Ift-r-Th Startesrocm, Salem. Orsw Saturday. Decgmbor 18. 1948 New York Stock Quotations NEW YORK, Dec. 17-(AJ)-To American Can 80 Am Power & Lt 6Vz Am Tel & Tel.1504 Anaconda 33 Vs Bendix A via 34 Gen Electric 38 Gen Foods 394 Gen Motors 58 Goodyear -Tire.... 41 Int Harvest 27 Int Paper 51 Beth Steel 34 22!lCertnecott Boeing Air Canadian Pac 13!Libby McN 8c L 8i8 Stan OU Cal . r-.Tr . 35 'Long Bell A 21 i4;Studebaker ... Caterpillar 544 1 Mont wara Chrysler 53 Nash "Kelvin Comwlth Sou 3 INat Dairy Cons Vultee Q,4 uemrai Continental Can 3 H4 1 Northern Crown Zel ac Am Curtis Wr Douglas Air ... Dupont de Ne Portland Livestock PORTLAND, Dec. 17 AP) - (USDA) Salable cattle today 35. total 200: hold over 250: calves 25: scattered sa.es steady but market mostly nominal; for five days, salable 3220 total 3775: cal ves 240 and 300. Compared week ago, market highly uneven and very, drag gy on short led steers, sales generally 1.C0 2 00 lower, instances off more and some bids 3 00 and more lower. Other cattle steady to 1.00 off. mostly 50,1.00 lower late Calves strong to 1.00 higher on short receipts. Load experimental steers 28.50, grading high good, few other good grades early 26.50-27 00. one lot 28.00. Medium grades early 23.00-25.00 and above, later 22.00-24.50. several loads unsold. Common steers 17.00-21.00. few feeders 20.00-22.50. Common and medium heifers 17 00-23.00. Canner-cut-ter cows 12.00-14.50, early to 15.50. Good FINAL NOTICE Notice Is hereby given thatthe un dersiened has filed in the Circuit Court of Marion County. Oregon, Probate Department, its final account as exec utor of the estate of A.B. COLBATH. deceased, and said Court has fixed Tuesday. December 28. 1948, at ten o' clock A.M.. in the Circuit Court Room in the County Court House at Salem, In said County, for hearing said final account and all objections thereto. Dated November 27. 1948. PIONEER TRUST COMPANY Executor of Etate of ' A. B. COLBATH. Deceased. WALTER S. LAM KIN, Attorney. Salem. Oregon. N.27-D.4-11-18-25 NOTICE OF EXECUTRIX'S SALE Or REAL PROPERTY Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned executrix of the estate of MARY GROH PFEIFER. deceased, by virtue of the power and authority in said decedent 's last will and testament will sell, at private sale, at 511 Pioneer Trust Building. Salem. Oregon, from and after December 27. 1948. according to the manner and terms hereinafter act forth all the following described real property, to-wit: Beginningat a point, being the South west corner of Lot Seven (7). Block Kin (9). Highland Addition to Sa lem; thence North along the Wester ly boundary of Lots 7 and 6. 100.0 feet to the Northwest corner of Lot Six (6). in said Block; thence East erly along the North boundary of Lot Six (6). 43.1S feet: thence South erly parallel to the Westerly bound ary of Lots Six (6) and Seven (7). 100.0 feet to the South line of said Lot Seven (7); thence Westerly along the South line of said Lot Seven (7). 43.13 feet to the point of beginning. Such sale shall' be for cash, payable at the time of confirmation of such ale and delivery of Executrix's Deed to said real property. Said land shall be sold free and clear of all encum brances, except pro rated taxes. The executrix, will furnish to purchaser a ctanaard policy of title insurance show ing marketable title to said land, as aforesaid. Any sale shall be made sub ject to confirmation by the Circuit Court for Marion County, Oregon, sub ject to full payment of the purchase price bidden by the purchaser. Dated, posted and first published No vember 17, J948. IRENE ROEMHTLDT As Such Executrix 11 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Salem. Oregon. N.27-D.4-11-18-25 Coffee Tables I Woodry Fumiturs Co. g 474 South Commercial 8 Ililk Is Only lie Per Pound Yob Can's Even Buy NECK BONES for . That Price AD . . . in milk you get 100 food value No muss, no fuss, no preparation expenses - - - It's the Cheapest, Most Nourish ing: Food You Can Buy. Curly's Dairy Phone 3-8783 Why Suffer Any Longer When others fall. bs aur Chinese remedies Amazing saeeess for 6M0 ears la China. No matter srlth what ailments yea are afflicted -Hserders. slnnsitis. heart. Inncs. liv er, kldaeys, gas. ronstipatkm. ulcers liahetes, rheamatlstn. gall and blad der fever, skin, female complaints CHARLIE CHAN CHINES R HERB CO. !M H Commercial Phone t-1836 SALEM. ORE office Hows Its I. Taes. aa4 gat. only Dr.T.TXasaN.D. Dr.G.Chan.N.D. DRS. CHAN . . . LAM CHINESE HERBALIST? 241 North Liberty Upstairs Portias General Electric Co. Office open Saturday only 10 a-SB. te 1 p.nu. to 7 p.m. Consul- tattom. Bleed pressnre and urine tests are free ef charge. Practiced taee HIT. J day's closing quotations: Radio Corp Rayonier 3ayonier pfd Reynolds Met -Richfield 13 27 31 26 16 39 49 67 22 9 10 29 1 8 86 10 Safeway 56 (Sears Roeb io ractnc .. 55 1 4 Sun Mining . . H'g Transamerica 28 8 Union Oil . 13 1 s Un Pacific ..... Pac .. 18 Un Airlines risn it 7'jlfac oas ciec oi u o oicei - SHVP T & T 904 Warner Bros 10 172 ! Penney J C 44 Wool worth 45 beef cows 19 00-20 00, early top 20.50. Good beef bulls 22 00-2X50. common medium sauape bulls 17 00-21.00. Good vealers 27.00-28.00. odd choice 29 00 and above. Good heavy calves 25.00-28 00. Salable hogs today 25. total 300; scat tered sales good around 220 lb. hogs steady to weak at 23.00; choice quotable 23.25-50. For five days salable 1615 to tal 6350. For week, market 50 to 75 lower. Earlv top and bulk good-choice 180-230 lbs. 24 .00. late sales 23.50. Heav ier and lighter weights discounted 2.00 and more. Good sows 18. 