i , - 1 " . . 4.-.--. . ' . i n , . W LITTLE ANNIE BOOKS LQ5 AN6EUS.1 matt wet. cmsvc FOR I J rVm COT TQ CALL Tw dtnci amp tell rair TOST OUt PLANS. L """ - I : 1- (gE MOOERM SCIENCE XrZr)L ' " . . VOU SAVE " , I I ' A NA MONOERRJU ALEXANOEC, V-v THIRTV CENTS J ' 1 gAS THING ' If SOVOUfeET y VES.MV HENTMEVTWPEWME CXTTj T SIT DOWM,fT-OSSlE 1 PG naOSTlS IfigTMEBS CWM OP TME CAJ7MV BOOK FBOST. VOUANO IARE THn2TlNSlDEOPTWE DAUCMTEgg HENCHMEN - MUST TUM84-EP GONGTOTAU. A P g TX DICK TRACT ' , ' ' 1 1 I'M TERRIBLE GLAD AM TfR6tf I AT LAT X HAVB r FATHER, NOW I FEEL SCARED. ttoULDM fT B AWFUL FOUND M LITTLE y J FATHER GLAD ALL OVER-MY EYES B 0 ir r -tMushter't- Cmyfathej?-; so wrr i wn hardly y ' .-. iv j c BUZZ SAWYER t f . n 1 ' 1 T ' . I gJEg gj rvsOLXMXJUKETTEU- S fl PWAS PSOCN J fcQUg MOORS LATCg. t QX22 MICKEY MOUS2 y " : CVWVM ON THE THAMES. I ITHE BOAT'S gTCPPS?i 1 'm Y POLICE BOAT I i I I n. , A,-uf icp, L. FOOTSTEPS HE'S A THEY'VE TRAPPED ) V tp. g wr' "-.3 "-' A UK8 Tl HE15 A4btCH T ANWV; THAT I OH, I JT EVER TVHN OFTHtS? ANX I , "1 NOT, I MTHEDASKA4 I THIEF MU5T BE I I DCrT FICEEPKIKTS tMOULP BE I TvrvT,, Tiy. I V A.- A. V"'MB RMT OF L9. 7 MpHTY CLEVER. I KNOW! J ON THE TOOL.5-ANC HE fi$&c l j , --aj. . : r-r i j I THIS ONSS ON wtw socoe rc- sm? wuvslVdogsu I ggTT HBS APHOIOO GWAN- Cr? S' Ti'l:" yTHeR POORG SCJOFty ANOSMTTHi rUE SEEfO VN VjT TH BOW WflU (NWPftPR!! BOSS-HES THE Guy f THtA TRICK VtP brA. V t "TTH V WHOCRftWUEDW I SHOTS VV KorPV' V cT n77Ts TT BARNEY GOOGLE , i ' " - , x r . .j - fTYTR! cu. w 6CORSCI i besm -nrvtHfi to locats you - CAYS. TKOUPLtt HOP TK PLANS TO " - 4 - . " I l I M1 m pon! o pb?hap5 it I mayw; c can oc rHX' Vqur Ilomc Newspaper Stock MJairKW Continues Drop NEW YORK, Nov. .27 -Wf- The stock market's attempt to block the post-election decline went up La smoke this weeic Ahnut i 1 700.000.000 was lopped off the market value of all stocks listed on the exchange. Losses since the' democratic election sweep have piled up to around $7,000,000,000. On Friday and again In today's short session the market showed iinu of stabilizing but the steadi ness was due more to absence of i aggressive selling than to any pronounced pick-up In buying. Grain Market Prices Firm CHICAGO, Nov. 27 (JPi The grain market ended on a firm note today after some shakiness during early dealings. Prices were down more than a cent in wheat and corn at one time, but when the selling pressure let up the market rebounded quickly. Today's action was almost the exact reverse of yesterday's, when prices had " opened higher and ended lower. The late rally to day was in part believed to come from short covering on the part of traders who did not want to maintain a short position over the weekend. . Wheat closed -l higher, corn was to 1 cent higher, oats were Va-Vx higher, rye was V higher, soybeans were 1-SV4 higher, and lard was 8 cents lower to 3 cents a hundred pounds higher. Portland Grain PORTLAND. Nov. XI AP Wheat futures unquoted. Cash sraln: Oat. No. X. 38-lb. white 84.50; barley. No. 2. 45-lb. B-W. M.30. Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 2.25; oft white (exchidin rex) 2.25; white dab 2.29; western red 2J25. Hard red winter: Ordinary 2.23; IS per cent 2.27. 