Thm Stat man, Scdnu Onjon. Saturday, lanuarr ML 1949 Now York Stock ! Quotations NEW YORK, Jan. 21-i)-Today, Closing Quotation: American Can J69Va Am Power & Lt 8 Am Tel & Tel 147 Anaconda 34 Bendix A via 33 Beth Steel 32 Boeing Air 22 Calif Pack 35 V Gen Electric 39 Gen Foods : 42 Gen Motors iGoodyear Int Harvest Int Paper Kennecott Ubby McN&L- 8 Canadian Pac .14 ILong Bell Case J I -36 H Mont Ward Caterpillar -52 INash Kelvin 14 Chrysler .56 ft Nat Dairy Comwlth Sou 3 N Y Central Cons Vultee . 9 Continental Can 35 Crown Zel 25 Curtis Wr 8 Douglas Air 53 V Dupont de Ne .187 Northern Pac Am Pac Gas P T & T Penny J C Salem Market Quotations (As ! late yesterday) BUTTERFAT Premium No. S . . , No. 1 PRINTS Wholesale .70 JS . JB2 .Tl .77 SI .55 .53 63. JS1 JO JO - .64 . .83 .SO JBO ja J7 J7 ' M JS -Retail EGGS (Baying) Extra large AA Large AA Larg A Medium AA Medium A Pullets Crack EGGS (Wholesale) Extra large AA Large AA Large A , ., Medium AA Medium A t Pullets Cracks POULTRY No. 1 Leghorn hens No. l colored hens No. 1 colored fryer (2 to 3 lbe.) JO No. 1 colored fryers (3 lbs. up) v J3 No. 1 old cocks . . J7 LIVESTOCK ay Val rack reader Lambs 13.00 Wool lambs -21.50 Ewes 2.00 to s.00 Eat dairy cows Cutter cows Dairy heifers 13.00 to 14 50 .10.00 to 13. SO 15.00 to 11.00 18.00 to 31.00 Sulla Carves. 300 to 450 lbs. Good veal 190 to 300 lb. 20.00 to 23.00 ... 23.00 to 29.00 Stocks and Bonds rnwBtM bv re A oristed Pre Jan. 21 BONO AVERAGES 20 10 1 It Rails Indust Util Forgn Friday 92.7 102.1 101.7 MJ Previous day 92.3 102 3 101.8 Ml MO weex ago Month ago Tear ago 1.4 102 J 101.4 89.8 105.5 100J 88.8 100.0 99 8 3.4 MJ STOCK AVERAGES - X IS Indust Rails Friday . 91.4 39J IS rjui 40.1 40.1 39 6 39.0 39 J ' CO Stks MS 8.1 4 MJ 82J Previous day SI. Week ago as Month ago S9J Year ago MJ 3S.0 39J 33)3 Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Jan. 21 (AP)-(USD A) Salable cattle today 123. calTes 10: holdover cattle 200 scattered sales steady at week's decline: some cattle being carried over. Eor five days sal able 3539 calves 310. Compared week ago closing trade SOe to mostly $1.00 lower some cows and heifers $1.50 off. Sizable holdovers daily but fair clear- nee taie. aaeanun sna wv gooa xea steers largely 21.00 - 23.00. few good loads 2440 eairy wlxn extreme top 34 JO. Medium heifers 20.00-21.50. good hei fers up to 23.00 early. Canner-cutter cows late 12JO-14J0. eommon-medhim owe 1S.M-1S.00. good cows 180-19.00. early to 20.00 on young kinds. Bulls nearly steady, good beef bull 22 JO SS JO. odd bead 23 JO. sausage bulls 17.-0-22 JO. Good-choice vealers steady at 29.00-31.00. Good heavy calves up to 17.00. Salable hogs today 25. holdover SO: market steady with Thursday's 25-50 cent lower close? good-choice 185-220 lbe. 23-00-23. Eor five days salable 2400; closing prices around 2.00 lower than late, last week, sows 1.00 off. feeders SO cents lower; late sales mostly 22JS down, extreme early top 24 JO. Top us ually for 180-233 lbs. heavier-lighter weights discounted L50-2.00. Good sows Ililk ls Only He Per Pound Tea Can't Even Bay NECK BONES for That Price AND fa milk you get 100 food .value No muss, bo fuss, bo preparation expenses - - It's th Cheapest, Most Nourish Injr Food You Can Buy. Cnrly's Dairy Phone 3-8783 Dr.T.TXaanJJ. Dr.G.CaasuN.D , DSS. CHAN . . . LAM CHIXZSE IIEatBALISTS til North Liberty Uaetalrs General Electric Cat. Office Sataraar only 14 a 1 S to 1 a.aa. Censnl- e ana airine charge, riactlcad 191. Why Suffer Any Longer araen ethers fafl. ase ear Chinese rossedlsa. A staging saecess fer rears to ' China. Ne saatter srtth what sllmsats yea are afflicted iiserders. stoaatUa. heart, langs. liv er, kidneys, gas. reasd nation, aleers tUfcetea, rhensaarisam. gall and bUd- CHARLIE CHAN CO. at is. Pheae S-lStt ALEM. ORE. office Bean s to 8. Sas. esUy. eaplataa Ft .13 -28 Rayonier 59 Rayoiuer pfd Reynolds Met Richfield Tire .45 -22 .29 -18?. -39 -48 -65 -19 - 9 -10 -29 -88 -12 -71 -10 -47 27 Va -50 54 Safeway Sears Roeb So Pacific Stan Oil Cal Studebaker A . .22 .55 Sun Mining Transamerica . Union; Oil Un Pacific Un Airlines - U S Steel Warner Bros . Wool worth Pac Fish Elec lati 17.00-18.00. Good-choice 115-125 lb. feeders late 22.00-22J5. up to 24.00 early for lifhler weight with 55 lbs. at 24.25. Salable sheep today none: undertone weak: for five days salable 965; market strong to 50 cents above late last week: good-choice fed lambs 22J5 to mostly 23.00. Common down to 11.00. Good heavy ewes 8.00. choice young ewes up to 9.00. Culls down to 3.00. In the Circuit, Ceart of the State of Oregon fer the Ceanty ef Marlon (Probate Oepartaaeat) In the Matter of the Estate of ROGER R. PRICE. Deceased (Sometimes known as R. R. Price. Deed.) NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Administrator. c.t.a.. of the Oregon Estate of Roger R. : Price, decased. in the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon for Marion County (Probate De partment). All persons baring claims against said estate are hereby requir ed to present such' claims duly vert fied. and with proper verification at ta cried, to the undersigned at Ladd St Bush Branch of united States Nation al Bank, Salem. Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice, the same being dated and published the first time this 1st day of Janu ary. 1949. HAROLD J. WARNER Administrator c.t.a. of the Estate of Roger R- Price. Deceased. PLATT, HENDERSON. WARNER CRAM At DICKINSON Attorneys for Exeoutor. Portland. Oregon, J-l-8-15-22-29 Livestock and Poultry FIRST CLASS dairy cow. Heavy pro- queer, nioin 2-2073..- WANTED A good Saaiuuumilk goat. PH. Z990S. Kt. 7. POX 4Z9t. . RABBITS: New Zealand - white reg breeding stock. Rt 1 Box 598. Phone 2ZZ08. WE NEED thin lambs for our feed lot. Call- us for information at 35935 or come in and talk to us at Valley faextng to. stock yards. VERY GOOD yount Jersey cow. L. E. Wcnat Kt. 1. BOX 245. Ph. 22219. 3 NICE heavy snrineer dairy cows. Due now. Heavy producers. 3 mi. E. on Center st. Rt, 5. Box 1M. NEW ZEALAND white breeding stock. Hutches, hardware, cloth. Ac rabbit wire. Ph. 3-1802. Rt. 7. Box 372. BONDED livestock buyer. Claude Ed wards, Rt. S.eBox 8P9E. Ph. 3-1144. BONDED LIVESTOCK buyer. E. C McCandlish. 1127 S. 25th. Ph. 3-8147. PROMPT "SER VICE Dead and worthless stock promptly removed free of charcc horses, boss. cows, carves, sheep or goats. Phone collect. SALEM 3-5000 Salem Fertilizer St By-Prod ucta Works WE HAUL THE PAY YOO CALL BABY CHICKS, all popular varieties. Write today for Lee's Baby Chick Chats containing free poultry infor mation. Lee's Hatchery. P. O. Box Tza. saiem. ; WANTED j Thin cows and heifers for feeders, also butcher, cattle. Get my bid. it will cost you nothing. Earl Du Chien 3495 N. 5th. Salem. ; Phone 2-1858. H1GHES1 PRICES palo Cattle ana horses wanted for fox teed. Call ' col lect Sherwood 4432, Help Wanted Male WANTED first class body and fender man. See Ed Mitchell at Stan Baker Motors. Help Wanted Female WOMAN to care for 14 mo. old child. motherless home. Prefer party with one small child. Call after 1 pan. Sat. or anytime Sunday. :488 Evergreen. Ph. 3-2816. ' ; EXPERIENCED stenographer. Homer H. Smith Ins. Agency. Ph. 3-9181. STENOGRAPHERS 8c typist. Posi tiona in State offices. Excellent work ing conditions. 40 nr. week. Apply State Civil Service Comm. 444 Center St. Salesman Wanted EXPERIENCED real estate sales man to work on : farms, exclusive. State age and qualifications. Write Statesman Box 506. SALESMEN - AGENTS Amazingly simple toilet antiseptic dispenser auto matically -cleans, disinfects; deodorizes with each flushing. New. Patented. Ex clusive to producers. Write for details or send $3.00 guaranteed returnable de posit for sample kit and start earning 830X0 per day at once. Take orders then deliver. Wm. G. Roper Company, P.O. Box 1583. Birmingham. Alabama. WANTED Ambitious real estate salesman. Apply in person at 341 State St. Room 4. ' GOOD steady v position for salesman. Local family man . preferred. A -B.C. Insulation. Ph. 33748. Ask for Vergets. OPPORTUNITY knocks for a real eggressive sales minded person who has confidence la himself at a desire to work hard in obtaining an objec tive. Sales training in product will be given. This is strictly a commission plan of selling at will pay above the average I in earning to the alaimsn willing XA apply himself. See Sales Manager. Teague Motor Co. 355 N. Liberty. SALESMAN to sell Janitor supplies and cleaning chemicals in city of Sa lem. Salary and commission. Paulsen and Roles Laboratories. 1838 NX 7th. Portland 12. Oregon. Situations; Wanted IRONING in my home. Ph. 3-0928. " FARM WORK, general or dairy. J. R. Mischel Ph. 2-7104. WOMAN wanted for housework. Ex cellent working cond. Private room and bath. Ph. 2-5350. YOUNG MAN wants work. Phone 3-8903. p ' 15 YR.' OLD Girl will do light house work and baby sitting on weekends. Ph. 3-7034. 840 N. Commercial. WILirXAREforTSryr71dboy in my home week l days. Re ble charge. Phone 2-0613. NO OVERHEAD Cabinets made to order in home shoo. Low prices. Phone 2-2737. GOOD practical nurse wishes em- ployment References. Statesman Box DEPENDABLE married veteran, age 40. wants to enter sales field. Inexperi enced but anxious to learn thoroughly, something of a substantial nature with a reputable firm. Box 493. Statesman. WILL take care of children 2 yrs. or older, week days In my home. You deliver and pickup. Ph. 28377, WANTED nursing day or night Ex perienced. Good references. Ph. 28253. CARE of children, af home. Lv renceo piay yarq. rn. z-wza. EXPERIENCED woman wants clean ing or ironing by hr. Ref. Ph. 39691. PAINTING by hour or contract. Ph. by hour AlsznaA. Radio Corp 12 17 .13 .31 44 Situations Wanted . DRESSMAKING, alteration and re pairs 1343 Wilbur St Ph. 3-9721. TOPPING, trimming removed trees. Build new lawn, plant shrubs a deliver-' ed river silt. Write Louis Meyer. Rt 2. Box 408 or call Hrudka 2-2192. WILL CARS for your child by hr day or week. 1050 9th St.. W. Salem. CURTAINS washed, stretched. 2-3448. POE'S mimeographing, typing ser vice. Quality work. Lower prices. MS N. Hth. Ph. 3-3643. PLASTERING, patch work and chim ney building. Free estimates. Ph. 2-4389. CTILD 'care . 1180Shlpping. Ph. 3-9924. TREE WORK, trimming, topping. feU mg. removing. Ins. operator. Free est. W. H. McAllister. 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1498. Mike's Septic Service Tanks cleaned Roto Rooter Service on Sewers. Phone 3-946$ or 3-5327 Chimney sweep Northness Ph 3-4450 "SEWERS and septic tanks, installed nd reoatred Scnarff Bros Phone 25588 OIL CIRCULATOR furnace and chimneys cleaned Vae uum ued B. F Enslev Ph 3-7178. DRAWING house plans Ph. 3-9621 Painting & Decorating WE SPECIALIZE IN INTERIOR? 