50-19. .00. light weights at 19.50 earlv to 20.00. Choice 70 to 80 lb. feedc pigs 25 00 and 25.25; most mived weight feeders 23.50-24.50. Salable sheep today none total 100; market nominal; for five days, salable 1300 total fl85; for week slaughter lambs steady to 50 lower; other classes steady. Good-choice lambs largely 21.00 few 21.50: medium - good 18.00 - 20.00; common down to 15.00: common-medium feeders 14 00-1(5 00; good ewes 8.00. Common-medium 5.007.00. Livestock and Poultry SPOTTED saddle horse. Reasonable, 307 Miller Ave.. Dallas. Ore. Ph. 3470. FOR SALE: Nice Week old heifer calf. Phone 2-2842. 2 PUREBRED Hereford heifers with small calves. $425. Valley Packing Co. Stockyards. Ph. 3-5935. FOR SALE: Young Jersey cow fresh 2 weeks. 2nd calf. L. E. Wendt, 1'4 miles on Wallace Rd. Phone 2-2219. FOR SALE: Good horse. Phone 2-5548. general work LICENSED & bonded livestock buy er. Claude Edwards. Rt. 3. Box 899E Phone 3-1144. WANTED Thin cows and heifers for feeders, also butcher cattle. Get my bid it will cost you nothing Earl Du Chien 2495 N, 5th. Salem Phone 2-1656. BONDED LIVESTOCK buyer. E. C. McCandJish. 1127 S. 25th. Ph. 3-8147. NEW HAMPSHIRE Weekly batches Ph Hafrrer oaov chicks 2-2861 Lees HIGHEST PRICES pa la CatUe and horses wanted for fox feed. Call col lect Sherwood 4432. Auctions AUCTION Early Consignments For Sat.. Dec. 18. 10 a.m. LIVING ROOM SETV CABINET RA DIO. LAMPS. LIBRARY TABLE. DIN ING SET. DOUBLE Sc TWIN BEDS COMPLETE. DRESSERS. CHESTS. TA BLES. CHAIRS. ELECTRICAL AP PLIANCES. COMPLETE FIREPLACE SET, WOOL RUGS Sc PAD. OIL CIR CULATORS. WASHING MACHINE. CANNED FRUIT. STOVES. BIKES, WHEELED TOYS OF EVERY KIND, WAGONS. WINDOWS WITH FRAMES. APPLES, CARROTS. ONIONS. PO TATOES. MISC. OF EVERY KIND. ALSO NEW KIRBY VACUUM CLEAN- I "AS. AWJKJUE CLOCK. Livestock Joe Burke Sale Barn 3610 SILVER.TON RD. I PHONE 2-4074 Help Wanted Male WANTED: Carrier for Oregon Jour nal. Salem Heights District. Ph. 3-7769. WANTED MEN 18 to 46 to train for REFRIGERATION and air conditioning in our well equipped school shop. We teach you how to build, main tain and repair deep freezers, milk coolers, bottle coolers. walk-In cool ers and all other types of domestic and commercial equipment. For information on training, hous ing, terms, part-time employment, etc.. see G. I. Jensen, Marlon Hotel Sunday. December 19 90 a.m. to 9 p.m. a pjrovei nrv ets WEATHER stripper wanted, must be experienced. Apply 2385 Mission St. AUTO dealer needs experienced parts man to take charge of depart ment. You are not now employed by us. Permanent position for right man. Write Statesman Box 447. . Help Wanted -Female WANTED: Dependable girl or wom an to help with children and house work. Room, board, good wages. Ph. 3-9440. NEAT, attractive girls for full-time usherettes. Apply In person. Grand theatre. Salesman Wanted EXCELLENT opportunity for one good salesman. Liberal commissions. 2385 Mission St. Situations Wanted WILL CARE for vour child in mv home while you shop. 25c hr. 1930 ; CARPENTER work: Sc repair. Ph. 2-2348 Build remodel. CURTAINS washed, stretched. 2-3448. CARE FOR children, vour home. 485 Ford. Luna Ralston. Ph. 2-6546. LADY WANTS home with woman alone. Will work some. Box 449, States man. IRONING andCTeanTnPh. 3-4304. U7TT T D1TT . I . j . n. i in wuuu oc hwuusi. rn. ?J53-8846 L j I PAINTING: good work, reasonable ; Elone 255J8 CARE FOR 2 children, 2-4; by the ; -Y.irfoT lfr-- ' MIDDLE-AGED lady would like oukeP2P for ?ntlenn 1" rT, 'ii- T. """' or caU at 1890 v."". , i. CARPENTER: Building and remod- "tiliJ!y'?5r.aoi!; L.t??: I DRESS MAKING and alterations. Ph z-H4i after 3 P m f TREE WORK, tnmming; topping, fell- : uig. removing, ins. operator. Tee est W. H. McAllister. 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1496 Painting & Dee-orating Phone 3-7552 TYPIST Letters, envelopes! thesis. iReabJe. 1930Fairgrounds Rd. TREE WORK, all kinds. Shrubbery Room 210 Marion hotel. Ph. 34123. Mike's Septic Servire Tanks cleaned Roto Rbo'.er Service 2 on Sewers Phone 3-91SR or 3-5327 HOUSEWORK by hour. Ph. 2-7085 Chimnev sweep Northne's ph 3-4450 SEWERS and septic tanks installed and repaired Scharff Brus Phone 25S68 " OIL CIRCULATOR Furnace and chimneys cleaned Vac uum used B F Enslev Ph 3-7176. DRAWING house plans. Ph. 39621 Painting & Decorating WE SPECIALIZE IN INTERIOR i-5444 DICK OREY 6265 . A.XTED Furniluie to clue (no re Dair Lee Bros. Furniture Refrnlshlne Co. Ph. 3-1233. 4020 E. State SC Situations Wanted EXPERIENCED alteration lady. Also experienced in wool pressing. Phone 2-0160. Ask for Mrs. Dunbar. PLASTERING, patch workand chim ney building. Free estimates. Pb. 24389. For Sale Miscellaneous PLASTI-KOTE requires no waxing, use it on floors, linoleum, woodwork, etc. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. Clothing, Antiques and furniture, etc. Trading Post, 1114 Edegewater, West Salem; New own er, Mrs. Archie Johnson. TWO prectically new sidewalk bl cycles. Ph. 3-8523. 1345 N. 4tht. 30 CAL. JAP armye rifle. 103 Mar ion St. OIL CIRCULATOR, cost new $79. us ed 5 mos. $25. Howser Bros. Ph. 3-3646. WOOD lathe. 30 in. between centers. 10 in. swing, complete with '.a h.p. motor, chisels, 2 face plates. $39.50. Howser Bros. 608 Edgewater St.' 4 CYCLE drag saw with 5 ft. blade, in good shape. $150. Phone 3-3646. CROCHETED, lge. small, doilies, bas kets. Reas. 990 N. 20th . Ph. 21839 FLOOR polishers, vacuum cleaners. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. APT. SIZE GE. refrig. Good run ning condition. $115.00. First house north of Keizer School. Call after 5 b.m. weekdays, all day Sat. or Sun. ELECTRIC room heaters. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. NORGE washing machine $45. Elec tric, sweeper $25. wood furnace, with out pipes $35. All good cond. 1060 N. 15th. Ph. 2-4775. . FOR YOUR Holiday dinners Sc par ties, drink Sc enjoy pure apple juice. Clear and sparkling, made fresh daily. Contains all the health building fruit vitamins. (No preservatives.) Puritan Cider Works. W. Salem SUNBEAM MIXMASTER with juicer In original box (never used l $37.50. 1890 S. High St. Phone 2-4938. RADIO-phonograph combination, like new. Also tank type vacuum sweep- er. floor lamp. Phone 2-1 26 1 . REFRIGERATORS. ranges. water heaters, washers, ironers. trash burn ers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. TROMBONE, good condition. 1470 McCoy Avenue. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! Elec. wood, gas ranges. $17 and up. Elcc. washers $35 and up. Ironing boards $2.45. Radios $9 50. Hotplates $9.50. Elec. wood. gas. oil heaters as low as $5. Aluminum cookware sets $22.50. bandsaw $45, Air compressor, complete $85. All kinds of furniture. Many other items to choose from. Lib eral credit terms. Hardman Bros. 4','a miles N. of Salem on Portland hi-way. Open from 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., 7 days a week. ZEISS-IKON camera. German made anastigmat lens, built-in timer, priced to sell, also collector's Items in an tiques. Mrs. Robert C. Taylor. 1030 Hoyt. Phone 2-8525. 2 PUREBRED Doberman Pincher puppie. Dial 2-0224. SMALL PIANO, used very little. A bargain for cash. 1690 S. Cottage. St. MAC'S BARGAINS 7 cm. ft. refrigerator $110.00 Oil circulator 25.00 Wood circulator 15.00 Wash tubs, each 1 00 Sewing machine 25.00 Hot plates, each - 5 00 Good electric sweeper 10.00 Electric washer - 47.30 Gas range, good condition 47.50 Coil springs 7 JO And mics. Items, cheap 145 S. Church St. BOY'S BICYCLE, good Phone 2-5223 cond. $20. HOYT ST. SURPLUS Try an oil circulater for Xmas. a few left at $29.95 Xmas Specials. Apt size electric ranges, refrigerators and water heaters. New and used Wash ers. Give him a tarp or sleeping bag for Xmas. Swivel Chair $12.50. Oak Bedside tables $5.00. Safes, small and large. Plumbing supplies. Galv Pipe. Come south on 12th to HOYT then East 1 Block. Tel 3-7916. USED WASHERS. Refrigerators. Ranges. Water heaters. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. SALE OR TRADE for good shot gun. New Japanese army saddle. English style. Phone 2-7520. or see at 2060 Hazel Ave. MODERN Luxury liv. rm. set. 3 piece sectional, club chair and ottoman, fire side chair. 1740 Yew St. 4KW and 2KW WESSIX wall type heaters. RALPH JOHNSON APPLIANCES 355 Center St. Phone 3-3139 UESD A.B. apt. elect, range, ex cellent cond. Phone 2-3251. MAITAG Washer, large capacity, good cond., reasonable. 840 Plymouth Dr. Phone 2-1367. GIBSON Mandolin, hand made leath er case. Sacrifice. T. Taylor, 529'a S. Baker. Ph. 312M, McMinnville. Ore gon FARMERS Attention Electric "fence controllers, home milk pasteurizers, butter churns. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. c h -a t ; t vii c kirfhrfo. I gifts. Some hand made. 701 N. Church St. UNDERWOOD Champion typewrit- er. practically new. Call 2-4064. LARGE wood circulator. $25. Ph. 3-8329. CHRISTMAS Trees, wreaths, swags and other greenery. Valley Oil Sta tion. Broadway Sc Market Su. Also 2313 Broadway. Coleman and South. SAVE $5 on his Christmas gift. New Sunbeam Shave Master, used 4 times, $18.50. Phone 2-9812. ' KENMORE washing machine, just overhauled. Ph. 3-6536. 1055 Wilber St. MAPLE "Martel" mantle clock. $20. 1610 S. Com'!. Home eves. BOY'S BIKE, new tires. $12.50. Sin gle laundry tray, complete with fix tures Sc stand $15. Golf clubs. Wilson Pathfinder matched set with bag. Mirror round plate glass 24 in. $5. Ph. 3-8234. ALWAYS a big stoca. Woodry's Furniture Mkt. Ph. 3-5110 REGISTERED black cocker puppies. Top quality at reasonable prices. Hoffman's Kennels. Box 143. Auburn Koad. East off Lancaster betvtven Center Sc State THOR WASHER, good condition; very reasonable. 690 N. 14th St. 2 GOOD WOOD Heaters. $5 and $10. Martson Wrecking Co. 1260 Howard St. GIVE A Cocker Spaniel puppy for Christmas. J. E. Peterson. Rt. 1. Box 402.' Wallace Rd. Christmas Trees . . - . - " -r J en to order "ifEXiTTf-elec7-Fange7 Good- condT Reasonably priced. Phone 2-6616 gTrTT'S ELGINblcVcTerPhone 3-6565 after 5 b.m. or Saturday Sc Sunday. TTJiOMAl-doWn' quilts sateen! like new. Phone 3-3723. "TtTGROSWOLD skis-withmetal edges and bindings, size 9a ski shoes. I set of ki Doles. Ph. 2-4274. 3660 Lib- ertv Rd. i RED FOX Cape, good condition. $50 I ifilO S Com'l Home eves I , 07 - Llimmema anl A lravel Crushed rock Ready mix. All kinds of sand and gravel River silt and fill dirt Ph. 21966 AVON Cosmetics. Phone 3146 AIRWAY Samtiz?r vacuum cleaner latest model. clt.-n perfect condition 82.50 21C5 University. Phone 2-0458. j ELECTROLUX cleaner, latest model. like new. $39.50. 2105 University. Ph. - CM58 USED DUO-THERM oil heater. 5 to 6 room size. $49 50 easv terms I GOOD HOUSEKEEPING INC 467 CVnirt St Phi,e3-9fiJ1 A.B apt size elec range. Calrod un its, new. $110 Ph 34284 CHRISTMAS TREES, some sprayed, boughs, holly wreaths, etc. 625 N. Capi to' or 12th a S'ate Sts WARDS Appliance Service Dept of fers complete service facilities for all Montgomery Ward appliances. Just call 3-3191 FERTILIZER, cow or chicken. De livered in Salem well -rotted or fresh $5 per cu. yard. Also by sack. $1 per sack at place or will del. S sack order Phillips Bros. Rt. $. Box 118. Ph. 68F22. For Sale Miscellaneous Crab Your Hat Don't sit there and read this ad Rush to Glenn's Furniture Market and see what a real sale is HERE ARE VALUES EVEN WE CANT BEAT Bunk beds complete with inner spring mattresses, ail like new, for $69.50. SEE IT. YOU'LL BUY IT!! Mohair frieze davenport and chair, excellent . condition. A real buy at $75.00. 