The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 17, 1948, Page 3, Image 3

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lis Neufeld, Darlene Mlkkelson,
Buddy Hodges, Katherine Melick
with Don Blanchard, student body
president, ex-officio member.
The Statesman, Salem, Oregon, Wednesdarf. Not. 17.' 1948 3
The first time gas was used fori Babe Ruth 'hit 18 home runs
street lighting was in London in I with the bases filled in his inajor
1807. leegue career. :
VaMey Mews BBirSeffs
Sunnyslde Harvey Peterson's
Boy Scout troop from Salem
Heights will give the program at
the. Sunnyside Community club
Friday, November 19. Friendly
Hour club will have a bazaar and
each family is asked by the serv
ing committee to provide one pie.
Lablsh Center A Fall festi
val will be held at the Labish
Center church basement Friday,
November 19, at 5 p. m. The fes
tival is sponsored by the Chris
tian Service circle and will fea
ture a snack bar at which meals
can be obtained, candy and pop
corn booths, fancy wprk, doll
clothes, plants, bulbs, and a fish
pond and white elephant stand.
Dallas Mrs. Alice Williams
of Portland is visiting her daugh
ter, Mrs. W. H. Allison until af
ter Thanksgiving.
Lablsh Center Mr. and Mrs.
Gene Parkins, Helen, Clarence
and Donald Blair left Saturday
to visit relatives in Independence
and Longton, Kan. Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Blair and Betty, Mr. and
Mrs. Cecil Claiborne and Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Blair and family all
left on Monday where they will
visit friends and relatives in
Swerle Guests in the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Becker
on Thursday were Mr. and Mrs.
L. Lewis of Calgary, Alberta, and
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Singer of Se
attle. Mrs. Singer is the niece of
Mr. Becker. :
Anbnrn Mrs. Hugh William
for 6:30 to be followed by the
program. i
Orchard eights Mrs. Arthur
Bone will be hostess for Orchard
Heights Woman's club at 10:30
with a covered dish luncheon at
noon. Textile painting will be de
monstrated by Mrs. Pearl With
ers and Mrs. Retha Dillon.
Aurora Mrs. Glen Foster and
two daughters of Portland ar
visiting her father, Dr. B. F. Gei
sy and other relatives here while
their home is undergoing repairs
urcnara tieignu Mr. and
Mrs. Ervin Simmons and sons.
Wayne and Allen, returned Sun
day from a five day trip to Wash
ington where ) they visited her
brother, Roy Tansy at Aberdeen,
and in Seattle' with his brother.
They made a boat trip to Vancou
ver, B. C, while there.
Pedee Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Hoff of Baron, Minn., have re
turned home after -visiting their
son, Richard Hoff and family
here. Their daughter remained for
a more extended visit with her
entertained members of the Mon
roe Sewing club at her home Wed
nesday afternoon. Taking part
were Mrs. H. M. Husselman, Mrs.
C..A. Barney, 'Mrs. Arthur S tow
ell, Mrs. Henry Hansen, Mrs. Wil
fred Wilier, Mrs. Warren Shrake,
Mrs. Stuart Johns and the host
ess. Swede Mrs. Archie Wehtje
has returned from a two weeks
visit with her sister and brother
and other relatives at Milton
Freewater. She attended the Don
ald Rhea funeral in Walla Walla,
a veteran whose body was re
turned from the South Pacific.
Turner Mrs. Bert Waller
will entertain the Three Links
club Friday, November 19.
East Salem Lancaster drive
home extension unit will meet
Friday, November 28, with Mrs.
Robert Pickerel on Silverton road.
Meeting place was changed be
cause of the illness of Mrs. Briggs.
Anbnrn Mr. and Mrs. Wil
fred Miller and son were at the
Oregon beaches near Taft Sun
day. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stow
11 and daughter were over on
Popcorn Community club
will meet Friday, November 19,
when pictures from the south seas
will be shown by United Airlines.
Covered dish supper is scheduled
A. J. Klug Elected
Bethel Local Head
BETHEL i Bethel Farmers
union elected officers as follows
A. J. Klug, president; A. L.
Schulz, vice president; Mrs.
