The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 19, 1949, Page 7, Image 7

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Mrs. Robert Johnson and Mrs.
Richard F. Lockard will be hos
tesses for a bridal -party tonight
at the former's country home on
route one. Gervais for the plea
sure of Mrs. Josephine Russell,
who will be married on January
26 to Floyd Colbum.
Bridge will be in play during
the evening and a crystal shower
will fete the bride-to-be. A late
supper will be served by the hos
tesses. Bidden to honor Mrs. Russell
are Mrs. Gilbert Wynkoop, Mrs.
Harris Lietz, Mrs. Joseph A. Car
Ion, Mrs. Wallace Wilson. Mrs.
I. F. Bryan. Mrs. Gerald Fisher,
Mrs. O. D. Youngquist, Mrs. John
Anning, Mrs. Lawrence Fitzger
ald. Mrs. Elmo Lindholm and Mis.
Oliver Mansfield,
Committees Are
Committee appointments for the
new year were made by the offi
cers of Salem Rebekah Lodge No.
1 at the Monday night meeting at
the IOOF temple. Appointments
include Miss Lora Callison, Mrs.
Mabel French and Clarence Kim- i
ble, finance: Mrs. Clarence Town
send and Mrs. William Cladek.
1 m l
ways ana means; xvirs. nowaru
Hunsaker, community service!
chairman; Mrs. W. L. Newton,
Good of the Order chairman; Mrs. i
R. L. Appelgate, press correspond-!
nt; Mrs. Robert Henderson, fra
Jernal press correspondent: Mrs.
Appellate, Mrs. W. H. Parker,
Mrs. Clem Ohlsen, Mrs. Clarence
Woelke, Mrs. Lawrence McClure,
Miss Lora Callison and Mrs. E T.
Owen .master planning committee.
Mrs. Newton read sketches from
the life of Thomas Wildey, founder
of the Independent Order of Odd
Fellows, whose birthday was Jan
uary 15.
The sewing club met all day
Tuesday at the Temple. The Past
Noble Grands club will meet to
..night at the home of Mrs. William
flarfk 1120 ti. 14th Kt at 8 o'
clock. Assisting hostesses will be i -a Nob Hill noma ine artair
Mrs. Charles McElrov, Mrs. Ivia-! was arranged in compliment to
dene Hubbard, Miss Wilda Sieg- ! Rep. and -Mrs. Rudie Wilhelm,
mund and Mrs. William Cladek. K- of Portland and Rep. and Mrs.
Salem FL club will hold formal ! Charles K. McColloch of Baker.
Initiation Thursday night at 8 o'- no are here during the legisla
clock at the home of Mrs. Chester t,ve seMOn-
Lanklree, 1075 N. 13th st. Willam- ! Covers were placed for twelve
ette Encampment social evening J and the evening hours were spent
,m Vwir, t fi n with a rnv.r.H ! informally. Spring flowers and
dish supper at the IOOF temple.
There will be a short lodge meet
ing followed by cards and danc
ing to the music of Jim Ritchie's
White Shrine in
Regular Session
Willamette Shrine White Shrine
of Jerusalem met at the Masonic
temple Monday with Mrs. Percy
Kelly, worthy high priestess, and
C. P. Davis, watchman of shep
herds, presiding. Mrs. Pearl Spear,
district deputy of the supreme
shrine. Mrs. Miller B. Hayden,
supreme second hand maid, Mrs.
.Blanche Herbig. supreme com
mittee woman, Mrs. Ida I. Hen
shaw, worthy- high priestess of
Bethlehem shrine of Eugene were
After the meeting a program
of tan rianrinf umt vivpn hv fl a rv
r r - m - - - - - -
nd Jerry, twin sons of Mr. and
Mrs. Elbert Neal. pupils of the
Paul Armstrong school of dancing.
Refreshments were served by
the following committee: Mr. and
Mrs. Wayne Henry. Mr. and Mrs.
Stanlev Brown. Mr. and Mrs Wil
liam W. Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Willis
We Hot Lots of Rockwool
And are easy to deal with.
Fh. 3-3748 for free estimate.
