& Tha Stat man, Scdem. Oregon. Sunday, Norember 23. 1943 JUST eOlMO TO tUtfE TO ASK TWfM , THEY St f JUST eOlMO TO HAVE TO ASK WMCRev - -2 THEY OCT TheiRrteS 1 m J I'M Slav's 4?tgfl - "BEAUTY Is our BUSINESS Blue print plans Designers : Deeeraters : Bailders Censaltatioa Assistance We nioT helping you HOMES BEAUTIFUL Plans to Passkey Th. X-49M 37SV4 State A complete SERVICE for you Complete Plumbing Service li Still S i SUPPLIES OEPAIDIIIG COIITDACTDIG Pallon-IIinlo Planting & Healing Authorized Alarrair Dealer j 1122 S. 12th St. Phone 264S0 o . . : t, is -..- 1 1 The Ideal Xmu Present Fits Any Garage VAMISH 7nou6le 0X7 LIKE " ' ; . f -l i ' i i t r When You Install CRAWFORD BOOR AMRVL-UFr" Operates m Muiy m InU mm & Old brlt-iowrt gorogs doors a D-wood, 2 4 -panel comtrvction. br- maks your whole property look mdiot installation. Low down pay shabby. Gt bcovrifU, new sasy. mmnf, FHA terms. 1 -year guarantee, working Crawford Doors with Ener- America's biggest setting popular gized "AAARVEl-UTT." Finger-tip priced quality doorrEleCtronic remote operation, weatherproof, deluxe, control operator available. CRAWFORD DOOR SAIIS CO. for fret estimaf 690 Wslde Salem Phone 3-7628 FUUIEnS IIJSURAIICE GROUP AUTO - TBDCE - FIBE We want god Insureds, If yen can quallfr as such. Ten are entitled to a 510I.O Liability and Property Damage policy in Marten Connty for $ 12.7ft each six months A fS.OO sales costs the first time enly. See as for reasonable Automobile Insurance. BILL OSHQ 468 Court St. Phone 3-5681 ilk -Sf BILL OSKO ' Dfsi Mxt. WAISJTEDi- Ualnnh - Filberts - Hoi Heals HIGHEST PKICE CASH ON DELIVERY FOR ORCHARD RUN ... 8ER CS BEFORE TOU SELL. iionnis ELORFEm packiiig co. 460 N. Front Street SALEM Telephone Z-llXl Record Number of Bills and Knotty Financial Problems Will Face 1949 Legislature Oregon's 1949 legislature, with its near-record number of new comers, probably will face some of the knottiest problems in the state's history and be called to consider a record number of bills, veteran rtatehouse attaches said last week. Salem conferring with respect to legislative duties and seeking nous- f . rri ' ma accununaaiiuom, ine uiuer art clichtlv a;ipr to nhtain than during the latter years of the war but complaints of prices have been voiced in some quarters. Letters were sent from Salem Saturday to a number of high ranking legislators urging that they confer with the State Budget Di rector prior to the 1949 legisla ture with a view of obtaining first-hand information in connec tion with the state's financial con dition. Such a conference, the letter read, would tend to speed up the work of the legislative ways and means committees. It was learned Saturday that several legislators already have asked the attorney general George Neuner to draft a number of bills for introduction early in the leg islative session." Neuner said one of these requests came from senator-elect Richard Neuberger, Mul tnomah County, but he would not comment on the nature of the pro posed legislation. There appeared no doubt that th loint Wavs and Means Com mittee would fall heir to some of the most intricate and important problems of the 1949 session. This committee nasses on all aDDrooria- tion bills before they are sent to the floor of the house and senate for final consideration. Senator IVan Walker. Polk Count V. Dre- dicted the joint committee would continue its previous practice 01 appointing sub-groups to investi gate and report on various budget requests. Walker Likely Choice urkile th nrpsidencr of the no u ctm in doubt, many leg islators predicted that Walker, long chairman-ol tne senaie an Means Committee, would be re i,inH wav and means chief. regardless of senate leadership. I Another committee siaiea 101 a big job, legislators averred, is the roads and highway group, which must consider the report 01 me 1947 legislative interim committee report on state highway develop nmt Th nsrvneerintf report. dealing with this project has al ready been released along with some of the recommendations in cluded in the proposed financing program. , , Reports have indicated that some opposition already has dev eloped to the recommendations for an additional one cent a gallon gasoline tax and increasing the motor vehicle license fee from $5 to $10. Three proposals are being dis cussed in connection with the use of surplus corporate excise tax revenues and surplus state income taxes. ! ftienr re Piu 4 One is that the 1949 legislature pass a bill making future cor porate excise tax revenues, now being received at the rate of $18, 000,000 a year, available for pay ment of general fund expenses. Another is legislation referring to' the voters an amendment trans ferring to a special fund at least a part of the surplus state income taxes to cover capital outlays and part of the maintenance costs at state institutions. Officials said such a proposal could be referred at a special election soon after the legislature adjourns if a popular vote is deemed essential. Third proposal is that all surplus state Income tax revenues and cor porate excise taxes be used tor property tax offset and reduction of the state income tax rate. The Supreme Court recently held that surplus state income tax wemies could not be used for any purpose other than property tax offset, it generally is agreed by state officials that the legislature has authority to transfer corporate ex cise tax to the general fund but that a transfer of the surplus state income tax revenue might re quire a vote of the people. Discussion has been revived here on a proposal to enact a cigaret tax law at the 1949 legislative session. Officials estimated such a tax would raise approximately $3,000,000 a year. A cigaret tax law previously approved by the Oregon legislature was referred to the voters ana aeieatea. Monmouth The 1949 Grove, Oregon College of Education year book, will be edited by Ralph Gibbs, O.C.E. junior from Goshen, Ore. Bonnie Stock, sophomore from Westfir, Ore., is business manager. 