The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 11, 1948, Page 5, Image 5

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    ' (Diiity 'Sews SBirfieffs
t i i ' ii i . "i
Examinations for appointment
as engineer, physicist, mathemati-
cian or metallurgist at $2,974 an
nually and for student aid trainee
r in those fields as $2,724 per year
were announced yesterday by the
UJS. civil service commisrion. The
positions are with naval estab'ish
Col. Willis E, Vincent, former
Salem resident, has been appointed
adjutant general Of Camp Gordon,
Ga., it was learned hefe Wednes
day. Vincent was f active with the
national guard arid reserves in
Oregon prior to 1940 and served as
personnel adjutant in the office of
ments, mostly in Washington, D.C. the adjutant general for Oregon
For the trainee positions, three ;
years college education by next I Karakul Karpet. it s new, it's re
June is required. Additional infor- versible, it's lOCii virgin wool and
mation may be secured from W. woven through and through, only
H. Fischer, civil service secretary j $4.95 sq. yd. Ph. 3-7643 or 3-3364.
at Salem postoffice. ON COMMITTEE
Annual Bazaar sponsored by the , Gus Moore and Horner Smith.
VtJS.CS: of the First Methodist jr., are newly named members of
church, Friday, Nov. 12, begin- ! the advisory ant policy making
ning at 10 a.m.; luncheon 11 a.m.
to 1 p.m. Dinner 5:30 to 7 pjn
Coffee and donuts all day.
Rummage sale, Thurs., Nov. 11,
committee for the home service
department of thej Marion county
chapter- of the American Red
Cross. ,
721 S. 12th. Law books, fruit jars, Armistice Day hoot. Turkeys,
clothing. Mission St. United i hams and bacon. r Public is wel
Brethren church. : come." Trapshooters Club.
Articles of incorporation of
Meeker-Hughes company, a Sa
lem fertilizer and agricultural
.chemical business, was filed
1 with the Marion county clerk
Wednesday by Frank R. Meeker,
J. Ross Hughes and C. G. Bur-
Taking a baby daughter home
from the Salem General hospital
Wednesday was J Mrs. Edward
Adams, Salem route 4. Mrs. Eric
Nyberg. Detroit, .? was dismissed
from Salem Memorial hospital
with a baby girl.
10 Added to 1
Those Passing
State Bar Test
The State Supreme Court after
reviewing the examination papers
of 41 applicants who it was pre
viously announced failed in the
state bar examinations here July
13 and 14, held that 10 of them
had passed, in an order released
The examination papers ori
ginally were graded by the State
Board of Bar Examiners.
Those announced successful by
the Supreme Court upon review
of their papers included:
T. Morris Dunne, Jr., Edward D.
Kahler, Bruno C. Linde, William
C. McCarthy, Leo N. Probst and
Jesse F. Webb, all of Portland;
Robert C. Cross. Merlin Edward
Nelson and Arthur M. Roethlin, '.
Salem, and John L. Schwabe, !
Med ford.
A total of 117 applicants parti
cipated in the examinations and
70 passed under the grading of the
Board of Bar Examiners. Forty
seven failed of which number 41
asked for a review of their exami
nation papers by the Supreme
linorham Tri nri na 1 nffire of the
corporation is to be in Salem and j Would you like to have some nice,
capital stock is listed at $50,000.
Big reduction sale on coats and
suits. Save money at Lorman's,
I 1109 Edgewater, West Salem.
j Armistice Day shoot. Turkeys,
j hams and bacon. Public is wel-
Deeds to property recently pur
chased from Marion county were
signed Wednesday by Marion
county court to Mr. and Mrs. Nor
man P. Pederson for land near
Brooks, $75; Herbert L. Snider for
land in Gervais. $150, and to Mr
and Mrs. Louis E. Giemau for land
In Aurora, $250.
Do your Christmas shopping early,
Open for your convenience on
Thursday,- Armistice Day. Open
till 7 p.mY Lorman's, 1109 Edge
water, West Salem.
Insured savings earn more than
two per cent at Salem Federal
Savings Association, 560 Stat St.
Raymond Heinonen of Salem, a
senior in pharmacy at Oregon
State college, was one of 32 sen
iors recently initiated into Phi
Kappa Phi, national scholastic
honorary. Only 8 per cent of the
senior class may be chosen for
Rummage and White Elephant
Sale at Valley Tractor showroom,
530 Chemeketa St., Fri. and Sat.
Nov. 12 & 13, White Shrine.
