1 The) Stert man, Salem. Ore.. Tuesday. November 23. 1943 PHONE 3-3721 OPENS6:45iP.M. TOIIIGHT! TWO ITEW PICTURES! (First Time In Salem!) j V !!bViH0I& .4 ! X r Gay ' -!,J3? U" " Happy Co-Hit! t.7$ iASl 1A1V V A 4eV aW-sU Jft Mickey! Imerica's Netc Sweet Heart! CMON ALONG TV MEW- f America Mickey! J SAe Brimming with Joy I a f r Z7 - "v ivi ii iini I "Vr WAAVAVV-Y C - V m (ArT7rJlU 3 t "at 1 J )r In GafrSparkling QNECQLORt ri BILL GOODWIN IRENE HERYEY JOHN SUTTON Rom Nobart Settle MeOmM Skips Hestear Color Cartoon Netffl Council Authorizes Hearing On Proposed Zone Changes (Council Mwi also on page 1) Salem's citr council Monday nixht authorized for December 13 public hearing on a proposed zone chance to permit an apartment bouse across from Salem high school on 14th at D streets and a bid opening for a $59,138 street improvement bond Issue. The change from class I to II residential zone, sought by Alton L. Pierce, has won preliminary ap proval from the city planning and zoning commission. The bond sale would cover the cost of street Im provements for which abutting Tear Top Shew Talse! BIS 1 LAST DAT! "A Foreign Affair" - And --Walls of Jericho" IIEV7 Tononnou! An Adventare Beyond Compare! (LMMHHiB) 'MSSBSto And iotROGERS TRIGGER NEW SHOW TONTTE! 1 1 41 Opons :45-StaHo 7:15 IL Donald O'Connor Marjorie Main "FEUD IN FUSSIN AND A FIGHTIN' " Bob Mltehua Barbara Halo "rTEST OF PECOS" COLOR CARTOON LATE NEWS! ENDS TONIGHT! f :4S P. AL Wayne Morris "THE BIG PUNCH" o Johnny Mack Brown "TRAIL TO VENGEANCE" TOMORROW! BAXTIX HOIDIN MM MM tuns MNMX Gen. Aalrr TWTIJGHT ON IIO GKANDtT ITwirwIEDIATI. DELIVERY! l7(Sini(i MHW 0 BggS 038 cDofes 145 Tr,. .a .. . 141 HP. 2H TON -4 I.' !! r S TON r, . EVERYTHIKG FOROUR t -3 TRUCKING PfEEDS i -6 HEAVY DUTT QUICK ZZXVKZ ON HZAVT DUTY 1H TON AIL INSTALLATIONS AND IUITJVUM 1 TON DUAL DSTVESi LOOGQfO TIAILFJLS; S134I TBAII-ZSi TAGALONO AZIZSi FXAMZ LXILKSTONSt DUMP AND VAN BODIZSf nATlZDS EATON. TD4ZZN AND CLAXX AXLES BROWNLIPE TRAXSMI3SIOW3. ' CALL ON US TODAY FOR FUZZ DEMONSTRATIONS . SPEqriCATlOKS QUOTATIONS VALLEY MOTOR CO. 975 Center sUee TVobo S4147 property owners are footing the bilL Preparing Fee Study City Manager J. L Franzen told the council he is preparing an overall study of city license fe and probably will recommend changes designed to put the var ious fees on a comparable basis His report is expected by the end of the year, he said, 'after the council heard a protest that the $25 weekly fee for palmists is too high. Theodore Gorman appeared on behalf of Palmist Anna Johnson to ask that her license fee be made more reasonable and placed on a quarterly or annual basis. She has operated in downtown Salem since last summer and is now lo cated on Ferry street. Changes Rejected The council rejected three citi zen's requests for exceptions from city laws, including: (1) Vacation of part of Front street so Pacific Cooperative Poultry Co. could build a loading platform at Front and Hood streets; (2) reduction of sewer rental fee for McDowell meat market which asserted most of its sewer use is for cooling water only, and (3) sign atop marquee for Red Cross pharmacy at High and State streets. The city engineer was instructed to study two trees on 13th street near State where residents have expressed fear the trees may blow down as a result of root cuts in recent years necessitated by side walk repairs. Five bills were passed to assess the cost of street improvements against property holders along Hickory from Broadway to 5th streets; Pine from 5th to Church streets; Hickory from Broadway to 5th streets; 24th from Market street to the north end of the street and Norway from Liberty to 4th streets. Another bill passed reestablishes the sidewalk line on Hickory street between Maple and 5th streets. The hair of the average person grows about half an inch a month. Chicken and Sleak Dinners Thanksgiving Special Wednesday and Thursday Roast Turkey and Dressing $75 Ciild'i Plale, .SO Opn 12 to 12 THE LYNN DCAFEv, 2 miles north underpass Phone 2-6258 Treal the Family To a Thanksgiving Dinner al the 7 e'afie DINING ROOM DANCTNQ EVERT EVENING Tear Parties and Baaqaeto Oar Specialties DaUas A Independence J auction 5 ML West of Salem Phono 2220 Death Claims Two Well-known, Active Oregon Physicians PORTLAND. Nov. 22-aVDeath has claimed two veteran Portland physicians on their 64th year. Dr. Charles J. Dean, who found ed the Dean clinic here 32 years ago and later extended the clinic to Seattle,-San Francisco, and Los Angeles, died in a hospital . this morning at the age of 64. Dr, Thomas W. Ross, 64, suc cumbed to a heart ailment yester day. Ross had served on the state fishing commission, the Portland boxing commission, the U.S. pen sion board, and was editor ot toe magazines Medical Sentinel and Medico. c I IMS 'I II Starts Today Opea C:45 mmmmm L. ..i.ff ...... SAfAfcJ I0TXI tlCTSl MeUttEsV I Si "ilia Second Feature "ROLLING HOME Jean Parker, Rassell Hayden Colder Weather Influences Thief City police agreed Monday that an auto prowler operating in Sa lem Saturday must be warm and maybe, (hie), a little under the weather. G. G. Hagge, 1130 Chemeketa si, told officers a thief entered his parked car in the downtown dis trict Saturday afternoon, taking two overcoats, a blanket and a bottle of .liquor. They were valued at $85. Medford Man Named to State Forestry Board Appointment of Floyd Hart, Medford, as a member of the state board of forestry to succeed the late George Gerlinger of Portland was announced by Gov. JohnH. Hall Monday. Hart, an employe of the Timber Products company at Medford, will represent the West Coast Lumbermen's association on the forestry board. Leftist in (20 Told to Get Out Or Get in by President Murray PORTLAND, Nov. 22 -CP) CIO President Philip Murray gave com munist, members of the union an unprecedented tongue - lashing at the national convention here tonight. Delegates urged Murray on as he hurled accusations at the reds and red dominated locals and he responded. j "We do not want the eommu-" nist party in New York to be pulling strings and have delegates here acting as Charley McCar thys," he asserted. "I'm sick. I'm sore. I'm tired of these subtle maneuvering! on the part of certain people ... to un dermine labor organizations," he thundered. Murray then appealed to the convention to declare whether af filiated unions could continue to refuse support to CIO policies. "Either we. have policy or we don't," he asserted. Once again a roar of approval met him. Earlier Murray demanded reor ganization of three unions which he said had failed in the CIO's mission "to organize the unorganized." There was some question on what action the convention might take against the unions Murray singled out. The CIO constitution already empowers the executive board to investigate the affairs of unions, but not to oust their officers. But there was sure to be heavy pressure on the officers of the three unions to resign. The con vention by a two - thirds vote, can revoke the charter of unions. Abram Flaxer, president of the United Public Worker, told re porters he would make a conven tion speech replying to Murray's attack. '' James Durkin, president of .the office and professional workers, could not be located for comment. Durkin is also president of the New York City CIO council or was president before the execu tive board revoked the council's charter Saturday on the ground that the council gave "slavish ad herence" to communist dictates. Samuel Wolchok, president of the Retail and Wholesale union, told a reporter he didn't think Murray was referring to when he spoke of resignations. MORE tVOES FOR CITY NEW YORK, Nov. 22-JVThe city's strike-battered commercial life was hit another blow today as AFL Teamsters walked out in a pay dispute. The frigate bird, clocked at 2i miles an hour, is the fastest feath ered flyer. Ailing Health Hdlts King's Plan for Trip LONDON, .Tuesday, NovJ 23 -WV King George VI postponed today because of ailing health the royal tour of Australia and New Zealand which had been sched uled for next year. An announcement from Buck. Ingham palace shortly after mid night said complete rest had been advised for the 52-year-old Brit ish ruler and therefore all his pub lic engagements have been can celled for some months. i The announcement said the king is suffering from an obstruction to the circulation in his right leg. THMIESGIVniG DMIIEI1 j 51.50 Served Family Style GOLD ARROW RESTAURANT r 159t Falrgroaads Road Dinino; Dancing Chicken and Steak Dinners THANKSGIVING 1 Turkey Dinners $2.00 .., Childs Plate $1.00 ? Dining Service front 1 P. M. U I P. M. Make Reservations Now i 4 M. S. WE Opea for Banquets Tuesdays Phone 2-1311 ancf mug tr easy Thoro Aro No Lovor Faros I Reeeburg Klamath Falls Saa Francisco . AM 9M Loo Angeles Coos Bay Seattle flzt . S.M . ua Additional Saving on Round Trip Farm B. W. Rlebe,' Agent, 471 N. Chare It. - Phoae 1-141S NEW T T0I10BB0U! (S 2 MAJOR HITS! fj SVVsL V NB THRILL INTHE j V ENTERTAINMENT SHY 11 1 from WARNER f tnd Major Hit i lCt7VI RlT,"'n7 V T ITAERINQ W I I- . I LI J 11.: fed EXTRA! BUGS BUNNY CARTOON "HARE SPLITTER" WARNER NEWS EDMOND OTtRnCN ROBERT STACK JOHN RODNEY WlUi Rosa iyAadroa Henry BaU ENDS TONIGHT! "MR. BLAND ING BUILDS HIS DREAM HOUSE" STADTS Tononnow! PHONE 2-3417 MATINEE DAILY FROM 1 P. M. A GAY THANKSGIVING PROGRAM! O O Good For Evoryono From Grandpa to tho Babyl Your Favorito Cowboy O O And Doso Kids Agalnl EKD5 TODAY! (TUt) Vera Ralston T, JANE DOE" j. . . O -Jlmxnle Davis J "LOUISIArfA- K v ' - - - - ' -- 4 mk mm . issai urssra I . . . roi wiuirs mo Nto sax is f to rwirti A liUliTZ HALL COL mm mm unnua Added! Color Cartoon! Airmail Fox Movietone News!