The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 19, 1949, Page 12, Image 12

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    12 Thm Statesman, Salem. Ore.
Jtfew York Stock Quotations
NEW YORK, Jan. 18 Today's Closing Quotations
American Can .
Am Power & Lt
Am Tel & Tel
, Anaconda
i Bendix Avia
Beth Steel
Boeing Air
Calif Pack
Canadian Pac
.89!Gen Electric
8 Gen Foods
.1464 Gen Motors
34 H Goodyear Tire
32 Int Harv est
.32 Int Paper
22i Kennecott
35 Libby McN
1, Long Bell A
38 Mont Ward
53 Nash Kelvin
55T Nat Dairy
3V N Y Central -
...10ii 'Northern Pac
Case J I
Com with 5ou
Cons Vultee
Continental Can
Crown Zl
Curtis Wr
Douglas 'Air'
Dupont de Ne ..
34iPac Am
.25!Pac Gas
.....8V4P T & T
52!Penney J
.187 Vi I
Stocks Fail to
Gain Headway
NEW YORK, Jan. 18 -4JP)- A
rally in the stock market stopped
short today before it developed
ny real momentum.
Quotations were marked up ra
pidly within less than an hour af
ter the opening bell. The balance
of the session was devoted to
maintaining the higher prices, an
effort which was not entirely suc
cessful. Some stocks which advan
ced for a while, ended the day in
the minus column.
Business expanded when prices
were moving up, enough to boost
the day's sales to 770,000 shares
from 720,000 yesterday.
The Associated Press average of
60 stocks advanced J2 of one point
to 65.5, the third average gain in
a row. The three average advan
ces, however, were hardly deci
sive. Many individual issues fail
ed to go along and buying gen
erally was characterized by a high
degree of selectivity."
Only 955 issues were traded, of
which 465 advanced and 227 de-'
Minor Gains in
Wheat, Corn
CHICAGO. Jan. 18 -V?y- Wheat
and corn made minor gains in to
day's session at the board of trade,
but other futures sagged in fea
tureless trading.
Wheat shook off early easiness.
Induced by additional moisture ov
er the winter crop section. There
peed amazing reI from misery of simple pOea.
with aoothma Paso. Acts torches pam. cbmg
inm,lty. Lubrtcxie dry, hardened part. Help
prevent cracking, reduce swelling. Don t suBer
jar. Hi i torture of simple pile. Get Paso
for oomfartinc reBet Ask your doctor about it.
Suppository farm or tube with perforated pipe.
Pmm Oxmtmtml mU Suppmtmi k
Ililk Is Only
lie Per Ponnd
You Can't Even Boy
That Price
in milk you get 100
food value No muss,
no fuss, no preparation
expenses - - - It's the
Cheapest, Most Nourish
ing Food You Can Buy.
Curly's Dairy
Phone 3-8783
! arssst . (MIMOMHOlOS)
Treated Wit-Mat esstal Opera tiea
- Me, throegh Fri.i 10 a.. ta5 ..
vings:Moii.. Wd. anl rL,antil
Write or coll for FREE descriptive booklet
The Dean Clinic
In Our 39th Year
H.L Came L rati 4 Crane1 Ave.
TahpMas EAst J91 1 PerHaad 14, Of.
Why Suffer Any Longer
Waea ethers fan. as eur Chlaese
resaedtes. Amaxlag saeeess far MM
vears la China. Ne matter srtta
what ailsaeau yea are afflicted
iisordera. staasitls, heart, laaga. tfv
er, kidneys, gas. constipation, nicer
dtaaetes. rheumatism, gall and blad
der fever, skin, female complaints
!M N Caauaeretal
Phone Z-1SM
trfflee Hears t to C
fae. mad Sat. aaly.
Dr.T.TXtaJt J. . Dr.O.dtasuN D
141 Nerth Uberty
UpsUlrs' Portlaad Geaeral Electric
Co. Office opea tataraay only l
a-sa. to 1 to T p.m. Ceninl
uuioa. Blood pressnre and artae
testa are free of eaarga. Practiced
ttaee H17.
Wdndaj. Tanuarr 13 199
Radio Corp
Rayonier pfd
Reynolds Met ,
Sears Roeb
27 V4
-39 Vi
...10 H
...29 T
So Pacific
-2tV4 Stan Oil Cal .
.l4H!Sun Mining
28 Vi Transamerica
.l2Union Oil
.164IUn Pacific
r Un Airlines .
...32 14 U S Eteel
...924 ! Warner Bros .
...444'Woolworth ;
C ..
was fair, commercial demand for
July wheat, and other buying was
said to be against overnight sale
of flour io the United Kingdom.
At the finish wheat was l4 to
higher, corn was lower to
higher, oats were to ?4 low
er, rye ;was lower, soybeans
were 1 to 2 cents lower and lard
was 28 tp 42 cents lower.
Obituaries .
Daniel W Linn
SILVERTON Daniel W. Linn.
77, resident of Silverton for 36
years, died at a Silverton hos
pital Janupry 17. He was injured
about trirele months ago when he
was struck by a car in Silverton.
He had been released from the
hospital! but returned three days
ago. Linn was bom in Sumner,
Iowa, May j 3. 1871.
Survivors 5 are the widow. Ruth
Linn, Silverton; brothers, Solon
Linn, Hancdck, Minn., and Leslie
Linn, Salem: sisters, Harriet Linn,
Hancock; Minn., Mrs. Abigail
Hurst, St. Paul, Minn., and Mrs.
Grace Donat, Waterloo, Iowa.
Services will be held Thursday,
January 20, at 1:3 4, p m. in the
Ekman funeral htftne with the
Rev. Ben Fj Browning officiat
ing. Burial will be in Bethany
Albert Fleming '
SILVERTON Albert Fleming.
84, former resident . of 316 Fair
view, aye., died at a Salem hos
pital Tuesday, January 18.
Survivors are the widow and
three sons, Albert Fleming, jr. and
Earl Fleming both of Silverton,
and Delbert Fleming. Salem;
daughters, Dorothy, Independ
ence and AJene, Salem.
Graveside services will be held
at Silverton cemetery Friday,
January 21 1 at 2:30 p.m.
Portland Produce
PORTLAND. Ore.. Jan. 18 ( API
Butterfat tentative, -subject to im
mediate change. Premium quality max
imum to L35 to 1 per cent acidity de
livered in Portland. 68-72c lb.: first
quality St-70c lb.: second quality. 65-68c-.
valley routes and country points,
2c less than first.
Butter Wholesale. FOB bulk cubes
to wholesalers: grade A A. 93 score.
67c lb.; A. 92 score. 66c lb.: B. 90
score. 4c lb,: C. 89 score. 63c lb.
Aboveprices are strictly nominal.
Cheese - Selling price to Portland
wholesalers: Oregon singles. 42-50' c;
Oregon 5Mb. loaf. 45-52' ac.
ggs To wholesalers: A grade
large, 5459' 2c; A grade, medium. 54
57c do4: grade B large. 48'2-50'jc.
