The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 15, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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    t Tha Statesman, Salem, Oregon, Saturday. January IS. 1949 . . or i-- w .
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! Mis Rsby Mari Whatly. dauahter ol Dr. S. A.
Whatly of Saim and Mrs. J. H. In or am of Runnina Springs,
Oriif.. whos betrothal to Mars ton Lk, son of Mr. and Mrs.
M. P. LmIc of West Salem, has been announced. The yred
dingr le planned for February 11. f
Salem Man
To Marry
In June
A former Willamette university
couple. Miss Grace' Morton and
Orville J. Sparrow, have announc
ed their engagement. The bride
elect is the daughter of Mr. and
Mr-s Carroll T. Morton of San
Mateo, Calif., where the betrothal
-pa announced at a New Year's
eve party at the Morton home. Mr.
Sparrow is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. William Sparrow of Salem.
The wedding will be an event of
June in San Mateo.
Miss Morton attended Willam
ette for two years and is a mem
ber of Pi Beta Phi sorority. She
U now taking her junior year at
Prmona college. Her fiance is a
graduate of Willamette university
and his fraternity Is Phi Delta
TKeta. He is now doing graduate
work in business administration at
the University of Southern Cali
f nrnia. Mr. Soarrow was in Salem
at the home of his parents during
tne noiiaays.
Officers Are
Over two hundred attended the
Joint installs tio of the officers of
the Salem cnemeKeta KMge no. i
and Salem Rebekah lodge Mo. 1
Wednesday aught at the IOOT
Temple. Mrs. Roy Pearce and
William Cladak as deputy grand
presidents, were assisted in the
installation by the grand mar
talls, Mrs. Tred Shafer and Ray
Webb; grand guardians, Mr. and
Mrs. Marion Curry; grand ward
ens. Mrs. Coral McNeil and How
ard Hunsaker; grand secretaries,
Mrs. Charles Heubauer and Pearl
Harland; grand chaplains; George
Speed. and Lora Callison; grand
treasurers, Mrs. Glenn Adams and
William Beard and grand musi
cian, Mrs. Nellie Larson.
Officers installed for the Odd
Fellows were Ernest Finch, noble
grand; Arthur Girod, vice-grand;
Marion Curry, right supporter of
noble grand; William Beard, left
supporter of noble grand; Clyde
Bancroft, right supporter of vice
grand; Guy Allen, left supporter
ef vice-grand; Willis Hales, ward
en; Luther Melton, conductor;
.Harold Young, chaplain; Jo Mad
dUon, secretary; Chris Sumpter,
treasure Guy Cornforth, outside
guardian; Lloyd Wood, inside
guardian; Roy Finch, right scene
supporter; Wilford Beard, left
scene supporter; Barker Cornforth,
Installed for -the Rebekahs were
Mrs. Lloyd Pepper, noble grand;
Ma, Justtaa Kildee, vice-grand;
Mrs. Lola McFarlane. right sup
porter to the noble grand; Mrs.
William Cladak, left supporter of
Me grand; Mrs. Fred Shafer,
right supporter- of vice-grand;
Mrs. Virgil -Parker, left supporter
ef vice-grand; Mrs. Clem Ohlsen,
recording secretary; Mrs. William
Gardner, financial secretary; Mrs.
Howard Hunsaker, treasurer; Mrs.
Hareid - Young, chaplain; Mrs.
Lawrence McClure,- warden; Mrs.
Charlotte Owens, conductor; Mrs.
Vernon Frohm, outside guardian;
Mrs. Col en c Lou ns bury, inside
guardian; Mrs. Florence Tweed,
A past noble grands pin was
presented to the outgoing noble
grand, Mrs. Lloyd Woods, by Mrs.
William Newton in behalf of her
Officer! and committees. Refresh
ments f ollowed in the dining room.
Hostesses to
Fete Matron
. Mrs. Robert Morrow and Mrs.
Donald Coon will be hostesses for
an informal party tonight; at the
former's country home in compli
ment to Mrs. Harvey LovealL Jr.
A shower will fete the honor
guest and a lata supper will be
served by the hostesses.
