1 The St Holm. Oregon. Sunday. December 18, 1S48 86 Attend fOn Farm? Veteran Training Classes ?!iinnn mnnn '- s. o W "Mil t HWHE. 1 M fci.iiB Tim Mini 1 -- 1 1 T U , hiWm imm i" iimi ii -- Mi . i 11 1 mmmmmmr mU 1 1 Mining $10,00(J Given A. J. Elliott in Damage Suit A jury in Marion county circuit court Saturday awarded $10,000 in damages to Archie J. Elliott, 1964 N. Capitol St., for personal injuries suffered n an auto-truck collision at North Winter and Market streets Dec. 4, 1945. The judgment, was awarded against the Portland General Elec tric company. EUiott was also al lowed $600 for : damages to his auto. The suit grew outof a col lision between a; car operated by Elliott and a PGE truck operated by L. Dewey Howell of Salem. Records show Elliott was driv ing south on Winter street and Howell west on Market street when th crash occurred. Elliott's auto ended up against a house several hundred feet from the point of impact. Elliott alleged he suffered severe head Injuries as a result of the collision. The Jury deliberated for more -than three hours before returning- the verdict Th trial had been In progress for three days. '. ' Chiang Forces ofi&fi;SlageRetreat CERVAIS, Dee, IS Learning io be better farmers are the veterans pictured above attending ene of their weekly classes at the Gervais high scheeL These men eome to the classes and farm demonstrations from all northern Marien county communities to enlarge the class from 10 men a year ago to 86 today. u Closed! In V UntU Further I Notice! If rj Uaich for Ih II Be-Opening 11 - Dale! 11 Mat. Daily From 1 P. M. NOW SHOWING! TORRID! TERRIFIC I tiOAO Tl BsW " HOUSE THRILL CO-HIT! Cont. From 1 F. M. NOW1 ROARING TWIN MIRTHQU AXES 1 Mae West W. C. Fields "MY LITTLE CHICKADEE Now! Cont. From 1P.M. Jeanne Crain - In Technicolor HOME IN INDIANA" Hoosier Hotshots "SMOKY RIVER . SERENADE" Enrollment in Vets9 On-Farm Training Program Mounting GERVAIS From 10 to 86 veterans in a year is the record enroll ment set by the Veterans Institutional On-rarm training program ai . es as offered by the vet program Gervais Union high school. Where once a part-time instructor nanaiea at the high school. ten veterans along with his class m high school agriculture, now there are four Instructors and one full-time high school agriculture teacher. The agricultural program is operated all over the state under the G. I. Bill of Rights, sponsored by quam. on farms owned or leased by themselves and operated as year-round employment or under an employer - trainer set-up wherein the veteran is employed by an established farmer and sup plements his training by the cour- high schools and under the super vision of the state division of vo cational agriculture of w h i c 1 Ralph L. Morgan Of Salem, is su pervisor. Morgan has two assistants. El mer Sullivan, Salem, and Allen Lee, Molalla, who work directly with the program in his office in Salem. Valley towns having sim No Gift Finer Than Handmade Gowns Slijis Petticoats ilar training facilities include Sil verton, Salem, Canby, Newberg, Independence and Dayton. Wood burn's program was moved to Gervais last April. Started 2 Years Ago The agricultural training pro gram was started in Oregon on July 1, . 1946 with three veteran instructors at three centers, Wood- burn. Salem, and Hillsboro. Ati present there are 85 vet ag teach ers throughout the state with more than 2000 veterans enrolled in the farm training. The ' 86 veterans enrolled in farm training at Gervais live in the areas of Mt. Angel, Lake La bish. Mission Bottom, Gervais, Woodburn, St. Paul, Donald, Hub bard, Brooks, Monitor and Mar- Starts Today! Cont 1:45 LAUGHTER, SPLENDOR AND ROMANCE! J3s' mm' inn ! 'MfififM , ' eCSAt I8MEII WUUHmtE61IAlltlBHl Second Feature STRANGE JOURNEY" Fanl Kelly, Hillary Brooke P 6.95 to 12.95 ph f' C-J I shop BrsfS y llSLibertSg i i j n i s". I "VT! r. I I lA MJI Falnr.ynd, ltd. VV rfMrrJ f i 'warneh Bros: hit Ml II BOW A Training includes field trips to successful farms, talks by special ists in various phases of farming, and investigation of any good ex ample of successful farming prac tices. The four vet teachers are all graduates of Oregon State college in agriculture except Franklin P. Hopkins, a 1948 graduate of the University of Wisconsin in agri cultural engineering. Hopkins, in the army during the war, married an Australian girl, and came on a vacation trip to the west coast in February. They picked Salem as a place they would like to live, and have a home there now. Hop kins supervises veterans in the Lake Labish, Mission Bottom, and Brooks area. District Divided William H. Coffield lives west of Silverton and supervises the veterans in the Mt. Angel district and those east of Gervais. Cof field majored in farm manage ment at OSC and taught on the veteran program at Silverton last year. A navy veteran, Paul H. George has charge of the men in and around Gervais and St. Paul George is also a farm management major, graduating in 1943, and lives at Gervais. These