THe' Ndtioii's " ST6p.Cbmics: , ;V" - f . , '-' . - " ,H '".VO. ' v -1 O Your ' Home Newspaper - DAILY AND- SUNDAY V ..I "WIT I aHMUiit4-iJ I -JPHBH!!!! IIPPXL iUHUJ v J 4 Jor and comfort cMiUJPCNBRiNG V0TH rL5 COfWAEROAl J V rukOOV WfTW ALL ) i j I TOTWElRRRCNTSAMOTWilslKOP - A WEEK f . r UVWfcKIAL!, S TWESEWkGwVL --N. AU1WECUTELaTLE-IH)NG5ISWy "7- ' fLLlCS: goo BLONDE LISHPl I RXJLOVVTNG ATCUCX SO f THEKEf TWWECE TnO-IT 1 f VOU'RE WRONC:.7 VVE'PE , , . ' .JTSTN, CUDSCW TWAT TME CAMERA MUM? IS I IS HE? LOOKS TMATS THE fV LOSTZ I SHOOK "EM OFP NOV I'lCS CANT PICK UP THE THAT V-i-f7 LIKE CORNER OF CTnf-T CHLZSZJF yS'J ETHE MUST igj LANC TRbB-MONT. JACKSON AND TL vFO-J BATO -yiN HEAWTRAFFlCf STREET? CZJT' CLACK OR J-f VTsS?' JTHE BOULEVP gp T f r AM 6LAO VDU ANO CAPTAIN 1 GWNDMOTWER-WELL ALWAYS BB DICKENS APPROVE MV PLAN TO I THAT-BUT T5 PROUD ANO HAPW ADOPT AN Kit- MOU HAVE ALWAV5 WE ARE TO KNOW WE UTTIE ACTED UKE A AMD A MOWER) DAALI MG WILL HAVE A RMc, lovelv mother, WE WEBE HOPING ONE OF THE HUNOCE050F PEOPLE WHO IOLAJMED TO BE HER FATHER AJOi MJTVER-AfTBl TWEV FOUNO OOrSHEWASRjCH-VMXJLO. PROVE ANNIE WAS TWElR CHTLD- UTTLE ANNIE EOONET )JOW fM HOPINS N060DV EVtB SHOWS OP 10 TAKE HER AWAy FPOH VOJ - VOl OWW I rm rzirjt ic i niui iorric -tmtci THAT YOU A A WQNDEH- i 1 FIX. MOTHER ill ii iwi 7uu fwr ni-Biud& " ca I I I TV VV " J SI L2L! ful mother.j AiPH-H on.Hor1' y vouavewi l-nT" CJV ESA" 1 QILmL.i-5BR X BUZZ SAWYER EEGK BEEVA-VOU ACS CMAQGSP WITH AISCONDUCT-.Af40CUa4lC OlSSESARP FOR LAW AND OBD&U MK3EYMOUS2 PLEASE, HONOR ...WE OOESNTMEANl TO BS PJSKESPECT- -uii rrs oust r-l THAT... J I NOw...wwuR:a pip WE30...? . ' r - r - i . BIP USSt M AAHNeT. urr op M0Ky J let'5 rr doesnT kw, our AT RUFFLE ORE'S? SHDFW ANO AT . LA NAZ. GASOURE ALLEY 1 F AND THEy WAO VI I 8EAUTIRX. II I AT FUNKLE ' W I iAWTME OZAMOeST et a PtSHE POK 439.5a won't euy a TWNO, I MUST HAVE T AT THAT AVEO AT CTEJ(VerU. GET 1 WEU.SMUFrV- AoesousfiriSFieo CONTRflCr we cost SJ6N60? 1 ices' Hope Givntsj" ME THREE OOLIERS cUEk blesset MONTH OONfT PINCH BABNTT GC OGLE )D HOW ftBOUT ) L'T VOU-THE OTHER "ZTS N7! SPEAK UR XVl WAN!! I J d3 WORO VOURe r "THE YOUNG IDEA" By Mossier ; Tat. Wf. M. . rii. u "We cerUlnly mast b box office.' U flUedt Every eat la the honM New York Stock Quotations NEW YORK. Nov. 16-(JP)-Todj'm . doclnf quoUtlons: American Can .. 79)Gn Electric Am Power & Lt 7 i Ceo Foods Am Tel & TeLlSlHlGen Motor . 34 i Goodyear Tire 32 34 4 Anaconda Bendix A via . Beth Steel Boeing Air Calif Pack ... Canadian Pac Case J I Caterpillar Chrysler . 54 Comwlth Sou S Cons Vultee 9 Continental Can 33 Crown Zel 27 Curtis Wr 8 (Int Harvest Int Paper 2H4lKennecott . 