The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 05, 1948, Page 14, Image 14

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    14 Tha Statesman, Salem. Orxyon. Sunday Pacambae 5, IMS ,
CaveinnieoD Tip Jeffff, 6-0, ffoir Prep Toga?
Baytooi lOeeals HeiniDey, Sxlalbs E LaioireBs
Grants Passers Convert Demo
Fumble into Winning Margin
PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 4 -MV The Grants Pass Cavemen
plowed through rain, snow and the Jefferson Democrats here today
to win the Oregon class A high school football championship, 6-0.
The Cavemen did it by bulling' their way; to a first period touch
down Just as the cold weather
started the teams to fumbling.
Jefferson bobbled the ball on
its own 30-yard line, and Grants
Pass recovered. Halfbacks Don
Donovan and Vern Craft bucked
to the 3 and Quarterback Clint
Reese sneaked over from there.
Fumbles kept both teams from
developing a serious' threat there
after. Jefferson in fact never got
BUI Beard, who will make his
beyond the Grants Pass 40-yard I baseball managerial debut with
Skies turned so dark in the
fourth quarter that the Multno
mah stadium lihgts had to be
turned on to enable the 9,244 fans
to follow the game.
For Grants Pass it was the first
t clean cut state title on record.
The closest the Cavemen came
previously was track co-championship.
The two teams matched first
downs eight each but Coach
Mel Ingram's team rolled off 222
yards net gain compared with 174
by the Democrats to post the se
cond touchdown scored- against
the Portland title holder this season.
The deepest Jeff drive against
the Cavemen was in the tniru
quarter to the 40 but the
slippery ball and turf was too
much. The drive stalled. Monte
Brethauer, Jefferson end, re-
Eeatedly punted his team out of
azardous spots.
Standouts for the Cavemen
were Donovan and Craft in the
backfield and Keith Bertrand at
end, Guard Harold Dotts and
Center Dick Warren on the line.
The victory was the 10th in
12 starts for Grants Pass. The
Cavemen were tied by Roseburg
19-19 and defeated early in the
season by Medford, 7 to 6. Later,
after knocking over Albany 13 to
7, the Cavemen jumped to the fi
nal with Jefferson by trimming
Medford 13 to 6.
Beard Visits
Talks on Club
Shed Unbeaten
The ClemsoB Tigers finished their
regular season with a perfect rec
ord aad clinched the southern con
ference football championship with
a 2t-t victory over - fighting ele
ven from the Citadel here today.
the Salem Senators next reason,
was a visitor front Portland late
in the week and went into a
lengthy huddle with Business
Manager George Emigh on 1949
Senator prospects. ,
Although no names were . men
tioned, both Beard and Emigh per
mitted "a number of deals are in
the fire 'for playing help for the
team." Both agreed the club
needs pitching most of all, and
that it could be strengthened in
one or two other positions also.
We expect to have an annouce
ment or two on some deals later
on," Emigh said, " probably
after the major and minor league
meetings back east this month."
Dec. 4 -(CP)- New Westminster
Royals tonight extended their Pa
cific Coast; hockey league lead by
downing Seattle Ironmen 3-1 in
a rough game that featured a
seven-minute free-for-all and a
suspension ' for one of the Iron-men.
Pirates Share
12-0 Decision
Touchdowns in 1st,
Last Heats Net Win
McMINNVILLE, Ore.,- Dec. 4
(JP)- Henley's perennially strong
Hornets fell before the Dayton
Pirates here today, 12-0, in the
finals of the Oregon Class B high
school football playoff.
It was the first state champion
ship for the Pirates, who scored
early in the first period and again
in the last play of the game,
played amidst sleet and snow.
The Hornets, who went to the
finals last year only to lose out
on first downs after tieing Amity
12-12, got an early break but
could not cash in on it. They re
covered the opening kickoff on
the Dayton 35. but could not
gain. Dayton took over to march
to a score.
Fullback Doc Manning crashed
the line for the first touchdown.
The last one came on a horl
quarterback sneak by Marvin
VANCOUVER, Wash., Dec. 4-OP)
-Center Chuck Smith led Clark
Junior college with 13 points to
night as he paced a 36 to 34 vic
tory over Vanport college on the
basketball floor tonight
Beavers Lose
To Utah Five
Six conference teams made a
clean sweep of an inter sectional
doubleheader against Pacific Coast
clubs tonight when the University
of Utah beat Oregon State 53-42
and Utah Aggies squeezed by Ida
ho 38-37.
Utah dominated play all the way
in the final game, to upset the
team which is considered a strong
contender for Northern Pacific
Coast division honors. The fast
stepping Utes were ahead through
out the contest. At the half they
held a 23-17 edge.
Utah State staged a rally with
15 seconds to go to defeat the Vandals.