5 pc. dinette set. $16.50. Portable washer, like new, $19 00. 5 drawer chest, $10.00. 4 drawer chest. $9.00. Walnut dresser with mirror, $19.00. 4 pc. modern bedroom suite, com-' plete with spring and mattress, $99.00. Siivertone radio and phono combi nation, floor model. $39.50. 9x12 Gold seal congoleum rugs, $8.95. Mr. 8c Mrs. 4 pc. bedroom suite, $98 00. Daveno. used bu very usable. $19.00. Unfinished desk and book case com bination. $11.95. Oak oifice desk. $19.75. New amazing hardwood cribs, handy for traveling. They fold to suit case size, also make play pen. Complete with water repellant mattress, $19.50. Glenn Woodry Market 16 blocks north of State Capitol BJdg 1605 N. Summer St. , Terms - Trades - Plenty free par king Christmas Trees Any tree $1.00. Holly 50c lb. 3360 N. Portland Rd. Building Something? New i in. sheet rock. $55 per M. Rock lath plaster base 35c per yd. 'i in Simpson board $67.50 per M. New plywood: in.. 12c a ft.; , in.. 22c; i in.. 25c Sc 27c. C. G. Long. Rt. 2. Box 31. Salem. Ph. 2-5821. 1 mi. N. of Keizer. 1 NEW 48 Craftsman, jointer, never used. $100. Salem Saw Works. 1295 N. 5th. DECORATING hoUy. holly wreaths and gift boxes. Basil Zell. Orchard Heights rd. Ph. 58F12 evenings. LARGE Pressure cooker, can seal ing machine. Best of cond. Also ward robe trunk. 134 Steelhammer Rd. Sil verton. 2 IN. NEW Electric drill. $35. one 'i in., 15 in. Craftsman drill press. cm mnn . ' tn.ju. mi rti. cottage. BOYS NAVY blue suit. 14 vrs. two wu t-udis. i yrs. f none J-31M APT. SIZE elec. range like new. Phone 2-4652. CRAFTSMAN jigsaw $13. Movie graph 16 MM projector with 5 rolls of film $23. Fred Kites. Rt. 7. Box 89. Salem. Ore. Highway 99 north. 12 mi. from underpass, west on Claxter Rd. to O. E. track, north 5th house on right. NORGE OIL circulator, man's 26 in. bike, twin bedsteads. Ph. 2-4970. 4 PIECES Revere Ware: 2 qt, sauce pan, 12 qt. dble. boiler. 4 qt. sauce pan. 10 in. skillet. Practically new. Cheap. 1516 Elm St.. W. Salem. BEAUTIFUL new 8 piece walnut dining room set. A real buy. 15.16 Elm St.. W. Salem. A. K. C. Reg. Eng. bull dog puppies, brood matron, very reasonably priced. Pet or show stock. A. K. C. Reg. Red Dachshund puppy $50. Ringland's Kennels. Ph. 3-6859 and 2-5954. FRANQUETTE walnuts 20c per lb. Any amount. C. G. Tibbets. Rt. 7, Box 184. Salem. 4th house south of Hills Agate Shop on North Incaster. LADY S WHITE roller shoe skates size 8. Girl s wardrobe, size 12. Ph. WHITE porcelain gas kitchen range! good cond. $50. Gas floor furnace with thermostat, heats 5 rm. house. $60. 2004 Market St. CROCHETElJ chair sets and doilies. Phone 3-4252. ONE 8 IN. table saw. 6 inTlomter. drill press. Jig saw-disk Sc belt sander combination with 3 h.p. motor, all, on stands Ac used very little. Price! $250. No pieces sold separately. See at Rt. 9. Box 806. Salem. EUREKA vacuum cleaner, upright model with waxer attachment. Prac- tically new. $50 or make an offer. Ph. 2-7585. 1185 N. 25th. BEST QUALITY Eastern Oregon al falfa hay. 1st and 2nd cuttings. $40 per ton. Delivered truck load lots. 12 ton. Freeman Sc Sons. Ph. Salem 2-3342. Rickreall. Ore. DROP HEAD sewing machine. 525 W. Salem Heights Ave. Ph. 2-2996. PUREBRED Sheltie puppies (min iature Collies) for Christmas delivery. Fleshman. 1745 S. Commercial STEEL Clothesline oosts. railing in stock andJojer145N Liber. I LATH FOR SALE at Chemeketa and Church. 25c bundle. 23 JEWEL Waltham Railroad watch. ! cheap. Phone 3-3643. ' BOY S. BICYCLE $25. Girl's bicycle I $20. N. H. pullets $2 each. rabbit ' does with hutches $25. 1400 S. 22nd. SMALL OIL circulator. used 3 months. Reasonable. Free installa tion 940 S. 14th. SEE OUR Cocker Spaniel puppies. Whelped Oct. 19. 805 Fairview Ave. Phone 3-6382. NEW "TWAN'S diamond ring. Approx. ' j carat. Ruby on each side. Orie. prlce ,2f;.w'" " for J125- Ph- 2-4287 1815 Plymouth Drive. GIRL'S WORLD BICYCLE in per fect condition. Ph. 2-6121. HOLLY FROM HOLLYCREST Nicely berried spravs 75c lb. deliv ered. Ph. 2-1350. R. E. Stout. Rt. 3. Box 618. Croisan Creek Rd. BARGAIN. Kelvinator refrfgeratorT like new. Apply E. J. Jackson. 307 Adams St.. Silverton. Ore. Ph. 524. WELLINGTON Piano, fine condi tion, mahogany. Lawrence Thomas. Silverton. Ph. 4351. BABY BUGGY: Excellent condition, approx 6 ,sq. yds. vinvlite blue lino leum. Remnants of linoleum, and 5 gal. paste pail. 295 N. LancaterPh3-g94L ATMORAYS Ozone Good health Rent-sell H C. Pugh. 684 J1 17. 3-4692. CANARY SINGERS $10. Ph. 2-5929. PIPE Sc plumbing, new and used. Toi lets, bath tubs, wash basins, elec. water heaters, laundry trays and all fittings 1.2 inch to 4 Inch cast iron soil pipe. Come in and save. Capital Bargain Moue i4a trenter St. LUMINOUSTiouse numbers. 25c each. for Christmas gifts. Ph. 2-7238 eves. BLOCKSIZE steel "sash. Fits the block, costs less, saves time. Now avail able., Keith Brswn Lumber Yard. Front Sc Court Sts. Lloyd M. Hill. Inc. Cat. Shovel and truck work of all kinds Phone 2-4367 Rt 2. box 32-B SUN-BREEZE electric clothes drier with built-in Sterilamp Special $99 95 GOOD HOUSEKEEPING INC 467 Court St Phone 3-9611 16 M M.