Air-Steamship. -tickets anywhere.
KugeL 3-7694. 735 N. Capitol st.
A notice of retirement from Bol
meier market was filed with the
Marion county clerk Wednesday
by H. H. Bolmeier and Evelyn K.
Shoe repairing. Broadway Shoe
. Service, 1132 Broadway.
Building to sell? Colored plumb
- in? fixtures add sales aDDeal.
! Available now. Judson's, 279 N.
I- Com'l. -
An assumed business name for
State Dental laboratory, a com
mercial dental laboratory at 147
Commercial st., was filed with the
Marion county clerk Wednesday
by Charles Woock, jr.. and Ray
mond J. Wickert.
Federally insured savings cur
rent dividend 2Vz. First Feder
al Savings, 142 S. Lib. 3-4944.
Oscar Specht and Kenneth
Doerfler were on the leaders' list
for Mutual Life Insurance of New
York volume for October, the com
pany announced in New York.
Specht was 23rd nationally, Doerf
ler 33rd.
Ann The Reweaver new loca
tion 1180 N. Winter, near Mar
ket. Ph. 33918.
Rummage sale Fri." and Sat., Nov.
12 & 13. Over Greenba urn's. Delta
Gamma Mothers.
Leon Cooney, a member of the
Salem Board of Realtors, will give
impressions left by a recent trip
to Indiana at the board's noon
luncheon meeting Friday in the
Marion hoteL
Rummage sale, Nov. 12 & 13, at
First Congregational church, N.
Cottage and Marion Sts.
young beef for your locker? We
nave some iot jc per id. t;. a.
Orwig, 4375 Silverton Rd. Ph.
Joe Bartholomy, 12, Brook
route 1, received painful injuries
to his back while Jplaying football
at Brooks school I Wednesday. He
wastreated by Salem first aid
men and taken tor, Salem Memor
ial hospital. He was released later
to go home.
Rummage Sale, Thurs. and Fri ,
Nov. 11 & 12, 235; S. Com'l. St.
City police investigated a com
plaint by the caretaker at 1737
Market st. Wednesday of illegal
entry and evidences of a party
during the hospitalization of the
owner. Beds were torn apart, tow
els strewn about and dirty dishes
were found in the sink.
Rummage. Closing out. Bargains.
141 S. Winter. Fridays.
Salem's Chin-Up club will hold
a bazaar Friday from 9:30 a.m. to
5:30 p.m. at the Portland Gas and
Coke Co., 109 S. i Commercial at.
Novelties and candy will be placed
on sale. j .
Parnell Electric; service is the
assumed business dame of an elec
trical contracting: service filed,
with the Marion county clerk on
Wednesday by Darrelt L. Parnell,
Salem route 0, box 353C.
Card Tables; Mahogany Finish.
Close out at $5.98. Woodrow's 450
Center. I
1 IB-I
i'a Goldilocks!
4 ; i
ana rr:f
your youp
TAe tlm Record Tcy
Downstairs, Oregon Bldg.
State A; High
Ph. 3-8632
Formal Slips
full length -
half slips
in hoth
Black & White
j Mrs. Francis Scheurich, Marion,
I a daughter, Wednesday, Novem
! ber 10 at Salem Memorial hos
pital. ! McRAE To Mr. and Mrs.
Richard McRae, Stayton, a son,
Wednesday. November 10 at Sa
lem Memorial hospital.
and Mrs. Bruce VanWyngarden,
1325 Jefferson st., a son, Wed
nesday. November 10 at Salem
Memorial hospital.
Mrs. Walter A. Rutherford, 735
Breys st., a son, Wednesday, No
vember 10 at Salem General
HALL To Mr. and Mrs.
George A. Hall, Salem route V.
a son, Tuesday, November 9 at
Salem General hospital.
EVANS To Mr. and Mrs.
Benjamin F. Evans, 396 N. 23rd
St., a daughter, Tuesday, Novem
ber 9 at Salem General hospital.
Reroof now with Johns-Manville
shingles. Don't gamble with an old
roof. Mathis Bros., 164 S. Com'l.
Free estimates. Phone 34642.
C Memories
V 57 Years Ago Jj
M The News in
November 11, 1891
After The Rain Maker.
