Dot man, Seism. Jpr. Portland Grain PORTLAND. Or, Jan. IS -(API-Wheat future not quoted. Cash grata: eats No. 131 lb, whit 0.00: barley Mow S M lb. B. W. $4.00. Ttsmo-Dilo 0 The Modern Glass Fireplace Closure. Clesnlisexs t No Soot! , NiirV! Sddy g : No fire Hazard. Ccafcri Ns Draft Ermly 1 FUdUted . Heat. nEuriYEn fmii SUPPLY 314 If. CeaaT AMAZING PAZO ACTS TO RELIEVE PAI&J or simple PILES INSTANTLY . Act tonaii 1 1 r ai. affuag i dry. hanVnam parts. Hop , reduce wiling Dm'IWW of sunpt Piles. Gat Paaa r rabaf. Ask roar doctor aboatM. r farm or tabes with vatfca aled I-Iillx Is Only lie Per Pound Tea Can't Even Bay NECK BONES far That Price AND . . . la milk you ret 100 food value No muss, bo fuss, no preparation expenses ... It's the Cheapest, Most Nourish ing; Food You Can Bay. Curly 's Phone 3-8783 SPILES R.t.1 III SOrant (MaatOMHOIBS) KfCTAt AND COLON AILMENT! STOMACH OtSOIOEtS Men. tbfooa b frit 10 a.av. w i pua. tWlaesiaieeWd.aad rU salil $ WrH m caff w PRU eeacriprive booklet The Dean Clinio In Our 39th Ymmr intMuni a-HvaiaiAMa 11$ 14, 3 yt Or.Y.TXaavNJD. Dr.O.CaaaJI D DES. CHAN . . . LAM CHTXESK HKaWAMSTS 141 North Liberty Opstalrs Peetlaad Oeaeral Clectrl Co. Offlee epea Satarday only is a-a. to 1 P-nu. S to 7 pa. Ceasal tatlse. Bleed pressure aad aria teats are free of charge. Practiced 1S1T. Why Suffer Any Longer eaters fan. aee ear Caiaea remedies. Assartag success far 444 rears k China. Ne aaatter vKk what allanati yea are affUctee itoarders. sta Iris, heart, laag. nv vr. kidneys, caa. raaaUpatisa. ulcers llabetea, rbeaasatisav gaU aad bUd ler fever, skim, female eesapUlaU CHARLIE CHAN CHTNE1E RERB CO. m M Cemmsrclal Pheae 1-1S34 SALEM. OBI .jrTice Boars list, y- (BSBfJ "ISSafPaao . - - - Wdnes Aryv faaaarr IU9 . . . uk- - . I, - wntiL imar pnv wyiw a..., t.4t. rax I SIS-. whitollw- - " - -1 L ,ITT " . iiT.I. V. .Munnii ila. M.rri ral winter: ordlBUT Lit: 10 pr cat sjo;, ii b md ill; u per 'rf3 ' .j ' . m'SS'? " : Today w netipu: wneas im; oar lay S; flour 7; com 10; hay X; mill food f. Selling Pushes Grain Ldwer CHICAGO, Jan. 25 -(- Scat- ' j it uii , 1 --1 terra ikjubwhoo w wr;. w PnHlanf IlvMtnok -- MirTliANTi. QnJ Jan.. 19 -l Ap) - hUSDA)- Cattle: salable 1M hotdever leev ealves 21: ntarket.very slow: scat - i-uIm ahout ateadT wtth Men - day's close, steers and heifer SO centa to l-OS Below early un weea; lew conunoa - medium ; steer lt.0O-H.OO: I TBDmai - medium heifers 14. 00-11. 00: eanaer - cutter cow 1UO-14JO; tat dairy type cow 15.00-14.00: medium beet cows 17.00; common - medium sausaee bulls 17)0-20 aor good - choice vealers active, fully steady, at 19.00- ILOv; . common medium ls.00-20.00; medium heavy calves 24.oo-23.00. Hoes: salable 100: market very slow: opened 15-90 cents ower: later sales VWTiacw awev viua vwuu aaaea bvav IjM lower than early Monday: one carload mostly heavy fat type bogs eariy saie. w i'S.""- 1M lb. 13 tewJk tt75: Jater sales mostly 13 00 down; good - choice 150-300 lbs. 11J0-11J0: good 400-550 , 777. "rl7rs . u2zZ? Overs U setracK Since Jan. 14. ira- 1 arUcla. Produce, machinery and tools old. Ben Wipper. Rt- IV Bon 44. Tur- . Here'a'a aenslbU plaa used by near feeder pigs salable around MJo-14.00: I . . j 1 (114 CUfkMuaaa nkktti. vbm urf mI. L rw. 1 - . I " "..Tr." Z .f. too Mondav 44A0. : ' " Sheep: none: market nominal: good- cnoice itmiM sauiDte up xo uaoer breed inquiry; good; heavy ewes sal- able around B.oo. T ' 6lIa,PM'. v ,4-i'r'Jr. 4A ' bltaorfea ' WOOD i 1 1 Elmer Weed at the residenea. Sa- EUiArE: RB: Mrs.. Etta Montsomery and.Bra treat Ward, both oc Portland, and Mrs. Win- wdTwoodurnrSd SESSVooS Portland: grandchildren. ..Velma and Susan Reed, both of. Brooks. Services will ae neia weoneaoay. January za. at 1:30 p. m. m the Clough-Barrick enapet wita tae aev. vernoo xomt tfjeiatmg. Interment; wUl be m Bel-1 crest Atemoruu nara SCHINDXXR ' : ' 1 : . At the residence. MO w. Myers st.. inuarv U. Jacob Schindler. at the age of SS year. Survived by brothers. free scmnaierj Ernest schinoier. Jona- th SciiiiadlsMV all rf Saltra; srijtrg. I Mil. Muinuwrt au n owna, luicn, Frieda Schindler; and Lena Cramer. Vama I Lee Angele. Services will be held Thursday. January 17. at 1:30 a. m. I at tha ur t i,tlui h.i rv.i0.i.u- I tag services In City View cemetery. ELTON ! Henry Helton. late resident of Tula Lake, Calif., at Alturas. Calif. Stir- vtvea ay the widow. Esther Helton. Tule Lake: sons.? Marion. RalDh and I ames Helton, all of: Tula Lake: sU- ters. Mrs. Pearl ; Carlisle. Mrs. Dva Smith. Mrs. Tbelma Stlce and Mrs. I Avis Mullins. all of Salem, and Mrs. I sxinn (aotcnau. jaruey. reo.; Drotners. I Wllham Heltoo. Daniel Helton and Raymond Helton.! aU of Salem. An- nouncement of services later by the W. T. Riedan eomnanv L ... . , r-m I KAPPERMAN I Julia Mae Kapperman. late rest- 1 dent of 325 Mae Kapperman. j all of Salem; bro- William Rogers. Wilder. Idaho, and Charles Rogers. Jr.. U. s. radar corps parents. Mr. sod Mrs. Charles Rogers) Wilder. Idaho. 