' Bidden to fete Mrs. Lovcall are
Mrs. H. A. LovealL ir, Mrs. Rob
ert Armpriest, Mrs. Thomas Roen,
jr., Mrs. Lewis Clark, Mrs. Fred
Fagg, Mrs. H. Dickey, Mrs. Dora
Coon. Mrs. T. Fontannlni, Mrs.
Phillip Jackson, Mrs. Guy Irwin,
Mrs. Bernard Coon, Mrs.; George
Burch, Mrs. Claude Townsend,
Mrs. Ray Morrow, Mrs. Paul Wal
rath. Mrs. Elton Coon, Mrs. Glad
ys Pearson, Mrs. Jack Falk, Mrs.
Kenneth Sherwood, Mrs. larl
Helder and Mrs. Frank Meier.
Federation Board
Meets This Week
Plans for the mid-winter board
meeting of the Oregon Federation
of Women's clubs to be ' held in
Portland January 10-21 were an
nounced by Mrs. William B.
Chandlee, Hills boro, president ef
the Oregon Federation of Worn
en's clubs. - Board members, club
presidents and dub members are
invited to attend the all day ses
sion Friday. January 21, at the
MaUory hotel.
The executive boards meets
Thursday afternoon, January 20
at the MaUory hotel and the Frl
day morning session wilt b de
voted to business and the reports
of department chairmen.
Honor guests at the afternoon
session, will include two! of the
organization's Pan-American
scholars; Mrs. Gordon Fells (Miss
and the latest scholar. Miss Marie
Theresa Montenegro of Chile.
Mrs. Saidie Orr Dunbar. Port
land, past president of the Gen
eral Federation of Women's clubs.
will speak at tne afternoon session.
Walter Meacham. executive
secretary of Oregon Trails Inc.
will talk to the group on how
its members can aid in educating
newcomers on the history; of Ore
gon. Francis X. Williamson, Jr
information specialist of the Unit
ad States forest service, will speak
on Conservation.
Textile Painting
To Be Studied
A second meeting for instrue
tion in textile painting 4 will be
held by the Brush College home
extension unit at the home of
Mrs. Karl Hacritt, Tuesday, Jan
uary It, at 1:30 pjn. Ladies of
Lincoln-Spring Valley unit are
also invited to attend.
Articles which have been fin
ished by different members will
be on display, as well as those
in the making. Cutting ; stencils
will also be explained.
Buffet Supper!
For Guests
Mrs. Donald Reinke, assisted by
Miss Gladys Quesaeth, entertained
informally at her home on North
Church street Thursday night. A
buffet supper was served late In
th evening.
Those at the party were Mrs.
Jack Eyerly, Mrs. E. O. BushnelL
Mrs. Tom Anderson, Mrs. Jack
Johnson, Mrs. Glenn Savage, Miss
Norma Sletton and Mrs. Abqer
Couple tQ
Live in
From Alhambra, Calif, comes
news of the wedding of Miss Lor
ene Robbins, daughter of Mrs.
Myrtle Robbins of Alhambra, to
the Rev. John L. Baglien of Sa
lem, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Bag
lien of Renton, Wash., on January
9 at the Grace Evangelical Lu
theran church. The Rev. Harold
J. Lo rimer performed the 7:30
o'clock rites. Mrs. Evelyn Cosby
was the organist and Frank Waite
sang. Lighting the tapers were
Miss Laura Tily and Miss Patsy
Lou Waite.
William E. Robbins gave his
sister in marriage and for her
wedding she wore an ivory satin
gown. The bodice was fashioned
with a marquisette yoke edged
in seed pearls. Her fingertip veil
of illusion fell from an orange
blossom crown and she carried a
bouquet of white roses.
Miss Beatrice Baglien was maid
of honor and wore a rose gown
and carried blue carnations.
Bridesmaids were Miss Mildred
Johnson and Miss Elenor Lapham,
who wore blue frocks and carried
pink carnations.
The Rev. J. William Bowman
stood with the groom as best man
and ushers were the Rev. Martin
J. Fellner. Michel Gas so and
Lloyd Myers.
