The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 23, 1949, Page 20, Image 20

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    ' 3-The- Statesman, Salens Oregon, Snndrr. Tannarr 23, 1943
Elliott Prairie
Couple Visiting
In Louisiana
Mrs. Ernest Bliven. and Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Bliven are in Florida
for two months. They went by car
. and took their trailer house wun
them. News in a Baton Rouge, La.
paper reported they visited the
state capital there.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bliven are
caring for the Ernest Bliven place.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Burkert en
tertained for Mrs. Lyeth Stanton,
Wima, Oren, and Mr. and Mrs.
Daryl F. Jones, all of Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Nelson and Mr.
and Mrs. Richard Nelson and in
fant daughter, Silverton, , were
guests Sunday of the Theodore
' Thykers. .
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hergstad,
Donald, Gordon, and Howard of
Union Mills were guests Sunday
of Mr.'and Mrs. R. Peterson.
Guests of Chet Outhoufs Thurs
, day were Mr. and Mrs. Richard
' Mehren and daughter Patty of
Oregon City and their house guest.
Father Batson, a missionary from
the Napal district of India, who
has been working among the un
touchables. Children of the local school have
been canvassing the community for
the March of Dunes- They have set
$20 as their goal
Mrs. Edith Johnson had as guests
Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Tu
on, Adele Blawfus and daughters
Jan and Jerri, and Harold. Fork
ner all of Portland. Monday her
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Dale McKee and daughters
Tonnah and Terri from Lebanon
were euests.
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Harmar and
children, John, Virginia, Bonnie
and baby have moved here from
Louisiana and are living in tne
Bert Kent house. The three older
children have entered the local
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Evans are
moving here from the Union dis
trict and will live in the former
E. K. White house. The Evans
formerly lived in this community
and the children have entered tne
local school after IS months in the
Union school.
South Dakota Families
Visit Labish Center
the'' E. B. Klampe's and other rela
tives in this community are Mr.
and Mrs. Guy Tipton of Slark, So.
Dale, and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Jahns
of fatertown. So. Dak. Tipton is
a nephew of Mrs. Klampe's and
Mrs.. Jahns is. a niece.
Practice has started for the lo
cal talent Community club pro
gram for February 11 at the
schoolhouse. Half the program
will be presented by the women
tinder the direction of Mrs. Harlan
Pearsall and Mrs. Wiley Biggens,
other half will be by the men,
Ruben Boebm and Harry Lovre
in charge.
Guests of Clyde Leedys Tues
day were Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Laedy of Portland and Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Young of Sherwood.
Merry Minglers Club )
Entertained Thursday,
EAST SALEM Mrs. Wade Car
ter entertained at luncheon Thurs
day for members of the Merry
Mmglers. She was assisted by Mrs.
M. L. Baker and Mrs. Elmer Zam
sow. Covers were placed for mem
bars Mrs. Carl Snyder, Mrs. Al
bert Fabry, Mrs. Clyde ColwelL
Mrs. -Anna Jess, Mrs. Vicar Wa
gers, Mrs. J. Irwin Wagers, Mrs.
Henry Sprick, Mrs. Sam Scharf,
Mrs. Robert Fromm, Mrs. Covil
Case and the hostess.
Hubbard Extension Unit
Hears Airs, flliller
HUBBARD Mrs, Kenneth
Miller, home extension agent,
presented 'Aging Successfully
for the Hubbard Woman's club
Wednesday at Mrs. A. L. Murphys.
Mrs. A. J. Smith presided in the
absence of Mrs. Elmer Nelson,
president, who is ill. Plans were
made for the benefit tea on Feb
ruary 2. i
Mrs. Clarence Sherman and
Mrs. Floyd Dominick were guests
and other members present in
cluded Mrs. C L. Welch, Mrs.
Wayne Bridge, Mrs. James Van
Lieu, Mrs. Peter Hunt, Mrs. Les
ter Will, Mrs. Walter Shrock, Mrs.
Bahne Paulson, Mrs. J. G. Dickey,
Mrs. Levi Miller, Mrs. George
Grimps, Mrs. John Morrison, Mrs.
A, O. Soderholm, Mrs. W. E. Wan-
icer, Mrs. ura Moms and Mrs.
