Gram Market .Trend Unstable During Week CHICAGO, Dec. 25-CflVGrains moved in different directions on the board of trade this week as dealers read with interest state ments of various congressmen at tacking the present agricultural prce support 'act. The tendency was for wheat to decline while corn and oats made small gains. Some switching from wheat into feed grains may have been going on during the week, traders said. Many grain, men felt that the government soon would concen trate its buying on corn rather than wheat, as has been the case over recent months. While prices moved over a rath er narrow range, another farm congressman- joined the growing list of those who have expressed dissatisfaction with the present price support law. Rep. Jensen (R-Iowa) said he would offer a bill to repeal the sliding scale of supports. The price support program is based upon parity. I What is parity? Parity is a figure. It's calculat ed each month. The figure repre sents what is presumed to be a fair price for a farm product that month. Waddells Guests At Woolen Mill Party Tuesday STAYTON Honoring Mr. and Mrs. Robert Waddell Tuesday eve ning employees of the weaving room of the Paris Woolen mills gathered at the Women's club house. Wives and husbands were also present. Mr. and- Mrs. .Waddell have sold their home in Stayton and will move to a home which they have purchased in Oregon City as soon as they get possession after his retirement the first of the year. He has served as foreman of the weav ing room since he came here, from Oregon City 15 years ago. On behalf of the employees, Wil liam Boedigheimer presented Wad dell with a gold watch and band. The group sang songs, visited and refreshments of cake, ice cream and coffee were served. HEALTH TO YOU 1 Hemorrhoids (PUes) Plstala. Fissure, Prolapse, a 4 other Rectal Dis orders. No HospiUllxatle Write or Call tor Free Booklet Dr. H. Reynolds Clinic - Natoro-Proctologist tit N. Lfkerty St, Salem. Ore. er.Y.TXomJl.D. Dr.G-CaaaJJ. DXS. CHAN. .. LAM CmXZSK HEXBAUSTS 241 North Liberty Uaetalrs Portia Goootml Electric Co. Office open Sataraay only IS 'am. to 1 bvjsl. S to 9 aja. Cine ol till. Blood oresewe aa rtne tests are trot of charge. Practiced mi. Why Suffer Any Longer When otaors fan. km oar Cam reasedlee, Ammi saecess for toss rears la Chiaa. Mo matter srttfe what allaala yen aro afflicted itaordors. etnnaUia, heart, lasts. Uv kMocys, gas. cooottaottoa. aJcera. alaeetes, raeaaaaUsat, ran aad Mad Ser Cover, skin, tomato comolalaa CHARLIE CHAN CSONESB mi CO. I 88 St. Commercial. " fasoe S-1S30 S ALOIS. OKI. utneo Boors to 8. Toee. aa4 Sat. only Statesman CUasirUd Advertlslag Classified Ads Call 2-2441 Per Bao IS er llm4a Six famerttowa par Hee f Om Jaonta per Use tit (Oatsld of Salem, line 1S) isa two limes. Cttat S words te bne, . teasers ta etty briefs lino I " Tho deadtta e to classified end reader edwartiilag as SrtS pun. dally. Only emergency "aaaf ado will bo accosted after that how. ' .The Statesman reserves the rtfbt to reject questionable advertising It further rcscreea the right to ptaco aO advertising ander the prop or classification. Tbo Stateamao wumii no finaa otol responsibility tor error which may appear tn ad eci Uaemeots pub Uahcd la tta columns and to cases where this paper ta at fault trill rcprtnt that part of aa advertise ment ta whicbr tbo typographical mistake occurs. j; ' A "Bond" Ad ao ad containing a S talesman boa number tor mm address is for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore bo answered try letter. Tbo Statesman la not at liberty to divulge tnfor motion as to tho Identity of aa ad vertiser using o "Blind" a. After Correcting Valley Sri:efs . Lebanon William Albert Sal lee, son of Mrs. C. D. Winning ham of Waterloo, Ore, Is serving aboard the aircraft! carrier USS Tarawa now in the western Pa cific area for training cruise. Sallee is a seaman. ; j Jefferson Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Uppstad had as their Christ mas dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. Roy Coin and family of Talbot, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Coin, Mrs. Sarah Brown land! Mrs. B. S. Richardson. ; j Union vale 'John Noble and Don Wiley of Grand Island, stu dents at Oregon State college are spending the Christmas j holidays at their respective i homes here. They will return to the campus Jan. 3. Swegle Mr. and Mrs. Rex Peffer were holiday week end guests in. the home of her sister, Mrs. Andy Shanks and family at Oregon City. j Auburn Special guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs.; Charles Lewis and Cynthia ; are Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Moody and family and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wegner and family. People Won Recent