-Keystone proiertor Si screen. Electric Anasher nearly new. 256 N. 2mh St Christmas Trees Fairgrounds Rd. at Highland Ave. Wallm,, ol llro, l f. " ""r- -'- v I 1 T 1, IlIMini MW Ik I or roads & driveway. Cement ' Beady - mix Concrete. Garden san'l. Bulldozing, drainage and witching. ya. shovel c crag line. Phone 3-9249. GRAVEL sano and tilt Delivered or on vour truck at the Dit Ph 2-40tr2 CHRISTMAS SPECIAI Toilets $49 50 complete. New. close coupled silent fluh reverse trap with seats Also elec. hot water heaters. $79.50. New guaran teed 42-caI. Capital Bargain House. 145 Center St. MIRACLE MAID pressure cooker a grill. Fancy work. 1250 Fairmount. WILL BUY. SELL OR TRADE MODERN OR ANTIQUE FIREARMS THE HOUSE OF DON. 266 N. Capitol USED TOILET $2750. Elec. ranee OA T"t arto c-1 IT., IT"' S'T- r""8eIa,"r i oitre. oeu sa. oea springs . Spool bed $7.50. 610 S. Com'l. BUY OR rent for someone, a wheel chair fro-u Max Buren, 745 Court St Ph. 3-7775. HAVE YOUR timepiece troublrs tr.ken care of by The Clock Doctor. 190 S. 14th St. CEDAR POSTS Ph 68F22 Wanted Furniture USED FURNITURE. Phone 3-5110. USED FURNITURE. Phone $-918$. Prod oce- WALNUTS. Fraaquettes. tOc lb. $390 sunnyview Ave. Phone 2-2113. WALNUTS 10 lbs. $2.60: 25 lbs. $6.25. Will deliver to Salem. Drop card or phone to James Adams. Rt. 1. Jef ferson. These are good nuts, and com mercially dried. Wanted Miscellaneous OLD STYLE wing-back chair & fancy cups Sc saucers. 855 Plymouth Dr.. Salem. Ore. WANT TO BUY good table saw. 337 N. Cottage. WANTED : Large, woodburning. steel furnace. Robert Hansen. Phone 3-1052. PIANO TUNING Wills Music Store Salem Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair TWO -HOUR SEHV1CE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Yout Plates for Repair DR HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolph Bldg.. State Sc Com. Ph. 3-33U. AUTO painting )usl a snade better by Ray ETTER Call Shrock Motor Co 3-9101 Mattresses Capita 1 Bed Co. Ph. 3-4Q6M WEATHER strips Pullman. Ph. 3-5965. WANT TO Buy Used Cameras St lenses McEwan Photo Shop 435 State WATER WELL drilling, Domestic or irrigation Duffield Bros. Rt 9 Bos 423 Phone 2-1313 Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Roads Cleailng - Ditching Sewer Basement Equipment Rental IS B- yds $12 00 per hr 10 B- yds t SO per hr D-7 Cat St Dozer 10.50 per hr D-4 Cat a Dozer 8 40 per hr D-4 Cat a Dozer T OO per kr Phone days 3-9408 Evenings 3-8243 or 2-4400 Salem Oregon HAVE YOUR auigei sewing machine repaired by a qualified Singer repre sentative. Ph. 3-3512 for free pickup Sc delivery service on all makes of ma chines Tree estimate given before work is started Singer Sewing Ma chine Co. 130 N Commercial Loans Wanted WANTED: $5,000 loan to be secured by first mortgage on Duplex, 6 in terest. Call Joe Hutchison, Realtor. Phone S-3629. Financial MONEY TO LOAN Wanted: Real estate mortgage loans. See us about refinancing your present contract or mortgage. Approved city loans. Lew interest rates. Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St. Phone 2-3663 Money, to Loan r ARM and CITY LOANS 4s and S Tour own terms of repayment with in reason Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO in"? Pioneer Trust Bide Pltone 7161 CASH - NOW $25.00 to $500.00 Salem's largest and oldest home-owned loan company offers money when you need it ' You can pay anytime to reduce net cost! No endorsers or help from friends! On cars, trucks, trailer homes to $500 .00' On furnitur llvntork. eaulDment. , salarv or other personal property up to $300X0! Phone or visit our office today I Lie. No. S138 and M338 General Finance Corp. PH 3-9161 136 S COM! ST. AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 182 S. Church St. Ph. 2-2457 Parking Aplenty Lie. M159-S154 Private Money On Cars. Trucks. Sc Trailer Homes Long or Short Term Payments Rov H. Simmons 136 S. Commercial St Phon $-9161 For Rent Rooms LARGE, attractive, warm rm. for emp. gentleman. Phone 3-4248. WARM RM. Emp. man. 795 N. Win- ter St. Ph. 3-5539. CLEAN Sleeping room. Good bed. Kitchen privilege if desired. No drink ers. 1 596 Ferry St. Phone 2-7969 CLEAN, sip. rm. cooking privileges. 481 N. Winter. Phone 2-6849. CLOSE IN, warm sip. rm. H Ac C water. 658 Center St. CLEAN. QUIET sip. rm. Accom modates 2. Garage available. Ph. 2-1449. PLEASANT sleeping room for gentle man. 1050 Norway. Ph. 24547. For Kent Apartments FURN. 3 RM. apt. Pri. bath. 1411 State. Phone 3-9670 , 3 RM. FURN. apt. Elec. ref.. range. Utilities, auto. heat. Middle age cou ple preferred. Phone 3-7060. 2 ROOM FURN. apt. No drinking allowed . 485 .Ford St. Ph. 2-6546. AT KEIZER. New. unfurn. apt. with garage. No drinkers. Phone 3-1165 FURN. APT. during legislature. Ph. 39623. 3 RM. FURN. upstairs, gas range, oil heat. $35 mo. 107 S. Water, Sil verton. Ore. LIGHT Housekeeping room. also sleeping room for two. 790 N. Church. Phone 3-4335. APT. FOR RENT with furniture for ile. Phone 3-3631. CLEAN. Light 1 rm. light house" keeping apt. 340E. WashtngtonSt. ,3 RM. APT. Nicely "furn. Elec heat. Near Hollywood theatre. $60. 4 rm. apt. ame location $65Phone 3-7506. SMALL APT. Utilities furn. Private ent. Employed lady preferred. Ph. 3-4WS1. GROUND" FLR. furn apts. Pri. bath No drinking 2310 N. 4th NICE FURN apt. all elec. lit. fir. Pri ent. 107S N Capitol. MODERN FURN. 1 B R. cottage. $45 mo. Rose Cottages. 2 mi. N. of Brooks on 99 E. SINGLES. DOUBLES, all mod., elec heat, citv - sch. bus. 3580 S. Com'l. -- unurnr, pleasant dpi tor lady 7ftl N Church SINGLE 1 ighf housekeeping rooms $20 mo. Ph.3-3028 : For Rent Houses CLEAN, furn. 1 B R. hse. Accept chil dren. Reas. 99E. JJ2mi. N.Box. 130C. NEW 2 BDRM.. elec. heat, near high school. Adults. Phone 3-6250. SMALL House lor J adults. Phone 2-7015 3' RM. FURN. house. Not modern. $46. Inquiie at 62 Williams Ave. 6 R.1 PARTLY furn. house. 