Work at Albany Lab Prodiices Rare Metal SPOKANE, Dec. 4 The rare metal zirconium is being lowered from its exclusive posi tion to the work benches of in dustry. S. H. Lorain, chief of a bureau of mines research laboratory at Albany, Ore, told the northwest mining congress Friday that zir conium may be the basis of a new metal Industry. Methods of pro duction developed through re search at the Albany laboratory have turned out greater quanti ties of the once rare metal than had been produced throughout the world up to -this time. Zirconium is a highly heat re sistant metaL and when alloyed with other metals increases their strength and removes impurities. If available in quantity it would greatly aid in the production of teeL Lorain told the mining confer ence that zirconium is actually the 19th most abundant metal found in the earth's crust, but the high cost of recovery has pre vented its use, and kept it a rar ity. "When this metal has been de veloped to the point ot commer cial production, a new metal in dustry will have been created," he said, "and the common miner al zircon will have become a val uable ore mineral.'' fflijitnaries BATES Lewis Bares, late resident of .2080 S. Church mU. at local hospital. Decem ber 2- Survived by widow. Mayme Bay-1 e. Salem; sisters. Mrs. i-ana Newman. Cutler City, and Mrs. Irene Dugan. Se attle. Wash.; brothers, Charley Bayes and Phil Bayes. both of Salem, and Clarence Bayes. Portland. Services will be held Monday. December . at 1:30 p.m. in the Ctouxh-Barrick chapel with the Rev. Dudley Strain officiat ing. Inferment will be in Betcreit Me morial park. KICHABDSON William Elli Richardson, la' resi dent of 143 S.E. 78th av.v, PortLmd. at a Portland hospital. Di-ceinoer' 3. Sur vived bv widow, Leonora Richardson. Portland: sister, Mr. Myrtle L. Nad vornik. Salem; brotfier, S. W. Richard son. Fairbanks, Alaska: and two neph ews. Services will be held Monday. De cember 6. at 3 p.m.: at Cloiuh-Bar-riclc chapel. Interment in I OOF ceme tery. Portland Grain " PORTLAND. OrT Dec. 4 AP No futures quoted. Cash grain, coast delivery: Oats. No. t. 3S-lb white. 64.90; barley. No. X i-lb. west.. 4.S0. Soft white 2.2S; soft white, no rex. -f.2: white club Z.S; western red 2.26. Hard red winter: Ordinary. 1.2: 10 per cent 2.27; 11 per cent 2.29; 12 per sent 2.33. Car receipts unreported. Turner Residents Have Birthdays TURNER I Several birthdays have been observed here recently, Don Wipper honored his brother Walt with a birthday dinner, Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weishaar and Mrs. Mary Ball. Their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wipper, were visiting at the home of Albert Englund in Sea side. Mrs. Louis Peterson was honor ed on her birthday with a family dinner. Guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Petersen and family of Jefferson i Mr. and Mrs. Dean Morris and family, of Scio; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Miller and son; Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Miller and family; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Buckholtz and i son,: and Mr. and Mrs. Bud Boehmer of Salem. Postoffice Adds to Saturday Schedule Stamp and parcel post windows at Salem postoffice, will be open all day the coming two Satur