The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 23, 1948, Page 11, Image 11

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t 1 ' J ;.!'
Silvertbn Safely Patror
Is Organized in School
SILVEBTON, Nov. 22 Boys
Safety Patrol for North Water st.
has been organized with patrols
taken from the fifth and sixth
grades. Robert Bradley was chos
en as captain.
Groups are Donald Kenkel, lie
tenant, Robert Monson, James Co
mer, Donald Toft and Glen Barton;
Richard Sorenson, lieutenant, Eld
I on McKinney, Jerry Jory, Keith
Pederson, and Jim Blakely; Jack
Spencer, lieutenant, Phillip Steph
ens, Leslie Partem, Darwin Kelsey,
William Starkey and Elmer Gat
chet; Leslie Eiling, lieutenant, and
Robert Lehr, Richard Pasley. Rich
ard Naegeli and Delbert McKee;
i David Gentry, lieutenant, Gene
' Eby, Maurice Stephens, Wayne
Rose and Ivan Gottchalk.
do a sups. 4 il3ft. Salem Auto Parts
Co, reps, 29.86: Salem Blue Print Co,
sups, 4.00; Salem Concrete Pipe ec
Prods, exp. 73.74; Salem Hardware Co,
sups. 1X37; Salem Memorial Hosp. bosp,
277 JO; Salem Memorial Hosp, misc.
5.00; Salem Tire Service, sups, 130.37;
Floyd Schatnp, exp. 1.000.00; Floyd
Schamp. expT 330 00; Harry W. Scott,
reps. 3.10; Shell Oil Company, sups.
4.31; Shell Oil Co. do. 7.7875; Silver
Eagle Co, do. 124.05; SUverton Appeal
Tribune, adv. 28.23; H. A. Simmons,
transp, 93.73; Bernard M At Gertrude
E. Smith, exp, 400.00; Southern Pacific
Co, do. 678.91: Standard Oil Company
of Calif, sups. 7,593.01; State Public
Welfare Comm. exp. 56.401.50; States
man Publishing Co, adv., 139.30; State
Tire Service, sups. 149.61; Stevens Ness
Law Publishing, laws. 429.00; H. L.
Stiff Furniture Co. exp, 11.70; A. C.
StowelL rent. 125.00; E. G. Syron St
Ronald H- Syron, exp. 1J89.70; Truck
Sale at Serviced reps.'10Jl: Tweedln'
Fuel Oil. sups. 219.2: Union OU Co.
do. 10.783.78; Union Title Ce, exp. I N;
Unruh Knapp Printing, sups. 96.02; Val
ley Meter Co. reps. 2ie0; Valley Wetd
tng Co. do. 9.73: Valley Welding- Sup
ply Co. exp. 43.70: Walling Sand St
Gravel Co. do. 236.60; Frank E. Way.
exp. 23.00; Western Union Tele Co.
tele. 9.46; Willamette Valley Transfer,
reps. 4.79: Wood bum Oil Co. sups. 4.70;
R. D. Wood row. do. 6.50; Wynkoop
Blair Printing, sups. 41.70; Zellerback
Paper Co, do. 18.85; Walter H. Zosel
Co. do. 114.55; Mervln O. Pearson,
mlt to haul logs. Van Handel ' Bros;
Sheriff-Tax office Semi-annual report;
Notir that prusiosed Gates Rural Fire
Pro. Dist. petition has Insufficient sig
natures. Sept. 3. Amendment to re
gulation 12 by Oregon Liquor Control
Commtssion; Sept. 4. Final hearing on
Indemnity claim of Mack E. Hamby.
Sept. 7. Petition by Salem Traffic Im
provement Committee for 39 ml. per
hour speed limit on M.R. 91; Permit to
haul logs, Howard Coomler; Contract
with Marguerite R. Burton as Rural
School Supervisor. Sept. 9. Report of
Woodburn Rural Fire Pro. Dist; Bond
Electric Co.; Permit t haul logs. J. 9.
Cooper. H. W. MeAuley. Sept. 11. Per
mit to move combine. Lorts O. Gritton.
Sept., 13. Bond of Pacific Tele, and Tele.
Co, deposit covering: repair to roads;
Contract on McKee bridge. Birkemeler
and SeremaL Sept. 14, Beer license, E.