Live chickens (No,; 1 quality FOB
plants) Broilers, under 2 lbs.
30-33c; fryers 2' to 3 bs. 33c: 3 to 4
lbs.. 34'35c; i roasters. 4 pounds
and over. 35 -38c; fowlj Leghorns, un
der 4 lbs.. 30 -32c; Leghorns, over 4
lbs.. 34c:' colored fowl, all weights.
40c lb.; old roosters, all weights. 16
19c lb. ,
Turkeys' Net to the- producer on a
dressed weight basis. V- S. grade A
young toms. ' 51 -52c; A grade hens
nominally 60e lb. )
Dressed, turkeys to retailers Grade
A young .toons. 70-71c lb.; New York
rt vie dressed; A grade young toms.
"Rabbits' Average to growers for
live white. 4 to 5 lbs . 27-29c; 5 to 6
lbs., 25-2tc: colored." 2 cents lower;
old or heavy, does, ft-15c lb.; dressed
fryers to butchers. 57 -60c lb.; old and
heavy ones, 35-38c lb.
Fresh dressed meats': (Wholesalers
to retailers for hundred pounds).
Steers Good, to TOO lbs.. $38-42;
commercial. $37-38; utility $33-34.
Cows Commercail $35-37; utili
ty. $33-35: canner - cutter. $31-33.
Beef cuts (good steer Hind quar
ters. $47-49: rounds. $48-49: full loins,
trimmed. $65-68; triangles. $38-39:
square chucks. $40-41: ribs, $54-5$;
forequarters. $38-39. f
Veal and calf Good and choice.
$46-47; commercial. 643-45; utility.
$35-39. I-
Lambs ' Good - choice 30-60 lbs..
$42-46; commercial, all weights. $40
41. i i
Mutton: Good, 70 lbs. down. $20-
22. :
Pork cuts Loins. No. 1. 8 to 12
lbs . $44-49; shoulders.; 16 lbs. down,
$38-39; spareribs. $49-50; carcasses,
$33-34. - t
Wool Coarse, valley and medium
grades. c id.
Mohair: ;25c lb. on 12 - month
growth. ,t r
Country killed meats :
Veal Top quality. 39-41C lb.; oth
er grades according to weight and
quality. . I
Hogs Light blockers. 30-33c lb.;
sows light. 27-30c.
Lambs ; 38-40c Ibi: mutton. 14
18c. :i
Beef -4 Good cows. 28-32c lb ; can
ners and cutters. 25-27c lb.
Potatoes j Supplies- moderate, de
mand good, market stronger. Ore. rus
sets. Deschutes No. 1A $4-4.20: large
bakers. $4 40-4.60; No. 2 bakers $3 50
3.60; 25-lb. No. 1A $1.10-1.17; 25-lb
No. IB T7-80c; Wash 50-lb. No 2
$1 60-1.65; Idaho No 1A $4.50-4.60. S
10-lb. sacks $2 50-2 60.
Onions ?, 1 50-lb. western Oregon
yellows. No. ;1 med.. $2-2.10: boilers.
50 lbs.. $1.35-1 45; Idaho and eastern
Oregon yellows, med., $1.85-2; large
$2.25-2 50. f
Hy t Following prices are strict
ly nominal: V. S. No. 2 green alfalfa
or better .carlots FOB Portland. $38-
39: U. S. Nq. 1 timothy. 7-38: oats
and vetch mixed hay. uncertified clo
ver hay. $24-25 ton. baled on Willa
mette valley farms.
Notice Is hereby civen that the un
dersigned,, has been duly appointed as
urecutor of the Last Will and Testa
ment and estate of Bertha A. Bureesa.
deceased.: by the Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon. County of Marion.
Probate Department, and has duly
qualified - as such Executor: All per
sons having claims against the estate
of said decedent, are hereby advised
to present the same, duly verified as
by law required, to the undersigned at
205 Oregon: Building. Salem. Oregon,
within si x month from the date of
this notice.'
Dated mt Salem. Orecon. this 29th dav
of December. 1948.
, Harold E. Ferris
Executor of the estate of
Bertha A. Burgess, deceased.
Ronald C. Glover
Attorney for Executor.
209 Oregon Building
Salem. Oregon D-29-JJ-12-18-26
-55 H
L ... 6 Y4
Saleia T
Anna Bell Mile lata resident of Cor
vailis at a Corvaili hospital Monday.
January 17. Survived by daughter.
Mrs. Lura Dann. Corvaili. and Mrs.
Eva Newlin, Geneva. Switzerland; son.
Ross C. Miles. Salem; sister, Lydla
Gardner. Portland; brothers. J. A.
Cook. Mt Vernon. Wash., and Alva
Cook. Portland; also six grandchild
ren and one great grandchild. Services
will be held Wednesday. January 19.
at 1 30 p. m. in the Clough-Barrick
chapel with Charles H worth and Levi
Pennington officiating. Interment in
City View cemetery.
George Alvin Boyle, at the residence.
590 N. 12th at.. January 17 at the age
of 77 years. Survived by widow. Mr.
Sarah Jane Boyle. Sal am; daugh
ter. Mrs. Marie C. Matthews. Palm
Springs. Calif., and Mrs. Bessie R.
Bower. Salem", sons. Alvin C. Boyle,
Salem, and Ralph O. C. Boyle. Tacoma.
Wash.;- 11 grandchildren and three
great grandchildren. Announcement of
services later by Howell-Edwards
Christine Helen Bedehoft. at the
Turner Memorial home at Turner.
January 18. at the age of SI years.
Survived by husband. John H. Bede
hoft. Turner; daughter, two grand
children and one great grandson, all
in California. Member of the Turner
Christian church. Announcement of
services latex by the Howell-Edwards
T. Sgt. Paul J. Tyler, late resident
of 1940 N. Church st.. in the Philip
pine Island. July 17, 1945. Survived by
Widow. Mrs. Effie M. Tyler. Salem;
son. Dennis Tyler. Salem; mother. Vi
ola T. Tyler. Salem: father. J. F. Ty
ler. Oak Ridge, and grandmother. El
la Tyler. Salem. Military i service will
be held at graveside in Belcrest Me
morial park. Saturday, January 22, at
1 30 p.m., with Salem post 130. Amer
ican Legion in charge. Direction by
Clough-Barrick company.
Mrs. Sarah Belle McKinney. at the
residence. 394 S. 21st. St., January 18.
Survived by two step-daughters. Mrs.
Helen HuRhbanks, and Mrs. Ellen As
tleford. both of Spokane. Wash.: step
sons. Martin Christensen. Spokane.
Harry Christensen. OBkridge, Laurence
Chnstensen. Salem. Walter Christen
sen. St. Paul. Minn.. Lewis McKin
ney. Salem. Elmer McKinney. Long
Beach. Calif., and Harold McKinney,
San Francisco: and four grandchildren.