A. B. C Insulation Co.
Entire Plumbing Stork
To Go at Big Discount
Some Items at Wholesale
Fixtures, Water Heaters, Fittings, Pije
vi a. susrois eo.
1390 Madison, in Rear
Announcement ...
Selections of Compartments (Crypt and
Nicbes) now being made in New Addition to C
Mt. Crest Abbey j
Now Nearing Completion)
For Appointment Please Call I
3-5484 or 3-3173
Lloyd T. Rigion j
; Salem Mausoleum 8c Crematorium i
!' - -4.. - :
Miss Barbarq White, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. C.
White of Jefferson, whose engagement to Gene Sharr.berger,
son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Shamberger of Salem, has been
announced. No date has been set for the wedding.
Burkes Are
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Burke
were hosts for an informal din
ner party Monday night at their
tapers provided the table center
piece. Sewing Group
Makes Quilts
Disabled American Veterans
auxiliary finished two quilts for
the Red Cross and ten cushion tops
for the Veterans hospital at their
last sewing meeting at the home of
Mrs. George Pro. A no-host lunch
eon was served at noon.
Attending were Mrs. Harry Mc
Whorter. sewing chairman Mrs.
Stuart Johns. Mrs. Alma Hatfield,
Mrs. Ed Eggens, Mrs. Lillie Broy
lis, Mrs. Pauline Richards and
Vonah. Mrs. Elsie Mix, Mrs. Wm.
Richards, Mrs. Cora i Hutchinson,
Mrs. Viola Zander. Mrs. Arthur
Pickering, Mrs. Kathrjne Lenning
er. Mrs. Verne Ostrander, Mrs.
Eleanor I Holt. Mrs. Loretta Kin
ney and Stevie and; the hostess
Mrs. Pro. The next sewing meet
ing will be at the home of Mrs.
William Richards January 28th
with a no-host luncheon at noon.
Thursday. January 20 at the Sa
lem Woman's club there will be a
social and pinochle party with the
chapter. The public s invited to
Mrs. Frederick Bfeanan was
hostess to members of her club at
luncheon Tuesday afternoon at her
Saginaw street home. Mrs. J. P.
Rawson of Reno, who is here with
her husband for the winter, was a
special guest. !
Mrs. Madison
Guest Speaker
Mrs. Donald Madison spoke on
her trip to Europe at- the Mon
day meeting of Capital unit No.
9, American Legion auxiliary.
Guests were Mrs. Gene Ken
nedy, Mrs. John Voves. Mr. Ma
rie Ludhoff. Mrs. Robert Palma
teer. Miss Bed a Erickson, Miss
Cathy Page. Mis Solvig Ogren
and Mrs. Giover Frances of Port
land. Members of Capital unit past
presidents club ritual team con
ducted initiation for Mrs. Ted
Borkman. Mrs. W. J. Varnes.
Mrs. Cora Hartzell. Mrs.. Mary
Quackenbush. Mrs. Harlan Ander
son. Mrs. Alebt T. Anderson, Mrs.
Albert Fabry. Mrs. Alice De Bow.
j Mr.. John Coleman. Mrs. George
i Rentscher. Mrs. Hilda Curry, Mrs.
! Warren Eckles. Mrs C. W. Par
ker. Mrs. Mable Beard. Mrs.
Harry M, Lucas. Mrs. G. O. Land.
Miss Jean Myers and Miss Janice
Members of the ritual team are
Mesdames Austin H. Wilson, cap
tain. James Turnbull, Leon M.
Brown, Earl Andreson, Paul Gem
mell. Frank Marshall, Jennie
Bartlett. Art Johnson. W. W.
Woodrwff and Hattie Cook.
Gbrdon Pratt, accompanied at
the piano by Miss Glennis Allen,
sang several numbers. They are
both Willamette university stu
dents. Miss Sigbritt Ogran played
the accordian.
Community service committee
reported Mrs. Frank Jirak and
Mrs. Carl Chambers had worked
at the baby clinic.
Mrs. Auatin Wilson. Mrs. Earl
Andreson and Mrs. H. H. Henrv
lhave worked 29 hours as aux
iliary hospital aides at the Port
I land veterans hospital.
