The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 10, 1948, Page 9, Image 9

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    ! i
New Members For
Junior Club
Mrs. Terry Randall, Mrs. Don
ald Freel. Mrs. Jack Mennis and
Miss Nellie Hathaway were in
itiated as new members of the
Salem Junior Woman's club at
the meeting Monday night. Vot
ed by the club as new members
were Mrs. Jack Baker. Mrs. Don
ald Cooper, Mrs. Robert Copley,
Mrs. Thomas CabrieL Mrs. Wil
liam Habernicht, Mrs. Harold
Heiserman, Mrs. William Judson.
Mrs. Frank Ward, Mrs, Wake
field Walker, Miss Marilyn Nel
son and Miss Betty Jean Berg
ner. Mrs. Jack Strickaden and Mrs.
Roy Mink were additional dele
gates to the third district meet
ing at Gearhart Monday and Mrs.
Strickfaden gave a report on the
meeting. Mrs. C. M. Collins re
ported on the fashion bridge
benefit. The club voted to con
tribute funds to the Honduras i
deaf-mute school.
Additional members on ' the
Thanksgiving dance committee
are Mrs. Terry Randall and Mrs.
Donald Freel. Reporters this
month for the club paper, "The
Boomerang,'' are Mrs. Robert
Johnson, Mrs. Sam Campbell and
Mrs. Edwin Slick. Mrs. Carey
Martin, jr., will represent the
club at the meeting of the Salem
Women's Council of Organiza
The program at the meeting in
eluded a talk by Miss Martha Ta
ber on home appliances. Refresh
ments were served during the so
cial hour.
Toastmistress to
Portland Tonight
Mrs. James H. Hartley- and Miss
Amanda Anderson, of Salem
Toastmistress club, will be speak
ers tonight at the northwest Ore
gon council of International
Toastmistress in Portland, meet
ing in Portland.
Mrs. Hartley is extension chair
man for Oregon and Miss An
derson is speech chairman and
win speak in those capacities.
Mrs. La wren Wrenius of Albany,
one of the directors of Toastmis
tress International, and Miss Ha
zel Loom, president of the Ore
gon council, will be other speak
Miss Bratzel Tells
Of Germany
Miss Hattie Bratzel related her
experiences ' while living in Ger
many the past two years at the
meeting of the Salem Memorial
hospital auxiliary Monday after
noon. Mrs. Richard Upjohn pre
sided at the business session.
Plans were made for the r bazaar
to be held on December 6 and the
committee includes Mrs. Peter
Geiser, Mrs. Wayne Pettit, Mrs.
George T. Hewitt, Mrs. A. A. Geer
and Mrs. William A. Keller.
At the tea hour Mrs. F. F. We
del presided at the tea urn. Host
esses were Mrs, Thad Moreland,
Mrs. A. C. Haag and Mrs. Wil
liam Keller.
Joan Burgy, a fresh ma a at the
University of Oregon and a Kap
pa Kappa Gamma pledge, was in
Seattle last week end for the
Oregon - Washington game. While
in the north she was a guest at
the Kappa house on the Univer
sity of Washington campus. En
route Miss Burgy visited her
aunt, Mrs. EL. O. Reynolds, in
Olympia and stopped in Salem
with her mother, Mrs. Francis
Mrs. J. E. Law eniertaiaeal the
Modem Drama class at luncheon
Tuesday afternoon at her Center
street home.
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Caaap-
bell are; leaving Thursday for
Vancouver, B. C, where he will
attend a. regional meeting of the
American College of Physicians
at the Vancouver Hotel. They
will return on Sunday.
Wl Victor
Toccata Sc Fugue la D Mtesr
Stokowski St Phil. Orek.
Ns. 8697 1J85
Procession of the Sardar
Fiedler-Boston Pops Orch.
No. 11883 l.ti
March of the Toys
Shilkret & Victor Concert .
