"THE YOUNG IHF.A" j py M-ccir ib siai ot.i.vn&,ri. mi ;sr-DAIhV-ANIV SUNDAY- Portland Produce 4 J- Your Home Newspaper" -.:-'ipP!!f . ( ANSWE.R THE PHONE? 4 - V PONT VOU MEAR Z' v O ' 7 RINGING? BLOND- I'lllllllllllll1'" " Go - ' '. r lrn I. Writ npn mtn!!i ,. J CI nKIIMC THE. lAUNDRVrVAN AT THE FRONT , POORi I, . AN AWFUUTe KEEPING J MOUSE WHEN TWEIR T MUSBAAlDS AREJMT J , , " ' ' N1 1 ' ' I-I THOUGHT IOME-r MAD REMEMBERED GET 1 MV NAME BUT J WARM I . rrs Lrrrn bv the J DICZ TRACT a o. PLENTY CALL. THAT DOC IM TH MOOSCF SHE'S BEEN Jt I.J I HEYVXJUf VOU DAD BLAMED NOSVDOGf 3UTT MAKING ALL THAT RACKET AND CMEREf COMS NOW' iPBOBABLV DKjGIN IN AN OLD COPHER HOLE. COULDNi BE ANVTHING IMPORTANT. THAT DOG JIST LIKES TO VWP ANOBARK. HONEST EVERY TIME I THINK WAT YtXRE GONMA ADOPT HE, IT MAKES ME FEEL GLAD ALL OVER-" I f ILL TRY ANOU YtXJ DOWT HAVE )B I 1 1 iyinruc-o I a oca i ixnruco 111 I TO YOU-S TO A6MES - YOU H i 1 1 vt f -ai t orDPOirurri L LITTLE ANNIE EOOIXST AS YOU SAY, I HAVE EXPERIENCE - AMD ALSO LOVE EN0U6H 10 MAKE US ALL HAPPY UNTIL YOVQ REAL FATHER AND MOTHER COME ALONG . JGEE-ITHINK YOU'LL HAVEMYMAMEANO "itXJR OWH ANHIE ROONEY MAST- RR SOMETHING IM MY HEART TELLS SOMEDAY YDUlL BHD YOUR REAL PARENTS - MErrVTHAT AWP W1 6AV YCtt TMAT S y BUZZ SAWYER KEAU.Y. ffUl. TM WC5TOED. MOM AMI Van 60IH6T0 KEEP YOU TO MYSELF T If TWfUCW PUPPY TYPEfAFI 'clU!loil3tanS PROYI IT! 2 J S--40 DOWN THti MEYER 6ET A srf r auead OS HAPPENS MR.PJSBrLT-.AR6 VOU PQEPACED TO PHOVB TmB DEENPANT, E.EGA BEBVA, IS ME MTALLV UNSALANCEP7 MICZET MOUSZ rx HAVE MERE A LIST OP COAAPLAtNTS A5AINST T MIS EEEOA BEEVA1 5 1 Till rx'VE E5EEN WORXJNC5 ' VEKV HARD ON THIS I 0 n a. THAT FCUCE BOT ST0PPS3 AT mm "victory. i'vs JUCTTIMC BOOUOHTO AOUCff A fiTAM... TVY'LL 6S LOOKIhl' 1 S. R THIS LAUNCH... z'u. lamu rr an' -3 j AAEAhJTIAE, ABOARP THI POUOI BOAT I THESn DY AU-AWI'LL TAKS NO CWANCBSJ UT IPU.BUT NO SON J IF THSVRE HOLCHM3 Ml OF UFE AfiOARD-, BANNI6TEK PRISONER, THSY'RS OCSPERATi MEN JT ' I am - - ' t " .- , i . i .1 , Jr a 1 r v J I wH r ggggS f VWO T A TAXI CWVER, IrWJyKR ABST FOTRsR8 A RwUMOCR AAC A 1 W1S -fTvw. TWEyT I AL-MAIsJ . t n. r pr I ILLgQ J m U L - GASOUHE ALLEY A H0E 6A1"MAN Y THV-i IMOULCT sTT BC I H0NE I nsrn tretep m but you I tooue, but Twa Nevca I QTHe TWO VCA Tat.. THAT WHy I KEEP THEM OUT IN THS MIOOLC OP THE ROOM. PSST- RLXN) GIT VORG POWVOM HfrlO. PAW, AM' WEXl DCSART THS 1NFUNNEL CIRCUS AMTTRftlPSe BACK TO HOOnN" HOLLER J l ORE EARS, PAW I CMDNT I fK SAY -PUNKKS)- I SAID t iu u. o --aji yiH i ?sN-s 0fctn( ( ) Cr Tp, may I have fir dollar. t pay back Crithla the sixty eenta I owe herf i . 1 New York Stock Quotations NEW YORK, Nov. 22-(fl5)-Today closing quotations: American Can 794 IGen Electric . Am Power & 14 7Gen Foods 39 Am Tel & Tel Anaconda Bendix Avia . Beth Steel' Boeing Air ...15 1H - 33 y. 37 Calif Pack 35 Canadian Pae 13 Vi Case J I 37 Caterpillar 53 Chrysler 52 V Comwlth Sou 3 Cons Vultee 9V4 Continental Can 32 Crown Zel 25 V. Curtis Wr , 7 Douglas Air 49 Dupont d N ..172 Gen Motors 52 Goodyear Tire 43 Int Harvest 27 34V4fInt Paper 53 20lKennecott . 