1-6444 DICK ORET 6288 For Sale Miscellaneous ELECTROLUX vacuym cleaner, latest model, perfect cond.. like new. $39.50. 2105 University. Ph. 20458. WESTTNGHOUSE elect roaster and grill. Ph. 27977. ANTIQUES Exquisite BavarUn ChT na. collector's items in bronze, teak wood a jewelry. 425 N. 23rd. ONE 150 amp. G E. portable welder, nearly new. $250. One new 9-20 12-ply logger. 4 new 750-20. 8 and 10 ply re caps. 2s gals. Ever-ready Presto. Ph. 2-1448. CU. FT. Coldspot ref excel, cond. Automatic Hotpoint range. Apex vac. cleaner. 9x12 rug. 338 Oak St. Apt 5. USED WASHERS $30.00 to 149-50 Yeater Appliance Co. NOW in stock for immediate de livery, reject plywood. in.. 9c per in, 14',ie ft, i in.. 18c ft.. . 18jc ft.. 4 in.. 20c ft Keith Bro ft in Brown Lumber Yd.. Front 8i Court. WILSON AC arc welder. 200 amp. Single phase. Leads a hood, included. 1 1 ix). Also gooo violin. z". ra. mija. Carpenter tools, comb, socket wrench set cross cut saws, drill and edge machine, fire extinguisher, truck flares, standard thread set. log chains, elec. winder set. 1150 N. Church. ALMOST new washing machine. $60, less -than retail. Call 35428 eves. 1 LARGE furnace. 1 large It 1 small heating stove, 2 kitchen wood ranges. Highland Ave. Friends church. Inq. at 2165 N. Church. Parsonage. FOR SALE clover hay. Rt. 7. Box 351. 3 miles east .of Chemawa four corners. Max Woods RESTAURANT type range 2 burner with grill. Yeater Appliance Co. '48 ROTO-TILLER. slightly used. Ph. 36213. WALKER TURNER drill press Sc mo tor. Heavy duty bench tool like new. Glenn Roberts portable electric weld ercables and shield cheap. Sunlight oil heater. Circulator, with attached reservoir. Merle Anderson. Rt 7. Box 408. Ph. 20111. Sllverton Rd. Salem. FOR DELICIOUS homemade pie. Ph. 20477. BABY BUGGY, collapsible. Good cond.. $8.50. 515 S. 19th. SLIGHTLY USED Heywood-Wake- field dvenport St 2 chairs. Bleached wood. tapestry upholstered. 898.50. Simmons Roll-o-way bed St mattress $20. Woodry Furniture Co.. 474 S. ComL L. C. SMITH typewriter. Good cond. 4Q. Pn. 3-5348. WOMEN'S Chicago rink roller skates. like new. Size 8. $17. Ph. 2-8715. OIL CIRCULATOR, about a 5 rm. size. Too big for our house. $15.00. 70 Roberts Ave., off Silverton Rd. OH TRADE: Baled clover hay. Homer Zielinxki. Gervais. Ore. 1st hse. N. of Waconda. Ph. Salem 3-1842. SAVE On Ueed APPLIANCES Lot. of folks are buying new Ben dix washers and Hotpoint Sc Kelvi ns tor ranges and refrigerator? We think that is swelL BUT . . . we're getting more used appliances than we have room for. So. we're selling them off at rock-bottom prices. You Can Save on RANGES Hotpoint, Frigidaire. G.E, Westing- house, etc. Large selection to choose from. All in goorl operating cond. Washing Machines Thor. Easy. May tag, etc. All of these washers have been checked by our service dept and are in food shape. Refrigerators Leanard 9 cu. ft. across the top freezer. Cold Wall. Moist Master. Hotpoint 8 cu ft. frozen food stor age, butter condition, really a dandy. M.W. 7 cu. ft in very good condi tion. Priced to sell fasti REMEMBER HERE'S YOUR CHANCE TO SAVE RALPH JOHNSON APPLIANCES 355 Center St. Phone 3-3139 RADIO TRADE-INS RECONDITIONED AND GUARANTEED Zenith Console .. $49.50 Zenith Chairside 49.50 Meek Table Combination 44.50 Richmond Chairside 37 .50 Stewart-Warner Console 32.50 Philc Portable 32.50 Temple Portable 29.50 Airline Console 22.50 Gilfillan Table Model 19.50 Philco Transitone 18 95 Airline Portable 17 JO Mirror Tone Table Model 11.95 Brunswick Console 10.50 Philco Table- Model 7.50 MITCHELL RADIO at APPLIANCE "Your Service Dealer" State Si 19th Sts. Phone 3-9577 HOYT ST. SURPLUS SWIVEL AND SECRETARIAL CHAIRS $9.75 St $12.50; SmaU wall safes $10 00; Legal size metal filing cabinets $47.50. Burrourhs Addinr ma chine $45.00. Oak Radio tables $4X0. OIL CIRCULATORS $29.95 to $37.00: Bunk Beds and mattresses: Electric Water heaters, apt size ranges and re frigerators; Electric house and out side wire, range cable, range outlets. staple meat block: Electric Bakery oven: Dish Washers: -947 1', Ton GMC low bed long wheel base truck. Septic Tanks. plumbing supplies, caulking lead 25c lb. Come south on I2th to large HOYT sign, turn east one block. Tel 3-7918. 2 BEDRM. SETS, twin beds, covered box springs, mattresses. $150 each set. uvim room set $1ZS. Writing desk $25. Bookcase $10. End table 810. Evervthin p radically new. D. J. Wtlterdink. Rt. 1. Box 98, Parkway Drive. West Sa lem. fetNttERg $10. Mens 80oPh. 25928. PIANO (Drachmann of Chicaco) with bench. Good cond. 1464 Hickory St. Ph. 3-8514. AUVOETT BATTERY " power! Grand for older or handicapped persons. Leav ing Salem. Will sacrifice $375. 1042 Rii"e KEXAlR VACUUM cleaner. Latest model. Like new. Perfect cond. $34.50. 21ft University. Ph. 2-Q458. CLOSING OUT entire plumbing stock. Big discount Some at wholesale. W. A. Skew. Co.. 1398 Madison St 4xl0 Cedar Siding .....$150.00 m No. 1 VG IS" Shakes. S colors with undercourse $12.95 sq No. 1 and-Btr. Oak Flooring $200.00 m FOSTER ROAD LUMBER YARD 5816 SE Foster Road Portland 6. Ore. ' CRANE Cabinet sink, one year old. 875. Phone 2-8520. ' FLAT TOP J drawer desk. $2T T15 N. 18th. Phone 2-7479. S ER V EL gas refrigerator. Magic Chef gas ranee. Like new. Ph. 3-2574. for ftilc MiscellaneqTJS NEW Westinghouse refrigerator, 18 cu. ft. 2 ft. freezer compartment. $80. less than new. Ph. 2-2808. 