Clifford HalThill. Tacoma. Lloyd Half
hill. Seattle. Mrs. Zola Fleming. Man
son. Wash., and Mrs. Anna Belle
Grantham. Cusickj. Wash. Services will
be held Wednesday.; January 19. at 3
p.m. at the Claugh-Barrick chapel.
Interment in Belcrest Memorial park.
Silverton Triple Link
Club Elects Officers
SILVERTON Triple Link club
met with Elga Reed Wednesday,
January 13. Grace Taylor presid
ed and new officers installed by
Irene Giroux and Myrtle Stew
art were Betty Taylor, president;
Edith Grace, vice president: El
ga Reed, secretary, and Faye Ren
wick, treasurer.
Covered dish dinner will be held
at the IOOF hall, 6:30 p. m. Jan
uary 26. For Rebekahs and Odd
Fellows, their families and all vis
iting Rebekahs. i
Stocks and Bonds
rnmnllfrt hy h Aociated Pres
Jan : 18
31 ! IS
Indust Rails
Tuesday 91.1 38.5
Previous day 90 8 38.5
Week ago 91.1: 38.7
Month ago 88 6 38.3
Year ago 88 6 35.8
39 5
39 7
38 9
65 3
65 3
65 6
64 1
Rails Indust Util Forn
.. 91.71 102.1 101.5 64 3
Tuesday .
Previous day
Week ago .
Month ago ...
Year aeo ,
89 5
88 fl
101 3
99 0
64 0
63 9
62 5
6i 3
Portland Livestock
PORTLAND. Ore., Jan. 18 -IAPi-(USDA)
Cattle 150: calves 25: hold
over cattle 575; market slow, few
sales weak with Monday's general 50
cent 1.00 decline; no fed steers sold;
few loads good 1062-1104 lb. fed steers
Monday 24.00: part load 1003 lb. 24.50:
good 1300-1400 lb. : steers 23 00: other
medium-low good steers mostly 21.00
23.00; common-low - medium steers to
day 17.50-21.00: common heifers 17.00
18.50; several loads; heifers included in
holdover: short load good beef cows
18.50; canners-cutters losing slowly at
12.50-15.00; " medium -good sausage bulls
steady at 18.50-22.50; good-low choice
vealers steady at 29 00-31.00; common
calves around 15.04-17.00.
Hogs salable 100; market slow, steady
at Monday's 1.75 decline: good-choice
180-230 lb. mostly 22.50; few sorted
lots 22.75: 250-290 lbs. 20.00-75; few
160 lbs. 20.75; good 350-550 lb. sows
around 50 cental lower at 17.50-18.50;
lighter weights up to 19.00: good
choice feeder pigs quotable 23.00-24.00.
Sheep: Salable 100; market active,
fully steady; food -choice 87-90 lb. fed
lambs 23.00; common-medium lambs
16.00-20.00; medium lambs 21.00-50;
good heavy ewes salable around 8.00:
good-choice ewes Monday up to 9 00
Salem Market
(As mt lstej yesterday)
Premium I
No. 1 j
No. 2
Retail i
EGGS (Buying)
Extra large AA I.
Large AA i
Large A
Medium AA j
21 50
14 50
14 50
29 00
Medium A ,
EGGS (Wholesale)
Extra large AA
Large AA
Large A
Medium AA
Medium A
No. 1 Leghorn hens
No. 1 colored hens i ...
No. 1 colored fryer ll to I lbs.)
No. 1 colored fryers (3 lbs. up)
No. 1 old cocks f
Feeder lambs j -
Wool Lambs j. 19 00 to
Ewes i 2.00 to
Fat dairy cows
.. 13 00 to
12.00 to
15.00 to
18.00 to
20.00 to
25 00 to
Cutter cows ,
Dairy heifers . ,., ,
Bulls 4-
Calves. 300 to 450 R.
Good veal 150 to 300 lb.
Portland Grain
PORTLAND. Ore.. Jan. IS ( API-
Wheat futures not Quoted.
Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 2.21 ,;
soft white (excluding rex) 121: white
club 2.21'x; western red 221la.
Hard red winter: Ordinary Ul'i; 10
per cent 2.22; 11 per cent 2.23; 12 per
cent 2 25.
Hard white baart: 11 per cent 2.23: 12
per cent 2.44. i
Today's car receipts: Wheat 69; bar
ley 10; flour t; corn 26; oats 1- mill-
feed U.
TJresYock and Poultry
S NICK heavy springer dairy cow.
Due now. Heavy producers. 3 mi. K.
on Onter at. Rt. 5. box 156.
2 GUERNSEY milk cows. 4 yrs. old.
1 fresh 1 wk., other fresh la few days
witn zna caive. ajlso 2 aor. puuets.
mo, old. all laying. White Rocks. Farm
trailer with rack. new. Albert Francke.
Rt. 7. Box 325, 3'i ml. E. of Totem Pole.
NEW ZEALAND white breeding
stock. Hutches, hardware; cloth. &
rabbit wire. Ph. 3-1802. Rt. 7. Box 372.
BONDED livestock buyer. Claude Ed
wards. Rt. 3. Box 899E. Ph. '3-1144
McCandUah. 1127 S, 25th. Ph. 3-6147.
Dead and worthless stock promptly
removed free of chart" e horses, hogs,
cows, calves, sheep or goats. Phone
SALEM 3-5000
Salem Fertilizer St By-Prod ucta Works
Salem. Oregon
BABY CHICKS. aU popular varieties.
Write today for Lee's Baby Chick
Chats containing free poultry Infor
mation. Lees Hatchery, p. u. box
725. Salem.
WANTED: Thin cows and heifers for
feeders, also butcher cattle. Get my bid.
it will cost you nothing. Earl Du Chien,
2495 N. 5th, Salem. Phone 2-1656.
H1GHESI PRICES pala CatUe and
horses wanted for fox feed. Call col
lect Sherwood 4432.
WED.. JAN. 19th at 10 A.M. & 7 P.M.
At Lane Sudtell s Auction Salesyard
Located U Mi. E. of Salem on Silverton
Zenith drophead sewing machine.
Deluxe AB table top elec. range. 7 ft.
Philco refrig. New cocktail table, four
6-piece bedroom sets. Chrome break
fast et. Tables. Chairs. Radio. Coil
springs. Beds. Floor lamps. Wood cir
culators. Ana many misc. inicm,
tools, produce and machinery, chick
ens and rabbits, day old and veal
calves, weaner and feeder pigs, cows,
heifers, and bull.
Phone 3-6098
Help Wanted
MAN OR Woman. No experience
necessary. Commission in advance.
Transportation furnished. Write box
486. Statesman.
Help. Wanted Male
CAPABLE man for service dept. Must
be able to do general repair work. Ap
ply Montgomery Ward Co.
PART TIME door man. Apply in
person. Grand Theatre.
Help Wanted Female
SOMEONE to care for child 42 yrs..
eves., while mother works. Call days.
