The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 30, 1949, Page 8, Image 8

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    ' f-The Slaietnidk' StdeW Ocm' Sundrf.' Jonliorr SO, 1949
February to Be Filled with
Formal Dances, Dinners;
Military Ball Slated;
' February, always the month of dances, is no exception this year
with every weekend filled with formal dances and dinners.
First on the slate is the Trotters club dance Friday night. Febru
ary 4 at Glenwood ballroom with Glenn Woodrys orchestra playing
between 10 and 1 o'clock. The host committee includes Mr. and Mrs.
Fred C Gast and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Parker.
Duet Satosrday
Saturday nifiht, February s win
be the Tillicum club's formal din
ner dance at the Marion hotel
ballroom with Glenn Williams anf
bis orchestra playin for the af
fair The Valentine motif will be
used in decorating and dunnj the
evening new members will be tn
' troduced and welcomed. The dec
orating committee includes Mrs.
Edwin Armstrong. Mrs. Arthur
Knox and Mrs. Russell Bone
stcele. A buffet dinner will be
served at o'clock with dancing
following at 10 o'clock and the so
cial hour will be between 8 and S
o'clock. ''
Junior Clab Valentine Dance
Also slated for February 5 is the
Salem Junior Woman's club annu
al Valentine dance. The semi-f or
dinal affair will be held at the ar-
rnorv with dancing between iv
and 1 o'clock to the music : .
Claude Bird's orchestra. Tables!
Will be arranged cabaret style
about the hall and Valentine dec- I
Orations will be used with red la- j
cey hearts predominating.-
Invitations to otner oancing
Clubs in the city were mailed the
past week. Mrs. Oliver Mansfield
Is chairman of the dance and co
chairmen are R. -Eugene Morrison
and James Mohatt, On the com
mittee are Mrs. Milo Van Houten.
Mrs. Donald Cooper, Mfs. Lee
Port, jr., and Miss Betty Jean
Carousel. Town Club Parties
The Carousel Dancing club will
entertain with a Valentine dance
on February 12 at the Salem Golf
club beginning with the social
hour at S:39 o'clock and dancing
from 9 to 12 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Thomas hed
the directorate and assisting on
the committee are Mr. and Mrs.
Melvin Bedsaul. Mr. and Mrs.
P. C. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
win L. Graham, Mr. and Mrs.
W. H. Johnston. Mr. and Mrs
Charles R- Shaw. Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur W. Cole and! Mr. aad Mrs.
Robert E. Corey. -
' Town dub members will enjoy
a Valentine dinner dance Sat
urday, February 12 at the Marion
hotel with Glenn Williams or
chestra playing for dancing.
Monday Nlgmt Clab Sets Date
Monday Night Dancing elub has
slated its February dance for
Thursday. February 17 at Glen
wood ballroom with Glenn VFood
ry's orchestra playing for the for
mal affair. Officers and directors
of the club will serve as hosts and
a number of guests are expected
to attend the dance.
Military Ball Fefaraary 1
Always a highlight of the
month is the annual Military ball
to be given by the Marion chap
ter, Reserve Officers association
n Saturday February It at the
armry. The ball will climax na
tional security week. Glenn "Wil-
liams and his orchestra has been
i engaged" to play for the strictly
Informal affair '.between I and 1
II Lt Col. Homer G. Lyon, jr.,
I president of the Marion county
. llhapter, has announced the fol
lowing committees for the ball:
CoL Carl W. Nelson, chairman;
Major Harlan Judd. assistant
chairman; Captain Kenneth Potts,
distinguished guests; Captain Wil
liam C.i Dyer, jr, and Major Ed
ward Dyck. decorations; Lt- Col.
Francis Wade, invitations; and
Col. George Hester, refreshments.
- The Subscription club dinner
dance will be an event of Satur
day. February 26 at the Marion
Star District
Conference Set
"Asboe. worthy matron of Ramona
5 Chapter No. 58, Order of Eastern !
Star .has announced event for the
near future to include the dist
rict meeting to be held in Motalla.
Tuesday, February 15. with Or
chid chapter as hostess, Ramona
chapter to exemplify the ballot
and the degrees.