'Announcement of ser- j vices later by the Howell - Edwards cnapn. ! i I auu I rw Tx . . . in . i j . i ? al cnurcn St., at- a jocai nos- pttai January 23. Announcement of - services later by the Clough-Barrick 1 company. Salem Market Quotations (As ef late yesterday) BUTTERFAT Premium No. 1 , No. . 1 PRINTS Wholesale .70 .68 .62 .72 .77 M 34 .52 M JO JO .$5 .61 JO .80 J7 J7 J7 Retail EGGS (Baying), i Extra large AA L Large AA Large A M i- Medium A J u PuUeU j ! Cracks L.i- EGGS (Wholesale) Extra large AA- ,. Large AA Medium AA ji . Medium AA -l . Medium A - Pullets Cracks, POULTRY : Ji ; No. 1 Leghorn hens M M JSO .17 mo. l colored hens No. 1 colored fryers (3 to 3 lbs.) No. 1 colored frjers (3 lbs. up) - No. 1 old cocks 3 LIVESTOCK by" val Pack Feeder lambs ; - ' 15.00 Wool lambs jj .,j ,;;, ; 21.30 Ewes 4 U j ; 2.00 to 7.00 Fat dairy cows 1 1 13.00 to 14.50 - 10.00 to 13.50 - 15.00 to 17.00 - 18.00 to 21.00 Cutter cows Dairy heifers Bulls Calves. 300 to 430 lbs. 20.00 to 25.00 Good veal 150 to 300 lb 25X0 to 29.00 Stocks and Bonds Complied by he; Aofiated Pre. iant 25 STOCK AVERAGES ; 13 13 Utll 40.1 401 39 5 38 J 30.1 60 Stks 85.5 85a 63 5 64.1 62.6 Ihdust Rails Tuesday 38.5 Previous Day Ji.M-4 38 9 38.3 38.5 36.1 Week Ago 191.1 Month Ago 88.9 Year Ago J-08.J BOND AVERAGES' izo ; 10 10 10 Rails Indust Util Fnrpn Tuesday . 1;92.0 lo?..2 101 w i Previous Day 492Jl 102.1 101.7 S4a Week Ago LSI. 7 102.1 101.5 4.j j Month Ago 4.89.1 101 a 100.4 2.0 Year Age ,88.7 100.6 99 J 66.4 I xa a. nrnvnatrrna atr at v at toemi bospltml Jmnumry 25 at tH a?e fryers to butchers. ST7-e0c lb.; old mn4 KZtZiXJZ r-.if PC wZT-Z n. 1 1 uow-apot refrigerator, uwnin iw worwiy. rn. of SS yn. Survlvod by htuband. heavy does. 35-38c lb. windows. CaU O. T. Dean. Ph. I deluxe model, in perfect condition, $139. TURN. SLP. nn. Xlec. heat. 607 N V " , av-t -a s I I V-OZf4. 1 Oaa t twlav a, I 1 I ters. Patsy Rae Kapperman and Lela I r..;Li 7. - I WILL CARE for 1 imU child In your I GLENN'S FURNTTURE MARKET LIGHT house. awv a. Ibauuvrmaa.; BoUCm: OlUin- I tVaah lra..aai masla Mhr1aealar tA I - ..... - j I vnii s. New! York Stock Quotations NEW YOBKl Jan. 2S-(!Pr-Today's American Can ;i....874;Gen Electric Am Power & Lt 84!Gen Foods Am Tel & Tel Anaconda ...4. Bendix Aviai . Beth Steel .M Boeing Air rr 1 . Mr:, j . . 1 I m . . 1 "i ivjcii moiurs JnneynoiQ3 inci . i.33Goodyear Tire .45V4 Richfield ..33!Int Harvest 264;Safeway j 32 7. lint Paper T.50 jseart Roeb 4....22:Kennecott 53!So Pacific Calif Pack -36tt Ubby McN&L - 8l!Stan Oil Cal Canadian Pa &...14 Long Bell A Case J I 38 Mont Ward Caterpillar JJ 53 I Nash Kelvin Chrysler 4l4.5 Nat Dairy Comwlth Sou ZY N Y Central Cons Vultee..iL. 974 1 Northern Pac Continental Can 35VIPac Am Fish Crown ZeF 254 1 Pac Gas Elec Curtis Wr .1.4.. 8!P T & T Douglas Air (Penny J C. Dupon de Ne iU186 Yt Radio Corp 1 jjjjjjjfc, r A A m ! . . . I as a iuuii mit wimi MniHi T www poui unci novemner. 1 Iid May COni. Oatv soybeana! and lard follow ne trend of. wheat and corn " at the finish .-wheat f or to 2 cent lower, corn was 4 to 1 1L, ?ii i. lower, oats wtrt to 1 low er, rye was H to lower, soy- beans were IV4 to 3 cents lower, nf mrmm M a n him. ' . . . TT to support the market other than aTovernment buylnr. - There was little commercial buying In wheat. althraih thr waa an innniinr. I . T m a. it... 1 Bjanu-Uwrwu- Wtr uoaw .loai " production ana manceunf aamim- forbid. on d stratlon had. asked I today. The afenCT wanta 200.000 hundredweight pt whole wheat 1 n- .Ktnu A tu -mlf 1 f " - " Stock? Decline 2 Days in Row J. NEW YORK. Jan. 2 -fJPY- The stock market declined for the le - . cond aay in a row loaay aneri I reaching a hifh i since early No- V ember on Saturday. rf fractions to around J Losses 01 iracworw 10 trouna a points cave the market its Unrest I u,u,un,ru "l" "'"" '" Issues, also a 10 -day top. Slow, throusnout and. aDOUt on friar mHth rwnt iruiooi. Sales of aiS'SS M85Tv i PM1 850.0OO MOnaay. XTaauia was nwuuj ureiemw- aL with manr operators dome no- thinr more than Lcbippinf w.y a Vi or I point prom wnerever wey could. 1 i The Associated Press average of I . . a a . n a 1 A I 80 StOCKS aeciineo ,.4 OI one point I Price levelack wherejt w-aon I January io. !! iohuhimi I nonant tnolc tna widest loss while utilities heid up littl better. UI tne l.oi isfuea wmco aoio, 33S declined and 229 advanced. n . a em J j Portland "rfKlUCf? PORTLAND. Ore-i Jan. 13 -(AP)- Butterfat tentative, subject to tm- tonum J5 to 1 per ceat acidity delivered I in roriunu. wm-itK i id.. w hw i.v mitM .rwi muntrv Minta. S less n. .t . i i.w .km., w a i "T " ' than first Bu"r Wholesale. FOB! bulk cube to wholesalers: grade AA. S3 score. 67c Id. : a. si score, eoe ib.: b. so score, 4c lb.; C. SO score. 43c lb. Above prices are strictly nominal. Cheese Selling price to Portland wholesalers: Oregon singles. 42-0ae: Oregon S-lb. loaf. 45-53 c. Km To wholesalers: A vrade i.r.. sa-sais- A erade. medium. 54- 57ve dor.: arade B. lane. 48V-50'c. Live chickens (No. 1 quality TOB plants) Broilers, under 2. lbs.. 30-Slc: fryers. 