57 Libby Mc N Ac L 8 Long Bell A 20 Mont Ward 55 Nash Kelvin 15 Nat Dairy 28 N Y Central 13 Northern Pac 18 Pac Am Fish Pac Am Fish Pac Gas Elec 31 P T & T 94 Penney J C 4y4 Radio Corp Hjayonier Kayonier pfd Reynolds Met Rfchfield Safeway Sears Roeb S4) Pacific Stan Oil Cal Studebaker SUn Mining . TVa nsa m erica , Ujnion Oil . LSn Pacific In Airlines U S Steel Warner Bros Woolworth i i TUESDAY'S BROADCASTS i Pacific Standard Time Kilocycles: K8LM 19. KOCO 14. KOPi 7IKGW 628. SEX 11H a ton. ble4. on WUUmVtU v'.Uey PORTLAND. On, Nov. 23 -(AP)-Butterttt tentaUv. rubjact to Im madiat ebanf. Premium quality max imum u ji u i per cent acidity de livered ta Portland. S3 me lb.: first quality. S4-CT e lb.; second quality.' ! Sac; iMey route, and country points. Me leaa than Tint. Butter Wboleaale TOB bulk eubee to wnoieaaiera: crade AA. M ma lb.: A. M score. Me lb.: B. core. SJe lb.: C. SS acore. 62c lb. Above prices are strictly nominal. Cheese Sellinf price to Portland w noies era : urefon slrvfice. 44Ia-91c; Oreson 5-lb. loaf. 47aS4c. , To wholesale: A trade large, 67i-',ie; A trade medium. di-,w,:; a sraoe mu. ltaM,se: trade B large. M.-60e. Lwt chickens (No. 1 quality FOB pnu an niers. under Ibm.. 3S Uc lb.: fryers. to 4 lb.. 37-3c; roasters. 4 lbs. and over. 27-38c; fowl, leghorns, under 4 lbs, 28-30c lb.; fowl, leghorns, over 4 lbs- 31-32c lb.: col oa xowi. u weights. 36-37c lb.; old " . in weignis. ib-isc lo. Turkeys Net to the nrMtiHw a dressed weight basis. U. S. grade A gount tom s. 4ft-4c. Crade A bens. Dressed turkeys to retailers Grade A young hens. 3-5c; New York style orsd: A grade young torn s. U-35c. Rabbits Average to retailers for locally dressed animals. 5- e; fryers, live, white. 33-33c: colored. n-ti- ut or heavy. 19-18c. Fresh dressed meats: Wholtsalers to -nmuers m aouars Der CWT. Steers Good, all weiehta. l-- im, ew i; niunjr, S39-38. Cows Commercial. $34-38: utUl' Beef cuts (good steer) Hind quar- rounos. s4a-si- run ina trimmed. MS-71: trlaaslea. 3S-4a- square chucka. 941-44; ribs. fA-3; fore- rure rs , si-m. Veal and calf Good and choice. M2-4S; commercial. $39-41; utility. $33- 0. Lambs Good - ehi ao-an n $42-4$; commercial, all weights. $40- Mutton Oood. 70 lbs. down. $20-22. Pork cuts Loins. No i s ta lbs-. $4-81j shoulders. II lbs. down. $81-87. wool Coarse. viHcr and sffn grades. 48e lb. Mohair 25e lb. on 12-month growth. vuuuuj hun meats: Vesl Hod aualitv. SS-4l- ntk grades. according to weight and qua Hoes LUht block. ai-se R sows, light. 27-JOc. Lambs 28-40C lb.; mutton. 14-lSe. Beef Good sows. 2S-X2 lh - t. ners and cutters. 24-28c lb. Onions 80-lb. western Ore. yel lows. No. 1 mad.. S1.80-1.7S- lm ti T- "h y"o . med.. $1.80-1 .88; large. nJUSSO; white med- $2-60-2.75. Potatoes Oregon russeU central district ...... 1-A $3 25-3.40; 23-lbs. S0- (-. Ma 9 II . I- .. .. . 