A second event is the annual
father - son banquet to be held
February 17, Mrs. Dale Lamar and
Mrs. Harlan Loe general co-chairman
of arrangements; Mrs. As
boe. Mrs. R. A. Fish, Mrs. F. E.
Sylvester. Mrst E. A. Finlay. Mrs.
If. L. Riches, 'Mrs. George Towe.
the kitchen committer: Mr. Clark
liachman, Mrs. R. W. Tomi-wi,
Mr. Irene Renault, Mrs. Rob
ert Allen, the coffee committee:
-Mrs. Clinton fWeiby. Mrs; Oscar
Edlund, Mrs. Arnold Burner, Mrs.
Charles Leonard, Mrs. Opal Loe.
Mrs. Lloyd Larsen. Mrs. Evelyn
Weeks. Mrs. Elsie Bertelson and
Mrs. Frances Ployhart the dining
room committee.
Oregon Mothers,
Dads Dinner
University, of Oregon Mothers
and Dads will enjoy a Valentine
party and covered .dish dinner on
Monday night February 14. at
the Mayflower hall at 6:30 o'clock.
r'resiaeni tiarry it. ewourn of
the University of Oregon and Mrs.
Newburn will be honor guests.
All members of the legislature,
twho are former or present Ore
gon Mothers and Dads are invjt
. ed to be special guests. Mrs. John
Carson is social chairman and
Walter Kirk will preside in the
absence of the president E. L.
Crockatt. Nomination of officers
will take place during the even
ing. : The literature aad paeiry group
of the Salem Woman's club will
meet Tuesday at 1:30 at the club
house. Miss Ida Mae Smith wil1
.apeak "Of Cabbages and Kings".
on comparative periods of Russian
0 . i
Dr. Revert D. Griegg, who
will ire ths guesfc speaker
at the YWCA annual mem
bership -dinner meeting
Monday; night at the Knight
Memorial Congregational
church. ; His topi? will be
"Two Worlds, Can They
Dr. Gregg
To Speak
Dr. Robert D. Gregg, dean of
the school of liberal arts at Will
amette university. w21 speak on
Two Worlds. Can They Be Oner
at a meeting at the; Knight Me
morial church on Monday night,
immediately following the annu
al dinner for members of the
YWCA and their husbands, The
meeting is open toi the general
public and will be in the church
auditorium, i , ,.
Dr. Gregg has traveled exten
sively, spending three summers in
Europe, two trips to the Caribean
and attended the Uiiiversity of
Mexico. He was cJiairman for four
years of the foreign policy as
sociation in Pittsburgh. For two
years-he was co-chairman of the
regional inter-American centre,
which was ian organization affli
ated with the office:: of the co
ordinator of Inter-American Af
fairs in Washington, DC, con
cerned with community education
and good neighborliness. Dr. Gregg
is a Quaker, a graduate of Oberlin.
John Hopkins and University of
Michigan. For seventeen years he
has been a member of the history
department ; of the Carnegie In
stitute of Technology
Mrs. C. W. Parker! will preside
at the dinner meeting of members.
Mrs. George E. Alien will report
on the new; building ! progress and
Mrs. Carlton McLeod will report
on the results of balloting for new
officers. .
The Rev. Dudley Strain will give
devotions, Robert Gwinn. baritone,
and Sharon Currier, spporano, will
sing a number fromlPorgy and
Bess." Lois Gottwald.will accomp
any them. )
During the open meeting in the
auditorium,;, a string quartet com
posed of Betty KuhLrnan. Frank
Holman. Doris McCain and Lucv
Collins will play Tschaikowsky's i
Andante can ta bile. The Rev. Louis
White will close the meeting with
a prayer.
Mrs. W. Anderson; is in charge
of the dinner arrangements, Mrs.
Bruce Spaulding of rrinsic and Mrs.
W. W. Blum of the program.
Hospital Ghoup
To PIdn Safe
Regular monthly meeting of the
Salem General hospital auxiliary
will be held Tuesday', morning at
the YWCA at 10 o'clock with aU
auxiliary members asked to at
tend. Plans will be completed at the
meeting for the auxiliary's annual
rummage sale to be' an event of
February 4 and 5 at the former
Herrall-Owens garage. Marking
will be done on February 1 and
2 with Mrs. Robert Wilson jr. in
charge. ,
Mrs. A. Terrence King heads
the pick-up committee; Mrs. Wil
mer C. Page, the sales committee;
and Mrs. John Griffith, telephone.