It is sodd the aranaers of
Umatilla county are talking
seriously oi making a propo
sition to Melbourne, the Au
stralian, who hides himself
from view and seems to call
down rains whenever he
desires. The plan Is t o se
cure him a auaranry of 10c
per acre to be paid in case
he produces a down pour
when ever needed.
Boston. At the session of
the W.C.T.U. a report was
aiven on the work against
Narcotics. Work this year
will look toward the passage
of a national law forbidding
the manuiacturing of cigar
ettes. The GJLR. Fair. Gideon
Stolz who' has charge of the
coming G.A.R. Fair is busy
appointing the various com
mittees. A great deal of in
terest is being taken in the
A turnip weighing fifteen
pounds is on exhibit in
W. W. Morley and Jean
T. Fraiser.
Among the Advertisers
Word comes from all quar
ters that the realest and most
satisfactory lor color
ing the beard a brown or
black Is Buckingham's Dye
for the Whiskers.
Mens heavy all wool cas
simere $12. suits reduced
to $9. Overcoats $6.50. At
the Capitol Adventure Co.
Market Reports
Eggs : 30c doz.
Pork 7 to 12 Vic
57 Years of Service
W. T. Rigdon
299 No. Cottage Dial 3-3173
Glenn E. Dickson, Portland,
charged with reckless driving,
trial set for. December 9 follow
ing plea of innocent; posted $250
Ken W. Schilling, Tacoma, vio
lation of basic rule, posted $7.50
bail. ;
Silas W. Washburn, Albany,
violation of basic rule, posted '
,$7.50 bail.
r Gerald L. Odom, Salem rotite
5, violation of basic rule, posted
$7.50 bail. j
Harold James Crocker, Albany, !
violation of basic rule, posted $10
John M. Cross, Eugene, vio
lation of basic rule, posted $25
Robert Franklin Morse, Canby,
charged with obtaining money by
false pretenses, held in ''lieu of
$1,000 bail.
W. E. Pardo vs Theresa E.
Pardo: Default of defendant en
tered. Oronoco R. Piatt vs Robert
Lynn Clark: Defendant files an
swer admitting and denying.
Eulalia A. Schafer vs Edward
A. Schafer: Suit for divorce
charging cruel ' and inhuman
treatment seeks custody of a
minor child, $50 per month sup
port money and ownership of cer
tain personal property. Married
July 21, 1947.
Edith Holiman vs Chester Stan
ford Holiman:. Suit for divorce
charging cruel and inhuman
treatment, seeks restoration of
plaintiffs former name of Edith
Roedern. Married Jam 31, 1947,
at Reno, Nev.
Edna May West guardianship
estate: Order appoints Alice W.
Nash as guardian.
Elton H. Coon; 47, mechanic,
331 Mission st., and M. Grace
Chandler, 47, technician, route 3,
box 492, both of Salem.
Gilbert E. Pirkl. 27, laborer,
and Blanche M. Kadrmas, 16, do
mestic, both of Woodburn.
SILVERTON, Nov. 10 Glen
Howard, Vernon Vincent and Van
Druatt of. Mt. Angel today each
paid $10 fines and costs in Silver
ton justice court on a charge of
Board Talks
Of Legislation
Consideration of possible legis
lative recommendations concern
ing Oregon aviation occupied the
state board of aeronautics during
part of Wednesday's all-day meet
ing in Salem, jointly with the
legislative interim committee on
Need for some type of a "basic
rule" to minimize dangerous fly
ing, similar to Oregon's highway
speed law, was mentioned. It was
felt, however, that present Ore
gon statutes were probably suffi
cient and that more important was
education of the public, fliers and
courts to their responsibilities in
regard to aviation.
The suggestion to drop, one dol-
hunting ducks after hours.
Jack Benson, Silverton, was
fined $50 and costs and given a
30 day suspended jail sentence on
a disorderly conduct charge. On
a second charge he was placed
under $50 bail, which he failed
to furnish, for malicious destruc
tion of personal property.
Robert IMcCylley pleaded inno
cent to a charge of contributing
to the delinquency of a minor. On
failure tor furnish $1000 bond he
was committed to the jail.
The Statesman, Salem, Ore., Thursday. November 11, 1948 S
lar annual pilot registration fee,
a xeature oi tnestate's air search
and rescue program, was opposed.
