IS The Statesman. Salem, Ofgon, Sunday J, December 5. 1948 if ! I New Shaw Tonight! V OP S'M - Start H I ALICE FATE I I I TYRONE FOWEX I I I AL JOLSON I I I I -ROSE OF WASH. If II SQUARE" I I 1 Mickey Eeonev III III Wally Beery If 111 -SLATE SHIP" III CARTOON - NEWS! BUL Dally From 1 m. i NOW SHOWING! O 6KATSTUS MlL MAT THRELLi CO-HIT! GAT-lOU-nS Cent, from 1 pan. NOW SHOWING! r l "Alii Vf rAci UONI imui THRILL CO-HIT! nsnniEj NOW! CONT. SHOWS Sonja Henie "Sun' Valley Serenade' o ToxRitJor "OKLAHOMA RAIDERS" 7 Air Scoiit Unit Elects Leader Robert Chivcrt hat beers elected president of the Salem Air Scout squadron in an organizational meeting ,it was announced Satur day. 15 Other officers elected are Wil liam Roper, secretary, and Rich ard Mitchell, treasurer. The squadron announced it will start construction of a relief map of the Willamette valley area, showing all mountains, rivers, air ways, airports and navigation aids. The unit also made tentative plans for a ski trip in the middle of January and .voted to spend this week's meeting with Salem Exchange club to help repair toys for Christmas presents. NEW TODAY! - - S TOP TREATS - - JEAIIE Mill-WILLIAM IIIIEI turn itni - And -Tom Conway In -IS LEAD SOLDIERS" Starts Today ConL 1:45 Meet "Paces laT UtM Tsef" I I X "Mlasr AiUisirMf f J M aT mm WTHOSOa DENNIS DAY FRH30Y MARTIN SONS OF THE PIONEERS SECOND FEATURE -TENDER YEARS" Joe E. Brown, Noreea Nash BY SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT FOR THREE DAYS ONLY! STATE THEATRE TUES., WED., THURS., DEC. 7-8-9 NO ADTANCE IN PRICES! I 4 VTv MAM GRANGBt PtmiiS CAlVHtT KEHf D84MS PUCE i IUNHHM riCIMt 1. By Arrangement with Rupert D'Oyly Cartt i Prestige Pictures Presents GILBERT & SULLIVAN'S I TSWp COLOR BY TECHNICOLOR I The MAINLY MARKED prtc in our ; display room giv assurance thaf J Sf you'll b asked to pay no more for JnIcccI CIocgh-Barrick Co. i " Z5 South Charch Street, Salem Orecon -Est. S) By LUlle L. Madam The big thing on this week's ftrden calendar is, of course, the alem Garden club's CJhristmas Greens show. This will be held Monday af ternoon and eve ning from 2:30 to 9 o'clock with a brief 2 o'clock i meeting of the club prec eding the show. The LI a c e is the ilem Woman's clubhouse at 460 N. Cottage and the show is open to everyone. There is no charge but there will be a silver offering (with punch or tea) to defray expenses of the show. Edith Schryver is chair man of the show and Mrs. R. E. Cartwright is co-chairman. Speaking of Christmas green ry the American Association of Nurserymen has a new deal this year which has considerable merit. The plan was announced first last year, but has been fur ther developed in 1948. It offers a time and effort saving solution for Christmas shoppers If they have any gardeners on their lists You obtain a gift certificate (of course you have to pay for it) from your nearby nurseries identified by the association's in signia, and then you can mail it to any part of the country where it may be redeemed at any time the recipient wishes and for any thing in the nursery line for the amount of the certificate. This way he can select the type of nursery plant material he pre fers, that does best in his local ity and at the time of -the year ho wishes to plant it. The certificates themselves are designed to resemble a stock cer tificate. The plan is in effect throughout the year and is ideal for birthdays or holidays other than Christmas. During the week I went "win dow shopping" in local stores which carry garden materials. In 7 J r HI) ftllHll) i GST" LANA TURNER A U4y 4m Whtw GENE KELLY JUNE ALLYSON VAN HEFLIN ANGELALANSBURY COLOR CARTOON WARNER NEWS RIGHT NOW! one, I noted a most attractive shelf of garden books. Included were "Camellias' edited by Mary L. Sharp and sponsored by the Oregon Camellia society. It sells for $4.50. Then there 'was the "Sunset Flower book" at $2, and the "Sunset Flower Arrange ments' for $1.50. These may also bo had at Salem book stores at the same price. Also don't forget the "Western Flower Arrange ments" by Carl