11 per cent 2.31; 12 per cent 2.35. Hard white baart unquoted. Today's car receipts: Wheat t: bar ley IS: flour ; corn 4; oats 7; hay 1; millfeed 11. SUNDAY'S BROADCASTS Pacific Standard Time Kilocycles: K8LM 199, KOCO 1490. EOIN 919, KOW KTX lttf BOUK 6K.8LSI KOCO KOIN KGW ft:lS World News I Organist I- KSLM Bible Class Bible Class KOIN Air Church I Air Church 7 slow staoio nupn nauiu IttX Coast to Coastl Coast First Baptist First Baptist Review Stand Wevtew Stand Jesters (News (Christian Hour JO. G. Quartet nTws Newsmakers tealt Lake Tab.Eut Lake Tab. Home Church Home Church lW Music Doe's Quartet (Quartet I Hour i of Fatth tRour of FalU 8 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX 9 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX News Snorts IClete Roberts IClark Dennis Learning (Learning Who Said That (Who Said Soutbemairea BsoutnernaireB Wm. L. Shlrer (John Kennedy I Sun. j Favorites Canary Chorus WUdw'd Church Leibert fWayfte King I Wayne King Joseph Harsch People Stand rTell Aram ITell Again CTsneUrT GlenVSnelley (Round Table (Round Table Topo' MocntoglTop o' Mornlngteunday Veaperslsunday Vespers 10 KSLM KOCO KOIN BOW KEX News lOrchestra Cunningham Vet Wants 1st Baptist Ch.llst Baptist Ch list Baptist Ch list rPttst CTt Song Festival I Song Festival IPeoptePUtTm Peoplei Platfin Piano Quartet Piano Quartet Univ. Theatre Univ. Theatre Parade Hits jparade Hits Plaae PL IPlano PL 11 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX News (Sons Cf Gun ffuvenUe Jury String SerenadelString Serenade! News) 12 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX rT; vnlmtrL HTntw THeatre II Man's Family Changing World' America 1 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX SS Wordl Mus'i Woro7u WordslMusjc A Word. Symphony (Symphony FTo th Stars To the Stars I Quiz Kids (Quiz. Kids I Music Date (News Ted M alone (j. Thompson I Auditions 'Auditions KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Amer. Musle Sammy Kaye Cruise Symphonctte Quiet Please lAmer. Musle (Sammy Kaye I News 'Symphonette IQulet Please Roy Rogers (Roy Rogers INlck Carter Nick Carter Drawing Room (Drawing Room I Serenade Serenade Family Hour Family Hour. 'Pause 'J"". . , Master Musle Master Musis Oregon Album -Oreecm Album Americana lAmericana IGreaOest .'Story IGreatest Story 3 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Shlock HolmeslShlock HolmesChnst ContacUICbrlst Contacts) Donald Stewart Donald Stewart Donald Stewartl Donald Stewart Gene Autry iGene Autry AmosT n Andy I Amos "n Andy Jack Benny Jack Benny Harris & Faye Harris & Faye Go for House Go for House (C. Massey ShowlC. Massey Show 4 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX 5 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEA Healing Wings (Healing Wings (Orchestra Dallas Minister ILand of Free ISerehade Fav. Husband iFav. Husband INewsi Chas. McCarthy Chas. McCarthy Fred Allen Stop Music 'Stop Musle ' Front Page News Helen Hayes Men y-Go-Rd. W Win chell 6 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX KSLM 20 Question! 120 Questions KOCO Frank DeVol I Frank DeVol 7 KOIN Lum. Abner Lum. KGW Take Leave ft iTake KEX Theatre GuUd (Theatre KSLM Secret Mission (Secret Mission KOCO ' Ave Maria Ave Maria DnlV Cam Snmrtm ISam Sosd 8 KGW Ox and Harriet Ox and KEX Drew Pearson (Headlines 9 KSLM News KOCO Studio 13 KOIN fou Are There KGW Symphony KEX Research Rept. ISymphOiiy R dslde . 