Ns. 12592 L2S
Hansel Sc Gretel Overtur
Bonlt-BBC Symathsny
Ns. 11929 1.2
PLUS AH the big hits from
"When My Baby SaaUes At
Me" now showing at the
GRAND THEATER, including
THE BLUES and others.
Mail or Phone Orders
Filled Promptly
Please send
cfiecked above
me the records
' Name .
, Address f
1 enclose check saoaey
order for. S '
V- 1 1 I w IU .WHHft
Mrs. Fedje
The Salem Council of Church
Women observed World Com
munity Day Frida at the Calvary
Baptist churj-h. The thete of the
day was MT,f ce is; My Responsi
bility.'' Devotions w. re given by
the Rev. Nornvn Brow-.
The new officers elected for the
comins - iri are - follows: Mrs.
Roy Fedje, president; Mrs. Ben
Hawkins, ie-presdent: rs. B.
F. Shoemaker, second vice-president;
Mrs. ij'ason Bishop, treas
urer; Mrs. Ej A. Lee, correspond
ing secretary; Mrs. Leonard
Thompson, recording secretary;
Mrs. W. A.Gueffroy, financial
terasurer, and Mrs. A. E. Utley,
auditor.' j
Committee; Chairmen include:
Mrs. B. F. Shoemaker, devotions;
Mrs. W. A. Bark us, civic; Mrs. T.
S. McKenziej, migrant: Mrs. C. E.
Jaqua, publicity; Mrs. Monroe
Cheek, council representative;
Mrs. Elberti Powell, nominating
committee; Mrs. Roy Wright, mis
sionary; and Mrs. . A. E. Collier,
Dr. Robert D. Gregg, Dean of
Liberal Art of Willamette uni
versity," gave the address of the
afternoon, rjis topic was the "Re
lations Between Russia and the
United Statjes." Eighteen Salem
churches were represented.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Drager
will entertain their bridge club
Thursday night at their Shipping
street home
Navy m
then will hoM their
first fall
meeting Friday night
at the home
of Mrs. F. A. Smith,
avenue. All navy
7 Evergreen
mothers are
Willi Phelps, m
Marion county welfare, will speak
to Soroptocnists at their meeting
at noon today at the Golden
fsossning your shin!
You will bo shocked to find out
how looso your
DO THIS! Sit before your mirror. Do exactly as the
girl is doing in the picture above. If folds of skin roll up
under your eyes, you have loose skin. 1 This loose skin may
easily wrinkle too soon causing you to look much older
than you really arc!
Millions are actually loosening delicate skin tissues around
their eyes in the very act of creaming their skins.
But this old way of skin care is rapidly being discarded.
Well informed women are adopting modern skin care that
ends destructive rubbing.
My Lady Esther 4 Purpose Face Cream is self-acting.
No more need for rubbing at alL Think what this means t
When you use my cream that requires no rubbing, you
are not loosening your skin you are not deepening fine
fanes! In short, you stop helping your skin to grow lose
and older looking. You help to preserve the tone, elastic
ity and smoothness year skin naturally possesses.
Clearer Skin, T, The First Day
What's more, I can promise you a clearer skin the first
day you stop rubbing dirt4aden cream back into tiny
kin crevices and into pore mouths.
Here's why. The desmsing ingredient in Lady Esther
4 Purpose Face Cream is self -acting-it has the power to
surround; each tiny particle of stale make-up and grime
and separate it from the skin. It literally lifts dirt away
from your skin I No destructive rubbing is necessary
just smooth it est and tissue it off!
j What to Expect
Your first trial will convince you that my 4 Purpose Face
Cream is 'self-acting (no more rubbing) and that it makes
your skixl far cleaner than before, without rubbing.
So get any size jar even the smallest size is ample to
prove that you don't have to rub your skin any more to
clean it.
And remember, this one cream does 4 things for your
skin. Besides self-acting cleansing it smooths! it aids
the natural pore-refining process 1 and it makes a per
fect powder base 1
Secretaries Hold
Dinner Meeting
The, monthly dinner meeting of
Cascade chapter. National becre
taries association, was held at the
Salem hotel coffee shop on No
vember B. Guests were Miss Jan
ice Keefe and Miss Maria Dare.