3Vi Douglas Air Dupont d Ne. IsmLibby McN & L 40i Long Bell A 534Mont Ward Nash Kelvin Nat Dairy IN Y Central Northern Pac - Pac Am Fish IPac Gas Elec 50U P T St T 172 IPenney J C 37!Radio Corp 31 iRaronier 60!Rayonier pfd 42 H Reynolds Met 27 Richfield 54 Safeway 58 tSears Roeb So Pacific tHStan Oil Cal 21 Studebaker 5ISun Mining 18 31 93 45 Tfansamerica 27 (Union Oil- 13pJn Paclf IS Un Airlines 11 32 23 27 17 39 51 62 23 9 10 29 85 10 U S Steel .. Warner Bros Woolworth 73 10 43 Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore.. Nov. 16 A.P Butterfat tentative. subect to imme- dlate change. Premium quality maxi mum of .33 to 1 per cent acidity de livered in Portland. t-71e lb.: first quality. 64-67c lb.: second quality. 63 66c: valley quotes and country points ze less than first. Butter Wholesale FOB bulk cubes. ta wholesalers: Grade AA. S3 score. 64 lb.: A, S3 score. 64c lb.; B, 90 score. 61c lb.: C. SS score. 60c lb. Above prices are strictly nominal. Cheese Selling price to Portland wholesalers: Ore cm singles. 43-49c; Oregon 5-lb. loaf. 46-5 1c. Eggs To wholesalers: A grade. large. 7Vs-6'.fce: A 'grade medium. 61 .c; A grade scafl. M',i-4',c; grade B large. 43-68 'Wc. Live chickens (No. V qujiltty FOB plants) Broilers, under S lbs., 13 34c lb.: fryers. to 4 lbs.. 37-38c; roasters. 4 lbs. . and over, 37-38c: fowl, leghorns, under 4 lbs, 26-28c lb.; fowl, leghorns, over 4 lbs, 28-30c lb.; colored fowl, all weights. 3-36c lb.; old roosters, all weights. 16-19c lb. Turkeys Prices quoted are net to the producer on a dressed weight ba sis. V. S. No. 1 young toon, 44-4SC lb.; No. 1 young hens. 5-47e. Rabbits Average to retailers for locally dressed animals. M-62c: fry ers, live, white. 32-33c; colored. 30-31c; old or heavy, 13-18c. rresh dressed meats: wholesalers to WEDNESDAY'S BROADCASTS Pacific Standard Time Kilocycles: KSLM 13S4. KOCO 14t. KOIN 97. KGW 2t. KEX 1199 nous 6 KSLM KOCO KOIN KOW fOf 09:15 00J0 , 09:45 Morning News fTtmekeeper March Time fNews KOCO KLOCK I KOCO kLoCK (KOCO KLOCX I Extension Sv. News of Amer. IKOINClock I KOIN Ktoe-k I KOIN Klock Hod re Podf IHodM Podce (Kneasa New IHodee Podee Early Bird -, (Early Bird (Early Bird Early Bird Thai Statesman, Salem, Oregon, Wodnesay, TTqt. 17, 1943 11 retailers la dollara per hundred rpotands. Steers Good, all weights. S4X-4S, rsmsrnai. ts i; utility. S3S-SS. Cow Coniiwrclal. f343t: utlU ty. S3Z-SS; cwuer-caaner, Beef cuts (Good steer) Bind guar ters. $33-43: rounds. S4S-41; full loins. cnanmeo. SSB-71: triaaglea. S3S-M; square enucks. M3-44; ribs B3t-ei xorequaners, sw-ee. Veal and calf Good and choice, 43-43; commercial. $39-41; utility, $33- Lembs Good - choice. ao-Sfl lha $43-43; commercial, all weiChta. $40-4 L. atuttoai Good. 19 lbs. down. $21- Perk cuts, loins No. 1. S to 13 lhe fcuM.- is ik - . . . . m . . . " " sparenos. a tos. oown, SS 1-DT. All nlM Wool Cum. nlln mill.iM "rc. ID. ssonair zsc lb. on 12-month growth. Countrr killMl mmmtm- Veal Tm niiamw a a i - grades according to weight and qua- HOCS Lfrht blocker. xs.WU IK sows, light. 