The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 10, 1948, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 The Statesman: Salem, Oregon. Wednesday. Hot. 10. 1948
Albany-Corvallis Game Tops in Big Six
4 0 0 1.000 88 2fi
4 1 0 -800 81 34
2 3 0 .500 54 59
2 2 0 -500 41 33
Bend .
Eugene .
. Salem
Corvallis. The
dogs, only Class
1 3 0 .250 39 46
9 0 .000 6 111
This week's finals: Albany at Cor
vallis. Eugene at Salem.
The Big Six football league
draws to a close this week, and
fitting enough there is one im
portant clash in not only the cir
cuit but also in the district hold
ing the two teams, Albany and
state with a perfect records, play
the capable Spartans Thursday
afternoon at Corvallis. Coach Rex
Hunsaker's Albany -team will be
the favorite, butj any Albany-Corvallis
athletic mix is usually un
Should Corvayis upset the Bull
dogs it will drop Albany into a
final championship tie with Bend.
The Lava Beas already have
completed theiif league schedule
and will play at Klamath Falls
Thursday in another traditional
Marion-Polk Leaguers
Wait Final Grid Tilts
With Independence high's Hopsters already
assured of no worse than a championship tie, the
Marion-Polk football leaguers play their : final
round of games Thursday, Ar
mistice Day. All three struggles
are slated for. daytime, Mon
mouth at Independence, Stayton
at Jefferson and Salem Academy
Independence 3 0 1 1.000 49 12
Sacred Heart' 2 1 1 .667 34 26
2 2 0 .500 52 43
..2 2 0 .500 53 27
Z 2 0 .500 49 30
0 4 0 .000 12 98
St. Paul ;5 0 0 l.ODO 98 26
Gervais j4 1 0 .80ff 124 33
Mill City (4 1 0 .800 140 43
Aumsville' r 2 3 0 .400 70 88
N-Marion 2 4 0 .333 49 105
Chemawa tl 4 0 .250 23 92
Turner 0 5 0 .000 26 125
I This week's Aumsville at
at Sacred Heart. The Jefferson 1 Mill City. ;
This keek's games (all on Thursday ):
Monmouth at Independence. Stayton
at Jefferson. Salem Academy at Sa
cred Heart
undefeated Bull-
A team in the
mix. Springfield is finished with
league play also, without a win.
The other league game falls on
Sweetland field Friday night be
tween Salem j and Eugene, the
final grid tilt 61 the season local
ly. Eugene is in a second place
tie with Corvallis and will be
heavily favored over Loren Mort's
locals who have been able to win
only one game in the Big Six
this season.
Of the six teams in the circuit
only Albany at , present has a
chance to participate in the up
coming state playoffs.
He's a Terror to Rival Clubs
Junior High Elevens
In Two Clashes Today
The Salem Junior High football league gets
in an extra punch today with a pair of games on
Olinger and Leslie fields. In the afternoon game
at Olinger it will be Clay Eg
gleston's Parriih Grays against
Bill Hanauska's West Sal ems. To
night at 7:30 o'clock at Leslie,
Bob Metzger's leading Cardinals
In Three Tilts
Glenn Dobbs (above) triple threat star of the Los Aperies Dons,
ranks at the top of the All-American pro football circuit in offensive
performance and despite a set of damaged ribs and a wrenched
back. In ten games Dobbs is credited with 1,946 yards rained by
air and land 353 yards rushing and 1,593 via passing. (AP Wire
photo to The Statesman).
Michigan RHoves
To Sonatclh) Mb. 1
'Van', Nagel to Duel
LOS ANGELES. Nov. 9 -(
Special )-It will be Ray Nagel.
842 yards, vs. Norm Van Brock
lin. S39 yards, at the Los An
geles Coliseum Friday night
when the Coast conference's two
leading offensive stars square off
in the Oregon-UCLA game.
PCC statistics show Nagel
three yards ahead of the Oregon
AU-Ameriean nominee in the
total offense column. However,
the Bruin is traUing Van Brock -lin
by four completions In the
passing compilations.
Jackie Jensen. California,
dropped to third place in total
gains with 822 yards. The Bear
fullback still tops the loop in
rushing with 7 IS yards, followed
by teammate Jack Swaner with
Dick Wllkins. Oregon end.
caught five of Van Brock lin's
aerials last Saturday to vault
into the lead In the receiving de
partment. Wilkins now has 22
catches for 462 yards, the latter
an all-time circuit record).