Mrs. Josephine Russell, presi
dent, conducted the ceremony
initiating Mrs. O. J. Cox.
Mrs. James E. Bunnell, execu
tive secretary for the Marion
County Tuberculosis and Health
asMX-Lation. presented a brief in
formative talk about the work of
the association and the import
ance of the Christmas seal sale.
The regular business meeting
will be held at 7:30 p.m. on No
vember 22 at the county court
house. Mr. and Mrs. George A. Ar-
buckle and son. Tad, have been
visiting in Portland a few days.
I V 9wl Mrs Vnuiii Irv and
Mr. and Mrs. Byron MennLs were
in Seattle for the week end and
attended the Oregon - Washing
ton game on Saturday afternoon.
Dr. and Mrs. Chester A. Downs
1 spent the week end at Circle M
i ranch on the Metolius.
More Than $70 Netted
By Middle Grove Club
$70 was cleared at the rummage
sale held last week. Money is to
be used in improving the school
s rounds, by the Mothers dub
which sponsored the sale.
Twenty two attended the home
extension meeting Friday at .the
John Schafer residence. Meal
planning was demonstrated by
Mrs. Kenneth Miller, acting for
Eleanor Trindle, county home
agent. Mrs. George Plane will be
hostess for the group in Decern
skin really is!
Dodge Sells Service
Station to Blackley
FALLS CITY Ken Blackley
has purchased the Joe Dodge ser
vice station and Mr. and Mrs.
Dodge are moving to Valsetz.
Warren Fink and his sister, Al
lie Myers of Salem spent the
week end at Waconda beach with
his daughter, Mrs. John Piank
ington. Visitors at the Or La Fink home
Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Ce
cil McKinley of Salem, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Allen and family of
Independence and Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Jahns and son of Mon
mouth. Emmet t Hicks is in Salem Me
morial hospital.
VFW Silverlon Dance
Lists Pribe Winners
SILVERTON, Nov. 9 More
than 500 attended the Veterans of
Foreign Wars dance Thursday
night, and prize winners were
Victor Hoffer of Mt. Angel, J. S.
Spaulding of Chemawa and C. H.
Hagedorn, Mrs. Betty Martin,
Rodger Greenfield, Lyle Camp
bell. Hans Hagedorn. C. S. Sim
mons, Nell Campbell, Lois Mad
den, Emil Rhyne, jr., Ray Kallis
and Margaret Oster, all of Sil
verton. Ask about
WARDS Christmas
Cut price.
' ji
ft UrrC .
I i
Both FM-AM! Mahog.
any with gold-colored
grille! space. Rich to.iel
Tuning knobs, phono
graph right at your
fingertips as you stf
in your easy chair!
Four Corners
Folk Entertain
Many Visitors
Mrs. James Drury and son John
have been house guests of Mrs.
Ross Wood for several days.
Drurg is on sabatical leave from
New York university and the
family is spending the winter in
Beverly Hills, Calif, where their
two sons are in school. They
came to Salem because of a fire
which destroyed a new house on
their property here. They main
tain their residence in Salem and
will return here after the close
of schoof in the ; spring.
Mrs. Glen Woiodry and Mrs.
Robert Mills entertained at5 the
Woodry home last Thursday for
The Dozen Roses club. Next meet
ing will be held at Miss Etta
Sutter's home.
House guests at the David
Behms this week have been Mr.
and Mrs. Russel McKinley and
children of Scots Bluff. Neb. They
will go from here to Idaho where
they plan to reside.
Visitors at the Chester Part
sens this week hav beenf Mr.
and Mrs. Chester pastham and
Reg. OCM
27 J5 alt. 9
Batt. Extra
Compact plastic beaut r
plays anynhrre on AC
DC or batteries!