Vickers; Permit to haul logs. Walter
L. Rak, L. A. Wilklns; Pipe line per
mit. Rich L. Relmann. ' Sept. 1C Pol
line permits (2). Portland Gen. Elec
tric Co ; Permit to haul logs. Scio
Transfer. John S. Zolotoff. A. M. Den
nisen. Paul WedeL Sept. 17. Indemnity
claim of Claude G. Bergs trom. fmal
hearing, Sept. 30. Sept. 20, Permit to
haul logs. Scio Transfer. Leslie M.
Staehler. Mildred Volkman, James E.
Baylie; Permit to lay sewer pipe,
Bresco Inc.; Pole line permits 42),
Portland Gen. Elec. Co. Sept. '21. Per
mit to haul logs. Howard Cornier. Sept.
22. Permit to haul. logs. Ralph Sieg
mund. J. C. Odegard. Sept. 33. Permit
te haul log. Wagner and Swaggart
Co. Sept. 14. Regulation 10. Oregon
Liquor Control Comm.: Petition to
name Alans Ave.; Quit claim deed
from United State thru War Assets
Adm. te Marion County; Clerk's annual
report. Sept. 29. Permit to haul logs.
Walter Rak; Deed from Vivian Chand
ler et al to Marion County, road pur
poses. Sept. 27. BUI of Sale for road
grader to Vaster K. Johnson and L. H.
Brlggs; Transfer Order. Sept. 18, Beer
license, Eugene Hart; Indemnity claim
of Lttdwig E. Jahn .final hearing Oct.
9; Permit to move building. Kay Sim
mons; Permit to haul logs, Geo. J.'
Stiller. Sept. 29. Petition requesting
that Etma Ave. be improved; Permit
to haul logs. Phillip Bros.. Roy Lmd
sey; Pol lin permits 2. Portland
Gen. Electric ' Co.; Pol line permit.
Pacllct Tele, and Tele. Co.; Permit to
move shovel. H. D. Haley; Resolution
declaring County Courts Intention to
The SloleerngTi, Sodem, Ore Tueedcrr, Nermlr 23. ItiS
make Xfana Ave. a Ceuntr road, neet.
130. Final bearing eci Indemnity claLn
of Claude O. Bergstreen; Permit to
haul logs. W. Hampton: Pol tin per
mits (31. Portland Gen. Electric .Co.;
Minutes of Courthouse Commission
Lester DoLapp
4 r
Don't delay see the new mod
ern features of AKRON TRUS
SES fitted by experts. Private
Fitting room.
Capiial Drug Store
405 State Ph. 1-11 11
ewes, ao.oo.
ox Jonn Nag lor insurance of a dupli
cate warrant: Permit to haul logs. Carl
Sept. 1. 1949; Pole line Permits (2)
uneau. Duane Reed. Gene J. Hett
Portland Gen. Electric Co.; Permit to
haul logs. Highway Fuel Co.. Gene J.
Hettwer; Edward Gardner; Permit to
move combine. Earl D. Withers; War
ranty Deed from Bernard M. Smith
et ux to Marion County. Sept. S. Per-
wer; Permit to move hop baler, Alois
Hiiiner; Permit to haul logs. Llvesays
Lbr. Yard. Sept. 10. Final hearing on
Indemnity claims of James V. Jackson;
Permit to lay tile, Wm. L. Manning;
Pole line permits (4). Portland Gen.
PhjBs t 17J4
Salem. Oraf a
111S Ne. Coml
Keizer Boy ScouU
To Preserft Program
KEIZER Display of wild life
and four reels of movie will be
Shown Tuesday, November 23, at
7:30 p.m. at Salem Labor tempi
by Keizer Boy Scout troop 41.
The program is open to the pub
lic. The boys will also put on a
scouting demonstration and other
Gates Mrs. Fred Ratzburg of
Salem spent the last week visiting
her sister, Mrs. Lily Lake and other
relatives here.
(Continued from page 7)
too 00: The Boys it Girls Aid Society,
tare. 30.00; Catholic Charities Inc.. do.
(.19: Children Farm Home. do. 25.00;
Oregon Protective Society, do. 15.00;
J H., Tumid ge. do. 43.00. Ehe Klasic
Photo Shop, exp., 1J0; Roen Type
writer Exchange, eQP- 138.60; The
rmerican School Board Journal, misc.
00: Agnes C. Booth. TJ, 14.70; The
K. GUI Company. O exp. 29.63;
Albert C. Gran, postmaster, post St
fups. 81148; . T. Remington. T.E..
1m; The School Executive, misc. 3.00;
State Department of Education. O exp.
