The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 17, 1948, Page 9, Image 9

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    Kappas at
Fry Home
The Karg Kappa Gamma
alumnae were entertained Mon
day night at the home of Mrs
Daniel J. Fry, jr. with Mrs. Don
aid Rasmussen, the president, as
assisting hostess. A dessert sup
per, was served with a meeting
and informal evening following.
The alumnae have set Decem
ber 30 as the date for their an
rtual Christmas tea in honor of
active members and pledges.
home for the holidays, and their
mothers. The affair will be held
at the Fairmount Hill home of
Mrs. Sidney R. Lewis with Mrs
Harry U. Mijler the chairman and
Mrs. David Eason in charge of
invitations. Additional' guests will
be presidents of other alumnae
croups in Salem.
Alumnae attending were Mes-
dames Robert Drager. David
Eason. Henry C. Finley, Arthur
Fisher. Leah Hogue. Sidney
. Lewis. Harry U. Miller. Brazier
C. Small, Walter Snyder. Bruce
Spaulding, Roscoe Wilson. Louis
Gerlingeri Jr.. ueorge ttossman
Roger Schnell, Gordon Gilmore.
Werner Brown. Charles Claggett
George King, Harvey Quistad. F
J. Furman, William McElhinny,
Charles W. Mills, Donald Ras
mussen, Daniel Fry, jr.. Misses
Suzanne Small. Betty Manoies,
Margaret Wagner. Phyllis Mac-
. Gregor, Mrs. Robert Kreason of
Dallas and Mrs. John B. Stump
of Monmouth.
Yvonne Gardner
Honor Guest
Miss Yvonne Gardner, Novem
ber bride - elect of Kenneth Ro
bertson, was the honor guest at
a pre - nuptial shower Tuesday
night when the second floor em
ployes of Miller's entertained at
the home of Miss Leon a Friesen
on Piedmont street. Fifty attend
ed the affair and a lata supper
was served.
The miscellaneous shower gifts
were hidden under an umbrella.
The buffet table was centered
with an arrangement of gold
chrysanthemums and matching
Anne Haggard ta
Wed in November
Mr. and Mrs. Anton Semb are
announcing the forthcoming mar
riage of their daughter, Mrs. Anne
Haggard, to Bud H. Wickman. son
of Mr .and Mrs. D. H. Bue of
The wedding will take place at
the First Presbyterian church on
November 27tat 8 o'clock with Dr.
Chester Hamblin officiating. A
reception will follow in the fire-
place room.
Thanksgiving Theme '
Toastmistress club members
will gather for a dinner meeting
at Nohlgren's at 6 o'clock. Mrs.
Grace Hartley, the program chair
man, has announced "Thanksgiv
ing" as the theme. Talks will be
given by Juana Holmes, Mrs.
George Bean, Mrs. Helen Simp
son. The table topics will be In
charge of Mrs. Walter Duncan,
Mrs. Hal Reeves will be toast
mistress and Mrs. Emmerson
Teague will preside during tha
business meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wafers
of Fort Ord, California, are in
Salem visiting their parents and
will remain until November 26.
Their parents are Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Wagers and Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd H. Arnold.
BETHEL Mr. and Mrs. A. 0.
Spranger and Miss Mina Lea
Spranger were dinner guests on
Sunday at a family gathering at
the home of Mrs. Spranger
mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Hotter In
Da Lux Facta.
for a
n r lit
inoiiii jj
rut QursiNtttnr coihek
nffrn ttiuhtt
Save without sacrificing protection an
yonr Automobile or Truck insurance,
with a continuing form policy No
yearly resale cost YOU save the dif
ference. We in vita year inquiry.
468 Court SL
Phone 3-5861
At that lovely party, you'll star
in this crocheted apron: It s
simple mesh, double border of
pineapples, ruffled edge.
Protect your best Cdresse with
this flirty little apron! Pattern
915 has crochet directions.
Laura Wheeler's improved pat
tern makes needlework so sim
pie with its charts, photos and
concise directions.
Send TWENTY CENTS la coins for
this pattern to Th Oregon Statesman.
Laura Wheeler. 1st: and Stevenson Sts
San Francisco. Caul. Print plainly
It's NEW! It's wonderful our Laura
Wheeler Needlecraft Catalog. Send fif
teen cents for 108 illustrations of new
est designs that beginners find easy.
experts prefer . ... crochet. Knitting,
embroidery, toys, dolls, household and
personal accessories. Free- scrap quilt
pattern printed In book.