350 Fairview ave
Excellent opportunity for young lady
age 26 to 30 with stenographic and re
ceptionist experience. Must take dic
tation. Contact
360 State Street Ph. 2-1488
Fenix. Eaton Hall. Willamette Univer-
itv. Phone 3-9266.
office position. Ph. 42171. ext. 288 for
WOMAN for housework and child
care, mornings. Call after 3:30 p. m.
Mrs. Green. 715 S. 12th.. apt. 1.
WANTED: Alteration woman at 352
Chemeketa. Ph. 3-5078.
HOUSEKEEPER for modern country.
home. Man St high school daughter in
family- Box 484 Statesman.
Salesman Wanted
We will put two men in business,
age 25 to 55. must have clean record
and able to be bonded. Our product
has great public acceptance and our
men have high average earnings. Car
necessary. Write Salem Stateseman,
box number 487, inclose phone num
ber if possible.
SALESMAN to sell janitor supplies
and cleaning chemicals in city of Sa
lem. Salary and commission. Paulsen
and Roles Laboratories. 1836 N.E 7th.
Portland 12. Oregon.
Situations Wanted
HOUSEWORK by the hour. Ph. 2-9901
PAINTING by hour or contract. Ph.
2-4248. Ralph Alsman.
DRESSMAKING, alteration and re
pairs. 1343 Wilbur St. Ph. 3-9721.
TOPPING, trimming removed trees.
Build new lawn, plant shrubs h deliver
ed river silt. Write Louis Meyer. Rt. 2,
Box 408 or call Hrudka 2-2192
WELL experienced young lady wishes
light housework li care of children for
working parents. 5 days a week. Go
home evenings. 8 yrs. experience. No
phone calls. Call in person. Ask for
Mrs. Vollmer. 457 S. C3oml
EXPERIENCED lady, 35 yrs.. wishes
housework or caring for children days.
Room, board, reasonable wages. Ph.
WILL CARE for your child by hr
day or week. 1050 6th St.. W. Salem.
CURTAINS washed, stretched. 2-3448.
RELIABLE Christian lady desires
housework. 61.00 hr. Ph. 2-1761.
CARPENTER and cabinet work, rr
model. repair or new work. Ph. 2-4329.
NICE. Christian girl will do house
work after school and Sat Ph. 2-3738,
POE'S mimeographing' typing ser
vice. Quality work. Lower prices. 669
N. 16th. Ph. 3-3643.
PLASTERING, patch work and chim
ney building. Free estimates. Ph. 2-4389.
CHILD care. 1180 ShippingTPh. 3-9924.
ODD JOBS wanted. Ph. 2-0247.
TREE WORK, trimming, topping, fell
ing, removing. Ins. operator. Free est.
W. H. McAllister. 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1496.
Mike's Septic Service
Tanks cleaned Roto Rooter Service
on Sewers. Phone 3-9468 or 3-5327.
Ch i mnev sweep NoFthnes ph. 3-4450
SEWERS and septic tank installed
and repaired Scharff Bros Phone 25568
Furnace and chimneys cleaned Vae
uum ujed B F Ensley. Ph. 3-7176.
DRAWING house plans Ph. 3-0621
Painting & Decorating
1-5444 DICK OREY 6265
For Sale Miscellaneous
BOSTON bull pup. $10. Ph. 2-8429.
ACOUStICON Hearing Aid. Good
cond. Cot $174 50. Will sell for $70.
Ph. 3-4913. 2248 Mill St.
"YOUNG MALE fox terrier, cheap".
Phone 2-4597.
SEE US for the bert values in used
ranges, refrigerators and washing ma
chines. Ralph Johnson Appliances. 355
Center st.
LEA TTIERETTETT-aby buggy. 6 mo,
old. Also baby mattress. $25 for both.
Ph. 2-0268 Rt. 4. box 852.
TJSED kENMORE washer. Like new
for $.. Ph. 3-4213.
BOYS JUNIOR size bicycle. 24 in.
wheel. 1455 N. 16th. Ph. 3-6205.
OR TRADE: Baled clover hay. Homer
Zielinski. Gervais. Ore. 1st hse. N. of
Waconda. Ph. Salem 3-1842.
2 WHITE uniforms. size36. $1.00 ea.
Black satin rain coat, size 16. Half
price. Ph. 3-3Z96.
for older or handicapped persons. Leav
ing Salem. WiU sacrifice $375. 1042
REXAIR VACUUM cleaner. Latest
model. Like new. Perfect cond. $39.50.
2105 University. Ph. 2-0458.
CLOSING OUT entire plumbing stock.
Big discount. Some at wholesale. W. A.
Skewia Co, 1390 Madflon St.
For Sale Miscellaneous
CHAIRS 89.75 tc $12.50; Small wall
safes $10.00: Legal size metal filing
cabinets $47.50. Burroughs Adding ma
chine $45.00. Oak Radio tables $4 .00.
OIL CIRCULATORS $29.95 to $37.00;
Bunk Beds and mattresses; Electric
Water heaters, apt size ranges and re
frigerators; Electric house and out
side wire, range cable, range outlets.
Maple meat block; Electric Bakery
oven: Dish Washers: -947 M Ton
GMC low bed long wheel base truck.
Septic Tanks. plumbing supplies,
caulking lead 25c lb. Come south on
12th to large HOYT sign, turn east one
block. Tel 3-7916.
2 BEDRM. SETS, twin beds, covered
box springs, mattresses, $150 each set.
Living room set $125. Writing desk $25.
Bookcase $10. End table $10. Everything
? ractically new. D. J. Wilterclink, Rt.
, Box 98. Parkway Drive. West Sa
lem. "REFRIGERATOR. Crossly Shelvadore.
excel, cond.. also Maytag washer. 1710
N. Capitol, apt 6. Ph. 2-9824.
CLOVER HAY. Henry C. Stafford.
Gervais Rt. 1. a mi. W. Waconda. Ph.
SINGERS $10. Hens $2.50. Ph. 25929
1750 or 20.000 lb. 2-speed Eaton axle.
Wheels & tires. 1946 Merc, motor com
plete. 9.000 miles. '40 Ford truck trans
mission & truck parts. 444 Coleman oil
circuiator with carburetor. 195 Holly
wood Ave.
TTU. FT. Grunow refrigerator. 1054
Howard. Ph. 2-8806
ADDRESSOGRAPHT hand operated
machine. Good working order. Frames
filing cabinet also available. Phone
SMALL circulating oil heater. Older
type Westinghouse range, elec. water
heater, side-arm type. These items are
for sale or trade for chickens, rabbits,
pigs. etc. Bill's Auto Paint Shop, 1090
Lancaster Dr. Ph. 2-5152.
PIANO (Drachmann of Chicago) .
with bench. Good cond. 1464 Hickory
St Ph. 3-6514.
NEW Spinet piano. Ph. 3-5773 eves.