180 N. 23rd. St. P.none 3-C2S.V ONE RCOM house. Call after 6 p.m. 545 . I.")ti St. 1 M TRM. FUSN. CABIN. $38 50 mo Uti- lithes furn No pets, no children. Fir ,. Pork 38M) N River Rd f"? ' :a."fJ Jl'Ly" qjygT-"". at i.o Tnnn Ave TflCE GARAGEhouse at 1385 Clear view Ave. For Rent IRONERS bv the week Pnone 2 4439 HOUSE trailer for rent. $18 mo. Admits only 1730 N. Water St . POWER TOOL rentals for home and industrial use. Howser Bros. 008. Edgewater St. For-Rent TRAILERS. $3 a day. Howser. Bros. Phone 3-3646. m GoOD Used Piano H L Stiff TRAILERS 74c first nr. 0e hrs following Woodry's MkU. 1605 N Summer faUiSlNESS Room. H L Stiff. U-DKJVE. TRUCKS rOR RENT Blankets furn. 187 S. Liberty. Ph. 2-9062 IKUCKS and cars for rent Blankets furnished Smlttys Clipper Service Center and Church Phone 3-9600. FURN. 23 rm. cottages and trailer space. Cam Poy Motel . STORE ROOM suitable"" for small workshop or storage room. Ph. 2-6121. Wanted to Rent RESPONSIBLE couple with small child desire 3 to 4 room furn. apt. or house. No drinking or pets. Perm. Statesman Box 44 a. NEED 2 B.R. house. Ph. 3-9593 be tween 8 Sc 4:30 weekdays. SMALL 1 BR "Turn ." house. Reason -able. Young employed couple. By Jan. 1. Phone 2-2636 2 OR 3 bedroom house. Phone 3-9021, 9 to 5. Lolt GOOD CORNERS Garden Rd. at Park Sc. Lancaster at Sunnyview. Ph. 3-8835 for further information. Walt Socolofsky. Real Estate. KINGWOOD HEIGHTS. 3 lge. VIEW LOTS on paved drive. $1000 each. Bar gain on all three. Too good to last at these prices. GOOD lot on pavement South at city limits. City water. 220 power. Only $1250. LARGE lot near Dickson's Mkt. 109x 175, city water, elec. trees. $850. NICE 50x150 lot. large oak trees on West Meyer, paved st. Only $1850. 90x145 view lot. Fairmount Hill. $6,000. BUSINESS lot 150x150 Hollywood dist.. suitable for warehouse. $3150. LARGE business lot on East Center St.. $15,750. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 164 S. Com ! St. - Ph3-8389. Eve. 37440 SEVERAL lovely wooded lots on Ratcliff Dr. By owner: Ph. 3-4284. For Sale Real Estate LEAVING State : Must sell rm. mod. house. $1500 will handle. Also will sell furniture. Ph. 2-0940 SALEM HEIGHTS A very good new two bedroom house electric heat. HW floors. , bed rooms each 12x12; immediate posses sion: near good school. Price $7500. SALEM REALTY CO. Realtors 149 N. High St. Phone 3-7660 Eve, phones 2-4773. 2-4591 COMPLETELY FURNISHED 4 Lg. bedrms. fur. all new, deep freeze, range. Gibson refrig. Wash ing men., etc. Full dry basm. New Montag oil fur. everything in top con dition, located Hose to city limits on pvd. rd. 1 acre of good soil, family orchd. city wtr. Owner leaving town. Sacrifice for $14,500. $3800 will han dle. LOOK T THESE All in Englewood Sch. dist. $10,800 each. 2 new; homes with unf in. attic on lg. lots. $11,000. New $ B.R. aU on one floor. $11,800. 2 Lg. B.R. on Jefferson St. $11,000. Neat, clean 2 B.R. on N. 25th. Above homes all have ftreplc. F.H.A. Loans that may be assumed. See Ed. Lukinbeal. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Phone 3-9271 341 Chemeketa St. Eves. 2-6680 SPECIAL $5950. New house. acre. near stores Sc bus. L.R., DR. kitchen, bath 3 bedrms, utility rm. Double garage. House unfinished inside but livable. Heating, plumbing fixtures in. good well, electric water heater, nice lawn, chicken coop and fenced yard. Call at or write 1925 N. 17th St. Salem. Phone 2-5064. $13,0004 BDRM. HOME, full fin. basement, furnace heat. Hwd. firs, fireplace. Call Harvey Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Phone 3-9271 341 Chemeketa St. Eves. 3-9441 BEST BUYS $2000 Full Price 25 Acre. well, garage, enough mater ial including plumbing to build a 2 bdrm. house. $1000 down will handle. Reduced to $7100 Almost new 2 bdrm. suburban home. attached garage. 1 blk. to bus. Well worth the money. Terms. $1500 Down 2 bdrms., close in East. a Acre, pri vate well, garage, several fruit Sc nut trees, immed. poss.. 2 blks. to shop ping center, full price $6000. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3035 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7820. 2-4596; Eve. 2-0478. 3-3558 $10.800 TERMS. Good 3 bdrm. home, full fin. basemt. auto oil furnace, large lot. shade trees. Call Harvey Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Phone 3-9271 341 Chemeketa St. Eves. 3-9441 HOME Sc INCOME. 3 BR. home, plast. int.. Highland dist.. Extra lge. lot. fine lawn, fruit Sc walnuts. In cludes 2 ranges Sc 2 circs, upstairs apt. Separate entrance will rent for $40 00 per month. SEE THIS NOW. Good terms. $6500. SUBURBAN HOME Sc LGE. LOT. 2 BR. plast. life, attached garage. Near Schl. stores Sc bus. $6800. ONLY $1778 DOWN 4"r. Late built ALL ELEC. home with lge LRm . din ette 8c kit.. 2 Bdrms.. bath, attached garage, hwd. firs., ven. blinds, good "MT ".VT"1" V5"r".- siores oc cms. uncr mwi leave i ' i . California, w ill give Immed. Poss. $7250. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - Personal Service !4 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 3-8389; Eve. 3-7440 BY OWNER. li ac. good " soil. 1 bdrm. mod. home. Elec. water litr, pump, wired for range. Util rm. Barn. $4750. I. Reischke. 3655 Pleasant View Dr. "BY-B LrI LD Eft B r a hde w i"bd"fnT home, lye. utility rm. lge. liv. rm, din. rm., dble. gar. auto, oil furnace, fire place with mantle and built-in book case, ven. blinds, hdwd. firs.. 700 sal. r hr. deep well. Lot 90x130. shrub- ry in. yard graded, immea. poss. Located on pavement. 