Iff (I- ,' f Th Siafmcm, Solm, Orogon, Friday. Docambor 17, 1943 Need for 2,400 Grade School Teachers Gted Approximately 2,400 additional elementary school teachers are needed in Oregon, provided the schools are to operate efficiently and with adequate staffs. Rex Put nam, state superintendent of public Instruction, said Thursday. T There Is no shortage of high school teachers In Oregon at the present time, he declared. Putnam attributed the acute sit uation to the retirement of many teachers from the schools to accept other employment and inability of teachers training colleges to fill the vacancies. He said, however, that enrollment in the three Oregon colleges of education has increased from 260 in 1943 to 862 in 1948. Putnam said these three colleges could train an additional 1,500 stu dents. There are now 1,273 teachers in elementary schools in Oregon op erating under emergency certifil cates. The annual turnover of ele mentary school teachers was esti mated by Putnam at 700. Influx of new people in Oregon has created need for 420 new teachers, ac cording to Putnam. LAMP SHADES Woodry Furniture Co. g 474 So. Com! g RECORDS BEETHOVEN Quartet No. 7 in F Pafsnini Quartet DM-1151 $7.25 BEETHOVEN Quartet No. 8 in E Minor Pacanini Quartet PM-1152 S6.00 BEETHOVEN Quartet No. 9 in O Paganinl Quartet DM-1153 $6.00 BEETHOVEN Sonatas in D and A HEIFETZ-BAY DM-1254 $6.00 Russian, Canadian, Briton Talk It Over V W - si J m PARIS, Dee. 16 Talking things over daring a reception at the Elysee Palace for United Nations dele gates, in Paris art (left to right) Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei Vyshinsky, Australian Foreign Minister Herbert Evatt and British Minister of State Hector McNeil. The reception was held in connec tion with the adjournment, next day, of the United Nations General Assembly. (AP Wirephoto to The Statesman.) , Ma.il or Phone Orders Filled Promptly . Please send me the records I checked above. I J Name .... 1 Address : j I 1 enclose check money I order for $ ' I Charge to my account I 428 Court FOR RECORDS 3-7522 Holiday Plans Are Discussed By Gervais Group GERVAIS The firemen erect ed a large Christmas tree on Main street arid the lights were turned on Sunday. Little Ruth Seely; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Seely, cele brated her fourth birthday Sat urday, December II. Guests were Linda Stravens, Sherriann De Jardin, Tenia and Lanny Cuts forth, Patricia and Francis Leon hart, Carol Hoye, Patricia Colby, Victor Gould, Marvin Smith, Jeanette Davenport of Salem and Diana Sue Leonhart of Wood burn. Mrs. Cecil Colby, Mrs. Perry Seely and Mrs. Harry Phil lips were additional guests. The St. Rita Altar society met Wednesday with Mrs. John Diet rick. Mrs. Michael Englehart and Mrs. Adam Welz were co-hostesses. Nineteen members were present and worked on woolen afghans. Mothers club of Sacred Heart school met at the school building and planned treats for the school Christmas program Wednesday afternoon, December 22. Mrs. Fred Manning entertained the group with a reading. Six tables of 500 were in play when the 500 Community Card club met Monday. Hostesses were Mrs. M. J. Mahony and Mrs. Cecil Colby. Awards went to Mrs. Antoine DeJardin and Perry Seely, Mrs. Marion Henning and Ernest Andres. Next meeting will be December 28 with Mrs. Rose Cole and Mrs. Berta Becker in charge of table arrangements. One of the most famous rings in the world is the papal "ring of tne Jjisnerman" and has been known to exist as the personal signet ring of the pope since 1265. viiice's electric Estimates made on all types of . vmim Light and Power Installations CONTRACTING Phone 3-9239 Evenings 3-9341 7 Marion County Grand Jury Indicts 5 Men Eight true bills, three not true bills and one secret indictment were reported out by the Marion county grand jury Thursday. James Little. Jr.. 40. of 1120 Chemawa rd., was indicted on four counts of obtaining money by false pretenses. He was ar rested by sheriffs deputies on a circuit court bench warrant on four Indictments issued secretly by the grand jury earlier this week. Little is charged with Illegally collecting a total 01 over $2,000 since January 1 from