2 The Statesman, Salem, Ore.. Saturday, December 18, 1948 Control Toiver to Reopen lit-'- ----, , f y - :.;iLJu IL-jJi . mri j il ! in .hum umiihiihi him iiumiiiiiiiimimh mm Salem'c aerial futsre will be shaped with the epenlnr of the aircraft control tower pictured above. Closed since the war exeept daring lat sprint's flood emergency the tower Is now being renovated for operation by the civil aeronautics authority. The quonset hut at its base is being remodeled for heavy equipment and offices. Six men win work the tower on a 24 hour basis. (Photo by Don Dill, Statesman staff photographer.) Old Time DANCE Every Saturday Ilighl Over Western Auto 259 Court St. Join the Crowd and Have a Good Time MUSIC BY Ben's Orchestra Public Dance Adm. 60e Inc. Tax LAST CHANCE LADIES! Final Leap Year DAIICE Wayne Strachan'a Music Tonile VFW Hall State Traffic Toll .-1 24 in November ; r Oregon traffic accidents claimed 24 lives in November to swell the toll thus far this year to 379, Sec retary of State Earl T. Newbry re ported Friday. All but six of the November cas salties occurred outside the limits of any city or town. Last year at this time traffic deaths had reach ed 401, or 22 more than the 1948 death toll. Dance Tonile Glenwood Big Xmas Party FLOOR SHOW Free Gifts for "Everyone Teen-agers FREE Dance Old and New to Ray Weitlrier's Orch. Saturday Night. 8 P. M. Over Grocery 12th A Leslie Adults 60e Inc. Tax Santa Claus Is Coming To Toiin On Ice Skates Monday Nite, Dec. 20th 25c 6:30 P. M. 25c Children Only Salem Ice Arena 610 N. Capitol Ph.3-6868 Humboldi Siate vs. Willamette University 8 p.m. Willamette Gymn General Admission: 75c Plus 15c Tax LI Students 42c plus 8c Tax Civic Players Show Versatility In f Third Floor Back9 Drama By Robert E. Gangwaro City Editor. Th Statesman Salem Civic Players Friday night fit an old play with a timeless theme into this modern Christmas season, as they opened a two-night performance of Jerome's "Passing of the Third Floor Back." The transformation of 11 self-seeking, querulous individuals into persons of character gave all 11 an opportunity to display versatility. Their transformation was accomp lished by the sudden presence in their lodging house "third floor back" of a Christ-like fellow lodger. Cast in this role almost li terally as the "deus ex machina," George Hall played the good ex ample with effectiveness. ' The parade of characters, all "bad'at first, then "good," re sembles a morality play. The sweetness-and-light closing strikes the sentiment of the Christmas season. Agnes Drummond made a con vincing landlady and Helen Lucas and Barbara Henry handled the most difficult "transformations" neatly. The play will be given to night at 8:15 in the playhouse at 155 S. Liberty st. Intermission entertainment fea tures Janice Keefe as vocalist and three dance students, Sandra Bli ven, Judy Green and Shirley Woodraska. Silverton Man Injured in Car Collision Dallas Boys Stricken with Poliomelitis SILVERTON, Dec. 17 J. H. Mc Cullough was brought to the Sil verton hospital Friday afternoon for treatment following an auto mobile collision early Friday in the Brush Creek area- McCullough was driving toward Salem to his work in Independence, when his car collided with a Wil lamette Packing company truck driven by T. J. Shipler. Shipler was shaken but uninjured. TheJ McCullough car was completely demolished. At first it was believed McCul lough was not badly injured, al though he was cut about the face and the neck. Later shoulder, in jury and severe bruises were dis covered and he was removed to the local hospital. 