BICYCLE $10. tires almost new. 150
Lansing. After 6 p.m. Ph. 26938.
xl0 Cedar Siding . $15000 m
No. 1 VG 18" Shakes. 6 colors
with undercourse $12.95 sq
No. 1 and Btr. Oak Flooring $200.00 m
5816 SE Foster Road
Portland 6. Ore.
CRANE Cabinet sink, one year old,
$75. Phone 2-6520.
FLOOR Furnace. Even-Temp.. 5
room, never uncrated. Sacrifice $125.
996 McCilchrlst.
HALIC RAFTER radio, receiver mod
el S-22R. 4 bands. Excellent cond.
$65 Call 3-9716.
NEW Westinghouse refrigerator, T6
cu. ft. 2 ft. freezer compartment. $80.
less than new. Ph. 2-2806. 375 Try on
DAVENPORT with slip cover and Ice
box. Cheap. 1044 Howard St.
PEKINESE Spayed, female, will sell
for $10 to best home offered. Ph. 3-8547.
OAKLAND white enamel wood range
A tank. Rt. 1. Turner. Ore. Keith Coul-
A.B. apt. size elec. range. $70. Chick
elec. razor. $9. Eureka cordless elec.
iron. $9. Rt. 9. Box 154. Boxwood Lane.
S. on 99E to Dixon's mkt. Take Sunny
side Rd. for mile, turn right on
Boxwood Lane.
EV'ENRlfDEZeDher outboard motor.
Nearly new. Four feather sleeping bags.
3 folding cots with mosquito nets. Camp
stove it misc. camping equipment. Ph.
FURNITURE for 5 rm. house. CheaD.
Ph. 2-8760. 1075 Erixon.
CORSONI 180 bass accordion. 8
changes. Excel, cond. $325. Ph. 2-3304.
IRON BED. springs, dresser and in-
ner-sprinp mattress. $20. 550 Illinois St.
Phone 3-6751.
BOY S BICYCLE in good cond. Onlv
fzu. r-rt. 3-t569 after 6 pm
FLAT TOP 7 drawer desk. $25. 15
W. 18tn. Phone 2-7479.
a-KV IL eas ref rieerator. Made
-nei gas range. LiKe new. Ph. 2-2574
9-12 all wool Alexander Smith rose
rug. good cond. Dinette set and buf
fet to match, chrome lees. Davennort
ana swine rocxer. aaua velour. Cbf
fee table, dark wood. All articles rea
sonable. Do not call until 10 a.m. Ph.
EUO THERM oil circulator, medium
size, and accessories. $30. Damascus
treadle sewing machine, excel, cond
$35 Ph. 2-1870.
18 IN. jigsaw with motor, cheap. 3
pairs drapes, good cond., $3 pair. 455
M hospital Surgical Medical
contract. No age limit. Good anywhere
Low cost. MBH 4 A. Ph. 3-8482.
Walling Sand & Gravel Co.
Crushed Rock
rr roads St driveway. Cement.
Ready-mix Concrete. Garden sand.
illdozing. drainage and witching. ,i
yd yhovel St drag line. Phone 3-9249.
I K-.DIJL.fc. sewing machine. Also 6
yr crib. Phone 2-4468.
Tea sets, flatware, antiques. Complete
repair service and metal finishing
Guaranteed Tarnish Proofing."
AVEK PLATING CO. Call 3-7771
ALWAYS a Dig "toes.
Woodry's Furniture Mkt. Ph. 3-5110
4 Lloyd M. Hill, Inc.
Cat Shovel and truck work of all kinds
Phone 2-4367 Rt 2. box 32-B
Oregon Statesman Circula t ion Dept.
A.B apt size elec. range. Calrod un-
Its. new. $110 Ph. 34284.
FERTILIZER, cow or chicken. De
livered in Salem, well-rotted cH fresh
$5 per cu. yard. Also by sack. $1 per
sack at place or will del. 5 sack order
Phillips Bros. Rt 6. Box 118. Ph 68F22.
ATMORAYS Ozone Good health
Rent -sell. H. C. Pugh. 684 N. 17. 3-4692.
Commercial Sand & Gravel
Crushed rock. Ready mix. All kinds
of sand and gravel. River silt and fill
Ph. 21966
WARDS Appliance Service Dept. of
fers complete service facilities for all
Montgomery Ward appliances. Just
Call 3-3191
No. 1 L.C. hop roots. Order now for
spring del. Write Ward Lundy or
Robert Runcon. Nyssa. Ore. U. 2.
A new roof, sparkling wall tile, fuel
saving insulation, attractive siding . .
are yours for the lowest possible costs!
Select the materials and Wards do the
rest. Ask today!
155 N Liberty
Rebuilt motors.
Give your old car new life Get a
rebuilt motor from Wards: 35 new
parts, rebuilt to Wards high standards.
For Fords A. AA, V8. Chev Plymouth
and Dodge.
155 N. Liberty
USED Duo-Therm oil heater, 5 to 6
room size. $39 50.
467 Court St Phone 3-9611
SHINGLES: No. 1. $10 per sq.. No. 2.
$6.50 per sq. 16 in. shakes and under
course. $12 per sq. Rockiathe, 35c per
yd. Sheet rock and insulation board.
Eola Lumber Co.
W Salem. Oreg Ph . 2-5950
GRAVEL., sana and tilt Delivered or
on vour truck at the pit Ph. 2-4002
Insulate your home this easy, effec
tive way with this safe, and lasting
material. Save up to 301. on fuel bills.
Get it at Wards for 5c per sq. ft.
155 N. Liberty
" ONE Stimpson electric computing
scale. One Allen combination cash and
adding machine. One 7'" Skill saw.
10C on all hand tools. 12th St. Hard
ware. 1430 S. 12th.
Wanted Miscellaneous
WANTED: Piano, small size prefer
red Phone 2-8725.
WILL store for use: bed complete.
dresser, couch, easy chair, 9x12 lino
leum rug. chest of drawer tt sewing
machine, write Box 485. Stateman.
TILE SCOOP for ditching. Ph. 3-137$
Wills Musi Stew.
Wanted Furniture
USED FURNITURE Phono 3-3110.
USED FURNITURE Phone 3-9185.
Mattresses Capital Bed Co. Ph. 3-4069
AUTO Daintlna lust a shade batter
oy Ray CTTER Call Shrock Motor Co
WEATHER strips Pullman. Ph. 3-5965.
WANT TO Buy Used Cameras &
lenses McEwan Photo Shop 435 State
Dental Plate Repair
Bring or Mall Your Plates for Repair
Adolph Bldg.. State St Com. Ph. 3-3311.
HAVE YOUR atneer sewuut machine
repaired by qualified Singer repre
sentative. Ph. 3-3512 for free pickup &
delivery service on all makes of ma
chines. Free estimate given before
work Is started Singer' Sewing Ut
Chine Co 130 N Commercial
WATER WELL drilling Domestic oi
irrigation Duffield Bros. Rt 9 Box
423 Phone 2-1313 .
Salem Sand & Gravel Co.