DALLAS Mr. and Mrs. C. J.
Enstad and daughter, Eileea En-
stad, attended a reception given
in honor of Pauline Pitney, grand
representative of the state of Ari
zona, by the Order ,of Rainbow
for Girls Assembly 38 at Junc
tion City, Saturday, November 13
at 8 p. m. Eileea is grand patriot
ism. NoTember 18 th
I A. M. to 7 P. JL
Now sea tba new all-ln-one
Sonotone with avery grea t hear
ing advance built in extra
power and battery savings avail
able no sacrifice to novel tizel
Consultation FREE.
13 J State SU! Salem, Oregon
Certified Sonotone Consultant
Gloriout Bath
A solid, hord-maSsd, long -lasting coke XI
volvory In texture, end cent' with a
choice of famous porwmo fkoi o!v ovt
their delightful fragrance until the last
sliver is used. A elastic of the soon
molar's art . . . favorite of faitidiowt
women for generation, i
Th Quisenberry Pharmacy
Temporary Location
4 It Ferry Street
but watch for the opening of
; twe new locations to be known
' as:
vmv .V
Dist Hr.
Job's Daughters
Chapter Elects
Marilyn Reay
Job's Daughters, meeting Mon
day night at Beaver hall, elected
the following girls to office: Mari
lyn Reay, queen; Jean Herrig,
senior princess; Ann Gibbens,
junior princess; Harriet Hiday,
guide; Mary Campbell, marshal.
Special guests who were hon
ored during the evening were
grand guardian. Mrs. C. J. Elhert
of Portland. Mrs. Joe Rogers of
Independence, the grand senior
custodian; Mrs. Hugh VanLoan of
Independence. guard: Mrs. N.
Nelson of Spokane, past guar
dian: C. J. Ehlcrt of Portland
and Joe Rogers of Independence,
past associate guardians; Harvey
Aston, junior pa-t grand royal
patron of the Amaranth; Mrs. O.
A. Reeher, worthy matron of
Chadwick chapter. Order of thp
Eastern Star, and James Barrell,
royal patron of Order of the Ama
ranth, Margaret Ames of Inde
pendence, senior princess and
Shirlee Newbry, past queen of
Salem bethel No. 35.
Initiation was held for Flora
lynn Barrel!, Virginia Graham,
Roberta Boyer, Shirley Hare,
Caroline Payne, Pat Burris.
The refreshment committe in
' ! ' THE ) TIDY ' y
Onlr 1 1 inches long. Hmrdly biyffr than
a stMulir-su-ap bag. TIDY is ao easy la
handle, area a child can use it. Shoulder
strap is adjustaLU and detachable. And
TIDY's a jlrein to storat
Bard-to-reach places are
eaay for the clever Crevice
Tool. Designed to get ta
... nader . . . behind radi
ators and registers. Even
fits the crevices in over
Staffed furniture.
cluded Dawn Jones, Shirlee New
bry, Margaret Bown, Edna Mae
Manning, Jeanie Hart well, Sally
Rasmussen and Mary Jean
An ice skating party has been
planned for tonight at 7 o'clock.
A ins worth lodge of Masons will
give a party for the girls at Bea
ver hall November 30, it was
Mrs. Crenshaw a
lub Hostess
Mrs. Donald Crenshaw enter
tained her club at bridge at her
Glenn Creek Road home with
prizes going to Mrs. A4ah Jensen
and Mrs. Glenn Brown. Mrs. Har
rison Elgin, jr., was a guest. Re
freshments were served and the
hostess on November 30 will be
Mrs. Roger Malbon.
i Attending were Mesdames
; Glenn Brown, Kenneth Dodge
Adah Jensen. Elma Davenport,
: Mildred Calaba, Fred Hartman,
Robert Covert, David Grey, Ro
ger Malbon, Wallace Carlson, Lor
en Miller and Donald Crenshaw.
Salem Junior Woman's club
, members will gather tonight at
I the home of Mrs. Arthur Roeth
lin, 270 Hanson avenue, at 8
I o'clock to count bangle pins for
the coming tuberculosis seal sale
' drive.
No roeasy mopping. No i
"banda-and-knees. TIDT
has a quick -and -easy attach
men t for cleaning bare floors,
walla, stairs, linoleum erea
bathroom tile and first-
place bricks.
