III mamwmacL ftcftsm,' Ors.. Wdn daji Tcmnarr 1. H43I It THE ASSOCIATED PRESS NEWS IN PICTURE . " i i i ! , ! - i a - y t. r ......-iuup"" . . a ? - m k a i- . w ' . y. 75 x " " yy XwXv AIRPORT SEAPORT The Holland-America Line flagship Nieuw Amsterdam Is seen from beneath the wine of a plane at the Isla Grande Airport. Sari Joan, Porte Rico, where the liner, docked to permit ita cruise passengers a day of sightseeing. BWTWqipiyilliaMajWajip ww.WWi.HPn m ' wUOtSSWUBiiuni03Wwpwwos i t .:: - I: A SPARROW AT HOME After three Tears in the .home of Albert LeFebre. in Los Angeles. Oseartnette. a sparrow, Jeela perfectly safe perched on Us master's pipe, : J, . .5 if NOMINATED.Dcta Aehesen, named by President Traman to succeed Gen. George C Marshall as Secretary of State, smiles as he aits at his desk in Washington. !v . f - i - 14m FAST CLIPS Children rtde ears aid horses as the receive halrcnU while their mothers hop la other parts of a London department store. Youngsters who formerly wept when taken to the barber now protest when taken home. ' ' - , 1 1 I II 'ML f, l( . -x'j?''- """"fcsjnm,. . " r- w MEDITATION A Chinese Nationalist soldier sits In A Nanking street and puffs on his pipe during a pause In the march to the Yangtze Hirer front. ?,,,' t . " " V in i 1 V f iU 4 f - V J3 DP AND PET Hilda Alcr. Estonian Displaced Person. romps with the family pet at an Ontario. Canada, homo where she is employed as a maid. v l' ' t (-Xl .''i if . -..... InloMHHnnnnlss GOVERNOR'S BARBECU EGoTemor Fidler War. ren of Florida takes a steak from the fire at the giant Barbecue, which celebrated his inauguration In Tallahassee. . v .. '' 4 5'-' .4A jp 'aw It! . J - -ill, .j C t f v l' I f i - - ' ' 1 n"- -'-" SNOWCIRL IN THE ALPS - AUrie-Chrlstine Gardes (above). 4. carries her sk(s in the snow to Join the grown-ups enjoying the sport at Courcheval, French winter retort in tilt Alps at bavoy. ...... sr r '. . .',... .'. V i,w U sis r .- LOSER Betty Grable looks likef this after a fight in ber new film In "which she starts as a school teacher and become a dance hall queen. The picture as still in production. 7 f5' -1 : ' TYRONE AND L I N D A Actor Tyrone Power need panics actress Linda Christian as they arrive for n private shows a - m m a. 'a. 1 MX B S SD . 0, FT il,'.- XX - '41 . V; Vers 4- i t - t J AIKC I U A RT 1ST Jane Lfofair frirntl. whai as Jam Woodworth. retired froui the films after ber marriage, discusses one of her paintings with! Mary Fkkferd at an exkibiUos f Jtrr work in the Frances Webb Art Galleries. Los Angeles. iih, .1 iiiiiwi. n i .i.mn..niiiii..iJ'if - (-. '" 'X - . i ' . ..' ' .; f . : . . :. , --' -'- '1 '; r" if i j j i 1 If sl 1 -'V ' ; , ' -r- 5. sA ART. OLD AND N I W A Nigerian wood carving cm. were shewn in the Csfilesapsrsry Arts exhibition, London. fuximim"umt u i n i;iiinnji i i 1 n ffi . ,11 igp..wp. .,m. Jpg'".. ' niiin 11 .v r.v;- r- 'I " b - f , . f - k-f ; ' I if - - - ' V -V ' Limifa- ... , r , ii ii ' ... $.. J ""'L j jjsy j.iii. U..PSII' 46- r v 4-,,-' 4" -- lioC . . m ' . w. HAiLINC A VISITOR A New York City fireboat (feregronnd) sends sprays of water skyward as the Cunard Whits Star Lines new 2Cl&3-ton passenger - vessel Caronia (background) arrives on Its maiden voyage. j4 i " v I z-W's .,.-',, t If , , . . i ' , ' " ., , , y 1 ; ; f - - - v. I l i 'y y y -' ' , -1 5-y. -V ! ";y y' - "it t 'V-' ' f 1 .- y" Lf y ROYAL ROUND The Duke of Windsor drives from lbs first tee in his round off golf with King Leopold and Count d'Arcangues (right to left) at Cannes, Francs.