7J1 DO
A top buy! Automatic
phono-railio! Compact
mahogany cabinet!
Gates Mother Gives
Party for Two Sons
GATES Mrs. Elmer Klutke
and two sons, Dennis and Ross,
entertained for a group of the
boys' friends Saturday night. At
tending were Jerry and Irvin
Tucker, Fred and Edward Butler,-
Del mar Hardin, Darlene Joa
quin, Sharon and Sherrull Hirte.
Jerry and Sharan Lynch and
Larry Lyons.
Mrs. George Ditto attended a
bridal shower for her grand
daughter, Dorothy Rider, in Sa
lem this week. The affair was
held at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Victor Mo thews. The bride-elect
is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
B. H. Rider.
three children of Toledo and Mr.
and Mrs. E. Mills of Lebanon.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hees of
Salem have purchased the Davis
property at 420 S. El ma. Da vises
I are moving to Shaw where they
! are building a residence.
Homer Bales. 110 Beck ave.,
and his son and daughter-in-law.
Mr. and Mrs. William Bales left
Saturday for a trip to Los An
geles. I'nUn Hill Mrs. Henry Peters
will entertain members of the
Woman's club Thursday at 2 p.m.
iebrates 1 for n
iiii a -
Rec. af gU
12.tS W
Choice of S gay colors!
Nice tone! Plenty of
volume! UL approved.
Presenting.. the Sensational
Look! It's Only
Sec its fashionable mahogany veneered
beauty! Hear its clear-loned radio and
fine automatic phonograph! Check the
low Airline price! Ha pace for record
albums too! Just what you've waited'forl
The Stateaman, Sodom. Orxyon.
Royal Neighbors Card
Party is Scheduled
SILVERTOnf McGrath camp.
No. 5225, of Roysl Neighbors will
'give a card party, open to the
public.' Wednesday night, Novem
ber 10 with Mrs. Theodore Grace
as general chairman. Arranging
the late supper for the party will
be Mrs. Frank Porter and Mrs.
Lloy Moser.
New members recently initiated
into McGrath Camp are Mrs. C.
E. Higinbotham and Mrs. Mar
guerite Ditlow.
One machine can produce as ma
ny as 96,000 paper bags per hour.
Ann the lie-Weaver
New Location
Near Market St.
1180 N. Winter St.
Phone 3-3911
All types of plain and fancy
Mending. Hosiery, sox,
sweaters, etc. Moth holes',
tears, burns and worn pla
ces. Closed Sats.
Reg. 149.95
Now Only
Atk AhMt Moathly TirmeuU
FM plus AM-Aatomatic changer . . . now
priced lower than most straight AM set!
Massive walnut reneer cabinet! Glorious lood
Sow Only
Use Monthly Payaaent Plan
Luxurious mahogany Teneer period combi
nation! Superb FM, AM, phonograph! 12
speaker, 9 tubes give top tone! Record space.
Same model with 2-speed changer 219.83
ReC. ajca .
Meilow 4 tube superhet
top-fsshiost Uoad '
wood! Grculsr dial.
15 f
Wodnesdry. Not. 10. 1943-1-9
Cesttral Howell 'Community
ctob will meet Friday, No vein
ber 12. i '
Gears are made of practica
all the common metals.
IVoman Discovers
"I'm lhmi(k par. f
mImimI I'INKX .
not. mad m all ami !' nnri
! a awr rilacU, Immlew-mrtimd
mmh ffeT. That's mkm aMHM km.i
hmmm aayia aJmt FlftkX Urn trn 4
yrnn. VW. brmaa quirk, rffw-Ut tr
M Ml M.ll I ill II IhI .1 1
a iMa mil l wm mi
rni. No awoi to pay bih imrfm ( A
r uch ayrnp. l"l 1. X ai anj
al By
t Usr
r s
fSi 18"
Streamlined, beauty I
im. speaLer far rich
Imc! An ideal gift!
. ,1
IZt Csvrt 3-7522