The auxiliary will hold a card
party Feb. 4 for the benefit of
(the child welfare fund.
Marion county assembly will
'meet Thursday, January 20. at
St. Paul.
j Members of Capital unit sewing
: group will meet Thursday at the
; home of Mrs. Clara Poland. 960
'Shipping st. to sew on children's
pajamas for the child welfare
i center. There will be a no-host
luncheon, at 1 p.m.
Members of pat presidents dub
i were hostesses at the srx-NI hour,
j Mrs. Walter Kirk and Mrs. Lulu
; Walton Quirk poured.
Cosmis Dance
On Saturday
Claude Bird's orchestra will play
I for the Cosmis Dance rlub on Sat
! urday, January 22 in the Mav
i flower hall. Serving on the rom
j mittee are Mr. and Mrs. Marvin
I Stuhr, chairmen; Mr. and Mrs
' Clarence Wilson, and Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Domogalla.
Officers for the ensuing year
are Glenn Bowman, president: A I
Ckimogalla. vice-president: Mrs
Frank Finney, secretary-treasurer;
i Mrs. Ellis Whitacre. Ted Rain
j water. and Carl Witeaberger.
board members. Charles VVTight.
as retiring president, also serves
on the board.
Salem chapter. Order of F.astern
Star will meet at fie Masonic
Temple Saturday night at 8
o'clock. Mrs. Edna S Throne, a
sociate grand matron of the grand
chapter of Oregon, will be the
honor guest and make her offi
cial visit to the chapter. At one
o'clock in the afternoon she will
hold a school of instruction at the
temple for officers of Salem chap
ter and any interested members.
Iff SUutftfy Hose i
ff E2cnd Co!d
Spoils Sloop
Tonight . . . get relief this quick, easy
ry: Put a few drops of Va-tro-nol lu
each nostril and feel your stuffy cold
ckxrged nose start to ooen up tnstattl!
Relief comes so fast because Vlcks
Va-tro-nol works rqht where trouble
is! It helos clear e logins? mucus, re
lieves eoesiion. makei brealhin? '
easier, and invites restful sleep. Always
keep a bottle hanay near your bed.
Try It! Victs Va-tro-nol Nose Drops t
Miss Bean
Feted at
Mrs. Dale Esch was hostess for
a surprise bridal shower Tuesday
night at her home for the pleasure
of her sister, Mi-ss Mary Bean,
who will be married on Saturday
to Neil Boehmer.
Bridge was in play during the
evening and a late supper was
served by the hostess. A miscel
laneous shower feted the honor
Honoring Miss Bean were Miss
Carolee Ward. Miss Marge Hob
ble, Miss Cleo and Miss Pauline
Turin. Miss Gloria. Miss Delores
and Miss Delaine Haughan. Mrs.
Richard Sullivan,' Miss Maxine
Smith and the hostess.
The wedding of the couple will
take place at St. Mary's church
in Mt. Angel at 2 o'clock with
a reception following at the Me
morial halt in Mt. Angel. The
couple will live in Salem after
their honeymoon.
Au Revoir
Mrs.-Earl O. Bushnell was host
ess for an au revoir party Tuesday
at her North Front street home in
honor of her husband and Tom
Armstrong, who are leaving on
a five weeks business trip to
Tampa. Florida.
Dancing was enjoyed during the'
evening and a buffet supper was
! served at a late hour by the host
j ess, assisted by Mrs. Armstrong
! and Mrs. Donald Reinke.
Saying au revoir to the honor
guests were Mr. and Mrs. Milan
Meier, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Meier,
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Witenberger,
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Manning,
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Doan, Mrs.
Ernest Loynes, Mrs. Abner K.
Kline. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rein
ke, Mrs. Tom Armstrong, and
Harold Mook of Los Angeles.
Mrs. Ferauson
! Guest of League
! Individauls and their organiza-
tions within a local community
: must shoulder at least part of the
solution to juvenile delinquency
problems of the day, rather than
leave it entirely to county and state
i agencies, it was agreed by mem
! bers of the Salem League of Wom
' en Voters Tuesday,
j The league went on record with
i this sentiment in connection with
; a survey of welfare, school and
; court administration in Marion
' county. The survey is being for-
warded to the state league head
! quarters for comparison with re
ports from other counties.