Ortfoa SUtc (42)
Crandall (4) T
Snyder 7 F
Fleming (5) C
Torrey (2) G
Catterall 111) G
Reserves peering:
Holman 4. Kinnrv
Smith . Woodu.-rd II
Utah 23. OSC 17
(U) Utah
(10) Watson
(4) Satterficld
(12) Gardner
4) Smuin
- 0 DuKfins
OSC Peterson 3,
Utn condie .
Halttime score:
TACOMA, Dec. 4 - P) - Tacoma
chalked up a 5-4 decision here to
night over the Portland Eagles in
a Pacific Coast Hockey league
Bearcats Play 0CE Tuesday
Conqaerors of Oregon- last
Wednesday, and a pert looking
ball dob In the process, Willam
ette's Bearcats retorn to court
action la the WU pavilion Toes
day night, against Bob Knox'
Oregon College ; of Edncation
Wolves. The Wolves will brine
In an all-veteran team inefadins;
early all players who were In
the lineup last season when they
upset the Bearcat at Monmouth.
8neh point-making stalwarts
as Bob McKee, Rollie Hamer,
Claude Buckley, Harold Smith
and Bill Palmer are In the OCE
lineup. Coach Johnny Lewis
plans to shoot his "Johnson Act"
at the foe. accompanied by Tom
my Warren and either Doug
Logue or Ted Loder in the start
ing lineup. Both Freshmen Logue
and Loder looked sharp against
the Webfoots. Bob. Jim and Ted
Johnson are cinches for starting
berths, as Is Warren, who had
himself a big night against the
UO's also.
Following the Tuesday game,
the Bearcats play Pasadena col
lege here December t and Ore
gon State on December 14.
Marion -Polks
pJam' Friday
The annual Marion-Polk lea-'
gue basketb!! jamboree, featur
ing teams from Sacred Heart
Academy. Salem Academy. Stay
ton. Monmouth, Independence
and Philomath, will take over
the Willamette university gym
next Friday night. Philomath
has replaced Jefferson In the cir
cuit, as the Jeffs have reverted
to a Class B school. "Jam" time
and pairings for Friday night
will be announced later In the
- )
, I
Oregon State, USC Picked as PCC CageTouglues'
Oregon state la the North and
Boatfcern California la the South
as the Pacific Coast Conference
1949-49 basketball season gets
under way. With the first league
games only one month away tha
speedy Beavers have been estab
lished as the favorites to win the
Northern Division title with
Washington, the defending con
ference ehanmps, Oregon, Wash
ington State and Idaho not far
In the Southern Division the
Trojans are expected to have a
slight edge over Stanford's sea
soned squad with U. C. L. A. and
California, the 194S winner,
fighting for third place honors.
1 Although the Northern and
Southern Division play does not
begin until the first week of
January, the Conference Tourna
ment at Saa Francisco's Cow
Palace oa December 27, 23 and
39 should afford Coast basket-
ban fans with a good Idea oa the
relative merits of eight of the
Conference teams.
Ia the first day of play la the
double - elimination tournament
the Beavers are ' scheduled to
meet the Trojans la the after
noon opener followed by V. C
L. A. vs. Washington State. Ore
gon vs. 8taafor4 aad California
vs. Washington. The latter will
be a replay of the 1949 Confer-,
eaee Championship ; play off.
When they close the ' r a Uvea
doors Thursday night, Decem
ber 39. each team will have
played three games aad a tour
nament champloa will have beea
Since all of the leagae teams
have completed sevea weeks of
practice now, definite starting
lineups are evident at most
schools. Although there will
probably be a lot of changes
made la the next month of prac
tice games, here Is the way the
teams in the Northern division
shape ap at present: -.)
Laraojr Sum three starters aaa six oth
er letiermen. Sammy White, Captain
BUI Vaaorabarch, LDoa Heasoa.
Aa4y Oaaetrh aad Boh Kacctroaa
loom as starters, with Jim Matlory a
oao Bmaa lest via rraSoaUoa, Norm
Carey. Cliff Craatfail. Ales Petersen,
Dick BalUntyne, La nlaearsoa, Paal
Sliper, Ward raleaolas, Dan Tarry.
Jim Catterall. Prank Roolaaot aa4
BUI Harper are hack, aaO a are
transfers Bay Sayor aoO CS Plem
Hansen, sis-feot, elght-lncher Is tone.
Bat Ed Car. Ja4d HathcMe,
Oearge Hamilton. r
Caatea, Keg SeeOeller sod Ray AraSt
are back, along o. t . y
Prehm aad CPS traasfer Ron Bui.
ton. OREGON The Webfoots atlark
U b bain aroaaO Rocer WUey, mid
foot, elrht-tarher. Others are Boh
A mo her, another at S-S, Boh l4ivey.
Jim BarteH, Lynn , Hamilton. Paal
Teener. Paal Sowers, Dale Warberg,
WUI Crbaa. Don Peterson, Ken Sve
berg aaa llrk Uals. IDAHO An all
esaerlenreO team of Dexter I. lark.