Mrs. Charles Campbell and Mrs.
Conrad Paulson are: co-chairmen
of the sale. Anyone having rum
mage, who r has not been contact
ed is asked to call Mrs. Griffith.
Shower fs Giveli
Miss Janice Muy.'kens, who will
marry Douglas Coe on February
5. was given a linen shower on
Thursday night by Mrk Tom Sim.
Mrs. Walter Collett Mrs. Donald
Heinz and Mrs. Lee Cross at the
Sim home. ( j
Decorations were on the Val
entine theme. Some 40 guests
were invited. i
Thr Most Cdmprehensire
Box 212, Brooks, Ore.
Catalogue Free on Request
Oibir' Sings
Sacred Airs
Next important musical event
for Salem is the concert of the
famous SL Olaf choir, which will
be given at, the Salem high school
auditorium on Monday night,
February 7. The choir, which has
toured annually since 1911, is
made up of 60 carefully selected
voices from among the students
of St Olaf college, Korthffeld,
Included in the program to be
given in Salem will be many of
the best examples of choral art,
including the works of early day
Olaf C Christiansen, director of
the choir, is the son of the found
er. F. Melius Christiansen, lie
graduated from SL Olaf s and
later received the degree of mas
ter of sacred music at Union
Theological seminary. After teach
ing music in high schools and
serving on the faculty of Oberlin
conservatory of music, he became
associated with his father on the
faculty of St. Oiafs .nd as as
sistant choir director. He became
director in 1943.
The concert is being sponsrred
by St.. Mark Lutheran church.
Several of the local church choirs
are planning to attend the conceit j
in group?,. Airvjnz tcc-m ate t:e
St. Mark -:"tr. Willamette uni-1
versity a f-fcp;jc!la choir and F it .t
E arosehcal United Erethren cnoir.
Rotary Club
Annual Rotary Ladies night
dinner and party will: be an eent
of Wednesday night at the Marion
hotel at 7 o'clock with over 250
guests exjiected to attend.
The Valentine motif will be
carried out in the table decora
tions with Paul Heath in charge.
The centerpieces will be of red
trees with cupids, hearts and gar
denias tied to the branches. Harry
B. Johnson, president, will pre
side and a musical program will
be presented with Dean Melvin
Geist in charge. Speakers will be
Larry Mann and Andrew Patter
son of the Portland Rotary club.
L. O. Arens. vice-president,
heads the committee and assist
ing are Tinkham Gilbert, Law
rence Ballmer. William R. Moore,
Joe Dodd, Melvin MilleU. Rob
ert Fenix, Paul Heath, Loring
Grter and Coburn Grabenhorst.
Invitations have been extended
to all womea, whose husbands:
were Rotarians. and to neighbor
ing Rotary clubs and guests.
Panel Discussion
For Hi-Y Group
The Hi-Y Mothers will meet at
the TMCA Tuesday night at 8
onorc mun an t-ii-v narmrc iuct
. . " . '
the joint meeting. There will be
a panel discussion on "Problems
of the- Teen Age Youth in the
Home." Taking part in the dis
cussion will be William Kidwell
of the Salem public schools, in
charge of adult special education:
Prof. Charles Derthick, of the
psychology department. Willam
ette university; Mrs. Regina Ewalt,
dean of women. Willamette uni
versity, and professor of psychol
ogy. Mrs. George Rhoten and Mrs.
John Gardner have arranged the
program. Mrs. Estill Brunk will
preside at the meeting, which will
be followed by a reception with
Mrs. Bjame Ericksoni in charge.
Committee Plans
Benefit Tea
Members of the committee for
the Alpha Chi Omega Crippled
Childrens' benefit tea to be held
February 12 at the Robert L. Elf
strom home, met Thursday night
at the home of Mrs. Lewis Griffith
to make final nlans.
Proceeds of th tea will go to the Tuesday by car for tne omn . . .
