The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 28, 1948, Page 12, Image 12

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    Back Again
Cats, 'Ducks Vie Wednesday.
Inspired Middies Tie Army, 21-21; Irish, Sqoners, Tar Heels, Georgia Win
Willamette university's -1948-49
basketball varsity, expected to be
a top threat in the Northwest con
ference again, uncloaks its cam
paign Wednesday night in the
wU gym against the U of Oregon
Webfoots. Game time is 8 o'clock
and it will find Coach Johnny
Lewis' troupe primed to repeat
their upset win of last year over
John Warren's Coast conference
team. It will be Oregon's only
Salem appearance of the season.
Both foes will toss veteran
teams -at one another. Four of
Lewis' starters of a year ago ,
Jim, Bob and Ted ! Johnson and
Tommy Warren? ire back again,
and are joined! by i one of three
capable newcomers. 'They are Reg
Waters, transfer from Centralia
JC, Doug Logue, Astoria fresh
man and Ted Loder, Milwaukie
yearling. All are - tall, and can
score. j ij
Warren will bring in such not
ables as the 6-foot, 8-inch Roger
Wiley and Bob Amacher, Guard
Bob Lavey, Lynn Hamilton, Ken
Seeborg and others. The game
marks the start of , Oregon's sea
son also. I S
NEW YORK, Nev. t7 -CP)
Wlnleaa Navy spelled Army's
bid for a perfect seasea with a
21-21 tic today while Notre
Dame contused andefeated as
the last big football Saturday of
the year found the bowl pro
moters snapping up the best
available talent for New Year's
There were several surprises.
The Ne. 1 eyebrow lifter was
the moral victory for a Navy
team that hadn't won a game
since early in the 1947 season.
Navy entered the service classic
a three-touchdown nnderdog. ,
Behind 7-9 after the first per
iod at Philadelphia, Army came
back to tie up the ium and
twice take the lead. Each time
the Inspired Midshipmen knot
ted the count and settled for a
deadlock to the ajnasemeat of
192,511 fans Including President
Oklahoma, the Big- Seven
champion, subdued a good Okla
homa A and M club, 19-15, and
Immediately accepted an Invl
tation to play In the Sugar Bowl
at New Orleans Jan. 1.
Opponents for the once-beaten
Soon era will be the unde
feated but once-tied Tarheels of
North Carolina. N. C. closed Its
season with a 54-12 triumph
over Virginia as the great
Charlie Justice scored two touch
downs on runs of SO and 47
yards and passed for two others.
By its impressive showing
asrainst the powerful S oners.
Oklahoma A and M also earned
Itself a bowl assignment. The
.Aggies were named to meet
William and Mary la the Delta
Bowl at Memphis, Tenau. Jan. 1.
Clemson, la keeping Its record
unblemished, gained a spot la the
New Year's day Gator Bowl at
Jacksonville. Fla- against Miss
ouri of the Big Seven and Geor
gia appeared to have the Inside
track for the Oranse BowL
-Georgia wrapped up the south
eastern conference championship
by squeezing past Georgia Tech,
Clemson. the southern confer
ence tltleholder, ' had to come
from behind In the last seven
minutes to nose Auburn, 7-6.
and complete Its season with
nine straight victories.
Notre Dame, meanwhile, oiled
up Its biggest' score of the year
la flattening Washington, 45-9,
boosting Its consecutive victories
to 2L
la the southwest conference.
Southern Methodist came from
behind with a 'minute and 41
seconds left today to tie Texas
Christian. 1-7. oa the throwing
arm of Gil Johnson. Imeedlately
after the game It was announced
SMU would play Oregon's Pa
cific Coast conference co-champions
In the Cotton Bowl on
New Year's day.
Baylor and Rice also played to
a 7-7 tie bat Baylor earned a
bid to the Dixie Bowl at Bir
mingham, Ala where It will
meet Wake Forest on the south
ern conference Jan.! 1.
The tie complex also caught
up with Michigan .State, which
was held to 21-21 by Santa
Clara, the only team to beat
Oklahoma and Nevada' this year.
