The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 22, 1948, Page 8, Image 8

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    f, The Statesman, Salem, Ore,. Wednesday, Decinbw 22. 1948
Travelers to
Be Honor .
Travelers are also taking the so
cial spotlight during the holidays.
Several parties are being arrang
ed in compliment to Miss Eliza
beth Lord, who is leaving in early
January lor the Philippines to vis
Its her brother, Montague Lord,
for several months, and Mrs. B.
O Schucking, who is accompa
nying Miss Lord to Hawaii. .
Sunday night Mrs. Louis Lach
mund has invited a few of Miss
Lord's intimate friends to a buf
fet supper at her South High street
Judge and Mrs. James T. Brand
and Mrs. Chester Cox will be hosts
for an informal at home on De
cember 29 at the Cox residence on
Fairmount Hill for the pleasure
of Miss Lord and Mrs. Schucking.
Guests have been invited to call
after 8 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Linn C. Smith will
entertain informally at buffet sup
per on December 30 at their Che
meketa street home for twelve
friends of Miss Lord and Mrs.
Civic Players to
Repeat Play
A repeat performance of "Pas
sing of the Third Floor Back by
the Salem Civic Players will be
given, on December 29 and 30 at
the Salem Civic Theatre building.
The two - night show is being
given due to popular demand as
many were turned away at per
formances last week. Tickets will
go on sale Monday and Tuesday,
December 27 and 28 at Ladd and
Bush bank. The play is being
sponsored for the repeat perform
ances by the building service em
ployes, international union, local
Ohmarts Will Be
Dinner Hosts
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ohmart will
entertain members of their real
estate office at a Christmas din
ner dance tonight at the American
Legion club at 8 o'clock.
Covers will be placed for Mr.
and Mrs, William Stewart, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Roethlin, Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Mattson. Mr. and Mrs. War
ren Brasher, Mr- and Mrs. Theo
dore Mankertz and Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Asel Eoff and son.
Joe, left Sunday for Palm Springs
and Balboa, Calif., to spend the
holidays. They plan to remain in
the south a month.
V "
' 4 e
Vr "-
Miss Dorothy Klein,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Klein, whose en
gagement to George B.
Folz, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Emll Folz, all of Salem, has
been announced. No date
has been set for the wedding.
f aeon
X i .1- , - : M tt-
p- wiui jasiuuna lur una
to lit women. Aiaae
especially in our own
tailoring shops.
, Kaile's Apparel
& Srinn
Court St
Couple Will
Live Here
From Chicago comes details ef
the marriage of Miss Joyce Zeitler
and Russell Renner of Salem, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Renner, sr.,
of Chicago, which took place on
December 18 at the Martin Lutlt
eran church. The bride is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Alori
zo Zeitler of Punxsutawney, Penn
sylvania and was given in mar
riage by her father. )
The Rev. E. Huntley performed
the nuptials and Annalise Broirj
skie was the soloist. f
rTor her wedding the bride chose
a grey gabardine suit with brown
accessories and carried a colonial
bouquet of white pom pom chry
santhemums centered with gar
denias. Miss LaVerne Renner was the
bride's only attendant and wore a
hunter's green gabardine suit witji
grey accessories and carried p
colonial bouquet of yellow ponp
pom chrysanthemums. Earl Reni
ner, Jr. was his brother's best man
and ushers were Robert, Jerrjr
and Jack Renner. ' j
For her daughter's wedcfing Mri.
Zeitler wore a rust crepe dress
with corsage of yellow rosebuds
and Mrs. Renner attended hef
son a mairicige m a grey print suk
dress and corsage of red rosebuds
A reception was held at the;
home of the groom's parents after,
the nuptials. The newlyweds are
spending their honeymoon in
Chicago and will arrive in Salem
to make their home after January;
1. The groom is employed at the
Interstate Tractor and Equipment
Dyers Are Dinner Hosts
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Dyer,
Jr., entertained with a pre-Christ-mas
dinner Sunday afternoon at
their Chemeketa street home for
members of her family. In the
group were Mrs. Harry Bumside,
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. 'Burnside, Bet
ty and Bobby, and Mrs. D. C.
Washburn, Mr. and Mrs. Darrell
Elton and Charles Reed of Forest
Grove, E A. Ellis and Mr. and
Mrs. Dyer and children, Connell
and Marilyn.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Jessee of Cen-
tralia, Kansas, are spending the
holidays in Salem with her sis
ter, Mrs. J. J. Nunn.
Honored at
Holiday brides-elect are sharing
in much of the Christmas enter
taining with parties arranged in
their honor.