2'4 to 1 lbs.. 31 -33c. 3 to 4 Jt.. S3-3e; roasxers ids. ana over, i S3-34c: roasters 4 lbs and over. fowl, leghorns under 4 lbs, leghorns over 4 .lbs.. 32 -33c: 35-38c; 2S-30C colored rowi. au wetgnxs, jbc 10.: oia roosters. aU weiehts. l$-19c lb. - f .1 Rabbits Average to growers for live white. 4 to 5 lbs.. avi-Afc. a w o 1 lbs- 25-27c: colore. 2 cents lower old or heavy does. 13-lSc in.: dressed retailers per hundred pounds Steers Gwd. 70q lbs.. $37-41; com mercu,L f3-8' Mtility. $33-34 Cows Commercial. $35-36; utility. I $33-34; canner - cutler. $31-33. Beef cuts (good j steers) - cuts (rood steers) Hind quarters. $44-48; rounds. $45-48; full loins, inmmta, ': irnnnin. aja- i jo; squaFe cnucu. . r- ... . . . . . t Veal and calf Good and choice, aj - a7 - .mm-ri.i uu utiiitv aas. 3 ' j Lambs Good - choice. 30 to 60 lbs.. $42-46; commercial, jail weights. $40 41. i Mutton Good. 70l lbs. down. $22-24. Pork cuts Loin. No. 1. 1 to 12 lbs.. $48-48: shoulders. 16 lbs down. $37-39; spareribs. $48-50; carcasses. $32-33. wool coarse, vaney ana meaium grades. 45c lb. i Mohair 15c lb. on 11 month growth. Country killed meats: veai lop quamr. -. grades according to weight ana quaiiry. Hogs uem oiocKers. w-jxc id.; sows, light. 26-30C. Lambe 40-42C lb.: mutton. 18-18c. Beefs Good cows. Z9-32C lb.; can- ners and cutters. 27 -29c lb. Onions 50-lb. western Ore. yel lows. No. Is med.. $2-2.10: boilers, 50 lbs.. $1-35-1.45; Idaho and eastern Ore gon yellows, med.. $1.85-2.10; large, $2.25-2.50. j Potatoes Oregon russets. Deschutes No. 1A. $4-4.15: Urge bakers. $4.40- 4 60; No. 1 bakers. "$3.50-3.60; 25-lb. No. 1A. $1.10-1.17; 25-lb. No. IB. 77- 80c; 15-Ib.. No. 1A. 70-72c: Wash.. 50- , ."?-.lK laano na. iv. 1 M Z3-4 4U. lo-iD. isacu a ao- ou r loriaa nun iriumpns no. ia, a--'.w 50-lbs.; No. IB $4 25-4.90. Hsy Following prices are strictly nominal: U. S. No. 1 green alfalfa or better, carlo ts FOB 1 Portland. $38-38: U. S. No. 1 timothyj $37-38: oats and vetch mixed hay. uncertified clover hay. $24-25 ton. baled on Willamette valley farms. Legal Notice NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed as Executor of the Last Will and Testa- ment and estate of Bertha A. Burgess, oeceaseo, oy tne iircu Loun 01 ine r55.-Un.tJ. l ""Pj sv a wuaa; - Aasn imii t( awu aaea a av j n.i.iihi . ..U.K r.i.inr- an rr. I sons having claims against the estate I of said decedent, are hereby advised to present the same, duly verified as by law required, to the undersigned at 205 Oregon Building, Salem. Oregon. I wunin si xmontns from tne date of this notice. Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 29th day of December. 1148 Harold E. Ferris Executor of the estate of Bertha A. Burs-ess. deceased Ronald C. Glover 1 Attorney for Executor. 209 Oregon Building Salem. Oregon D9-J.5-12-19-28 Closing Quotations: 38tRayonier 42VRaypnier pfd gii ZOn 33 22 V4 28 V jot, 3 f - -.47 V4 cot', n , J . . . . 64 H 22i4'Studebalter 54? Sun Mining ... 144!Transamerica .28!Union Oil 124 Un Pacific . 18!.!Un Airlines tiz. I lZ, 727 10 46 13H U S Steel .. .31 -94 .45 V. .13 Warner Bros Woolworth 19 9V4 10 29 87 1A I LtVcstoek md Poultry I "rT- --u i . n . . m I ward, nt. x. box bk. ra. -ii44. BONDED LIVESTOCK buyer. E C McCandhah. 1117 S. 15th. Ph. 3-8147. PROMPT SERVICE Ooad and worthless stock Dromotly I removed free of charge hone, hoc. I W carree. sheep or goata. Phone coltect. SALEM s-moo Satam rYtmser By-Prodcw Works I ' I iooders. aiao butcher catUe. Get my bid. H win coat you Bothlne. Earl Du Chlea. I w. tth. Satcm. Phone t-in. I HIGHEST PRICES paid, cattle and I her wanted tor tOM- teed. Call eol- I yrrr sntrwwm 4432 I T I .Lt.., "..Tf Rffl9Mr It WHITE nias. S oKL S. wuitam Wahtater. Rt. pifs. S months. n each. la feeder vies. - Ml each. Ray CoseL 1130 'Lancaeter Drive. RABBITS: Heavy wetfht bred Chin- ehlUa does, tme stock. Ph. 1-4177. CHOICE S week old weaner plea. Ph. S-eaos after 4 pjn. Auctions FURNITURE St LIVESTOCK ai rrnw . tarrrn riv a at a-aa a vf awn 1P.U.AT LANE SUDTELL-S AUC- mofiiAi yard, east on sn-1 I W WJ iiim Ml 1 JR 1 J . 1B., .w r.n.. 7 ni-. Monde dinette set. 1 bunk beds com- pfcrte. s-ptece txtrm. set. a piece oav- eno set. beds, springs, inner-spring MttmMt breakfast eU. floor lamp. SwSlnamelTang snd mXnySSe: I - .t ..t- I tTT UJr .ti ' Ttu. ra. W. - I ' ' "CP WanteQV-fllale " 1 teauiui: atan or woman, jumts- tary and some high school teaching, I ZJJFTZ state Traininar School. Wood burn. Help Wanted FemaJe wTr- d.T I mx. nironn. bmct noiei. I WOMAN wanted tor housework. Ex eellent working eond. Private room and bath. ra. z-asse. Salesman Wanted YOUR CHANCEI your own business, ear necessary. No. overhead, men now making $000 to $1200 : each mo. If you are tired of working for someone else, apply at g"1 .T." '"n" rson wed. Jan. 2. 