373 Try on Ave. NEW hospital Sure leal "Medical contract. No age limit. Good anywhere. LOW cost, won A. Ph. 3-8482. Walling Sand & Gravel Co. Crashed Rock For roads St driveway. Cement. Ready-mix Concrete. Garden sand. Bulldozing, drainage 'and witching. 4 yd shovel St drag tine. Phone 3-9249. TRXDDLE sewing machine. Also "i yr. crip. Phone 2-4468. SII.VrHpT a TTvrt Tea sets, flatware, antiques. Complete repair service and metal finishing "Guaranteed Tarnish Proofing.' AVEK PLATING CO. Call 3-7771 ALWAYS a but toca. ' Woodry's Furniture Mkt Ph. 3-5110 Lloyd M. Hill, Inc. Cat Shovel and truck work of all kinds Phone 2-4387 Rt 2. box 32-B " BUNDLES Of OLD PAPERS 10c each. Oregon Statesman Circulation Dept. CEDAR POSTS Ph 68F22 A3 apt size Clev range. Calrod un rts. new. 8110 Ph. 34284 FERTILIZER, cow or chicken. De Uvered in Salem, well-rotted or fresh. $5 per cu yard. Also by sack. $1 per tack at' place or will del. $ sack order Phillipw Bros Rt 8. Box 118 Ph 88F22. USED WASHERS. Easy C onion. Bar ton, Thor. Speed Queen. Yeater Ap pliancc Co. 21-JEWEL Burlington R.R. watch, gold case. 17-Jewel Illinois, gold case. 22 L.R. Remington repeater. Clock doctor. 190 S. 14th. KITCHEN RANGE with oil burner. Also oil circulator with 185 gal. tank. W. R. Davis son. Turner. Ore. CHROME porcelain top dinette set eheao. 2165 Laurel. USED REFRIGERATORS. ranges. water neaters. Yeater Appliance Co. ZENITH radio-phonoeraoh combina tion in excellent cond. Ph. 2-8449 be tween 1 & 4 p.m. or after 8 p.m. ALMOST new oil circulator and oil drum. Used 2a mos. $55. 1780 N. Cot tage. WASHING machine. $35. Very good condition. 1491 Franklin St.. W. Salem. CHILD S finished wardrobe, four x 12 rugs, one x 12 oriental rug. Wed (fe wood gas range. Din. rm. set. 8 chairs, table & buffet 255 E. Wil ton. NO WAXING when you use Plasti Kote the cellophane-like finish for your floors or linoleum. Yeater Ap pliance Co. ATMORAYS Ozone Good health Rent-sell H. C. Pugh. 884 N. 17 3-4692. Commercial Sand & Gravel Crushed rock. Ready mix. All kinds of sand and gravel River silt and fill dirt Ph. 21966 WARDS Appliance Service Dept of ten complete service facilities for all Montgomery Ward appliances. Just call 3-3191 No. 1 L.C. hop roots. Order now for spring del. Write Ward Lundy or rtoperr wuncon. wyssa. ore. Rt. 2. USED. Duo-Therm oil heater. 5 to room size. $39.50. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING INC. 487 Court St. Phone 3-9611 CONSOLE Record lo radio-phonograph. Make your own records. Reg ular $360.00 now $275.00 Yeater Ap- piiance to. SHINGLES: No. 1. $10 Der so.. No. 2. $8 JO per sq. 18 in. shakes and under course. $12 per so. Rocklathe. 35e Der yd. Sheet rock and insulation board. Eola Lumber Co. W. Salem. Oreg. Ph. 2-5950 GRAVEL una and mi Delivered or on your truck at the pit Ph. 2-4002. Wanted Furniture USED FURNITURE. Phone 3-5110. USED FURNITURE Phone 3-9185 Wntl Miftrcllaneous PIANO TUNING Wills Music Store Salem Miscellaneous YOUR DOG expertly trained to your needs, boarding by day or month. Horse meat 20c lb. Free pick up St delv. LeGray Kennels. Ph. 31398. Mattresses Capital Bed Co Ph. 3-4Ub AUTO pain tine lust a ehade oettet iiK3-V101 WEATHER strips Pullman. Ph. 3-5963 WAN i TO Bu Useo Cameras at wwet McEwan Photo Shop ' 435 State Dental Plate Repair TWO HOUR S Fry VICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Youi Plates for Repair DR HARRV SEMLER DFNT1ST Adolph Bldg.. State St Com Ph. 3-3311 HAVE. YOUR - nci ewing macmne repaired by a qualified Sineer repre sentative Pb. 3-3512 for free pickup St delivery servtre on all makes of ma Chines Tree estimate given before work is 'started Sir.gei Sewing Ma chine Cn taw N Commercial .WATER WELL drilling Domestic ul irrigation Duffield Bros Rt Box ir Phone 2 1313 Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Roads - Cleaning Ditching Sewer ft basement Equipment Rental 13 B-',a yds .. fl2 00 per hr 10 B-a yds . .. SO oe hr D-7 Cat & Dozer 10.50 per hr D- Cat ft Dozer ... 4 pe) hr D-4 Cat ft Dozer t no oer hi Phone days 3-9408 Even ngs 3-8240 or 2-4400 Salem. Oregon Money to Loan BILLS UNPAID? Let Personal's Yes Manager pay them for you ! Here's a sensible plan used by near ly one million Personal customers to clean up bills, etc. 1 Add obligations and pay them with a personal loan. 3 Then make Just one reason able payment each month. LOANS $25 TO $500 ON AUTOS. UP TO $300 ON SALARY. FURNITURE. Dont borrow unnecessarily, but if a loan solves a problem, phone or come in trnlav. PERSONAL Finance Company 518 State St.. Rm. 125 Phone 2-2464 E. Gallinger. Mgr. Lie. S-122. M-165 CASH - NOW $25.00 to 500 .00 Salem's largest and oldest home-own. ed loan company offers money when vou need it! You can pay anytime to reduce net cost! No endorsers or help from friends! On cars trucks, trsiler homes to $500.00! On furniture, livestock, equipment salary or other personal oronertv un to $300.00! Phone or visit our office today I Lie. No. S13S and M33S General Finance Corn. PH 3-0161 136 S COMX ST IAHM ana CITi LOANS 44 and Your own terms of repayment witn m reason Cash for Rea Estate Con racts and Second Mortgage CAPITOL SECURITIES CO yrT PwnMt TnH Bldg Ptxwe 7182 Private Money On Cars. Trucks. St Trailer Hwmea Long or Short Term Payments Roy H. Simmons 138 S. Commercial SL Phone S-Slfl . Fpr JSale rKeal fotate LEE OHMART & $2,150 DOWN WILL BUT this well constructed pre-war home located 1550 Roosevelt St; two bed rooms plus another small unfinished room: fireplace; full basement: corner lot; baL of purchase price F.H.A. Will be - vacant soon; call Bill Stewart to see interior. ' SUBURBAN St ONLY $2,000 gives you possession of a good look ing 2 bedroom noma located at 460 Morgan Ave. Elec. throu-out: lot 80 x 318; full price is $8,950. 