In the scoring column Swaner
and Don Samuel of OSC are on
top with 48 points each on eight
touchdowns. ),
Next in Line !
Cats Sharpen
Running Game
Not at all pleased with the way
in which the running attack has
functioned on his Willamette U
team the past three games. Coach
Jerry Lillie Tuesday aain stress
ed timing and perfection to the
b.ill-toters during the drill. WU
nlays Whitman at WaMa Wall
in another Northwest
Major Loop Draft Grab
Today; 5,000 Eligible
CINCINNATI, Nov. ft-iAVQuite a bit of baseball talent; caught in
trade winds and the maqor league draft, is due to be tossed around
tomorrow. f
Representatives of the 16 major loop clubs were on hand tonight.
ready to reach into the grab bag
Snapp Victor
Via Decision
Prens Clinch
tomorrow to take their choice of
more than 5,000 "bushers," eli
gible for picking at prices ranging
from $2,000 to $10,000.
The annual draft, to be super-
Penn State Cliinhs;
Oregon Ranked 15th
NEW YORK. Nov. 9 Hail
the "Big Four" of college football
Michigan! Notre Dame,' Army
and Californa. In just thaoi-der,
these unbeaten, untied power
houses nfshd to the front today
in the veekiv Associated ! Press
rollcall of grMiron might All tne
otbe- pre strum ou behind
is it in n secondary category. .
ComnMirg the te ten In or
der nr pnn State. North Caro
lina. Snui rn ' Methodist. North
we'Wn. OVIshoma and Clemson
all except Clemson either beat
en or tied. !
Michigan supplanted the South
Bend lri'h as the? No.' I team,
gaining the temporary . ipprjer
hand in their dual tug o" war that
carried over two season.
Notre Dame received" the most
first place votes from the na
tions football writers and broad
Turner, Gervais
game is booked for 11a. m., the
other pair at 2 p. m.
Sacred Heart's second place
Cardinals appear to have the eas
iest task, as they play the lowly
Salem Academy Hornets. But In
dependence could find a tartar in
the strong Monmouths and both
Stayton and Jefferson appear to
to be evenly matched. Only Hank
Ercolini's Cards have a chance
to gain a final tie with John Ma
this' Hopsters, but only if the
Cards beat Salem Academy whije
Independence is losing to Monmouth.
Jayvees Cinch
Tie for Title
Marion Count B league foot
ball games for he week, as the
season draws nearer to its finish,
send the title-bojund St. Pauls to
winless Turner Thursday after
noon, second place Gervais to
Mill City -Friday) in a battle for
undisputed second j place and
Aumsville to Chemawa Thurs
day, Armistice dby. : .
P-Cards 4 l o .8)0 91 19 Saturday
P-Grevs .: 3 2 0 .600 72 34 conference mix.
L-Blues . 3 2 0 .600 57 51 ! Getting the quick-hitting T
wsaiem. o 3 j Soo i ; formation plavs under way at;
t,.. . r..,r .im t 'the snap of the ball was par-, reTArAnA 'm- 9 -fSnopiaU
lie. 7 30 D m. Grevs vs. West Salem. 1 ticularly imnre-ed bv the Bear- Ml An(,r, P.nns inched the Plaza hotel because of the crowd
Olinger. 3 45 p m. ; cat headman. ConirVr;ib?e time jilamette Valley league grid i tnat 's expected. The meeting is jjav
1 uciiik fiviu 111 pioieiumi crown ncle tonight as they rolled !l,,cuuiru ai 11 " 11 "
take on Harry Mohrs Leslie a,so- as ,he WnM have in CA up a 20-0 victory over Estacada runs true to form should be his
Golds. Bo'es one of ,hf ton P'tchers in : th fin j c,rcuit engagement for! tor-v y noon-
the Northwest. He is sporting a'.u Th, in i.ft ih Prn! Back in 1926. 11 clubs drafted
The teams are to nlav strain ' me worm we I. Me IS a Kth teams Th win liM Ihp Prpn
Friday, according to the schedule. ! "batting average" of nearly 600.witn a tiean slate ln the circuit j 20 players for $184,000. and a
PORTLAND. Nov. 9 -P)- Jack
Snapp of Klamath Falls won a de
cision in ten disappointing rounds
with Larry Carter, Sun Francisco,
here tonight.
