The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 26, 1948, Page 12, Image 12

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' 2 Tho Stat man, Salem, Oregon. Sunday, Dctnbcr 2& 1943
: Rococo, a term used to describe
type of European art which be
gan early in the 18th century, is
derived from the French word, to
cailles, which designated artificial
grottoes and rock arrangements of
the gardens at Versailles.
Greater Comfort,
and Economy.
Less Oil
Low Upkeep...
H. C Little the ONLY oil Hoot
furnace with 100 electric, ther
mostatic control! No pilot light.
No constant low fire stage to waste
fueL Burns oil only when you
aecd heat!
H. C Litrtle the oil floor furnace
that is nothing less than a modern
beating marvel. The design of the
furnace is unusually compact; the
efficiency of the H. C Little oil
burner is amazing; they combine
to give delightful comfort at sur
prisingly low cose .
Do you have an antiquated oil
stove or circulating beater, with
hand control or pilot fire? Then
you are paying for comfort you
are not getting, and wasting oil
that is precious. Let us give you
the facts and figures on an H. C
Little oil floor furnace installation
in YOUK home. Easy terms. Up to
three years to pay:
ether features
I. Lew Fint Cot
2. Easy lnsta!lati in Floor
3. km low Cost Furnace Oil
4. No Moving Porto to Wtor
5. Cant Ovorlwo
0. No Smelt; No Soot
7. No Dm. No Askos
1, Safe; listed by Underwriters'
9. Factory Guaranteed
? Pesler I
and Panty Girdles.
Special JLlj.
Values to 5.95.
Values to 120.
Special .
DRESSES, sizes 42 to 46,
Values to 5.98.
Special . .
Values to 11.98.
Special .
Values to 22.50.
FOR NEW YEAR'S . . . :Head
ed south on Tuesday will be Sec
retary of State and I Mrsj. Earl
Newbry. who will spend- New
f Year's in San i Francisco tt the
Palace hotel and attend the East
West game - . . Their daughter,
Shirlee, will spend the holidays
in Ashland with her.tormer jschool
friends . . . i
Also bay bound will be the Du
ane Gibsons and W. Frank Craw
fords, who are; driving down to
San Francisco on Wednesday . . .
They plan to spend tert days in the
bay city with headquartersat the
Sir Francis Drake hotel . . . they
also have tickets for the East-West
game . . . before returning home
the four plan to go further south
for a sojourn . j . . f jf
Mr. and Mrs. j Alfred Montgom
ery and coed daughter. Nancy, will
spend New Year's eve in Xhf Mur
al room of the; St. Francii hotel
. . , They leave Thursday by
train. f j
At the Empress hotel io Vic
toria; B. C, for .New Year's eve
will be Janet Bower; and! Mary
White, who -head north on Thurs
day . - . they had ; planfied to
drive in Mary's new club jjcoupe,
which arrived in tiroe ffr her
Christmas surprise . . bjit due
to weather conditions the trip will
be by train ... !
TRAVEL TIME . . i. forj many
the new year means trips abroad
or following the sun south i . . .
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Fry, jr.,
leave January 3 by plane frjr New
York City and then for four
months tour of Africa and into the
interior . . . Enroute they will
make stops in Portugal, Lisbon
and down the coast to Johannes
burg . . . From there the will
travel by river boat, train and car
to Cape Town and into the; inter
ior . . . then on to Egypl with
trips to the famed battlegrounds at
Tunis, Algeria and Libya f . . .
The Frys will fly back to! Spain
for i several, weeks stay before
returning to the states in May . . .
Headed ... for South Ameri
ca for the fifth year on January
3 will be the C. L. Criders it Dal- i
las . . . They are most fascinated !
with the country and, each year
pick a different country t& visit
longer ... this year it will be
Peru and they will sojoijra at
beautiful Lake Titicaca . . . The
travelers will make the tHp by
plane, as they have other fyears,
and will stop enroute at Los An-
gtries, xviexicu, ranama,' uuaiemaia i
and Costa Rica ... The Qiriders
have made the trip so often that
the hotel managers give f them
warm welcomes ... i
WEDDING ECHOES . . . A bride
of the Christmas season wasVIary- '
ana ooiunger, wno Decame; airs.