Vote, Truman Avers WASHINGTON, Dec. 25 -(jP)-President Truman declared Friday that in a large sense it was the American people not any special groups who won the Nov. 2 election. And, he added, the voters spoke so decisively that day jthat "no one in this country or anywhere in the world doubts the mean ing." . In a message to the Democratic Digest, a magazine edited by the women's division of the demo cratic national committee, Mr. Truman said it is now the duty of all in the party to see that cam paign pledges are kept. : "Today is not too -soon," he said, "to think of the congression al elections of 1950 for the con gress must stay under democratic control if our ideals are to come fully to life." The president did not look as far ahead; as the next' presiden tial election in 1952 when asso ciates have indicated he will step down and let another try for the democratic nomination. But he repeated that the main goal ahead now is world peace. As in the recent campaign, he said he would "rather see lasting peace in the world than to be president Of the United States." Business Directory BE LISTED HERE FOR RESULTS Phone 2-2441 j t $2.00 per line for a month. ACCOPHTPfO FaderaL state income tax pre pa red. Harry Ewlng. Ph. 3-33CS. ' ADDING MACHINES hlnes. sold, rent- od. repaired.. 458 Court. Phono ALTERATIONS All kinds. Jean Mclntirp. Ph. 2-0600. APPLIANCE SERVICE PkH,' Kelviaator and Hot point Sates and Service. Ralph Johnson Ap pliance. 353 Center St. Phono 3-3139. VATZft Appliance Co, 25 No. LiST pn. a-43ii. AUTOMOBILE REPAIR Km PiTnunt Plan. 12th St. Junction Auto wrecxera. m. a-a Comnlete Chevrolet service. Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co.,1 SIS N. Com! AUTOMOBILE LPHOL8TEET Willamette Top Shop. Phono 1-1471 BLUEPRINTS - PHOTOSTAT PRINT PHOTOLITHOGRAPHY. Salem Blua Print Co, Ine-y 480 Terry St. BRAKES Miko Panes, 214 S, CooVL PhJ-51l Brake St wheel aligning specialist. BRONZED SHOES BABY S.H6ES bronzed SXM pr. One week deltveryi 327S 5. Commercial, ,fmLmrmr isti j .-ui ' ' NEW OR remodel. Expert finishing. Free estimates. Ph. 3-7828. ' ar at n n WVI PB V CEMENT WORK SIDEW ALKS, driveways, outdoor fireplaces. New 8c repair. Ph. 2-8287. COMMERCIAL. EETHGISATIOfl mtvIt. Ritchie Si Fsgg. Inc. I860 State. Ph. 3-8900. COMMERCIAL ART Letterheads, j cartoon, bus uveas stga. trade marks. : photo - retouching. Bob Browne. Salens Engraving. Ph. S-2441 ns S Commercial. , CONTRACTORS EXfcAVATINO GENERAL excavation: ditching, loi roods surfaced. Rock 8c Dirt nil mater tals. Phono 2-2739. Douglas Free burn. DELIVERY SERVICE Salem Pick-up Sc Pet Phono 3-4711 DISPLAYS DECORATIONS Window displays, display mat. Camp bell-Wakefield. SO Court Pn. ELECTRICAL CONTRACT IN O VINCI'S tlectrie for electrical wir- ing. contracting-repalring. 137 S. Lib- orty. Phono s823S. ELECTRICAL WDtlNO SALEM Equipment Co. Phone 3-856L FLOOR FINISHING Olsen Ploor Co- 525 Gaines. 3-7174. FTJtK EXTINGUISHERS - ARE YOURS neglected ? For regular free Inspection Ph. 2-8148. FUEL STAYTON Wood Ac Fuel Co. Ander son Bros., Salem. DeL Ph. 2-7169. FURNACE A CIRCULATOR REPAIR Servicing. Call Dvorak. Ph. 3-4963. HAULING ; LESTER DeLapp - Truck Service. Commercial hauling St furniture mov ing. Daily service to Portland. Ph. 3-1750. . i T HEATING Electric beating sales ; and service Y eater Appliance Co. S5S No Ub CM. Judson's. 278 N. ComU Ph. 3-4U1. HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS ' J. R. Watkina Co. product 1717 Cen ter SL. Salem. Ph. 3-5395. Free del HOUSE MOVING Bales and Brady Towing Service. Phono days 3-3147. nights 2-1804. 1789 nroaqway. INSULATIO.H.I WEATHERSTRtPPINO" Cathcart's Serv guarant. Ph. 2-0500. L. H. Clawson Co. 1133 Broadway. " Crofoot Bros.. Ph. : 2-4658 " Prompt installation work guaranteed. Bamev Whelan Ph j 2-5984 JANITOR SERVICE FLOOR Service & care. Office, homo. Cleaning, mach. work Ph- 3-458L Stocks' Rise ' ' Billion on Christmas Eve NEW YORK, Dec. 23 -JP- In vestors and speculators picked up a half billion dollar present in the stock market on Christmas eve. That was the approximate total by which the general level of prices advanced on the stock ex change on Friday. Actually it wasn't much of an advance but it acquired some sig nificance because it was the first time that the market showed a pronounced inclination to break out of a trading groove since Dec. 1. The early performance of the market was something of a dis appointment to a large group in Wall street which had expected a sizeable yearnd rally to get un der way before Christmas. The most favorable estimate of a mar ket which barely budged before the Friday rally came from those who regarded it as a show of strength in the face of tax selling and the hoisting of storm signals here and there in the business world. There was no question that traders played their cards close to the chest. There were few, if any, who wanted to take an ag- IN THE DISTRICT COURT OT THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF OREGON. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA v. 923 Cases, etc.. PEACHES IN HEAVY SYRUP PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 22nd day of December 1948, 744 Cases, each containing 24 cans. "PEACHES IN HEAVY SYRUP" arrested and taken into the possession of and now are la the possession of the United Stales Marshal for the District of Oregon, pursuant to a warrant and process duly issued by the Clerk of the United States District Court for the District of Oregon, in a suit for condemnation and forfeiture entitled. U.S. v. 923 Cases, more or less, each containing 24 cans of an article labeled in part: "(can) "PEACHES IN HEAVY SYRUP CONTENTS 1 LB. 12 OZ." Civil No. 4290 brought under the provisions of Section 334. Title 21. U.S.CA wherein it is sought to nave the above-described article of condemned and for feited for the following reasons: That on or about the 2nd day of October, 1948. the said article of food was shipped in interstate commerce from Yakima, Washington to Salem. Ore gon; that the said article of food is misbranded within the purview of Ti tle 21. United States Code. Section 343, in that the labels are not placed with enough conspicuousness: that the peaches are packed in light syrup rather than heavy syrup: and that the article falls below standard in quality. That all persons claiming any right, title or interest in and to the said article of food are hereby notified to appear-on or before the 10th day of January 1949, in the Federal Court at Portland. Oregon, to show cause, if any there be. why the same should not be decreed against and forfeited to the United States as misbranded. JACK R. CAUFIELD. United States Marshal; HENRY L. HESS. United States Attorney for the District of Oregon: GENE B. CONKLIN. Assistant United States Attorney. D.24-25-26 LANDS C APING Choice ornamental shrubbery, T. A. Doerder St Sons. 158 No. Lancaster Ph 2-1321 LIGHTING FIXTURES Salem's exclusive lighting store. 236 N. High. Senator Hotel Bldg. 3-8411 MOVING TRUCKS and cars for rent. Blankets furnisnod. Smitty's Clipper Service, Center and Church. Phono 3-9600. MUSIC LESSONS Spanish and Hawaiian guitar, man dolin banjo, etc. 1533 Court. Ph. 3-7369. NURSERIES landscaping at designing. F. A. Doer Her St Sons, 158 No. Lancaster. Ph. 1-1322. OIL CIRCULATOR SERVICE Call Cy Younger. Ph. 3-6072" PAINTING Painting and papering. Free estimate Phone 3-9513. 857 Shipping. PHOTOGRAPHY LILLIAN Cummins Portrait. 1048 Elm SL. W. Salem. Ph. 3-6935. PLUMBING JOSEPH P. Vogt. Phono 2-8268. GENERAL repair and pumps. De catur 8c Maerz, 173 S. Cornl Ph. 3-8223. JOHN FISHER. Plumbing A heating supplies. 844 S. Comt Ph. 3-30H. Judson's. 379 No. Com! Ph. 3-4141. PLUMBING SUPPUKS Capital Bargain House. 145 Center St Saffron Supply Co.. 123 No. Cornl PUMPS BARNES pumps. Salem Equip. Co. Fairbanka-Morso sales and service Allen Hdw. 238 No. Com! Ph. 3-3183. fctettler Supply Co. Phono X-S038. JACUZZI sales-service for all pumps Interstate Tra. Ph. 2416L Eves. 23521. RADIO REPAIRING Auto St homo radio repairing. Doug la McKay Cher. Co.. 819 No. ComX SAND AND GRAVEL Walling Sand and Gravel Co. Crushed rock. For roads and driveway. Cement. Ready-mix coocrote Gardon sand. BoHriortng. drainage and ditching J yd. shovel and drag line. Phono 3-8248. SEWFB SERVICE aiowor and Drain Service. Electric Roto-Rooter exclusive, patented razor. abarp ctttting blades. Cleans sowers or drains. Septic tanks cleaned, but not your purse. 3-5327 or 3-9468. SEPTIC TANKS K. r. HAMZL septic tanks cloanod. Saoctrlo machine service on sewer and drain Hnoa. Guaranteed work. 1143 8th St.. West Salem. Ph. 3-7404. SHOE REPAIR Stubblefleld's Shoo shop. 175 S. Coml IGJIS M SHOW CARDS R. L. ' Elf strom Co. 340 Court. 2-2493 SPRAYING St PRUNING . PrilLlP W. BHtKETPhono 3-120S. ' TELEPHONE SERVICE TEL. service for businesses. Ph. 3-3371 TOOLS FOR RENT HOWSER Broa. 808 Edgewater St Phone 3-3848. TOWING SERVICE Phono days 3-3147. nlghU 3-1804, 1788 prow way VENETIAN BLINDS Elmer the Blind Man. Phone 3-7328. WATERPROOFING Pete St Mason. Ph. 3-4982. WATCH REPAIRING Claude Mix. 248 N. Com! Ph. 2-4030 WELL DRILH-NO Well Drilling Domestic. Irrigation Industrial H, A Robinson. X214 N Front Satem Ph 1-7293 J. A. Sneed and Son. Well drill con tracting. 2205 Brooks St. WOOD SAWING Wood sawing. Phona 3-6908. gressive position Xeh ujicertaln ties were blowing through Wall street as fast as the big snow last Sunday. ' . ' Day and night, a train arrives in New York on the average of every 50 seconds. Livestock and Poultry S CHOICE cows. One fresh now. others Jan. 3rd. Heavy producers. 