810 mile S. of i Hoyt St.. on Fairview Home Rd.. in new Tri-Mountain View sub - division. Terms. F.H.A. approved. Priced to sell. Phone 3-5638. OWNER LEAVING CITY i A. 8c practically new 2 bdrm. mod. home. Close to town and priced at $6,000. Easv terms. $1000 DOWN SDacious new 2 bdrm. home. Auto. heat, fireplace, space in attic for 2 ; 3 ACRES GOOD SOIL. NICE HOME extra bdrms. Att. arage. Close to bus LR. DR. Kit, 2 BR. glassed In sleep and stores. Large lot in new sub- i ing porch.' bath utility Rm. Basement division. Price $8500. Call Mr. Cleary. j with furnace. Good barn and chicken Walter Musgrave Realtors 1233 Edgewater Phone 3-5109 New 3 Bedroom Home j $19C0 down. Bal. r.H.A. For key call owners. Phone 2-5422. CALABA'S COLUMN ' BUSINESS ZONE Modern 2 bedroom home, basement, close-in. $750. NORTH 8 BLOCKS Clean 2 bedroom home, basement, fireplace, auto heat 8500. NEW DUPLEX 2 bedrooms each, refers, and stove, inc. a good deal. WANTED Modern 3 bedroom home with din ing space, basement and double ga rage or room for extra garage, pre ferably South. Rudy Calaba & Co., Realtors 231 N. High St. Phone 3538 Lve. 33779 or 35514 For Sale-Real Estate GRABENHORST SPECIAL BLDGS. FOR SALE South Salem Excellent whse. or semi retail location, concrete bldg. Can be leased U $100 per mo. N. Salem Hollywood District excel lent retail location, nice front, '"f? working Pac 'n rear portion of bldg. $200 per mo. South High Excellent tire or service outlet, close to city center. $100 per mo. West Satem Late-built. SO x 50 bldg Edgewater St., 3 offices in front, large space in rear part of bldg For sale or lease. Call Coburn L. Grabenhorst INCOME Sc LIVING QUARTERS Income of over $400 per mo. plus 4 rm. living quarters, apt. house located in No. 3 business lone. Exceptionally close in. For information call Peter H Geiser. GRABENHORST Phone 2-2471 GEORGE W. HUBBS CO. I i 1853 N Capitol , Phone $-$031 i! K b mrerWitt.5.h-U!f "?" I bdi. HW floors, ven. blind. LR. DR. Renu tor 910 r "u1 8mu UonP?nf K' Bu j boor. ood lie.- lo.nNVriceddIthon1y uw tot buUUM' DeC hMt j1" Uk UU OA building lots between Market and Pearl, suitable for i Courts.! Large home on Highland Avenue suitable for income property.! 8 very nice permanent court units. Good location. j f ' ' 1 ' I Nice clean house with S apartments. Within walking distance ef city Shopping center. j , , " 3 bdr house with beautiful view. In Kingwood Heights. Full basement EVENING 2-6862 J. Zeeb 3-8163 J Herr LEE OHMART & CLOSE IN FULL BASEMENT Here si a comfortable 2 bedroom home Just 8 blocks north of down town Salem: excellent automatic fur nace; fireplace and hardwood floors. Priced at $8,500. Can be show at any time: Just call Mr. Stewart. STOP SAVING RENT RECEIPTS Let Mr. Brasher acquaint you with a neat and almost new 2 bedroom home located Just west - of Keizer school; large lot; city bus right by door. Owner willing to sell for $1,000 down. bal. $60.00 per month. Full priee $7,950. STILL TIME BEFORE CHRISTMAS To be comfortably settled in this ex cellent 2 bedroom one floor ranch LEE OHMART & Phono 2-4115-a Eva. Ph. 1-4722 - THIS FINE 1 bedroom home new, with some finish work, can be had for only $6000. Call Phil Dahl. 9 yr. old 3 bedroom home, full base ment, auto, sawdust furnace. Very nice yard. Garage. Call Phil DahL $10,500. MEAT MARKET $ months old. very modern equip ment. Doing fine business. Call Phil DahL ED BYRKIT & CO. 33$ Chemeketa St. Office phone Open House Sat. 1 to 4 P. M. Model home demonstration. Large living room with fireplace. 2 bedrooms and modern kitchen with dining al cove. Oil fired radiant heat, attached garage. Price $10.500 00 . on F.H.A. Terms. Beautifully furnished by, M K. N. Furniture. Drive past M. K. N. store, turn, up Kingwood Drive, turn left on Long- view Way. Walter Musgrave Realtors 1233 Edgewater Phone 3-5109 New 2 hdrm. Home Open Sat., Sun., Mon. Lee. liv. rm.. dinette. Inside utility. auto. elec. heat, fire pi. Insulated and weatherstripped. att. garage. $2950 down or late model car as down pay ment or part down pymt. Balam-e $8000. r.H.A. loan at $52 per mo. 1910 N. 23rd. Ph. 3-9676. Open House SATURDAY 1 :30 TO 5:00 P. M. SUNDAY 10:00 TP 4:30 P. M. AT 1596 SO. I LIBERTY Immediate possess of this nice Colon ial 4 bedroom home with double plumbing. Large living room with fire place, nice dining room, the kitchen is big family type. Full basement with economical Sawdust heat to an rooms double? garage. Excellent corner lot ... . . , , j . , with fenced in back yard, outdoor fireolace. oatio. fishpond, fruit trees. This home may be sold furnished or unfurnished, liberal terms arranged, any reasonable offer will be given careful consideration. A real family home, that if not sold quickly will be leaved. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140 N. Ca pi tol Phone 3-82 16 SI 000 Down Would you like a beautiful. 2 bedrm. home with hdw. firs. Auto, oil fl. fur nace, breakfast nook, dinette, kitchen, bath Also has large utility rm. This is a grand bargain and your own terms will buy. Only $7950. Want to sell or buy? Give Rawlins a try. RAWLINS REALTY (Hollywood Dist.) Ph. 2-4664; eve. 2-6013 or 2-5757 " NEW VACANT HOME EAST Elec heat. Unusual kitchen. 2 BK, 1 Acre on paved road. $7500. 1 ACRE ON LANCASTER 3 BR home, dble garage, chix hse. Best of soil $9000 hse. On city bus line. $9750. Joe Hutchison Realtor 455 Court Street. Salem. Oregon . Phone 2-3629; Eve. 2-4789. 3-3632. 