The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 26, 1948, Page 14, Image 14

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    14 The Slatefflnem Salem Orogorv Sunday December 23.' 1848.
Fedee The church Christmas
program Sunday evening was well
attended. It included songs by the
high school chorus, recitations and
a moving picture, The Child of
Four Corners Gus Rosin, 780 S.
Lancaster dr, has gone to Missou
la, Mont, to spend the holidays
with relatives.
Hubbard The Hubbard school
closed Wednesday for the holidays,
with classes to begin again Janu
ary 3
Aomsville The Aumsville
American Legion post and auxili
ary held a no-host Christmas party
at the R. L. Mickey home Friday
night. The next auxiliary meeting
will be January 5. f
Hubbard Mr. and Mrs. L. Car
roll and children of Grand Junc
tion, Colo., are visiting Mrs. Car
roll's parents, Mr. and Mrs- W.
Hall, for the holidays.
Hubbard Thalia Rebekah lodge
will meet Tuesday, December 28,
at 7:30 pjn. Practice will follow
the meeting
Pedee Pvt. Charles! (Chuck)
Trueax, jr., is home fori a two
weeks furlough from Port Ord,
Calif. He will report at Seattle
January 3 for his threejyear en
listment in Alaska. ;
Prlngle Newcomers tq the com
munity are: Mr. and Mrs. C 1W.
Cooper, who purchased tpe former
Murphy place on Pringle road and
highway 99E. They have also pijur
chased property two blocks east! of
their home and plan to build later.
Aomsville Mr- and Mrs. Claire
Gulliford are spending the Christ
mas holidays at Idanhajwith he
families of their son and daugh
ters, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gulliford
and Mr. and Mrs. Herber Geschjer.
Lyons Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hajun
have leased the Inn-Sidje cafe jat
Mill City and will take possession
during the coming weekJ j
Four Corners Mr. and Mrs.
Frank J. Tullins and son Joseph
of Los Angeles recently purchased
the property at 3640 LaBranch aVe.
for a home. Mr. Tullins and ws
brother will operate the Richfield
service station at 14th and State
fPringle dubs
Help Children
PRINGLE Cub Scout pack
110 held its Christmas party and
gift exchange Tuesday at the
home of the leader, Mrs. Richard
Williams. A basket was made up
for a needy family at Christmas.
The Girl Scout and Brownie
troops held their party and gift
exchange at the schoolhous. The
older girls fixed toys and gifts
for children at Fairview home,
and the Brownies fixed toys for
the Salvation Army.
Several families have left for
the holidays, including the A. W.
Kendricks, who went to Klamath
Falls to spend a week with Mrs.
Kendricks sister and family; Mr.
and Mrs. P. V. Bohnstedt and
Janet, who left Friday for Eu
gent; the Charles T. Klingler and
Del Brinkley families spent
Christmas day with relatives in
Hubbard John Strawn and Rob
ert Dahl were home on Christmas
leave from San Diego, where they
are stationed with the navy-
Aomsville The Luther Wrights
have moved into their new home.
They have been living in the Gaius
Fuson house.
Sublimity KCs
Hosts to 200
Members, Guests
STAYTON Approximately
200 members attended a meeting
and Christmas party of the
Knights of Columbus held at
Sublimity on Tuesday evening.
John Welz of Sublimity was
unanimously elected as deputy
grand knight of this" council, to
fill the vacancy of Leonard Thoraa
who moved to Lebanon and is the
present grand knight of that
council. t
Reports of the activities of the
Christmas cheer committee and
the blood donors group were
made. Both of these Jobs are out
standing programs of the local
Knights of Columbus.
Approximately $300 In gifts
were distributed to the less for
tunate of this community at
Christmas time. A large delega
tion of members from Lebanon
council headed by Grand Knight
Thoma attended. Santa distribut
ed presents, and refreshments
were served.
Christmas Guests
At Lyons Home
LYONS Mrs. Lula Collins
spent the holiday in Salem with
her daughter, Mrs. Claude SeUard
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Colgan of
Pendleton arrived Tuesday to
spend the holidays with their
daughter, Mrs. William Pennick
and family.
Edmund (Buddy) Davis, Jr. and
Bill Oliver, 'students at Oregon
State college, arrived home Mon
day to spend the holidays Vith
their parents.
Mrs. William Pennick was hos
tess Monday afternoon for a
Christmas party and gift exchange
at her home. Present were Mrs.
N. L. Pennick and grandchildren,
Patricia and Billy, Mrs. William
Samuel! and Sandra, Mrs. Robert
Wilson and Ronnie, Mrs. Tony
Baker and Timothy and Nathan.
C-97s Considered
For Duty on Airlift
WIESBADEN, Germany, Dec.
25 -W)- Cargo planes with ca
pacities more than double that
of the C-54 now in use are be
ing considered for the Berlin air
lift. Air Secretary Stuart Sym
ington said Friday.
Symington told a news confer
ence the project calling for the
replacement of C-54s with the
huge C-97s might take two years
indicating the United States is
prepared to carry on the airlift
that long, or longer if necessary.