Mrs. Robbins chose a blue gown
with navy accessories and corsage
of pink roses for her daughter's
A reception followed In the
church parlors. After a honey
moon on the California coast the
couple will be at home in -Salem
at 524 N. 19th st. For traveling
the bride wore a navy blue suit
with pink and grey accessories.
The Rev. Baglien is assistant pas
tor at St Mark Lutheran church.
Mrs. White
Is Speaker
Mrs. X. M. White was awarded
the Tdastmistress "little Oscar" for
her maiden speech Thursday fol
lowing the dinner meeting at
Nohlgren's restaurant. It was a
joint session with Capitol Toast
masters and Mrs. Roy Lochneur
was toastxnistress for the pro
Wayne Smith of Capitol Toast
masters was in charge of table
topics and W. A. Taw of the guest
club, was general critic. Miss Lo-
ralne Meusey was, timekeeper
Other speakers were Mrs. Herbert
Simpson and Miss Amanda Ander
son of Toastmistress and Al Cra
mer and Dewey Davis of Toast-
Mrs. White held the interest of
more than 70 members and guests
present wfth her description of her
life as the wife of a navy officer
starting in the early 1930s until
his retirement a few years ago.
She said it was the navy's version
of a Cook's tour around the world.
Mrs. Emerson Teague, president
of Toastmistress, conducted the
business meeting. Miss Anderson
was nominated for president and
other officers were Mrs. Locknbur,
vice president; Miss Maxine Her
ringer, secretary; Miss Wauna
Holmes, treasurer. New members
welcomed were Mrs. Mabel Hales
and Mrs. Marion Currie.
Wives of Capitol Toastmasters
and husbands of members of the
Toastmistress were guests at the
Secretaries Have
New Officers
Cascade chapter of the National
Secretaries' association held a
dinner meeting at the Salem
hotel coffee shop Tuesday. Instal
lation of new officers was held.
Following officers were installed:
president, Lois Manning; vice
president, Anne Anderson; 2nd
vice president. 'May me Smith; re
cording secretary, Sophie Mull;
corresponding secretary, Terese
Hanks; treasurer, Carol Wolleson.
Event of this after will be
the monthly luncheon meeting of
the Salem branch, AAUW at the
Marion hotel at one o'clock. Miss
Mabel P. Robertson, who recently
returned from a trip to Europe,
will be the guest speaker and will
tell of her impressions in England.
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Mabee sad
Carl Gabrielson will be among
those in Portland tonight to at
tend the Oregon Duck dinner at
the Multnomah hotel in honor of
the University of Oregon football
team and Coach Jim Aiken will
be the speaker.
Job's Daughters, meeting and Ini
tiation. Beaver hau. 7 JO p.m.
West Salem Lions auxiliary, with
Mrs. Nets Jacobaon. 8 p-m.
369th Engineers and 409th Quarter
masters auxiliary. Qu onset hut. 7 '30
Leslie Method 1st Wtsltyan Service
guild meet with Mrs. George A. Hall.
2490 S. Church rt.. p.m.
American Cold Star Mothers. p.m..
at VFW hail, social and installation.
Chadwick chapter. OES. Masonic
Temple. p.m.
Central WCTU with Mrs. L. G. Pres.
cott. 810 North 17th street. S p m.
Etokta Woman's club with Mrs. E.
M. McKee. 835 Shipping St.. 1:19 des
sert luncheon.
Westminster Guild meet at church.
1 o'clock dessert luncheon.
WSCS First Methodist church, ruest
day. 10:4) - a.m.. sack luncheon, pro
gram. 1:1S p.m.
Salem Writers club with Mrs. N. T.
Anderson, Glen Creek Drire. t JO p.m.
Ladies of GAR. no-host lunch. 12 JO,
CentraUa temple. Pythian sisters. 8 p.
m.. KP hau.
Hayesvula Woman's alub. 1:18 des
sert luncheon, with Mrs. X. L. Moore.
Portland highway.
Miss Pearl Wi d m e r,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Dan Widmer of Woodburn,
who recently announced
her betrothal to Morley L.
