The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 19, 1948, Page 5, Image 5

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    - (Duty .;H w 7BBnilelrs:
PFC. Robert Williamson, 18,
Aumsville, has just completed a
course in air-transport training at
Camp McNair, Japan, according to
a release from the 11th Airborne
division. Williamson attended Sa
lem high school before enlisting
in 1947. ,
Auto glass installed. Floon sand
era for rent. R. D. WoodrMw, 450
Cntr Kt
Launderette 1255 Ferry
Federally Insured Savings Cur
rent divident 2i See First
Fderal Savings First. 142 S. Liber
ty. Phone 3-4944.
Brigadier H. B. Collier, division
commander of the Salvation Army
for Oregon and southern Idaho,
will be guest speaker at the lunch
eon meeting of the Salem Rotary
club at the Chamber of Commerce
Wednesday. His topic will be
"What Manner of Person We
Ought To Be." F. Peter Larson will
sing special Christmas music at the
Get your new permanent for the
holidays. Ph. 3-3066 for appt. Bi
shops Beauty Shop, 642 N. High. '
Arrow and Enro shirts. Every man
on your list can use one of these.
Alex Jones, 121 N. High St.
Dismissals from Salem General
hospital Saturday included Mrs.
Arthur C. Wilson, 1260 Hoyt St.,
Mrs. Albert W. Krebs, Salem route
8, and Mrs. Bruce Barker, 2445
Garden rd., who took home infant
sons, and Mrs. Lester Pearmine,
Gervais route 1,-and Mrs. Harvey
Onas S. Olson and C. W. Reeve
of Salem filed a notice of retire
ment with the Marion county
clerk. Saturday from the firm of
Olson & Reeve, a real ' estate and
fire insurance business at 945 S.
Commercial st.
Ties, the cream of the crop
Arrow Cheney Superba.
Hundreds to choose from. Alex
Jones, 121 N. High St.
A few of those much desired hard
to get Keh inator refrigerators
are available for Xmas delivery.
D. Kenne, Salem route 9, with See them at Ralph Johnson, Ap
daughters. Mrs. Stanley N. Ham-I pliances, 355 Center.
mer. 551 Gerth st.. West Salem.
took home a daughter Friday. Needham's Book Store will be
i open evenings 'till 9, Monday
Sport Shirts tailored by the best i through Thursday, Dec. 23 for
makers in the U. S. A. Yes, andconvenience of shoppers. Books,
all sizes, including Ex. Large. ' stationery, fountain pens, leather
Prizes. Awarded in Short Story Contest
Thm Start man. Salem. Oregon. Sunday. Dtwnbw 11 19185
Alex Jones, 121 N. High St.
Karakul Karpet. It's new, it's re
versible, it's 100 virgin wool and
woven through and through, only
goods, Christmas cards, gift wrap
pings, portable typewriters.
"Let George Do It" 10 discount
on all home retrigerators and freez-
$4.95 sq. yd. Ph 3-7648 or 3-3364 j ers until Christmas only. Free cof-
Don't forget, let George Do It.
Buy your turkey now for Christ
mas and save. Young torn turkeys
50 and 55c per lb. C. S. Orwig,
4375 Silverton Rd. Ph. 2-6128.
John Everett Jones, 4956 Delight
ave.. had several stitches taken in
his right hand at Salem Memorial
hospital Saturday after suffering
cuts when he stuck his hand in the
fan of his automobile. He was tak
en to the hospital by Salem first
aid ambulance.
fee served from 2 to 4 p.m. each
! day. George Electric, of course. 493
Center St.
A discussion of the proposed
legislation for practical nurses
will be held Tuesday at 7:30 p.m.
at Salem General hospital. All
interested practical nurses are in
vited to attend.
. .... x w , . -"-v i :
' IN . j, -p 1, --t - "
. . ., rr;r; - -r ( :"
Handing out wards for prize short stories is Willamette university Collegian Editor Paul Bergman, center,
to winners. Left to right ire Pat Sebastian, Glen dale. Calif., second place; Jim Miller. 450 N. 19th st,
third: Bergman; Bill Strobbe, Creston. Iowa, third; and Robert L. Scott, 1430 N. Liberty st.. first place
winner. Miller and Strobbe tied for third place. (Photo by Don Dill, Statesman staff photographer).
Air Steamship tickets anywhere
Kugel. 3-7694. 735 N. Capitol St.
Poe's mimeographing .typing ser
vice. Qualitv work. Lower prices.
669 N. 16th. Ph. 3-3643.
Reroof now with Johns-Manville
shingles. Don't g.imble with an old
roof. Mathis Bios. 164 S. Corn!
