The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 11, 1949, Page 11, Image 11

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    Cubs Exhibit Skills for Boy Scout Week
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IILVEHTON Looking erer the bird houses, corner shelves, candle holders and other handicraft Items
made by their dens and now on display in Silrertoa store windows for Bey Seont week are. left to rirht.
Robert VanCleave. Wade Bentson. and Bill Starky, all of pack 52 in Silverton. The items were made
by members of dens 1 and Z. (Statesman photo.)
Solon, Oregon. Friday," Tmhnanf 11, 193 U
Farmers' Oil
Company Notes
Business Rise
MT. ANGEL, Feb. 9 Annual
membership meeting of the Mar
lon County Farmers Union Oil
Co. at St. Mary's auditorium Mon
day disclosed the fact that the
organization cap boast an increase
of 22.7 per cent in volume of
business in the past year, repre
senting over $34,000.
The net margin of operation
was in excess of $58,000, to which
will be added refunds .from Paci
fic Supply Co., making a total net
margin for the members for 1948
In excess of 15 per cent.
During the year 192 new mem
bers were taken into the organi-
tation for a total membership of
The usual cash dividends have
been declared.
. Charles Baker, general manager
Of Pacific Supply Co, was the
principal speaker, outlining the
plans of getting into crude oil
and fertilizer production. Baker
stated leases had already been
made In California and that drill
ing is expected to start in the
near future. The fertilizer plant
will likewise be built soon. Enough
stock has already been sold to
finance the f project
About 250 members were serv
ed at the dinner in St. Mary's
dining hall. .
Ernest Werner. Warren Gray and
Peter Kirk were re-elected to the
board of directors.
At the organization meeting
that followed. Werner wasr chosen-
president. Gray, vice president,
and Peter Gores, secretary-manager.
Gores has been manager of
the Farmers Union Oil Co. for
all of the 16 years it has been
in operation.
Legion Votes
Social Meet
MT. ANGEL The Mt. Angel
post of the American Legion voted
Tuesday night to make the next
meeting, Tuesday, February 22, a
social meeting starting with a no
host supper at 7 p.m. Music and
refreshments are planned.
The first meeting of the month
will be reserved for business and
the second one a social get-togeth
The local post intends to go into
Junior Legion Baseball in earnest
this year. Ira Herriford and Mike
Welton were chosen to get things
going. A baseball club will be
sponsored, and the lights and con
ditioning of the Ebner Ball park
are being pushed by the Park Im
provement association.
The post voted to let the Mt.
Angel band use Legion hall for
its practice.
The membership drive is being
intensified. Gene Hoffer, chair
man, reports 125 signed up out of
a quota of 168.
Saint Francis Xavier, 16th cen
tury missionary priest, traveled
for 11 years in India, the East
Inries and China. He is believed
to have baptized more than half
a million people.
VoYou KnowThese SmertTricl
to save yourself money and save yourself time ?
k I I I 1
i i ,- .. .-.. - . I
I. GET acquainted with Nucoa' America's most
popular margarine. Nucoa Javes you mooey
two ways: first, just by being margarine and
Trtfrg so much leas than expensive spreads
...and second. by being "bowi-mix" margarine,
with no extra cost added for a "squeese bag.
2. GET the two-at-a-time habit. Buy two pounds
of Nncoa margarine at once. That bit of
thoughtfulneas saves you time two ways: first,
it often means the saving of an extra trip to
the store ... and second, it cuts the mixing
time almost in half! Here's how . . .
- V
: 1 'fWi
4 &s.
y rrrXl a
- Vi "
ill i
1- i
S. "tOWL-MDC- heth pounds together! Yon eaa
o4or two pawnds olnsnot mm quickly mm one.
Yea de the Job hmff as offcon
osm pound at tse And Nmeon
muady . . . eje streaks or aun bursts.
4. AFTER "bowl-mixing" Nuco. take out half
j acupMrwiUihairacpofieny.Sterin
glsos joz.aasd it'a aD toady for the youngsi sis
' aandwirhos. No churnod spread you can bwy
of Vitamin A tha N
. yeBowNoososssiyaoi.o aad'otnoosww ? liH J -I-
enjt to ylerFedeMlond state asaee o t T-wZ i - I T""'-- I
KoensssSoM , E : )
It's America! most popular margarine
Plenty o!
FDEE Parking
3 g
lb. box
i i
All Popular Brands, Tall Cans
lb, tu
Luncheon Ileal, 12-oz. lin
...... . ."' ..
A Big THAIIK YOU to All Who Took Adr&nl&ge of Our
Th success was so great that we hare again decided to "BUST LOOSE with
another STORE WIDE SUPER SALE next weekend. So again wa say watch for
the details and be sure to be on hand.
Swift's Braaded Blade or Arm Cat of
Beef for Coasting ib. 490
When yea bay Swift's Branded Ton Get Tender
Meat Every TJsae.
Swift's Premium
Skmbss Franls lk . .. 490
How Abewt Welaers and Imrtosii.
Swift's Canadian Style
BUTCH Kl 790
U'4 the boneless lota mt pork
Pcrh Dead No sharks, lb. 490
For Meat to Eat Wo Cant Bo BetTTerV Curtis?
IS Cosso la and See Our cI
Towol DisyUjr kr M
special 2sec,i"58c 1
Texas RnW Red ' "
f -
Deschutes .U. No. 1
Cello. Cat; t
; I