Miss Catherine Dallas, a dietitian
in Dallas, Texas, and her fiance,
Luther Carson, a student at Dal
las, arrived in the capital Tues
day to be the holiday guests of
her mother, Mrs. Willis R. Dallas.
The couple's marriage will take
place on Sunday.
Parties Fete Miss Dallas
Several pre-nuptial parties are
being arranged in compliment to
Miss Dallas this week. Tuesday
night Mrs. R. L. Forster, Miss Lil
lian Davis and Mrs. E. G. Clark
entertained at the Dallas home on
Center street for the pleasure of
the bride-elect.
A green and white color scheme.
Miss Dallas' Kappa Delta sorority
colors, was carried out in the dec
orations. A miscellaneous shower
feted the bride-to-be and a late
supper was served by the host
esses to twenty-five guests.
Mrs. Arthur Bates will be a
hostess tonight at her Rose street
home in honor of Miss Dallas. A
late supper will be served follow
ing a miscellaneous shower for
the bride-elect and an informal
Honoring Miss Dallas will be
her mother, Mrs. Willis R. Dallas,
Mrs. Mabel Clock, Mrs. Reed
Chambers, Mrs. Laura Eaton, Mrs.
B. F. Schmoker, Mrs. Frank Tat
man, Mrs. Robert Elfstrom and
Miss Patricia Elfstrom, Mrs. Tink
ham Gilbert and Miss Alcetta
Hulst, Mrs. D. B. Kleihege, Mrs.
Latimer Chambers, Mrs. J. P.
Bates, Mrs. Leo Reed, Mrs. Charles
Siegmund, Mrs. C. A. Mulkey,
Mrs. William Carlson, Miss Bar
bara Bates and the hostess.
Thursday night Miss Dallas will
be honored at a party in Port
land when a group of her Kappa
Delta sorority sisters entertain.
For Mss Covert
Miss Virginia Covert, who will
be married on Christmas Day to
Dorane Humphrey, will be the
honor guest at a party tonight
when Mrs. Oliver B. Huston and
her daughter, Mrs. Maurice Fitz
simons, entertain at the Huston
home on the North River Road. A
late supper will be served after
the bridal shower.
Bidden to honor Miss Covert are
her mother, Mrs. L. S. Covert,
Mrs. Donald Barnick, Mrs, William
Shlnn, Mrs. Rollin Haag, Mrs.
William Duncan of Silverton, Mrs.
Patrick Hayes of Seattle, Mrs.
Samuel Tripp, Miss Evelyn John
son, Miss Jeanne Busick, Miss
Marjorie Henery and the host
esses. For Bridal Party
Miss Phyllis MacGregor, who
will become the bride of Robert
Elgin on December 27, will enter
tain with a brunch at noon on
Sunday at the Golden Pheasant
for the feminine members of her
bridal party. The 8 f fair will pre
cede the wedding rehearsal.
Nuptials of
Two out-of-town weddings dur
ing the holidays arc of interest to
Salem friends of the couples.
Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Findley and
Mrs. Roy Lockenour will go
north next week to Yakima,
Wash, to attend the wedding of
the former's granddaughter. Miss
Muriel Oliver, and Loren Winter
scheid, son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude
Winterscheid of Pasco, Wash, on
December 30 at the home of the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
George Oliver, at high noon.
Miss Oliver and her fiance are
graduates of Willamette univer
sity and members of Pi Beta Phi
and Beta Theta Pi respectively.
I They will make their home in
Philadelphia, where both are at
i tending the University of Pennsyl
i vania. Mr. Winterscheid is en
i rolled at the medical school of the
. university and she is taking grad
j uate work. They will live at the
i Settlement House on the campus.
LjRItes In Lonrview
f Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hadley
j and children, Eileen and. Allan,
j Governor -elect and Mrs. Douglas
I McKay, Miss Mary Lou McKay
and Lester ureen will be in lxng
view. Wash, on December 26 for
the wedding of Mr. Hadley's sis-
ter. Miss Marilyn Hadley and
, Clell Conrad. The nuptials will
i take place at the Community
church at 4:30 o'clock. Mr. Had
j ley will serve as best man and
; Eileen will be flower girl. At the
i receDtion Mrs. Hadlev will cut the
t ralr TVlA V?nrilcvrc u'-ill art tn !
! Longview Christmas Day and at
; tend the rehearsal dinner that
night. They will be guests of his j
, parents, the C. E. Hadleys.
.Book and Thimble
lub Honored
DeSarts to Have
Annual "Sing"
:Mr. and Mrs. Hal DeSart will be
hosts tonight at the home for an
evening of music, an annual event.
Invited to sing and play during
the evening are Mr. and Mrs. A.