National Society for Crippled Chil- they expect to sojourn for a month
dren and Adults Inc. Through such in Arizona ami other resort pla
benefits the Alpha. Chi Omega na- j ces in the south ...
tional altruistic project provides! The Robert Herralls and daugh
scholarships for advanced training ! ter. Linda, are also leaving Tues
in the field of cerebal paky. Ten ' day. barring weather conditions,
such scholarships have been j for the south . . . They are head
awarded to physiotherapists, doc- j pd for San Francisco and Santa
tors, and educators in the field. Barbara, where they will spend a
Tickets are available from alum- few davs each . . . then on to
nae. mothers, patronesses and ac- j paIm Springs for a several weeks
tive members of Alpha Chi Omega ! sav
in the city
Hours for the iea are from three
to five o'clock and the public is
invited to attend.
Lincoln Day
Tea Is Planned
A Lincohi Day tea will high-
Frietchie Tent, Daughters of Un.
ion Veterans wbn tVv are hoM-!
es-es to members ofthe patriotic
organizations and others inter
Hours for the tea are 2:30 to 5
o'clock at the First Presbyterian
church parlors. The affair is be
ing sponsored by the past presi
dents and Mrs. Jack Simkins is in
Chi Omega alumnae will meet
with Mrs. J. Robert Moe Tuesday
at 8 o'clock for a dessert supper,
followed by a business session.
Mrs. George L. Hill will assist Mrs.
Collection in America
i l iU
"Tt""" , - r,'
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Hiilerich (Mildred Wassam) pic
tured at the reception following their marriage on January
20 at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wassam.
The couple will live in ScSiem.
Seen and Heard...
of the pre-spring season will Ue
city of Salem's reception on March
7 honoring Governor and Mrs.
Douglas McKay ... As Salem
is once again honored by having
one of its leading citizens select
ed to serve the state of Oregon as
lv natural that
the city wishes to acknowledge this
fact . . . Mayor Kobert tusuom
has appointed Mrs. James 1.
Brand and Ralph H. Cooley as co
cruurmen with dozens of citizens
wOTTCing unacr mem iu
reception the most memorable and
irrril affair in Salem s his
tory ...
AWut the plans . . . which of
course are still in the primary
stage . . . The reception proper
to be at the Marion hotel with
Mayor and Mrs. Robert Elfstrom
receiving with Governor and Mrs.
McKay . . . here there will be
. ttrino orchestra Dlavine for
background music . . . then lor
those who wish to dauce tneymayi
t ih. armorv or Crystal!
. " ' .
r- 1 ,..v.r.-a nrchlKtras
will be playing ... all the rooms
to be festive with decorations for
the occasion . . . there will be
refreshments at all three places
. . . and after the reception line
breaks ui Governor and Mrs. Mc- j
Kay will so over to the armory to
mvive a huec cuest book, which
-iJl be romDileri during the eve-
ning by a bevy of young girls, who
will obtain the signatures or an
those attending . - . The affair
will be strictly informal . . . bus-
iness suits for the men and aft-
emoon dresses for the women . . .
and every citizen in Salem and vi -
cinity is "invited to attend and ex-
tend" his erecting"? and conijratu-
lations to the governor and his
wife . . . Mayor Elfstrom will
issue an invitation to all mayors
and chamber of commerces
throughout the state . . . With
such plans, of course, subiect to
change, it looks as though Salem's
recent ion fo- our governor will be
a brilliant affair and a date to cir
cle on cue's calendar right away.
The Chandler Browns, weather
ncrmitting. hope to leave here
honor guests at the Salem Junior
Woman's club banouet Monday
nieht at the Senator hotel . . . .
Th travel theme the motif . . .
as Mrs. Donald Madison, who re
cently returned from Europe, was
te steaker ... A large red suit
case for the centerpiece . . . with
labels from cities all over the
world . . . and a signpost ixiint-
ng to the cities . small bus- ;
es- tra,rs and boats centering the j
smaller tables . . . and at each j
n'ace r"niature red suitcases and ;
the red tag revealing the pro-1
gram ...
The honor guests . . . Mr.;. Ar
thur Roethlin. the immediate past
president, wearing a snnnsi print
frock and green hat adorned with
a bow . . . From out-of-town
came Mrs. Thome Hammond of
Portland, in a becoming full skirt
ed black taffeta two-piece dress
and tiny black velvet hat with veil
which tied under the chin . . .