Tulane kept Its bowl hopes
alive by swamping i Louisiana
State. 45-9, and Mississippi took
runner-up honors la the south
eastern conference ith a 24-7
triumph overi Mississippi State.
Vanderbllt rolled over Tennes
see. 25-5, . and Alabama finally
outlasted Florida. 54-25, In oth
er southeastern tussles;.
Villanova stopped 1orth Care
Una State, Jl-7, and William and
Mary blanked Arkansas. 9-9, In
Intersectlonal j contests. In the
east, Boston college overcame a
seven-year Jinx to edre out
Holy Cross. 21-29, West Virginia
cashed in on a last period ram
ble to defeat Maryland. 15-14.
Msnd Fordham shut out New York
university. 25-9.
llf-Tfag Stat nunu Salom. Oreqotu, Sandaj, JJonmbt 23. 1943
J' T "
WU Gridders
Back to Work
Finale Set Saturday
With Santa Barbara
Their Thanksgiving holiday
ever, Willamette U's footballers
return to practice Monday to
make final preparations for the
final game of the season, Satur
day at Bakers field, Cal with
Santa Barbara. Coach Jerry Lillie
last night watched the Gauchos
in their game with San Diego
State, and intends spending three
days of -practice acquainting his
team with what it will be up
against Saturday.
The Methodist squad will leave
Thursday via train. The game Is
being sponsored by the Shriners
s a benefit.
The week of rest for the Bear
cats is expected to do wonders
for their injury riddled ranks.
Lillie now has hopes that Keith
Sperry. Al Minn, Roy Harring
ton, Johnny Slanchik, Chuck Pat
terson and Gene Allicon will be
again healthy enough to go full
blast against the favored Gau
chos. All have been in and out
of the WU lineup the past month
because of wounds.
Mustangs Have
Close Squeak
DALLAS, Nov. 27-P-Southern
Methodist rode with the passing
arm of Gil Johnson to a 7-7 thrill
packed tie against Texas Christian
in the season's finale today then
heard its opponent in the Cotton
bowl Jan. 1 would be the Univer
sity f Oregon.
The mighty Bomber passed and
ran the Methodists 99 yards with
less than two minutes to play and
SMU closed out the southwest con
ference campaign undefeated.
Officials to Meet
A meeting of the Salem Officials'
association will be held in room
109 at the high school Monday
night, 7:30. All basketball officials
are urged to attend.
The deal for the Senators ball
elub isn't off yet, but might as
well be. We understand the price
tag on the outfit reads a flat
$100,000, . which is more than
twice the amount offered by those
interested in buying it. All hands
might get together on a less stupi-
fying figure later on,- however
As we look at it, the hundred
grand goes far out of line after
one glance at the Spokane situa
tion. And there is a situation there,
a bad one. The Spokes have no
semblance of. a park under con
struction for next season and co-
owners Buddy Ryan and LaMar
Butler are involved in a feud.
One wants to buy out the other.
Weather conditions being what
they are in the Inland Empire
during the winter, building of a
park now is next to an impossi
bility. Should Spokane and those
juicy checks the visiting clubs
" -
. V
I r
Leonard Younee
pluck there drop from the league
even for one semester, the value
of all other clubs in the circuit
decreases sharply. Spokane always
has been the WIL's guiding light
financially, and the league can't
too well afford losing her. ...
Operators' of the Pear Bowl
footballer in Med ford could right
fully change it to "Whammy
Bowl" nejft , time. Last year the
game was played in a dense and
damp - fog which kept patronage
far from expectations. This time
rain fell throughout the clash and
again there were more empty than
full ; pews. ;It11 probably snow
next year. I . , - -
- Note the "new look" In WUs
historic old gym Wednesday when
you drop in on the Bearcat-Oregon
game,. We're told the old
scoreboard and that cussable
clock is gone and that a new one,
much simpler to savvy, . is going
up. Later on a few thousand dol
lars ; worth of modern folding
tvpe bleachers go up also. . . .
Top rumor in California holds
rn II m -m , . i
Bowling Meet
Planned Here
The First Annual Salem Bowl
ing association tournament has
been dated forvDecember 12 and
19 at the Capitol 'alleys, it has
been announced by officers of the
association. The meet will be opeo
to men only, and its purpose is to
raise funds for the association
treasury so that the purchase of
medals and tropries will be pos
sible for future pin; conclaves.