Reed Vollstedt a week agofl . . .
The First Congregational fchurch
the setting . . . filled with guests.
many from out-of-town . A and j
dozens of the couple's college
friends from Oregon State here for
the occasion ... I
A flurry of excitement fi . .
whenHhe bride's veil caught fire j
from I the candles as she walked
down the aisle ... but pjut out
immediately by one of thefguests
. even the minister and 'groom
starting to come forward ftp the
rescue . . Maryana and, j Seed
both speaking their vows lirlearly
and not the least excited f j. . .
Again at the reception hit veil
just missed the candles on the
bride's table as she walked past
to cut her cake . . i but j Reed
rescued the veil from the jflame
this time and held her; veil
back . . . I!
The reception . . . the Chi O-
mega house the setting . . . jtiardly
room for the several hundred
guests to move . . . but wijman-
aged to get through the criyvd to!
the ining room . . . the .bride s
table all in ice blue satin with an
off-center arrangement of j jwhite
carnations with pink , tapers and
blue satin with tiny silver j bells
caugnt at tne corner oi thei clotn
. a white and silver irradescent
cloth on the punch table . J with
Francis Wade pouring untijl the
servers arrived . . . Adorable
were the twins, Jackie and! Jane
Vollstedt of McMinnvillei I who
- 5 '
Heard . . .
passed the dream cakes, -- also
wrap ed in blue paper . . . Jack
ie wore a white suit and Jane's
blue dress was of ruffled marqui
sette ...
Welcome home ... for Mabel
Robertson, who has been in Eu
rope since summer, and attend
ing her first wedding of the sea
son ... also greetings to Edward
and Betty Porter, who have been
living in Portland . . . Betty has
conpleted her nurses training and
after a much needed vacation, will
oe practicing . . . Barbara Saiith,
a Chi Omega, came up from her
home in San Mateo, Calif., for her
sorority sister's wedding .
and she was the lucky catcher
when Maryana threw her bouquet
from the stairway . . . Lots of
rice when the couple left speeding
away in their new car, all deco
rated with streamers, soap, and
tin cans ...
The entrance way to the Daniel
Fry home flanked with two white
trees to which are tied apples and
at Clearance!
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Bear in Mind:
There Is NO SHOE
that FITS YOU and
Your Budget LIKE A
spotted with flood lights ....
Christy Cooley's pale pink
Christmas tree decorated with
fuchsia lanterns, grapes and other
fruit and tied with chartreuse
bows . . . the decorator her
mother, lrs. Richard L. Cooley
. . . Mrs. Robert Gormsen deco
rated her son Paul's tree with red
balls and white paper doilies . . .
Mrs. Frank Turner's tree is of
butt s and bows ... a silver
tree with red and silver buttons
and red cellophane bows . . .
When Barbara finished decorating
her daughter, Linda, turned
around and said, "Now let's deco
rate the real tree."
Mrs. Walter Kirk's stunnine
mantle edged in cedar garlands
. . . also the mirror above gar
landed ... at one end a large
glass vase filled with gay Christ
mas balls and adorable gold an
gels and white and gold tree at the
other end . . . altar candles for
light ...
To Celebrate
New Year's
To celebrate the New Year sev
eral watch parties are being ar
anged for Friday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Gorm
sen will entertain members of her
Black, Brown, Blue, Green, Red, Wine, Grey, Bronze Kid
Values to $12.95 )
The Salem Shoe Store Thai the Ladies
bridge club and their husbands at
a New Year's eve party at their
Hines street home. A late supper
will be served by the hosts.
In the group will be Mr. and
Mrs. William Duncan of Silverton,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dow, Mr. and
Mrs- Donald Barnick, Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Borgardus, Mr. and Mrs. Les
ter Pearmina, jr, Mr. and Mrs.