10 J un. 071 a . m... . it i v a. a a uin ,ai b imiii wun cm r to cover PtrtUnd and Cbast 4mraa. Ph. I eJAataej 4 aan.u.4KMaK. 14551 for appointment. Situations Wanted FURNACE & Circulator repair. Serv- icing. Call Dvorak. Phone 2-4PB3. I WANTED' Janitor work or hit no- sition of trust. Close in. Write Box 1 310 co Statesman. I . ... I T.' x ",v- fr"'"'" -"-" I IRONING In my home. Ph. 3-9921. - E3tPERINCED Bkkpr acct, office mgT serml ye.r. each in retail auto. Urm impents and machinery. Im- 1,,. available. Box 111 States- Several years each in retail auto. man ' 4. rr-n HAH T Ml IlHli. D reiLSDie. anV- Um. Ref- 2041 Center St. Ph. 2-3504. t.c-p ffc wicu nir kit.h u.i us wash your auicnen or bathroom walls. We also clean your home. Phone 3-5005. EXP. RECEPTIONIST and tVDis PiWr rfnrtnr'. nr nnuril attiem ralliriflef Library days 3-B264. Eve. 1-1381. Helen nraus. WHEN IN need of a olumber call Parmenter Plumbing. Phone 38827. FROZEN PIPES thawed electricauyvfoi wood, Kuril after 4 p.m. Pirmnitcr Plumblnf. pnone 3-S4Z7 m, i - . Mcnuini needs work Good references. Veteran. Phone 2-2929. HOUSEWORK by day. Experienced. Call 1-0591 evenings. PART-TIME typing. Ph. 1-7554 after 5 p.m -B- ABY SITTTNG. Phone 3-8833 AUTO parts, service salesman. 10 yrs. exp. Stateman Box 512. NO OVERHEAD Cabinets made to order in home shop. Low prices. Phone 2-2737, WILL take care of children 2 yrs. or nIH.r ur k hr l.i'. In ntv nnma yah deliver and pickup. Ph. 26377 uAWTrjjTnursinf dav orn WANTED nursing day or night. Ex per if need. Good references. Ph. 26253. CARE of children. My home. Large fenced play yard. Ph. 2-4828. DRESSMAKING, alteration and re pair 1343 Wilbur st Ph. 3-9721. CURTAINS washed, stretched. 2-3448. PLASTERING, patch work and chim- ney building. Free estimates. Ph. z-4389. CHILD ' care. 1180 Shipping. Ph. 3-9924 TREE WORK, trimming, topping, fell tng. removing lit operator Free est. W. H. McAllister. 840 Trade. Ph. 1-1498, :l, ' C..' C. MlKe S OCDtlC Service Tmnkt cleaned Roto Rooter Service M Sewers. Phone 3-9468 or 3-5327 Chimney sweep Northness ph. 3-4450 SEWEftS and septic Unks installed and repaired Scharff Bros Phone 25588 til IOIITf A TOW U1L LIKLULA IUA Furnace and chimneys cleaned Vae uum ,) r. T. Enslev Ph. 3-7176. fiPAWiVf '.".. Un. Ph l-cii fainting & Decorating WE SPECIALIZE IN INTERIORS 1-5444 DICK OREY 16 For Sale Miscellaneous ELECTROLUX vacuum cleaner, latest model, perfect eond.. like new. $3930. 2109 University, pn. 2Q49B. USED WASHERS $30.00 to $40J0 . . . xeater Appliance Co. NOW in stock for immediate de- livery, reject plywood. ', in.. 0c per ft. ' in.. 14'c ft "i in.. 16c rt. i-c il -j in., idv 11.. U1M ft.. 4 in.. 20c ft. Keith Brown isac ft.. tn.. 20c ft. k Lumber Yd.. Front a Court rmorwTTB -rrvor Mmh avkt arraiwh aet eroaa Cut UWI. drill and machine, fire extinguisher, truck flares, standard thread set, log chains. mnrier set. I lao M. unurcn. r ' . - 1 LARGE furnace. 1 large A 1 small heating stove. 2 kitchen wood ranges. Highland Ave. Friends cnurcn. inq. at 2165 N. Church. Parsonage. RESTAURANT type range 2 burner I with grill. Yeater Appliance co. OR TRADE: Baled clover hay. Homer Zielinski. Gervais. Ore. 1st hse. N. of W a eond a. Ph. Salem 3-142. FOR SALE 2'-6"x'-8" used stogie panel aoor. hkk, oui, w.u. frlm Good condition. $20.00. 465 S. 23d. Phone 21834. REXAIR VACUUM cleaner. Latest model. Like new. Perfect eond. $39.50. 2105 University. Ph. 2-Q458. FLAT TOP 7 drawer desk. $25 $15 N. 18th. Phone 2-7479. ' NEW hosoitai Surgical Medical contract. No are limit. Good anywhere. ixw cosi. man m rn. . . Walling Sand & Gravel Co. Crushed Rock For roads A driveway. Cement. Ready - mix Concrete. Garden sand. Bulldozing, drainage and witching. i yd shovel A drag line. Phone 3-9149. SILVER PLATING Tea sets, flatware, antiques. Complete "Guaranteed Tarnish Proofing." A VEX PLATING CO. Call 3-777 i For Salc-3IiAccllaneous - ! SINGERS $10. Hens SUP.. Ph. 13020. AJLWAVS Woodry's Furniture Mkt. Ph. MUfc Lloyd M. Hill, Inc. Cat. Shovel and truck work of all kind Phone 1-4367 Rt. 1. box 32-B bundles or old papers loc Oregon Statesman Circulation Dept. CEDAR POSTS Ph 68F22 AJB. apt size elec. rana. Its, new, tlia Ph. SOS4. . . rXBTn .I71EW. or - chicken. Da I per cu. yaro. aim xty sack, tl per I Mck at place me place or wtn oeL a eack ordor PhllMpa Broa. V . Bon IIS PhSeTa. UiZ WAXkK. Iay Conlon. Bar- Tnor. Speed &e.en, Yeater Ap- Uaace Co. tr I ' USED ' REPRIGERATDRS. rane. l water heatere.- Yeeter -AppBance co. X. I ma, tfAytfc Koto Xhe I your floors I ollance Co I aTMOmAV- Osoae . Good ' "noalth Bent-oett.-g. C. Purh: Sat N. 1. T-4er Ik g- : - . 'm w ;Uri : VAfixxiuccat auu,a ui avej of sand and graVeL Rtver eU- and ri, V No. 1 LjC hop roots. Order now. ear sprlnf deL. write Ward- Luny or I Robert Ruaeen. Nrsae. Or. Rt. i. USED Duo-Therm oil heater, i tot 1 447 Court St. Phone S-MU 1 -rvvw aavwaia. n wi m ava.w mt-oj- CONSOLE ' Becordlo- radso-phono- graph.- MAM-your own- reeoroa. iw ular $380 00 now $3jr Yeater Av, pUance Co. P BXfl maUE Cockw Spaniel 4 mo. I "W'1' l, . ' ..5.-A ZWf I "PrviAf-g VdiA U . I mntttm M AnT5 ISSunc" I 'timimt. w; I ui B. 1 as so nr an is no ahafaaa ini mute. course, til oer en Rocklathe. 