0 The) Stat man, Saleny Oregon, Friday. December 17, 1948 Pre-Holiday Parties Slated CLUB CALENDAR . FRIDAT Barbara Fritchi Tent. Daughter of Union Veterans, with Mrs. William Eatress. 1863 S. Commercial St.. p. m. Christmas oar-ty. aift exchange to follow. Willamette University Faculty Wo men a club Ciu utmai party, Baxter hall. 8 p. m. Christmas week will be ma rkad i Englewood Woman' club with Mn. With a number of holiday parties. r Aitmg. soa statesman at.. 1:13 For Monday and Tuesday after- d" . ,.j, I Golden Rule clasa of Evangelical noons are the pre-nolidav unch- Uned Brethrn church, Christmas eons for Which Mrs. Charles A. i party, with Mr. and Mi t. Nick LeRud. S prague and Mn. Jamei T- Brand 5tx chemawa Road. will be hostesses at the former's t ' home on North 14th street. Guests -kt i i -r i , -i have been bidden to one o'clock i ij eWlyWeCtS 1 1Q. juncneons, 10 De xoiiowea oy ana- At Reception ge. Christmas decorations win dc carried out In the appointments. Tuesday night Mr. and Mrs. Sil as Gaiser have invited a group of thrir friemic to a rami in 2 nartv at their North Winter street home, i reception given by Mis. Bertha SUNNYSIDE Mr. and Mrs. El ton H. Coon were honored at a The Gaisers were hosts for a sim- j liar affair last year. After singing ; f carols a late supper will be serv- I d by the hosts. Mrs. Ray W. Gallagher will be hostess for a "bridge luncheon on Tuesday afternoon at her Norway Street home. Coven will be placed f r twelve guests and the holiday motiff will be used In decorating. Salem Council Hears Speakers Salem Council of Women's or ganizations, meeting at the cham ber of commerce Thursday after noon heard talks on the polio drive bv Di Robert Anderson and Elmer Church. - M:. C. M. Griggs, resigned as secretory a:.d Mrs. V. J. Beard, the previdei t. will make an ap pointment otn. A Christmas tea conducted the afternoon's meeting. lv. Robert Hutcheon wa in charge of the tea. with Mrs. Alma Shipley Mrs. Wallace Wilson. Mrs. E. A. Lee a iid Mrs. Frank Kolskv Heckart at her home on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Coon (Grace Chand ler) were married November 26 and recently returned from a hon eymoon trip to California. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Nor man Alexander. Mr, and Mrs. Ed Hills, Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Cole, sons Billy. Gary, Tommy: Mr. and Mrs. Ed Beckiey, Mr. and Mrs. Ir ving Bunse, Air. and Mrs. John Neuenschwander. sons Freddy, Di cky, Jerry: Mrs. Joe Va.sek, daugh ters Darlene. Ardys: Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Sam Chandler, Mr. and Mrs. Clay ton Bunse. Air. and Mrs Frank Barrnett, Albei t Chandler, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Heckart, son Larry and Mrs. Bertha Heckart BRI SH COLLEGE Christmas gift exchange of the Brush College Helpers and families will be held December 18, 8 o'clock, in the dan cing room of Mrs. Howard Jenks in the Van building,. West Salem. Those attending are asked to bring gifts. ' 4, - ' S : ? iff M Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bechtell (Kathleen Jane Ryan) who were married on November 21 at the Siivenon home ot the bride s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Patnk Ryan. The cou ple w::l live in Sa!e:r.. (McEwan photo). Today's Pattern 4643 S'ZEt 12-20 Dinner, Party for Alumnae Club Alpha Xi Delta alumnae were entertained at a Christmas dinner Necdlecraft Y'W.C.A. Corner BUY HER A COMPACT FOR XI1AS 4 CL.JIIJ e'i The All Aluminum VACUUII CLEAIIER Phonr 2-1549. Salem Mr. LaUurc For Frrr Home Demonstration No Obligation j Salore club members met for a I covered