Rollin Haag, Mr. and Mrs. William
Shinn, Mr. and Mrs. John H. John
son and the hosts.
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert William
son have invited a group of their
friends to a watch party on New
Year's eve at their North Summer
street home.
Stayton Girls Have
Christinas Meeting
STAYTON Troop Little Flow
er, Junior Catholic Daughters,
met jointly with the other troops
Monday evening at Forester hall.
A gift exchange was followed by
a no-host lunch and entertain
ment. Two new members, Dolores
Walts and Rose Ann Wagner, re
cently joined when the troop met
at the home of Jean Stewart.
Games were played and a scrap
book was made for crippled chil
dren. Dolores Waltz will be hos
tess for the next meeting.
Add To Your
High, Cuban and
Low Heels
Pumps, Straps & Ties
In the Middle of the Floor
is a festive table set with 555 pairs of Odd Lot Shoes
at 2 pair for $5.55. In this group all sizes are not available
but if you find your size you'll have THE BARGAIN
II You're Hard Io Fit . .
Christmas Party
Enjoyed by Club
At Four Corners
the One Dozen Roses club Thurs
day was Mrs. Ross Wood, 3915
State st. Co-hostess was Mrs. Mag
dalena Sutter, A covered dish din
ner was followed by a Christmas
party and gift exchange. Guests
were Mrs. Glen Woodry, Mary
Grace Harger, Gloria and Judith
Wood. Etta Sutter will be hostess
to the January meeting.
F. A. Boyington, 3676 State st.,
drove to Oswego Friday to bring
his 88-year-old father, C. W.
Boyington, down for the holidays.
A group from Bethel Baptist
church at Aumsville were carol
ing in Aumsville and Four Cor
ners on Thursday evening. The
Christmas tree and program was
sponsored by the firemen and
auxiliary for the children of the
fire district.
The Fireman's auxiliary will
hold the regular meeting at the
community hall January 4.
Mrs. Frank Smith, 115 N. Lan
caster dr., is in Salem General
hospital with pneumonia.
Ice-hockey is a game which
probably dates from the 18th century.
The New Look in Arithmetic
ADD to your style
MULTIPLY your budget
DIVIDE our profiti
This Table Is For You! .
Folk Travel,
JEFFERSON Mr. and Mrs.
Wa'lter Watkins are Christmas
guests at the home of their son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Edwin Swartz on Ankeny Hill.
Mrs. Kay Rickman and daugh
ter, Mrs. Judith McNiese of Os
wego were weekend guests of
their sister and aunt, Mrs. W. D.
Glasgow, and Mr. Glasgow, on
Greens Bridge road.
Mr. and Mrs. Leland Wells had
as their Christmas dinner guests
Mr. and Mrs. William Dyer of
Corvallis. Mr- and Mrs. Lester
Brurvs of Adair Village. Mr. and
Mrs, John Calahan of Albany,
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wells, Mr. and
Mrs. Leo Weddle and Leighton
Christmas guest at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hartley
were Mr. and Mrs. Moody Ben
ner, Virginia, Glen and Carol
of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Pope, Lena Lou, Janet of Cor
vallis, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Thurs
ton, Donnie and Linda of Scio.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bryant of
Salem and Mrs. Delia Skaar of
Albany were Saturday guests of
your problems
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-SAKS of
GO :
"You Need Go
No Further 1 .
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Bilyeu.
G. Neuenschwander spent Moim
day at the home of his niece, Mrs
Anna Gray of Forest Grove.
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. G lover ; were
Christmas guests of their son 4
in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Wilbur Johnston and family
at Sweet Home.;
The ibis, sacred bird of ancient
Egypt, is related to the stork
j Gccd Ihml
I For Wemen With 1
KaUes Apparel j I
la Coming Shop I
To Salem H '
January , a , jp
j 320 COURT
- .V
This is miAiniMA
Howard Corsei
131 N. High
i i
) ! 1 '
Shop ;
i if i