Small homes, ystfoo!
Swing it over your shoulder carry it by the handle let it ride along the IT r-
floor. The new General Electric TIDY is juat about the handiest cleaner x- ' i
you erer saw! The only cleaner you need to keep a small bouie or apartment f -v , '
pic and sparkling. (Perfect fur trailers, too!) V y
Liquid was, moth
proofing fluid, water
color paint, insecti
cide you can spray
them all with this
efficient TIDY at
tachment. It make
your cleaning kit
Visitors in
Jdr. and Mrs. Hubert William
son and six weeks old son, John
Stuart, of Long BeachH Calif., are
driving north today and expect
to arrive in the capital Thurs
day for an extended visit at the
home of her parents Mr. and Mrs.
John S. Lochead. The William
sons plan to remain until after
Christmas and will be here when
the Locheads move into their
new home in Kingwood eights.
Mr. and Mrs. Lochead have also
had as their house guests, his
nephew and wife Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Calhoun of Hollywood, who
were recently married in the
south The newly weds are now
at the Lochead cabin near Dallas.
Mr. and .Mrs. Lawrence ,Q. Mur
ray of Grants Pass are expected
in Salem Friday to spend the
week end as guests of her brother
and sister - in - law, Mr. and
Mrs. Gardner Knapp. Saturday
the., four will attend the Oregon
State-Oregon game in Corvallis
and Sunday the Ice Cycles in
Eta chapter of Beta Sicma Phi
will meet at 8 o'clock tonight at
the home of Mrs. L. E. Warner,!
960 E street.
It anay be smaller in siae bat this imn.
lag General Elertric Cleaner actually has
twit the aurtioa of an averaga fiiH-asra
aprigbt used with attachment.
Ton eaa tidy op rugs la a twink
ling with TIDY'a special rag
Built 4a brash nab
threads, crumb, dog hair
gets ap annoying surfaca litter
easy as magic
Open Friday Nights Till 9 P. M.
Maccabees to Meet
Capitol Tent hive 844 and Wil
lamette tent hive No. 0 of the
Maccabees will be hosts at a dis
trict meeting Thursday at 248
North Commercial street. Great
Commander and Mrs. H. S. Hud
son of Portland will be honpr
guests. Members will come from
Corvallis, Silverton and Wood
burn. Mrs. J. Edgar Reay and Ivan
Martin make up the entertainment
committee and Mrs. Edith Strang,
Mrs. Mae Brown, Mrs.' Rosa Jane
McElroy and Mrs. George Dietz
are the refreshment committee.
U. of O. Mothers!
You're holding that ball
we need to win in our big
rummage sale November
29th and 30th.
Please! Phone your pick
up team TODAY and ar
range to hare them call
for your rummage or
lake it to 160 West Lin
coln. Telephone Lenta Cauchell
3-6629 or Dorothy liufidns
TTDT reaches s-rerywber froaa rmg tm
ceiling. Seeks oat dirt sues s it ap. Sp
rializes oa doing hard Job tha sway way.
Cooses with 2 estcinsioai tubes, eoiplsta
with til attach meats.
Tha TIDT aphoUtary
ferrets oat grit. Kscps farnitur
and mattress es apie and speck-
CJeana drapcrioa
where they baag. Ideal lor
later iocs, too.
It's tho TIDY
Apprwmd by VmJm nri'sw Lmkmrmmi,
Vf'aV leaa.
The Statesman, Salem, Oregon,
A certain Indian fish eeta food
(insects) by shooting jets of wa
Announcement . . . '!.
Selections, of Compartments (Crypts and I
Niches) now being made in New Addition to
Mt. Crest Abbey
( Now Nearing Completion) 1.
For Appointment Please Call
3-54&1 or 3-3173
Lloyd T. Rigdon
Salem Mausoleum & Crematorium
as 4 . m . -
Tha elertric way Is
beat wayl No loose hat,
no flying fuss. TIDY,
brash slicks
np books, ubU
topSrf lamp
shade. Ve
.1 L 1 1- J . 1
.... -. MJI
moJdjngs. l3
V Lan A AV
way to clean!
tho best cleaner buyl
Phone 2-2493
Wednesday. Nor. 17,' 1913 9
ter at them and knocking them
into the water.. ,(
o o o
'! -
K 1
rrtmll fiat
r-.r IV