dih' supper at tha YWC'A ! Monday and made plans to hae I a Christmas party for December '21 at 8 p.m. Those appointed to committees were: refreshments. Gayle DeFord and Irene Koseluk: i entertainment. Ruth Foster, Joan ! Essley and Rosalie Dalke. , Thursdav at 8 p.m. the Young 1 Matrons' group had their annual i Christmas party at the YW for I members. An evening of games and other entertainment is being plan ned by Mrs. Morse Stewart, Mrs. I Ernest Gray, jr., Mrs. Carl Hamre j and Mrs. Phyllis Cross. An exhibit of articles made by I the textile painting class at the YW will be on display December 16 from 7:30 to 9:30 Mrs. Maynard ! Nelson, instructor, will meet with : the class that evening for its last j session and members will be pre : sent to explain the exhibit to guests. Anyone interested may visit the class and see the display. I Members of Tri-Y at a Christ- I mas assembly Wednesday at Salem i high school gave a skit telling of 1 Christmas customs from the coun ' try of their ancestors. Nancy Mil ' ler was narrator, and otheis taking part were Pat Fitsimmons, Bobby I Jo Morse, Diane Perry, Joan Hen j drie, Dolly Wagness, Ann Carson ; and Dorothy Pearce. Following the skit, the group sang Christmas ca rols led by Marlene DeWitt. Don- I 1.730 r . 1 1 Wedtiesday night at the Legion club. The table was festive with holly, red tapers in star shaped holders and miniature Santa Clauses-Attending the affair were Mrs. William Healy, Miss Eleanor Ste phens, Mrs. Eugene Laird, Mrs. Rollin O. Lewis, Sirs. Andrew Hal vorson, Mrs Lloyd Darling, Mrs. John H. llann. Mrs. William D. Galloway, jr., Mrs. R. W. Taven ner. Miss Verna Keppinger, Mrs M. E. Knickerbocker and Miss El ise Schroeder. Child's Christening Day Is Sun One-month old Judith Irene Ball daughter of Mr. and Mrs..1 El wood Ball will be christened at the First Methodist church by : the Rev. Brooks Moore on Sunday. The i aiiuiiiuinvri , iiii rvaine ryn Southworth of Sclwolcraft, Mich., will be a houseguelt at the Ball home. The christening day is also the sixth wedding anniversary, of the child'! parents. , 6) (itmfSm&foyQmmiitmiti 1 Mmouriie a siaf-s'Afpi oat'K- intorBkt in tu- rinil v ri t S.-.n'.ln- nr h,h nrkl.n' Make nine star medallions, join short, three-quaiter or draped, them for Constellation Chair sieee-' Set! Or, if you'd rather, make a PatteVn 4643 comes in size. 12.; PadchIIorit"r,: , 14. 18, 18. JO. Sie 'lt takes Z Star Medallions easy, speedy yards 39-m. h fabric. crochet. ou II use them many This pattern, easy to use. sim- ! wa"- Pa,'n ' :3.; d" ""s- , pie to sew. is tested for fit Has i Laura U heeler s improved pat comnlet. illustrated int . u t ion tern makes needlework so simple i 1 I I i K ORIGINAL STORYPL AYS Ctmplttt Pitkift: iNCiuoit ruu-Coioi iuifl ah& ror nut a 12 inch vinvuti tcoso...reMf 4ri COtOllOCIS HAS AN JMWWrtftJ COairtltl "J fit 0 OMtT X J I Count on u to hav the style you j want' The lteat fasJuons are in our ANNE ADAMS Fall and Winter Pat i tern Book. Send foi it only fifteen na Jean Pence and Jane Pearcy, . cent more! Fashion unlimited, for any rx- - v , . ; . j time. pure. or figure! C'hri-Jtma gtfta Tri-Y piogram chanman, directed , for al, family. Pr.nted in book u the assembly. RKE pattcin of a hosiery case. Send , v . ' foe tiiia. loloilul book todayl Willamette YWCA observed Sen(J TWI;NTY.riVE centf m coln, Christmas by giving a party for ' for tni pattern to Tn OreRon sutes- i t ti n u i4-i 4 man. Anne Adams. 