22 Men Take Civil Service Firemen Tests The largest civil service "class" since the war took written exam inations for city fireman jobs Fri day at city hall when 22 men of the 23 who had taken out applica tions were tested under the direc tion of Alfred Mundt, city recorder and secretary of the Salem civil service commission. In small groups the candidates will report to the fire department Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday to undergo tests in handling firemen's equipment. Following this, Mundt will grade examinations and sub mit a new eligibility list to the commission. Few immediate appointments to the firefighting force are expected, however, as most of the jobs are now filled by men under civil serv ice. An eligible list is needed, how ever, for the coming year when the firemen's shorter work week, as approved by voters, takes effect. This will require an extra shift of about 17 men. Work Due Soon on Replacement for Guardian Building According to current plans, re placement of the fire-razed Guar dian building will begin January 3, since mo?t of the needed struc DALLAS, Ore., Dec. 17 - (Spe- cial)-Two Dallas brothers, victims ! of infantile paralysis, were rushed to the Doernbecker hospital in j Pm-tlanrl tnHav They are Ronald Voth, 12. and mrai maienais are now on iwi u. his brother, Richard. The boys are Tne building is at &iaie ana o sons of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Voth. , ?rty streets and will be one story Both were stricken ill at school : ,n neigni Thursday and were removed to Portland ivhen their illness was diagnosed as poliomelitis. Ronald was reported the most seriously ill, suffering from para lysis of the throat. Two other bro thers in the same family were not affected. 2 Policemen Still Awaiting Reinstatement Reinstated Police Officers Hob art Kiggins and Leland D. Weaver had not received notification for return to duty Friday night and it was expected they would not be on duty before the Sunday shifts. Kiggins and Weaver were back on the polire force as a result of 1 a hearing by the civil service com j m i s s i o n. City Recorder Alfred i Mundt was securing signatures of tv - ,-i-r. v Mkn ondi iuiiuiij.iaiuiii-1 a uj me reinsiaie- Post of Salem, said Friday thatM men er Friday. Following com- Egypt-Bound for Holidays 'tJ0 tfw- n '" i in i i limn i . mmmmJ; n i i vi i tin ". .' V- n On their way to Cairo. Egypt, are Mrs. L. J. McCoy. SIX S. 18th st and her 21 month old daughter Elaine. The pair will arrive In Cairo Sunday by air. having left Portland Wednesday night. Daring their two-months stay, they will be visiting Mrs. McCoy's parents. Mr. and Mrs. William BusuttiL (Photo by Don Dill; Statesman staff photographer.) BEAES TUNE IT ii BERKELEY, Calif., Dec. 17-(T) California's Bears, prepping for their New Year's day football clash with Northwestern in the Rose Bowl at Pasadena; will hold a brief scrimmage tomorrow, the first since they started practice Monday. They worked on passing today. ' . ?: , II Ijtst Times Ton it? ; Hi pT" :-Starts 7:15 Iri Louis Ilayward 111 Janet Blair I; If I 1 U "BLACK ARROW" II A I Kane Richmond I fll Audrey Long, II III "STAGE STRICK I I III COLOR CARTOON I I LATE NEWS I I Talmadse Plan Would Wipe Out Negro Vole ATLANTA, Dec. 17 -UP- Gov. Herman Talmadge and his legisla tive leaders came. out today with a "white supremacy" program frankly aimed at barring 80 per cent of Georgia negroes from vot ing. The core of the plan is to wipe all present voters' registration lists off the books. Then a com plete new state-wide registration would be undertaken with empha sis on "educational qualification" of voters. Albany Man Breaks Leg as Horse Falls Seedy Uken, Albany, suffered a broken