The upcoming meet will call for
five singles games, with full han
dicaps available to all trundlers.
The method of establishing handi
caps can be learned at the alleys
before the entry deadline falls
December 7. So far the association
officers have raised upwards of
$350 tn cash. : for priaes, pins,
watches, luggage, foodstuffs and
other merchandise from various
merchants. ; i
Vandals Rap Whitman
MOSCOW, Idaho, Nov. 27-OTV
The Idaho Vandals crushed Whit
man, 42 to 28, tonight in a pre
season basketball game which
avenged last night's victory by the
PHOENIX, Ariz., Nov. 27 -(P)
Arizona's Wildcats put on a first
half offensive show here tonight
to be a favored Marquette Hill
topper crew 24-14. .
that Sid Luckman. great T quar
terback for the; Chicago Bears is
about to take over the coaching
reins from Bert LaBrucherie at
UCLA. Gosh, and It wasn't too
long ago that LaBrucherie was
hailed as a future great after
being lured from i Los Angeles
prep ranks by the Ukes. ...
At long last the village pops
up with a gymnasium in which
prize fighters can train. Further
more, half a dozen of same are
already tuning up in it. The place
is located at 278 Chemeketa street
and to Manny Mdrrell, of ? the
downtown Army-Navy store, goes
much of the credit for its estab
lishment. Morrell has taken over
the managership of Dean Abney,
incidentally, and Dean is to show
in a four-rounder on Tex Sal
keld's Portland show Tuesday
night. Older brother Bud Abney
also works out in the new biff
parlor, as does Glenn Staats, Phil
Winters, Denny O'Hara and oth
ers. All under a trainer too. He's
Georfcie Masters, former profes
sional in and around Pittsburgh,
Pa., and wartime naval "Tunney
fish. ...
Nab a look at next month's
"Sport" mag it has quite a
shot on Captain and Guard Len
Younce of the? New York grid
giants as the "Oregon Outdoors
man." Seems Big Len shot a deer
once. . . . Don O'Leary. the one
time Hood . River high football
sensation who ! went to Notre
Dame only to drop out, popped
in on coaching men at the U of
Oregon. When asked what kind
of a deal he could get at Eugene,
he was told he shad; to show 'em
what he could do to be worthy
of any deal at all. So he up and
went to Washington instead. No
body puts anything over on J.
Aiken if he can help it . . .
A sort of minor league home
coming is due Wood born Joe
Kahut when he fights that main
eventer in Seattle? early next
month. Joe Waterman, the "Old
Salt" who was Portland's fistic
promoter through the greater part
of Kahut's earlier career is now
the mitt maestro in Seattle. Wat
erman once owned jiart of Kahut,
in fact. . . . e
An example of what winning
football can do even in high school
was presented j Friday night at
Grants Pass. Involved with Med
ford in the playoff game, the
Cavemen lured a crowd of nearly
8000 fans, most of whom paid
$2.50 per seat. Roughly, We would
say a gross of $15,000 was sack
ed, which ain't hay for high school
touchdowning. And did those na
tives get theirl $2.50 worth! It
was a whale of a battle all the
way and Grants Pass beat Med
ford for the first time since
1832! ... 1 if
i ... a. ! v. " S'tfs
s.i': ;..:-, 6 . .
V t j
i K .
Oregon's Roger Wiley, all six-
feet, eitht-inches of him. is back
again for his senior season of
basketballing for the Webfoots.
Hell be present next Wednes
day night when the Ducks play
Willamette in Salem.
Broncs, MSC
In 21-21 Tie
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 27-JP)-Michigan
State's Spartans, tremen
dous favorites, were held to a 21
to 21 tie by an underrated Univer
sity of Santa Clara football team
here today, before 20,000 fans. .
Th e Spartans, who had held
mighty Michigan to a 13-7 win, had
to come from behind twice to break
The visitors had been favored to
win by 22 points.
They started out impressively.
scoring a first period touchdown
when Fullback Le Roy Crane j
pounded throueh the Santa Clara 1
line for the last four yards. It
climaxed a 48-yard drive. Through-,
out the second quarter, however,
the Broncos held control of the
game and crossed the Michigan .