2-3203 NEW - DELIGHTFUL Three bedrooms one floor, two fire places. HW floors, hot water radiant heat (oil burner). Call Mr. Holmes for detail. SALEM REALTY CO. Realtors 149 N. High St. Phone 3-7660 Eve, phone 1-4773 $13,000 NICE HOME in walking dist. of high school and Englewood grade sOJhool, has 3 bedrms, childs room with bunk beds. Basement, fur. fire place, hwd. firs. lg. lot with garden and fruit. Call Mr. Walters. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Phone 3-0271 $41 Chemeketa St. Eves. 1-9260 GOOD 2 BEDRM. houae full bam't.. auto, oil heat. Strawberries. shrb bery, grape arbor. Ph. 2-6650 or X-9947. ' For Sale-Real Estate SERVICE STATION St WAREHOUSE Just North of Underpass. 129 ft. frontage, spur track. - excellent loca tion for trucking business, garage, eta. FOR DETAIILS I Call Coburn Lj Grabenhorst ' KING WOOD HEIGHTS Beautiful apt. Three l-rm. fiat, auto-heat thruout. hdwd. firs, 3 fire Places, brick exterior. An excellent property with great potential. Owner will consider nice residential horns as part payment. FOR DETAILS CaU Roy Ferris. I , NEW 3 BDRM. HOME Large liv. rm. dini rm. auto-oil fur nace .dble. garage. SEE THIS St MAKl AN OFFER. Call Earl West; CLOSE IN, FARM 30 acres 3', ml. put. good soil, all fenced. Modern S i rm. home with basmt. auto-oil heat.! dble. garage, nice yard. They place you have been look ing for. Call Richard E. Grabenhorst. BROS., REALTORS I- i a uioerty street I K Evenings - J-2948. 1-5089. 1-4J69. 23-F-H. $-801$ PHONES 2-4517 H. Clark 2-0103 Noonchester CO., REALTORS home; den may be used as third bed room; large view lot in top trad lo cation; less than 11 blks to grad school. Only $3,520 down. baL $72 per month. r.H.A.; ws want you to see this home before V buy. Call Thelma Mankertz. Evenings fall $-1221. GOING TO BUILD 2 An Ideal lot 50xlfGi feet located M N. 17th. between RoMevelt and Grant sewer In lot. Price $600. Terms. PLEASE NOTE Our Salespeople will be pleased serve you on evening calls. ' Bill Stewart ------ $-4722 Thelman Mankerts - - $-1223 Bob Sullivan $-6770 Warren Brasher - - - - $-5996 CO., REALTORS 477 Court St. 1 - 6770 - 1-99M 1-1223 WILL TRADE $7 acre ranch equip ped and good 1 bedroom house, base ment for $ bedroom home In j Salem. Call Ed. -if b I 1 yr. old ranch type 3 bedroom horn on 80 x 140 lot. H W. floors, fire place, garage. $10,900. Good, j term, CUEd-- ' C.L -1 V - Nice New 1 bedroom home, large lot. attached garage. $7500. CaU Ed. $3101 Evening phone S3277 or 33414 . Leo N. Chillis, Inc. 7 REALTORS Is: LARGE BEAUTIFUL view lot, South. City water. $1600. I $ ACRES BUILDING SITE on Che miwi Rd. $2400. Another : acres available for an additional $3800. 2 STORIES. Old. yes. but roof and a cement foundation. Neighborhood not too good, but not too bad eith er. A double lot i running right thru the block. A ! place for chil dren, as it has 4 bedrms.' and is right across from Richmond ShooL Terms. $3950. I THRIVING SMALL GROCERY STORK. . Very well equipped with favorable lease. $4300 i NEW. VACANT. AND READY for you. Well-arranged 1 bedrm. home, lrg. living rm.. dinette, kitchen, utility rm. Lot 60 x 360 with plen ty of room for garden. Located In side city. $7950. If I you don't See it advertised. CALL US. -LEO N. CHILDS. INC.. REALTORS "32 years of dependable service to home owners." 344 State St. Phone 1-346$ ,Eves. call: $-4007. $-8620. or $-5858 l's ACRES stASTj ' I ' Very close In 2 bdrm home with basement. Will take good ear in part trade. Full price $7000.00. Call Card- . ner Eves. 2-1032. I 610 ACRE WEST New 2 bdrm home with Liv. room, Dn. room and kitchen wired for range. attached garage. A nice home $6V50. Call Gardner Eves. 2-1032. Will accept Trailer House for Equity in 2 bdrm house and 18 Acre, close In. one block to bus. High and grade school bus. Elec. pump, Elec.1: water heater. Oil circulator.! Price $6500. Equity $1200. balance contract, pay able $50.00 monthly. I ; . Burt Picha, Realtors 337 N. High St. k Phone: 2-3649; Eve. 2-5390,1-1032.1-7481 GOOD WEST SALEM 1 property list ed. Some have 3 & 4 Bedrms. See ua. B. Ilierwooil, Realtor PH. 6F11 or PH' 1-8836 i rOM Klficieni and effective sales .rrvlre rati the a!-m Kealtv Co . NOW. GOOD INCOME property, two house on one lot. near the new medical ren ter. One has 2 bedrooms, bath, living room, dining room, kitchen, nook, wir ed for ramie and water heater, oil heat; the other one has t bedroom, bath, living room, kitchen, nook, wired for range and water heater, oil heat. $ll.0il. ! s A 4 bedroom home. bath. living room. dining room, kitchen, oak floor fire place, ba-ement good garden spot and outdoor fireplace, garage, sawdust fur nace. $14,500. I We have a 1 bedroom home: with bath, living room and I dining I room combined, kitchen, baseartent, sawdust furnace, garage. Clooe to bus line and grade school. $10,500. I A well built home with t bedrooms, bath, living room, dining room, kitch en, sleeping porch. $6400. P. H. Bell, Realtor 'hemeketa St. Phone 3-4894 361 Ch SI 0,500 Full Price 4 bedrm mod. home, fire pi. and full bsmt, large spacious rooms. On $ acres of good soil. Excellent . well, family orchard, acres strawberries. See I h H. E. COREY REAL ESTATE 1464 Marion SL Ph. day or eve. 1-38H or 3-5241. Nob Hill District: New 2 B.R home. $1650 down. bal. at $50 mo. including taxes Sc insurance. F.H.A built. Phone 2-5422. ; By Owner ! Nice. Englewood home. yrj. eld. Hwd. firs., fireplace, bsmn't., auto, heat. Elec. cooking. Just redecorated throughout. 1mm poss. Will take mod el car In trade. 1640 Roosevelt. TCaU 2-348S. . j For Sale Farms;: IS ACRES. room house, barn, hsy shed. garage, chicken coop. Electricity, pressui e system, family orchard. Close to Catholic Sc public school St store. W ml north of Shaw. $1,500. Rt. L, Box 2SS.