Mrs. James Pike, who now lives
in Toppenish, Wash., wearing a
The Sign of the Setting Sun Is
Our Symbol of the Finest
in Lighting
23f N. High. Senator Hotel Bid. rbone 2-9412
Owea Cnt l 9 a'Certc FridaT Evenings
'.. it
it -I
k r - i '
mii ifTgMsnnjnassy- -A
pale green suit ... A deep wine
suit for Mrs. Carlton Roth ... a
blue corduroy with matching hat I penbrock as hostesses. Mrs. B. O.
worn by Mrs. Leonard Kephart i Schucking will tell of her recent
. . . A pretty chanegable red stri- trip to South America, the Cam
ped taffeta frock chosen by Mrs. bean, Guatemala and Mexico.
Josepn canon ... Mrs. rrea
Gast wearing forest green wool
blue satin for Mrs. Clinton
i Standish and spring prints for
Mrs. Delbert Schwabbauer and
Mrs. Leighton Holler . . . and a
tudor rose moire taffeta for Mrs.
Roy Mink.
HONORS AGAIN ... for Mrs.
; William B. Chandlee. Hillsboro,
president of the Oregon Federa
tion of Women's clubs, who was
responsible for the successful na
tional federation convention in
Portland last spring ... as she
will be presented this April as a
candidate for the office of record
ing secretary of the General Fed
eration of Women's clubs at its
convention at Miami . . . As is
lu.i.y cnuiie, name is
"'' "7" oi
tion one year in advance ot the
; . . i. ; i, i ; i,u
I niccui; a i wimn cict.uuii la iiviu
For the next three year term
of office the federation will choose
its leaders at its 1950 session in
Mrs. Arthur Peters, Ashland, th.;
state federation s first vice-presi
dent, first suggested Mrs. Chan-
M " i : . 4 A. A
dlee's name as a candidate at last
i week's board meeting in Portland
and i was Mrs. Fred Gast. past"!
, presiaeni oi me aaiem Junior
Woman's club, who moved that
i the state president be presented
for general federation consider!.
tion "... Mrs. Gast served as a
. personal pace for Mrs. Chandlee
during last May's busy convention
week . . . Oregon clubwomen
are recalling with interest that it j
.was me recording secretaryship
which Mrs. tsauhe Orr Dunbar,
' past general federation president
first served . . . and Mrs. Chan
dlee is the first Oregoninn to be;
endorsed as a candidate since Mrs1, j
Dunbar's office ... so there'
' should be a l3rt:e Oregon delega- !
lion taking south to Miami come
! April ... ,
MOVING NOTE . . . The Rod
erick Livcslevs and daughter. Jodl
are moving this weekend to their
newlv purchased 32 acre place in :
'the Macleay district . . . After;
moving in from Lakebrook the ,
Lavesleys have been temporarily
located at the old McNary home
on North Summer street, former
ly occupied by the Lloyd Riches
Dr. Gatke to Be
DAR Speaker
Dr. Robert M. Gatke will talk
on "The Real Washington" before
members of Chemtketa chapter.
Daughters of the American Rev
olution meeting Saturday at the
Salem woman's clubhouse. Elec
tion of delegates to the state con
vention in Portland in March will
be held.
The committee for the afternoon
includes Mrs. David Wright. Mrs.
W. Hansrm. Mrs. Rus ell Catlin.
Mrs. E. Goodwin. Miss Ola Clark,
Mrs. B. Braucht and Mrs.
Frank Cramer
Mothers to Meet
Bush Mothers club will meet at
1 o'clock Tuesday afternoon in the
school auditorium and will hear
E. Donald Jes-op, instrumental
supervisor of the Salem schools,
and some pupils give a demonstra
tion of instrumental music. Busi
ness and a social hour will follow.
The first and second grade mothers
will be hostesses.
Slated ;
The annual AAUW fellowship
dinners will be events of Monday
night with branch members seed
ing as hostesses for the no-host
affairs. Dinner will be at 6:13
o'clock and anyone not yet con
tacted should call the committee.
The purpose of the dinner is to
get acquainted and during the
evening fellowship will be dis
cussed. "1
Miss . Constanca Weinman i
chairman of the fellowship corrf
mittee in charge of the dinners
and assisting are Mrs. John Jel
dcrks and Mrs. Donald Emerson.
Hostesses and co-hostesses for
the dinners are as follows: Mrs.