555 N. 20th . ST. IS THE ADDRESS of one of our best listing's; large lot: 2 bedrooms with basement; bus by door; automatic furnace; beautiful en closed yard with large patio and fire place: may be shown at any time; price is right at $9,750. LEE OHMART & Phone 2-4115-4 NEIGHBORHOOD GROCERY Store with living quarters, buildings. Stock and equipment ready to step right Into. $12,500. Call Phil Dahl. 2 bedroom house, garage on one acre. Garage doing excellent business. Priced $8,000.00 Call Phil Dahl. New 2 Bedrooms down. LR. DR. K, Bath, guest closet. HW floors, insulat ed. Elec. heat $7500. Call Phil Dahl. Ed Byrkit & 339 ChemekeU Street Office phone CALABA'S YOU'LL LOOK A LONG TIME Tb equal this value a 3 bedroom home, 1 down, 2 up, living-room with fire place, dinette, kitchen and bath, basement, elec. heat, part hardwood floors, fully plastered, small lot on the creek, only S blocks from city center It won't last long at the low price of $7800. A PORTLAND HOME FOR A SALEM HOME Our client had a modern 9 room home, basement, oil furnace, etc., with 4 acre. ( double garage, green house and work shop, large variety family fruit ana berries, city bus. 10 minutes drive to city center, excellent district, valued at $13,500. Will trade for Salem property of similar value or less. TERRACE DRIVE If you like a nice view, large lot and a modern 3 bedroom home be sure to see this one at Just $11,800. All bedrooms are down, has fireplace, part base ment and garage. Easy terms. RUDY CALABA & CO., Realtors, 231 N. High St. REALTORS Phone 3-5838 Eve. 3-3779 or 3-5514 INCOME: Six unit apartment completely furnished. Net income $273.00 per month. $20,500.00. Modern two bedroom home, with 1.85 Acres, located on the hills sputh, a wonderful view. Will exchange for home in City. Price $10,500. Out of City. New one bedroom home with 1 acre $3000. Cape Cod 2 bdrm home, hardwood floors and plastered. Utility and Garage, insulated and weatherstripped. located on McCoy St. within three blocks of the Hollywood District $9850. BURT PIGHA, REALTORS Office Phone: 2-3649 Evening Calls: 3-7451. 2-1032. 2-5390 GRABENHORST SPECIALS DELUXE SPECIAL Income $120 per mo, price reduced from $10,000 to $7,400 for quick sale. THIS IS A BUY. Call Earl West SAVE CAR EXPENSE SAVE LUNCH COST SAVE TIME A brisk 5 min. walk brings you to State St and business district. Eat lunch at home. Well built 2 bedrm. home, fireplace, full basmt, lovely trees. YOUR TERMS. Call Peter H. Ceiser. GRABENHORST Phone 2-2471 Money to Loan AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 182 S. Church St Ph. 2-2457 Parking Aplenty Lie M1S9-S154 Financial MONEY TO LOAN . Wanted: Real estate mortgage loans. See us about refinancing your present contract or mortgage. Approved city loan. Low interest rates. Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St Ph. 2-3663 Loans Wanted WANTED $20,000 1 year. 6c& interest first mortgage. Box 488. Statesman. tor Rent Rooms NEWLY FURN. sip: rm. in private home. 330 Mission St. FURNISHED sleeping room. Electric heat. 607 N. Commercial St. HEATED ROOMS. Also garage 853 N. High. ' ' ' . NICE WARM sip. rm. Business Dist. H Sc C water. 255 Center st. FURN. RMS. Pri. entrance. $17.50 St up per mo. 534 N. Winter. HEATED RM.. near bath. Business man prel -8887 ref. 745 N. Capitol. Ph. 3-5323 or 2 Hollywood sin, rm. 2035 McCoy. 3-6093 SLEEPING ROOM. Phone 2-4427. Room and Board HEATED ROOMS, also day child care while mother works. 492 N. Sum- For Rent Apartments COURT APT. 3 rms. and bath. Elec. heat range St refrig. Clean, comfort able. $60. 1348 S. IZth. ONE ROOM furn. apt 2605 Maple Ave. Phone 2-5093. ALL ELEC. mod. 2 B.R. Apt furn. Hollywood Pitt. SCO, wont j-ooo. urtRKlNC woman will share furn. 9 rm. apt with another woman. Ph. 3-9995. Near Capitol. 2 RM. FURN. apt. Employed lady preferred. No drinking or smoking. 722 N. Church. ; NICE. FURN.. small 4 rm. apt 1075 N. Capitol. " LIGHT housekeeping apt Clean, elec. lights. H. St C. water. 340 E. Washington. ttlRM. 3 rm. idI. ait $41 N. Liberty, See owner at 355 N. Capitol. Ph. 33000. MCW laree 3 rm. aDt. unfurn. or part- ly furn. in Hollywood dist. Ph. 2-8067. 1UA. A iA I 1 fc. UfBiAllU OI 1U( -iJ furn. Call after 4 p.m. 1130 Oak. FURN. APT. 2 rm. bath. Em p. mar- ried cple. Only $55. 495 N. Summer. eves. 2 RM. furn. apt 2035. McCoy. Ph 3809?. PLEASANT SLP. rm. forl or 2 emp. Close In. Ground fir. 755 Union. ' BUSINESS GIRL wants to share small apt. with respectable business girl Phone 2-0533. LGE. 3 rm. apt upstairs for quiet coup'e. Clean. Light. Con v. to bus and can, hides. Pri v. bath ft ent. Ph. 3-7551. FURN. Apts. School and city bus Elect heat 3580 S. Commercial St Krr Rent Houses FURN. 2 B.R. house, suburban. Ph. 3-8380 after 10 a.m. FURN. 2 B.R. home downtown area. mos. lease. $65. Quick possession. Contact Joe Bourne. Realtor. 