Members here said the survey
tends to show salaries now paid
welfare workers and probation of
ficers are not in keeping with the
requirements of the positions.
The report was presented by
Mrs. Ronald Rossner, Mrs. John
Clutter and Mrs. Edward Corri
gan at a league meeting Tuesday
afternoon in the home of Mrs.
Harold Rosebraugh, Salem route
9. Guest for the session was Mrs.
Twyla Ferguson of Klamath Falls,
member of the state board of the
league who is in Salem for the
legislative session. Mrs. Rose
braugh told the group about leg
islative procedure.
Shower Given
Mrs. Hofstetter.
A surprise hower. was given
Friday night for Mrs. Gordon !
Hofstetter at her home on South
23rd street. Games were in play !
and Mrs. Lyle Urban, the hostess'
served refreshments later in the
Invited to honor Mrs
ter were: Mrs. Michael Rex Mrand egg. Add flour mixture at-
' Mans Hofstetter. Mrs. Bud Zielke
Mrs. Wallace Armstrong. Mrs. E.
Kent. Mrs. C. Stringley. Mrs. Bill
Beiunger. Mrs. La Verne Bell.
Mrs Florence Ingestrom. Mrs.
Emily Owens. Mrs. Lucille Mc
Ewan. Mfs. Einet Bearse. Mrs.
Kay Gentzkow, Mrs. Melvin Rex.
Sirs. Irvin Siegenthaler, Mi.
.fames Burghardt. Miss Jean San
difer and MKs Joyce Siegenthaler.
.Surprise Hoiisewarniinjj
Dr. and Mrs. Horace Mi Gee
wer e honored at a surprise house- ,
warming on Monday night when !
a group oi their friend called t
their new home on North 2'2n 1
street A Mift was presented to
the Mt Gee and refreshment-i
weie served during the evening.
FOt'R CORNERS Mrs. Cecil
Snook and Mrs. May Marshall en-
tei'tamed trie Baptist Missionary
society January 13. at the Snook
residence Mrs Harrv Hammond
was program chairman. Mrs.!
c- i, . j . ,u -
OIIUl'IV W J 3 SUI (Jl Willi 01 III!--
cellaneous shower. Others pre
sent were Mr. Julius'TTerr. Kirs.
Vernon Forrest.. Mrs. E A. Snook.
Mrs. Roy Thayer. Mrs. Eldori
France, Mrs. W. R Gould. Mrs.
Leon Lambert. Mrs. Ben Swinford.
Mrs. Laura Donnelly, Mrs. Hamby.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Moritt enter
tained with a family gathering and
chili feed on Saturday at their
Manbrin Garden home. Attend
ing were Michael Heron and son.
Clarence, of Red Lake Falls,
Minn.. Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Hoff
staed and Ann of Eugene and Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Moritz of Port
land... Federal and Stale
Prepared by
Harry G. Ewing
Hours 6 p. m. til 19 p. m.
TS Fairrround Rd.
North of J. B. Drive-in
Phone 3-3369 or 2-4791
Miss Amy Lou Espe of Salem, daughter of Mr. and Mn.
H. C. Espe of Silverton, who has announced her engage
ment to Loren RoTie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Rolie of
Salem. No date hgs been -set for the wedding. (Jesten-Miller).
In the Bag
Popcorn Takes Place in Kitchen for
Other Reasons Than Refreshment
By Maxin Burea
Woman's Editor, The Statesman
Pop corn, it seems, is more than just something with which to
disturb the man in front of you at the movie. It makes cookies, candies
and even pudding.
For years we have (when we happened to think of it) known that
pop corn tastes good when float
ing on hot soup. We've used it
of course for a confection in the
form of pop corn balls and to
' decorate
the Christmas tree.
But now comes to our desk a
booklet giving a number of sug
gestions for the use of pop corn
Other than in its own crispy and
fascinating natural state.
Some of the ideas sound pretty
good, others seem like someone
was trying awfully hard to find
recipes to use pop corn.