Contract Work
Rood Clearing - Ditching
Sewer A Basement
Eouiotnent Rental
13 B-i yds $1200 per hr
10 B-"k yds. s so per nr
D-7 Cat & Dozer 10.50 per hr
D-6 Cat 4 Dozer 1 40 per or
D-4 Cat Dozer T OO per kr
Phone days 3-9408
Evenings 3-8246 or 2-4400
Salem. Oregon
Money to Loan
Let Personal's Yes
Manager pay them
for you !
Here's a sensible plan used by near
ly one million Personal customers to
clean up duis. etc.
1 Add obligations and pay them
with a personal loan.
2 Then make just one reason
able Day men t each month.
Don't borrow unnecessarily, but if
a loan solves a problem, phone or
come in today.
. Finance Company
518 State St.. Rm. 125
Phone 2-2464 E. Gallinger. Mgr
Lie. S-122. M-165
41. and S
Tour own term of repayment with
In reason Cash for Real Estate Con
tracts and Second Mortgages.
107 Pioneer Trust Bide ' Phone 7162
$25.00 to $500.00
Salem's largest and oldest home-owned
loan company offers money when
you need It I
You can pay. anytime to reduce net
cost I ,
No endorsers or help from friends I
On cars, trucks, trailer homes to
On furniture, livestock, equipment,
salary or other personal property up to
Phone or visit our office today I
Lie No. S13S and M338 '
General Finance Corp.
PH. 3-9161 136 S COMX ST
182 S. Church St Ph. J-2437
Parking Aplenty
Lie. M159-S154
Private Money
On Cars. Trucks. & Trailer Homes
Long or Short Term Payments
Roy H. Simmons
136 S. Commercial St Phone 1-9161
Loans Wanted
WANTED $20,000 1 year. 6cr Interest
first mortgage. Box 488, Statesman.
8 to 40 Years and NO Commission
344 State St. Phone 2-3663
For Kent Rooms
HEATED RM . near bath. Business
man pref. 745 N. Capitol. Ph. 3-5323
or 2-6887
NICE sleeping room. Ph. 3-7282.
SLP. ROOMS. Close in. Breakfast
served if desired. 444 N. Winter.
Chemeketa St.
heated. Close in.
ROOM for 1 or 2. Cooking privilege
if desired. 575 N. Cottage-
Hollywood sip, rm. 2035 McCoy. 3-6093"
HEATED ROOM, business man pre-
f erred. 745 N. Capitol. Ph. 35323. 26887.
SLEEPING ROOM. Phone 2-4427.
Room and Board
BOARD and room for elderly people.
496 N. 13th. Ph. 2-4886.
For Rent Apartments
ONE 3 rm. and one" 2 rm. furn. apt.
Adults. Ph. 2-5372. 1935 Center
3 RM. furn. 1st fir. apt. Employed
adults. 570 Union
3 RM. furn. apt. Outside entrance.
refrig. E. V. Ferguson. 817 Mill st.
2 RM. apts. Auto, hot water, $25 and
$35. Inq. 243 Chemeketa.
E35 inq. -43 cnemexeta.
"TURN. APT. for lease. Couple only..
3 blks. from city center. Call in per
son at Woodry Furniture Co., 474
S. Com 1.
FURN. APT., emp. cple. No drinking.
$42. Utilities furn. 1254 Ruge St.. W.
ALL MODERN 4 rm. apt., elec. heat.
nicely furn. Garage. Hollywood dist.
$65. Ph. 3-7506. "
LCE. 3 rm. apt. upstairs for quiet
couple. Clean. Light. Conv. to bus and
cap. bldgs. Priv. bath i ent. Ph. 2-7551.
NEW 3 room large lower apt. for
couple. Refrig.. range, in a door bed.
$70. 1065 Madison. Ph. 2-8067
2 RM. furn. apt. to employed couple.
460 N. 13th after 3:30 p m.
FURKLSMED basement apt. 825 N.
Winter. Ph. 38293. .
FURN. 3 room and bath. Prl. entran-
ce. Ground floor. Adults. 694 N. C'om'l.
"TURN-SHED basement apt. Electric.
607 N. Com'l St.
1 RM. APT. Emp. man. Steam heat.
1130 Chemeketa.
FOR LEGTsLATOR One room furn.
Elec. heat. pri. bath. State House 8
blks. Ph. 36969.
1 KM. A tingle hskp. rm. Cheap, city
center. 160 Union. Ph. 3-8048,
JANITOR to care for Hall in returfi
for apt. and utilities. One or two per
sons. Box 482. Statesman.
APT. and sleeping room. 790
Church. Ph. 3-4335.
2 1 3 RM. furn. apts. Pri.
bath. No
drinking. 2310 N. 4th.
FURN. Apts. School and city bus
Elect, heat 3580 S. Commercial St.
For Rent Houses
SMALL GARAGE house, wired for
elec. range. No bath. $20. Inq. Rt I.
box 89. Salem.
and bath.
wood circulator.
elec. hot
water heater.
elec. water
system, storage blodg.. ' A. straw
berry patch. $33 mo. 1360 Shady Lane
MODERN S rm. furn. house. Elec.
heat. Weekly rental $40. Everything
furn. Monthly rental. $120. No electri-
Citv furn. Ph 2-4446.
4RM. HOUSE7garage Tot. $35 mo.
Ph. 2-3315 or 2-5557. J. A. Rowland.
For Rent nouses
4 RM. unfurn. house. Not modern.
35. Inquire 3690 Cherry Ave.
NEW mod. unfurn. house. Ideal for
small family. Can be used as 1 or 2
bedrm. 2905 Beacon Ave., off Silverton
hlway. Call for R. J. Miller.
RENT or SELL. "Mod. 3 BR home
north on Kappahn rd. Large roomy.
Unfurn. except oil heater. $60 mo. or
sell $2000 dwn. Call St rout Realty, 959
S. 12th i St. Ph. 25323.
4 RM. shingle bungalow, furn. Except
range, write .. a. rronk.Jr., 251 Mag
no i im.
NiC saraee house. No Deis. $25 ma
ijoj i-iearview Ave.
2 YR. OLD 5-rm. house. Auto, fur
nace. Buy it like rent. Ph. 2-7835.
NEW one bedrm. elec. house. $55.
n. zum. afternoon.
For Rent
IRONERS by the week Phone 2-4439
GOOD Used Piano H L Stiff
TRAILERS 75c first nr. 50c hrs
following Woodry's Mkt 1605 N
L Stiff.
Blankets furn. 197 S. Liberty. Ph 2-9062
TRUCKS and cars for rent Blanket
furnished Smltty s Clipper Service
Center and Church. Phone 3-9600.
Wanted to Rent
2 ADULTS, mother and daughter
aesire furn. or partially turn. 3 or
rm. apt, after Feb. 1st. Ph . 3-81 43
EMPLOYED woman wants unfurn
small house, desirable location, near
bus, between now and May 1st. Box
490. Statesman.
PERMANENTLY employed man and
family would like unfurn. or partly
furn. 2 bedrm. house. Not over $60 mo,
Refs if needed. Ph. 2-9R7R
2 BEDRM. furn. house. Englewood
dist Immediately. Ph. 3-6688.
