I I ifliK 1 Ml. AngelCBtmas Party For Children Held Tuesday MT. ANGEL The American Legion and auxiliary held their an nual Christmas party for the chil dren of the members at Memorial hall Tuesday night, before regular meetings of the organizations. Commander Harold Bourbannais gave a brief introductory talk and presented the program chairman, Theresa Dehler, who introduced se ven girls and six boys of her class who gave the Christmas program. The children wer: James Heggie, Rosemary Schmidt, Carl Wachter, Jerry Vanslow, Ralph Kimlinger, Ronald Schmidt, Gloria and Anita Schneider, Maureen Saucer, An- I Santa Anita Ware j Woodry Furniture Co. 8 474 ,So. Com! Electric Operalors Available for Industrial and Residential Doors MODERNIZE YOUR OLD GARAGE WITH GREAT NEW CRAWFORD DOOR with TODDQ Old, togging door your place look ikobby. Rsploc wirh hondwxn nw Crawford "MAHVEl-llfT" Door. Finger-tip epra1tn. Popular pricas. Easy paymtnls. CoH for ft sfimat. CRAWFORD DOOR SALES CO. 6S0 Waldo Ave. Phone 3-7628 or 2-0239 If no answer, phone evenings Experience in Filling Prescriptions Oar registered pharmacists are loaf experienced in filling pre scription needs. We carry the finest In pharmaceutical lines we till yonr prescriptions kinally, accurately, prompt ly. Schaefer's Drug Store 1895 1948 Phono 3-5197 or 2-9123 135 North Commercial HEALTH TO YOU After CerreetJag Hemorrhoid (Files) FUtala. Fissure, Prolapse, a n i other Rectal Dis ortfers. No Hoopitallxatfea Write or Call far Free Booklet Dr. B. Reynolds Clinic Nataro- Proeto4oriat tit N. Liberty SU Salem. Ore. Why Suffer Any Longer Whea otfcon fall mm enr Chlaeae rcsBesHes. Ais-rlae sswecss fee COM rears la China. N natter with what ailBMats ym are affUetee disorders, slastslfli, heart, ruaca. It er. kidaey. gas, constipation, alters flaketea. rheumatism, tall aa Mad der fever, skim, festal eemplatat CHARLIE CHAN CHINES CO. !M N ComsBerctai rkooe t-ISM SALKM. ORB. office Hears IUI a SaX mmty Dr.Y.TXam.N.D. tr.G.Ckaa.N.D. DK8. (THAN . . . LAM CHINESE HERBALISTS t41 North liberty Upstairs rortlaatf r.eseral Electric Co. Office apes Satr.reay only Id a-sa. to I PJBU, ta ? f.m. CoasaJ tarloa. moos' prrere aad arine testa are tree of chart. PracOeoo Uaeo IST1. h nnnnnni "3 U li ILJLI fm ' gela Sprauer, Patty Wagner, Don na Mae Predeek, Marian Rosno, Vincent Dumon and James Ebner. The children were given treats and a special Christmas supper in the basement dining hall while the post and unit meetings were con ducted. Serving the children were Mrs Clarence Ebner, Elizabeth linger, Mrs. Mae Heggie, Mrs. Elizabeth Kappel, Mrs. Joseph L. Faulhaber, Mrs. Charles Hafner. Mrs. Ernest Crowder was in charge of the dec orations.. During the business session of the post, members voted to sub scribe $50 toward the lighting of Ebner park; a donation of $5 was allowed for Gifts for the Yanks and Commander Bourbonnais and Fred Lucht reported on the Marion county council held in Salem Fri day,, stating that Mt. Angel was second high in attendance at the council during the past year. Mrs. Fred Lucht reported on the county assembly, stating that the treasury office comes to Mt. Angel in the assembly elections and Mrs. Heggie was selected for the position-Mrs. Lucht also reported that she had been instructed to call on a needy family in Monitor and had bought clothes for two youngsters. The unit voted to authorize her to buy whatever was necessary to provide a happy Christmas for two other families. The Alfonse Stupfel was report ed in the Deaconess, hospital, Sa lem. The resignation from the exe cutive committee by Mrs. Violet Sibley, who left for Colorado, was accepted and Mrs. Cletus Butsch chosen to take her place. Mrs. Clif ford Norton stated that $43.50 