three men were employed July 1, 1948. Carl A. Magnuson, one of the three original veteran instructors in the state, is in charge of the vet program at Gervais. He was graduated from OSC in 1940 in animal husbandry and farm man agement and spent two years in graduate study at Oregon State and Texas A&M. He previously taught vocational agriculture at Molalla and Woodburn. Magnuson lives at Woodburn and supervises the veterans in the northern part of the county. Outstanding m the program at Gervais is the Veterans' Cooper ative association, an organization separate from the school and with no connection with the on-farm training classes. Several pieces of heavy equipment have been ac quired by the association, includ ing a bulldozer, tractor, truck and dragline. The association rents a garage on highway 99E two miles south of Gervais and employs a full-time mechanic. Farm ma chines are used .by the veterans cooperatively. Has Purchasing- Afent The association is also a purch asing agent, being incorporated under state laws for such busin ess and enables the farmer-veteran to buy machinery, appliances, fertilizers, dusts, sprays and oth- e r materials at a considerable saving. Max Bibby, Brooks, is president; Joe Kirsch, Woodburn, vice president: Edward Bernt, Mt. Angel, secretary - treasurer. The TJrr.-rrrrir" peter Godfrey AND Tim Holt in "INDIAN AGENT" Extra! BUGS BUNNY Color Cartoon : 0-1-Warner News 0 1 L7 r1 nnnvci DANUUUIUl JHIUTY NOW! JOHN PAY1 E J OAM CAUlflElD UIHTEBS Jesus Name Pentecostal Church 1175 Lewis Street Salem, Oregon Two Evenings of Special Services with Rev. and Mrs. Hull from Palestine Tuesday Ilighi, 7:30 - Subject Israel's ihvakening" Wednesday Ilighi, 7:30 Jewish-Christian Mass Meeting Subject - "The Arab-Jewish Conflict thru the Eyes of the Prophet" Rev. and Mn. Hull first arrived in Palestine Dec. 1935 and lived in various places in the Holy Land, between the Jew's and Arab sections. They will give vivid picture of the con flict in the Holy Land. They just recently returned. Rev. Hull has been in close contact with Zionist leaders and of the Jewish Agency in England. Rev. Hull comes highly recommended from Rev. Em Baxter and Rev. Carry of Vancouver, B. C. A cordial welcome to all. R. V. SITTSER, pastor. NANKING, Dec. 18-P)-A gen eral government retreat was re ported in progress today from the broken Hwai river line to posi tions little more than 30 miles north of this Chinese capital. Pengpu. anchor of the line, 108 miles northwest of Nanking, had been outflanked on both sides by communists who crossed the river. board of directors consists of Bib by, Bernt, Kirsch,. Donald Cum mings. Brooks, ad Jesse Owre, Hubbard. Much cf the credit for the suc cess of the agricultural program at this small high school is given local school board members and the high school principal, Paul L. Reiling. The agricultural program was started at Gervais on July 1, 1947 when Leonard Burns, now with the Soil Conservation service at Stayton, was hired to teach both high school ag students and vet erans. The school now has a large, modern, well-equipped shop and ag classroom, built in the summer of 1947, which is in charge of Al Ringo, high school ag instructor. Some veterans thought they could not afford the time to study how successful farming Js accom plished, but after taking a field trip remarked "Well, we really could not afford to miss learning the tricks of the trade." ' Save You Visited lur Lighting Store? We Have Many Items In Stock Which Would Be Delightful, Useful and Lasting Christmas Gifts For O MOTHER ELECTRIC MIXER IRON ; ELECTRIC BLANKET O SWEETHEART TABLE OR FLOOR LAMP SANDWICH GRILL i COFFFEE MAKER O BROTHER SUN LAMP CORN POPPER O DAD RAZOR HEAT LAMP DESK CLOCK O SISTER RADIO DESK LAMP PORTABLE HEATER O FRIEND BED. LAMP WAFFLE IRON O FOR THE FAMILY LIGHTING FIXTURES ELECTRIC ROASTERS BUILT IN HEATERS GERMACIDAL LAMPS Salem Lighting & Appliance Co. t3S No, 9k Phone S-1412 OPEN FRIDAY NTTXS TIL l:C0 -. i- w - i , , t- ' I , I if ): -5: I ,.,r w' ' ' ', If f I V y I . ':.. v . T- - J'- 4 V I AC-OC Ol tATTtir Pop-Open Button Juit press h, end the doors pop - " ! open, the Wovtmogntl pops vp, end tho sot begins to ploy. NOW ONLY Pop-Up Wovemojnet Improved to be even mero powerful end efficient detochoblo to permit epere tion in froini, ptonei, ship, etc. 'I - DielSpeokor Permits larger, more powerful ipeoVe end big, easy-to-read dial. Metal-and-Plottic Design Extra sturdy for rugged use, yet 1 S lighter for easy portability. f Sec it . . . hear it . . . and you'll want a Zenith "Pop-Open" Universal for your own, to take with you wherever you go. A Zenith portable will play practi cally anyuhert . . . with extra power, rith tone, mptib performance. Operates on AC-, DC, or its own Iort life battery pack. u. I. r. Standord-Shortwoyi .tjRAfiOCEAWt iocr.ro.ro Nes. ' Tropc ""T -.astbum C2, mm 136.50 vkllTU m person-t Port-We "ZEIIHTTE .Mt tint d'f ee w,iun'-" ft-1 IT-" 45.C0 432 State SU Janz & Wiscarson Owners Salem, Ore.