$0 00; Department of Agriculture,
sealer, 63.23; Burke's Camera Shop.
snUc, 4 t&-, The City of Salem, radio.
J0. William De VaU. transp. 4.50;
Earle Gibson, transp. 1.15. Oregon
Pulp and Paper Company, misc. 3.84;
Valley Motor Company, transp. 1.63;
frfurel Wood, transp. 9.00; Denver
V-xing Sheriff, misc. post. 13.00; H. T.
pomogalla, TX.. 5J5; Pitney Bowes
Inc.. eqp post, S48.80; Denver Young,
post. 2.000.00; H. C. Saalfeld. TX. 17 50;
Floyd L. Sleemund, wetei master. 200.00
X A. Ward, TX. 80.40; K. A. Ward. sups,
f 23; E. r. Petzaff. dog lie refund. 3.00;
Walter I. Allen. Lamb killed. 10.00; C.
C Cannon, sheep killed. 210.00; Tom
De Armond. lsmb killed. SO 90. O P.
Given, ewes klUed. 73.00; C. A. Gra
ham, goat klUed, 9.00; Robert Kaufman,
Cheep killed, 30.00; Irvin J. Schu
macher, turkey killed. 71.73. Joseph B.
Undrood. sheep killed. 130.00; Jose-
rlne rox sec. Union Hill fair. 100.00;
iltiam Memott. North County fair, West Publishing Co. laws. 20.00;
Ceo. E. Alien , Hardware, sups, Mt;
American Bitomula Co. do. 48S.S: An
derson Motors, reps. 4M: Adam T.
Bjuer At Prank J. Healy. misc. 93 43;
J. Baughn Motor Sale, reps, f -30:
rad field Lumber Co., sups. 19M; L. X
J. 70; K,
trown, TX,
H. Burrell. reptu.
Capital Journal, adr. S7.SS: CatMtai
Lumber Co, sups. 134.23; Casey Trac
tor J Equipment Co. do, 39.38: Monro
S- Cheek, tramp, 31.14: Ctty of SUver
ton, exp, 4.00; City Water Department,
water. 79.36; The Commercial Book
tore. sups. 84.69; Cooke Stationery
Co. sups. a equip. 841.48; Howard
Cooper Corporation, reps, 33.69; J. W.
Cope land Yards, suns. 319.03: J. C. Cur-
f utt, reps. .23; Downs Glass Co, do.
1 57; Ray L. Farmer Hardware, do,
; FeeAaughty Machinery, do, 10.68;
A. D. Graham. TI.v 26.70: J. E. Haael
tine at Co. sups. 86-36; M. B. Harden,
poet. 1.00; Berrold Phlllppt Motor, reps,
I 73: Chas H. Hoyt. gravel. 449X40;
interstate Tractor 6x Eauip. Co. rcpa.
rrf .36; Joe Joaquin, reps. 4JS; Johnson
lewert A Aldrich. sups. 111J6; tr
j rnsoo, reps, B4.3S: a. a. Judd,
Petty Caah. exp. XXM: H. A. Judd. exp.
129; Kaiser Sand c Gravel, sups.
f 7S; Kraps A Long Printers, sups,
fH.19; Geo X. La Mire, wood. 64.00; C.
j. Lewis, sups, 3.04; Loder Bros. reps.
miz; .as u. mmmb co. oo, T y l ; voum
Lis McKay Chev do. 1S.19: Jflll SuDDlr
Co. do. 1.38; Mountain States Pdwer
Co. LAP. S4J23; Needham Book Store,
sups, 86.00; North west Industrial, do.
a.s; uoregon Kteetna Hallway Co..
4xp. 1.466.33; Oregon Physicians Ser
vice, dues, 318.60; Oregon State High-
ay wmm, exp, 184W; Guy H. Faoe
ounty Clerk, mlse, 34.00; Pacific
Tele. tel. 264.44; Peck Brothers, sups.
44 9: Pierce Auto Freight Lines, exp.
; Portland General Electric, L&P,
lU M. IT - m n -
ordak Corporation, sups, 43.80; How
ard L. Richardson, exp, 2 10; Richfield
OU Corporation, sups. 136.$; j. Hi Rli-
Elon.To Qoliouo
tw s-s-iai on relierss promptly becauas
It goes rjgbc to the saat of the troubls
kf looean and expel germ laden
fhifiM and aid nature to soothe and
Mnl aaw. tender, Inflsmed bronchial
9DU4MMM nt4ttvbrsxt6s,TaU your dniggSst
So sail yon a bottle of CfVoonuMon
wisk mm noxWmaadLog yon must like
the way it quickly allays the cough
or yon are to have your money back.