1?Sg . Phono Your Doctor . , at the first sign of ffl nasa, Than send his prescrip tion to us. You axe assured of speed combined with accur acy and akUL Schaefcr's Dreg Store 1895 1948 Phone 5197 or 9723 135 North Crommerckd Pringle Woman's Oub To.Be Held Wednesday PRINGLE, Nov. 26 Hostesses for the Pringle Woman's club Wednesday, December 1 will be Mrs. John, Cottrell, Mrs. August Cegler, Mrs. John Fabry, jr. Plans for the Christmas party will be made and work resumed on the club quilt. Pringle Mothers club will meet at the school house, Tues day, November 30 at 2 p. m. when a discussion on playground equip ment will be held. North Marion Hi School Sports Banquet Given HUBBARD Manton CarL pres ident of the chamber of com merce, was the speaker at the annual sports banquet- for ' North Marion high school this week. It was given under sponsorship of the Girls League and included on the program was the film "Sports of '47." The welcome was extended by Dolores Kliewef and the response was made by Clifford Driver. In troductions were by Clare Kelt ner. Tfcelma Loop, Bonnie Bridge, Carol Kauffman and Ramon Vre denburg sang, an accordion solo was given by Velrha Barendse and a ; skit 'Ma and Pa Canova' was presented. Roa-st turkey dinner was serv ed by I Doris Friend, , Robin Ber key. Elois Nelson and Kathleen Morrison. Decorations Included life sized football player with 'Wel come Boys' overhead. per0 per place1 ettt For that PARTICULAR person For that PARTICULAR position ACCOUNTANTS" BOOKKEEPERS SECRETARIES TYPISTS - FILE CLERKS STENOGRAPHERS BILLERS - CASHIERS j SALES CLERKS COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY 360 State St. Ph. 2-14SS Salem Silrerjon, Henry Pritrlaff, who sufefcrtneqfio major surgery some weeks ago, is out again al though he is suit in a cast. He was able .to attend Rotary. JCIub thts week. Woodburh fclotaiy ivill give uie program for the local club December 13. Judge Murphy Speaker Tuesday at Jefferson JEFFERSON, Nov. 27 Jefferson Chamber of Commerce directors this week voted to ask County Judge Grant Murphy to speak at the chamber Tuesday night, Nov ember 30. The public is invited to attend. A bank in Jefferson was discus sed and President Gerald Phelps was asked to write to a banker in Coos Bay about opening a bank here. Gerry Simpson and Phelps were named on the refreshment committee for Tuesday night. Obituaries f Pollv Pearl Barton WOODBURN, Nov. 27 Polly Pearl Barton. 68. died Friday at her home in Broad Acres where she had lived for three years. Born in Russia. Nov. 25. 1880. she came to Oregon from Canada 25 years ago. Survivors are the widower, Carl Barton, Broad Acres; sons, Fred of San Francisco: William of Port land; daughters, Elizabeth Mc Ketch of Canada; Mollie Slinkard, Eugene; Nellie Knight of Broad Acres; six grand children and a brother and sister in Canada. A Mew Serfrfiee . SWIFT SERVICE For Shirts I (by special request) OFFICE SERVICE OIILY 5 i Leave shirts at laundry before 5:00 p. m. Pick up after 5 p. m. fallowing day Saturdays excepted. Salem Laundry Sol (WIEDER'Sj) 263 South High Street TOP and LK DEF0I1E YOU BUY Walt until yon . see the Westinghouse Laundromat WESTINGHOUSE LAUNDROMAT Down fl "7 fZr Per Mo. wash a load of your clothes automatically.! No boltlnjr down required. The heart of the Laundromat the transmission is now seal ed in steel and guaranteed for fire years after year of manufacture against manu facturing defects. Your as surance of long life and trouble-free service. HERE'S OUR OFFER! f Well wash and I dry a load of your soiled clothes In a Laun dromat installed in our store. We want to prove that it can get your clothes Spotlessly clean quickly without work. There's no obligation. Every- wing's FREEI Phone 3-4311 Yealer Appliance Co. 255 N. Liberty Our Specialty Is Promptness Optometrists 1 ' Dr. Sam Hughe Our Own Laboratory Dr. E. E. Bering All lenses and Glasses Completed in Assuring Prompt and Speedy Service. If you have a prescription to be filled, lens to replace bring it to US. Our modern equipment and instruments guarantee exactness and satisfaction at t j BORING OPTICAL XIJ Ceart DIGNIFIED CREDIT Pheae 1-6501 niuVUcAVic TOR " 1: 'Golden Throat S3 if t I I S t A V ; . t ' I I 1 R M Km RCAVid.rV9l 282.50 VJ Enjoy clesjr, static-free tone In listening to either radio or records through the "Golden Throat with this brilliant, new AM-FM Victrola radio phonograph. New (RCA Victor) All -Automatic record changer is easier on your records, more convenient to use. Has the "Silent Sapphire permanent-point pickup. Very smart in smooth walnut, orj mahogany or at slightly higher cost, modern blond finish cabinet with stationary top and two big record compartments. An exceptional value to see.. .to hear., .to own I AC TirtnU'-T. M. K. U. S. rat. OS. Finest tons system faa RCA Victor history Don't Miss Hcider's Junior Disc Jockey Contest KSLM Thursday Evening 8:00 OPEII FRIDAY EVEimiGS TIL 9:C0, TIL CnniSTIIAS mm mm m mm sss vesssv v lSTlHGUlSIIED SERVICE TlECOIlD h