42 Falls russets. No. 1-A $3.40-3.90: Waah- iama russets. No. I-A $3.29-3.40; 28 Ibs. 89c: Idaho ita N i.a iim. 3.88: white rose $2.75-2.88. nay rollowlng prices are strictly better, car lota FOB Portln e-.t- U. S. No. l timothy. $37; oats and vetch mixed hay. uncertified clover hay, $24- 12 28 22 27 17. 40 51 4 22 10 10 29 83, 10 72 10 farms. HOCB aai.n KOCO fl KOIN W KG W KEX SS:1S SS dS SS:8 Morning News (Timekeeper March Time (News KOCO KLOCK (KOCO KLOCK KOCO tCLOCX Farm Parade News Amertca KOIN Klock I KOIN Klock 'KOIN Klocs Hodge Podge IHodge Podge IKneass News iHodge Podce SquirrCly Bird iSquirrely Bird ISquirr elt Bird ISquirrely Bird Stocks and Bonds Compiled by the Associated Press KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX News Tex Ritter KOIN Klock Fsrm Time McCall News Trades IRise and Shine Rise and Shine Top T Newt & Snorts IT- o Kort ung'News (News (Bob Garred 1 vrrd Beck iFsrra Time lOld Songs tm Hayes Agronsky ICentuary Eeke Manners KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW Bars. Counter Vie Lindlahr Bona Plorieers Breakfast Haven of Rest IHaven of Best IWest. Melodies Coffee Cup User News I Follies IGra nd Slam Rosemary Fred Warlne FFred Warlne Llack Berch tMelotties OublBreakfast Oub Breakfast Club 'Breakfast Club Nov. 23 STOCK AVERAGES 20 1$ Induct Rails Monday Mi 3S S Tr mrv T taw a A is a Time I Week Ago 88 9 set Month Ago Year Ago .83 8 44.8 -K-S $4.1 IS Util 38.1 30.2 3S 9 41.1 4041 SUcs 84$ S3 1 4.8 70.8 8.0 Breakfast KSLM . News Orchestra . Pastor's Call (Kate Smldl KOCO Wildwd Churchl Vocal Varietlea'Musle t )News KOIN Wendv Warren Aunt J nt l Helen Trent IGal Sunday KGW Tommy Do ey (Tommy Dors eyTom my jDors eyITommy Dorsey TV Ubwl- m DmIb w A - V a w 1C4r V a w 1Cv. Kay Kyser KSLM Ladles First KOCO Melody Time KOIN Big Suter KGW Kneass News KEX T'-'l Malone Ladies First Queen Day Queen s Day JPeggy Lee ILuUaby IRythm Cole Trio (Ma Perkins IDr Makxne GuidiaUsht (Lopez Orch. Ore. Builders (Lights of World I What Ticks? True Story True Story BOND AVERAGES 20 1$ IS IS Rlla IiuIim ITttl fur Monoay S9J 101.1 SO.O 82a i ev. ay 80 0 101.S 90 8 82.4 Week Ago .89.7 100.8 9 9 82.8 Month Ago 90 S 100.8 99 82.8 xear Ago SB.I 10O.4 108.T SSI . - , GEORGB Dwight Lyman George, at 'the red- i sc. Normbtr 18. st dence. 1980 8. 13th st, : the ago of 2$ veers. BiinrtMd bv hie pa sits. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. George. Sa Mm; brother. Guyles A. George. Se lem: Sister. Mrs. Ida Hutchlns. PorU land. Services will be held Tuesday. November 23, at 1 JO pa, la the Clough-Barrlck chapel with the Rev. N. C 8 wen sen officiating. Interment win be In Belcrest Memorial park, ICHSOtDEt . y :. . Salem route 2. at a Local hospital No vember 18. Survived by three sons, Edward S. and August O. Schroeder, both of Dayton, and Robert F. Schroe der of Salem; three daughters. Mrs. Lueila Hansen of Battle Ground. Wasiu. Mrs. Mable Thomas at Scio. and Dorothy Flcht of Le Center. Wash.; 20 grandchildren' and nine sreat erand- chlldren. Member of the German Lu theran church. Services from the How ell-Edward chapel Friday. November 28. at 10 JO -a. m. Interment la Fa- Valley cemetery. MILLS : Ronald Gene Miller, resident ef SMS Beacon ave, at a local hospital No vember 20 at the age of S years. Sur vived by parents. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Miller. Salem: sister. Mrs. Lois Mao Bowers. Santa Pa vela. Calif.; brothers. Larry Miller. Salem. Floyd Miller; Dil lon. Moat, and Clarence Miller. Stock ton. Calif. Services Tuesday. Novem ber 23, at t JO a. m . at St. Vincent de Paul's Catholic church, with inter ment la St. Barbara's cemetery. Di rection by the Howell - Edwards com pany. ART Mrs. Flora Dmi Hart, at the 1 reel. dence. $0 Falrhaven ave.. Monday; No vember 22, at the age of 80 years. Sur vived by two sons. Claude Beach and Roy Beach, both of Salem, and two daughters. Mrs. Fsy Mathiot of Chey nne. Wyo and Mrs. Msy Murray of Oakland, Calif. Member of St. Vincent de Paul's Catholic church. Announce ment of services later bv the Ho wall. Edwards company. ALDERMAN . 'j Glen O. Alderman, late resident of 2465, N. Bth . in this city Sunday. November 21. Survived by his wife. Mrs. Edna Mae Alderman; a daugh ter, Velynn Viae Alderman; a son. Carol R. Alderman, and his mother, Mrs. Nina Alderman, all of Salem. Ser vices from the Clouch . Barrick eha- pel Wednesday. November 24. at 1 :30 m the Rev. Dudley Strain 'offi ciating. Interment in Belcrest Memor ial park. coxwick " r Ole Evans Coxwlck. at the rosldenca. 1S25 Center St.. Sunday. November 21. at the age of 89 years. Survived by a son. Oscar i Evans of Salem: three grandsons, one granddaughter and two great grsnacniidren. Services from the W. T. Riffdon chapel Tuesday. No vember 33. at 1 30 p. m. Interment In City View cemetery. LENON Mrs. Marsaret Ann Lmaa. at a. tiw Cal hospital Saturday. November $0. Survived by two daughters. Mrs. Myr- KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Walts Serenade-'alts Time I Orchestra i I Cowboy Jubilee' Hal Dervia Mrs Burton I Perry Mason 1 Nora Drake Dble,' Nothing IDble- Nothing IToday's Chad Betty Crocker IClub , Time I Northwesters N.W. News Hal Derwla You Tick ILight of World Northwesters A tree can grow to little more than 300 feet tail because me chanical laws make It Impossible ror a mgner tree to stay erect. KSLM Hit Time News KOCO Cordially Yours Walts Time KOIN News Come Get It KGW Kneass News iMs Perkins KEX News (Noon Dreams IN.W. News News i I Meet Missus (Pepper Young iGalen Deake Variety Show I Mem. Muale -(Meet Missus Happiness I Listen to This KSLM Johnson Family Orch. KOCO Classics Classics KOIN Treas. Band Art Baker KGW Staee Wife Stella Dallas KEX . H'wood Brkfst. iH'wood Brkfst. Kay West IWest Saljpm Bing Sings (Listen to Le4bert All Time Fsv. (Air Newspaper Atr Newspaper ILorenzo jjiones (Widder Brown 'Kay West AMAZING PAZO ACTS TO RELIEVE PAIN o-simm.1 PILES INSTANTLY d anwskwioSaf from