days, Postmaster Albert C. Gragg announced yesterday. But the third Saturday ahead Is Christ mas and the windows will be closed tight. While other windows will shut at the regular time, noon, the two windows most in demand in the Christmas mailing rush will be availableuntil 6 -; p.m. Stocks and Bonds Compiled by th Associated Press Dee. STOCK AVERAGES 20 19 II M Indust Rails Util Stks Saturday S3 2 30.4 99.1 S4.4 Previous day .. S7.S 39.7 39.0 S4.0 Week ago 98.6 3S.9 38 t S3 4 Month ago 90.1 41.2 39 1 M 0 Year ago S8 9 32 I 39. i 82.5 BOND AVERAGES 20 10 Ralls. Indust Saturday 89 8 Ml. I Previous day 99 g 101.1 Week agi B9.S 101.2 Month aeo 90 3 100 8 Year aeo B3.1 100.0 10 Util 99.7 99.7 998 99.3 99.3 10 forgn 62.0 62.0 1.9 62.8 6S.7 Christmas Parties Held in Lincoln LINCOLN Mrs- L. L Mickey entertained for the Christian serv ice group Wednesday. Mrs. Paul Libby of Albany spoke on the Christmas program. Mrs. Leonard Jones, president, conducted the business session. Discussion was held on contribu tions to the Highland boy com munity house at Bingham, Utah and to the Salem emergency fund. Others present were Mrs. Elmer Rierson, Mr. Eva Wood, Mrs. E. Miller, Mrs. Jennie Dawson, Mrs. Glen Wyatt, Mrs. N. E. Shaw, Mrs. Norman Shaw, Mrs. John Sim mons, Mrs. Herbert Hilke. Mrs. Albert Tschu, Mrs. Addie Barton, Mrs. Fannie Em el. Salem Market Quotations BUTTER FAT Premium No. 1 No. 2 PRINTS - Wholesale -Retail EGGS (Bay lag) Large, double A Medium Pullets Cracks EGGS wholesale Large double A Medium double A Pullets Cracks POULTRY No. 1 Leghorn hens No. 1 colored hens No. 1 colored fryers (2 to 2 lbs.) Ne. 1 colored fryers (3 lbs. up) No. 1 old cocks LIVESTOCK by Vat Pack Feeder lambs Wool lambs Yearling lambs Ewes . Fat Dairy cows Cutter cows Bulls Veal. 190 to 300 lbs Calves. SOU. to 450 lbs. 10 00 to 2.00 to 13.00 to 10.00 to 17.00 to 24.00 to 14 00 to .Tl .89 .81 .Tt .77 M M M J wTS .74 J7 M .IS 15 00 20.00 12.00 7.00 14.50 14.09 20.00 27.00 22 00 Portland Produce PORTLAND, Ore.. Dec. 4 (AP The wholesale market (prices retailers pay wholesalers, except where other wise noted): Butterfat Premium quality delivered Open for Business 520 N. HIGH Open Seven Days A Week Featuring Fried Chicken and A Grade Beef Watch Paper for Grand Opening to Folio. in Portland 09-Tte: first quality 87-TOc lb.: second quality 83-SSc lb. Valley routes and, country points. 2 leas than first. Butter Whole, tab. bulk cubes to wnoKMjfn: irane aa, 93 score sve lb.; A. 92 score SSc lb.; B. 90 score S4e lb C. 89 score, 3e lb. Cheese (Sellinf price to Portland wholesalers): Oregon singles. 44',-Slc; Ores on S-lb. loaf. 47'i-M. Eggs (To wholesalers): A (Trade large. 7',,-68,ic; A grade, medium. S2!s-3f: A grade scalL U!'5t: B grade, large. 56',,-60. Live chickens Roasters. 4 lbs. and over. 2-3Sc; fowl Leghorns, under 4 lbs. 29c; fowl. Leghorns, over 4 lbs. 33 34c lb.: colored, fowl all wnshi. as 39c lb. Turkeys (Net to the producer on a dressed weight basis): V. S. grade A young tomi. 46c; few quoting to 47. Dressed turkeys to retailers:. Grade A young hens. SSc lb.: some to S7: New York style dressed; A grade young toms, 33-35. Rabbits (Average to retailers for locally dressed animals): Sg-2c: frv- ers, live, white. 32-33; colored. 