Notice: The1 Crescent Machine and
Manufacturing Co., 114 Ellendale . pree estimates. Phone 34642
Ave.. Dallas, Oregon, formerly j
owned and operated by W. R. j Lipstick Beauty Salon. Complete
- . . ... , . . ."0?ie' is now unaer new own- Beauty Service. We specialize in
Special: 72 cu. ft. completely re-; ership and will hereafter be known ! J t wavjnB Eve bv aD.
conditioned electric refrigerator- : and operated under the name of : ; pei -njnent p.a''n'fl ?fi-,V,
$99.50. George Electric (Let McCaffery's Machine & Manufac- i P"tment. Ph. 3-3836. 18.2 State
George Do It), 493 Center St. turing Co. 114 Ellendale Ave, st-
Dallas, Oregon. Ph. 2176. P. J.
(Fat) McCaffery, bole owner.
Welding & Fabri-
Mrs. Elf strong
! 82, Dies After
Long Illness
Salem Heights
Families Plan
Holiday Parties
Silverton Lodge Holds
Its Annual Election
SILVERTON Annual home
coming of Home temple, Pythian
Sisters Thursday night was at
tended by a large group, with
cinei is.nieni uveross. most ex-
Merchant, Club
Help Provide
Christmas Gifts
Salem's underprivileged kiddies
will know there's a Santa Claus
this year because of a generous
local businessman and willing
group of Exchange club mem
bers. The merchant is Delwin Finley,
manager of the Toy and Hobby
shop on North Commercial street.
Finley and his wife have given
more than SI. 000 worth of new
toys to the Salem Exchange club.
Meanwhile the club men have
been busy every night collecting
and repairing toys at the Alan A.
Siewert Construction company
warehouse at 1250 Howard st.
Next Tuesday the toys will be
turned over to the Salem Salva
tion Army by whom they will be
distributed to needy children of
the Salem area. The kiddies will
be permitted to pick their toys
from thousands to be stacked on
the second floor of Salvation Army
This is the second year the Ex
change club members have de-
voied ttiefr 'effort to' &" rtoy
project. It is the first ytar for the
Flnleys, and the dub said their
contribution of new toys will make
the 1948 project the most success
ful to date. i - f
t i
Have the pleasure and satisfac
tion of selecting the gem of
your choice, style And size
from our unrivaled supply of
unmounted stones. Now Includ
ing TOPAZ (the November
Births tone), Amethysts, . Gar
nets, Aquamarine, Zireoni,
Sapphires, Rubies, Diamonds
and many others, j Jewelry
mounting and repair fc'ork,
V. D.! HILtl .1 '
Importers and Cotters
99-E and Lancaster Dr.
rbene 2-13S9
(Open from 1 te 9:31 p.m.)
Mothers taking babies
from Salem Memprial hospital
Saturday were Mrs. Thomas Mc
Cord, 195 S. 24th st., with a daugh
ter, and Mrs. Kermit Clemans,
1230 S. 18th St., with a son.
For Sale, reasonable, 9x12 Mo
hawk rug and pad. 1495 Saginaw
It's really great to roller skate at
the Capitola Roller Rink.
Jary Florist open Fridays until
P.M. until after Christmas.
The Flower Basket, 1020 Market,
open Sundays, 10 to 3.
nome I M3(.hin Qhnn
10 Down. Pay Monthly
Venetian Blinds
And Shades Now Available
- ELMER -The
Blind Han
1453 Rug St. W. Salem
Slats in aluminum, steel, wood.
Choice of tape colors.
We have the new removable
slat Venetian Blind
Measured and installed within
39 miles. Phone 3-7328. Call
Any Time For Free Estimates.
cation. Your patronage will be
Mother Does your child roller
skate? Special classes each Mon
day 2 to 4 for pre-school children.
30c includes skates, at the Capitola
Roller Rink. 90 Lana Ave. Take
Capitola Bus.
Magic Picture books for children,
Christmas cards, wrappings, maga
zine subscriptions. Mrs. Gertrude
Fisher, 1335 State St. Ph. 3-5072.
Needham's Book Store
open evening 'till 9,
through Thursday. Dec
convenience of shoppers,
stationery, fountain pens.
goods, Christmas cards, gift wrap
pings, portable typewriters.
Mrs. Annie J. Elfstrom, 82. re
sident of Salem for the past 22
years and mother of "Mayor Robert
L. Elfstrom, died at her home at
980 N. 14th st., Saturday after
long illness. j
Born Annie Johnston in Pennsyl
vania, July 2, 1866, she was the
last survivor of seven sons and two
i fr dauehters or Archibald and Mary
Books. Johnston. She taught school in 1 1 1 it
leather nois for many years and was mar
ried to E. V. Elfstrom in Concor
dia, Kans., May 23, 1902.