2S-X2e lb. Lambs 33-40C lb.; mutton. 16-lSc. Beef Good mm M.n ik . M. ners and cutters. 24-2ac lb. wrvin mv. yet . "w- iO-l.T. Urge, t a., a : inann ve i inus sii si iw w s mei large. $2J-2J0: white modZ 2.S0-2.1s!, ruuum asrs snisawsi - - t ..? ..Hc: no. i.iv-i jw. wasn. Yakima rue- set No 1A $313-2 50; white rose $2.79 Z.S3: ISaho No. 1A $3.55. HaV Followtne rl1. mm m m rfridl. nominal: U. S. No. i ereen alfalfa or i. rjoa wja foruana S32-S6: U. t. No. 1 timothy. $37: oats and vetch mixed hay. uncertified clover "f. . " "" eea on WLUamette vauey I arms. Portland Livestock POBTLAVn rw Mo ta (ITSI1AI fmtlm- eZlwi. ' a ... holdover SOS: calves 2S: market slow: enrallv wtmmimr mIiI. ' J " -ymimj m Bwj lacKanaT; lop MOO- ar2M for average good 1067 lb. fed steers: load high .medium grassers to ds v Sa.ftn- few niMl1iifn.aMwr luki , t - . . WftUl lH. era II. 0-23.00; load medium grass heif- y '-"". raramon-iow soeonim heifers 1 1 ot-uou; canner -cutter cows mostly 12.OD-14.OOt Sw Ann M una L. sheHs down ta la on- wmr - , beef cows 19 06; bulls scarce: good veaU vi .ih: man anntn mi. rn n few medium grass calves Haci: SaiaKte ion . mrm- M ft. fairly active, around 25 cents below IT J.."T eoou-cnoice iso-zju job. 23.25 to mostly 23.50; heavier and light er weurhta larrelv 1 is V- Mui mosUy 1S.00-IS 00; light wei'bts Quot able up to 26.00; one lot good 4$ lb. fih,n - aliht. ma. i . r- - www wv. active, fully steady; good-choice wooled lambs largely 22.00; medium-good 20 00 21.00; common 1$00 down; good ewes salable around SJW; few good bucks 8.00. Portland Grain Wheet: No futures "quoted. CasK ermln. rkafra u.ft. t. - 64 JO; barley Ne. I.' 45 lb. B.W. 54.30. Cash wheat (bld(: Soft whit 2J4: sort white ino Revl 111! hita -i,.k 2.24: westetn red 154 Hard red winter: Ordinary 2.14; 10 per cent 2.26; per cent 2J0; 12 per cent 2.34. Today's car receipts: Wheat 6; barley 14; flour 3: corn 5: oats 1; mlllfeed t. - Salem Market Quotations IIVTTEKFAT Premium No. 1 . No. . PUNTS Wholesale ; Retail EGGS fBeylag) Lerge double A Medium Pullets Cracks . 7 KSLaf KOCO KOIN KGW News Tex Ritter KOIN Kiock Farm Time News ffUee and Shine News as Sports, Farm Time Agronsky Rise and Shine .Top Trades Top e Mornlng'News News I Fred Beck JOld Songs Ban. Hayes (Bob Elson (Zeke Manners 8 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Bare. Counter V. lindlahr (Sons Pioneers King Crusaders! King Crusaders! West. Melodies j Coffee Cue User News I Feature story Grand Slam (Rosemary Waring I Fred Waring Pack Berch IMelodlea lub I Breakfast Club Breakfast Club IBseokfast Club 9 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX News Gospel Singers Pastor's Call IKate Smith Wikfw'd ChurcnJ Vocal VUea. Without Words News W Warren (Aunt Jenny (Helen Trent iGai Sunday Tommy Dorsey j Tommy Dorsey Tommy Doraey ITommy