30-31; oia or heavy, is-is. . fresh dressed meats (Wholesalers to retailers la dollars a hundred): Steers Good, to 100 lbs. S44-47: commercial. S40-44: utility S35-M. Cows Commercial. 934-38; utility. $32-35; canner - cutter. $30-33. Beef cuts (Good steer) : Hind quar ters. $32-55; rounds. $41-51: full loins, trimmed. $68-71: triansrlea. f 38-40: square chucks. $43-44; ribs. $59-63; ""quarters. -. eat and ealf Oood and ehotce. $42-49; commercial. $39-41; utility. S3S Lambs Good - choice, 30-90 Ibs $42-43; commercial, all weights. $49 41. Mutton Good. 70 lbs. down. $19 JO. Pork loins No. 1. $-12 lbs- $4u 7; shoulders. IS lb. down. S41-4-; spareribs. . lbs. down. S4S-S4. Wool Coarse, valley and medium grades. 45c lb. Mohair 25c lb. on 12 - month bas is. Hides (To city dealers): Calf. 30e lb.; kips. 22; beef. 13-14; bulls. 8-9; Country buyers pay 2c less. Country killed meats: Veal Top quality. 38-40c lb.; other grades according to weight and quali ty. Hogs Light blockers. 31 -33c lb.; sows, light. 27-30. Lambs 3S-40C lb.; mutton 14-1$. Beef Good cows. 29-32c lb.; can ners - cutters. 24-28. Carcasses No. 1, under 190 lbs.. $34-35. Onions 50-lb. western Ore, yel lows. No. Is mod.. $1.50-73; large. 1.75 2.00: Idaho yellows, med.. tlJO-oS; large. 2.25-50; white med, $2.60-75. Potatoes - Oregon russets, cent. dist No. 1-A, $-40: 23 lbs- 90-95c; No. 2. 50 lbs, 1.10-20; Klamath Falls russets. No. 1-A. 2.40-50: Wash- Yaki ma russets. No. 1-A. 3.23-40; 29 lbs. SSc: Idaho russets. No. 1-A. 3-60-65; white rose 2.75-65. Hay (Following prices are strict ly nominal): U. S. No. 2 green alfalfa or better, carlots. FOB Portland. $37-38; U. 8. No. 1 timothy. $37-38; oats and A Very Useful Gift Textile Painting Sets Complete Lino ARTIST MATERIALS THIRD FLOOR two exhibitions; : Oil Paintings BY B. Quigley Watercolors BY F. Loren Boulier Galleries Third Floor Sy ,h m-too? bViiXuum Tlts gtortosanon, Solam. Ofagon, Sundxrr, Docomboc MUsLlj V-JiCT f-fc fart a enananHnHMnssaaBSnnw-Oft i betters 1S.00-II.00; medluni heifers market 1.00 htfW. sows rtreajT to tt - I - - , . UMt-ZlM, ; medium heifers 22 .00-23.00; cenU up; buut good-choice 1SO-I J Portland Livestock 5oer"cvttfT, eow" Ur?fl .,l-11J4i lba- - midweek sales m.tsi common-medium cows ltM-lBM; good heavier and lighter weights usually PORTlJlim nr. rw aw SflE. "l0? T?JU1f- ?w t IM off; good sows 1I.9O-1J.00; light ftTTKi0J aT?Si f eHr ood tu.lla.PM: "-n- wetgbU p to 90.90 and above; food" (USDAH-Salable and total cattle to- medium sausage bulla 17.09-20.00: good- ehotce feeder pigs 24 JO-24 .09. Oay 65. calves 15: mostly steady; for choice vealers 28.00-28 00: odd head R.l.hL u Ttt-t lis. five days salable 2350. total $.550: 29.00-30.00; good heavy calves around S . bl hp todar toUl 17$f calves 350 sand 365; for week market 24.00. market nominal: 'or five days salable) weaker- trftlln'tT' SaUbU hogs today $0, total 450; tfUL,,72i OC. w!k u weaker canners-cutters SO cents or "7". . ' Z. m. ' Umbs largely SO eeoU higher; good V7 hhr: medium-good fed steers d7i good-choUse 178-205 lbs. 24.30; choice 11.00-50: common down to 16 04) 26 50-29 00; imedluxn graaaers 230-23.00; negligible lot choice 20$ lbs. 24.90; for and under; medium feeders 18.00-591 common down to 18.00; cutter-common week salable 1.933. total 6.150; for week good ewes around 6JI0. ' YOUR