Several recipes are given for
pop corn balls, on suggests that
marshmallows be arranged in
layers between the layers of pop
corn, and heated in a skillet until
the marshmallows are partially
browned, then the mass be form
ed into balls.
Another recipe for balls In
cludes peanuts.
The booklet suggests that to
make a cheesy snack you melt
i cup grated cheese and 'i cup
butter and pour over 2 quarts
popped, buttered corn. The coin
should be stirred so every kernel
will be coated with thecheese.
The recipes for pudding, cook
ies and muffins call for corn run
through the coarse knife on theining a late supper was served.
meat grinder.
2 cups flour
4 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
12 teaspoons nutmeg
l2 cup melted fat
I cup .-ugar
i cup molasses
1 egg. well beaten
1 cup ground popped corn
'.)UK, T mext meeting will be February 4
Sift flour. -bakmg powder salt, with M T. d
land nutmeg together, cream short-
; ening and sugar. Add molasses
' ternatui2 with milk. Add popped
j com and fruit that has been cut
in pieces, now 10 -4 men initK.
I cut and bake on oiled sheet at
425 for about 12 minutes.
Here too is a recipe for cara
melised corn, supposedly like that
you buy down town, though we've
never tried it.
1 cup white suear
cup corn syriM)
2 tablespoons sorghum
i i up water
2 tablespoons butter
'z tablespoon vinegar
2 quarts popped corn
Combine all ingredient
corn, cook until syrup necomes
buttle when tested in cold water.
pour over corn, stirring
over corn, stirring as yon
Dour, so all pieces win oe coaievi.
Turn onto buttered plate. We
would use molasses if the sor-
ghrm is riot available
Veterans Plan Benefits
. , . . .', . ,
Disabled American Veterans and
auxiliary aie sponsoring a bene
fit pinoc hie party at their social ,
meeting for Thursday at tne ia
lem Woman s club The public is
inv ited Games v ill be in play
for those who do not care to
pliy cards Committee in charge
of the partv is Mrs. Stuart Johm.
Mrs. William Shinn. Mrs. Edith
Ingals and Mrs. Verne Ostrander.
types mt
made on all
Light and Power
Phone 3-92:59
Evenings 3-9-141
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Walk
er of Grants Pass are announcing
the engagement of their daughter.
Miss Joe Ann Walker, to Colmar
D. Bjerke, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Oscar Bjerke of Salem. The date
for the wedding has not been set.
Miss Walker makes her home in
Salem and both she and her fiance
are employed at Ladd and Bush
branch. United States National
Party for Engaged Duo
Miss Janice Muyskens and her
fiance, Douglas Coe, who will be
married on February 3, were hon
ored at a miscellaneous shower
Monday night when the future
groom's grandmother, Mrs. Villa
Davis, and his aunt. Miss Alta Da
vis, entertained at their North 14th
street home. Thirty attended the
affair and after an informal eve-
The Valentine motif was used in
the decorations.
Ladies f the Evancelical Lnth-
; eran church met for their first
meeting at the home of Mrs. P.
Eilertson. Temporary officers were
elected as follows: Mrs. W. C.
Larson. chairman: Mrs. Paul
j Bramble, vice chairman; Mrs.
Henry Torvend, secretary; and
Mrs. Fred Lee, treasurer. The
IfuI,l,arI Faillilv Make
j Visit to OregOIl Coast
HUBBARD Arthur Yergen was
taken to a Silverton hospital
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kvans have
moved into an apartment in the
ojd hotel.
The Youngs have moved into the
Wilson house. Young works at
the Oregon state training school.
Pat and Joan Young are high
school students and have a broth
er in the eighth grade and a tis
ler in the sixth grade.
Mr. and Mrs. George Huff and
family went to the coast last week-
ena 10 isn relatives, mis lamer,
I Finley Huff, returned with them
for a visit and will redecorate for
them while here.
f Kauve
( 1 TA'Pv esclostVe
V 2o wTI ebon
. f your guMM r J
PS mmi eh rlf ht wovl for j
yaw kind of hotel
State & Libert- On the Corner
Tha Statesman, Salem, Ore..
