f Thm Etatoexaan. Salem. Oregon. Sunday. December 28. Faces in The News off? fppjpnTF rUorfeiniijyuy Representative Men and Women Wlw flnrtd la the Headline Of Activities: the Put Week f V - 4- Sir. Viola B. Shaffer resigned as Folk; county borne demonstra tion agent after Zi rears In toe Dallas assignment 'V-, ' J. 4 Ernest T. Eldridje, navy, reserve officer, commands the newly 7 formed navy air reserve, unit In ! Salem.. I' Ruth Bedford, Salem piano In structor, was honored by Salem Rotary club for 15 years' at tendance as accompanist. 1 ill Blilton Van Zanten, Savings Cen ter meat market operator, pur chased the Edwards and Isom eastern slaughter bouse. v - 1 ' ' - 'x 1 1; L John n. Black, Richmond school teacher, heads newly organized Folk Dce Federation of Ore- PLANE WKFCKAGE REACHED ATHENS, Dec. 25 - W - Greek fictional guardsmen here reached the wreckage of a Czech plane which crashed in mountain terri tory Wednesday. The bodies of 11 meoi, 7 womea and 7 children were lWhL There were no survivor. i 7 I ''I'iW-'i A Inn if - r. r : - i ! i - fi. 1 4-.. t i f - SVl M It 11 One Group COATS Spoclal One Group COATS Bey. 45. to 59. One Group COATS Values 59. to 65. One Group COATS VaL 75. to 88. 00 44' 00 00 IE! Reg. 10.95 Now 8.88 Reg. 12.95 ...Now 10.88 Reg. 16.95 Now 12.88 Reg. 19.95 Now 14.88 Reg. 22.95 Now 16.88 Reg. 29.95 ... Now 22.88 Reg. 34.95 Now 24.88 Reg. 39.75 Now Reg. 59.00 Now Reg. 98.00 Now w i -. i i :- t . i i - nn n n (q Bin Sco Thcso Gronps Today! An Extra Fino Lol Specially llcdnccd Values to 65.00 MostJjr small sizes Ono Special Lol Seeing is BeliciHng Values to 59.00 Don't miss this! High Quality Buys Values to 69.00 4co 3f 1 ': A a Our Loss Is Your Gain ... A Guaranteed Saving on Each Purchase ! Don'i Delay . . . Don'i Stay Away ! t V , s. '' ', ' f V. Reg. 9.95 Now Rej. 8.95 Now BLOUSES REDUCED . 7.50 6s95 Reg. 7.95 Now Reg. 5.95 Now 4.95 SWEATERS REDUCED Reg. 7.95 Now Reg. 5.95 Now Reg. 4.95 Now Reg. 3.98 Now 4.95 3.98 2s98 LOOK! DRESSES These Two Special Groups 5.00 One Group DRESSES A Wonderful Lot DRESSES 10.00 IIYL01I HOSE A wonderful buy . . . here is a famous make hosiery;, just slightly irregular ... even we can't tell. 51 gauge, pair 3 pr. 2.50 (5) Psffl JACKETS M? TWEED SKIRTSkp f ' mli s Values fi3F . : St CASffilERE SV7EATERS SILK SCARFS I , PAJAHA-GOWIIS X" 7'955 9,95 1 ""'te- a-69 I S5" 3.98 M 1 n .. rT" II n n 11 Umbrellas - f Bed Jackets PaJamas Fnrses SLIPS 1 JaCkelS Rayon Knit Value. Ol-irO 3 a.,. Price - yrMte 5.cir vawto ooo oqq v o cq II .n. llir II II eos a..jrL9 U 12.95 CmJJ tax U 5.95 .iV I ' - ; IZJi we WW m - - j X 1 V V I ( I, ' 1 '''''' 'J J St :PH nigh! to Limil A 7 i W riN) Exchange,... All ' -ir' . rifrV'- - ifin Slate ?t. IK Ml rji'i i v writ'. , , iiki V. , n7 - - - - lil'il- - -Li ..If THIS SALE STARTS IIOHDAY, DECEIIBER 27ih 00 " v.