aaisry ef stapic pflaa. sootbins Ps. Actt to rake pam. ttchtng mtly. lAJvicacasdry. tiariiiail parts. Haipa e,i it witn 2 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Happy Cnf Hollywood Hr Hint Hunt Girl Marries Surprise Pkg. Happy Gang Dinner to Win.iDlnner to Win. Hollywood Hr Hollywood Hr. Hollywood Hour I Hint Hunt IHouse Party House Party j Portia Faces (Plata Bill Pare Farrell (Surprise Pkg. Bride. G loots 'Bride. Groom prevent crac-in. reduce awe as- Don't suflcr needle torture ot sunpie puea. m re far comiortinc relief. Ask your doctor about it. Suppository ioraa ot tubes wrth ptriora ted pipa. 'rmtm IWM see ouppmmmi mi i KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX -4- Orchestrs KOCO Kapers Art Kirk ham Road of Life Ladles Seated Hemingway Passing Farade Orch. ' KOCO Kapers I KOCO Kapers KOCO Kapers Tunefully Arthur Giadfrey Arthur Godfrey Lora Lawton (Aunt Mary Nora Drake Ladies Seated I Travelers (Travelers p KSLM Fulton Lewis Orchestra KOCO News ' Pee Wee Hunt KOIN Art Godfrey lArt Godfrey KGW Woman's Secret' Life Beautiful KEX Sunnyslde Up (Sunnyside Op Orchestra Orchestra Rhythm Ranch IRhythm Ranch Club 13 Ed Murrow Linda's Eove (Stars ef Today I Sunnyside Gp unnytide Dp KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Superman Sleenv Joe K. Manning News Green Hornet nhe Magician (Jan Garber Brer Rabbit I Moored Green Hornet I Cap Midnight Tom Mix a Keys I (Bing Crosby IColllngwood News Dste Judy Date Judy Kky King Sky King KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Gab. Heatter News MediUtion Bob Hope Sports I Orchestra Tune up! Time News My Song Candlel't i MuslctXm as. Wmdow Young Show Life witH LulgllLlfe wih Lulgl Bob Hope JFlbber McGee ibber McGee Home Edition IReprt. to PeopleDetroit Symph. KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW Med. Drama Ed Lamar Hit Jackpot Hollywood JMurray Show (Marine Band (Hit Jackpot Hollywood Thin Man Thin Man Top Band (Top Band M. Amsterdam M. Amsterdam Funny People (runny People KEX - Detroit SymphJDetrolt Symph-IThis Lsaj (Tapping Out -KSLM 0Hanlon Show lOTJanlon Show'Myst. Traveler MysL Traveler KOCO Capital Cornm .INaval Air Res. 'Party Line Party Line KOIN L. Thomas Smith Show (The Norths The Norths KGW Supper Club (News 'Your Lift Your Llfs KEX Schoola Mt YoutSchools A You Town Meeting (Town Meeting KSLM News' KOCO News KOIN Myst. Thestro KGW Alan Ladd KEX Town Meeting (Town Meeting iMonltor News F. Lawton (Favorite iSton ' Vavortte Storv Music Horizon I Frank DeVal Irrank DeVal Myst. Theatre (Beulah i Ivicht Editor AUn Ladd IRonald Caiman Ronald Coleman (Monitor News ISichel Serenade KSLM Fulton Lewis KOCO Rem. Rhythm KOIN 9 Star Final KGW News KEX Richfield Rptr. Orchestra News I Rem. Rhythm I Track 1400 You A World I Orchestra Sports Pass Orchestra Intermezzo Concert Hour Orch. (Track 1400 (Orchestra Orchestra kConcert Hour KSLM Open House KOCO Track 1490 KOIN Serenade KGW News KEX Concert Hoar I Open House (Open House i