2 ml. E. on Center St. Kt. 9. Box 1H, LICENSED St bonded livestock ouy- er. Claude Edwards. Kt X Box 899 E. Phone 3-1144. WANTED: Thin cows and heifers for feeders, also butcher cattle. Get my bid, it will cost you nothing. Earl Du Cbieta. 2499 N. 5th. Salem. Phono 2-165. BONDED LIVESTOCK buyer, E. C McCandlish. 1127 S. 25th. Ph. 3-8147. NEw HAMPSHIRE baoy chicks. Weekly batches. Ph. S-2SSL Loo's Hatcnerv HIGHEST PRICES paid. Cattle and horses wanted for fox food. Call col lect Sherwood 4432. Help Wanted Male SCHOOL PRINCIPAL: Man. 23 to 50 years of age. Degree. S years teach ing experience. 2 years experience aa principal elementary or secondary school. Oregon State Training School. Woodburn. MAKE $18 A DAYI Sell name plates for houses. Write National Engravers, 212 Summer, Bos ton. Mass. RADIO and appliance repair man. You be your own boss. MKI rurro ture. W. Salem. 1425 Edgewater St. Help Wanted Female STENO-BKPR. (Req. shorthand. Lumber exp. nec. Commuting distance) , $225 SECY.- BKPR. (Req. shorthand) ISO STENO-BKPR. (Beq. shorthand) 170 SECY-RECPT. (Req. shorthand 160 COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY 360 State St. Phone 2-1488 RELIABLE woman or girl to take charge of house 8c 2 children. Room, board St salary. Phone 2-1469 EXPERIENCED waitress. niht work. J B Drive In. Salesman Wanted OLD WELL established national firm recently promoted two salesmen to managerial positions, leaving openings in Salem sales organization. Excellent opportunity for right men. No can vassing. Car necessary. Our men aver aging $150 weekly. Mr. Simpson. 9:00 to 1 :OQ p.m.. 248 N. Commercial, rm. 23. SALESMAN for weatherstripping 8c Insulation. Good percentage. Ph. 20500. Situations Wanted DAY OR NIGHT child care at 1180 Shipping. Phone 3-9924. PRACTICAL Nurse Coast preferred. Phone 3-7670. Ask for Clarissa Burch. PRACTICAL nursing or child's nurse. Anywhere. Write Statesman Box 457. ODD JOBS wanted. Ph. 2-0247. TREE WORK, trimming, topping, fell ing, removing. Ins. operator. Free est. W. H. McAllister. 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1498. CURTAINS washed, stretched. 2-3448. CARPENTER : Building and remod eling of all kinds. Phone 3-5582. DRESS MAKING and alterations. Ph. 2-9840 after 3 p. m POE'S mimeographing, typing ser vice. Quality work. Lower prices. 669 N. 16th. Ph. 3-3643. Painting & Decorating Phone 3-7552 TREE WORK, all kinds. Shrubbery. Room 210 Marion hotel. Ph. 34123. Mike's Septic Service Tanks cleaned. Roto Rooter Service on Sewers. Phone 3-9488 or 3-5327. Chimney sweep. North nesa. ph. 3-4458 SEWERS and septic tanks installed nd repaired Scharff Broa Phone 25568 OIL aRCULATOR Furnace and chimneys cleaned Vao- uum used. B. F. Ensley. Ph. 3-7176. DRAWING house plans. Ph. 3-9621. Painting & Decorating WE SPECIALIZE IN INTERIORS DICK ORET WANTED: Furniture to glue and re peir Loo Bros Furnlrure Rafraishmc Co Ph 1-1233 4020 E State St PRACTICAL nurse. Call at 555 N. Liberty or Ph. 27615. For Sale Miscellaneous USED WASHERS, Refrigerators. Ranges. Water beaters. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. TWO NEW 600-18 tires 8c chains. gaL Zerex bumper jack, baby buggy 8c walker, cabinet, new Frigidaire. elec. range. Hot point washer. Ph. 3-Q113. i H P. SUMP PUMP completely- re- condltioned. $35. Phono 1-6953. GOOD 40 GAL. Elec water beater. $35. 935 Oak St. Ph. 1-8575. HOTPOINT elec. range. Good- cond. 14ZO N. Summer St. PRACTICALLY NEW, EXCELLENT COND. BEDROOM SUITES, RUGS 9x12, 12x20. Bed. spring, mattress. Roll away bed and mattress. Chairs. Dining. Breakfast sets. Wardrobe. DeLuxe Univ. Elec. Range. Frigidaire Refrig Fireplace Equip. Lawn Mower, Gar den Hose. MlscL Items. 749 So. ComX Ph. 3-9494 FARMERS Attention Electric fence controllers, homo milk pasteurizers, butter churns. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. Cedar Shingles $1.50 Bundle. Also cedar hop posts. 20 and 21 ft.. Fence posts. 7 ft. long. Frank Walker 8c Sons Shingle Mill. ML Angel, Oreg. i i LADY'S WINTER coat. Size 12. Olive K rfrVIl VUlWr. UVUU SSVPSriU 4S". ee Ookl ULS 89 a. A A V- . 1 S - sMa Kaaa aa aTa iJt. ipt. ap, A FEW MORE Doors at 84 OO each. used bricks. Corner of Church 8c Chemeketa Sts. REFRIGERATORS, ranges, water heaters, washers, lroners. trash burn ers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. H. P. spray outflL $30. 1150 N. Church t. DELUXE Model electric range. 1 sets box springs 8c mattresses lone Beau tyres ) used 8 months. $109 Jk take ever poymonta. Bedroom suite, natural wood $58. Breakfast set $18. Boy's bt eyetp $23. 1400 3. 22nd. PLASTI-KOTX requires no waxing, use It on floors, linoleum, woodwork, etc. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. Lloyd M. mil. Inc. Cat. Shovel and truck work of all kinds Phone 1-4387 Rt. 2. box 32-B ' SUN-BREEZE" electric clothes drier with built-in Stetilamp. Special 898 SS. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING INC. 487 Court St. Phone 3-9611 CEDAR POSTS Ph 68T22 "BUNDLES Of OLD PAPERS 10c each. Oregon Statesman Circulation Dept, STEEL Clothesline posts, railing In stock and to order. 1149 N. Liberty. ATMORAYS Ozone Good health Rent-sell H. C. Pugh. 884 N. 11. 3-4692. CANARY SINGERS $10. Ph. 3-5929, LUMINOUS bouse numbers. 25c each. for Christmas rifts. Ph. 1-7238 eves. " BLOCKS IZE steel sashl Fits the block, costs less, saves time. Now avail able. Keith Brown Lumber Yard. Front ac court sts. FLOOR polishers, vacuum cleaners. YEA TEH APPLIANCE CO. GRAVEL, as no and stlt Delivered, or on your truck at tho pit Ph. 3-4002 Commercial Sand & Gravel Crushed rock. Ready mix. AH kinds of sand and gravel. River silt and fill dirt. Ph. 21966 v ' Used duo-Therm oil beater. J to S room size, $4930 easv terms GOOD HOUSEKEEPING INC. 487 Court St. Phone 3-8811 A-B. apt size elec. range. Calrod un its, new. $110. Ph. 34284. For Sale Real Estate GEORGE W. HUBBS CO. 1853 N. Capita Phono 3-3031 DUPLEX. I bedroom each, unfinished upstairs. 1 side rents for $45 per mo. Large lot. S5800. . EXCHANGE J aero with nearly House and lot at Delake, Oregon. 2 bdr house. Hollywood district. All of Us Wish All of You A Very MERRY CHRISTMAS EVENING PHONES 2-4517 H. Clark 2-0103 Noonchester 2-S882 J. Zeeb 3-8163 i. Heir GRABENHORST SPECIALS ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT BEST BUY 1560 Roosevelt St. 3 bdrm. home, live, rm, din. rm, kitchen, nook, bsth St full baamt. priced to sell at $8,750. Call Peter Geteer for appointment. CLOSE IN FARM 30 acres 31, mi. out. good soil, all fenced, modern 3 rm. home with basmt. auto-oil heat. dbie. garage, nice yard. The place you have been looking for. Call G. li. Grabenhorst. Jr. GRABENHORST Phone 2-2471 For SsJe Miscellaneous DECORATING holly, holly wreaths and gift boxes. Basil Zell. Orchard Heights rd. Ph. S8F11 evenings. WARDS Appliance Service Dept of fers complete service facilities for all Montgomery Ward appliances. Just call s-3181 FERTILIZER, cow or chicken. De- tlvered in Salem, well-rotted or fresh. $5 per cu. yard. Also by sack. $1 per sack at place or will del. 5 sack order. Phillips Bros. Rt S. Box 118. Ph. 68F22. ALWAYS a big stock. Woodry's rurniture Mkt Ph. 3-5110. WILL BUY. SELL OR TRADE MODERN OR ANTIQUE FIREARMS THE HOUSE OF DON. 268 N. Capitol ELECTRIC room heaters. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. ., SHINGLES, shakes, lumber, doors. Ely wood, . masonite. sheetrock, rock ith. and other building materials. Eola Lumber Co. Salem-Dallas highway. Ph. 25958 Walling Sand & Gravel Co. Crushed Rock For roads St driveway. Cement, Ready-mix Concrete. Garden sand. Bulldozing, drainage and witching. yd. shovel 8c drag line. Phone 3-9249. Wanted Furniture USED FURNITURE. Phone 3-5110. USED FURNITURE. Pbone 3-9185. Wanted 'Miscellaneous TILE SCOOP for ditching. Ph. 31578. PIANO TUNING Wills Music Store. Salem Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair TWO -HOUR SEH VICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Plates for Repair DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg.. State St Com. Ph. 3-3311. Mattresses. Capital Bed Co. Ph. 3-4069 AUTO painting- lust a shade better oy Ray ETTER. Call Shroch Motor Co J-S101. WEATHER strips Pullman. Ph. 3-5965. WANT TO Buy Usoa Cameras at lenses McEwan Photo Shop 435 State WATER-WELL drilling Domestic or irrigation Dufftek! Bros. Rt S. Bos 423 Phone 1-1313 . Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Roods Clearing - DttcSung Sewer Basement rquipmont Rental 15 B-tt rda $13.00 per hr IS B-4. yds. 9-80 per kr D-7 Cat Si Dozer 10JO per hr D-8 Cat m Dozer $ 40 per hr D-4 Cat 8 Doser 7 00 per hr Phono days 3-9408 Evenings 3-8248 or 1-4408 Salem Oregon HAVE YOUR oanger sewing machine aentativo. Ph. 1-3513 for free pickup 8s oeuvery servnro on ui b w -chines, rree estimate glen before ark ta start ! 8 Infer Sawing M8- Cnmo tQ- w is comiiieii-iai ixnsf nfTAf T l IT ITT TXT. MM where. anytime. Very reasonable. Ph. 2-1824. Call before 6 JO a. m. or after 6 p. m. Financial . SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 INTEREST 5 to 40 Years and NO Commission LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS . 344 State St. Phono 1-3663 Money to Loan CASH-NOW $25.00 to $500.00 Salem's larcest and oldest home-own ed loan company offers money when you need It I You can pay anytime to reauco not cost) No endorsers or belp from r.