King, son of Mr. and "Mrs.
Jake King of Alberta, Ca
nada. No date has been
set for the wedding.
Central WCTU
Meets Tuesday
The Salem Central WCTU will
hold its January meeting Tuesday
at 2 p Jn. In the home of Mrs.
L. G. Prescott, 810 N. 17th street
Mrs. Emerson Teague will bring
the devotional message and Mrs.
J. r. Heibert of Dallas will be the
guest speaker. "Today and the
Need of Christian Education" will
be the subject. Mrs. Hiebert is a
worker from the Sudan Interior
Mr. and Mrs. Wlllard Friesen
were hosts for a buffet dinner Fri
day night at their North 18th
street home in compliment to his
sister. Miss Helen Doris Friesen,
and her fiance, Robert Hasselblad.
The couple's marriage will be an
event of tonight at the First
Church of the Nazarene and the
affair followed the wedding re
hearsal with members of the bri
dal party aa guests.
Mr., and Mrs. Werner Brown
were among those in Eugene Fri
day night to attend the Oregon
Idaho game.
I "
The New Spray
Fee Peach Leaf Carl
Dry Line Sulphur
Far Dsruut
Shraa. aad Frmlt Spray
S aad 4 Gallon Slses
Priced Law
We Can Supply Your Every
Supplies Consult
ItS State SL
We Deliver
2605 Portland Road
Miss Cass
Another coed to announce her
engagement is Miss Norma Jean
Cass, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Luis A. E. Cass of Salem, who
recently revealed Her betrothal to
Richard Thurin, son of Mr. and
Mrs. R. N. Thurin of Pasadena,
Calif. No plans have been made
for the wedding.
The news was told at the bride
elect's sorority house, Alpha Gam
ma Delta, on the Oregon State
college campus when she passed
the traditional box of chocolates
to her "sisters".
Miss Cass is a junior at Oregon
State and her fiance is a senior.
His fraternity is Theta Chi.
Committees Are
Appointed .
SILVER TON Mrs. Ronald As
Vwmi newlv installed worthy ma
tron, and George Tows, worthy
patron of Ramona chapter so, ur
der of Eastern Star, presided Tues
day night at the regular session
and welcomed the visitors, Mr. and
Mrs. Hugh Davey of Columbia
chapter. No. S3, The Dalles. Edna
Gilkerson, Pacific chapter, 74, 'Tol
edo, and Mrs. Fred Thumberg of
Columbus, jOhio, a member of
Ramona chapter.
Mrs. Asboe appointed her stand
ina committees for the year to in
clude finance. Mrs. Clinton Weibe,
Mrs. Harry Riches and Mrs. Har
lan Loe; examinations, Mrs. R. A.
SMeh Mrs. W. Clark Bachman: in
struction, Mrs. F. E. Sylvester and
Mrs. Errol Ross;' hospitality, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Allen; visiting and
relief, Mrs. Weiby; publicity, Mrs.
Harlan Loe.
A school of instruction by Edna
Throne, association grand matron
of St. Johns, was announced for
Wednesday, January 19 at 1 o'clock
preceded by a luncheon which the
officers are giving in honor of Mrs.
Hostesses Tuesday night were
Mr. and Mrs. W. Clark Bachman
and Mrs. C. H. Dickerson, with
Mrs. Ronald Asboe in charge of
Wedding Takes
Place in South
Of interest to the bride's Salem
friends is announcement of the
marriage of Mrs. Ernestine Peters,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Laudahl of Salem, and Ballard
Little, which took place on Decem
ber 7 at the home of the Rev. Al
vah Grant Fessenden of Lake Ar
rowhead Community church, Calif.
A reception followed the ceremony
at Carl's cafe at Lake Arrowhead.
The couple spent their honey
moon at, aim Springs and will
make their home at Lake Arrow
hear, where Mr. Little Is in busi
ness. Mr. aad Mrs. Claytan Foreman.