16 First St.. San girls Of Hlllcrest school. A talent Francisco S. Calif Print plainly NAME. Nl'MBtH with its charts, photos and aa con- g show was given by YW members, i ADIress. The evening program closed by a carol sing and refreshments. Marty DuRette, social chairman, was in charge of arrangements. Betty Mae Jackman is president of this group. Members of chapter O. PEO, were entertained at a dessert lun cheon party Thursday afternoon at the Fail-mount Hill home of Mrs. Robert L. Elfstrom. STYLE Find a fescinattng hobby in our Laura ) B Wheeler Needlecialt Catalog. Send f1f- i t teen cents for 108 illustrations of new- j R est designs that beginners find easy. : tff experts prefer . . . crochet, knittinx. , W. embroidiy, toys, dolls, household and personal accessories. Frea acrap quilt pattern printed in book. Sena TWENTY CENTS la coins for this pattern to The Oregon Statesman (.aura Wheeler. 1st and Stevenson su.. San Francisco. Calif Print ptalhlv PATTEBN NUMBER, your NAME. AD DRESS with ZONE. Downstairs Oregon Building Ph. 3-8632 FRIDAY NIGHT SPECIAL Beautiful Decorator 'j j m ' IT A IB Ei IE ILAMIIPS We Repeat-One Dollar itli he PurchaM of One " Ollirr I.ani Iitular Price From a Special Aortmcnt. at The Tamps we have selected for thin extra special offer are all of the finest quality . . . they ar lamp? anyone would he proinl to own and so perfect for Christmas ivinj: . . . you'll find hoth modern and 18th Century dein . . shades of fine jiilk and parchment . . . hae of crystal . . . haj-e of parchement and hases of hra- . . . we couldn't begin to adequately describe them her eo drop in and browse anion? them hut hurry for bet selection. FURNITURE DEPT. FIRST FLOOR DRESS With ZONE. I A fcWl?ea)St))B3MJS)Siai .1 I'i -CifTrL 7 I OPEN EVENINGS DEC 20-11 12 13 -a Cornt I ItcrU 9 1 MfWcMtwasl ftfJt jVft MS XMKXflt fllWfitXWR 7 Miller's Downstairs OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT AND EVERY NIGHT THEREAFTER UNTIL CHRISTMAS G1RI.S' ROBES . . . . Warm, cozy robes with cord belts rob material. Plaids, etc. 2 to 6 yars Mad of Beacon to 14 years $6.50 512.50 ! Ijl. . BATH MAT SETS .... f Made of heavy chenille with contrast emb. trimming. A coI6r to match or contrast your CO QQ CL"7 ClQ 4JmjrK? to T rJf BASSINFTS Vov-?n wicker With or without 1? jo a;.d caot jrs I 1 I I .1 1 I t 1 t t $ I I " "? 1 '3 1 H I 'I I f I I 4 bathrootn ELECTRIC TRAIiNS ... It wouldn't b Christmas for Bobb'e tr jirt Pnc-e ... or Billie without an el$atri3 $14.98 $16.98 $1.9.98 ROBES u ivory finish with pink or blue tn:'.s. 57.95 and $9a95 70"o wool, 30 rayon ... a special lot received downstairs in auporl se:iions tor L.hrisfmai fjttrs. Navy, wine, etc. Si-?s 12 to 13 Only $2.98 SHOWER CI RTAINS .... Give these smartly patterned shower curtains of loi.j v.'?ar p! All the wanted colors. f?' PCk Si.:e o feet square. Special m m J CI RTAINS .... 54 inch ruffled curtains to match the SO "V abj . e showers m m m e3 BED JACKETS .... Ray -m cr-pe bed jackets in quilted style, i2 Fur the convalescent. Special . VivO LI NCHEON SETS .... 54' x -il ' printed luncheon sets with ttI QQ four naoiciris to match VlVO up DRESSY BLOUSES .... Vh 'ear d colors in rayon cr-f-es. A ipe ciai purchase for Christmas selhnj BATH TOWEL SETS .... h In beautiful gift boxes . . . Martex fine quality tiwele $4.98 tJ $7.50 . three to box RAYON HOUSE COATS Your choice of this entire group of printed rayon crep hose coats arid hostess coats $5.95 R I YON GOWNS PA JAM S Brushed rayon govns and pa;amaj these cold nights. Give her a pair lor Oiristmas. Special puce - are ex'ra warm $4.05 $3-98 LUNCHEON SETS . . S4 "x70" printed luncheon sets with 6 napkins to rrtoltrh. All the color schemes to match CiC OlO ! your dinette. Priced Ver Up TOY LAND Santa in Person 340 court srarsr PHONE 2 2491