worth of gifts were sent to the Gift shop in the veterans hospital, Port land. A silver fork and spoon set were presented to the babies of Mrs. Gene Hof fer and Mrs. A1 Sa alfeld. Elected as future delegates to the Marion County Assembly were Mrs. Gene Hoffer, Loretta Dehler, Mrs. Fred Lucht, Mrs- Mae Heggie and Mrs. Fred Prosser; alternates: Mrs. Ernest Crowder, Mrs. Louise Borkenhagen, Mrs. Clarence Ebner and Mrs. Peter Gores. Vancouver Man Waives Examination Ralph O'Neil Young, Vancouver, Wash., waived preliminary exam ination in Marion county district court Saturday on a charge of ob taining property under false pre tenses and was bound over to the grand jury. Young was arrested at Vancou ver last week by Deputy Sheriff William DeVall on a warrant charging him with buying an auto from a Salem dealer with a worth less check in early December. Pre-Christmas Bargains Waffle Irons Vinces' Eledric 1S7 South Liberty Phone 1-9231 Man Desk Sels If Woodry Furniture Co. g X 474 So. Cwt I SttEAMBKBKXSXCsXJCcK Lesier DeLapp Commercial Haallng Furniture Movta- Phone 2-175 Salem, Oregon 1115 No. Coml. Ililk Is Only 11c Per Pound Toa Can't Even Bay NECK BONES for That Price AND . . . in milk you get 100 food value No muss, no fuss, no preparation expenses - - It's the Cheapest, Most Nourish ing: Food You Can Buy. Curly's Dairy Phone 3-8783 L WANTED Ualnul Heals and Filbert Ileal Also Walnuts in the Shell HIGHEST PRICE CASH ON DELIVERY FOR ORCHARD RUN . . . SEE US BEFORE TOU SELL. nonms KLOHFEm packing co. 4 SO N. Front 8treet SALEM TelephoD Ill" Salem Obituaries ELFSTKOM Mr. Annie 3. Elfstrom. at the resi dence. N. 14th sU December IS. Survived by her husband. IV. V. Elf trom. Salem; daughter. Helen Win ter mute. Salem; son. Robert L. BUf strom. Salem; grandchildren. Patricia Ann Elfstrom. Joan Kay Wintermute. both of Salem, and Robert L. Elf Strom. Jr Camp Pen-in. Tex. Service will be? held Tuesday. December 21. at 3 p.m. in the Clough-Barrick. chapel with the Rev. Chester W. Hamblin officiating. Interment will be in Bel crest Memorial park. Auburn Cub Scouts To Hold First Meet AUBURN The first pack meeting for Cub Scout troop 108 will be held at the community hall Wednesday night. Orval Prunk is cubmaster. Hand-craft made by the boys will be on display and the mem bers of the three dens will re ceive their wolf pins. All pack meetings are regular family night meetings with parents expected to attend. The leaders are work ing for closer cooperation be tween the boys and their fami lies, with the boys and their fathers working together on many projects. Portland Produce PORTLAND. Dec. 18 (AP) Butter fat Tentative, subject to immediate change. Premium quality maximum to .35 to 1 per cent acidity delivered in Portland. 71-84C lb.: first quality. 6S 72e lb.; second quality. 67-70c; valley routes and country points 2c less than first. Butter Wholesale, f o b. bulk cubes to wholesalers: Grade A A. 93 score. 68c lb.j A. 92 score. 7c lb.: B. 90 score. 65c lb.; 89 score. 64c lb. Above prices arc strictly nominal. Cheese Selling price to Portland wholesalers: Oregon singles. 44,,i-S21ac: Oregon 5-lb. loaf. 47',1-55'2c. Eggs To wholesalers: A grade large. 62'i-64' ic; A grade, medium. Sli-2ljc: grade B. large. 522-S6ic. Live chickens ( No. 1 quality f ob. ftlanU) -Broilers, under 2'i lbs.. 33-34c b.J fryers. 2i to 3 lbs.. 35-36c: 3 to 4 lbs.. 36-37c: roasters. 4 lbs. and over. 38-41c; fowl, leghorns, under 4 lbs.. 30c lb.; fowl, leghorns, under 4 lbs., 34-3SC lb old roosters, all weights. 16-19c lb. Turkeys Net to producer on a dress ed i weight basis. U.S. grade A young torn. 50c; A grade hens 65c. Dressed turkeys to retailers Grade A young hens, 71-72c lb.; New York style dressed: A grade young tomi, S8-59c. Rabbits Average to retailers for live, white. 