Gietlrr. Jee 'Crave, WenSeU Chris-
teasrn M Gerry Gnnnels can bO
eaPed noon. i , ,
Bob McKee (above), of Salem,
lat night was chosen the Ore
gon College of Education's "All
American Boy during a formal
dance in Monmouth. The sward
Is given for achievement both
athletically and ' scholastically.
McKee will be In the OCE open
ing lineup Tuesday night when
the Wolves play Willamette's
Bearcat cagers at Willamette.
1 ' ft"'
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Abneys Handed Prelim
Roles on Fistic Card
The Abney brothers. Dean and Bud, Wednesday swing back Into
armory fistic action after a lone local layoff. Both bov have hon as.
signed four-round prelim roles on Matchmaker Tex Salkeld's 28-round
show. Young Dean, now handled by the Manny Morrell-Georgie Mas
ters local combine, takes on Al !
Cliff, Portland welterweight in his
shot, and Middleweight Bud goes
on with Dick Collie, the fast-coming
Portlander who has displayed
a punishing knockout punch in his
previous two Salem excursions.
One more four-rounder is to be
added to the show, and it will open
the punching party at 8:30 p.m.
The show's six-round special
puts Irish Johnny O'Day in with
Modoc Jack, an Indian puncher
from Reno, Nev. O'Day. once popu
lar here, scored a surprising knock
out win over Tqny Kahut in his
last Salem appearance.
Both Monty (Chief) Montgom
ery and Bobby Richards, the light
weight who are to make with the
main event mayhem, are still hard
at their training work in Portland.
Both are reportedly in A-l physi
cal shape and ready to take up
from where they left off in that
punch-packed 15-rounder they had
here over a year ago. Richards
won that via decision. The hard
hitting Klamath Indian vows a
kayo win as retaliation this time.
Tickets for the sl'ow, at popular
prices, go on sale at Maple's Mon-
ua morn.
Sounds right foolish, doesn't it?
Yet, that's about the average
billjon the repair -work for a
dozen shoes, these days. And
it's : much different from the
prices of any new shoes" Of
course we sell new shoes . . .
all we can get. But we want to
be fair about this thing. Many
folks are inclined to toss out a
pair of shoes when the soles
get thin. That's not smart. Even
if you're not going to wear them
for dress shoes . . . let us fix
them up for gardening or any
outdoor work. Times are good
and money is pretty free but
Beri Franklin is still righ
about a penny saved.
Introducing a New Service to Salem
t i . 1 -
Salem Ilerchanl Palrol
OTa fak
And Properly Prolepiion Agency '
A new company formt
to protect your property. '
1. A check of you' place of buinM once
each hour da rift? the hours of 10:00 p.
m. and 6 a. row 7 days a week. ' j
2. Protection against vandalism, broken
windows, etc. '
3. Notify , Fire Department' and you at
feigns of smoke or fire in your building.
4. Protection against theft, and illegal
entry of your building. j
5. Check of home property while on vaca
tion or otherwise when desired.
Oar staff are all experienced police officers with years
of service oa a asodcrn police dept.
Cost of protection sach as this is very nominal aad well
within the means of all business men. . t
If yoa are Interested la sach protecttoa for year place
of business or year home, we will be glad to eall oa yoa
personally to more folly explain oar ap-to-datc protection
Salem Ilerchanl Palrol end
Prelection Agency
Phone 3-6060
For Winter Warnih
For Summer Cooling
Here's a job you can do yourself.. In
stall insulation between attic joists. Cut
your winter heating costs; convert to
hard fuel.
Save up lo 30 in fuel ..
8 io 15 degrees cooler
in summer!
Readily available easy to apply, insu
lation will repay you in cash and extra
comforts the year around. You start
getting benefits immediately. Keeps you
warm in winter, cool in summer. Good
insulation increases the value of your
Easy Budge! Payment Plan
Colgan Lumber Co.
"Complete Ballding Supplies
From Basement to Roof
12 No. Liberty rhene SMlf
New Walks
New' Floors
Fuel Saving
Are Available
. . CJJ fin Ot Skilloxi hands Can male Smartly sryled . . . beautifully tailored .
comfortably correct for business and leisure wear, ia town or
country. The skill of i master shirtmaker is apparent in every last
quality detail of the : Strsdivari Shirt including piped seams,
band-sclcctcd buttons, meticulous needlework.
Ethyl is with us again. Come into our shop and let us
fill your tank with this high-grade gasoline. We are
also now equipped for wheel aligning and winterizing
Teague Motor Co.
355 N. Liberty
Ph. 2-4173
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For Chrislmas
5 Miles for
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VChiizer is the thriftiest, persoo
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4-cycle precision built -that's
why it's America's leading bike
motor. It runs smoother lasts
longer goes $ miles for just a
penny. We have the new Whizxer
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and let us give you a complete
Ml. MNNrWttt
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For Chrisinas
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