r H jl The Stat man, Salem, Oregon, Wdn day. Wot. 17, 1948 I'lHrtUI WWUpWWHiHi" ,l I Mil I " BWimn. 11.11 IIIIWHJIIIJ IIIIJJJIIII IIIMIltiniMllrill r;ir-IITTI--;T ''jl ' 'IT 'jl ll J.iPIM mi J I, H jl llgWMWWWWWWMWWWWMWMWMMMWIMM "rT- ' .-v.;. " .oa-. .-.X'-'. Arfc . v.- 'T--,fr15i59K aOXr "- y-v '; -i",J" '. rfl . ,;. , . . ... . : .-x-, ..: 7 ... v y ' ''' " ' - '" - y- . V :. ' , . i . S 1 J - i - (I .V . ' ' ! ! i i vjm ' 1aiki'maiy mt iWMffi niinirro1 i J?-k!. . ' SC FLOOD CONTROL PR 0 J E C TArmy cnrlneert built these pier over Bow Rirer for nOrotd bridre to make war for $33,000,009 Conewau K reservoir la western Pennsylvml. Old brkUe rms beneath' Umn. Conewaarh is seventh of 13 reservoirs deslfned to reduce flood dancers at Ftttsbvrgfe 30 miles to west. System is part of Ohio river basin program extending Into 12 states. Dallas Class Play To Be Presented DALLAS "Our Town, 3-act play, will be presented by the associated students of Dallas high school December 2 tnd 3. Roy Dancer, director of dramatics, is in chars;. Thornton Wilder" play la tho first play of this type to bo presented locally for a num ber of years. The cast includes Dorothy Neu fcld. Bob Harland, Kenneth Card ncr, Betty Harland, Gloria Floyd, Don Seibert, Vivian Heckathorne, Nickie Hiebert, Leonard Brown, George Slawson, Dorann Griggs, Jim Stewart. Bob Curtis, Ray Ol son, Jage Janzen, Lewis Simon; assistant stage manager, Larry Cook. Dallas Campfire Girls Elect New Officers DALLAS Oldciyapi camp fire groupf met at the Methodist church and elected the following officers:' Darlene Parke, presi dent; iionite uwens, vice presi dent; Carolyn S tailings, secretary treasurer; and Charlene Wiede man, scribe. The group sold 135 dozen doughnuts . during the annual campfire doughnut sale. The term "filibusters" was first applied to pirates and later to ci tizens of the United States who Intervened without government sanction in favor of Latin Ameri can revolutions against Spain. East Salem Extension Group Has Meeting EAST SALEM The Novem ber demonstration for East Sa lem Home Extension unit was held in the home of Mrs. Ralph Hein on Lancaster drive. Pro ject leaders were Mrs. Oscar For- gard and Mrs. V. M. La Due. A report was given of the training meeting, and many of the games suitable for both home parties and larger community parties were discussed with members pre sent signing requests for the ones they were interested in. Taking part In games led by the project leaders were Mrs. Dan Stauffer, Mrs. Charles Norton, Mrs. Ralph Jackson, Mrs. Menno Dalke, Mrs. Ray! Bernardy, Mrs. William Hartley, Mrs. La Due, Mrs. Forgard, Mrs. Hein and the president, Mrs. Boyd Wilkinson. There will be no unit meeting in ecember. FRICKY'S Fish Market NOW OPEN Selling Fresh Fish and Crab Labish Village 5 Miles North on Portland Road At temperatures below 70 de grees the larvae of clothes moths are not active, but they do not die. II0VIIIG? Going Somewhere? RENT A Car or Truck From PRICE'S TOUCH & CAB DENTAL Padding Furnished with Tracks Location Smltty's Clipper Sendee Corner of Center & Church Phone S-9600 HHPS 'ire" cms. wune I ,; AVOID -CAR i f p&lr WORRIES &?MS$ ' ' ' ' '''"' f ('RPM" delivers again 1 don't know much about cars," says Mrs. Jerome : Bar line of Spokane, Washington, "but I do know I haven't had to spend one cent for repairs since I Started using 'RPMV There's good reason yhj RPM Motor Oil does such an outstanding job for Mrs. Bar line, as well as many thousands of motor ists throughout the West RPM Motor Oil is spe cially compounded to stop carbon troubles, ding to engine hot spots, prevent bearing corrosion and pro tect against internal rust. Next time get "RPM's" axtra protection for your car. We'll take better care of your car Thomas Pleads Innocent of Pay Charges WASHINGTON, Nov. 18 -(JPh Rep. J. Parnell Thomas pleaded innocent Monday to charges of conspiracy growing out of alleg ed padding of his office payrolls. Thomas, the retiring chairman of the house un-American activi ties committee,: was released on $1,000 bond after being finger printed at the United States mar shal's office. i The congressman. re-elected Nov. 2, was