Charles Sappingfield, secretary-
treasurer, J. R,; Carruthers, chap
lain; George E. Bahnsen, conduc
A. C. Spranger, Mrs. J. G. Lau-
derback and K. O. Runner, exe
cutive board, f Gus Schlicker,
Marion county president, conduct
ed the installation.
Roy E. Marchand, agriculture
chairman, reported on the soil
building practices for which pay
ment will be made for the com
ing year, e believe! spraying to
destroy tansey .ragwort has been
more effective ; than had been
thought at first and stated it ap
pears 90 per cent of the plants
which grow In the shade have
been killed.
Gus Schlicker discussed mea
sures on the ballot, Mrs. A. J.
Klug and Mrs. Paul Perlich
and Mrs. Henry Schindler, a
daughter, November 11 at the Mc
Minnville hospital. She weighed
seven pounds and nine ounces,
and has been named Janne Ann.
This is their second child and
first daughter. :
BOrn to Mr.- and Mrs. John
Clow, a daughter, November 14
at the McMinnville hospital,
weight seven pounds, IS ounces.
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HITTING THE SILK These paratroopers bail ent of ft Falrehnd C-82 so fast they
appear clustered together daring a training Jump at Fort Benning. ua.
Dallas WCTU Roll Call
Tea Is Held on Monday
met at the Christian church Mon
day for the annual holl call and
tea. Mrs. Clark Enz led the de
votional and the alcohol educa
tion instruction discussion followed.
Christmas packages for the
Childrens' Home at Corvallis
should be brought to the Decem
ber meeting, members were told.
Packages should be designated as
for a boy or girl and should be
Mrs. Maude Morris formerly of
Silverton, is a new member and
Mrs. Alice Williams of Portland
was a guest.
At the close of the afternoon
a tea was served 'in the church
parlor. Mrs. Alfred vHendrickson
is president.
Turner Sheepmen Home
From California Show
TURNER Merle Pearson and
Louis Hennies returned this week
from the Grand National Livestock
Exposition at the Cow Palace in
San Francisco. Sheep belonging to
Gath Bros, and Pearson won
many blue ribbons.
Chamipion ram in the Shrop
shire competition was awarded the
Gath brothers entry with another
Gath ram taking reserve cham
pion. Champion ewe was a Gath
entry, with reserve champion ewe
going to M. O. Pearson entry.
Turner Grid Men
Will Be Honored
TURNER Many turned out
Friday to organize a club to meet
the needs of the community and
the school. First project will be
to serve a banquet for. the Tur
ner football team at the May
flower hall in Salem, Mrs. Louis
Hennies, chairman.
Officers elected are president,
Mrs. Albert Jensen; vice presi
dent, Addie Hatfield; secretary
treasurer, Mrs. Eddie Hatfield.
The group made plans to meet
the second Friday of each month.
Committee to select several possi
ble names for the club includes
Frandne Mickey, Mrs. Delmer
Barber and Mrs. Louis Hennies.
Action by club will be taken De
cember 10.
Entertainment committee for
December is Richard D. Gwilliam
and Ray. Grimm; refreshment
committee, Mrs. Leo Klokstad and
Mrs. Darrell Petersen.
will be announced at the dance.
The homecoming commi ttee
members are Bob Harland, Phyl-
thanks! did you y ..V
I 30-DAY MILDNESS HVIj) I 1 I . i I e L
JH t X AND HOW GOOO I jgfc ; j
i feyfeu ;
g&$ i i ' . '1
Smoke Camels for 30 days and see for yourself how mild a
cigarette can be! : j-
In a recent national test, hundreds of men and Women smoked
Camels exclusively for 30 days. The throats of the smokers were
examined each week by noted throat specialists wbu reported
Game Set for Friday
DALLAS November 19 is the
date for the Dallas high school
homecoming, when high school
graduates will be honored.