State goal line twice.
End ( Talked9,
Last to Hear
EUGENE. Nov, tl-JPy-The first i
man to disclose that Oregon had
been invited U the Cotton Bowl
was the last man te learn that the
Pacific Coast conference had ap
proved the game.
That waa Dan Garaa. left end
and co-captain, who waa s upset
by his "out-of-turn" disclosure of
the bid last night that he arose
at 5 this moraine to go fishing.
And get it off his mind.
"I'm just waiting." said his wife,
"for Dan to come borne so I can
give him the good news."
It will be a homecoming game
for Garza, only Texan on the
'Huge' Tuesday Mat Bee Set
"It should be a hue evening
at the armory,' Matchmaker
Elton Owen beamed Saturday
as he announced his completed
card for the week's grappling
program Tuesday night. There
Would nab Fanner's pig.
will be four separate matches,
capped of course by the blr
challenge sortie between the
bearded beys from the hill
Beavers Whip
Orangemen Outclass
Nebraska Gridders
By Matt Kramer
PORTLAND. Nov. 27-(yP)-Ore-
gon State power overcame the Neb
raska Cornhuke,;s rere today, lo
ll, on a sloppy gridiron swept by
a raw wind.
The Staters drove to four touch
downs, and added a safety to dom
inate the game from start to finish.
A slim crowd of 12.900 watched.
Only after the Beavers had a
safe lead in the fourth quarter did
the Cornhuskers score.
The teams sparred at the outset,
but midway in the first period
Oregon State opened up. Halfback
Neb. 0C
First downs
Net yds. gained rushing
Farward passes attempted
Forward passes completed
Yds. by forward pastes
Forwards Intercepted by
Yds. rnnback Interceptions ..
Punting average
Yds., all kicks returned
Opponent fumbles recovered
Yds. lost by penalties
; Ken Carpenter took the punt back
23 ds for a starter.
Vrnm th. Nebraska 42: Halfback
i Don Samuel, who was a standout
fr.r ih Reavers, went 10 yarns
around end. Next he passed to Half
back Rudy Ruppe on the 5. Full
back Dick Twenge scored from
A 50-yard march added another
touchdown in the second quarter.
Halfback Dick Gray turned in a
twisting 21-yard run for the score.
In the third, Samuel again
maneuvered the Staters to scoring
territory, and Twenge again plung
ed for a touchdown.
Then Nebraska came alive.
Quarterback Frank Collopy parsed
20 yards to End Bob Schneider
who latcralled to Fullback Don
Strasheim. Strasheim raced 40
yards more to the Oregon State 20.
From there, Delbert Wiegand
passed to Halfback Dick Hutton
for touchdown the first play of
the fourth quarter.
TVi Q3trc rnintered with a 68- 1
yard march. It took them five
plays to score, with Carpenter
slicine off tackle the final nine
wiecand trying for
score later, faded behind his own
1 1 rts and T h State line
knocked d'own his attempted pass.
It went as a safety, which added
the final two points to the win
ners' score
l,: . -'"
drove Oregon State reserves back
67 yards for the final touchdown.
rvi!nnv who was the sDarkDlug
Lf th. -.Hvan. mt ih u-nrc on a
5-yard smash over tackle.
The winners amassed 300 yards
from rushing against 75 for the
Huskers who .except for their two
forays, could do nothing against
the Oregon State line.
Program Shoot Set
For Salem Gunners
The Salem Traps hooter elub
will today encase In a program
shoot, starting at 11 a.m. on the
25th and Turner road range.
The shoot Is open to the public
and events Include 5t 16-yard
targets. 5t handicaps and 12 pair
of doubles.
country. Farmer Jones of Ar
kansas and Stoekey Kneilsen of
The three prelims, to start at
f:30 pjil, line up as follows:
(1) Whitey WaUberr. the
quick-hitting Swede vs. Gypsy
Joe. (2) Herb Parks vs. Grey
Mask. (3) Billy Fox vs. Rene
LaBelL The latter, expected to
be- an a:l-elean skirmish, takes
the feature spot. But most fsns
will be more interested In the
Parks-Mask mix. as this one
puts the cantankerous Canuck in
with a gent who could head
butt him silly. It likely would
be okeh with most of the cus
tomers if El Stonefaee did just
So far Farmer Jones hasn't
answered the Kneilsen challenge,
wherein the Tennessee hillbilly
would put up j SIM against the
Farmer's pet pig. winner take
all. Oft known as the Tattooed
Toughie, Kneilsen has little use
for the colorful Jones, "but
shore would like thet porker of
his for my Christmas dinner.