4 to 5 lbs.. 30-32cr 5 to 6 lbs . 26-30c; colored. 2 cents lower; old or heavy, does. 13-15c lb. Fresh dressed meats (wholesalers to retailers in dollars per cwt : Steers Good to 100 lbs.. $44-47; com mercial. $39-43: utility. $35-37. Cows Commercial. $34-37; utility. $32-34: cutter -canner $29-32. Beef cuts (good steer) hind quar ters $50-53: rounds. $47-50: full loins, trimmed. $68-72: triangles. $38-40; square chucks. $43-46: ribs. $55 -1; fore quarters. $43-45. , Veal and calf good and choice. $43 45: commercial. $39-42: utility. $35-39. Lambs Good choice. 30 to 60 lbs.. $42-45: commercial, all weights. $40-41. Mutton Good. 70 lbs. down, $19-20. Pork cuts Loins. No. 1. 8 to 12 lbs.. $46-47: shoulders. 16 lbs. down. $40-42; spareribs, $48-54; carcasses. $34-35. Wool Coarse, valley and medium grades. 45c lb. Mohair 25c lb. on 12-month growth. Country killed meats: Veal Top quility. 40-42c lb.; other grades, according to weight and quality. Hogs Light blockers. 32-33C lb.; sows, light. 27-30C. Lambs 38-40C lb.; mutton. 14-lSc. Beef Good cows. 27-31e lb.; canner and cutters. 23-27c lb. Onions 50-lb. Western Ore. yellows. No. Is med.. $1.75-85; large $1.75-2; Dia ho yellows, med., $1.75-1.85: large. $230 2.6$: white, med.. $2.60-2.75. Potatoes Oregon russets. Central dis trict. No 1-A. $3.50-3.65; 25 lb.. 0-96c: No; 2. 50 lbs, $1.20-1 JO: Klamath Tails russets No. 1-A. S3JSO-3 65: Wash Yaki ma russets. No. 1-A. $3.23-3.50; 25 lbs, 85c: Idaho russets No. 1-A. $3.75-3-85. Hay Following prices are strictly nominal: US. No. 2 (freen alfalfa or better, ca riots f.o.b. Portland. $37-38; U5. No 1 timothy. $37-38; oats and vetch mixed hay. uncertified clover hay. $24-25 ton. baled, on Willamette valley farms. Sqlem Market Quotations BCTrrFAT Premium No. 1 No. 1 PUNTS Wholesale .72 .70 .63 .73 .78 .60 .45 JO .67 .62 .52 J2 JO J8 J2 J6 J8 15.00 20.00 Retail EGGS (Bwyiswt) Large double A Medium Pullets Cracks . . EGGS wholesale Large double A Medium double A Pullets . . Cracks POULTRY No. 1 Leghorn hens No, 1 colored bens No. 1 colored fryers (2 to 3 lbs.) No; 1 colored fryers (3 ids. upi Nol 1 old cocks . LIVESTOCK by Val Pack Feeder lambs Wool lambs Yearling lambs Ewes Fat dairy cows Cutter cows 10.00 to 2.00 to 14.00 to 8.00 to 14.00 to 22.00 to 18.00 to 12.00 6.00 15.00 14.00 19.00 27.00 22.00 Bulls Veal. 150 to 300 lbs. Calves. 300 to 450 lbs. -yey iiw ristma Bargains ELECTRIC PERCOLATORS AND COFFEE MAKERS Vince's ElcelHc 157 South Liberty Phone if Stock Market Declines After 2-Week Rise NEW YORK, Dec. 1&-(JP)- The stock market lost a little ground this week after a two-week rise. The average decline was small, though, and some groups advanc ed. It was a week or adjustment rather than broad price swings Saturday's two-hour session con tributed little to the week. Most quotations varied only by minor fractions and many key issues end ed unchanged. The Associated Press average of 60 stocks was un changed. Only 360,000 shares of stock were traded, smallest Satur day for the past three weeks. Highlight of the week's business was a sudden and somewhat puz zling flare-up of demand for gold stocks. Motion picture shares were also given a brief whirl. An obvious, and perhaps the bas ic, reason for buying interest in both groups was the fact that am usement and gold issues have suf fered from neglect for some time while other sections of the market attracted investment and specula tive support. Gold issues, for instance, have been selling at the lowest prices in years and several picture issues YOU CAN BE F IT'S BSSfSsSjBB volume control. Modern design In warm mahosrany veneers AT H EIDER'S! CAN "-" A Open are now priced within a snade of the 