15c Perl00 tooay. I ofo4. Knlfl 1 Jirnnr f Xi. CaAVEtTmna'andalK DenvVred. er on vour truck at the pM Ph -3-4001. dm. na. table and S chairs.- Never Ph. 17077. .- - ' - . . SIS Camesv PRACTICALLY new nortabU Tjndet- ood tynewrrter. CU. IT. D. 17114. - Deep Freese. Uke new, used only short .time. 1250. Ph. 1-4217 Evenings 1-3224, - Plywood Slc Dont buy until you have seen, our rood ouahty olywood at Salem's low- at price. Carload quantity. aU tbh:k- na.n. rL. uuir aaa ..irr eaMi e O. Long. Rt. 2. box. . Sajeqi; one mile north of Keizer. - HOYT ST. SURPLUS Furnaces, steam or hot water SOO, Hot air with blower $00. Butane range oil circulators', from 129 S5 to $37. New grey hosp. blankets, all wool $4 JO. Tents and tarns. Wall Safes tlO. Swivel and secretarial chairs $0.76. Oak or maple radio tables $4. to $7.50. All jackets redue'd. 718 Phosphor Bronze cable. Steam Jacketed kettles for ho tels and canneries. Steam low pressure heaters. Pre heaters for welding I snops. earner mnfcranon umi. ca- I pacity 1 ton. 1. ton truck winch. Bunk beds and mattresses. Moving pads. 1 unary presses. Baaery electric ov- I en. uisn wasners. Marine engines, nre TLn Ttr exungulshers. TTitchen " ' d U i . J?1 VaiH. f . n.trnc . conduit. MachinisU I . .... v', . 1 Jf-;- 'w cer . nmu casn rexuier $100. House and outside wire, range. I i.kl. . -1 ii . I VIZ 1 south on 12th to ur HOYT urn I .1- . usot " turn east one block. Tel. 37916. 1605 N. Summer St. MODEL 74 Winchester auto. 22 long 1 14th. unoerwood typewriter. 209 N. KIRBY sweeper, latest model, will sacruice. Ph. 3-7558. 1150 N. Church St. t MONTAG wood circulator a V. cord BABY CRIB with good inner-sDrina l wnM vw.m. . .-j.ij. i rtini tiiM .VM.ii.. 1095 Garnet St. 1 tt. refrigerator, very food eond.. 1198 1465 Mission St. Ph. 3-8056. CHOPPED HAY. Red clover a mixed alfalfa a rye grasa mixed with molasses and salt. $30 per ton in bulk at place. L J" ph- Jefferson 333. NEEDLEPOINT and yam for 8 chairs. Reasonable. Phone 20356. DAVENO AND 2 chairs. Firestone refrigerator, 20th st. Electric washer. 258 N. FOR SALE: Cabinet shop machin- jr. Dcncii aaw, wdic bbw ana louncr, planer. 256 N. 20th st. TREADLE SINGER sewing machine. 6 mi. E. on Garden rd. Rt. 6. box 421. Alhert Gerir. BABY CRIB and inner spring mat- tress, full size. never used. $25. Ph. 3-0276. l Art k.' 1. nnt 3291 N River rd " ELEC. RANGE, apt. size. Ph. 1-4315 from 9 a. m. to 1 PLUMBING stock", brass, pipe, fa- rM .to ,(. T K- tlira. .t Smiu f tKl. Ka mrA m t vkii. n.n..inyi.r - ..- ur A. Skewis Co.. 1390 Madison. " UeKJTicrttrrSffft r.n.. lii.- Late model Frigidaire. 5 pc. walnut bedroom set. firpl. screen, andirons, chest of drawers, rugs, curtains. Ph. 2-8880. . SILENT SldUX oil circulator. S to 8 rm. size. Also all enamel wood ranee, Ph. 1-3748. TWO BURNER electric plate, elec- trie Iron, floor lamp, radio, kitchen utensils and dishes. Ph. 3-8034. MOHAIR DAVENPORT and chair. Good eond. $85. Ph. 2-1582. Wanted Furniture USED. FURNITURE Phone 1-5110. USED . FURNITURE Phone 3-9185 Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED: bid fashioned lace val entines. Phone 3-7450 Sun. and eves. PIANO Wilis Music rUNING Shore Salem Miscellaneous YOUR DOG expertly trained to your I needs, boarding by day or month. Horse meat 20c lb. Free pick up A delv. LoCray Kennels. Ph. 31398. AUTO painting, lust a shade better by Ray ETTER CaU Shrock Motor Co 1 3-0101. 1 I WEATHER strips Pullman. Ph. 3-5963 WANT TO Buy Used Cameras A .enes Mcgwan Photo Shop 435 State Dental Plate Repair TWO HOUR SER V1CS IN MOST CASES Bring er Mall Your Plates for Repatt DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldr, State A Com Ph. 3-3311 HAVE YOUR Singer sewin machine ii ha a tiaiitai sinMr Konv I senUtlve. Ph. 3-3511 for free pickup A delivery service on all makes of ma I chines, rree estimate given before I work to started Singer Sewmg Ma- chine Co 13Q n commercia WATER WELL drilling Domestic 01 trrteation Duffield Brua. Bt 0 Bos 423 Phone 1-1313 Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Roads Clearing - Ditching Sewer a Basement Equipment Rental a at-it. a 112 AO nor as 10 B-. yds. 0 00 per ar D-7 Cat A Dozer 10.50 per hr ; D-6 Cat a Dozer s 40 per nr D-4 Cat A Dozer f 00 per ar Phone day 3-040S Evening 3-8248 or 2-4400 Salem oregua MatUf Canitai Bed Co. Ph. 3-4060. .'JJoans Wanted WANT TO BORROW tT700 en nMricaae - on aseoe property, write Financial ' SEE US POR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4T. INTEREST to 40 Year and NO Commission LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS . - -. . 344 State SI Phone 1-381 Money to Loan ' AJUt and CTTt -LOAMS - 4U and . four owb texvna of 1 etayAeat wtttw tee, peat Katate Coav M I -Oh ' eT .