Dorsey Mesody go atnd asy Acee iKay Kyser Kay xyser 10 KSLM Ladies rirst KOCO Melody Time KOIN BK Sister I KGW Kneasa Newt Ted Malone Ladles First Pegy Lee (Orchestra IKleman (Queen for Day fMusic Years I Dr. Malone ISct. Byways irrue Story IQueen for Day music xeara . Guiding Light Brighter Day (True Story 11 KSLM Walts SerenadefWalts Ttane lOreh. KOCO News (Cowboy JubileefHal KOIN Mrs Burton I Petty Meson I Nora Drake KGW Double Nothing Double Notfamgi Today's Child Betty Crocker (Eleanor. Anna ptar Spotlight IN.W. News (Hal Derwln ' Jyn Winters world forth westers 12 KSLM Hit Time KOCO MXody's MeL KOIN News KGW Kneeea N INei fOrgan Moods I Come Get at Ma Perkins Noon Dreams (Bike Show Views (Meet Missus (Pepper Young IGalen (Variety Show (Mem. Must (Meet Missus Wight Happiness This Drake I Listen to 1 KSLM Johnson Family "Orchestra West Salem KOCO Classics (Classics (Lelbert KOIN Art Baker (Art Baker (Newspaper kgw Stage Wife isteua Denes iLorenzo J KEX Break. In Holly, Break, ta Holly, Kay West Btng Stags All -Time Fev. Newspaper Wldder Brown Kay West 2 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW Happy Gang Happy Gang tOreheetra Com. Chest W. Salem HourfW. Salem UourtW. Salem Hour) W. Salem How Hint Hunt (Hint Hunt mouse Party (House Party Girl Marries (Portia's Life I Plain Bin I Pass Farren Jay Stewart I Jay Stewart (Bride Groom Brde s Groom 3 KSLM Orchestra Orch. Orch. N KOCO 12th St. Hour (12th St. Hour 12tti St. Hour (12th St. Hour KOIN Karkham News fTuneriy Yours I Arthur Godfrey! Arthur Godfrey KGW Bead of Life (Lore Lawtoa (Aunt Mary (Nora Drake KEX ' Ladies Seated (Ladies Seated (Travelers (Travelers 4 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW Parade fOrcstestra Ranch (Rhythm Fulton Lewis IHemlnewav News (Pee Wee Hunt ethvthm Arthur Godfrevi Arthur GodfrerjCJub 15 S&d Murrow Woman's Secret !Lire Bestottful tLindas Love tStars Today Sunnyside Up Sunnyside Up Sunny side Up . Sunnystde Vp 5 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Superman Sleepy J Knox Foster, Yukon (Chandu. Magic. ICapt. Mldntto Tom Mis Van Carber las Keys Bmg Crosby Manntns Brer Rabbit CoHuis wood (Bon Garred '. News (George MooradlSunny Side IE, Peterson i Challng. Yukon Chalmg.lJack Armstrong! Jack Armstrong 6 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX G. Heatter News Your Song Duffy's Tsv. Sports (Orchestra I My Song (Your Song tDuffy's Tav. JHatne Edition lOsco Kid (Candle Melody Candle Melody Kid Star Harvest (Weston Show IM. Wilson Star Harvest (Weston Show (M. Wilson I 7 KSLM Name of Song Name of Song Off. Detective (Off Detective KOCO Pioneer Pabj j Pioneer Pals (Hot Stove L'guefTop Band KOIN Music Bail (Music Hall Free for All (Free for AO KGW String Serenade String SerenadelCurtatn Time (Curtasn Time KEX Loste Ranger I Lone Ranger (Amateur Hr. I Amateur Hr. 8 KSLM Amer. Forum (Amer. Forum KOCO C Comments (Marine Story KOIN Lowell Thomas I Jack Smith KGW Supper Club jNews KEX Amateur Hr. 