s Thm Slat man. SaUm. Of.. Saturday. Dcmbr 18, 19483 110 &U U IJA P ii ft riT UU V! V mi rr.i 'J ,V , 7'A v. A' i it; WTO 'if '',1 - - - WE'RE HEADY TO HELP YOU GET READY FOR CHRISTMAS O Happy Holiday to you, too, Little MissI We know those Gift packages you're holding will be wonderful surprises for you . . . and that's why you can Jiardly ait to get home and open them. O Smiles like yours reflect the Joy of Christmas . . . and they aren't confined to your Younger Set either. Your Mother and Daddy and all the older folks find joy in giving and receiving Gifts, too. And as for me at MILLER'S ... we spend the entire year planning and preparing for this Holiday of joy and festivity. That's why . : . as your elders will discover . . . MILLER'S ... the Christmas Store of Salem ... is straining at the seams with the most appropriate Gifts for all the the friends and family. Here they'll find just what's needed to bring smiles of pleasure to the familiar faces of everyone on their shopping list . . . from tots to teen-agers . . . from glamour girls to grandmothers . . . and very-small-boys to V-I-P's. (). So, when you're filling out your Gift list, remember . added welcome if It bears the famous label of MILLER'S. ( Very Important Persons) J" 1 . &.. JKi. ') X. your gift will have an Santa Claus in Person Will Be at Miller's Every Day and Evening Until Christmas HURRY! MAIL THAT LETTER TO SANTA TODAY, SURE! MAIL BOX, MAIN FLOOR ; j - - : - - : 1