Lions Clubs
Request) Road
STAYTON Improvement of
the Stayton-West Stayton road is
being sought by the Stayton Lions
club which voted in the meeting
Tuesday evening to have the sec
retary write a letter to the Mar
ion county court requesting the
In bad shape for several years,
the road is narrow and winding
and is in need for general im
provement. Shoulders need wid
ening and leveling too.
.The road is an important link
between Stayton and the South
ern Pacific railroad at West Stay
ton and is also heavily traveled
during the summer by farmers
taking their fruits and vegetables
PEDEE Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ogle
of Cambridge, Idaho, are parents
of a baby boy, Delbert Thomas,
born December 19, their fourth
child and third boy. Mrs. Ogle is
the former Irene Williams, who
attended school here.
to the Stayton cannenr. ,
Christmas- carols -were swag . by
the group with Mrs. Gweneth
Spaniol as accompanist. Holiday
refres hmenti, were provided
through the courtesy of Kenneth
Williams and Joe Devers.
Recollections of his childhood of
poverty are found in Henrik Ib
sen's great work. Peer Gynt.
T Combine Service
j For Well-Known
Combine service man with
10 to 15 years' experience to
train dealers and supervise
field service on "6-ft. com
bines. Desired by old, estab
lished northwest wholesale
tractor and implement firm.
Age 35 to 50. Replies treated
confidentially. State experi
ence, education, references.
Enclose photograph if possi
ble. Written application only
will be considered.
R. M. WADE & CO.
Tractor Sales Division
106 S. E. Hawthorne
' I
-, Hyssop, tt x arden hfb with in .
aromatic bitter taste, ones' was cs- '
ed in the treatment of pulmonary
ana caiarrnai trouble ana also as
an external application to bruises
and swellings. J I
Ililh Is Only
He Per Pound
Tea Can't Even Boy
That Price
In milk you pet 101)
food value No fausn,
no fuss, no preparation
expenses -j - - Its the
Cheapest, Most Nourish
ing: Food You Can Buy.
Cully's Dairy
Phone 3-8783 f
, , ; ' i i i I
Our regular 29c buys! Cd for glcs, tool Q JC High pile, thickly tufted on sturdy cotton JT9B 'V f .'' ' f! Vit' V
Quo!,ty conon for obsorbency. 17" x 32". D backing Washfast bedroom color, with self- J Ct , f ' i I i T!' ).-7Z Xl
Also Kofar pnni tow., ot th price I ulpt?red ov.r.oy. Full 90" x 105". Twin 72" So. S - Cf(tS-- " Jf P5
Reg. Sc Cannon dish cloths for 39c Soingsl x 105". Regularly 6.98 Don't miss this buy! 0n.Door Z2sl f ' ' " ' ' ''j' '
rr' I'TVX 'i" 1 'Jl- 4 smog" sa"-
-- I IT ;y7' save on waras " :
mfml 81 x 108"
M Reg. 2.98
Fluffy absorbent bath towels) woven for
strength and durability! Color uplift In two
tone plaids of aqua, green, rose, yellow,
flamingo or peach on white, fiegvlarly 5c
tig 20
Moke your own and save more Pure white C"7
sleek smoothnessl 123 cotton threadi rmlv
woven into each square inch for longer
64 x 64 count. 42" wide. Regularly 69c
Save 12c on
Every Yd!
Imogine savings like this on muslins that were
a buy at regular price! These snowy white
sheets are tightly woven with 128 threads
per square inch of heavy long staple cotton.
Hand torn to insure straight hems after
laundering strong tape selvages ore rip
resistant. Generous 3-in. top hems.
Reg. 2.19 Sheets 72x99" 1.97
Reg. 54c Cases 42x36" 47c
Sheets and Cases
Treasure Chest
Come eorly for big savings! Our own best
' quality muslins known for silky smoothness,
superior wear I Balanced weave of 140
threads per square Inch of heavy long staple
cotton. Permanently bleached inowy white
Hand torn stroight hems rip-resistant tope
selvoges. Generous 3-in. top hems.
Reg. 2.85 Sheets 72x108" . . 2.67
Reg. 65c Cases 42x36" ...... 57c
I : ; ; . i I , I
Standard quafity muslin, bJeoched pure white! "FC
Smoothly finished. Useful for dozens of house- 1
t.fy-l MAml. ll.A Ia. .... -t. I
wwa.rusw iui uinun quiiT DOCU. aownsj
Reg. 29c unbleached muslin 17e yd.
S4 ,4.1
Famous for soft fluff 00 P dependable service I
Oosely woven of strong American cotton.
Choose from attractive bedroom plaids. 70" x
tff' size. Weight H lbs. Buy today I
Priced LSf
Big water thirsty terry towels set off by
smart self-color rope-effect borders. Blue,
green, flamingo, peach, yellow. 22 x 44"
Also big savings on the matching pieces I
Reg. 39c Face Towels 15x26" ....33c
Reg. 19c Wash Cloths 12x12" . 13c
Two Outstandin
Towel Buys
w. sts y2)
Reg. 7.25
A HUGE saving on these handsome towels!
All-over (acquard pattern on fuI1-tor"ec
flamingo, green, blue, peoch. yellow, flc
cbsorbent and strong) Match Itiem witFi
Reg. 59c Hand Towels 16 x 27" 494
Reg. 29c Wash Cloths 12 x 12". 23