'Amateur Hr. (Family Theetre'Famiry Theatre (Party Line (Party Line (Dr. Christum I Or Christian (Gtldersleeve GUdeisleese I Croucho ManlGroucno Marx 9 KSLM News E-awton l KOCO News TMusic Horiaons Frank DaVel KOIN Youth Spotlight Youth Spotlight Beulah KGW Biondie IBlondie (District Arty. KEX Bing Crosby Btng Crosby (Milton (Land er Free (Frank DeVol (Night Editor lOtstrlct Attv. Milton Berte 10 KSLM Fulton Lewis (Orchestra KOCO Remln. RhythmrRemin. Rhyth mi Track 14 KOIN 5-Star Final You as Money (Otcbeatra KGW News ISporta Pace (Band Wag KEX Rich field Sep. (niermeno Concert Hour lOrebeetra lOrcheetra Morton fConeart Don nay Hour 1 11 (Open H KSLM Lone Wolf Often H KOCO Track 14S0 (Track 14M llrack 140 KOIN Cas. Cloakroom ! Cac Cloakroom I Atr-rTo KGW News I Orchestra I Orchestra KEX Concert Hour I Concert Hour mews rrrack 14 KOAC 9S k. Wednesday 18 .AO a. News: Is: I Especially for Women; 1140 Oregon School of the Air; 11:15 Concert Hall: 12:00 News; 12:15 Noon Farm Hour: 1 .-OS Ride em Cowboy: 1 15 1 Variety Time: 1 130 This Day; 1 :45 Mel ody Lane; 2 .-00 Woman of Influence; 2 J6 Memory Music: ill Ore. School of Air; 3.-00 News: 3:13, Music of Masters: HaH: 445 Children's Tbeetse; lJ On Upbeat; 530 Sports Club: SSO News; 6:1$ Dinner Melodies: 5:330 Headlines In Chemistry; 6:45 Guest Star: T:0 Farm er's .Union: 7:1$ Evening Farm Hour: IM Ratio Shorthand Contest: SJO Vet eran's News: 8:43 News: SSW Music That Endures: 9:43 Evening Medita tions; 10:00 Sign Off. . EGGS wl Large double A . Medium double A Pullets Cracks POULTRY No. 1 Leghorn hem No. 1 colored hena No. 1 colored fryers No. 1 colored No. 1 old cocks (2 to $ lbs.1 (I lbs. up) LIVESTOCK by Val Pack seeder lambs Wool lambs Yearling lambs , Fat dairy cows Cutter cows Bulls VeaL 150 to 200 lbs. - Calves. 300 to 450 lbs. Top bogs. ISO to 225 lbs. Heaviest. 240 to 300 lbs. Light sows, to 550 lbs. . Heavy sows 1440 to SjOO to 13.00 to 10.00 to 1L00 to 20 SO to 14.60 to 21.00 to IS 00 to to .70 .70 .75 M M .TS .70 JT JU M l JU JO OS 1SS0 20.00 1240 T.00 1440 15.00 22 SO 23 SO 22.00 23.00 21 M 50.00 1540 JivvSaleiav;;'' srrsiBr JanM C TCIrb. at Htm VMMMAa me H. 5th St.. November 13 Survived by widow. Mrs. Ella B. Kirk, fialemz dauehtr. Vinta Hunbr Imuaii a i-- ka; sisters. Mrs. George Cannon, Stone bore. Pa, and Mrs. Harvey Tanner Greenville. Pa.; grandson. Earie Hunt- Juneau. Alaska, and several nieces' Ml nennews. from thm Clough - Barrlck chapel Thursday. November 15, at 131 p. nv the Rev. Brooks Moore afftrlatin hiamunt In Beicrsst Memorial nark, FAUtCKTLO "T" t- -Fred A- ValfvMkt A CorvaUia route 2. In this city Hon. day. November 15. Survived by hie wuc. mrs. nuoy U. ralrchlld of Cor vallis. Shipment has been made to Cor- vallia h tK U "T l. ' ". .. mmw CWI1UU1F for services and Interment. y MENARD . 