Snapp, at 165 pounds and with
a longer reach, tried too late to casters submitting their first ten. on warier, wno weignea They got 80 top votes to 77 for
There were no knockdowns Sffit MirMaan Rut h Vnlvrin
' ik. , i . i 1 : . - -
vised by Commissioner A. B "r lvvv V". " w ,tff a,t'("y ine j amassed the edge In points award
(Happv) Chandler, has been , "K" oine iang. ariapp stagger-; ed on the basis of ten for ? firt.
ishiflcd from the boss' offue to the 71 .fns tne njntn but ; nine for second, etc. Their ; total
hall of mirrors in the Netherland- A',ldn t Put him down. was 1.836 compared with r;1.775.
"jj in, t-oriiana, i for Notre Dame. ' L
knocked out Rolando Delgado, 127.1 Armv moved Tri to third place
Havana, in the fifth round of their on the strength of Its 43-0 rout of
scheduled ten-round semi-final, j Stanford Saturday. The Cadets
After two minutes of the fifth, the , received 1.553 points and 14 first
Portlander caught the Cuban with! place votes. California. 28-13
a left to the chin and the Havana i conoueror of UCLA, collected
West Salem is booked up with ; f? . c?nt-
the Leslie Blues and the Parrish
seven triumphs and no losses. Sec- year ago 13 clubs drafted 29 for
fighter took the Count.
A. t .
me prevusiy winiess Uolds up
and smacked the Greys in an up
set, 9-0.
LUIie continues to have hope , H ,3.0 nuI,Q! hae fiv4, .iriK n $272,000. Of the 29. onlv seven
Cards try their brothers, the ina? captain uer Ainson wm tback with one eame to Dlav. -stayed in the majors, although
es. The Cards i " .""V, 1 Tu iV Mt. Angel meets Gresham there lout otners
last week on ! ? .3"wee'a:off vv,lthv, an n Thursdav night for the district five being farme
Blues, while I"Jury- Add,tl," V the, title and'the right to enter the state The usual
ess Golds up tne lad would relieve Lillie of puartrfin2ls. 6 system of s
firpvs in thns mpc Th. r,rt De DacK in action mis weeK aner
took over the lead
a 7-0 win over the
I ;
one of his top problems, wing
J play both offensively and defen
ds. U.. knnA 4K..4 ' '
T T , , T. 01 . .. fourth periods. The initial score
The Preps, in whipping Esta
cada. tallied in the first, third and
be able to play, however, be
cause of his leg wound.
Ton can't say (t's a habit with Bill Goodwin bat whacking three
holes-in-one within the space of five years is. relatively sneakinr.
. Salem high's Jayvee footballers . collecting aces at! a fast pace. Wonder if Bill one of these days will
clinched no worse than a tie for the ; reach the point where his only reaction to a "one" will be a great
1948 Big Six league. title yesterday . big yawn? . . . ! Goodwin, you know, tapped in his third SGC ace
when they downed the Corvallis j on No. 15 'Sunday . . . And think of the multitude of local swingers
team, 25-0. on Olinger field. Only i who've tried year! in and year out Just to get one of the pesky thinrs
a game with Eugene remains next
Monday and if the Leo Stenback
Bob Pederson coached Satems win
that one. as expected, they will
have finished their league season
The big Vikings were ahead 13-0
at the half yesterday as Captain
Earl Eshelman and Ralph Blakely
notched touchdowns. Eshelman
converted the second with a line
plunge. Jim Moore and Lawrence
Baggett tallied the other two six
pointers in the second half. Cor
vallis failed to threaten seriously
Utah Gridders
Land Thursday
The Utah university football
squad and accompanying party
will land at MeNary field at one
o'clock Thursday afternoon prior
to going to Corvallis where the Ute
gridders Saturday clash with Ore
gon State.
Howard Maple, president of the
Salem Breakfast club, urges club
members and other townspeople to
turn out and provide a warm wel
come for the visitors.
A number of Utah-OSC tickets
are still available at Maple's store.
Bill is the first to admit that there's a lot of luck in holing out
on the first stroke. But then Bill
has helped to lure lady luck his
way by keeping his came in the
groove a good share of the time . .
1 -"TIfifaate.