Germany Topic
Polk Teachers
Mekong Jan. 26
MONMOUTH. Jan. 18 Discus
sion of certain German education
al7 problems will be the subject
I jbt a talk by Dr. Lucius E. Forbes,
! at a Joint meeting of Polk county
division of Oregon Educational as
sociation and Polk Classroom
teachers Wednesday, January 20,
in Independence high school.
Dr. Forbes is a former member
of the Oregon College of Educa
tion, Monmouth, recently returned
after six years duty with the army.
Much of the time after the end
of the war was spent in Germany
but he was hospitalized in New
Jersey and Kansas since May 1948
until his return her for the holi
days. F. C. Green, Dallas, represen
tative of the regional council of
OEA, will report on the annual
conference, and Independence high
school will furnish music. Mrs.
Dorothea Johnson of Monmouth
is chairman of the program com
mittee. George E. Corwin of In
dependence is head of the Polk
division of OEA. and Mrs. Lois
Alsip, Dallas, heads the
Classroom teachers.
4 Corners Folk
Entertain for
Groups at Cards
and Mrs. Ivan Brown, 140 S.
Elma ave.. and her sister, Mrs.
Marie Kenney of Hubbard re
turned i Sunday from southern
California. They attended a fam
ily reunion at the home of their
brother, A. E. Fiscus in Wilming
ton, Calif. Other brothers present
were C. B. Fiscus and family of
West Los Angeles and Mr. and
Mrs. R. W. Fiscus formerly of
Four Corners, now of Modesto,
This was the first time in 24
years thay had all met together.
The Browns also made a trip to
Big Bear lake and other points
of interest while there. They re
port the weather was not all
sunny but roads were open.
Sunday guests of the Robert
Burns, Durbin avenue, were Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Ross and Mickey
Ross of Mehama.
Mr. and Mis. Jess Mcllnay,
Gary and Ronnie Mcllnay, 3830
Mahrt ave., drove to Portland on
Sunday as dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Orva Newburn.
Boy Scout Group
For Middle Grove
Holds Meeting
mittee for the Boy Scouts of Mid
dle Grove met Thursday at Rob
ert Pickerels. Present were chair
man, Robert Wahers; secretary.
Jack Wikoff: treasurer, Ted Kuen
zi; William Kleen, John Van Laa
nen and Cleo Keppinger. Scout
master is Robert Pickerel with
Hubert Aspinwall assistant.
While the men were conducting
their meeting their wives met
with Mrs. Pickerell and presented
her with a surprise birthday hand
kerchief shower. Mrs. Louis Pat
terson was also present.
Jewelers Sine lt!7 f
Save money and
time by letting
us do your watch
and clock repair
ing. You'll Like Our
Moderate Prices
Quick Service
Eliminate the
Watch Repair
Expert Jewelry Mf. and
and Diamond Setting!
i i
Wednesday. January 19, 1949 7
What A Mess!
Yes, what a merss at
I6hnson' ... carpntri
hammerinqr and sawing
. . . and the many, many
customers dodging in
and out shopping ior
the wonderful bargains
that are being offered
during this remodeling
We're glad you're taking
advantage of these
great savings while
we're making the store
more modern and
convenient for you to
shop In.
Saving No. 1
Handsome wool plaid
skirts. AU prices ...
reduced to as low
as 2.41.
Saving No. 2
Rayon blouses 1 group
at only 1.00.
Others reduced to
Vi price.
Saving No. 3
Beautiful dresses. Reg.
up to 22.50. ONLY 5.00.
Saving No. 4
Robes. All terry cloth
and corduroy robes
reduced to onyl 5.00.
Saving No. 5
Nurses Cotton Uniforms.
Reg. sold for 4.93.
Saving No. 6
Winter Coats. Reg. 65.00
gabardines only 39.95.
Other winter coats 29.S5.
Saving No. 7
Regular nylons J 5, 20,
30 denier. Reg. to 1.95.
ONLY 1.00.
Irregular nylons 50.
Saving No. S
400 dresses all drastically
reduced in price. Sizes
9 to 50.
Come In And See Vs.
Informally yours.