right leg Friday night when a horse fell on him at the state fairgrounds stadium meeting of the Salem Saddle club. Uken was given treatment by Salem first aid men and then moved to Albany by Memorial hospital ambulance. steel decking for floors and roof, specially fabricated in Pittsburgh, has arrived, as well as ithe alum inum for extenior walls. (The steel floors will be covered with a light layer of concrete. Meanwhile, the structural steel for the reinforced concrete build ing is being prepared in Portland. .pletion of the procedure it would be up to Chief Frank Minto to ask the two officers to return to duty. Minto spiked rumors that Kig gins would return as a patrolman and said he would definitely go back to his plainclothes position, held prior to his discharge. The chief said, however, that Weaver would not return to his old duty on the traffic detail. Independence Meters Net Little Money INDEPENDENCE City officials revealed this week that Independ ence has netted only $49.69 a week from parking meter receipts dur- Valley Briefs Silverton Fluorescent lights have been installed in the Eugene Fl'ld building which increases tho ranacitv at least two thirds. and has furnished a mucn soiier j oiajion wnere wngm was gex- in their new home. The Walt mans, who sold their farm here, ' have purchased a dairy farm near Hebo. Detroit Mi. and Mrs. J. A. Wright returned home Wednesday after a week tpent in Salem and 'i I 2 End Tables and Lamp Tables Woodry Furniture Co. 474 South Commercial Burglars Loot Jefferson High JEFFERSON, Dec. 17-(Speclal) -Burglars who entered the Jeffer son high school Thursday night left with only a 75-foot steel tape for their efforts. Several doors were broken and the principal's office ransacked as the prowlers went through the feuilding in search of money. School UVllLldU Scliu UlC line w t j- ' . ,. , , , ably searching for a sum of money mg a "-week period starting last I .V. u.l U K : AUgUSt I. , 1 were $2.347.68 an average of i $143.73 a week- Of this amount $1, Pp568.66 was paid to the meter manu facturer, leaving the city only a small share of the total. The minimum payment to the meter company for the 65 meters is $2.50 per meter or $412.50 a month. appointed A. A. Geer, Salem, to Since the present take is only about serve a second three-year term on 450 a month, only $37.50 is left the Marion county fair board be- for the citys share. ginning jan. i, "II II V: . . rvn Knmti drove the girl's athletic association. A. A. Geer Reappoint To County Fair Boar I light. The first six grades ol tne Silverton public schools are hous ed here with M. B. lord as prin cipal. Four Corners Mrs. Fred Buckner, 290 S. Elroa ave., re ceived word this week of pro motion of her son, Leroy Willig, to the rank of master sergeant in the army at McChord Field, Wash. Mill CHv The Church of Christ will present the Sunday! school Christmas program Sun day evening in the church. Pratum Mrs. Ilarvey Meyer was hostess at her home on East State street Wednesday to the Pratum Women's Society of Chris tian Service. Detroit Curtis Howard is in the Salem Memorial hospital where he is making a satisfactory recovery from an operation per formed on his knee last Tuesday. ting a medical check up. "Rodeo is a word, borrowed from Mexican cattle herders, meaning a round-up of cattle. r Tour Top Show Value! 