Starker. For the friend with the small greenhouse there are the soil heating units at from $6.50 to $27, each including a thermostat. Roses, I found, came nicely box ed, easy to wrap, with tops dip ped in wax and- roots enclosed in peat moss and wax paper. Both the patented varieties as well as the old favorites were being offered at prices from $1.25 to $2.50. The display of bulbs is quite pretentious with some love ly rubrum ones, grown in Salem's vicinity, selling at around $1.25. The feathered friends of the gardener are not forgotten eith er, as very fussy birdhouses and bird feeders are being offered by at least one garden store at $6.25. Of course if you are handy with tools these could be made and really do make a very attractive and acceptable gift to anyone who has a birdhouseless tree on' the lot. Camellias and azaleas can be picked up at the garden stores at no exhorbitant price. I found some very attractive ones rang ing from $2.15 to $5.35. A Miken- jaku, two feet tall and with 11 flower buds was offered for $3.75. And if you want to be very utilitarian, there are always air tight containers of various sprays and dusts which might be a hint to a neighbor who does not spray his garden and whose pests frequently move over into yours -(if you have such a neighbor). Garden Calendar Dec. 6 Christmas Greenery show, open to the public, at 460 ) N. Cottage st. Hours from Z:30 to 9 p.m. Dec. 8 Mt. Angel Garden club. Dec. 9 Saiem Men s Garden club, YMCA. Dec. 10 Stayton Garden club at home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wodtly, 8 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Peabody assistant hosts. Judg ing of wrapped gifts followed by gift exchange. Election of 6ffi- cers. Dec. 14 Woodburn Garden club. Dec. 16 Salem Rose society. Questions and Answers T. C. asks when to prune holly. Says her bush is out of shape. Wants to know if heavy branches can be cut off. 1 Ans.: This is the time to prune the holly, when cutting the ber- i ries. Care should be taken at all times, in cutting berries, to keep the bush in shape. It yields bet- ! ter and longer and makes a much j nicer looking shrub. Larger j branches can be sawed off but j it should be done expertly and you will naturally lose some holly for a year or two. Paint the larg er cuts with a disinfectant. Al ways, when pruning berried shrubs, cutting greenery or just pruning; .ue. .sbarj) . iheaxs,. make clean cuts and cut where smaller branches will fill in vacant spaces. J. W. axks for the name of the pink flowered shrub whlfch blooms in spring and is so very fragrant Says ho wants to give it to a friend who had admired it. Ana.: This might bo a number of things but my guess would be that it is Daphne Odora. By the way this is available in white and is most attractive that way. However, there is some difficulty in obtaining it I have not been able to locate it at local nurser ies, but I have seen it at the Portland flower shows. It is just as fragrant as the pink variety and its waxy white blossoms are somewhat larger clusters than the pink ones. Leever Named Division Chief of Power Company ALBANY, Dec. 4 Charles R. Leever, Portland, is new Willam ette division engineer for the Mountain States Power company, the company announced Friday. Leever's appointment was con firmed Thursday in a meeting at the company's Albany offices. His appointment, the company said, was made necessary because of me nrm s current expansion pro gram, j Leever was graduated from j Oregon State college in 1928. From 1929 to 1943 he was assistant di vision superintendent for the California-Oregon Power company in Klamath Falls. Since receiving his discharge from the service in 1945 -he has operated an auto supply store in Portland. Wildlife Authority To Speak at C of C Mert Folts, Eugene, nationally known authority on wildlife and conservation, will be featured speaker in the Salem Chamber of Commerce's luncheon forum Mon day noon. Folts is a national executive board member of the Izaak Wal ton league of America, president of the Eugene chapter