Members ! indicated that the fees
not only ! aided the program but
that the signup is a means of keep
ing in touch with active pilots.
Several of the members experi
enced difficulty in reaching Salem
foe the meeting, since fog curtail
ed" their favorite method of trav
el flying.
B. F. Ruffner of C o r v a 1 1 1 s,
chairman of the board, and Sen.
William Walsh of Coos Bay, head
of the interim committee, conduct
ed the meeting.
Packing Plant
To Be Rebuilt
A $38,000 meat packing plant
will be constructed to replace the
structure destroyed in a fire at
2490 Mission September 10. G. C.
Pomeroy, who has purchased the
business from Ernest Chrystall,
was issued a permit for the new
building by the city engineer's of
fice Wednesday. .
A permit for $15,000 alterations
on the T, A. Livesley building at
388 State st. was also Issued Wed
nesday. Authorization for alterations on
the dwelling at 1490 Chemeketa st.
to cost $50 was granted also to
Mrs. Laura E. Kelley.
Bennett Talks I
Reasons for high and rising,
school costs were outlined i to
Salem Exchange club Wednesday
noon by Frank B. Bennett, sup
erintendent of Salem schools, j
Bennett said Oregon's problem
centered chiefly in increasing
population, both throngh faster
immigration and higher birth
rate, and in legal requirements.
As an example of the latter he
noted that the age at which
pupils may leave school has been
steadily advanced, resulting In
mqre pupils in school and in cost
ly vocational training for older,
working studentsj
You have been . waiting
i for this flavor In our
Qaalily Ice Cream
138 S. Liberty
150 N. ComrnX
Phono 36828
Mimr i:
For vinler safety on icy roads . .
MLSram Cnisadtr Tires
1 ' RlUir,y PrlCd l 1145 ach j
"'XL vs! 0 Here is your chance to re-tire at a real saving-. Sturdy four-ply
SSS3G5 C' construction with the popular rib traad. A good tire at an amaz-
Vh . T K J Intfy Price . for extra mileage, extra safety. Buy a com
N'SW l" Plte set at this low price . . . shop early aa the quantity la1
J limited.
For school or dress
Boys' Plaid
Regularly t.49 each
Winter warmth of 100 f virgin gf" OO
wool. In gay plaids of tan, red or j I OO
yellow over brown. Sizes 8-12 .. w
An Ideal gift for the golfer
Ralston Irons
Regularly 7.95 each
Buy Dad a set of these Beckley Ralston irons
for Christmas, ilour cnoice oi cnippci, put
ter or approach Irons. One day
only at less than 50 their or
iginal price. Quantity limited ;
shop early. .
Be warm for efcllljr alg ate
136" Flannel
Xegalarly tie yd.
Here la your chance! to make your flannel
njgniwear ai a reaj saving. vSi frvV k
Available in floral or striped EV )p
pattern. 36" width. Yd.
Easily washable, long wearing
Boys' Cords
Regalarly aa high as f.49
All styles and colors to choose
from. Our complete stock redu
ced today only. Sizes 2-18.
Quantity limited.
Turns rain like duck's back
Ilylon Slicker
Regular S.5
Just the thing you've been looking for to turn
the rain. Detachable hood. Sizes: p OO
mall nr medium. The Quantity CSsOO
limited so be sure to shop
Far the heme er aa gifts
Regalarly 4.M
Lovely spiral pattern bedspreads of thickly
tufted chenille. Extra large, GtGt
60x105" size. Buy several for ECCOl?
Christmas gifts at this low
Top quality Pilgrim
Hen's Pajamas
Regularly S.98
Two styles to choose from, middie or coat
style. A real saving to you at this price. San
forized (will not shrink over TlOZL
1). Buy several pair at this J CmT
low price. An" ideal Christmas r
For the holiday visitors
Sieel Cols
.Regularly 9.95
For the holiday visitors this Is Just the
thing. Folds up to conserve DD
mace. 30" or 36" width. Link. XOO
springs. Shop early as the quan
tity is limited. !
Styled footwear at a aavtag
Ladies Siyb or
Arch Shoes
Regalarly f.98 pr.
Top quality Kerry brooke style shoes at the
lowest price in years. Best grade "I Of
leather and patentsJ Sizes bro- )! OO
ken. Black. The quantity of
these shoes Is limited. Shop'
484 State Street
115 N. Liberty