-tendsi Ob r.n tracks, trailer homes to 85O0.00 1 On furniture. livestock, equipment, salary or other personal property up to $300X01 Phono or visit our of nee today I Lie. No. S13S and M33S General Finance Corp. PH 3-9161 138 S COMX ST. FARM and CTTs LOANS Ahk and 9 Tour own terms of lepaj moot wttav aa nun Cash for Real Eatate Cost tracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECVRJT.ES CO tin Pioneer Tnrw Bids Phone T18 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 183 S. Church St. Ph. 1-2451 Parking Aplenty Lie. MI59-S154 Private Money On Carat Trucka. St Trailer Homes Long or Short Term Payaneata Roy H. Simmons 138 S. Commercial St Phono S-S1S1 For Rent Rooms PRJV. ENTRANCE, hot St cold water. Men only. 2623 Brooks St. For Rent Apartments PULLMAN apL. utilities furnished. Inquire 33Q Mission. STRATTON Apta. Pullman apt. Ph. 3-3841. Tr 1 li"rb MmmI tar new aoart- ments. no children. Bath room, kitch en aftd liv. room with in -a -door-bed. From $82 to $70. Refrigerator, range and bed Included. No garage. No drinkers. See at 1085 Madison. Sun day between 9 and 4. or phone 3-8067, ' . ... . . i UAM.4 a niLf ritRN. unstalrs aot. Heated. all utilities furnished, except elec tricity. Garage, no children. 245 E. Meyers, NEW 3 rm. aoL Stove cV refrtg. I urn. Pri. bath St entrance. Curry Apta. Ap ply 1S58 S. 13th SL LARGE CLEAN one room Cheap, 160 Union. Ph. 38048, apta. For Sale Real Estate new 1 bdr. home. Will exchange on farm. Will exchange on Salem property. Older type homo. Some terms. , CLOSE IN No. S business ton good 1 bdrm. home, lot 50 x 94. Ideal for home Sz income. Price only $8,000. Call Richard E. Grabenhorst. MOTEL One of Salem's finest close In mo tels 11 units plus 2 bdrm. living quar ters electric heat, good cond. thruout. Income averages $900 per mo. The price is right. Buy this and make some money. Call Roy Ferris. BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty Street Evenings 2-2948. 2-5089. 3-4369. 23-F-14. 1-801C For Rent Houses 3 BEDRM. mod. home In Keizer Dist Oil heat 8c wired for elect, range. Phone.2-6286. FURN. 4 B.R. home. DbL plumbing. $100 per mo. Inq. at Brownies. 1140t. Capitol. Ph. 2-9344. TO LEASE: Completely furnished modern 1 bdrm. home. Large utility rm., re frig., washing machine, Elec trolux. Near new Clinic off Center. W. L. Krause, 2235 State St. NEW 2 bedroom bouao for lease. Call at 450 Try on Ave. For Rent IRONERS by the week Phone 2-4439 POWER TOOL rentals for homo and Industrial use-. Howser Bros. 608. Edpewater St. TRAILERS. $2 a day. Howser. Bros. Phone 3-3646. GOOD Used Piano H L Stiff TRAILERS 75c first hr 80c nrs following Woodry's Mkt. 1608 N Summer BUSINESS Room. H. L Stiff. " U -DRIVE TRUCKS FtJEI RENT Blankets furn. 197 S.Liberty. Ph. 2-9062 TRUCKS and cars tor rent BlankeU furnished Smitty's Clipper Service Center and Church. Phone 3-9600. URN. 2 & 3 rm. cottages and trailer space. Camp Joy Motel. Wanted to Rent WANT TO RENT for 1 week, to use on our property, flat-bed truck. Val ley Packing Co. Stock Yard. Ph. 3-5933. Lots VIEW LOT. South. Walnuts and prunes. 82 x 145. Low down payment. Easy terms. Phone 3-6113. CORNER LOT. east front, city wat er, gas. electricity, 18 ft. house trailer with extra room. seoo. bee owner. 3155 Cook St off Hanson Ave. SEVERAL lovely wooded" loU on KatcUff Dr. By owner: Ph. 3-4284. For Sale Real Estate Holiday Specials $8950 $1000 DN. 3 bedrm, home. Immediate possession north. $8000 Apt. bouse. Income $183.00. Located 827 N. Liberty. No. 3 busi ness zone. $8500 Requires $2772 dn. up and down duplex. Owners' liv. quarters, plus apt. rents for $48.00 per month. CaU Allen Jones or Mabel Needham. Realtors 341 State SL. Rm. 4 Phone 3-9201 Sunday and eve. 3-4335 or 3-8763 KLAMATH Falls house, modern $8300: like to trade for house In Sa lem. 20 A., part beaver dam, very good 3 bedrm. house, modern, value $20,000. Consider trade for part. C. J. JACKSON. 341 State St.. Salem EMERGENCY SALE: $975 down balance Like renL ALMOST NEW 3 BEDROOM. nice kitchen, combination living room and dining, utility room, garage and located on a 100 by 180 lot. suburban. THIS HOME HAS A $6000 OREGON STATE VETS LOAN ON IT. HURRY ON THIS. WANT A GOOD PRODUCING FARM with 73 acres of tho beat of soil? We have it for only $200 per acre and It has fair improvements. Goodwin $ McMillin, Realtors 484 Court SL Phone 3-4707 Evening 23148 or 27283 SPECIAL I N. 23rd St. 2 BR.. LR, DR new wall to wall carpet, kit., nice built-ins. basement, oil furnace, new garage, corner lot. Perfect con dition. Immed. Pose. $7350. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 184 S. Cornl. St Ph. 3-8389: Eve. 3-7440 OWNER LEAVInOT"OWN Price reduced $2,000. Modern 2 B.R. home on V a. 9 mo. old. Large rms., plastered. Insulated, weathers tripped, electric heat. Wall-to-wall carpet throughout, private well. Close to school, bus by door. Complete line of new furniture could be purchased with house. Located on Garden Road, Route S. box lis $700X0 DOWN Owner moving to Eugene will sac rifice equity In new 2 B.R. homo with fireplace, large attic and attached ga rage. Paved corn lot 1 blk from bus. Immediate possession. Price $8000.00. $1000.00 DOWN ,s aero and nearly new 2 B.R. homo, all modern. Close to town. Possession at once. Price SOOOO-OO. Call Mr. deary. Walter Musgrave Realtors 1233 EDGEWATER PHONE 3-9109 LEO. N. CHILDS, INC., REALTORS UP AND DOWN DUPLEX. S com plete units. Private entrances; private baths. Full basement. Largo garage. Showing good returns. Some furniture included at $8988. JUST OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS on Cen ter Street. 7 yr. old plastered 6 bedrm. borne. Lrg. garage. ',a Aero. Bus by tho door. $8500 convenient terms. A FINER HOME. Beautiful and com manding. Convenient floor plan. Large spacious living rm. with beamed celling and huge fireplace with slab hearth.. Lrg. bedims 1 dn.; 1 and dark rm. up. Over-sized lot. Beautifully landscaped. Equip ped with patio, outside fireplace and lrg. trees. Completely fenced with rail fencing. A homo and yard you will be proud to own. $19,300. If you dont see It advertised. CALL US LEO N. CHILDS. INC.. REALTORS "33 years of dependable service to home owners' 344 State SL Phono 3-3663 Evening call. 1-5855. 1-4007, 3-5620 WE WISH to extend to all our friends and clients a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year. P. H. Bell, Realtor Rob'L Lamkln, E. E. Rubers. G. K. Sundlie, Harry G us tat son, G. P. Arm strong., Leo la Marcy. 361 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3-4898. 2-I54S kflU h'ffi.i.111 . n itiM Ate et-nco rail the Salem hX'lt Co NOW FOR SALE or renL House, south. Phono S-i353. For Sale -Real Estate I Season's Greetings Want to bo in your own homo to welcome tho new yearf Wo havo sev eral you can move right Into. Wo havo a , dandy. NJC. with 14a acres, a. nice lawn with shade trees and even a good, small bam. All for $7500. Easy terms. We havo a new Pumillto block house with radiant heat that is veyr attrac tive. Priced at $10,500. An excellent rental corner in class 1 ; zone; re-toned for apts.. 100 x 100. for $1900, Call Walt Musgravo. Walter Musgrave Realtors 1133 EDGEWATER ST. PHONE 1-9109 $3400 DOWN A very nice 2-bdrm. homo, brand now. attach, gar., hdwd. firs, through out. Immed. pose. East. Englowood. siui price si 1,34)0. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3035 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7820. 2-4598; Eves. 2-0473, 3-3558 Suburban S trout's Ranch Catalog FALL-WINTER ISSUE MAILED FREE I Over 2800 genuine bargains Coast-to-Coast. TELL us what you want. Wheref Price? Terms? Save thru STROUT REALTY, Dept. F, 510 S.W. Third Ave.. Portland 4. ore. - Wanted Real Estate 'C" KILGORE To list your home, farm, or acre age. We aro in great need of your good listings, stop by the office or phono and wo will send a represan tative to see you Immediately. Eve nings you may call one of the num bers listed below. "C" KILGORE REAL ESTATE 425 S. 12th Phone 3-4853 Eves. 3-7829 or 1-7616 Need Your Listings Thanks ESTEP REAL ESTATE CO. 1075 N. Capitol Phono 24831 850 E St Phono 3-8706 Business Opportunities $10.00 PER HOUR oossible at home. Spray new method Flok-Kraft Finish on Radios. .Toys. Autos, etc. Free de tail. Coast. 1509-B West Manchester. L-y Angeies . BODY & FENDER EQUIPMENT fTftfmnlet uim. mini stock. Owner forced to give up busi ness, cveryining goes lor 81100. ? SERVICE STATION All stock, equipment, rent onlv "ic per gallon. Everything goes for $1700. BUSINESS BUILDING Almost new. 2 modern ant nml.lra lots of room for enlargement, building leased for $400 per month. Full asking price only $38,000. Better than 1 per month. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors anas nnrti4 via Ph. 3-7820 2-4596: Eve. 2-Q473. 3-3538 SOMEONE to invest in an established business M m silent nr mrtivm nmrnw $4800 necessary. Write Statesman Rni 458. Trailers PACiriC Liner trailer house, prac tically new. Cheap. Ph. 2-1750. 1113 N. Commercial St. ' WILL TAKlTIa rge trailer house as down payment on 2 B.R. home. 2280 Simpson St. CHRISTMAS SPECIALS Closing out all 1948 Trailer Coaches Universal 17 ft, sleeps 8. was $3198. now $3695. Universal 27 ft was $2295. now $1958. Curtis Wright 27 ft, with bathroom, waa 83895. now $3195. Mobil Home, slightly used. 27 ft, waa $3785, now 83388. SEE OUR NEW 194S UNIVERSAL NOW ON DISPLAY . THI TB ATT rn THAT THE WHOLE COUNTRY IS TALKING ABOUT SECURITY MOTORS 3388 Portland Rd. sn, t.