Oregon State 2S. Nebranka 13
Penn State 7. Wash. State 0
Michigan State 21. Santa Clara 11
Arizona 24. Marquette li
Navy 21, Army 21
Fordham 2. New York U. 0
West Virginia 16. Mao land 14
Boston College 21. Holy Cross 20
Adelphia 7. Hofitra 6
Notre Dame 46. Washington
Detroit 26. Tul&a 22
Wah. (St. Louis) 27. Louisville 13
Oklahoma 19. Oklahoma A & M 15
Kentucky State 33. Bluefield State 0
0CE Not Admitted to NW Loop
PORTLAND, Nov, 27-VThe
Idaho snd Oregon schools which
applied for membership in the
Pacific Northwest Intercollegiate
Athletic conference won't be
admitted at this time.
Faculty representatives of the
conference declined today to art
on applications of Northern Ida
ho Collece of Education and
Oreron College of Education? An
application from Eastern Ore
Navy Eleven Outplays
Cadets in Gaining Tie
PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 27-fffVNavy caught Army with its platoons
down today and spoiled the Cadet's perfect season -with a 21-21 tie in
an unbelievable turn of football fortunes.
It was a sweet-tasting moral victory for the Midshipmen, beaten 13
Cougars, 7-0
TACOMA, Wash.. Nov. 21-(JP-Larry
Cooney scooted around
right end for 17 yards on a fake
reverse today for a second quarter
touchdown and Penn State was
glad to settle for a 7-0 victory over
a Washington State college team
i it was expected to bury in the
I moist earth of the Tacoma stad
I The Cougars from Pullman,
wasn., eggea on dv a partisan
crowd of 18,000, checked the East
Coast's Nittany Lions time and
. a train iucr m Hrafh from th grnal
- --- . ..r '
penally nuiiuiea anouier rtnn
State touchdown.
Cooney and Fcank Rogel lashed
at the Cougar line in a second
quarter march that carried them
over for the only counter. Cooney
Innllnno Ik. 17 vorH Pari
sturges booted the extra point
M , .
from placement.
From there on the westerners,
swamped last week by a team
which tied the Lions, Michigan
State, fought with their backs to
the wall.
Prep Football
Finals Slated
PORTLAND. Nov. 27 -(&)- The
state championship B" prep foot
ball contest between Dayton and
Henley is set for next Saturday
afternoon at McMinnville.
The executive board of the Ore
gon High School Activities associa-
I tion today award. ed the game site
tor uayton. ine kickoii win do at
The class A championship game
between Grants Pass and Jeffer
son of Portland had already been
set for next Saturday in Portland's
Multnomah stadium.
Table of Coastal Tiile
Tides for- Tan. Oregon Novem-
ber. 1S4S.
Time Ht.
2S 10 03 a.m. 7 3
11JO p.m. 9.3
79 10:42 a m. 7.7 '
39 12:28 a.m. 9 4
11:21 a-m. 7.7
3:44 a.m.
9 07 p.m. ,
4:31 a.m. '
9 S3 p.m.
m. t
. 2.4
9:19 a.m.
:3T p.m. -1.3
4fiontlf pood?
75 S. rteafi Sree4
Georgia 21. Georgia Tech 13
North Carolina 34. Virginia 13
Villanova 21. N. Carolina Stat 7
Clemson 7. Auburn
Alabama 34. Florida 28
Tulane 46. Louisiana State 0
MiUfippl 34, Mississippi State 7
Vanderbilt 22, Tennessee S
William & Mary 9. Aikana 0
South. Methodirt 7, Tex. Christian 7
Rice 7. Baylor 7
Texas Teeh 28. Hardin-Simmons 20
West Texas State 1. New Mexico 0
Southern (Texas 19. Prtine View 0
gon College of Education was
tabled. University of British
Columbia's long - standing re
signation was formally accepted.