A. Fobert. ;
March of Dimes Given
Lions Club Approval
SILVERTON The Silverton
Lions club of which Clifford Alm-
quist is president, voted at its
week's meeting to assist in the an
nual March of Dimes: drive. The
committee includes Maurice
Schnorenberg, Morris . VenSome
ren Wilson Johnson and Lowell
Clarence Morley is chairman for
the annual sweetheart party to be
given in Febraury.
Dr. A. I V. Smith was given a
25-year continuous membership
chevron and C. H. Dickerson
10-year charter membership chev
ron. Robert Miller made the pre
sentation. I
The club will sponsor the bird-
house contest for Cub Scouts and
Oscar Edlund will be in charge.
G. A. Sander Is Elected
Sublimity Fire Head
was elected president of the
Sublimity Farmers Fire Relief as
sociation at the 53rd annual meet
ing held in ; Foresters ; hall Janu
ary 15. Other officers named are
Andrew Fery, vice president; Fred
C. Hottinger, secretary-treasurer.
Fery was re-named director for
a five year term and Irwin Schu
macher of Sublimity was elected
to fill the unexpired term of
Michael Weinacht of Mt Angel.
Louis Garfin and M. L. GOson
of the state department of insur
ance were present and spoke at
the meeting. It was claimed mem
bers of this association have the
lowest farm fire insurance rate
in Oregon. The secretary's report
showed a successful year just end
ed with strong reserves.
Monroe Street Sewing
dub Meets Wednesday
AUBURN Mrs. Stuart Jones
entertained members of the Mon
roe sewing club Wednesday after
noon. Two new members were pre
sent Mrs. Paul Gilmer and Mrs.
John Kenny and Kathy. Others
sewing were Mrs. Roy Fowler, Mrs.
Arthur StowelL Mrs. Henry Han
sen, Mrs. Hugh Williams, Mrs. Wil
fred Wilier, and the hostess. Mrs.
Harvey Lenniger was a guest
Hubbard KPs Will Be
Host for Convention
HUBBARD Arion Lodge,
Knights of Pythias, will be host
for the district convention nere
Thursday, January 27,1 at 1p.m.
District Deputy Grand Chancellor
Don R. Hudson of Salem will be
in charge.
The district includes Aurora,
Dallas, Hubbard, Independence,
Oregon City, Salem and Silverton.
Grand Chancellor Dr. R. D.
Ketchum of Bend will be princi
pal speaker. A team selected from
the lodges in the district will ex
emplify the rank of page.
Fun and music will be provided
under the direction of Don Covey
of Hubbard 1 Lodge. Social hour
under the direction of Lester Will
will follow, the meeting.
Frank Anderson is chancellor of
Arion lodge. j
Detroit Library Will
Have New Location Soon
DETROIT, Jan. 22 -U The De
troit library, sponsored by the De
troit Woman's Civic club, is to
be moved from a downtown loca
tion to an available room in the
old school building. The library
has more than 300 books and the
club plans to acquire its own
library building within the near
future. i
Mrs. J. A. Wright has been act
ing as librarian, and the library
is kept open two hours on two
different days each week. When
re-established again in the new
location, books from the state
library will be available both for
adults and school children.
C X 'K )
. . . take
a good
look . .
I Personality Glasses j
-; i . '.
Eajoy the finer things in life, knowing that yon. also,
look year very finest even while wearing glasses. An
easy way to accomplish this is to come by at year con
venience and try on a pair of personality frames. Per
sonality glasses not only fit the distinctive features of
year eyes, bat also the characteristic features of your
face. . 4
Dr. Henry E. Morris
' "I
Dr. Kenneth W. Morris
v Optometrists at
Ilcrrij Oplical Co.
444 StateX
Phono S-552S
L -1
JeffersonDickie King broke
his collarbone while playing on
the school ground at Talbot this
AunsTWe Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Perlow ir. hav moved tn thir
new residence recently built by
sam wrignt. The Joe Watsons are
moving to the house vacated by
the Perlows.
Monmoetli Oregon College of
Education will present Stanley Ho
ban, baritone, in a concert at
Campbell Hall auditorium, Janu
ary 27 at 8 pjn.
Anmsville Mr. and Mrs. Dale
Hoffman and daughter have moved
to the Gaius Fuson's house.
Detroit Jacob Fischer, who
had been in the Salem Memorial
hospital for more than a week
with -a back injury was dismissed
last Sunday. Although he is now
in a cast he seems to be able to
get around without too much difficulty.