and the Oregon executive board. j Tulelake, Cal. to Lag : Hour Behind State TUT.FJ.AKE, Calif., Dec. 4 -UP) This northern California city will run an hour behind the rest of the state starting Monday. Unable legally to abandon Cali fornia's daylight saving time, bus inessmen will open and close es tablishments to conform to stan dard time schedules in nearby Oregon. The schools already have made the change. Marine Reservists Invited to Navy Air Reserve Meeting r Since mailing lists available here are incomplete, marine air reservists were reminded Satur day that they are nvited to Tues day, night , naval... air , . r"cry. meeting. The session will be at g o'clock in Salem Chamber of Commerce, to complete organiza tion plans. ; Comdr. W. W. Jones, assistant naval reserve director for the 13th district, is to bo here from Seattle to answer questions and aid the reservists in their move to secure an auxiliary air station at McNary field. s; j Accordion Repair WORK GUARANTEED FREE ESTIMATE I ' " I'lac's Accordion Repair Located at 136 So. High St. Jaquith Music Co. The earliest instance of a re gency in English history was the , appointment of the Earl of Pem broke as regent upon the acces- i sion of Henry III to the throne. DR. PARKER SAYSs Teeth are important to HEALTH as well as to Appearance Diseased teeth can impair health. Don't take a chance on mining your health ... or your appearance... with poor teeth. Good health and good appearance are important in getting, holding and making a success of your job. PAINLESS PARKER GET NEEDED DENTAL WORK Pay by Week or Month with Approved Credit You can obtain the dental service you wane without delay. By using your approved credit, the work can be started immediately . . . and you can pay by the week or month. Terms arranged to suit your indi vidual requirements. -HGHT... NATURAL COLOR JL JLxx JL JCO New materials that all dentists rec ommend for faithful reproductions, resiliency and natural color. Desirable changes ia facial expres sion that restore contours and pro vide a maximum of natural, youthful 'appearance can We obtained with cither old or new plastic plates. IMMEDIATE RESTORATIONS AFTER EXTRACTIONS Those desiring immediate restora tions after extractions should make visits before 9:30 A.M., so impres sions can be taken for plates with one-day service. ALL BRANCHES OF DENTISTRY EXTRACTIONS PLATE WORK FILLINGS CROWNS INLAYS BRIDGE WORK PLATE REPAIRS WHILE YOU WAIT DR. PAINLESS PARKER Dentist 125 Liberty Street Cor. State Telephone: Salem 38825 Other Painless Parker Offices in Portland and Eugene Moyers Beauty Shoppe 1405 X. Commercial Street Phone 3-7202 Cold Wave 1.00 op Open Men. thru Sat. until after Holidays Also Evenings THIS CHRISTMAS GIVE "Mercury" Reconstructed 1 Year Written Guarantee . JLi 95 Ca price COMPLETE WITH ATTACHMENTS BUDGET TERMS Use Our Christmas Lay-a-way Plan 1031 S.W ith Ave. Portland AT2319 FREE HOME TRIAL Salen 2-5489 irry Vacuum Cleaarr ftlr, Im.i I am tatorvslee In a FREE m W ratio f a MERCl'RY B ract4 Elrrtrla. Nam 1 CHjr , '. ill f: , f ' ! , i I i ! , i l: i ' it: r3 !j mi. miil 1 t - - , ' t " NOW ONLY QDL7v3DWLlIlSZe AC-OC Ot tATTIIY ' Pep-Open Button Juit press H. end the doors pop ? open, the Wovemognet pops vp, end the set begins to Py- 1 : J Pep-Up Wovemognet-lmproved to be even more powerful and efficient detachable to permit opera- tion in trains, planes, ships, etc. j DiolSpeaker Permits larger, more powerful speaker end big, eayto-reod dial. Mttat-ond-Plastic Design Extro sturdy for rvfstd J vie, yet 1 8 lighter for easy portability. 67.95 3 FAH0C1 -L nr JmaTTttt TBAIIS-0CEA"-"- See it . . . hear it . . . ana you'll want a Zenith "Top Open" Universal for your own, to ake with you wherever you go. A Zenith portable will play practi- j cally Mtjwhere . . .with xvpower, rub tone, tupttb :: performance. Operates on AC, DC, or its own long ; fife battery pack. ,. I. M. 0V cUITM - v,l Portoblo personal r "ZEIUI1 ity. .... ilnV f? The m'bo .? i.. . , V WDILILS MUJSIKD STTdDimiE SALEM JANZ & WISCARSON Owners OREGON