f Thm Statesman. Salem. Orenon. Saturday, ffovmbr 6. 1348 I SOCIETY' CLUBS f : :.. , . ,Mrs. Carrie H. Seech ier, whowas honored on her 80th birthday at an open house October 31 when her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Garlen L. Simpson, and Miss Grace Babcock entertained at the Simpson home. Mrs. Beechler has live d in Salem since she was a lew: months old and is an active member of the American War Mothers and Congregational church. (Kennell-Ellis). Miss Means Married Friday At a candlelight ceremony Fri day night at 8 o'click at the First Baptist church MLss Ruth Mild red Means, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Means, became the bride of Marvin Eugene Moos. on of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moos ef Sorague. Wash. The Rev. Lloyd T. Anderson officiated before a getting of white chrysanthemums and tapers Candles with ivy ani pom pom chrysanthemums deco rated th,e windows. Paul Emerick of Portland, the brides cousin sang imousn Years," "Because" and ''The Lord's Prayer." Mrs. Lloyd An-d-rson was the organist.- Two choir bovs. Stanton Dean Ander mm and Jimmie Seitz. lighted the candles. i Of white satin was the bridal j gown, fashioned with a net yoke j and stole colter, long sleeves and j full skirt with a bustle. Her fin gertip veil cascaded from a halo of seed pearls and she carried a bouquet of white spider chry santhemums. Mrs. Howard Mean of Salt Lake City was honor attendant f?r her sister-in-law and wore, a white organdy gown, brocaded with orchid velvet flowers. Sh carried purple and lilac si)iici chrysanthemums. Brides maids were Miss Lauree Gindel of Hei -mi-ton. who wore turquoise taf feta and ca'rried. yellow chrysan themums, and ' Miss Margaret Forsythe. who carried bronze chrysanthemums to complement her yellow taffeta gown. Carolyn Means, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Means. and Earlene : Boardman. daughter of the Earl Boaidmans of Salt Lake City and , a.niece of Mrs. Means, were flower:- girls. They wore yellow and turquoise floor length frocks. Lor en Moos was best man and .groomsmen were Harold Mois and Jack Brown. Ushers were John Goffrier. Robert George, j G?ne Collett and Howard Means. For her daughter's nuptials j Mrs. Means chose a sapphire bluej satin gown and Mrs. Moos at-1 tended her son's marriage in a , royal blue crepe dress. Their cor sages were of white chrysanthe-j mi'ms tied with silver xibbon. A reception followed in the church parlors. Pouring were Mrs. Paul Emerick of Portland and Mrs. Roy Reynolds. Assist ing were Misses Ellen Reynolds. Lmis Martin. Marjorie Coe. Juni'-o Muvskens, Mrs. Keith Gwynn and Mrs. Lloyd Smith. The. bride's table was covered with a hand embroidered cutwork cloth, which was brought rom India by Mrs. Heans' sister. The newlyweds will live at Spiague. Wash., following then hor.evmoon. Au Revoir Party For C. A. Drakes Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Drake were honored at. a farewell pjity at their home on North 5th street on Thursday night by a group of fri ends and neighbors. Air. ana .Mi. Drake are moving to Corva! wcere ne is in ousme-s. Attending the paity. were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hester. Mr. and Mrs. 'C. A. King, Bert Eld. Miss Myrtle Peters, Miss Antoinette White, George Bent. L. J. Brewer, the Drakes and their children, Barry, Larry and Terry. At the meeting of the American Gold Star Mothers Thursday night plans were made for the installa tion of officers of the fir3t state dejtartment ta be held in Salem on November 29. Oregon's depart ment will ' be the first one to be Installed in the west 4. 5 v"V, 4 Miscellany (Sour Cream Pie, Apple Pie, Loaf ' I Among Recipes Recommended Now By Maxine Buren Statesman Woman s Editor Miscellany of weekend ideas. With cranberries at their best, and apples good, might try this CRANBERRY (FRESH) APPLE PIE tart apples , " 4 cups cranberries 4 l1 Pastrv 34 cup sugar '4 teaspoon cinnamon . 