J. Dreyer, Phil Dreyer and Miss
Rosemary Loder of Portland, Mr.
and Mrs. Hobard Jackson, Mr. and
Mrs. Ronald Craven, Mr. and Mrs.
E O. Bandel, Mr. and Mrs. Ger
ald Brownlee, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Bowen and Mr. and Mrs.. Harold
On Sunday
John Stuart Williamson, three-month-old
son o"f Mr. and Mrs.
Hubert Williamson, will be chris
tened at services on Sunday af
ternoon in the chapel of St. Paul's
Episcopal church- The Rev. George
H. Swift will perform the -2 o'
clock rites before members of the
immediate family.
Godparents for the little boy
will be Dr. and Mrs. A. O. Pitman
of Hill&boro and his uncle and
Open Evenings Til Xmas
305 & 315 Court St Salem
Annual all-day Christmas meet
ing of the Book and Thimble club
was, held at the home of Mrs. Ray
Lacey. A no-host luncheon was
served at noon with exchange of
gifts following. In the afternoon
members revealed their unknown
friend and chose new ones for the
coming year.
Members present were Mrs. Rol
lin Beaver, Mrs. Ross Damrell,
Mrs. Harlyn England, Mrs. Conrad
Fox, Mrs. Albert Issak, Mrs. Fred
Kubin, Mrs. Ray Lacey, Mrs. Ed
na McCarthy, Mrs. Lloyd Phillips,
Mrs. Charles Schwartz, Mrs. W.
B. Sullivan, Mrs. Paul Wishart,
Mrs. Will Kidwell, Mrs. Gerald
Kubin, Mrs. Loren Hicks and Mrs.
Robert Adams, Guests were Mrs.
Marie Thomson of Scotland, Mrs.
Roland Sugar, Mrs. Lewis and
Miss Fern Morgan.
The next meeting will bring
election of officers at the home of
Mrs. Rollin Beaver. After the
election of officers Mrs. Thomson
and Mrs. Hicks will talk about
conditions in Scotland.
Dr. Perry John - Powers, son of
Mrs. Mabel S. Pqwers, left by j
train on Monday for a two week j
stay in the east. He will spend the
remainder of this week and
Christmas in Baltimore at The
John Hopkins, where he took his
post graduate work. He will then
go to New York where he will at
tend a meeting of language pro
fessors. Dr Powers is an assistant
professor of languages at Univer
sity of Oregon.
2 Dormeyer Mixers g !
g Woodry Furniture Co.
t$A&na camera fi 4cmone ittclat
Truly a handful of picture-making efficiency, ,
this slick "miniature" assures top-quality results
indoors or out, in black-and-white or color. Little
negatives yield big, brilliant enlargements!
Has lumeni'zeJ f4J lens and 1200 shutter
witn bunt-in nan. mm Floe
tt U htrt today
If 3
1440 CM A STMH iTSf
that operate as
aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Paul William
son of Long Beach, Calif. .The
baby's grandparents are Mr. and
Mrs. John S. Lochead and Mr. and
Mrs. P. L. Williamson of Long
Beech, Calif A reception for the
guests will follow at the William
son home on North Summer street.
WOODBUKN Patricia Aaa
Thompson, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Arnold G. Thompson, Is
Woodburn's candidate for the an
nual citizenship award pt the
Daughters of the American! Revo
lution. She was one of three sen
tor girls selected by the high school
faculty and was elected by the
senior class. it
Soo them in action now. It's
fun for all tho family. You
soo tho comploto lino at Elf-strom's
840 Court
Phone 2-2493 , 1
O nen VI xrm i
-r J uaa e
Until 9 P. M.
474 So. Commercial
& J i I
-4 I a l it
j - j Si
135 . h j js
j i
" A Gift
Of Sheer
Sheer, full-fashioned nylon
hosiery with sharpr pencil
line seams, and in fashion
able new shades
K An appreciated and always
f welcome practical gift.
Santa's latent report putt
our lovely Mojud Stockings
right at the top of the list.
Mojuds are preferred for
their sheer beauty . . . their
up - to the minute Fashion
Harmony Colors. We have
all weights ... all sizes.
1.95 ftfj VA
373 State Street
Also Albany Corvallls
460 State Street
JUJJW A ; : : : s,
...for Newlyweds
Ho. 4004 II C-vry
Mahoaany rU-tey Cfcetl
It' . . . pHitionJ
...fulljr lined mmi
ere Is a chest of dreams, to hold all tn
treasures oi wedding bell time and the joyful years;
to come. Each anniversary mates it more
cherished as a symbol of love and happy living
340 Court
Phone 2-2493