Mr. and Mrs.. Vernon Perry, Mr.
and Mrs. Rex Adolph, and Dr. and
Mrs. Harold OUnger are spending
the weekend in Eugene. The men
are participating in the state bowl
ing tournament and the group will
also attend the Oregon-Idaho
basketball game.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis L. Brawn
have returned from a several
weeks visit with their sons, Lloyd
and Lyle in Oakland, Calif, and
Lewis Brown in Salinas.
An Effective reach Leaf
Carl Central
The Old Standby far
I Spray ef all Kinds
Hand Sprayen
All Sixes - Ideal far
the City Gardener
Need for Sprays, Spreaders
Us for Your Needs
Phase X-tm
Parties Are
Slal . for -Weekend
Dinners, bridge parties and in
formal teas highlight the social
agenda during the early part of
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Smith have
bidden twelve of their friends to
a dessert supper and evening of
bridge tonight at their Center
street home. This is one of a series
of parties the hosts are planning.
Furvines Hosts
Dr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Purvine
will entertain their club at dinner
and bridge Sunday night at their
Saginaw street home. Covers will
be placed for Mr. and Mrs. Char
les Heltzel; additional guests. Dr.
and Mrs. A. Terrence King, Dr,
and Mrs. Stuart Lancefield, Mr,
and Mrs. Carl G. Collins, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Needham, Mr. and
Mrs. Donald Burke and the hosts.
Mrs. Purvine was hostess for a
surprise birthday dinner party
Tuesday night in compliment to
her husband with a - few of his
friends bidden to the affair.
Visitor Feted
Mrs. Harry V. Collins enter
tained informally at tea Friday
afternoon Xor a few friends at her
North 14th street home for the
pleasure of Mrs. L. R. Armstrong
ct Paonia, Colorado, who is visit
ing in the capital with her son-in-
law and daughter, Prof, and Mrs.
Kenneth York.
Business Done
By Auxiliary
Meadowlark auxiliary to Post
6102 Veterans of Foreign Wars held
its regular business meeting Jan
uary 12 at the home of the presi
dent, Mrs. James Lucas. Mrs. Den
ver Wealand was welcomed as a
new member.
New officers elected were Mrs.
Wilber Wieprecht, treasurer, Mrs.
Robert Morris, conductress. Instal
lation was held for the new offi
cers and for Gordon Bressler, chap
lain, with Mrs. Joe Hopkins as
installing officer.
Reports were given by Mrs.
Wilber Wieprecht, Mrs. Howard
Koenig, and Mrs. Robert Norris.
Plans were made for the annual
St Patricks day dance March 17.
The next meeting will be a so
cial meeting at the home of Mrs.
Robert Mobley on January 28.
Laurel Social
Club Feted
The Laurel Social Hour club of
the Glen Creek drive district in
West Salem met at the home of
the president, Mrs. F. X. Hoereth.
Sewing and games were enjoyed
during the afternoon and serving
refreshments were Mrs. C. J. Ham
ilton and Mrs. Norris Zinn.
Attending were Mrs. Carl Mor
rison, Mrs. Philip Peterson, Mrs.
Axel Jacobson, Mrs. W. Zimmer
man, Mrs. E. C. Knapp, Mrs. C.
Clements, Mrs. C. S. Jackson, Mrs
E. W. Emmett, Mrs. A. Coffel and
son, Stephen, Mrs. Ira Folsom,
Mrs. R. M. Amrine, Mrs. L. H.
Dalkenberg, Mrs. E. Fandrich, Mrs.
B. Benson, Mrs. E. E. Woodson and
son, Michael.
Several club members will at
tend the district federation meet
ing at Rickreall on January 19.
Mrs. Carl Morrison will entertain
the club at her Kelzer home on
February - t and anyone wishing
transportation may call Mrs. Hoer
eth. Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Shlan
are being welcomed home from a
six weeks trip east, most of which
time was spent in New York City. I
t m ft n
i p i pi I
V It takes a let ef energy J f
Ta shew a let ef pep.