CHRISTMAS STORE OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS I 340 Court MMh ''You C 1 Si ') UESmiGHOUSE I SnO PnESEIITS SI I Have Hon Visited 9 t Our ILighfiiiig Store? ' i W Hart Manr Items In Stock Which Would B Dcltf h(fi Useful and Lastlnsj Christmas Gifts Ar iAr For oir 1 O MOTHER ELECTRIC MIXER IRON ELECTRIC BLANKET O SWEETHEART TABLE OR FLOOR LAMP SANDWICH GRILL COFFFEE MAKER O BROTHER SUN LAMP CORN POPPER O DAD RAZOR HEAT LAMP DESK CLOCK O SISTER RADIO ! DESK LAMP PORTABLE HEATER O FRIEND BED LAMP WAFFLE IRON S O FOR THE FAMILY LIGHTIIiG FIXTURES ELECTRIC ROASTERS BUILT IN HEATERS GERMACIDAL LAMPS Salem Lighting & Appliance, Co. 238 No. High Phono 3 9412 OPEN FRIDAY NITES-TIL ttOO S4aator BIfg. ' 1 I Jfvl 9ofii J ISMEl an Me Shire . . WES TINGE O 99 TOIIE ITI OR EXCLUSIVE PLEIITI -FOWEB i i i QUIETEST, HOST SEHSITIVE FII EVER DEVELOPED . . . Uejlinghonie 169 this Bssc;niceot console radio-poonorrabb features genuine Rainbow Tone FM, phtt exceptionsl AM peiformaacc. Electronic Festher tone srm, Automix record changer, S've true-to-Iife reproduction often and 10-inch records, intersBtsed. Six electric push buttons ... 2 short wave, bands , , . dual speakers . . . custom crsitta mtboganv cabioeu Villi genuine Vrstinglionse Rainbow Tone FM, you hear all the colorful tones and over tones of great music, or a great speaking voice, against a back ground of velvety silence. There-.. no static, no annoying hum on Rainbow Tone FM just clear, sharp reception that's tru a. the broadcast itelf! MONEY CANT BUY QUIETER, MORE SENSITIVE FM THAN THIS! Weslinghsnse ISO fe-ffci assail. Heia coaeals cnamxi, 4nigmu4 tmr liiins litmf 0ace. fearares Kstabew Toe FM. AM, sa-t mm steistic receri Ofarer. Q rfrapie record e . . . cmmnmmomttf sanssM aaee cos kfm ... aeas mhs ete e4MB ceetrel. Heeera eWta h nlmsjsair vetMers. Ltsteai to re -mine Wasdaghout Rainbow Tone FM, and you'll aree k' cba sweat woaer can hmf Irrrswoduc9 eery tone of great sasakiag voice, eerjr of groat sausic, agasnat a I of wefvetr sileaos. There's aw static, sto aaaoyiog ku mm Rainbow Torn FM inst clear, afaarn receptwn that's true ao the broadcast itaelfl EVERY SOUIIT EXACTLY AS DBOADCASTI Exclusive Veslinghonso Plenti-Power THE EXTRA RESERVE POWER NEEDED FOR TRUE-TO-LIFE RECEPTION Imagine hearing the full dynamic range of your favorite programs, exiactly as it you were in the studio! TJiatT8 what jou do hear with . Vesting house Plenti-power. Ordinary radio flattens out the very high and the veryj low tones of a broadcast, due to lack of power. Exclusive Vestinghousc Plenti power gives you everji' tone clear, sharp, faithful to the broadcast. It's ja radio experience you can't afford to miss hear it today ! .lt ...... r 'V-T - --.V' " h a mmr' ,! ' east mt I i I ea Ua Concert-hall in a mascex piece of cabinet crifrimsaiain. MfimlMrsiiMSintfta howrfromt csbiaet im beauriuuljr-patteraed saahogsaf stassrs. Featurof j. the Electronic FeatWr, the Autoosix chaagar. ; which plays 10. and 12-inch records laasrsaUeJ Mfluaia Wesciaebouse Plenti aowef. Rsinbow Tone FM and standard AM baaU 6 tiecuic push buttoas . a as courot All Three Wextinghonse Radios AvailaLIe al if 8AfiEM'S OLDEST EXCLUSIVE- APPLIANCE STORE Open Fridays Until 9:C3 p.m. Till Xnas! 235 NORTH LIBERTY SALEM PHONE 3-1311 j