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 3-6216 2 KM. turn, modern cottage. Phone 2-413. , for fialo- Real EsUtft CO REALTORS A HONEY AT ONLY $10.50 located at 3390 N. River Rd. App. acre of excellent soil; several large firs; a really good home with S bed rooms plus an unfinished upstairs; nice full basement with oU furnace; city and school bus at door; will take FJLA. terms. See Thelma Mankertz. A FEW DRIVE BUYS 490 Manbrln Dr. $2,000 Down 4200 Rowan Ave. $2,000 Down. 1540 Pearl St $12,650. 530 Wild Wind Dr. $12,600. EVENINGS PLEASE CALL Bill Stewart , 2-4722 Thelma Mankertz I 2-1222 Warren Brasher ; 2-5998 Bob Sullivan 3-8770 CO., REALTORS 477 I Court St 4 bedrooms east Ingle wood. LR. DR. Kit and 2 baths. Paved St. Easy terms to right party. $12,500. Call Ed. Very modern 3 bedroom home, large LR. large DR. Kit and nook. Hwd. floors, fireplace, piped oil furnace, double gar. $15,000. Easy terms, call Ed. $1,000 down, take your pick of 4 two-bedroom houses. HW floors, oil fur. fireplaces, gar attached. Call Ed. Co., Realtors 33101 Evening phone 23277 or 33434 COLUMN 337 N. High St. $53 N. COMMERCIAL A fine 4 bdrm. home, full bast, hdwd. firs. den. lge. din. rm. a good invest ment for apt or rooming house also No. 3 business zone with room for business bldg. In front Call Roy Ferris. INDUSTRIAL SITES NORTH Located Just N. of Hollywood Inter section, east of J-B Drive In. 50 X 120 ft lots, zoned for business. : or Indus trial. 34 ft paved st. sewage line, city water. Price S3.909 each, can coourn L. GrabenhOTst. BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty Street Eves. 2-294$. 2-9069. 3-4369. 23-F-14 For Rent Houses 2 B.R. MODERN unfurn. house. Near bus. schools at stores. Utlity room in garage. Garden space at 2130 Hazel Ave. Ph. 3-9479. Inq. at 1623 Center St. 4 RM. shingle bungalow, furn. Except range, write c a. r ronx. jr.. zai Mag- nona. iNicc! garage house. No pets. $29 mo. 1385 Clearview Ave. For Rent FOR RENT Business location 3rooms and bath on ground floor Ideal for Doctor. Lawyer, Dentist, Barber. Beauty Sa lon, etc. In Silverton business sec tion. Contact HOMESEEKERS AGEN CY. Worden Building, Silverton. Ore gon. Phone 161. BUSINESS BLDG. With extra large lot suitable for used cars, good location north. Long lease available. $200 per. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3035 Portland Road Ph. 3-7820. 2-4596. Eve. 2-0473, 3-3558 STUDIO and office spaced Ballroom also available. Call 36128. ext. 2, after iKONERs py tne week Pnone 3-4439 CMKiD Used Piano H L Stiff mJMNKSS Room. H. L Stiff. TRAILERS 75c first hr. 90c hrs following Woodry's Mkt. 1 160$ M dimmer ! U -DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT Blankets furn. 197 S. Liberty. Ph. 3-9062 TRUCKS and cars for rent Blankets furnished Smitty's Clipper. Service Center and Church. Phone 3-9600. Wanted to Rent BY FEB. 1st. Lge. 2 or 2 bedrm. house with garden spot. Good refs. Phone 2-1873. YOUNG C6UPLE desires I or 4 rm. furn. apt No drinking or smoking. Ph. 3-294. Lots CORNER LOT. 1 blk. from Capitol St Market Sta. Call owner. 3-8482. be fore 12 noon. ; FISHER RD., lt lot N. of Sunnyview facing east. 85x288. Only $950; Walt So colofsky. Real Estate, ph. 3-8835. ' BY 6WNTR : Lot $0x163 located on Fisher rd. Ph. 28135. VIEW LOTS. 500 block. Vista Ave. WOODED LOTS, 800 block. Ratcliff Dr. City water. Owner, ph. 2-4284. $10 DOWN Lots with water, bus service, close to school. Balance $19 per mo. Reimann For Real Estate 201 S. High St. Phone 3-9202 WANTED Reasonably priced lot for home. Ph. 2-1872. For Sale Real Estate 8 RM. MOD. house. Wired: for elec. range. Terms. 1595 Shady Lane. Phone 2-5151. 6 RM. HOME on 1 floor. Insulated. attached garage. Sacrifice for $4900. Win sell furn. 1751 " M. Front. FOR SALE OR TRADE: $3500 equity in mod. home and apt Each 4 rms. and bath. Trade for smaller mod. home. Bal. $5,000. $50 a mo, 8 In terest. 1298 N. Church St. 2 B.R. HOUSE. , acre, unfin. All elec. oil heat $2600 cash, small mort- gaee. payable $23 mo. Phone 2-7281. north: 1 3-rm.. nouse ana i t-rm. house, unfinished on 1 lot Full price $2950.00. Some terms. Call 3-4883 for aooointment B OWNER: 1 acre with 2 B.R. plas- tered house. Small barn, fro it ft ber ries 250 Evergreen Ave. Ph. 36518. BY OWNER: 2 B.R. unfin. home. Elec. heat Insulated thruout 'i acre. Price reduced. 145$ 24. Lancaster nr. , I ,Fp Sale-Tr-Real 'Estate Take Gd. Trailer House As part pymnt on this completely furnished, nearly new 2 bdrm home with LR. DR. unfln upstrs. hdwd firs, atta garg. Take Late Model Car In on this new 2 bdrm home with dinette, atta garg. Price $7350. Trade Cute, plastered 2 bdrm suburban home on acre, price $6950, for larger city home. C0LBATH LAND CO. REALTORS 1883 Center St. Phone 2-4552 BEST BUYS Oregon G. I. Bargain , X hMlrm Kaiisa with iinfin vur . I close in north. I A minus. Severaf trees, cnicxen nouse. lawn St snrubsj Will take car as down or part down payment. Approved for $5400. State G.L Loan, rull price only $6800. $2750. Down Almost new. 2 bedrooms, with un. fin. upstairs. Hdw. firs, throughout fireplace, att garage, paved street, i blk. to bus. Just outside city limits. siui price oruy 910.S00. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3035 Portland Road Ph. 3-7820, 2-4598: Ph. 3-0473. 2-3553 Grow With West Salem FOR $3500 you can get a corner lot, fine location, with a 4 rm furnished cottage. Rm. for another home. IN BUSINESS D 1ST Nr. Cannery. 