YOUNG COUPLE desires S or 4 rm
furn. apt. No drinking or smoking. Ph.
LOT 50x100. Utility rm.
ft. trailer house. Ph. 2-3398.
odern 1$
WANTEJ& Reasonably pr
tly priced Io
wooded lots
r: Ph. 3-4284.
d lot for
nome. rn. z-iaz.
SEVERAL lovely
lota on
Ratcliff Dr. By owner
For Sale Real Estate
FOR Efficient and effective sales
service call the Salem Realty Co NOW
NEW 4 BR Ratcliff Dr. Owner 3-4284
BY OWNER My equity in new 2 B
R. home. All new furniture. Ph. 2-2194
BY OWNER: New 2 B R. home. FHA
terms. Inquire 925 Vista Ave
6 RM. HOUSE. All electric. Attached
garage. Furnished. $5750. Would sell un
furn. Must sell immediately. 1751 N
Front. i!
BY OWNER: New 2 bdrm. home. 50
x 125 corner lot. $3800. 2405 Adams.
UNFINISHED home in Keizer d ist..
$3,800 or trade equity for large trailer
home and s.txi. rn. z-mioo
MODERN 1 bedroom house. Also one
2 bedroom house, damaged s oy lire.
Both for $5500. S. H. Wright. Aumsvu
le. Ore.
South 99 Hwy. Small 1 B.R. furn.
house, onlv $3850.
Jefferson St. 2 BK. house, ravea st
Close to stores and sch. Room to build
additional houses on same lot; 84250.
Inglewood 8 year old 2 B.K. home.
H.W. floors, fireplace, furnace neat, at'
tsched garage, inclosed back yd. $8950.
NE. New 2 B.R. house. Coved ceil
ings, well arranged features, attached
garage. $7750 $1700 down.
ft. E. MEKEU1TH or . M. MASUN
176 S. Commercial Ph. 3-8841
$10,800. FHA terms 2 bdrm. mod
new home. hwd. firs., fireplace, auto.
fur., room for 2 bdrm up. $Ce Har
vey Huff.
Huff Real Estate Co.
Realtors 341 Chemeketa St.
Ph. 39271 Eves. 39441
Best Buys
2 Houses $3200
Can be bought separately 1 house
unfinished, 3 rooms for $1200 or 1 house
finished, very livable. $2000. North.
$6500 Full Price
1 BR house, good cond.. garage
very close to school and bus, trees
$2750 Down
1 2-BR house. 1 1-BR house, on m
choice Ige. lot. Excellent location to
build for rentals. Both houses j almost
new. Attached garage to each. Full
price only $13,000. Terms,
AI Isaak & Co., Realtors
3035 Portland Road
Ph. 3-7820. 2-4596: Eve. 2-0473 3-3558
- CLEAN one bedroom home
lots south. Completely fur-
with 2
Call Stanley Brown with
State Finance Co. Realtors
153 S. HI gh St. Ph. 34121. Eves. 23561
ONE B EDROOM home with bath,
large living room. Completely modern.
Electric water system, good well. Large
lot with shop in rear. Will seal furn
Ished or unfurnished. Will accept late
model car or house trailer a ; part of
my equity. See owner at 145 : Roberts
ave.. off Silverton road. j
2 BR MODERN house. l A., at 4
Corners. Laura Christenson. Gen. Del.,
Salem. j j
BY OWNER: S BR house. Ilv
rm.. kit., full bsmt-
auto, oil
?at. Partly fin. up. 1123 Columbia.
BY OWNER: New 2 BR plastered
home, auto. elec. heat, fireplace, hwd.
firs., att. garage, utility rm. On A.
Trees and berries. An exceptionally
arranged home. $1500 will handle. Bal.
FHA. See at Rt. 5, box 154, c. pn cen
ter st. '2 ml. past Lancaster. Ph. 2-12H9.
1 BDRM. modern home. 2370 S. 12th.
Call 3-8993 for appointment. t
house with two rentals,' cloe in to i
business dist. Will bring $160 per mo.
Exc long term invest, priced right.
Clark M. Craig, Realtor
668 N. High. Ph. 3-3748 or evei 3-5053
$8500. LATE built
odern 1 2 BR
home on bus line, close
to 'school.
H. W. floors, fireplace, oil furnace.
Venetian blinds, attached garage. Im
mediate possession. $1,200 down.
Call Stanley Brown with j
State Finance Co. Realtors
153 S. High St. Ph. 34121. Eves. 25561
$5600 FINISH this to suit yourseli
3 bedroom house with bath.' living
room and dining room comoineot
kitchen, nook, fireplace, wired and
plumbed. Imm. pot. Bus at door.
$8500 Need more room 7 Hero is a
good older type home with two bed
rooms downstairs, bath, living; room.
dining room, kitchen, fireplace room
for apartment upstairs, new 'double
garage, air-condition furnace heat.
Make an offer on this 2 bedroom
home and 1 A. Ground. Has bath, liv
ing and dining rooms combined; kitch
en, all electric utilities. Insulated.
P. H. Bell, Realtor
361 Chemeketa St.. Salem
Phone 2-1545 - 3-4896 '
Eves. 2-8568, 2-6686, 3-7563 .
$6900. CLEAN modern plastered late
built home east on bus line. Attached
garage, large lot. Immediate I posses
sion. $1900 down.
Call Stanley Brown with
State Finance Co. Realtors
153 S. High St. Ph. 34121. Evlrs, 23561
$42.00. 1 B.R. L K. Garage, work
shop, on bus line, close to school. Very
nice location. A good buy. Would con
sider trade for unf. suburban home.
18500. 3 BR. home. L.R. D R. H.N..
Basement furnace, Hdwood fjrs. Close
to bus, close to school. 7 walnut trees,
A nice clean well built home) in town.
$10,500. 3 B.R. Home. L.R. PH. B.N.
Full ceiled basement furnacei well sit
uated. Close to city center. Hdwood
firs. Fireplace, owner . going; to it Id.
Must Sell. . ;
Keizer Real Estate &
Insurance t
Onas S. Olson . C. R. Richard
665 enema wa Koaq
1 mile West f Keizer ;chool
Phone 3-1380 - 2-2-
Tor Sale Real Estate
An outstanding feature of this 4-rm,
cottage with an extra lge. L. room
and D. room with rustic finish, mod.
bath, price of $4700 Includes alec.
.-.. I A -t.llll .
4 miles out on secondary state high
way, about 1 ac. ground, exceptional
private water system, artistic ;L. room
with attractive fireplace, D. room.
