10 Tho Stat man. Salem. Orecon, Sunday. Dtawnbf 19. 19-43 Scott ldl Utility and Garden tub Has scheduled its next meet- in for Thursday night. January 13 t Mrs. Bruno Schmidts in the Noble district. lltYl m BISQUES OF " l . MILL CITY The Mill City Presbyterian choir will present Christmas cantata Sunday at 11 aon. under the direction of Mrs -(.Donald Sheythe who will also play tne new electric organ. Sunday evening the Sunday school will give its annual Christ mas program. Mrs. Sheythe will play Christmas music on the new organ preceding the program. munm mtucr with 3 Ton know what wonderful re lief you get when you rub on Vicks VapoRub! Now . . . when you have a nagging, raspy cough due to a cold, here's a special way to use Vicks VapoRub. It's VapoRub Steam and it brings grand re lief in a hurry! Put a good spoonful of Vicks VapoRub in a bowl of boiling water or vaporizer. Then . .. . inhale the soothing VapoRub Steam. The medicated vapors penetrate direct to cold-con gested upper bronchial tubes ana bring relief untn every ting l I oreathl Try ttl Mill City Church To Give Cantata Central Howell Annual school program will be presented at the schoolhouse Thursday night, Dec ember 23. Teachers in charge are Mrs- Leta Saunders and Mrs. No ma McClure. Already Here New Spring KNIT SUITS (Amethyst, Navy, Dusty, Pink) SIIART SHOP Liberty St -JJT - 2 Visit Our Complete CHILDREN'S RECORD DEPT. f Featuring CAPITOL RECORDS Churctes in Jefferson Area Plan Christmas Programs JEFFERSON With Christmas coming on Saturday this year, most of the local churches will present their Christmas programs sometime during this weekend, with the one exception of the Evangelical United Brethren church, which will have its program on Christmas eve. The Methodists are emphasizing the spirit of giving in their Christ mas observance this year. They are asking that gifts of canned fruit or vegetables be brought for the Methodist Old Peoples Home in Salem. Gifts of clothing are also welcomed to help fill their Mercy bags for the needy overseas. The pastor, Ivan Hadley, will speak on "The Promise Fulfilled,, at the 11 o'clock worship service. The children will present their pro gram Sunday night, December 19. at 8 o'clock. Numbers will include: Downstairs Oregon Building Th. 1-I6J1 Cerner State Ml High Opea Evenings Deo. tO-Il-tJ 23 Prelude. Beautiful Chimes at Sunset, Mrs. Ivan Hadley; Proces sional: hymn. Hark, the Herald Angels Sing; reading. A Welcome, Julia Ann Goin; reading. The Best Story of All. Lloyd Cooper; Scrip ture reading. Jimmy Lyon; pray er, pastor: reading. Jesus uirin- day. Vickie Reed; reading. The Baby. Sharon Martin; piano solo. Joy to the World. Carolyn Adams; reading. My Wish, Sterling Goin; reading. A Very Short Story, Crys tal Stephenson; exercise. A Ques tion, Carl Newland and Gary Lee; song. Away in a Manger, and ex ercise, A Wish, Mrs. Guy Roland's class; Silent Night. Mrs. Moore's class with piano and guitar ac companiment by Jimmy and Lyle Adams; exercise. The Three Wise Men. Martha Ann Wynd. Roy Dale Dinsmore, Joyce Newland. Paula Jo Gray; Story of Luther's Other Carol, with singers. Mrs. G. C. Mason and Mrs. Earl Phelps; ex ercise, Mrs. Morres class. Jimmy Adams, Valerie Borst. Gail Stans bury. -Thomas Daulton, Lyle Ad ams, Donald Rieb; pantomine. O Little Town of Bethlehem, Yvon ne Rosenau with high school choir; exercise, A Christmas Star, Sue Daulton, Patricia Rieb; There Is Room In My Heart, Miss Joseph ine uetcneu. soloist; exercise, A Christmas Carol, Beverly Libby, Carolyn Adams, Donna Porter. Gerald Blakeley, Ida Shaefer, Lan- ny Porter; hymn. It Came Upon A Midnight Clear; A Prayer for Christmas Eve, Arlie Cooper; Of fertory. Star of the East, high school class; with trumpets, Lloyd Rosenau and Bob Brown, piano, Yvonne Rosenau; benediction, the pastor. The Church of Christ Bible school children will have their program Sunday night. December 19 at 7:30 o'clock, with Mrs. Frank Chrisman in charge. Numbers will be a song. In a Tiny Manger and memory verses, Joyce Hammack, Judy Petersen. Connie Libby, Marilee Richardson, Terry Bailes and Larry Ellis; song. Here We 5 WWk ftk ffNI MNI MNi Wf5 YOUR SALEM HEADQUARTERS FOR CAIPffffflDIL CIMIldlireim9 IffiecdDirdls ft? coeti scue A ClSCBira SERVICE RECO 30 Come to Bethlehem and memory verses, Diana Morlan, Glen Cobb, Cerry Cox. Smithy Co, Perry Ar go, Linda Bell and Nancy Wilson; recitation. Frankie Ellis; exercise. The Christmas Story, by the pri mary department: Gift-giving