1948 lows. Another factor was price both groups contain a large proportion of low-priced issues, an attractive feature to the stock buyer with limited funds. One of the largest stock exchange firms reported that numerous orders to buy golds were of the odd-lot variety that is, less than 100 shares. Crop Estimate Drops Price CHICAGO, Dec. 18-(P)-An agri culture department final estimate that 1948 .crops were the largest on record caused a decline in grains, soybeans and lard on the board of trade today. Soybeans had losses running to 5 cents. The department summary sim ply nailed down what everyone had known all along, but it was not the kind of news to cause anyone to rush into the market and buy. Only important change from a month earlier was an increase of 10,000,000 bushels in the soybean estimate. Wheat closed 74-l4 lower, corn was s-lii lower, oats were lower, rye was M-IM lower, soy beans were 2H to S cents lower and lard was 20 to 35 cents a hun dred pounds lower. About the only contract to show WESTINGHOUSE n l'-e This console - combination especially designed for compact Hvinj space! WESTINGHOUSE Model 190. And look! It has: Rainbow-tone FM, AM; Automatic Record Changer; exclusive Plenti power; Quadruple Record Storage; automatic 2S)95 E 10 F T'S DISTINGUISHED SERVICE RECORD Evenings Unlil Chrislmas! . any strength during the session 1 was December oats, which held to ' a small fractional gain during early dealings. Later, it slipped with ev erything else. Liberty Residents Plan For Holiday Observance LIBERTY Mr. and Mix Will iam Harrison will have as guest at a Christmas eve party Mr. and Mrs. Traugot Herman, Stella, Lot tie, and Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- PUT Tf SURE 0 U If o a sal Wo V 7 .11 .f 2 .$loJ t4-.J 4l,ti ltct! ailf -'ft Tha) Stat anon, Sclom, Orocon, Sunday Docomtor 19. 1SI3 IT gar Herman, Penny and Sharon, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Strong and Elsie Mae, Mr. ad Mrs. Albert Sikel, Don, Betty. Shirley, Billy, Kenny and Judy, Ben Herman, Mr. and Mrs. Don WenkeU Cherry, Jack, Delores, Billy, Dick, and Phyllis. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bell will have as Christmas eve guests Mr. and Mrs. Arlie Bell, Terry and Ron nie, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Vera Bell, Carl Bell, and UJC CEOANCE IN iAr?rmnAirrgT 4-53 COURT ! ' J ' AT The Glorious Westinghouse Model 186. Conv cert hall performance. A masterpiece of cab- inet craftsmanship - - Hepplewhite-ingplred it bow front in rich-patterned mahogany ve neers. Features: the Electronic Feather, Au tomatie changer, exclusive WestinghouM rienti - power. Rainbow - tone, FM, AM bands. Electric push-buttons and Dual Ton Control. A WEST INGHOUSE Tri umph AT IIEIDER i ', I I i ' ' if-- ' - I ?t-v r.-.'N - h" . - " : ' " I ! If : " AT HSDIEB'S I i- !i ! t The WESTINGHOUSE Model 168. Haa Rainbow-Tone FM; true-to-life Plenti - Power; easy to operate Speed Changer; full width record storage space for 350 records! Beau tiful, read - at - a - glance Rainbow Dial all in finely patterned Prima Vera or Mahog any AT HEIDER'SI GIVE THE GIFT THEY'D CHOOSE THEMSELVES WITH A Gift Certificate from HEIDER'SI Mrs. Ernest Engwall of Seattle. Christmas eve guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roland Seeger and family, will be Mr. and Mrs. Lester! Browning and family of Sublimity, and Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Browning of Newport. . ' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Krauger, Ilia Krauger and Ivan Eberly will leave Thursday, December 23 for Victoria. B.C., where they will have their Christmas dinner at the. Empress hotel.. J 51 Us 2-1565 ME Dim s i i! ; stunning modern console - combination. 95