18 The Statesman, Salem, Ort, Wodnos day, December 22, 1948 like a Christmas hand-clasp, giving 6.50 Mr is s V These glove by Daniel Hays fit smoothly at all times never wrinkle in repose, not a hint of strain in action. Three-dimensional cat is the difference, makes Finger Free the most comfort able gloves in the world. Choose them for those good friends on your list. i IT One Mann's Dnp The Store of Style, Quality and Value MOXLEY & HUNTINGTON 416 STATE STREET Obituaries i ... Martin Benson Martin Benson, for several years a Brooks area farmer be fore his retirement, died Monday at Shedd, Ore., where he had re sided the past year with a daugh ter, Mrs. Mabel Heiser. Funeral services will be Friday at 9:30 a.m. at Howe-Huston chapel in Lebanon, with grave side services at 11:30 a.m. at Pio neer cemetery near Brooks. The Rev. John Houser of Lebanon will officiate. Benson was born July 26, 1869, in Oslo, Norway. He had lived in the United States for 68 years and in Oregon for 53 years. Mrs. Benson died last March 25. Other survivors are a daughter, Mrs. Minnie Clark of Lebanon; sister, Mrs. Lena Boggie of Leba non; brothers, Gus (his twin) of Lebanon and Ole of Clackamas, and an adopted brother, Charles Carlson of Lebanon; seven grand children and three great grandchildren. Thomas Clyde Parsons ALBANY Funeral services for Thomas Clyde Parsons, 65, who died after a long Illness, were held Monday, December 20, the Rev. K. V. Barnett officiat ing. Burial in Riverside. Born July 20, 1883, in Vir ginia, he" had been a resident of Albany for 15 years. He was em ployed as electrician in the water department of Mountain States Power company. He was a member of Electrical Workers union, and of Friends church. In 1903, in Louisiana, he mar ried Minnie Ethel Jacobs. On June 5, 1927, at San Fernando, Calif., he married Cora Mae Diacons, who survives, as do three sons and three daughters. Clyde of Sacramento, Lloyd and Olin both ,, ttAt tvt u of Albany, Mrs. Velma Kimball j t irst lV49 W OOCltlUrn of Spokane, Mrs. La Vera DeKug- ! ni i ben of Lebanon, and Nora Grace i laJies to Let i nzes Parsons of Albany; also four brothers and a sister living in the east, and a granddaughter, 1 Susan Rae Parsons of Albany. Santa Qaus at Roberts School Play Scheduled ROBERTS Children of Rob erts school will present . a play, "Christmas at Roberts School," Thursday, December 23, at 8 p.m. in the grange hall. Scenes are played In the home of Santa Claus and in Roberts school. Santa Claus will be played by Allan Edge; Mrs. Santa Claus by Mary Lou Holcomb. Other play ers will be chairman of the school board, Richard Heyden; pupils, Georgia Ann Johnson, David Aus tin, Shirley Pickerell, Carol Ann Earnest, Beverley Farris, Donald Miller, Sherry Filsinger, Vernon Papenfus, Kathleen Crowley, Jack Johnson, Sandra Shorey, Ray mond Bohanan, Donald Bohanan, Karen Roach, Larry Eyerly Mike Eyerly, Robin Roach. Musical numbers will include a piano solo by Carol Earnest; Clar inet solo, Richard Heyden; accor dion, Allan Edge; vocal solo, Mr. Paul Marsh. Quilting Occupies Keizer Sewing Club KEIZER Quilting occupied members of the Keizer Woman's Sewing club last week when they met with Mrs. H. M. Broadbent for a covered dish luncheon and Christmas party. Present were Mrs. Sam Rich ard, Mrs. Nick LeRud, Mrs. J. E. Whitehead, Nettie Morris. Mrs. Dora Mason, Mrs. Ethel McClay, Mrs. Alice Gardner, Mrs. W. E. Savage, Mrs. W. G. Earle. Mrs. Emma Thompson, Mrs. A. E. Cummings, Mrs. Luther Melton, Mrs. John