(it4 TRAILERS FOR rn FtrmmL aTi Wrecking Co, 960 N. Cornl. Ph. 33323. For the Best Buvs KR jiVHAWV rutin itN all slso trailers, also. aloe, refrigerators, oil heaters. Butane equipment and havo your Butane tanks filled hero. Jayhawk Trailer Sales 2849 Portland Rood Wanted Used Cars USED CARS. Buv St sell Ron's Co. 148 S. High. Phono 3-4306. Lost and Found LOST: Large yellow male Persian from 1023 Fir St. Has an injured eve. Ph. 8-5662. Reward. Lodcres . CHEMEKETA Lodge No. t, IOOF eaoeta ovary Wednesday sight DAILY CROSSWORD ACSOSS i.riiow 8. Vehicles) .Narrow roadway 10. Mint entranes IL Chlaf sods (Tttit. ranthaoil) 12. Auctions 11. Mont8ry unit (LstvU) 13, Preposition Is. Fold over 17. A dlEnltsry f tho church 29. Music nots 21. LbricsU 22. Prophet 28, Portrayal S&BltMSAd yellow ws 2. Coin CIT.) SO. Sun god SL Sirn&llnf; S3. River (So. Am.) ST. Bon (anL) IS. Cry of n cow S9. Elide over. as words 41. Plunder 42. A canal throurti KewTork 44. Not working 43. Droop In ' the middle 41 Require DOWN . 1, Lucid 2. Swiftness 5. Keel-biUad cuckoo 4. Through 6. A heredi tary class (India) 5. Clrrs name T.Bcnk .Vessel driven by steam IL Lofty monntals) 13. Church steepls 13. Volumes of maps IS. Small la4 plots m v v For Sale Used Cars THE JEEPSTER With Its comfort, performance, 4n4 beauty, now available, Eisner Motor Co. S52 No. High St. f Phono 3-7803 We Are in the Market FOR LATE MODEL CARS t t ELSNERj MOTOR CO. 252 W ffifti Baleni Oregon " RECEIVES NEW car. WiirielTT 48 V-8 In very good cond. Shell Serv. Sta. 828 S. 12th i lb Ph. IWM. , j FOR SALE by owner. 1947 deluxe Nash 800. Low ( mileage, looks and ia like new, phono 3-3139. 1 j This Time It's HUDSON 1 Sorvtoo - Sales Parts Homo of Good Used Cars - j - ? Shrock Motor Co. Chureh and Chemeketa Sts Ph. 3-91 0 New '48 Jeenster I ' l y p Overdriva. nassine mmmr rmAn kti. Slde-walU. $150. Ph. 2-3183. ieves.l GOOD, clean 1947 plymoutn 5 pisal coupe. H 8 Dj White side wall tires. niuii. ririrri con a.' oournl last Dec. $1923. 1790 S. Winter SL i'h, 3-7163. ' I j s i boo UKnri tcrvJ " t 1 .ixr before January liL 1947 Packard Super CM nrv . A t 4., D i . r . overdrive, elect romatie clutch, driv ing bghts. windshield washers, beau tiful tailor-made seat covers.) Will ac cent clean trade-In. 890 No. Commer cial St. 1 i l POnTIacT 1947 Sedan Coupe $1WJ ?y5 ZllVJ 1939 Sedan 1938 Hods Syrian 1937. Dodge Sedan i - W5 iiraor , , HEARAI.T. OUrva rA ' Ml TV I lh.Hv T 1-1113 MUST SELL 42 Super deluxe Fird club coupe. Completely overhauled NOV. 25. A.I Ihrniiiniil alnuv tit. t3231.518Salejnr2Hei(htB Aw. " f BUYING new rmr Will 11 nso"im. ( . . " - - . ..... a. M-J wt at apeciai. very clean. 8600. Call p.m. mw yniversity St: f An Fi.YMnirTU rna.u . t focllrhts. rood rnnrl flu Oh -.! an 1937. CHEV iDOOS with ll mytor INSTALLED JNl 1948. PRACTlCAI.Lr NEW TIRES. SEAL BEAM LIGHTS, new hattrv with 9 r. . ....... . tual mileage 81300. Orl final paint, $75o. 120 Hanson Ave. Phone 3-4(X). r w aV-v s ". . "mm L - " - $350. 3725 Thorndale Ave.' s tra snuu i n- fvic ttw w new lii cs. For Sale Wood UTAH COAL bv thai i-ir nr h.lh . r ' - ' wn. .. .. . j li Capitol Lumber Fuel Go. FURNACE, firenlso K.,tt u.iwf Large clean block 8c slab. No dirtor sawdust. Also nice cook wood. Rl IL Allen. 1260 Candlewood Drive. IPh. 2-2382 t j DRY'i$ inch k 2 ft. f.r wciodXTso 2 ft. fir limbs. PfjjM F22 Ph 1 1 1 lps B ros. GOOD DftV-! inch 'slab. A1m gi een slab for furnace. Oreeon Fuel I t o. Ph. 3-5533. I I CHE K?M IS liulh A sticA Douhlo load $10, Oregon Fuel Coj Ph, 8-SMsl. I TRTOTV-FtJl 2 Cd. load green. 16-tn. mill. $11 Drv IS-in mlllworrfl i Prompt DeUvory Phone 2-7442 " w vriwc m eaT aTa Uirrn 3 oaTIl EFSf . 16 IN. DRYrfHPhone i8i6.n Uo niwa K BL. U a? s livery, t-n. 2Z3. I CLEAN. HAND-PICK LD. 14-1 N. SLABWOOD FOR FURNACE Capital Lumber-Furl Co. Phono 3-7721 J Ilichwaj Fuel CoJ BIUYI at DIESEL OILS FRESH CUT SAWDUST DRY SLAB. PH. 2-8444 West Salem Fuel Co. M-Df DRY OR CREFN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS Old growth block wood 16 In, fisa. no bark. I SCREENED SAWDUST 5 RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIX Pnono : Salem S-aosi I Alao eaek up wood at 1528 EOeewatar St W Salem . T 16" SLAB woodTe1 slab wood, aawi dust, delivered anytime, anyplace. Ph. 8-1834. Call before 8:38 a. nv or af r p. aa. . , . , Blotoreycles f . 4J INDIAN Wnrltrs rtnost Motorerc Ropairtos All stakes and atodols i. t j Shrock Motorcycle Sties 200t Portland Rd. ' Phono 1-1422 Personal Get-Acquainted Club THROUGH SOCIAL corresOonSen .1. .... .1 . m 11 11 i - . . 1 " today for list of eligiblea. Sunpaoii. Box 1291. Denver, Colo. ' AlconoUcs Anonynaous. Bos ti. t-lSSA i 1 1. Ventilate 22. Stupefy 22. Europium (sym.) 24. Frenca city 23. Wla sayings 25. Radium (sym.) ZT.DectrlAsd particle SLAtUtndW nlaes St. Plant with cleansing properties 23. Celebrated 4,PUyUug ftx m-.u.r.fK TsMirlays Aaewae It. Subtle emanation 40. Equip 4L Storsg ; v chamber; 42. Poem v mr ir FnM ar-r r i i! M7 iiiLiziffni a x i 11 j . 1 1 AA 7, 41 Al J mr- I i"l I I w, "1 I