10 KSLM K KOIN KGW KEX Revival Hour Manhattan Mus 5-stai final News News 11 KSLM Sign Off ( KOCO J KOIN Orchestra (Orchestra KGW News Decuion Now KEX Organ Reveries Orchestra YOUR RUPTURE GETTING WORSE lEACli YEAR? Then you must be wearing; the wroiig kind of truss, perhaps one with a KNOB See th DOBBS TRUSS. Bolblesa O Strapless ojBeltlcss Keeps rapture tightly elese at all times while work ing. 11 ting, walking sr swimming. UghtwetghL Keasesi should teach yea not to place a bulb or ball In PJn mt rapture which keeps muscles spread apart. HeJda Uke the palm of year hand. Open Tharjsday Evenings til p. m. - j . FOE MEN. TVOMEN AND BUDKEH TT70 DAT CLtinC Taesday and Wednesday, Not. Ith Dee 1st Bears: Tuesday Urn. to it p. m. Wednesday: t a. m. to 1 noon Ask' f or Mr. Dobbs at Desk. Betel Senator, Salem, Oregon v Quotations BVTTOtrAT Premium No. 1 i , ' , .71 XI No. S , , , PmiKTS Wholesale .Tt ,7S Retail EGGS CBytaS Large double A Medium ; Pullets I Cracks EGG wholesale JO Larce double A- Medium double A Pulleta Cracks POULTRY No. 1 J M at M 19.00 No. 1 CO No. 1 colored fryers (I to J ids.i No. 1 colored I fryers (3 lbs. up) No. 1 old cocks LIVESTOCK y Val rack Feeder lambs! . Wool lambs 4 Yearllnc lamb . Ewes ju nmm o .00 100 to 12.00 2.00 to 7 00 UM to 14.00 10.00 to 13.00 17.00 to 22.00 20.00 to 25X0 11X0 to 22.00 rat dairy cow . Cutter cows Bulls a. Veal. 150 to 305 lbs. Calves. 300 to 50 lbs. Top hosa. 1SDI to 225 lbs. Heaviest. S4o to 300 lbs. Lisht sows, tot 350 lbs Heavy sows ,,j 23.00 21.00 to 2li50 19.00 to 20.00 1SX0 to 19.00 Portland Produce PORTLANlJ. Ore Nov. 27 (AT) Butterfat jtenUUve. subject to Im mediate change. Premium quality max imum to M to 1 per cent acidity de livered la Portland. S3-O0C lb.: first Quality. 04-0 lb second quality, S 05c; valley routes and country points. X teas wan ;nrx. Butter Wholesale FOB bulk cubes to wholesalers: grade AA. S3 score, flftc lb.; A. S3 score. S4c lb.; B. SO score. S3e lt.; C. OS score. 63c lb. Above prices! are strictly nominal. Cheese felling price to Portland wholesalers: Oregon singles, 44V-81c; Orecon 5-lb. loa 47i54c Eggs To wholesalers : A grade large. 74s-6Stts; A (grade, medium. 6Ii-3 ic; A grade, small. 52',,-5a',ie. Grade B. laree. MU-eOc. Live chickens (No. 1 quality FOB plants) Broilers, under 2l lbs- 33 34e lb.: fryrs. '. to 4 lbs., 37-38e: roasters. 4 lbs. and over. 37 -38c; fowl, leghorns, under 4 lbs- 2S-30e lb.; fowl. lachorna. over 4 lbs- 31-33c lb.; col ored fowl, all weights. 37-3Se lb.; old roosters, all weights. lC-19c lb. Turkeys Net to the producer on a dressed weight basis. U. S. grade A young toma.l4c. Grade A hens 50-OOc ib. ! Dressed turkeys to retailers Grade A young hens, 63-4 3c; New York style dressed: A grade young torn. 54-55c. Rabbits I Average to retailers for locally dressed animals. 5S-63c; fryers, live, white, 32-33c; colored. 