indicted a week ago today on charges of fraud and conspiracy involving accusations of salary "kickbacks? from office employes. He was arraigned before Judge Richmond B. Keech in federal dis trict court a day ahead of sched ule. His attorney, William H. Col lins, said the shift was made be cause Thomas wished to return to his home in Allendale, NJ. Polk Odd Fellows Hold Meeting at Falls Gty MONMOUTH Polk county vis iting Odd Fellows last week at Falls City, re-elected William A. Wiest of Monmouth president. Walter L. Smith, Independence, has served the group as secretary for several years. Marion School Carnival For November Event JEFFERSON Marion school Is sponsoring a carnival Tuesday night, November 30' at the school house. Girls in the running for carnival queen are Shirley Forest berg and Doris Edwards. King en tries are John Hults and Fred Wells. LABOR PROMISED AID CINCINNATI, Nov. 16 -JP-Secretary of Labor Maurice J. To bin promised the American Fed eration of Labor Monday to help building a vigorous, expanded la bor department. That, he said, would undo work of what he cal led "the whiffenpoof 80th gress." con- Turner Man Pilots' Congressional Plane TURNER LL John Schlfferer. son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Schlf ferer of Turner, was co-pilot of the : Alaska Airways C-47 which took Rep. I Charles Ker&ten, co chairman on the congressional subcommittee on un-American ac tivities on a tour of inspection in October. The trip took them 4,000 Oregon Certified Marshall Strawberry Plants Grown In Eastern Oreaon Write for Price List Agricultural Research Nurseries Route 2. Box 72. Payette. Idaho miles from San Francisco through' Alaska. , Schlfferer served In the army air force and reenlisted after dis charged. - ; Dr. S. 2L VHieallcy Optometrist ' , ; Formerly with ; Mortis Optical Co. Now Located at 167 So. High St. Phone 2-4469 Stcegle Garden Club . Studies Evergreens SWEGLE Mrs. Ross Bales entertained the Swegle Road Gar den club when evergreens were the subject of the lession discus sion, Mrs. Daniel Casey, leader. Attending were Mrs. Bryan Garrison, Mrs. O. P. Bond, Mrs. Floyd King, Mrs. Homer J. Conk- I lm, Mrs. Dan Stauffer, Mrs. George Quinn. Mrs. Olson, and Mrs. Harold Alderman were guests. YOUR WAR SURPLUS B PRACTICALLY GIVING TfffilGS AWAY AT THEIR f "Santa Clans" Babbill has a jjifi of genuine war surplus Kin ior everyone who brings their camera with them. Sizes 116 and 127 only. HURRY! THEY'RE FREE! N OXFORDS I COMBAT U. S. Navy BOOTS Officers Type T? b c k 1 : Jr shoe. The real McCoy ; S for the working man! 99 $95 OVER- WORIC SHOES SHOE Genuine G. I. n warj.n h-W . . . . .. duty work shoe. U. S. 4-BuckIe Arctic arinTy type QC Reg. XfrIOC 6.45 ZpseO An Amazing Value! PLASTIC TPPm mmm mmm '41 MT? TCJ I SHOWER CURTAINS 3'x6 sJa 3195 fikilhroom Curtains To match 1.49 Patterns Avalon 3Iariin Westlake Devon A Genuine 100 pure Pennsylvania. An excellent, guaranteed oil. tn 2 gal. cans. Gal. M-BfiS You Air Corps Throttle Jockeys know what a real piece of luggage this is. Genuine G. I. Only ' 7 95 Genuine C. P. O. SHIRTS D. 8. navy dark blue, a dressy shirt with lots of comfort. $4.95 HI Coffee Hug V. 8. navf Holds a "pot fal," unbreakable. 90 2s Rain Parkas Genuine U. 8. navy. This Is the one all the boys wear. i $3.25 Pants to match, $2.95 Ilarine BLAIIKET Light green, all wool. A real buy. Pilois Jackel Leather A-2. the best looking, longest wearing Jacket made. $19.50 N SOX Heavy O. D. 50 wool. A real work sock. 3)c fjoo for sJJj SKI CAPS AH colors, water re sistant, colorful, warm . . T-SHIRTS Heavy combed cotton, U. S. Navy EIIAIIEL CUPS 1 5-oz. size, heavy white enamel. Polar brand ... ..Dozen SHAIIPOO Gennine Fitch's, reg.' SOe size bottle. " 2 for 250 ALL SIZES OF TABPS - - AT WHOLESALE PRICES COFFEE POT 6-8 cup Royal' Chef Reg. 2.75 DBESSSOX 100 cotton. Ideal for the school kids, too! 4 colors to choose from BOOT SOX Genuine G. I. 100 wool. The finest qua lity available 1 BATTERIES Reg. Flashlight size. U. S. Army, Ray-O-Vac, guaranteed. 4 for . OPEN EVERY EVENING TILL 9:00 - -i i .- - Gl .. t i MAW iio..cHiracH & FAincnouiiDS ooad niiiiftnil i rT 11.11 i " i i 1