1 Detroit Art Clester was in jured in an accident in which a snow plow and truck were in volved one day the last of the week. He is able to be home. Central Uowell Other members of the board in elude Warren Gray, Marion, and 'bother making collections from Ed Ahrens, Turner. them. Western Swing Orcheslra Lee and His Melody Nite Riders Pedee Hall Pedee, Oregon Music from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Dance Every Sat. Nite HOUSING AUTHORIZED WASHINGTON, Dec. 17 -Conversion of 100 Swan Island barracks into temporary apart ments for refugees of the Vanport flood was formally authorized today. ! PROBERS I.V COSTA RICA SAN JOSE, Costa Rica., Dec. 17 -fpy-.A commission represent ing the Organization of American States (OAS) arrived here today to investigate Costa Rican charg j es the country is being invaded ! by troops from Nicaragua. week to and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. to Hebo this help her parents, Mr. Charles Waltman, settle ! Smoking Stands g Woodry Furniture Co. 474 South Commercial s I LIEN FILES ON TUCKER FIRM m j CHICAGO, Dec. 17 -iP- The j I government today slapped a lien j f" on the Tucker corporation, claim- i i ing the automobile manufactur- I ing lirm owes an income tax with' : holding bill of $49,121. 3 Toiionnow! c BROWNS GET SAVAGE PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 17 -(JP, The Philadelphia Athletics today announced the sale of right handed Pitcher Bob Savage to the St. Louis Browns for an un announced sum of cash. PLAYERS ASSEMBLE MONTGOMERY, Ala., Dec. 17 (P)-Players and coaches began ar riving here today to get ready for the annual Blue-Gray All-Star football game Christmas day. Both the North and South squads are scheduled to start two - a - day practice sessions tomorrow. , ' ti NEW TERM Begins at the Pan! Armsirong School of Dance for Tap, Ballet, Kinder garten and Ballroom. Come and see what others have learned in the past 12-weeks term. FREE SHOW AT 3 & 7 P. II. TODAY, DEC. 18lh Enroll then and Save "Ask about our Christmas Special" 1990 Mission Phone 2-7523 , Si KOI ii if Willi WW) J ' hattrd fimm Tfc mnH Rl tmr by MOSS HART J 0& l M txi hay THtv sAto seutotrr e mmm of 4 ifcvie euiTU . DnDiiDT nniici aq w MM Alii On HUM III I UUUUU10 PETER GODFREY. CCOt KFUJMMT . TED OQWAIDSOW WIMrT DAVtKOWT . K !T 2nd Ace Hit TR266EK-TR0Q2LE M RED UMTS RAXSH TIU HOLT ioai BEERY . iiauiB MARTI N mm LESLIE tnutuiumMitcmJBm9mtot trimiT tOJMBKM mm fm won woUWOW - Extra! Bugs Bunny Cartoon Latest Warner News Last UajI e "WHEN MY BABY SMILES AT MET e "HALF PAST MIDNIGHT" TOMORROW I X TOP HITS ltw- , PAYNE S Jt '"CAumtiDiry DDflYEA Y with DOROTHY HART PATRICIA ALPHIN . AND What 7&ta! lapses! , HUTTON CAREY . f ATR1C KN0WLES Also CARTOON WARNEI NEW8 MaL Dally From 1 P. M. e NOWSHOWINGI TORRID I TERRIFIC! I Ti RDADJinUSE n rim THRILL CO-HITt Cont. Froia If. M. NOWI ROARING TWIN MTRTHQUAKES1 M(T joiinsotn Mae West) W. C. Fields -MY LITTLE CHICKADEE KARTOON KARNIVAL TODAY! At 12:3 with Reg. Show! - Last Times Today! George Brent "GOD'S COUTjTRY John Garfield Pat O'Brien "FLOWING GOLD" Doors open 1:09 pjn. for Special Kiddles Matinee Froirram. Contests.' Prises 2 Cartoons Serial Special i Feature "Here Comes Elmer? Al Pearce and Ilia Gang Also i' Benson's Birthday Cake For $ " Percy Jewell. Delores Kirch man n. Mike Thomkena. Diane Emicb, Dale Whltehurst. BUly SchlitC Dayld Forrester. Marl lyna RJpp. Leareneji Layton. Darlene Meyer. Gary;; Allison, Tommy Wright, j Eve. Show rent, after p.m. Last Times Today "Race Street" George Raft. William Beedlx, Marilyn ; Maxwell "Senator Was Indiscreet" William PowelL Ella Raines Starts Tomorrow, Cent. 1:45 Second Featxre Strange 'jonrney" Paul Kelly. HilUry J Brooke - - "'ii i ii i Ends Tenlxht! "Klae the Blood Off My Hands' "Renegade Girl- 122.54 lee Skates for umoq aptsdfi sfaxnjy ioj 9jy 9ji But WE ARE CRAZY ABOUT XMAS WE ARE SELLING $19M SALEM ICE ARENA SSt.vt lee Skates for '27 610 North Capitol Phone 3-6883 r