The program includes 2:30 p.m.,
high school talent show in audi
torium; 6:30 p.m., bon fire and
rally; 8 p.m., the traditional foot
ball game with Independence. A
dance will follow the football
game, when all alumni will be
honored. The homecoming queen
.f1 Every body's 16 intyn To W6tipxit g
Lot Us Show You tho World's
Easiost-Oporating Ironor
O CilsavDry
A0O0 f
12 Hom4 tenons
O only 229.50
With this amazing new; principle, you
simply arrange the artidt Dring forward
the handk... then sa relaxed while your
Hocpoint FlarpUte Irooer docs all the work
Yon get crisp, dry booing nsJj m pmt
mvaj tr wtsrl See K demonstrated aodayl
r g in . . :
Bm-: I I I III
J 1
Let mm shew yew liew yew swi
Woflii flNid Iron dofH4 on lH sm
wfcon you fcovo Hotpolnt
Iris Oowt Dryer. It cwH eVylng
HkO JO AWsWofot SOVOS BaVOCsk"alrOis
frills fo ffco lofcos Mho lolo
loc icovWos tho fiffat boot foe
(ny stvfoslf bo( KfrOfljBft t(ooi
offlolootly ro vlotos drying .
Lorfo, kitorlor-Hf Mod clotHos
fcuwblor Kolds o sMH wodior lood
Zoflo ood soo ffclf wo(hdoy
werksevr te4eyt
Thurs. & Fri Nor. 18 & 19 J
DOOR PRIZES including electric
clocks, Cannon Towels, Kitchen Aid
Coffee Grinder, and . . Thanksgiving
Served from 2 till 9 P. M.
Featuring our Model Hotpoint Kitchen
Here's the clothes washer
you've always wantedl The
brilliant new Hotpoint offers
matchless Thriftivator 3-ron
action. Friction drive im
peller pomp empties the
ample tub in approximately
two minutes. Selective pres
sure wringer has feather
touch safety release. See this
beautiful new Hotpoint
Washer today!
Terms If
"aBBKBSBSSsann"m . .
8 W Cenler Street
Phone 34139
rem tie-i
I . ' f'' ? I
Allowed on your
lemon (walch)
This Remarkable Offer Positively Ends Nov. 20
Di? up that old lemon of a watch. Brina It to our store.
It is worth up to $25.00 in payment on a new 1949.
Whether It's a wrist watch or a pocket watch . . and
most smart men own both . . . You'll find many people
judge a man by the watch he wears. If your watch
doesn't measure up. stop by Brawn's and see our 1949
watch display. You'll find watches you'd be proud to
wear on any occasion, in any company.
Hundreds of Fine Watches to Choose from
For the convenience of our customers we will
remain open Friday evenings till 9 P. M. until
t: -Armored Watch -rw '-
I ; for AcSivo Men;!
m.TTrU, -, -
' 1 '
iMif awaited . . . httt at Um . . . ut tunc lot you u,r,i,m
buyiag: a wide wlcctioe of the watches everybody kw . .
everybody admires . everybody wants! ,1
; ' . . -
you ara thm dim
who dmand$ ac-
ewracr trotn your watch,
rmgardl ol how
roughly you trt
It. you mpprocisf
th ruiidnM ol tho
Hmlbro Imrinciblo
Artnorod watch.
Matching matal
awpmnmintt band.
Convenient Terms
TVMt sMi i tuwmwrmiuv
Quick A$ A Hash"! fI!3U'
ssksat. mtiai iirweti I X iJ iYA J ;IJ U
See this watch, running. In fish bowl of water night cmd
day. Liberty St. window.
?7?z Well Remembered. Ciw
II I vw ' corutant reminder of V J '
- VV your tWfihtfu1ne$$. - Uktaml
Waltham Bulora Gruen
17 Jewel . 17 Jewel SHSil
39.75 45.00 49.75
Bulova 1
17 Jewel l
Exp. Band
39.75 j
Lay Away For
Christmas GiftsJ
Bal. $1.00 Weekly
t t a v MS 1111 n
Select from the largest
stock of watches In Salem
Ionclnes Wittnaaer
j Tavannes
Certified raarantee with
each watch .