3 . Mrs. Ruth Pearl Menard at the rest KM. Cmmm Hltiat Dlu.a ... o day. November 14. Survived by her husband. John T. Menard of Dee: par "f Mj mA Ur- w- Could of salens, slaters. Mrs. Margaret Hardt Of Lebanon and Mrs J-n r i - - - VVUJJIH Co"1. Dam- Wsh.; nephews, M SgL WeUfred Hardt of Rockord. IlL fL ,2hnDi Coc"". Jr, of miensl bure. Waih K-nH- ,ft. m S1. r-01 Wednesday. November !! 30 t. nv, the Rev. J, E, Herr Of II da tin V Interment In n-l-. , orui part -u- COFFIN 'j ; in tK4a r4tv v lt . Arthur Coffin, iale resident of 231 i Cherrv in mt k - ; w years. Survived by his wife. Mrs. Eva M. Coffin of Salem; a daughter. Mrs. Con nie Trum of Oakland. Calif., a sis ter. Mrs. Ida Miliar of Vancouver. wsh a brothen. Doloh Criffta mJ Vancouver. Waah.; two nephews, a iife i and a grandson. Requiem mam Will be aaid from itt vin, .. CathoUc church Saturday. November 20. at 10:30 a. m mUi ht..ui Belcrest linvarUI Bark .... m therosary at the W. T. Rlgdon chanei Friday, November is. at IM p.m. JONES ! Sirs. Carrie E. Jonas. Ute resident of November 16. at the age of 11 years, t owviveu oy we nieces. Mrs. VloU Me- w1hortrJ Los Angeles snd Mr. Ana Ziellnskl or KLan . - v. Flovd SL UrlnttM l t4. r-, aenrlees from the Clough-Barrlck chap, el Thursday. November IB t a . the Rev. O. Wesley Turner officiating. Interment In City View cemetery. 1 mm' mil mo$mr Wife MOVtP TO ABC NC ITlUKr 17EDNS8DAY 10 BINGSDAY HEX DIAL 1130 10 P.M. 9 i r-. 1 A. :- jf rni. it . li Hi AMAZING PA20 ACTS TO RELIEVE PAiq Of SIMPtf J INSTANTLY" arms sskery of sbnplc pOan Acta toteiwve paas, atrtrntf ory. bwonoaS parta. U4p Urn I bmCK evas cracaaas, reooos awsatna. nn n toruoe of auaeAs sla. ct Paao tocoodortiDe re&ei Aak yaw dnrtw obaot , Fas Pi mlSW"""Q " ON dhaxh. ii9o o 6) KEEPlUG mp with Sports a - j - - aa-.M-V gfal iliai i fPmWlOCFy irwmafcnri rTeXsw O 6:15 HOME EDITION ofc23iEREDrni WILLSON ONtcJ His Talking Pswplo) o 7X3LOHE RAHBEH O 733 Thm Original AAUTEtin iioim OtSGROVCHO MARX Tw Bo Yomsv Ufa . 1B1NG I 1 o 933 ISUon Ccrle OIlQlMfifHRrpsxte gMsswlsslBBTy e9t"WBSil PVrtovBf O (133 coNcm houx Mm Ue Uanl YonrEggs! Always a Do?pomdabls) CxisiMarkwU 1 Curly'i Dairy PIioq S-8783 ! DETTEn nEALTHI Dr. C. J. DXeAH CLCH0 Why Snifer Any Longer Cauoese years ka Chine. Ne what sllssiaiH you Slake as. rkiaaaal stWWo CskaBnaW tor sees matter WMk ere arfnetes heart, Ismrs. Bv aslleailan. oMora, fssnaie e CHARLIE CHAN csnNEsa CO. tS4 R rnone a-iSM SAXASt. OKaV uTflce aleurs t so 0 ana eiaev j). D.T.TXamJtJ. DU. CXTAlf LAlf cnntTSE , iiTmJiALisTS S41 K Lioerty rHat Csitairs FerOabd Osaersl ITectrU CeJ OfflN an an Sasurdav ooly 10 so tests are once ItlT are open sasuroay oory I skanJ IUI ffvaa. Csntsi Bteod 7 pressure sS ertae free of charge. FraetUed i 430 Ore. Reporter; 4:15 Proudly We