Track 1490 Track 1400 (Serenade lAlr-flo i IHere s to You I Orchestra News Track 14N lAir-flo ' (Orchestra Orchestra KOAC 990 kc Tuesday, Nev. 23 10:00 a. m. The News; 10:19 Espe cially for Women: 10 JO Psychology of the Family; 11:00 Oregon School of the Ain 11:19 The Concert Hall; 12.00 The News: 12 .13 Noon Fsrm Hour. 1X4 Ride tm Cowboy: 1:19 Oregon School of the Air; 1 JO Melody Lane: 1:49 Oregon School of the Air; IM World Is Our Affair: 2 JO Book Time; 2:49 Oregon School ef the Air: IM The News: 3:19 Music of the Mas ters: IM Oregon Reporter; 4 49 Fevor- ite Hymns; 4 :99 world of Tomorrow; 4:49 Children's J Theater; IM On the Upbeat: 9:30 990 Sports Club; 8:00 The News: 8:19 Grace Berger at the KOAC Organ; IM 'Round the Cam pfire: 7.15 Evening Farm Hour; 8M Greet Songs: 8:19 HoIUnd Calling: 8 JO Errand ot Mercy: 8:49 TTue News: rOO Campus Headlines: 8:30 ; Music That Endures: 1:48 Evening Medltalons; 1M Sign off. Cscientibus, Dignified Service f iili.W(lkiM'A.iri 9:30 TZvrrilE Hear Bing Crosby! Favorite Story Alary Queen of Scots KSLn-KGU Lf P0RTLAI1D GEUERAL ELECTRIC C0HPAUY 4tl tie Roster of San Francisco and Mrs. Agnes Kenaano of Portland; four grandchildren and two sreat vranrl. children. Services from the Cloush- Barrtck chapel Tuesday. November 22. the Rev. Brooks Moore officiating. In terment la Belcrest Memorial Dark. COGGINS ' ; Frank W. Cos Sins, former resident of Salem, died at Rom burg Saturday tent a. mi age ox z. aorn at uien dive. Mont Oct. 28. 1908. Married Gen. evteve Roth at Newberg. Ore.. May it. 1928. Survived by hla wife and a daugh ter. Mrs. Jacqueline Patrick. " both of Eugene. Member of Elks lodge 330 and the Masonic lodge. Funeral, services win be held from BarthokMnew-BueU chapel at Springfield. Tuesday, No vember 24, at 10J0 a. m. Committal Betereet Memorial park. Salem, at CAZKU. " Mrs. KOa Mae CaselL at the resi dence, S4S Ferry St.. Monday, Novem ber 2S. Sarvlved bv bee Hiih-4 j.. CaaeU: a daughter. Mrs. Forrest Rhodes: a son. Ellsworth C. r.il e-t two grandchildren, an ef Salem. An. nouncetnent of .r- - i.- . k . Clough-Barrlck company. Salen Healing and Sheel Ilelal Co. i Heatlnf Ilsadqaarters" lets Broadway rh. S-SSU Orecoa Day er Night UoUanl Your Eggs! Always a TvndabU Ccah Mrkt! ' . Cnrly'i Dairy PhoiU S-87S3 ILLI ,, THI MAGIC ChrisHr.ss Vi.-edwV COMU TO un ON 9- KOCO Monday thru Friday Sponsored by nanillca Furniluro Co. 23t CheraekeU Street HEALTH TO YOU - r After CerreetlBt v Beaaarr balds (ITles) Flstala. flasare. Prolapse, ill other Keetal Dim- 'f. t 1 Ne necpf UIlsatM riU er Can Ter Pre Beaklet , j Dr. 1L t Reynold CUnU rfatara-froetaleglst tlS If, Lfberty 8C Saleoa. Ore. Dr.T.TXeaaJJ. DsXaaaOtJa, DKS. CHAN . . . LAM : ' C1TXNESE ITEKBAIJSTS S41 North Liberty Upstairs PorUaad Oeaersl Electrle Ce. Office epea SaterSay oaly 18 a, la I auaw. $ la V p.aa. CeasaU tailea. Bleed arsssars sad artae tests are free of charge. Practiced V Ay I i SABIISY GOOGLE 545 North Capitol Tel S-2672 sail.