate Monday. The utility bill was turned in by Sen. Austin Dunne, Baker. He said it is intended to prevent pri vate and public power, water and telephone companies from dupli cating construction of utility fa cilities in the same territory. Under terms of the act, any PUD, cooperative or private pow er company desiring to erect poles, lines or other equipment would have to file a certificate of con venience of necessity with the public utilities commission. Only private companies must now abide by the regulation. All requests for new construc tion would be heard by the public utilities commission which would have authority to approve or re ject them. Dunne said he sponsored the measure because he was informed of duplications of facilities throughout the state which have resulted in wasted effort and ex cessive costs to citizens In the communities. Reapportion Bill Defeated In Committee The senate elections and prtvl ileges committee voted 3 to 2 Mon day to recommend defeat of a bill by Sen. Richard L. Neuberger, Portland, to reapportion Oregon's legislative districts on a popula tion basis.. Opposing the bill were Sens. An gus Gibson, Junction City; Frank Hilton, Portland, and Dean Walk er, Independence. Neuberger and Sen. Jack Lynch, Portland, voted against the adverse report. The committee also voted 4 to 1 against a proposed constitutional amendment to lower the voting age from 21 to 18. Neuberger cast the only affirmative vote. The senate will consider the ad verse reports on both bills within the next two days. If Neuberger's apportionment bill is approved, Multnomah coun- The SiaWsanan.' golem, Orecjott.' Tuesday rebriiarT IVlSt- legislative more than ty would have its strength Increased by 50 per cent. The county would have 20 rep resentatives and 10 senators the total votes in each house as compared with the present 13 rep resentatives and six senators. Mar ion county's representation would remain unchanged. Income Tax. Detains . PREPARED Elmer . M. Amandson Tax Consultant Experienced Service Ph. 2-C6S7 er S-Sf 11 CSS N. High -u 0 OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Over Sally's Corner Court and Liberty Phone 3-3711 i U li I !: In a recent test off hundreds off people who smoked, only Camels for 30 days, noted throat specialists, making weekly examinations, reported NOT ONE SINGLE CASE OF THROAT IRRITATION due to smoking CAMELS! y if'sty f 30-DAY TEST? I'VE SMOKED CAMELS FOR YEARS f ) -pymm7 I KM0VV HOW MILD THEY Js tfP ( ARC AND HOW 0000 ) T THEY TASTE! ssssMSs 1S5 N. Liberty Phona 14191 g? IP WE DollarSaoing Pricesl This Week On In I TOOtS REG. 41.98 DRILL PRESS Get It on terms 38" W chuck capacity; drills to center of 14 V" circle. Ball & bronze bearings. Less motor. 28 44 AVi-m. JOINTER REG. 30.49 Use your credit Cutter head balanced for pre cision. Cuts to 516" on stock up to AVi" wide. Has gauges. REG. 47.95 WOOD SHAPER Ask about terms 45 88 High-speed . . . heavy-duty! Uses 516 it V bore shaper cutters. -HP motor recommended. 8" TILTING BENCH SAW REG. 30.71 Heavy-duty type. Hond wheel cm usts depth of cut, up to 2 -In. oiaae roues ona lowers, to Die treys j( stationary. Extensions. Without motor. 46" IODewv 88 REG. 47.95 HEAVY- DUTY LATHE Buy on terms 11" swing; 37" between centers. 4" spindle on ball & bronze bearings. Use Vi-HP motor. 45 REGULAR 35.49 9 WINCH BAND SAW 13" ELECTRIC DRILL REG. 15.95 V" capacity Chromium-plated steel hous ing! No-load speed: 1700 RPM. Tor 110-120 Volt AC or DC current. On Tenser 10 Down, Iftcosvef Monthly 44 ij -HP AC MOTOR REG. 21.50 Sole-priced I Deluxe split-phase! Thermotron protection. Grease-sealed ball bearings. xl" dble. shaft. 19 Ideal for beginner end hobbyistsi Cuts 4V4" deep. 10x11" cast-aluminum table with exten sion. Toble tilt to 45 on machined trunnion... locks firmly. Ball bear ings. Without motor. USE WARDS MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN TO BUY THE THINGS YOU NEED SHOP WARDS 'TIL 9 EVERY FRIDAY NIGHTI i"' 29" P. J I . ...... t