Riot Follows
Jones Mat Win
Farmer Jones used his educat
ed and punishing feet in the
clutch last night at the armory
to take the third and final fall
over Canadian Herb Parks in
their red hot mat main event,
but a goodly share of the even
ing's fireworks followed the ring
climax. In trouble all the way
with Referee Tony Ross as well
as Jones, the cantankerous
nuck afterward
up in the middle of a young riot
Mt. Angel meets Gresham there four; others were recalled after
I armea oui.
last shall be first"
selection will be used.
with the eighth-placer in th re
cent pennant races getting first
grab. The Chicago Cubs will get
the opening choice, the Chicago
White Sox the second, with the
rotation see-sawing up through
the standings until the World
Champion Cleveland Indians get
the final -bid.
came on Jim Nosack's 10-yard end
skirt, the second on Pete RueFs 30
yard run around the flank and
Reuf got the finai touchdown as
he broke ioose for an 80 yard
jaunt. Nosak. ran over one conver
sion and a pass from Treager to
Butheit produced the other
Estacada came bstk strong in
the final period, four times getting
to the Preps' two before losing the
ball on downs.
Indeps Plan
Turkey Shoot
Beavers Face .
Tough Contest
i Corvallis, Nov. 9 -(Special)- For
LC's Decline
Raider Invite
PORTLAND, Nov. 9-fVLewis
and Clark college announced to
night the Pioneers have declined
an invitation to play Southern
Oregon's Red Raiders in the Med
ford Pear Bowl Thanksgiving day.
Coach Joe Huston said the holi
day date fell just four days after
a college of Idaho clash in Mult
nomah stadium. He said he ap
preciated the invitation.
1,244 points j the only ; other
team to pass the thousand mark.
Penn State leaped from 14th
to fifth on its 13-0 conuest of.
previously unblemished Pennsyl
vania. Penn dropped from : sev
enth to 17th. Oklahoma and Clem
son are the other newcomers to.
the select circle. The Sooners,
conquerors . of Missouri, mov'ed
from- 15th to ninth, tumbling
Missouri to 20th. Clemson slipped
into the tenth spot and Georgia
Tech, upset by Tennessee fell
from sixth to 11th to make room.
Oregon got 120. votes for; 15th
place. 1 . j ;
Don Page of the Karr's feam
A great big sigh of relief went a when he and Ross went at it
op all around the state when! and Ross knocked him from the
on stories to the contrary and said
INDEPENDENCE Nov 5-(Spe- ' the second time in three weeks rolhd a booming 688 series in In-;
cial)-Tne independence Gun club I Oregon State's offense-minded dus,!rial4 o. 1 league P'-X last;
Ca-iwill hold its annual Armistice day football team will step the u.rL!?:- . I
became wound i turkey shoot Thursday, starting I Y.V'J. 7..1 T; 4." ""..,.!
at 8 a.m. A number of the prices T " T . ' V , resuus; ;
are available and the shoot is 1 tersectrbnal rival when the Beav- Remington Rand 2, Keith Brown
on nnon affair cnnrHino In Plnhri nhv in Iho T T i t-orc if v nt 1' TrailwayS 2, ShrOCk'S MotOrS l
officers. The shoot 'is one of the Utah on Beil field Saturday after- fettler Supply Co, 2. Salem Heavy
o i. ii u : i H'K-
. . u w i ...kiiii . m. uiur ... . . . . . ...
' " i rihrt ,ia f ' it- nwi a - c- nH thnt-n lorffocT t ' T me Tall coatnn lnr lhi r.trr
were more than a few greeted Independence club.
And from the Redskin .record
; to date it looks like the Beavers
' have a real job cut out for them
, in their ambition to gain revenge
I for last year's 7 to 6 upset loss to
; Utah at Salt Lake. After dropping
their opener to Southern Califor
he definitely will perform for the I Parks' arrival from the ring with
Orerons atain in 1949. In the first i flying "sts. In the wild skirmish Cl jpt. ll 1 1 1 i k
, , , , . ; a woman was hit and it was kjviivii
place, pro leaaue rules would pre- I
believed by a few of ther fans
vent the Duck passing aee from t that Parks had hit her. Were it
playing for pay checks next sea
son for the pros don't sign 'em
until after their class's graduat
ing year. But then if the way had
been clear, could "Van" rightfully
have been blamed if he had chos
en to forsake his alma mater for
Initial Outing
not for the presence of three gen
darmes, who kept the crowd col
lared while Parks went to the ; their first outing of the season
dressing rooms, chances are hejsundav as 'they go to Mt. Hood.
Boys 0: Karr's Z, Thriftway Clean
ers 1: Blue Lake Packers 2, Brant's
Builders 1. Brennan had top game
for the evening wjth 246 and Val
ley Motor's 2715 was good for high
team score. I
m wom's
i would have had serious trouble.