The faculty group rejected a
proposal to contract for Pear
Bowl playoffs between the
Northwest titlist and the cham
pion of the Far West conference.
The coaches group elected Paul
Stagg. Pacific university, as
president, and Paul Durham,
Llnfield. as secretary.
times in a row eight this season
and held in such poor esteem
today that the Cadets were solid
three touchdown favorites.
The contest was less than six
minutes old when Pete Williams,
a phantom-hipped midshipman
from Miami, Fla.'. took a Lateral
from Reaves Bafysinger and dash
ed 59 yards, to the Army 13. In
three plays Baysinger was across
with a Navy score.
Precis ion ist Army bounced back
Army Navy
Total first downs . II IS
First Sown rushing S 11
First dowam pausing 3 a
Total yards ruihinf 2S tI7
Yards (allied passinc 7S S3
Passes attempted . it It
Passes completed . 3 S
Passes Intercepted . .
Total yds. all kicks rr turned SZ 7
Number of fumbles I
BaU lost bT fumbles
Yards penalized ... . II S
with two touchdowns in the sec
ond period, set up on identical
pas plays from Arnold Galiffa
to Dave Parrish. Navy tied the
score at 14-14 with a Baysinger-
sparKed march in the third per
iod only to see Army go ahead
again with a touchdown in the
first minute of the final quarter.
Then the Midshipmen launched
a land drive that wouldn't be de
nied. In short, vicious hunks.
Fullback Bill Hawkins and Half
back Jimmy Green started pound
ing out yardage through Army's
tiring line.
The Midshipmen moved 50
yards down field, Hawkins scor
ing the tieing touchdown from
the eight yard line with
minutes to play.
Justice Shines
In NC Victory
27-iJPh Charlie (Choo Choo) Jus
tice engineered North Carolina's
unbeaten Tarheels into the New
Orleans Sugar Bowl against Ok
lahoma today.
The great, 167 - pound back,
scored twice and passed for two
more touchdowns to lead the Tar
heels to a 34-12 triumph over
Virginia, an ancient gridiron ri
val. . The victory ended the Tarheels'
campaign, their first undefeated
season since the turn of the cen
tury. noviiiG?
Going Somewhere?
A Car or Truck From
Padding Furnished with
Smlrty'a Clipper Sendee
Corner of Center Church
Phone S-96M
., y - J !':' - :
Ducks Accept Bid from Dallas
After Conference Gives Okay
DALLAS, Nov. n-4JPf-Org6n .which got snubbed by the Rose
Bowl, today accepted an invitation to play Southern Methodist in
the Cotton Bowl, Jan. 1. j
Dan D. Rogers, chairman of the board of the Cotton Bowl athletie
association .announced Oregon would meet the Methodists in the
thirteenth annual Dallas gridiron classic. j
Coach Jim Aiken of the Webfoots watched the finish of Southern
Methodist's thrilling 7-7 tie with Texas Christian in a Southwest
Huskies, 46-0
SOUTH BEND, Ind,, Nov. 27-UP)
The football was like a greased
pig to the University of Washing
ton today.
Notre Dame turned five fum
bles by the Huskies into quick
touchdowns during the first half
to romp rodeo fashion to a 46-v
triumph. 1
It was the Irish's greatest win-
ning margin in nine consecutive
decisions this season and stretched
their victory ttreak to a school
record of 21. The game also was
the 27th in which Notre Dame re
mained undefeated, including the
scoreless tie with Army in 1948, to
eclipse another mark which w
hoisted in the Knute Rockne era.
Codch Frank Leahy employed a
total of 43 players and six differ
ent ones crossed the goal line, End
Leon Hart counting twice.
A crowd of 50, 609 about 5.500
under capacity, ending a Notre
Dame record of playing to sell-out
throngs through 24 games watch
ed the Irish with awe as they pi-d
up four touchdowns in the
quarter and one in each of the
next three periods.
Frank Tripucka flipped three
touchdown passes, each stemming
from recovered fumbles.