Fratom Mr. and Mrs. John Ol
thoff have returned from a trip
to Iowa and enroute home they
visited Gen. and Mrs. Guy Hen-
ninger at Lincoln, Neb., relatives
of Mrs. Olthoft
Anbarn I. V. Gord has return
ed to Portland Veterans hospital
after spending several weeks at his
home here. ,
East Salem Mrs. Harvey Page,
Fisher road, is in a Salem hospital
for a major operation. Her hus
band is also in the hospital for
Anmsville Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Valencourt are moving to their
new residence this weekend from
the Ellis apartment where they
ha ve been.
Swegle James Brandt has noti
fied his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.
E. Brandt, that he has been trans
ferred from Fort Ord, Calif, to
Atlanta, Ga. where he will receive
special training in animal hus
bandry and air mechanics. He, ex
pects to be sent to Germany wtien
the six months training is com
pleted. naresvllle Kenneth Murphy,
Portland Highway, is in a Salem
hospital recuperating from the lirst
of a series of operations which will
keep him confined to the hospital
for at least five months. ,
Anmsville Mrs. Marion Keith
and son Donnell moved to Port
land this week and will live with
the Robert Taylors (Jean Keith).
Labish Center Labish Center
Home Extension unit will meet
Wednesday, January 26, at May
flower hall in Salem at 2 p.m.
Pratmn Pratum-Macleay home
extension unit meets Tuesday,
January 25, with Mrs. A.; A. Spel-s
Dims: at i:30 pjn. Gifts for Eng
land win be brought to this meet
ing and Mrs. Kenneth Miller of
Marion: home extension office will
be discussion leader. ' .
Popcorn Mrs. John Simmons is
ill at her homo with a throat in
fection. Detroit Mr. and Mrs. J. Cal
Schlador have sold the Cascade
rooms to Ted Iryzk of Nevada
Income Tax Returns
Made oat by
J. 7. Cobnrn
157 Market 8L Phone 2-C5Ct
who Is remodeling the basement. .
Schladors plan a six weeks trip I, (
to California and when they re-'
turn will have an apartment at :,
the old CCC camp. j
Haresville Visiting boy scout , "
troop 20 this week were Council '
Commissioner Clark Lethin and !
Richard Wyatt, president of the
Oixjer of Arrow; Wyatt showed !
pictures of Camp Pioneer and of i
Yellowstone park which he made
while on a trip east last summer.
Have year plombmg
Welding - Repairing
Phono 2-05C3
Your Home The Thrifty
ID ' Q
With -J " Lovely Budget Priced
i mm t is IWsMf
f fc Fuusize . 1 tfri fm?hHtti 1 iv
II , t ji hJB: :l ' 81" .
So Colorful
and Gay!
Full size roughtex drapes in delicate florals, bia splashy florals, marl modem
stripes make these lovely drapes ideal for any room priced to fit any budget!
Vat dyed, fine sateen lining.
50" x 84
Luxurious Nylon Priscillas
it? n
Colorful Organdy Priscillas
The prlscilla exuicdn that adds charm
and grace to any window. Sheer
nylon net - - tailored with f beautiful
tie backs. All the handsome1 details
you want. Easy to care for. Dainty
ggshell and Ivory colors.
72"x84 .....
96"x84 19.75
120"x84 24.75
Curtain Goods
Do you like your cutrcdns styled in a
different way? Well then, try making
them yourself and save while you
do ltl Colorful, permanent color or
gandy material to choose from. Blue,
yellow, rose and white. 36" width.
mmtm mm n nfi u ww
rr-. ' m-j dgailHrV TBjMnf'Bnr Tfcwr m '""Wm gnMr jii irT'tw -ri it 1tr 3ss
There's no other curtain fabric auite like organdy sojft and fresh to th y,
it has a crispness that keeps every ruffle in place after many laundering.
Large French
and peach.
headed ruffles! Smart decorator tie backs. Rose, yellow, green
mm (k
Washable Cotton Priscillas
Beautiful Hathaway crush dot marquisettes let in
the sun and brings a fresh loveliness to any
room! Full wide ruffles to frame the Inside of your
windows and a lovely wide valance to complete
the pictune. Easy to launder. 40 x8r .
Dr. Kenneth W.
Morris' i
' Dr. Henry
j . . Morris