The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 19, 1948, Page 21, Image 21

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    f the night before ChristnmS "
.And all through the house : ! J f
V ir TTature uas stirring, A 1
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The Night Before Christmas
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The Christmas Party Whirl ...
Christmas week is filled with a variety of social affairs including open
houses, dinners and luncheons.
Mr. and Mrs. William Ntwmyer, Mrs. Mona Yoder and Mr. and Mrs.
Phillip Yoder will be hosts today for an informal open house at the New
myer residence in Manbrin Gardens on Shnrline Drive. All members of
Salem chaner, IH2. Order of Kastern Star, of which Mrs. Mona Yoder is
worthy matron, have been invitid to call between 3 and 8 o'clock. y
On the calendar for Monday anil Tuesday afternoons are the bridge
luncheon.-, for which Mrs. James T. Brand und Mrs. Charles A. Sprague
will be hostesses at the latter's home for a group of their frunds,
A Dinner Party
A holidav d.nner will be piven Wednesday nisht when Mrs Lynn D.
Lambeth and Mrs. A L. Adi.ipison entertain at the Legion club for a
lare group of their friends. The 7 o'clock dinner will be followed by dan
cing. FurA Visitor
Miss Beth Siewert, who has arrived in the capital from Philadelphia
lo visit her mother. Mrs. A. A. Siev.ert, and brother and sister-in-law. Mr.
and Mrs. Alan Siewe.t, during the holidays will be feted at two affairs
this week. Monday night Mrs. Alan Siewert will be hostess for a dessert
bridge at her country home for her sister-in-law and Wednesday night Mrs.
Siewert will entertain at her North Winter street home for the pleasure of
her daughter.
Tea For Pi Phis
Also slated for the holiday season ts the informal tea to honor Pi Beta
Phi actives, pledges and their mothers,, who live in Salem. The affair will
be held on December 28 at the North Summer street home of Mrs. James
T. Brand with members of the advisory board of the Oregon Gamna chap
ter as hostesses. Calling hours are from 3 to 5 o"clock.
to spend th hoi- -
"Away to the window
flew like a flaih
T ore open the shutters
4ml threw up the sash A J
- -
Holiday Visitors
By Jtryme EnxlUh. Society Editor j'
Visitors and parties always highlight the holiday rea
son, with many arriving this week to be with theixlifam
iliei for Christmas. ';
The Carl E. Nelson home will be the scene of, cay
Christmas an all members of the immediate family will
be home, most of them arriving Christmas eve. t, nd
Mrs. Stuart Nelson and children, GeneVieve and Luren,
are coming north from San Leandro, CaM., Reed jMl-I son
will be home from North Bend, Mr. andlAIrs. WilliaH Ean
(Jamce Nelson), will be here for the holiday fromliCor
vallis, and Jack Nelson is coming from Thunderbird I'ield,
Arizona, where he is attending the American Institution
of Foreign Trades. Dr. and Mrs. E. D. Johnson of Port
land, parents of Mrs. Stuart Nelson, will join the family
here for Christmas.
Headed North
Arriving the day before Christmas;
iday weekend with their mother. Dr. Mary B. Pwpvine,
will be Miss Margaret Purvine of Berkeley and Mrs An
drew H. Burnett of Santa Barbara, who are corning by
train. $
Lloyd Claggett of San Francisco is flying north today
to spend the holidays with his parents, Mr. and MrsjCal
Patton and brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and pllrs.
Charles Claggett. li! Jj
Miss Carol Young, who makes her home in Sari FVan
cisco, where she has a business position, is flying.; home
Friday to spend Christmas weekend with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Hubbell A. Young, and sister, Miss June
Young, an Oregon State student. j
Mrs. John Williams of Rupert, Idaho, has arrived in
the capital to spend the holidays with her aon-lnlaw
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bjaine Eric k sen.
To Honor Visitors j if
Mr. and Mrs. George Riches will be hosts for i fam
ily buffet dinner Monday night at their home for the plea
sure of their nephew and his wife, Mr. and Mr. George
King, who are arriving in the capital Monday morning
from Washington. D. C, to spend several weeks at;? the
Riches home. Honoring the Kings will be Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph W. Chambers, Dick and Donna Whitely, Mr. f and
Mrs. Lloyd Riches, Thomas, Robert and David Riches,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lindbeck and the hosts.
Gathering t the Glenn McCormick home todaj
Kingwood Heights for a pre-Christmas dinner
Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd M. McCormick. Jan and Judy 'ofiiOs-
wego. Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. McCormick, Miss Vaughn
:odai in
wil be
and Miss Helen McCormick, all of Portland.
tTh& children were nestled 'i
f J Altjsnug in tlieiK beds
While visions of sugarplums
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Reo d in j th 9 Chris 1 nvi a . 2
Slory to her children, bt-f;. 2
and B?cky. is, Mrs. Ratp' 2
E. Purvine. above riant!
Ponncj for oujr Chriftxra
pictures from tcp to bott0n
are; Franca ; M c L e 6 d
daughter of Mr. and MrsI
Corltcn I. McLod: Geoil
g frey and Coburn Grabfen
J horst, sons of the Cobiirr
2 L Grabenhorsis; Kathleen
and Christine D rjf e
daughters of Mr. and Mrs!
Vernon H. Drye; and Dun
can, Polly and Susan
Clark, children of Dr. andjj
Mrs. Lewi D. Clark. (All
photos by Don Dill, State j g
man photographer). i m
"A Happy Christmas To All And To All A Good Night