-rntcxa:. Trailer t'Sawrt Term -Pev Roy ;H. Sitrimona U1 1 1 S'- frmmercUf St Phone f-fltl V AUTO liOANS WTLLAMETTE CREDIT CO. MS S. Church St. ' - . Ph, S-SMT ParUnc Aplenty - 'He M15v-Sl4 I7 "q?" s-waonni guawwnera 10 . t 1 hen make- lust a- . I able, navment each month. To'lsAYrirruR I Don't horraw- unnacessarllv. but U 1 e loan naive a prooiem. pnone , or " PERSONAL i?: . n i ' SIS State St.., Itm. 115 Phone 1-2444 E. Calllnger. Mgr. uo.ifio.M-m CASH-NOW $2.00 to $500.00 . Salem's largest end oldest home-own ed loan company offers money when .hi.. You caa pay anytime t reduce act costi " help from friends I I 00 . ear, truck, trailer home to eOOJOl i. un. ruriutur. Hvestack. eaulDment. ?ir2L.?r tl' leroonal property, up to f 4300. 00 i Phone or visit our office today I - . Lk, No. S13S and M334 General Finance Corp. PH. S-91S1 US S. COWL ST. . Room and Board BOARD A ROOM for gentleman. oooa location. Ph. 3-4704. For Rent Rooms WARM newly decorated room. Pri. entrance. Ph. 3-9923. t ROOM at reasonable rate to emp I woman' with car.. Light housekeeping I allowed. 1080 cascade Dr. nmM Due d. in u j. 1 v ... . . tsw, . ... m . . fc v. muinvvooJ -1- in-, KcTnv i-Anoa - Lpi ZrP McCoy. 3-g03 1 KLCrPINi: Uf VIM fhnn 1-4427. PT s-aAa c7p " V" eta 4 awmra 1 Close in. Ground fir. 739 Union. I - ti PLEASANT sleeoina room tor nn teening room for man. $17 J0 per month. Ph. 3-3028. huuh wun coo sung privileges, oca n Cottage St. For Rent- Apartments BTTCVVOB . 1 I k...inu. tn .h.r. n wrtt. hot 509 po Statesman. - - 1 NEW UNrKUN. aptt. 1 & Z bed- rms. Botn wtyi fireplaces, pn. 2-9934. 2 RM. FURN. apU. Lge. rooms, on Maple Ave. Phone 3-8510. NICE. FURN.. small 4 rm. apt. 1073 N. CaDitol NEW large 3 rm. apt. unf urn. or part ly furn in Hollywood dlat. Ph. 2-8087. FURN. apt. 2 rm. Dam. emp. mar ried cple. Only $55. 495 N. Summer, eves. 2 RM. furn. apt. 2035 McCoy. Ph. 30093 FURN. ApU. School and city bu Elect, heat. 3580 S. Commercial St. CLEAN. GU1ET 1 rm. apt. Middle aged lady preferred. 645 Ferry. 1 Ac 2 RM. aDts. $25 and $30. Auto. hot water. Inquire 243 memcxeta PARTLY Furnished studio apt Electrically heated. Pri. bath. On blk state bldgs. Adults only. 1198 Che- m.kt. S' 1 RM. a 4 rm. furn. apts. Adults, no "8;lSgBw'1. . , APT.. PARTLY fumUhed. Utilities furnished. 1085 Highland. $40 1 RM.' FURN. apt. 2805 Maple ave, Ph. 2-9O03 UN FURN. rms., bath, laundry rm.. garage, pri. entrance. No smokers or drinkers. Inquire Gas Station, Corner Lancaster and Garden rd LGE. furn. apt.. 8 blks south, avail able Feb. 1. By appointment, ph. 3-4316 PARTLY furn.. 2 B.R.'s. pri. bath. All on 2nd fir. Quiet adults. 1333 State FURN. APT. for rent. $40 mo. with utilities furn. No children or pets. Ph. 3-4684. 2 ROOM basement apt- also sleeping room. Phone 3-4335. FOR RENT Feb. 1 apt., ground fir pri. ent.. 3 rooms and bath, completely furn. Elec. heat. Ph. 2-8559. OR LEASE: Uostairs unf urn. act., out- side ent.. 2 B.R.. L.R- kit., bath. H a C water furn. Rent in advance. 1298 N. Church St. UNFURN. 2 rm. upstairs apt. Inq. a trailer. 1373 N. Cbm'l St. 1. apt at 330 utilities furn. Inquire Mission St, For Reut Houses MODERN, furn. cottage. 2 mi. N. of Brooks. Box 78F. 5 ROOM furnished house and 3 room apt. apt. for rent, aee at isv w, Miller Tues. morning. CLEAN FURN cabin. Near bus. store. On creek. Ph. 3-5085. i RM. HOUSE with eas range and 0u heater. Bus by door. Reasonable. Can work out part of rent, 455 S. Lan- caster. SUBURBAN home. 6 room and bath. Keizer district, $50. WOULD SELL. Ph. 2-1101. ; NEW 1 bedrm.. all elec.. refrlg.. range, utilities, garage. $80. Ph. 1-6781. 4 ROOM part furnisned. not moo- em. Inquire 82 Williams ave. MY HOME for rent north of Salem. 4 rm. modern, all furnished, oil heat. and wood, oooq wasnina lacuiues. School bus. Jtcady to move in, aa. Ph. 3-8119. FURNISHED house. $85 per mo. See noexiuin wixn jev vnman m w tors, ph. 2-4115, 2 B R. fum. house. $50 mo. 9301. 13th. Ph2-523 HOUSE-TRAILES and parking apace. Ph. 3-1073. For Rent eiTUDIO and office space. Ballroom also available. Call 36128. ext. X after 11. IRON ERS by the weefc Pnone 1-4430 finon Used Piano H L Stiff BUSINESS Room. H. L Stiff. TRAILERS 75c first nr. 50c hr following Woodry's Mkt- 1609 n Summer ii.nuiVt TRUCKS FOR REN 1 BlaakcU furn. 197 S. Liberty. Ph. 1-0061 For Sale jteal Estate 1st SULtlVAN MR. . : , . . . - - v a niva two n.w atkrmrtaM MMTmm uminmmi asucs wim nmnant mtmtmmn Ln. .... l. . -w . floor, and are flnlabed nicely. They a smaU down payment. , , " " " ' w ' .:, SUBURBAN . EAST 4-. ' i ' I1 m I2J,J ""' f9 bedrnv ale kitchen, living rnV aath.titUty m Vl watr beater, wired for range. Locstad oa a good lot lb Iks. to bue. -and 4 blks to stores. OX Loan $1,400 down A aU for &a.T j. i - KTNGWOOD VUCW HOME ' " " . Hera is that Ideal home with everything and the price Is right.' Urge dbL garage, two fireplace, finished rtunaua .moan i w aK.mMU t JIZ may be aasumed. Look this oaq ever rSULUVANRfer wwTwuMsiwea - suluvan . it -GOOD reeni modern home with fireplace N i M birk. large bluesy M Acres la cutaj VAtiofl.. ail leveLWtO: vtrt learn and 4ned?l jri wim rHnwas.crKA jjnH m a osnoy amau iarm. fSno. : 4- .101 With aood 1 Bedrm' home. dbL Large concrete siM. machine 'shed, farm to WUl iOL loam and Caehalie Water i right on she Willamette River. Hdbbard. 