30-41e; old or heavy. lS-lSc. Fresh dreamed meats: Wholtsalers to 00:45 I Trinity Chofer Voice jProphecylVolce Prophecy i air rhun-h I Alt ChureR Memory Music I Memory Muele ruy ? - L. . " r. to CoastJ Coast j to CoastlCoaet to Coeat ILutheiran Hr. fAve Maria JLuttM (Ave 1 (News itheran Hr. Maria IGuest, Stars That I Eternal Light eternal Light Oarmet Mesaage Oarael M Tuvenlle Jury . Guy Lombard iSympnony l Mans.ramuy Treasurer Band ruturelTreasUrer Band I Quick. Hash (Quick. Flash ISalera Youth Salem Youth I (Strike It Rich Strike It Rich (Musiti (Music I Counterspy ICounterspy News Serenade Serenade Fred Allen tStop I Music (Stop Musie .75 .7S I "31 Legnomj bens . utredi nena . I Organist i I m m j (Front Page lJimmle Tidier IN.W. News Sacred Heart JMelo!les (Melodies IHelen Hayes (MisslBrooka Miss Brooks IVerry-Go-Rd. Ifamiflar Music fFamilisr Musle gjouena Parsons fThestre Guild (Theatre Guild IW. Wlnchell (Allen Roth Rhythm Allen Roth Rocky Jordan f Horace Heidt Abner Leave It Rocky Jordan Horace Heidi CuUd IJunmle Fidler (Newsweek Can p Top This' Can U Top This (Norm. CkutlerNorm. Cloutier (Whistler (Whistler Harriet Sympl ony svmpnon? U. Fltcher I Johnny Fletcher lOrchestra Orchestra Studio 13 Concert Hall i You Are There Orchestra IN IConoert Hall Orchestra (Jack Benny Orchestra (Jack Benny Chapel lOrchestra Revival Hour INewsi I Playhouse .Manhattan Mus.lLjwnence Welk (News Univ. Explorer Mldn)te Preludel Mldrute Prelude INora Martin 'Catholic Houi Catholic Hihii (Dream Girl fTo dreamland ITo Dreamland lAir-Vflo Air-Flo Musi St Muse. (Music St Muse. 'lari j PhUhmca. llaxz PhUhmncm. A lili ii ittti Thsi rtcHbsmibHISoJ'OrsonJ DOMES Henry W. Domes, late resident of McCoy, at a local, hospital. Novem ber 28. ' Survived by widow, Jane K. Domes. McCoy; daughters. Pauline Holbert and Margaret Domes, both of Portland: sons, Richard Domes and Billy Domes, both of McCoy, and Wayne Domes. Salem; Bisters. Carrie Guild. Amity, and Rose Rutledge. Mc Coy, and seven grandchildren. Serv ices will be held Monday. November 2S. at 1:30 pjn. In the W. T. Slgdon chapel with the Rev. Chester W. Hamblin of ficiating. Concluding services In Bethel cemetery. KATHBUN , Richard Philander Rath bun. late res ident of 1709 S. Cottage sL. at Palisade. Neb- November 27. Survived by widow, Mrs. Maude C. Rath bun, Salem; daugh ters. Mrs. Lowell Sloan. Salem. Mrs. E. L Large. Wauneata. Neb- and Mrs. Kermlt Sloan, Superior. Mont.; eons. WlUard Rath bun. and Kay Rath bun. both of Salem; sister. Mrs. William Wil son. Aurora: brothers. F. E. Rath bun. Hays Center. Neb- W. K. Rath bun, Chadron, Neb., and S grandchildren. Services will be held Thursday. De cember 3 at 1:30 pjn. fat the Clouch Barrtck chapel with the Rev. Dudley Strain officiating. Interment will be la Belcrest Memorial park. retailers la dollars per Steers Good, all welghta. S42-4S; commercial. S40-44; utility. $39-38. Cows Commercial. $34-38; utili ty, $32-38: cutter - canner, $30-33. Beef cuts (good steer) Bind quar ters. $52-55; rounds, $48-81; full loins, trimmed. $08-71; triangles. $38-40; square chucks. $43-44; ribs. $58-83; fore quarters. $43-44. Veal and calf Good and choice. $43-40; oomnvsreUL $30-41; utility. $30 38. Lambs Good choice 30-08 Ibo- $43-49; commercial, all weights. $40 41. Mutton Good. 78 lbs. down. $30-23. Pork cuts Loins. No. 1. 8 to 12 lbs- 848-01; shoulders, 18 lbs. down. $51-57. Wool Coarse, valley and medium grades, 4fte lb. Mohair 29e Ib. en 12-month growth. Country killed meats: Veal Hop quality. 30-41c: other grades, according to weight and qua lity. Hogs Light blockers, 33-33c lb.; sows, light. 27-28C. Lambs 38-40e lb.; mutton. 