Derrick, Mrs. C. Daley, Mrs. Roy Melson, Mrs. J. A. Braunberger, Mrs. Elmer Idler, Mrs. L. E. Gilkey, Ruth Rulifson nnri K"ppfpr Trc .T A flor- ner will be hostess for the next ! meeung January o. Prowlers Enter Jefferson School JEFFERSON Someone broke into the schoolhouse last Thurs day night, pried open the outer door to the office, worked their way into the inner office where school supplies are kept and scat tered everything in their search but nothing of value was taken. Edwin Swartz is in Salem Gen eral hospital recovering from a major operation. His mother, Mrs. Edna Swartz, returned from the hospital last week. Swartz will be home before Christmas. Postmaster Clarence Miller re ports peak of the outgoing Christ mas mail passed. Patrons mailed earlier this year, and not so many packages, he said. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Gamble of Duvall, Wash., will be Christmas guests of their daughter, Mrs. Leonard Morris and family. A Christmas program will be presented by pupils of DeVaney school Wednesday night, Decem ber 22 at 8 o'clock. The school Christmas party Friday, Decem ber 24, will be followed by a week's vacation. Lyons Families Home For Christmas Holiday LYONS Mr. and Mrs. Leon ard Thoma and sons Richard and James of Lebanon were guests Sunday of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Hiatt. 6 Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hampton of ! S an. A. . J 1 I " f encueton are ners io spena me i holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bodeker. Buster Berry who has been with his grandparents, Mr. and j Mrs. George Berry returned- to j his home in Glendale, Ore,, Mon- day. Home from Oregon State coir lege for the holidays are Duane and Juamta Downing, Billie Prichard. Imogene Roye, Dale Bassett and Willard Berry (blip ft FIVE CHRISTMAS MASSES WOODBURN, Dec. 21 Five Christmas masses will be cele brated at St. Luke's Catholic church here starting with a sung mas at 6 o'clock. Later masses will be at 7:30, 8, 9:15 and 10:30 a.m. PROGRAM PRESENTED MIDDLE GROVE School Christmas program and treats for the children was held Friday night- Pupils made the scenery, stage setting and costumes in their art classes. Strapless Brassieres For Formal Vear Smart Shop 115 N. Liberty ll)lll)ILLI(!l LUGGAGE Stub iiTiiuiiif uiiiii III CiMIII III Hill Tom ought to know I From his post at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel desk he sees a daily parade of the world's fin eat taste in luggage. For your light hearted travel MAXIM ILLIAN craftsmen in leather have styled this handsome matched set. FIELD EXECUTIVE SET FOR KEN Bovs Hobby Club Has Holiday Party HAYESVILLE, Dec. 21 Eight een members of the recently-organized Boys Hobby club were entertained Monday night at a Christmas party at Jack Van Cleave's, Club leader. The program featured special music by Jack Stryffler and Jack VanCleave, jr. and caroling led by Sharon Atteburry. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Reid Sim mqpds and Mrs. Jack VanCleave. The club, sponsored by the lo cal Parent-Teachers association, will hold its first hobby contest ; for making midget racers next month. The contest opens Janu ary 4 at the next club meeting and ends February 1. Prizes are to be awarded best racers. VanCleave is assisted by Reid Simmonds in leading the club. WOODBURN, Dec. 21 First two babies born to Woodburn par- tf ents here after midnight January S 1 will receive valuable gifts, ac- ' H cording to plans for the first an- , 