Bowl Dope:
NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 27 -UP)-Oklahoma
and North Carolina will
meet in the 15th annual Sugar bowl
football game here on New Year's
BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Nov. 27-fP)-The
Dixie Bowl committee to
night invited Baylor of the South
western conference to play Wake
Forett in the Dixie game here Jan.
MIAMI, Fla, Nov. 27 -OP)-The
Orange Bowl committee tonight
announced Georgia had accepted
an invitation to play in the New
Year's Day football game here. An
opponent has not been selected.
JACKSONVILLE, la., Nov. 27
Unbeaten Clemson college (S.C.)
and the .University of Missouri will
meet in the Gator bowl here Jan.
1, Selection Chairman J. Barring
ton Darby announced tonight.
PASADENA, Calif. Nov. 27-OP)
-Duluth, Minn., Junior college will
face Compton, Calif., JC. in the
Little Rose Bowl game Dec. 11.
All-Coasl Team: .
The annual Associates! ' Press
All-Coast football team. Includ
ing story and pictures, will be
released fori publication In The
Statesman next Tuesday morn
ing. Watch for it.
NO j 1!
' ys4sSBss4s4as
Chas. 1L Evans
Phone 3-4114
475 Ferry St.
llr jTEXUt
scouted Southern Methodist but
had said he was. here unofficially
and only as a spectator, declared
he expected a tough afternoon for
his team against SMU in the Cot
ton Bowl. I ,
Rogers said jlhe Pacific Coast!
conference had given Oregon per
mission to play here. . j ;
Southern Methodist won eight,
lost one and tied one. The loss was
to Missouri of the Big Seven con
EUGENE, Ore!., Nov. 27-OVThe
confirmation of Oregon's greatest
gridiron game in 28 years came to-
day to a campus with practically
j nobody there to celebrate it. Al
most all the students were home
for the Thanksgiving weekend..
The news that Oregon will play
Southern Methodist in the Cotton
Bowl on New Year's day its first
Bowl game since 1920 spread
jubilantly through the town.
Patricia Dotur, wife of football
player Steve Dotur and a former
Dallas girl, heard the news as
she was running, two faucets full
blast, and was so excited she
couldn't turn them off again. Do
tur rushed In to, close them off
for her.. - I V f ' ".. " x .'
"We're t proud and happy to
have been invited by the Cotton
Bowl to appear there on New
Year's day against Southern
Methodist," said Athletic Director
Leo Harris. j ;
And we're. very appreciative,'
he added, -to the faculty repre
sentatives of the Pacific Coast
conference for granting us per
mission to play."
The news hoped for but not
certain among the students and
the town broke in an announce
ment from Dallas this afternoon.
The university president and
Harris were notified about noon
that the conference had voted ap
proval. The formal Invitation was ex
tended to the director of athletics l
at the University of Oregon on
Thanksgiving Imorning,'' said
University President Harry K. !
Newburn. "The Invitation fol
lowed contacts earlier in ' the I
week by the Cotton Bowl commit
tee and a unanimous vote of the
Southern Methodist football team
selecting the University of Oregon
as its New Year's day opponent,"
Oregon Coach; Jim Aiken, who
scouted the Southern Methodist
game today will go on to Ohio
for speaking engagements and re
turn here next Saturday.
The Webfoof, squad will be
asked to work out informally in
the meantime. fThe first regular
practice probably will be . post
poned until final exams end on
Dec. 17. The squad is expected to
leave for Dal la between Dec. 20
and 22. j ,
A spokesman said here that,
before the negotiations were com
pleted, the Southwest conference
agreed that Oregon's negro play
ers would be allowed to parti-...
cipate. The Webfoots place-kick
expert, Chet Daniels, and a start
Ing left half, Woodley Lewis, are
negro. I
. The Cotton Bowl game will
mark the first time, sportsters here
said, that a Pacific Coast confer
ence school has played a major
New Year's day game except in
the Rose Bowl.
It will be Oregon's third bowl"
game. The Webfoots played In the
Rose Bowl In 1917 and 1920.
It's Modern to Ride jtn
mil ';...
most KODitM morotacits
conference same. Aiken, who