As it turned out. Parks rendered
apologies to all and the crowd
was dispersed. He insisted that
gold. Kignt now norm s rep is ai he did not hit the woman, and wiii he bv chartered bus
r A 9 S 1 a
lis xenun ne s set a vmiuaoie that as ne swung DacK at one ol
Santiam Ski clubbers will make nia, the Utes have bowled over
seven straight opponets including
such clubs as University of Colo
rado, Idaho, Arizona and Denver
All interested persons are urged
to register for the trip not later
than Friday at Anderson's sport
ing goods store. Transportation
bargaining point In that passing arm of his. Things may be a bit the fans who tried to slug him, the
different next year, for the Webfoot forward wall, which has given woman was knocked down by the
Van Broekiin air-iight protection on his passes, will be shot to pieces : escaping fan.
when rraduation time rolls around . . . But main point is that Norm ' In the prelims, both of them
will be around another year, so we can all relax ... . good, the Grey Mask fouled him-
j self-out of both falls with Billy j
The Vikings of Salem high came Into their own arainst Astoria JV "IZTZ irnt
last Friday eve. What the fans saw Loren Mort's gang do in that, Chapelle went to a gruel I. ng no-
one aucurs. well for next season, for it was a smart offensive show jj ""-u,w WJl"
the Viks staged. It wasn't until the second quarter that the locals
Table of Coastal Titles
By Don Hargcr
The entry of a 10'4 lb. steelie
at Cloverdale last Saturday of
ficially opened the Nestucca Steel
head derby. The head derby man
was out and the entry blank with
the lucky angler's name could not
be found. However, the fish was
taken below the green bridge
above Hebo and stands a good
chance to take the weekly prize.
Your writer was on the Nes
tucca all day Sunday with Cedric
Raeney and Emory heboid. We
High in the blu a single duck
appeared. Closer and rloser it
came to the front lines. In uni
son the guns of dozens of hunters
threw a barrage iijito the sky and
the lone duck seemed to dissolve.
The scarred wreckage fell into
the brush and notr since the days
of the fabulous Oklahoma land
rush has there been such a
Heated arguments turned into
slugfests as each hunter did his
best to claim the bird. What was
left of the quackr went to the
victor. Back to the front lines
again for the next barrage.
The facts will appear in next
week's column bujt the above is
a fair reproduction of the Sum
mer lake duck shooting area.
I Anything that flies, swims or
failed to connect with anything ! waddles seems to be fair game,
but an occasional snag or bush. ; Carcasses of dead fewans are scat
Observed four nice specimens of ' tered about in such numbers that
fishing is worth concentrating on.
Rumors persist that a few boys
did well with the iteelhead on the
Siletz river .last Saturday. A fair
run of fish has apparently reached
the lower river not far above tide
water. Another good run was re
ported in the Salmon river over
Saturday and Sunday. Now if
you had only been here yesterday
etc., etc.
the family Oncorhynchus tscha
wytscha (chinook "to you) taken
early in the a.m. just" below
Opinions of several fishermen
encountered varied little as to
prospects for winter steelhead.
All were in accord that one more
good storm is needed before the
it is hard to belieye they are all
cases of mistaken identity. No
one can mistake ai
a B-29.
Cold weather sems to be mov
Piper Cub for
geese on south
ing the ducks and
io warmer climes. Move over
ducky, we'd like to join you.
dented the Fisherrhan end zone
but when they did break the ice it
was bang, bang, bang . . . And
watch this kid, Jim Rock, whose
late conversion from end to a bal
carrying spot appears to be a
smart move. Jim's power in bursts
through the Astoria line was
mighty, mighty impressive . . .
and could prove useful against
Eugene Friday night . . . Lin
field surprised a lot of people, in
cluding Willamette's gang (and a
guy who figured the Bearcats
would be easy winners by about
33-0). Jerry Lillie's crew took the
decision .all right, but not without
a terrific first half scare from the
McMinnville contingent ... As
Lillie has been quoted as saying, a
tilt like this is just what the doc
tor ordered for the reeling North
west conference tight competi
tion with the outcome a matter of
doubt at least a part of the time.
The loop teams are comparatively
well matched this year. Even
Whitman shows more get-up-and-go
in the current campaign . . .