2 bedrooms, mod. bath, full bsmt. wlLU
laundry, good terms. -i y
One of the finest apartment loca
tions In Salem 80x151. priced only
$4750 for quick sale. - T t
30 ac. cult.. 2 ac. pasture and Umber,
creek, lge. family orchard. - room
house, barn and other bldgs., well
with elec. pump. Price $12,000. Will
trade for house in Woodburn. Hub
bard or Aurora. 1 i
Material for our mid winter! Issue ol
"NELSON NEWS" is now being com
piled. This issue will be widely dis
tributed in the middle west and Cali
fornia. If we have a lUUngjof your
property in our office before' that is
sue goes out one or more of the thou
sands who wUI see It, might be be a
buyer for your property. s
. Specializing Realtors! I
701 N. High St. Phone i-ittl
$9750. NEW modern 2 BR horne Eng
lewood dist. Close to school. IM. OR.
kitchen and bath. Attached Fgarage.
Immediate possession. I P
Call Stanley Brown with 1 j1
State Finance Co. Realtors
153SHlgh St. Ph. 34121. Eves. 25561
$8500 NICE 2 bedroom sVrba
home with unfinished atlc, bath. Hy
ing room, dining room, kitchen, fire
place, automatic heat. Some trees,
flowers, shrubs, also chicken bouse.
$8500-Owner will take late model
car and some cash for hi equity I in
this well-built 2 bedroom home, bath,
Uving room, attract! vo kitchen 4
nook, all electric. 1 -
$6400 This is a well-built older tvpe
honvt with 2 bedrooms, sleeping (porch,
bath, living room, dining room, (kitch
en, i j 1 Is
$8950 Thia new 1 bedroom I home
may be bought on easy term. Has
bath, living room, dining room, (kitch
en, oil heat, utility room. Bendix wash
er and electric stove may be purchased.
P. H. Bell, Realto
861 Chemeketa St.. Salem
tm. Or,
Phone 2-1545. 3-4896
Eves. 3-7565, 2-8568.
A clean, comfortable cottaga
unmcaiaie possession. Uving
Urge kitchen, nook, bedroom. JcrKn
ed-in porch, wired for range
garden spot. Priced to sell at
Phone 2-1545. 3-48961
Eves 2-6686. 3-7565. l-6fl
Dandy, rm. bungalow with
iiv. rm. ana fireplace. 1 bdrmt.
oeauurul shaded lot. Onlv 4 blk
cnooL. a Dargain at $6300.
NEW. 81000 DOWN
2 bdrm. modern bungalow witM lir
liv. rm. t fireplace. oU heat, space in
attic for extra bedrm., attached ga
rage, large lot In new addition close
to bus. $8500. Call Mr. Cleary.
Walter Musgrave Realtors
1233 Edgewater. Ph. 3-5109: Eves. 2-W
A Better Buy
i reaiiy weu ouut a bedroom homo
with lots of room. Nicely located sua
corner lot. Only blk to bus and stores.
2 blks to school. Full basm'Lj oillfur-
" nw taw ii iprmun. . IlIIMS
touching up will give you 1'a ham
which would cost perhaps $13,000 to
duplicate. A bay at $9200. Call yVaii
Musgrave. , it.
Walter Musgrave Realtors
1233 Edgewater. Ph. 3-8109; Eves. 3
Calabas Column
$800 DOWN ; 1 li i
M odern room home, oak flni
fireplace. small lot, you may rrtovO
right in full price Is. only $7950. 1 S
wun -!. uk .RAISE 1 'Si
Lovely 8 room home, n.e-.w
School Dist, fireplace and oak flniors,
auto heat, large garage, nice yard. Will
sen tor sii,.uu, UK take in trade
farm property. k I -
iooa De-room modern Mtm
with finished basement, playrojom,
auto heat, fireplace, etc. Vr Tu
yard, extra deep lot. excellent district
-si ee it xoamy. i t I
231 N. High St. Hi . I
Phone 3-5838 Eve. 3-377$ or 2-E914
2 YEAR OtJD home, i ft.h..
Dinette. Kitchen. Bath. Utility and J
unfinished rooms upstairs, mrm.
Block to bus and store, '.a mile west cat
jveizer scnooi. My equity, assume GJ..
i-oan. avia rxewpurg jJrlve.
Drive Out To
2280 Englewood Ay
(Just off 23fd and D St)
Open All Day
Evenings 6 to 8 Pi M. I
2 bdrm. house, liv. rm- din. thl
firepl., elec. heat, extra table spaea
in kitchen, plenty of bull Una and clo
set space. Coved linoleum oni kltfhoa
and bathroom floors, and Inside 91) li
ly room. J 1 i
Full Price $1100 j
$3000 dn. Bal. $51.91 mo.
Abrams and jSkinner, Ipc,
411 Masonic Bldg
Ph. 19211
Insurance Mori
insurance Mortgage Ioans
2 yr. old mod. 2 BR homej attach.
arage. Bus by door. 87300 with I lea
man szuuu oown.
Strout Realty Acetic
959 S. 12th st. Phohe 25322
$1000 lWNTfeo per monthTT Tfefl.
LR. DR. kit., bath, basement. Ipil fur
nace, gar, $7350. . If
Larsen Home & Loan (Id.
164 S. Commercial St. Pr. 3-8380
2 bdrm. home, unfinished U-tir
Older but nice. Firepl. 2 lota. $6K00. j j.
$1000 down 2 yrs. old 2 berl im. ram
bler. Near Hollywood dist. $7700. ji
want to sell or buy, give ta lings
(Hollywood Dintrlct) l I
Phone 2-4664; Eves. 2.6013 of 2-37J7 la.
$5000. Payable $50 mo. 2 bd. rm. Ba
ment. furnace. Unimproved street. Jo
Hutchison Realtor, phone 23629. j f
bt-t: tne nout at Katcitrz ur, m i-
v. $595081000 dn.. $50 a mo. Jm
Hutchison Realtor, phone 23629.
$500 DOWN
Modem two bedroom suburban home
on acre. Wired for range, eiec. u
htr. utility rm. garage, cleg. well.
Terms $500
down, $50 j per
Price $6750.
$500 DOWN
Modern. 1 yr old 2 bdrm home
DR. utility rm. auto ht. garage.
Ige lot suburban. Price vuaw.
menu like rent. 1
urn. rnr st Phone ?4.l
$7000. . ACRE with clean 2, bA
home ekiae In east. 4 blk 1 to I bua.
Good barn, chicken house. This to I,
beautiful acreage ust outstda the r city.
Call Stanley Brown witn ,i I i
State Finance Co. Realtor
133 S. High St. Ph. 34121. rves.25l
$8500 NICE 3 bdrm. oiaeri typo
home In good location, cornet k
with lge. trees, good bsmt., i sawdust
fur., pretty kitchen, full Data up.
toilet down. A good buy. CaB Mr.
Walters. - i I' I
Huff Real Estate M. i
Realtors , 241 Cbemekgt St.
Ph. 39271 Evesf 3g
BY OWNER: Unini. bed stucco home.
h-Mlrma. on 1st floor. Eleci heat.
plumbing, lge. lot. $4,0-0. Terifa. RL
f. Box 408U III,