4 BR home, modern. Lot 80x123'. Goes to Alley. Neat St clean. $7150. OWNERS LEAVING Where can you find a 4 BR home, hwd firs, bsmt furnace on paved St. for $8500. Terms on all of these. B. Isherwood, Realtor PH. SF11. Wallace Road. Rt. I. Box 243 PH. 2-88381289 6th St. West Salem Sacrifice, $4800 2 B R. home on Id A. Vood soil. lirM farage and private water system, arms .may be had. $5500 S B.R. plastered home within 3 blka of State office bldg. $6850 Close to town, well-built 3 B.R. home on lot 60 x 150. This is a steal for someone, aa the location is rapidly going business. $1500 will handle. $10,500 7$ acres of excellent farm land. 12 ml. from Salem. Bides, old. but .nrlr. able. AU can be Irrigated. 84,000 will nanaie. nee H. E. Corey, Real Estate uu w. Broadway :- Phone 2-0552 Day or Eve. Ph. 3-3818 or 3-5242 "Next to the Wooden Shoe" ENCLEwddD Dandy S rm. bun alow with enod sized rms. Fireplace and garage. Beau tiful lot with a large ahade tree. Price $8500. 2 BEDROOMS NORTH Neat all mod. home on large lot with attached garage. Very glean and only 8 yrs. old. PRICE $7900 $1000 DOWN Large new aU mod. 2 B.R. bung, with fireplace it unfinished attio. Price $8500. Can Mr. deary. Walter Musgrave Realtors 1233 Edgewater Ph. 3-3109; Eve. 2-93$ COUNTRY ESTATE We offer this strictly modern 4 bedrm. home with full basement, breezeway to garage. Good well with elec. water system. Nice yard with shade trees. A. on black top road. 2 blka. from grade sen. $12,000. Call Bergland for appointments. ART MADSEN 1328 State Ph. 3-3580; Res. 3-8438 BEST BUY Beautiful 2 year old 3 bedroom ranch style home, lovely 22 Jt 18 L.R. Fireplace, tile bath at shower, all hwd. firs. din. rm. beautiful kit large utility room, elect heat dble. garage. ,i acre lot on pavement $16,000.00 Full Price. Call Ray Davis. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Phone 3-9271 241 ChemekeU St Eves. 2-8858 EAST ENGLEW00D New. well designed 2 B.R. fully plastered home. Elect heat. Insulated. attached garage, oak floors, many other features. $2050 down payment $7800 F.H.A. loan available with $49 monthly paymenu. Call builder at 2-5853 to show. RANCH TYPE Nearly new 2 B.R. Suburban home. New exclusive listing,. Hwd. floors throughout Extra Urge "picture win dows, nrepuce ana coverea pauo with outside fireplace. Lge. utility room and garage. 4 acre lot $11,000 terms. PHONE 34010 Tallman Real Estate 725 N. Commercial St. tlRED 6f PAVING RgNTTTT Let us show you this one B.R. home on paved st in nice residential dis trict Plastered. Laundry trays. Elec tric Uble top watre htr. Venetian blinds, garage. New exclusive listing. $4500. Terms. PHONI S4010 Tallman Real Estate 725 N. Commercial St New 2 B.R. hse. lust completed. block to bus, atUched garage, all electric beat, plastered, fireplace. wired for range. Full price $$750 Terms. PHONE 24010 Tallman Real Estate 725 N. Commercial St A Better Buy A really well built 2 bedroom home with lota of room. Nicely located on corner lot Only blk to bus and store. 2 blka to school. Full baam't. oil fur- nace and lava sprinklers. A little touching un will give you a home which would coat perhaps $12.90$ to duplicate. A buy at $$200. Call Walt afusgrave. Walter Musgrave Realtors 1233 Edgewater. Ph. 2-8109: Eves. 2-9939 BY OWNER: New . 2 BR plastered home. auto, elec heat fireplace, hwd. firs, att' garage, utility rm. On A. Trees and berries. An exceptionally arranged home. $1500 will handle. Bat FHA. See at Rt 9. box 154. E. on On- ter st. H ml. pest Lancaster, pn, a-7zne, I BDRM. modern home. U70 S. UtS. Call $-8993 for appointment. " MODERN 8 room house with garage loin ing. 100x100 ft lot Partly furn- in cluding nearly new electric range, re frig, water heater. Close to school. churches, shopping district immediate possession. Inq. C. C. Cummlngs, 1137 E. Lincoln St.. wooawirn, urt. NEW MODERN 2 rm. houae. Furn. U A. with walnute St berries. Full price $2900. Some terms. See- Kilgore Real Estate, pn. asoaa. 4 tUi. House. Lge. attic. Fruit trees. Posi. by A bv Anril 11. 998 Locust. Ph: 22532. BY OWKfER: Kew 1 bdrm. home. M 125 corner lot $3800. 2409 Adams. oMZ BEDROOM home with-baTK. Urge living room. Completely modern. Electric water system, gooa weii. juerge lot with shop in rear. Will sell furn ished or unfurnished. Will accept tete model car or house trailer as pert of my equity. See owner at 149 Roberta ave- off Silverton rood. BY OWN Eft: 1 BR house. Uv. rm.. din. rm, kit- full bsmt, auto, oil best Partly fin. up. 1125 Columbia BY OWNER: S BJL houseTTireIace: hdwd. firs. V. blinds, lge. utility. Att garage. On lge lot. 950 Illinois. Ph. 28751. fUS Uficiaot sua eiievuve service call the Salem Hes'tv Co NOW KEW 4 BR RatcUff Dr. Owner 2-4284. BY OWNER My equity In new 1 ft; R. home. All new furniture. Ph. 2-214. Fqr.Sale-rrReal stato TWO BEAUTIES AT $14,700 ' ENCLEWOOD A pre-war $ bdrm home with Sou ble plumbing, full basement, fine lo cation, " KINGWOOD - - 4 t ' ) Lovely S room view home on large lot with extra Bdrm In basement I Also lovely King-wood Heights home) for swap.- Burt Picha, Realtors Office Phone 2-364 237 No. High St, Evening calls 2-1032. 