5 nual Woodburn Merchants' Baby , m Derby. One group of prizes will ' K go to the first baby born to par- J ents residing within the city lim- its and another collection of gifts j will be awarded first youngster j$ of 1949 whose parents live on one CS of the two Woodburn rural routes. K Names of eligible babies are to be I reported by Tuesday noon, Janu- $! OPEN TONIGHT For Your Convenience Store Hours: 9:30 A. M. to 9:00 P. M. TOP GRAIN ANILINE COWHIDE Com in and Check ths Top-quality Ftaturetl Rugged Steel-Frame construction Two-Suiter has exclusive removable SUIT-PAC for quick and easy packing ' I Stitched Leather Handles in Brass Posts f Streamlined. Hand-polished Brass Locks fj Materials and workmanship fully guaranteed Large Selection For Both Pop and Moml ary 4. 340 Court Dial 2-233 HELP YOU SEW FASTER, EASIER, BETTER I 4 f I 1 BUILT IN 4-MVOlVtNO t fl T "yT fot f'-N i r-v "r i ii itr.ii li V I 7. AMfll UN0H-A1M I lllf - XT! I 'ACI I I II I II S MINOiD PKIaicK FOOT KTJ f I f I II If- IPX. I I S. X i III BK44 1 N I III A ZJ -V. i ' Htsyri vf5) fL An I. AUTOMATIC BOBBIN WINDER t. uvtft rot FORWARD A NO BACKWARD "W,N0 10. DIAL STITCH-lfNOTH RCGUIATOK HERE'S HOW THESE FEATURES HELP YOUR SEWING LTOei POINT FIID-Amotm t. NtNeiD raissia mot 7.W1M UMMR-ASM tPACI t. MAI TINS ION CONTROL Fc mvrm9 fntit djvl- 4.F1NIRTIP MISSURI RI- ilAtl-Uts yov riant n4 I wIWiumI o Hoc no. B.BUUT-IN SfWUOHT tittht yowr mw(. Piwant y ttrviM. , . e. rivoivino iKXH riNf S. AUTOMATIC BOBBIN WIN BIS PiwgPP whin t. FORWARD AND BACK WARD SIWINO-Back'tock nd ! Horn, rinfrc cc Mn wlfhw (tepoing mecliin. 10. DIAL STITCH LINOTH RIOULATOR-Th rioKt HiHh SEWMACHINES TtThsteref your next sewing project high tuhlooVd dresaes. children' cloches, curtains, draperies, slip covers, or plain mending and) darning you'll find features you'd think were : made especially for youx sewing project built right Into Domestic Sewmachines. This is the secret as to why It Is better, easier, and more fun to sew on a Domestic Sewmachine. Coma in and see these features for yourself ... try them. Learn why the Domestic Sew machine has been the favorite of Americaa, women for over 80 years. FURNITURE STYLED CABINETS designed for use in any room of your home Aalamctlc lift. Wolnwt or mo hogodjr fiaUh. PowroVowordnkkJ moo1!. Walnotrl r mohooonv 1 - I I I av. 11 1 I .It""- r 11 J l MopU mod.l f far klf- Llyhtwatorif aarp obi wodl.wit r aarrjrlaf . i AT , S Wills Music Store 432 State St. Janz & Wiscarson i Owners i Salem, Ore. GENERALS ELECTRIC RADIOS V. X Baktatsj 7 ,m -Si. ' i I Model lit Lowest Price in History For a General Electric Console combination with famous G-E Electronic Reproducer. Here is a G-E Console radio-phonoaraph featuring matchless G-E natural color tone. The ' magic oi the famous G-E Electronic Reproducer reveals exciting new beauty in every record. Imagine the thrill for all the family if this beautiful model were sitting next to the Christmas tree on Christmas morning. It Can Be Yours For Only ' V S -v- . .ft m IS, . - It B j j ' i ' 1 1 f ' 1 Save Almost 100 j 1 This distinguished Console regularly sold at $339.50. You can now buy It with a sense of economy and a feeling of pride at a tremendous soring. Just think! FM Radio with Its thrilling clarity and realism, automatic phonograph with' the sensational G-E Electronic Reproducer plus,, standard broadcasts la natural color tone. NOW fLV - 241.50 If 171 48.30 Down 13.88 per mo. Dial 2-2493 j 25.50 Down - 7.31 per Month 340 Court s if III I.