E. . Batterman, 1696 State sU as
sisted by Mrs Mabel Carder. Mrs.
Gordon Leonard; Mrs. Russell
Beutler, 595 N. 24th st afctisted by
Mrs. Erwin Bahlburg and Mrs.
Elrna McAllister; Mr. Harold El
bert, route 4, box 430, askurted by'
Mrs. Gordon Krueger and Mis
Leila Johnson; Mrs. William H.
Foster, 295 Mountain View
Drive, assisted by Mrs. ifmmett
K!tir;ke. and Mrs. Albert A. Co
hen: Mrs. Virgil Golden, S.
(."rx-mercial St., at.tited by Mrs.
Lotle J. SjJiiik and Mis,. R. G.
Doe ?e. '
JVlii Laura Hale, EGO L M., as
Mted by Mrs. Earl E. Burch and
Mrs. L. L. Jensen; Miss Irene Hol
knbeek, 1026 N. Winter st.. as
hihied by Mrs. Francis Catkins and
Miss Eva Wolfe: Miss Jessica Kin
M'y, 760 Marion st-, assisted by
Miss Eleanor Roberts and Mrs.
A. P. Sprague; Mrs. J. P. Line
berry, 815 Kingwood Drive, as
sisted by Mrs. E. A. Carleton and
Mrs. J. A. Head: and Mrs. Ervin
Potter, 1745 Saginaw st. assisted
by Mrs. II. Gordon Carl and Mrs.
Marie Kohlhagen.
AAUW Travel ennp will meet
Tuesday night at 8 o'clock at the
Walter Minier home on Saginaw
street with Mrs. Ervin Potter, Mrs.
Paul Wilson and Mrs. Albert De
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Phagans are
leaving Monday on a three weeks
vacation in California, Arizona,
New Mexico and Texas where
they will visit friends and rela
tives. Mrs. Phagans is manager of
the Modern Beauty college and
will spend a week at a hairstyling
i school in Los Angeles.
Several Groups .
All Sales
Schlesinger & Co. '
i -
( n ( "1 ( ri) ( n n ctd
III 1J M l
II r-i I II I ri I 1 I I I I I I I I
XAxs i-lV-J J-Lrd Iwjy IwD U A feOf
. . ;
Several Groups ... Values lo 29.75 . . . Take then away al
Circles to Meet
On Wednesday-
First Presbyterian circles will
meet Wednesday at th following
homes: ,
Circle No. 1, leader, Mrs. John
Raphael, meet with Mrs. J! J,
FItzslmons. 1319 Market st., 1:15
dessert luncheon;
Circle, No. 2. leader, Mrs. F. B.
Wright, meet with Mrs. A. E. kel
son. 1770 N. Capitol st., 1:15 des
sert; Circle N. 3, leader, Mrs. s J J.
Sechrist, meet in fireplace roon) for
1 o'clock covered dish luncheon;
Circle No. 4, leader, Mrsi P.
Salem's Exclusive
irt?iytaB j!i
; if
THE KEY TO S? ''r '
HER HEART fficn i I
i f Jt 1
te : '
$jr " -
. I ; .''-.'..'-hi
340! Court Street
1 wmmssmsmmszxmammmi
i wmmmmmimmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ... m
st a -hv m I
lo 39.75
Values lo 49.75 .
Final - No Exchanges or
409 Court Street
71 (Th
W. Shephard, meet at home of f
Mrs. A. F. Marcus, 1411 Stata ;
U 1:15 dessert; j j
Circle No. 6, leader, Mrs. W.
D. Gilchrist, meet with Mrs. RVl
W. Southwlck, 1193 N. 15th it, I
1:15 dessert; I
Circle No. 6, leader, Mrs. L. li
M. Purvine, meet with Mrs. L. Oj
Clement, 557 N. 23rd st, 1:1J 'c,
dessert; j - i
Circle No. 7, leader, Mrs. C. O. I
Wilson, meet with Mrs. Ivati3
Stewart, 833 N. Cottage st, 1:19 v
dessert; j ,
Circle No. 8. leader, Mr. L.V
Young, meet with Mrs. J. M.
GUb, 290 Manbrin Drive, covered.
uin luncheon, 12:30 p.m. j
Greeting - Card Stort
them away al
. Take them a way at
Bef nnds