In a way this iias been Howie
Ode Us debuting season as mentor
of Washington's Huskies and again
it ' hasn't, considering that "the
former Yale skipper has been hos
pitalized most of the season. The
Husky pilto can, to a degree, call
himself fortunate. He hasn't had
to undergo the torture of watch
ing his team lose a batch of games
and, too, he's pretty well im
mune from the well-known Wash
ington wolves. They can't gasp at
the splotchy Husky record, then
howl at Howiefor Odell's the
man who wasn't there . . . But
another year's acomin ...
Salem Harriers
Boat Molalla
Tides for Taft. Oregon Novem
ber. 1948.
Time Ht.
10 8 36 a m. 5 5
7 :46 p.m. 4 8
11 9 10 a m. 5 8
8 55 p.m. 4 8
12 9 40 a m. 6 1
9:56 p.m. 48
13 10 07 a m. 6 4
; 10 52 p m. 4 9
14 10:35 a m. 6 6
11 42 p.m. 6 0
11 00 a.m. 6 8
Dnck Pins
Mens City league results last
night at the Portland road duck
pin alleys: Sunset Donuts 3,
LOW WATER j Green's Market 1; Morgan's Han
Time Ht. I cock Station 3. Eisner Motors 1;
o,a l Olson Florists 3, Les Newman's 1;
2 9 ) Main's Shevron Station 2, Davis
' ! Oil 2. Mains 2260 was top team
l 4 j score ana r-aaie xiarrison iook in
dividual honors with a 561 series
and 208 game.
Salem high
Vern Gilmore's
cross-country lads chalked up
their fifth straight conques Tues- ; is
day as they topped the Molalla ;
crew, 25 to 30 on their rivals' .
course. Once again sparking the 21
Salems was Jack Lofftis who fin
ished first in the just-under-two-mile
run with a time of 10:39.
In the junior division Tfolalla
copped a 26 to 29 verdict on the
strength of Bernard Devereaux's
first place. Leon DuBois, Salem,
was second.
Varsity results In order of fin
ish: Jack Lofftis (S), Jim Lais (M),
Les Reisch (M), Conrad Booze
(S), Kent Myers (S), Dick Adams
(S), George Kirk (M), George
Patterson (M), Don Herring (S),
Gene Kleinsmith (M).
Next action for the Viks will
be Friday's Willamette Valley In
vitational meet at Jefferson.
12 29 a m.
11:27 a m.
1 14 a m.
11:57 a.m.
2 00 a.m.
12:30 p.m.
2:49 a m.
1.09 p.m.
3:40 a.m.
1 53 p.m.
4:32 a.m.
3:43 p.m.
5 1
7 0
5 1
7 2
5 1
5 1
9 0
8 0
1 34 a m.
2 39 p.m.
2 21 a.m.
3.30 p.m.
3 02 a m.
4 12 p.m.
3:40 a m.
4:51 p.m.
4:17 a m.
8 27 p.m.
4:52 a.m.
6:01 p.m.
5:24 a m.
6:37 p.m. -0.5
5 58 a m. 3.0
7 :14 p.m. -Q 8
6 34 a.m. 3.2
7:55 p.m. -10
7:13 am. 3 4
8:40 p.m. -0.9
7 :59 a.m. 3 5
8 29 p.m. -0.8
8:54 a.m. 3 6
10:20 p m. -0 6
2 0
2 4
2 7
9 a. n.
November 11
Independence Gun Club
i !
0mi a m
175 S. High Srroof
Armistice Shoot Set j
The Salem Traps hooters club ;
has scheduled a special Armistice
day shoot at the local, grounds :
Thursday. Prizes will consist of
turkeys, hams and bacon. Com
petition Mill be : in classes. The
public is welcome.
It's Free!
It's Fun!
It"s Exciting!
Capitol Theater Bid.. 534 Stat SI
Pick your choic of winning teams for games listed below
and present to JERRY'S SWEET SHOP along with your
name, address and telephone number not later than 5 p-m.
Friday, November 12th
The entry most nearly correct will receive FREE
1st prize Choice box of Chocolates.
2nd prize 1 free passes to the Elsinore Theater.
! 3rd prize 2 free passes to the Capitol Theater.
In case of tie. the earliest entry will be selected the winner.
Salem Hi vs. Eugene Hi Santa Clara vs. St. Mary's
Willamette vs. Whitman Georgia Tech vs. Alabama
O. S. C. vs. Utah Nebraska vs. Oklahoma
V. of O. vs. UCLA Rice vs. Texas A Sc M
V. S. C. vs. Washington Army vs. Penn
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