four local establishments to whom he al leeedly delivered dairy products According to the indictment Little charged the stores for more items than he actually delivered. He posted $2,000 bail, and is to be arraigned in Marion county circuit court. Also indicted by the grand Jury are Harold Joseph Johns, Salem route 3, on a charge 01 rape; William Harvey Haskin, Salem route 4, charged with larceny oflegedly passing lumber in October; Nick Yaschuk, Broadacres, charged with assault with a dangerous weapon by stab bing Elmer E. Wolfe last August, and Robert Norman Fbrgue, Sa lem route 5, charged with receiv ing and concealing stolen prop erty consisting of several items of riding equipment last month. Acquitted by the grand Jury was C. R. Romine, returned here from Washington several months ago on a charge of obtaining money by false pretenses by al- bad ' check at Jaysons' clothing store last year. A' not true bill also was brought out for Jack Benson, Silverton, charged with damaging the per sonal property of E. J. Jackson at Silverton last month. The grand Jury also brought out a not true bill on the first degree murder charge lodged against Charles Henry Weldon of Stayton. Weldon was committed to the state hospital by circuit court authorities last month as not being mentally responsible for the shotgun shooting of his son Carl Henry Weldon on September S In Stayton. The younger Wei- , don died seven days latex in a local hospital. 5 DECODALITES i Woodry Furniture Co. 474 So. ComX f jj if y, o 1 i fit J.. ' 1 fig? O 9, CU$TOM-SlT-TAR.Otf SPORT SHIRTS BISHOP'S 145 No. Liberty 5 WHAT HAVE WE? A Gift Shop Myrtlawood Plastla Leather Toys Crochet Weaving Jewelry CHIN UP STORE 127 N. Church Phone S-S018, Salem iFimnm)AY SIPIECflAIL 4f i .'fK I 1 i n I ' , ILL'' ,'' I 30 Inch Circular PLATE GLASS Mnn&iHMDn& Tliej' re made from inch Tenetlan plate and the edges are beveled ... All ready to hang. REG. $19.10 NOW ONLY SCO? CO MS Appliance Dept First Floot 000 Another Mm at 5 to 9 p.m. Only "? FAMOUS HAKE FRIDAY NITE ONLY Reg. 11.95 SPECIAL Imas Tree Springs Co) Co) O 8 Lights O O.E. Globes O Friday Nits Special Many Other Specials In . . . Radios - Sandwich Grills - Irons Washers - Rofrigorators - Ranges Freezers, etc. 7r Como Early and Shop Around W s0 1 IFn'OEin V5flnB's IEfleitir5B IL For the most thrilling and practical gifts this year . . . give exciting, tifna saving electrical appliances. See our display of famous models -ready for Chrismas delivery. MUHHMeMMMMBHeaMSMeeaesHSSSSBSBSSse " " ? Unsafe L!iij DGBDflBCZG HOME FREEZERS What will this gift meon to her . . . to you ... to the whole family? For mother, less shopping drudgery, fewer hours in thm kitchen. For dod, yeor-rround eating of gamt from that hunting trip. For everybody, better toting, greater security with plenty of food always on hand to feed hungry people. Order now for Christmas delivery! II IT TODAYI 'A f f t 1, 1 I I 1 " ' I 1- AM- J.I rj'nr. fv "Does everything but answer the phone! Ws the Mw Bendtx Washirwlth ti9 Automatic Soap necfor Soapt, teaJks, wsthn, rlnttt mm mnJ Jmp-drji tb4 clothes, all by UttlJX The "Almost human" Automatic Soap Injector makes tha Beodix the world' most completely automatic washer! It puts in exactly th right amount of soap at exactly the right time, Steppad-Up Tumbl-Action,v SfappeoMJp Damp-Drying I The famous Beodix now gets clothes cleaner than erer and almost ready to irons Costs Much Lass to Buy Than Other Automatics Costs Much Less to Use Than Old-Fashioned, Hard-Wort Waihirtl T.k ..nf.o. f H prices on famous Beodix Washers, now as much as 8 $110 less than other automatics! Come choose the g model which best suits your house and purse. Option! oa Deluxe and Grrmmcd Model. NOW you can buy a dendix P0R ONLY$21995 sMedel J-IOt Inctvlaff itermel laltaHM j J tttm SniH 0l . UltoM Mil t GEKD 075 CB3GB (SEP with mxlno r . - J! Hits Christmat . 1 hi -J f?i-5isi XX-'rr'fid f n-J 1 tin :j- --4- li t life- tvp i your 5 a clean brcafc mm 1 j I lHces start a 1 i- I d 99.50 0PEII TOIIIGHT TILL 9 p.m. APPUAliCE SALES APPLIANCE SALES A1ZD SERVICE Phone) 3-9233 AND SERVICE Phone 3-9239 813 Court Phone 2-2483 157 S. Liberty 157 S. Llbortr