Cssf Iccctlsn
Let tM glvn your roof n
thorough Inspection . . . UH
ro IU exact eoadltlon.
Thtn tnspection snay show
that tnexpenslre repairs
will make your roef
weather-proof. Or. If sv
new roof is needed, wall
rive too a FREE estimate.
Terms as Low as
6 MoTth
TJn to IS Uos. to Pay.
It Tr. Guarantee.
o J.I
-3 v -
.1. :
' ,-i ? JF
SomadcrY, all iurkys will b sold lik this . fet and had
removecL thoroughly washed lnsld and out plnfathrs slngd
in other words, ovn-rady and wast-fr . ths way you
should b abl to buy turkeys. This year enjoy an ovn-rady
turkey at no xtra cost to you. You will find it ths finsst money,
can buy. Ths fact Is none but ths very finest axe ever selected
for preparing this oven-ready way. Order yours todayl Mone t
back if your Safeway Turkey falls to please you in every woryl
. Waule-aTree)
0 to 13 pounds
. 79:
No Waiting you havn't alfady ordered your turkey you I
won't have to wait while li't ceoneo. Ovenready Turkey are rady to take euttnew
rVtees fees! tfcreeffc
WKD., NOV. 4V4.
if you'ro having
We Suggett .e
Waitefres rvef even-reedy.
Waite-free. Cut wd dIcu
r r-- -
Weste-free. Cut up for ttswlng.
11 mAmmmmmmm-mmmtfwmm'-mmmmm
Mild Sugar Cure. Half or whole,
Standing j,
Aged right. Trimmed weite-free.
Other f averted
Leg 0' Umb M
Shoulder Lomb Roost tv. 49'
Vecl Roasts u, iw tt. 65
Loin Pork Roast h i.. 59
Pure Pork Sausoge ,,. 59c
Fresh Oysters ,t..69V
Worthwhile Savfnqg on Groceries
Rrnrifl, H"MAc !tt 01c
UJVUU Mf. WrlgHtl leaf If lb. A I
Cake Flour ur9. P.u 39l
FlourKn'uSM1 1.73
Va I as ss at a. a.
viiuvi VU aUi4J ISuger pkg. I I
a - ass. llsll 4? T .11
toTsup, uea mil v.?; 15
Breeze Cheese Food Pkg. 75c
Maraschino Cherries VXf 29c
Ritz Crackers NW .It 3io
Pop Corn "Sure Pep cello pkg. 35
Cranberry Sauce ?AV; , fM29o
Salad Dressing S'jir 33o ,t 65o
r41racle Yhlp 39e,. 69t
Box Chocolates win,,., ' t 98(
Sailed Peanuts K.mP 69l
Oregon Valnuts f u,. 39c
Jumbo Ripe Olives w N,29c
Treasure Pichles n.h.,-. ,2t 25l
Pitted Dates Dromedary
Cigarettes Youe,::
c 4 nr
1-fb. leUsJ
Baking Powder 20'
Shredded Cocoanut rtn V 19
Edwards Coffee 53
Other Can Coffees
Tomato Juice oZy
Apple Cider Hood River
Ki? . a a .
I'iince near N.. $uA "7rr 39o
Pumpkin Mb..m 325c
Lb. can
Oal n.
e Valley Rote
Peaches Helves or sliced
P :i r.s.lJl.lf Hoa4aa DeUfiii.
No. 2
No. 301
Fruit Cocktail
No. Vfr
Plump. red-Hpe berries
fresh iron famous Y 1.
Bay bogs. Ule
TABLE GDAPES Ke4 Ksnperer -
DATES Fer tfeseerta aaS aalaae
FI1ESH LIIIES Feu ec jolee
Law 120
They belong in festive menus
for color aid mouth-watering 1 1
2 lbs. rjjj C-
appeal Serve candled.
YAIIS Fran U dM9 Mvih
PUfTf ftf nT7TO
WaUaaaVaT aaU If aaaa sIld white beaas
TTfli 1 nnTXTfiM
aaU. a a7UAUaea riaest eeekera
,. Feaa4 9o
4 Osf
Celery Ilearij bunch 23a
Fresh green stalks from the Pascal region
CI1ISP CELEI1Y . . . . eLb.Cs
id Carton
These Prices Effective SaJem - Dallas - SUverton
. :
M Ceart
Ph. S-24SS