Mrs. Lyle Bayne and family will
i . -. : 1- t
nave as cuesi on lmi ias iui . ,, ... .
m tV i o a cellent chief, presiding.
and Mrs. Delmer Br anson. Mr. and i . -
Mrs. Louis Hamlin and Virginia. New officers elected were Doro-
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Morss. Gene thy Hadlev. most excellent chief:
will be
Mrs. John Hinkle of Portland
will be at the Church of God,
22nd and Lee streets, Tuesday
night at 8 o'clock to give the
Christmas program. Her portrayal
of the ChrLstmas story will be
! illustrated with oil paintings, ac
cording to the Rev. E. A. Trietch, ! Cannery
Arthur E. Hagen. fireman ap
prentice, son of Mrs. Cora M.
I'agen, 340 Hoyt St., is serving
aboard the destroyer USS Theo
dore E. Chandler, according to a
fleet news release. The ship is
part of task force 38, undergoing
intensive training in the western
Pacific and China sea area.
A gift for Mom? Electric sheets,
comforters, blankets, heating pads,
hair dryers, irons, steam irons,
Revere ware. Yeater Appliance
Co., 255 N. Liberty.
What man ever had enough socks?
We are sure we have the kind
that will please him. Alex Jones,
121 N. High St.
Unity books for Christmas gifts.
Truth Center Library, 262 N. Cot
tage. 12-3 p.m. Mon. thru FrL
Insured savings earn more than ;
tvx per cent at Salem Federal;
Savings Association. 560 State st. i
Union Local No. 670,
regular meeting Wed.. Dec. 22,
8:00 P.M. Hall 1. Labor Temple.
Election of officers.
and Frank all of Corvallis.-Mr. and
Mrs. T. R. Bayne. Corrine. Theo,
and Lucille of Peoria, Mr. and
Mrs. Lynn Swaitxof Coquille. Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Mason of Port
land, and Mrs.
i Sheridan.
I Mr.and Mrs. James Clinton and
! Vicki will be the guest of Mr. and
i Mrs. K. P. Scott in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Zwicker,
The tirstrom retired irom rarm- j Susan and Gary will be the guest
ing in Kansas in 1926 and moved f Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Zwicker.
to Salem where they have since
resided. She was a life long mem
ber of the Presbyterian church
Survivors, besides her husband
and son .are a daughter, Mrs. Hel- ;
en Wintermute, Salem, and three
grandchildren, Joan Kay Winter
mute and Patricia Ann Elfstrom,
both of Salem, and Robert L. Elf
strom, jr., Camp Perrin, Tex.
Services will be held Tuesday,
lmhr 91 at 3 n m in fh I
Clough - Barrick chapel with the J Douglas
Mrs. Oveross, past chief: Mabel
Talbot, excellent senior; Mrs. Ar
nold Burrier. excellent junior;
Id,a Cooley. mistress of records and
pnrrpsnflnHpnrp" T-i-li Riirn
Rosie Branson of;mistress of finance; Mrs. Theo
dore Grace, manager; Mrs. Will
Egan, protector: Palma Anderson,
guard; Mrs. Ralph Adams, mu
sician: Mrs. Carl Specht, captain
of degree staff; Helen M. Wright
man, , press correspondent; Mrs.
Melvin Zahler, trustee for three
Installation of officers will be
in January.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Carleton and
son Jerry will be the guest of Mrs.
Mary Parker in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. John Douglas will
have as guest, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie
Bates and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Parker and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Floyd Douglas and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Waddle and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kilber
and family, George and Elsie
Rev. Chester W. Hamblin officiat
ing. Interment will be in Belcrest
memorial park.
a washer load of
clothes in
20 minutes
Clothes Dryer
Now, get greater freedom from washday work with a
Frigidaire Clothes Dryer I No heavy lifting or carrying . . .
no clothes to hang up! Any 20 minutes of any day is drying
time. Just put in clothes; set the timer and forget it I In 15
to 25 minutes, clothing, towels, sheets, chenille robes or
spreads, bath mats come out soft, fluffy and sweet smell
ing; either damp-dry for ironing or bone-dry for Immediate
use, as you prefer. And it's oil done automatically. See a
demonstration of this Frigidaire Clothes Dryer today!
Open til 9 p. m. Monday thru Thursday
Marriage licenses were issued
at Vancouver, Wash., to Fred J. I
Korsmeier, Salem, and Belle M.
Wallace. Portland: Arthur F.
Smith and Alma Henne, both "of,
Salem: Robert W. Jones, Klam
ath Falls, and Frances L. Phelan.
Salem, and Cecil L. Flynn. Salem,
and Mildred E Osborn, Portland.
A gift for Dad? Electric shavers,
vibrators, sun lamps, bed lamps,
radios, record' plavers. Yeater Ap
pliance Co., 255 N. Liberty.