14-lte. Beef Good rows. 2S-32e lb.;., ean ners and cutters. S4-28e lb. Onions 50-lb. western Ore. yel lows. No. 1 mod- $1.00-1.75; large $1.75 2; Idaho yellows, mod- $1 J0-LS5: Urge. $2.25-2.50; white med- $3-00-2.75. Potatoes r- Oregon russets centra! district .o. 1-A $35-3.40; 2S-lba. 80 05c: No. 2. 80 Iba. fl.lS-10: Klamath Falls russets. No. 1-A $3-40-3.90; Wash.. Yakima russets. No. 1-A $35-3.40; 25 Ibs. S5c: Idaho russete No. 1-A $3.80 3.85; white rose $2.73-2 53. Hsy Following prices are strictly nominal: 17. S. No. 2 green alfalfa or better. carloU FOB Portland. $37-38: VS. No. 1 timothy. $37-38; oats and vetch mixed hay. uncertified clover hay. $25-28 ton. baled, on Willamette valley farms. Stocks and Bonds Compiled by the Associated Press Nov. ST STOCK AVERAGES 30 IS 19 SO Induat Kails Util Stke Saturday 06.8 M.8 384 03.4 Previous day 88.8 304 MS 83.4 Week ago oo.o o. ssj ss.i Month ago 94J U.3 414 70.1 Year ago , 914 3S4 $84 834 BONO) AVERAGES SO 10 18 10 RaUe Induat UUl Forgn Saturday 884 1814 884 814 Previous day 804 101.1 80.0 83.8 Week. ago 884 1014 884 82.4 Month ago 80.7 1004 804 03.4 Year ago 884 1004 1004 07.T Predecessors of modern British restaurants were coffee houses and taverns, which had a dally "ordin ary" a dinner or supper served at a common table and generally for a fixed price. Bring Us Your WALNUT MEATS W Are Payini TOP PRICES for No. 1 Grades WILLAIIETTE GROC. qO. 305 S. Cottage, SaJkm, or Phone 3-4146 Conscientious, Digr.if ied Service v 3 545 North Capitol Car-Tunes s : CssyrigM 1S4T ay Lseal AinitMag Ce. j Ba "Couldn't you include somethins; about taking the car to OTTO J. WILSON CO." I .JtJ .lt? n;i-fJ guWcry' ttaywi't&i. lsloC.y Livestock and Poultry CHESTER W. weaning pigs $18 each If all taken. lfOQ Lancaster. , 3 YOUNG brood sows, 1455 Lancaster. AA'iim . a 1 FOR BALK: Larce red Duileta lav. ing good. 3 miles north of Indepen Ben re. Greenwood Road. Donald Steeto; 4 VS CiUi n Irak ing. gentle for children. $98. Write P.O. Box 783. Salem. Oregon. jr. Claude Edwards. Rt. 3. Box 800K, mom -i ih. McCandllsh. 1127 & 23th. Ph, $-8147. WANTED: Thin cows and heifers lot I feeders, also butcher cattle. Get my bid, tt will cost you nothing. Earl Du Chlen, i 2403 N. 8th. Salem. Phone 3-1038, na. nAMranina oaoy cntcaa. Weekly hatches. Ph. 3-2ML Lee's Haeri kiGHfaT PAlgfa -iA f..tU horses wanted for fox feed. Call col lect Sherwood 4432. Dr.T.T.Lass-ND. DKS. CHAN rr.a.Ckan.NJ. . . LAM . CBTNESE BEkBAUSTS 141 North Liberty Pastalrs daasral saeetrts Sasnreav eulv is Co. Office to I 8 toil pjn. Ceasui- sesare and arista teste are free of charge. Practiced dace IS1T Why Suffer Any Longer When others fan, ase oar Chinese reaaedtee. Awaslag saeceas for 404 rears ta China. Ne saatter with what albaeate yea I are srnietee disorders, afasttH. heart, laags. Uv. er. kidaeys, gaa, eeaattaatlsa. aleera. Otebetes. raeasaatisae, gall and blad- eer revar. saia. fesaale CHARLIE CHAN csnNsss a ran CO. 8M N Ceeaaaerrial Pheae $-183$ SALEM. ORE. office Hears 9 to 8. Taes. aad Sat. eaty nEALTTJ TO YOU After Cerrectlns' Bensorrbeids (Piles) Plstala. rtasBre, Praia pae. and ether Rectal Dia orders. Ne noeplUllsatisai Write ar Can fat rree Boeklet Dr. H. Reynolds C31oi Natararraetolagtat !lt N. Uberty St. Salens, Ora. Uo Uani Yonr Eggs! Tel 3-3672 by OTTO J. WILSON CO. eemplalaas. Always a Dapswutahfo I Caah Market! I j Ccrly'i Dairy Phon -8781?