Ad vice. Judy Higins. June Hat maker, Janice Wheeler; No Room for Him. Del ford Ricks, Bobby Wright: The Christmas Story, Dale Petersen, Jimmy Morris, Stanley Harper, Danny Wilson. Bobby Bilyeu, Phillip Poole, Jimmy Hig gins; song and pantomine. There's a Song in the Air, Barbara Argo and Sandra Dawson; play. The First Christmas, by the junior intermediate and intermediate de partments; song. Donna Argo;' trumpet solo, Johnny Wright; carol reading, intermediate de partment. The choir of the church is plan ning a carol sing for Sunday night, December 26, at 7:30. Christ mas carols by the congregation, interspersed by numbers by the choir will start the program. The choir will sing Come and Worship and Shine On Christmas Star with a contralto solo. In a Lowly Man ger by Mrs. Virgil Bailes; trio, Christmas Folk Song. Mrs. George Richardson, Mrs. Bailes and Mrs. Gilbert Looney; solo, Jesu Bam bino, Mrs. Looney. Out at the Talbot Community church. Rev. R. Rogers Idwin will preach his annual Christmas ser mon Sunday morning, December 19, chosing as his topic. The Beth lehem Star. The children's pro gram will be Sunday evening at 8 o'clock followed by treats for the children and adult's presenta tion of the Christmas Story. A special offering will be taken for those in real need. Mrs. Ernest Freeman is In charge of the children's program at Talbot. Numbers include a reading, Tho I'm Littfe, Karon Turnridge; A Welcome, Carol Finlay; exercise. Just Because. Linda Heath, Sheryl Hochspeier. Jack Hutchinson, Lois Dye. Karon Driscoll; reading. As Good As Could Be. Stephen Edwards: read ing. Four Words. Jerry Hutchin son; song. Silent Night. Mrs. Turn idge's class: exercise. Ring the Bells of Christmas. Evelyn and June Dye: reading. If I Had Been. Phyllis Specht; exercise. Giving What We Can. Georgie Potts, Dick Legion Post Plans Christinas Party A Christmas party for member of American Legion. Capital post 9, and of the women's auxiliary unit with their families will be held Monday night in Legion hall on South Commercial street. A Short business meeting will be at 8 o'clock to be followed by a program of caroling and enter tainment. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Brown are joint chairmen of the affair. The entertainment program is to include the Elks lodge quartet. Salem senior high school B choir, a group from the Armstrong school of dance, piano numbers by Roberta Meyer and solos by Dale Hagedorn, who also will lead the caroling. Refreshments will follow. Members of the legion and aux iliary are asked to bring an item of canned goods. These are to be used in-the post's Christmas pack ages for needy families. Fire Association Holds Meeting JEFFERSON Members attend ing Central Willamette Fire Fight ers association meeting at Browns ville Wednesday night were Fire Chief Gilbert Hoevet, Bert Person, Lefty Sarff and George Richard son. The next meeting will be at Harrisburg. Mrs. Leo Weddle and Mrs. Ice land Wells were guests at the 13th annual Christmas musicale pre sented by the AAUW in Salem Tuesday evening at the First Evan gelical United Brethren church. Dr. Arne Jensen and Dr. W. R. Endicott, Albany -Jefferson physi cans, have opened their new medi cal clinic in Albany. However, they will continue to be in Jeffer son each afternoon of the week, including Saturday afternoon. The annual school faculty Christmas party will be held De cember 20 at 8 p.m., with exchange of gifts, program and refreshments. Eagle and Dennis Archer; read ing, Tis Christmas, Myrlene and Montana Franz; exercise. Christ mas Helpers, Bobby Irwin, David Finlay, Olin Loftus. Phillip Hoch speier, Wayne Bennet; reading. Room at the Manger, Ardis Brown. Mrs. Gordon Turnidge is head ing the adult's program, a pageant of the Christmas Story. Miss Bette Wintermantel will be Mary, and numbers will be sung by a quartet. Bob, Jim and Betty Schwab and Mrs. Irwin; organi.-t, Mrs. Henry Turnidge; violin solo, Mrs. Irwin. j I A MopriooF I WW i r 1 il 5. 1.1 a tJH I I I A I A I JTI J . ! 2 12 UJ , 1 0 lf 1 zzzzzzzz-"---' I S m . - - -- ' u 3 t. A ' ;. 8 1 if) I M filler ei Leeuliful, practlceT ' I f From 5950 J ttoutffttf"Uift (or teen-age girl.... 8l j A LriJes-to-be, al triJes. It's m jl '1 g .7?y 340 Court " Phone 2-2493 j Si )tttcsWKSwwwaTariiwf(afrarrarffTTiTirw i i - s iu..iii.. ....p, ,. ?! fy'''!! Vtf XSZZ eSi I '" $r-k- Zz- -c&ZZr 11 , "J ' " 1 tt- t v .-i- i CJM Vrv- . AWfflfrJy !.. irs.. wv-'fsa .&J&zZs& il P-rl: ".w. Tft iTi mi " ,:' r --' " " t i