2-8390, 3-7451 ""$10.600 NEW 2 bdrm. home on ttlr mount Hill. Hwd. firs, fireplace. See Harvey Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 ChemekeU St. Phone 3-9271 Eves. 3-944 1 OWNER leaving town. Must sell new 2 B.R. home on 4 ac. Plastered, Insul ated, weatherstripped, elec. heat, wall to waU carpet private well, close to school, bus by door. FHA approved. Located on Garden road. Rt. S. Box 115. For Sale Farms 220 AC. POTATO St CATTLE RANCH 214 Acre. COl Water. Equipment' in cludes 3 new tractors, truck, com bine, 2 potato diggers. S cultivators and machinery too numerous to men tion. Large modern 100x42x19 potato cellar. Nice house, bunk house and other buildings. Price $80,000. Some terms. L. W. Nolan, Powell Butte, Ore. Acreage 3$ ACRES St 7 rm. mod. heme. 1 mL from Salem, school bus by door, barn, dbL. ga. St work shop, 2 good springs, A. oats and vetch, pasture. 9 A. bo y sen berries, orchard, some live stock at implements. $14,500.00. or will trade for 2 bedrm, home la Salem. CaU Mr. Walters. r ' Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Phone 3-9271 241 ChemekeU Si, Eves. 2-8260 12 ACRES ab. 9 mUes E. downtown Salem. Nice bldg. spot gd. soil, $8000. ACREACE'AND FARMS- H Acre on pavement Polk County good two bdrm house, basement, elee. water htr. garage, poultry house. $5500. Terms: $1700' down, balance monthly. . ; j One acre northeast, three bedroom house, gss for cooking and water heating: dbl. garage; $150$ down, bal ance $50 mo. Full price $7000. Consider trade for house In Salem. a One' acre north, two bdrm house wired for range, elec. water heater. Juse Pacifio hfway. $6800. Five acre northeast, all cultivated, no bldgs. $2500. y 20 acres, full set buildings. 4 acres cane berries, lfa acre strawberries, good pasture land. $6400. 31 acrea northesat all cultivated and seeded, four rm house, large near ly new barn, poultry house. $18,000. 143 acres good buck sou on pave ment north, all cultivated. 90 acres seeded, full set older buildings. $208 per acre. 10 acres north on Pacific hlway, fur nished garage house, wired for range. All this and only $3750. Salem Realty Co. Realtors - I4S N. High St. Phone 2-766 Eve. phones 2-8605. 2-4773, 2-45S1, 2-888$ Suburban $12.500 BUYS NEW S bdrm. uihur. ban home on Urge lot, hwd. firs, fire plc. double garage. See Harvey Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 241 ChemekeU St, Phone 3-m ' Eves. 3-9441 1 A. HOME. ' fruit A berries.' s2107L 1st house south of North Jefferson Junction on 99 E. . , &cchange---Real EsUte WANTED Te trade $200$ eoultv tm mod. $5000 S-bedroom home in north Lebanon, close to paper mill St schools, for a good 2-bedrm. home In Salem of equal value. F. Drapela, 1724 Cheme- aeia i. or, farx bl, Lebanon. Business Opportunities SALEM' TAVERN An old established money-maker-doing a fine business. $38500 00 buy lot building, fixtures and business. Sorry, no phone information. , ; Burt Picha, Realtors Phone: 2-3849 337 No. High SI SACRIFICE Reduced; $3$.000 to $32,009. Almost new business building with extra Urge lot Good location, income $400 per mm. Owner leaving state. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3035 Portland Road Ph. 3-782Q. 2-4596; Ph. 2-Q473, S-SSSf A BUSINESS TO FIT? VOUrTFURSI $100 Beauty Salon $1.650 Radio Repair ; 82.8O0 to $15,000. Cafe ! $4,000 to $10,000. Groceries k; $9,000 Appliance and gift $13.000 Business Bldg. and Lot $19,000 to $73,000. Court Apts. $20.000 Tavern and Building $170.000 Hotel and Furnishings See Harvey Huff for appointment i Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Phone 3-9271 341 ChemekeU 8$. Evee. 3-9441 WANT TO BUY or lease fatclaaa service' station. Must be in good con dition and have good location. Give full details in first letter. Box. 90$ Statesman. OPERATE a vender route. $449 staite ?ou in business for yourself. Write '.O. Box -121. Salem. ' Business Opportunities Nice Motel on ME. Good Income. Also A lge Duplex, furnished, i lots, rm. for more houses. $120$. . Also Apt hses. B. Isherwood, Realtor PH. SF11. Wallace Road. Rt 1. Box 24S PH. 2-88361289 6th St. West Falena MOVING 16 PORTDtNDTT Will sell or trade for Salem prop erty this 12 unit brick appta. In very good W. Side location. Full pr price $32 500.00. Call Omer Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 241 ChemekeU St. Phone 2-9271 Eves. 2-yl Meat, cleaN. court In ui wd. close in, seasonable trade wia aa eonallared. Warehouse location. 12$ ft railroad front 188 ft. deep. $650$. See Ed. Lukinbcal. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtor 241 ChemekeU St, Phone 1-9271 Eves, l-ww TOR SALE OR TBaDZ 'Bu.inea1 bldg. with liv. quarters consisting S BJL kitchen. DJt, LR, bath ft spare) room. Price reasons Die. rn. 44sr. VARltlir "Ul'ORC. living quarters. Bldg. included. Take small acreage eat house to $4000 or car or bouse trailer. C. M. Scott. Turner, ore. ness. Rich farming community. Come and ace it Mske me an offer. R. W. A wm inH A alnhmhctlfal Ruide to Blk. slness Opportunities in California, Ore gon and Wash. 25c for the March Issue or $2.50 per subscription. Write Busi ness Opportunities, 690 Market St. Rm, $22. San Francisco or call -local representative at 3-7970. TIE La illness must sell Chicken St Steak Restaurant. Phone I-2048, 9 to 8. BY OWNER: Modern apt house close in Good Income, all furnished. Spe cious living quarters. Auto, hot water heat. Write 470 statesman. sWB cirx one earbave route. truck $) dump grounds, EM00. Ph, 2-974 after 7 pjn. For Sale Wood 18- FIR WOOD and $V fir posts. Bernard A. Schmld. Bt $. ivni iLNYLXNCTH aiab wood tut sale. Call 88F1L