7$ Acres North near good barns, chicken eaen house, nog house, and a fairly good plastered aneder home. Ptic $29,000 Including au stock and equipment. - SULLIVAN 33S5 Portland Road For Rent TRUCKS and cars for rent Blankets rurnianoa anuttys Clipper ae Center and Church Phone ' 1 0000. OFFICE SPACE en Ferry St. RAsement ' Wrhese. er reoair on aUey off State St. j Lge. old ha, at SOS N, High. I-.. can Joe Hutchison, Realtor . 4M court St. -Phone 1-0620.- - - iv-i: - ' taoOl SO. FT. . floor, apace upstairs. businea district. 337 courr-at. I Wanted' to Rent " 1 BEDRM. tinfurn. house, reasonable rent, rn. a-eaior ftonsw u. poya. LOCAL repreeanUtlva for national 1111 oisi siaiaiiraiai galrai atf-sn at) tfaaa awaaf eon5r ',r"-1,c?.- lurn. apt. tor sen and wife. Call 3-0600. VMrtyp la.aav ai-a .!. - oartlv turn. bae.'Ph. 1-37M. at ig wiui ciuaa ueaiifj lsiuugia. bo ' 1 1 ' wavmw A OM. . , . m - m j v4- . ax a . avs wmm, miiHi rn, 3-401$ eves. -. Lots ATi-TT it-T. rrrL rT WOODED LOTS, 600 block. Ratcliff Dr. ' City water. Owner, ph. -"4- For Sale Real Estate out bus neaumui a year oia a Deo room itiful 1 ranch style home, lovely 22 a 10 L.R. i . . . w.w a. -w. AU. . .n jr ciMK, mui .iiw i , w. ..wi. lira. am. rm., muunu aiv. U . It. Urge utility room, elect, heat, dble acre lot on pavement, TT tt T 1 r . 7 r Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeket- St. Phone 3-9271 Eves. 1-8850 ' $10,800 NEW 1 BDRM. home on Fair- mount Hill. Hwd. firs, fireplace. See Harvey Huff. j Huff Real Fstatr f!n X1UII XXCai AiBiaie VXI. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St, Phone 3-9271 Eves. 3-9441 " NORTH New. 2 bedrooms, living room, dining room, bath, unfinished upstairs, electric utilities. attached ga- rage with trays. Special at $8000. New 2 bedroom home. bath, living room, kitchen and nook, electric util- ltles. attached garage with trays. Trade i. . , I. luin eouitv for ear and soma cash. Will take GI loan. S85O0. Rental income 1 houses on large lot. Price includes electric ranges, wa- ter heaters, circulators, one refrlger - a tor, two garages. Both houses are rented now. $10,000. P. H. Bell, Realtor 361 Chemeketa St. Phone 1-1545. 1-4896 Eves. 3-7565. 1-8568. 1-8888 FAMILY TRANSFERRED. MUST SELL Reduced to $8,500. Small down pay ment. 3 BR home. LR DR.. kitch en, bath., inlaid linoleum, small chick en coupe, fruit room A elec. pwmp hae. Fruit A shade trees. '4 A. ground. City bus, store A sch., blk A good buy. pnone x-3289. i General Real Estate Co. 255 Center St. FOR Efficient and effective sales service call the Salem Realty Co NOW NORTH : 1 3-rm. house and 1 t-rm. house, unfinished on I lot. Full price S290.00. some terms, can j-ooj tor ppolntment. aCrillCe 4OUU tod. home on . A. This prop- 3 B.R erty Is der priced on today s mar ket. Terms. $5500 I Will Constructed 1 B.R. Insulated home. On , A. A nice place on main highway close to town. $6450 Full Price A n R honva on It. A eloaa to ach stores A bus. Pri. wells, shrubbery . fruit A nut trees. $1400 will handle. Owner nelne transferred. IT r r T I ii. xzip uorey, neat Acetate 1385 N. Broadway Ph. 2-0652, day or eve. 3-3818 er 3-8241 Next to the Wooden Shoe - ir.c J,w i 4,a - A I St. No. 3 Business Zone.! Has 3 B.R. on one floor, full Bsmt. will Uke $1950 quick sale. j for Goodwin & McMillin Realtors - 484 Court 3-4707; Eve. 1-5148 i or 1-7183 Ph CALABA'S COLUMN $4100 DOES IT i Yes. Just $4100 for this cute 1 bed room home with fireplace I and S acres of land. 1 about 11 miles from town $1700 down. i Has just reduced the price to $8000 ia NTinm m k n I . for this : well built S bedroom home, complete! with fireplace, basement and oU furnace. Urge corner lot. very nice iimut aaaaaa yard wa aav SEE IT BEFORE YOU buy. i JUST RIGHT FOR IYOU A modern 1 bedroom home, about has baa. ment with economical saw, I lJf.'j f"- LIKE A LOVELY VIEW HOME T Here is a dandy for only $14,750. haa about acre with an I unobstruct ed view overlooking valley, has swell bedroom no me. lull basement, auto oil furnace, fireplace, plus many oth er extras ITS A KTNGWOOD SPE CIAL. RUDY CALABA A CO., REALTORS 131 N. High Si. 1 Phone 1-5838 Eve. 1-3779 or 3-5514 1 n I By Owner dist. Very nice floor plan. Hdw. On. thru-out .'FirepUce A Venetian blinds Full basement with auto. heat. This home is $ yrs. old. In first! class eond. Immediate possession A food terms. Call 2-348B ENGLEWOOD Dandr 1 rm. bungalow I with good sized rms. Fireplace and garage. Beau tiful lot With a Urge shade, tree. Price SASOO. I " T I S! BEDROOMS NORTH Neat all mod. home oa large lot I with attached garage. Very clean and I only S yrs. old. Price $7900. I glow uuwn i Large hew all mod. 1 B.R. bung. with firenlAce A unfinished attic. Price $8500. Call Mr. Cleary. I Waltef Musgrave Realtors 1233 Edgewater rn. s-siuva a-tnua i "F6t Sale-Real' ttstita REALTY j CO. 1 AVERAGE mrmwmm. nwnaw in m nwo uiainci. aot w j i .a Wth haw are aalnna- at a hon of a nriaTTUA wut. Or .you will look no furtberOaly HUeo.