V May we saggeat freaa j i
u M ena"bdaa" jF
s,0 At your Grocer9 $
r ' -x
f - ' - ' r" V
1 'Sf'V if
i - , ' '' '
: , it
fSl I
Mrs. Lester P. Davis
(Joyce Arlene S t e I f e n),
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
D. A. Steffen, whose mar
riage was an event of De
cember 18 at the Centenary
Wilbur church in Portland.
The groom is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Davis of
Portland. The couple will
live in Portland. (Bruno
Fay Thompson
Is Married
WOODBURN Miss Fay Thomp
son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.
L. Thompson of Woodburn, route
1, and Roy Paradis, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Paradis of Wood-
burn, route 2, were married Janu
ary 6 at St Luke's Catholic church.
The Rev. Francis Hanley perform
ed the ceremony.
The bride's gown was of white
satin with long sleeves, sweet
heart neckline and long train. Her
veil was of lace. She carried a
bouquet of gardenias.
Helen Strouse was maid of hon
or and wore a pink tafetta gown
and carried a bouquet of pink cam
elias. Larry Paradis, brother of the
bridegroom, was best man, while
Don and Lloyd aradis, also broth
ers of the groom, were usher.
Music was by Mrs. E. S. Donnelly
and Bernard Smith was soloist
A reception was held at the
couple's home nine miles south of
Woodburn near the Wheatland
ferry. Mrs. Vivian Phillips cut the
cake and Marie Thompson poured.
Assisting were Mrs. Edna Peter
sonMrs. Edna Jennings and Mrs.
Dick Mullins.
Out of, town guests were Mr.
and Mrs." Emmett Thompson, Re
na and Robert; Mrs. Vivian Phil
lips and Virginia; Mrs. Jannle
Holfpopp and Miss Rosalee Sche
blin, all of Portland; Mrs. Willard
Hayne and Carol of Gresham; Mr.
and Mrs. Don Mullins of Hubbard
and Don and Larry Paradis of Bly
the, Cal.
After a short wedding trip the
couple will, be at home at Ger
vais, route 1. Mrs. Paradis plans
to continue her work at the M St
F groceryhere.
Oregon Certified Marshall
Strawberry Plants
Grown In Eastern Oregon
Write far Fries list
Agriealtaral Research Narserles
Keate 2. Bex 72. Fayette, Idaho
Group Honored at
Gamble ' Home ! '
'.. The Book and Thimble club was
entertained st the home of Mrs.
J. R. Gamble with Mrs. Robert C.
Adams as hostess. A surprise show
er was given for Mrs. Loren ) licks
in honor of .her young son. i Next
meeting will be at the home of
Mrs. Rollin Beaver. j
Attending were Mrs. Robert Ad
ams, Mrs. Loren Hicks, Mrs. Ma
rie Thompson, Mrs. J. R. Gamble,
Mrs. Paul Wishart, Mrs. Lloyd
Phillips, Mrs. Albert Isaak. I Mrs.
Conrad Fox, Mrs. Charles Schwar
tz, Mrs. Mary Castle, Mrs. ! Ross
DamrelL Mrs. Rollin Beaver, Mrs.
Will M. Kidwell, Mrs. Harlan Eng
land and Mrs. Gerald Kubin,
$$ Save $$
Tho Best
Bargain Wo
Hovo Ever
We bough the entire
year end inventory of a
famous manufacturer! tt
are offering the entire
lot (over 200) items at
a small fraction1 of I the
Regular Price we
can't mention the-Trade
Name, hut you'll he' ab
solutely amazed to J see
such beautiful, well
finished Furniture at
the price you ordinarily
pay for the poorest jfur
niture on today's mar
Res;. 29.50
Reg. 48.00
Rtg. 10Z0
Reg. 33.00
Reg. 70.00
Re?. 42.00
Res;. 190.00
Daveno Sets
Reg. 70.00
. 6.C J
, 19X3
... 49X3
Reg. 319.00 Deluxe !
Famous Blake 101 PI
Refrig;. lo JaL J
5 Pc.
145X0 Water
Toast master ,
Plus hundreds of other
i' -
new items at propor
tionate savings.
1603 N. Summer
Terms Trades
Salem's lowest Prices
"Ocean Fresh"