Do you have the rare type trees
and shrubs in -your yard such as
the Dove Tree, Silk Tree, Davidi
Viburnu (the Dwarf evergreen
snowball), Raphiolipis and many
others? These may be purchased at
the F. A. Doerfler & Sons Nursery,
Landscaping & Designing, 150 N.
Lancaster Drive at 4 Corners. Ph. ;
2-1322. J
City Manager and Mrs. J. L.
Franzen left Salem Saturday to
spend the Christmas holidays with
relatives in Long Beach, Calif.
Their daughters and Franzen 's
sister reside there.
Need an electrical gift? Mixers,
toasters, waffle irons, sandwich
grills, clocks, door chimes, roast
ers, blendors, coffee makers, per
colators. Yeater Appliance Co..
255 N. Liberty.
A letter from Santa Claus: I will
be at Barbers Market and Wheel
ers Grill, Turner. Oregon, between
2 P.M. & 5 P.M. Dec. 18 thru
Dec. 24.
The Tuesday class at Salem
Truth Center. 262 N. Cottage t .,
will be given over to a Christ
mas candlelight service. The pro
gram will be at 8 p.m.
Don't forget, Jet George Do It.
Turkeys at Wholesale. Fresh dress
ed, government graded hen and
torn turkeys, wholesale prices,
cash and carry, no phone calls or
phone orders. Willamette Packing
Association, 692 Basset St. W. Sa
George J. Ishida, Salem route 7,
has enrolled to study watch and
clock repair at Oregon Vocational
school, Klamath Falls. The course
will take approximately 15 months
to prepare for the state exami
nation. Mr. and Mrs. Ishida will
reside on the campus.
Turkeys at Wholesale. Fresh dress- j
ed, government graded hen and
torn turkeys, wholesale prices,
cash and carry, no phone calls or 1
phone orders. Willamette Packing j
Association, 692 Basset St. W. Sa-1
lem. '
Notice: Schools, Churches &
Lodges. Fancy hard mix candy,
1434C lb., in 27 lb. boxes. Bar-1
bers Grocery, Turner, Ore.
We are open every evening until
8. Zery thing for Milady. Lor
maTnr 1109 Edgewater, West l
Salem. ;
The family of Roy R? wjVh to
thank their friends and relatives
j for the beautiful flowers and :
kindnesses extended in tneir re
cent bereavement.
Mr. and Mrs. Frances Gatchel,
Jerry and Terry will have as
guest Mr. and Mrs. William
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Marggi, Rob
ert. Mary, Carol, Patricia, and
Nancy J3eth, will be the dinner
guest of i Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Marggi in Oregon City, and will
spend ihe evening with Mrs. Marg-
A Christmas Gift Suggestion
Buy Qualitv Stock at Our i
Special Holiday Offer
2,50 3.00 3.50
A selection ef 200 rarleties available
Orders taken In advance 1
Deliveries Made Before Christmas If Desired.
4 ml. S.t Wallace rd. rbene t-52
gi's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Z.
Stroup at Oregon City.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Olson, Lane,
Denny and Jan will have as guest
Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Olson, Miss
Patricia Olson, Mr. and Mrs.
Thaine Olson, Gary and Karen,
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Olson, Jerry
and Linda.
g 2
g Bed Lamps 1
Wood ry Furniture Co.
474 So. Com!.
50 Pc. Cannon Towel
Sets 2
Woodry Furniture Co.
each other
is the BEST BUY jl
' 'V'-emember there's no iRner
feSS flift then o wotch - no 'A .
''''Vra SToSir.' finer wotch thon o Bolovol 7s,V
rV-';, ySgT " ti. JtNATOt . OODDISS " ' '
'' i. ir ws of timi ; .,,., ''JsrsL.
: -fXy $39.75 ; n v -Cg -vSv
-V;feVi -r $71.30 $49.50 (sff -: ' &
-:' f. nit ixcfiUNcr i--m&
''.: Jl si Jtwus $59.50 . - '.. J
. EEariman IBros.
hcrre Just received ahipments of Community Holmes
end Edwards 1847 Roger Bros. In complete seta
fust In time lor your Christmas shopping.
I !
Heartwarmleg beauty (bat
takes ibe joy of Christmas
lM "for keeps' . . . gleaming
Community ia 4 lovely
petterflt overlaid with solid
silver at table-loucb point.
m mm k at
52 fiici Jifilci for Clcht
Set includes: 16 Teaspoons, A 7fL traisf ttaTe" '
8 Oval Soup Spoons. 8 I I IT 1 .
Knives. 8 Forks. 8 Salad vl I fc
Forks. 2 Serving Spoons. I I I l I C ., m '
Butter Knife. I Sugar Spoon. yJJ i L I I '
U rnta Unkt tar U tJl.ll J X
w&wes .-BiaiS..
Jewelers of Salem
Liberty at State
474 So. Cecal.