- "--- Ph. l-lXUr . S-t0$7, realty; co. a.".; irtn ehickefg Mres-4asture ACatCa v. " 'r ahanbtaf. TLaraa Ium arl sa L chicken house. . bog . heuse. Mast f of thij soils'. PUatad lnMraTt-.ra- ira!TT This is a real (arm toe ajaaao. . v. M tat cult, mostly Willamette sUt Lab REALTY I CO. i - - Pku 3-413: Eves. 3-7100 S RM. HOME an .1 floor. llnsuUted. attached garage. ' Sacrifice for S4000. Will sell fum. 1791 H. Front. ' - YOUR CHANCE " 1 small unfin- houses en Jet OSxlOO. Full, prioe ' $700 dewa. See Mrs. Reeves wita . ' Alfred Dumlk, ' ' Real Estate , 1 n. 1-1511' -Eves. 1-Aii ' I bdrm. plastered bungalow, deep welL l aloe. aumo. near 1 roam school. tl7di I nanaiea, ruu.pnce oaipo. aee Alfred Dumbeck, ! Real ErtaU '147 N. Commercial e. LEO N. CHILDS, INC. , - .. REALTORS . I ' I - . MM W the full price ef Ithls eute, ' I ceentortaMe cottage aostWd - Imond I aa t-M a. . ' . 1 Wa ftr eritf oak tra oa, a seal 44 as close to an gh lane aehooi.1 Why nee I an.a- me A - j . 1 ' I reaaens -why this home Is a good 1 - 1 1 1 a u, a i - ii.. I "V V-i. a buvw hui !. m. 1 Ml- w ,. uiit. I -- kit.H . n- ibi.,,i.iJ aad weatherst ripped: auta. beat: att. garage; fenced yard with patio: and irrutt traea. Priced right at seoM.-f tr tapm aim SAA . i r m - - - I - cuiuvaupn; pan under lrriga- tion. 1 'abrlnes . soma timber.! I m. I home. barn. Excellent tor dairy ai stock raach. u yew don't so ; a eutvwi ilia im u mop. - II 1 ' w LEO N. CHILDS. INC.. REALTORS XS TMn of Dependable Service me Owners"!-!' v t ".Phi l-leOO Ur t-4007 pr Vim New .1 B.R.( home. I to Kama ui stata at I Eveninea n I m.j . -- OWnEa w r av nam . v w at aavgaaoj I FHA terms. Inquire 025 Vista ave. . SOUTH. J. B.R. Fur. house. iUrge lot, o- - .M m R ; ''lti' A'" SouU Ne w 1 RUiUrM ho'-r a. attached garage, restricted I district! bargain $5500. Suburban: ! Acre, fruit, paved1 St. clom ch- bu lln. B-ii home. dining rm. den. $1373 down. $81 a month $8471 full price. I l : New. better house, better (plan. ! K. W. floors. Nice llv. rm. dinette, 2 good bedrooms, extra closet spec, i lovely setting among trees. Small ddwn pay ment. $8950. if 1 $1650 down, Bal Ilk reatj New House. Northeast. 1 large Bedrooma. coved ceilings, attached garage good Iam4jim 17VM F, 1 . i I location, $7500. I R. E. Meredith or B. M. Mason II I ' neaitor 1 178 S. Commercial 1 ' . $3950 Phong' 1-884J inib I 1 bedrm. home with H acre rm. I workshop. Elec. pump, elec. ceo! heating. Truly a nice bargain. Pa. 2-4684; eves. 1-2535 or 1-1731. J f 06.000 I f t 1 B.R. 11 yrs. old. A wonderful loca tion. N. Church St. This place haa breakfast nook. elec. cooking, full basement. Also ha a garage apt, Ttua 1 truly a bargain. It you want to sell or give Rawlins a try." buy. i Rawlins Realty 1000 N. Capitol Phone 1-4804; eves. 1-253$ or GOOD 13150 FULL PRICB 1 rm. house with hath. InaidA eit I Good eond. WUl take trailer house AO I part payment. BETTER ONLY $7750 ,l B.R. almost new. inside city. North, Attached garage. Wall to wall, carpets. Very close to bus. Walking kliatance from St. Vincent's A grade school. wiu carry rjut. loan. BEST i $10300 A very nice 1 B.R. house, aparioua rms. Elec. neat, insulated, igi uuuty. attached farage. 1 blk. to bs.( Wed worth the money. f A 1 Tanolr i Jt C.CI Realtnra f;A1 ""j " . L i fT F If I rormiw nvw t-n. z-sjvo; rn. a-vs.a, m-mr owner leaving town. Must sn new 1 1 B.R. home on f. ac. Plastered. insuU 1 a ted. weathers tripped, elec. heat, wall I school, bu by door, fha approved. Located on Garden road. Rt- , Box 11$. I L BDRM. modern home. 13701 S, 12th, yaii a-aw ior appoinimvni. j y . I ! WEST SALEM homes are a food In vestment. We have some good! Let us show you. : B. Iaherwood, Realtor PH. 6F11. Wallace Road. Rt, 1. Box 141 or PH. 1-88361280 6th St.. W. fialera ! HAYESVILLE horn and acre.; Mod" ern 2 BR plast. lnt, hwd, ail furnace, variety of fruit and nut trees., Only $8700. . 1 1 ! ' ' ; reizer home acre. Late built. I rm. home with 1 BR extra upstair to fin I h ish. A real bargain at $7000. j Wit Is acre puoe. ) j Close In ' Dallas rd. 4 KR ' mod. I noma. eiec. neat, i is acrs, m, I . . , , a. F" . iw i :. I J - '"mr ' "e"rly ., "I- - J? Wiow. Ill Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - Personal ijServie 164 S. Commercial 8tJ , M. . W . iji. ' A $5500 DOWN 4 new houses, each has 1 BR. LR. dinetta. kit. and bath. All cduiDDed I with electric range and Venetian (blinds. Basement, utility room. At- tractivly located on creek f ronlage. blocks from business dletrtct, frlca $ia.ooot i i SALEM REALETEIRIA OAL.L(xA iiwiiiijiiurt "CV KILG0RE Real Estate I2th. Ph. 34855. Eves 425 S. 17820 Special Deluxe ( You can't beat it; this is a; don kmiaa This is view Drooertv. close m This haa a titU 0 FHA loan. 4 per eent interest. Small monthly! pay mta. First caU gets it. Call Maddy-. with C. W. REEVES, KIALIUM 045 S. Commercial st ! Ph. S-49S0. Eves. J-" !BV OWNER. $800 dn. buys 1 iiyf . old. rZZ ZZ una. imm. post. tra. a-v-iia. wr.