1 4 teaspoon salt i 2 tablespoons fat Pare, core, and thinly slice the apples. Wash and ut cranberries in halves? Line a 9-inch pie plate with pastry. Place a. layer of apples in the bottom of the pie plate: add cranberries-: add re maining apples. Sprinkle with a mixture of the sugar, cinnamon and salt. Dot with table fat. Cov er with pastry which has open ings cut in center to , let steam escape. Seal edges. Bake in a hot oven (400 degrees F.) about 45 min. or until apples ire tender and the crust is golden brown. Another strictly winter favor ite Ls this rich but not too ex pensive SOI R CREAM RAI3IN PIE 1 egg. or 2 yolks 1 cup sour cream or buttermilk tablespoon vinegar-.; 3 4 cup sugar 2 T. flour 34 teaspoon cinnamon or all spice '2 tea.-poon nutmeg J4 teaspoon salt; 2 cup raisins Beat egg slightly; add cream or buttermilk and viriega-r. Stir in sugar mixed with flour, spices and salt. Add raisins. Pour into pastry-lined pan Cover with top crust or leave uncovered. Bake at 450 degrees V. 10 minutes, then at 3o0 degrees t . 30 minutes long er, or until cru-t is browned. HAM LOAF; 2 pounds ground hajfn 1 cup cracker ctumbs 1'4 cup milk. 2 eggs 1 cup brown sugar r4 cup vinegar T2 cup water Mix ham. cracker crumbs, milk and eggs together and fut in loaf pan. Boil remaining -ingredients to thin syrup and pour over loaf. Bake at 300 degrees. ? r . T-1 i il 1 Mat TOn 1 eteO. at Au Revoir Shower Mrs. Ed England was honored at an au revoir handkerchief shower Thursday afternoon by members of the King;wood Gar den club when they were enter tained at her home. She is soon moving to Portland td make her home. A dessert luncheon was served by the ho-tess.'. Attending were Mrs. Harry Bonnev. Mrs. Robert Forester. Mrs Fred Kuhn. Irfrs. Elizabeth Hoffman. Mrs. J I. Miller. Mrs. Herbert Hilke, Mrs. Don Kuhn, Mrs. Mae White. Mrs. W. C. Heise and Mrs. England. Meal Planning Talked at Meeting NORTH HOWELL Meal plan ning highlighted the meeting of the North Howell home extension unit on Wednesday-.at : the grange hall. Mrs. Kenneth Mjller, acting home demonstration agent, con ducted the meeting. Present were Mrs. William Oddie. ;Mrs. Pearl Wood, Mrs. J. B. Jackson and Mrs. K. D. Coomler,. Mrs. ,fim Blaney. Mrs. Ernest Redding. Mrs. Char les Maltmore, Mrs. Clarence Espe, Mrs. Evan Beek. Mrs. Lewis Saw yer, Mrs. TttecniM Bump. The com mittee wim Mr. Blaney and Mrs. Beats. i MUSIC Dinner for Visitors Visitors in the capital are Com mander and Mis. Madison Nich ols, who are guests at tlie honif of hi.s father. J. N. Nichols, lor a fortnight. Commander and Mrs. Nichols have been in the Phil ippines the .past two jears and ;oe enroute to his tieu1 assign- j merit at the Great Lakes naval ; base The ttavelers came bv way; ol China. Ji-pari and Hawaii. Fiiri.iy nieht Mr C'.iss A. Nichols entertained at dinner at her (o'iriliv home for the pleas ure of her brother -in -law aid his wife Dunns the evening the naval ollicer showed pictures ot the trip home and ol tlie Phil ippines. Covers were placed for Com- : mander and Mrs Nichols. Mr.. and Mrs. John H.iine. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wilson. Miss Mari lyn Nichols, who is home from Oregon State college for the weekend. Ronald Nichols and Mrs. Cass A. Nichols. Highland Mothers ; Hear Speakers j Highland Mothers Thursday heard Harry B. Johnson, curricu-' lum director of the Salem pub- lie schools and George D. Porter. ' director special adult education.! speak at the meeting held in the j school. New microphones, pur chased by the mothers club, wei e used for the first time. ', The refreshment committee in cluded Mrs. R. B. Eyerly and Mrs. Jasper Button. (Mar- who tober icm cli'urch. Tr.e the daugh:-'jr of Mrs. E. L. Vel-h groom is the son 0 L. Arpke. The co' ! 3e :s . and Mr and the Mrs. O. jple will 1; ve Ier). in Salem. (Jesten-Mii- CLIB CALENDAR SATl'RDAY Chemeketa chapter. DAR. birthday luncheon. Gold Airow. 1 p. m.' MONDAY Salem Memorial hospital auxiliary. 1.30 p m. at hospital. ! Marion auxiltarv. 861 V'FW, business meeting 8 p m. V'FW hall Gaietv Hill garden club. 1 p m. wit1. Mrs. Carl Nelson. 2W West Lefelle street. Executive bojid auxiliary, with Mrs 2250 Center street. TUESDAY Eagle auxiliary, tv. Jll North High Amei ican legion 1 Malcolm Camel on, 8'p in. 21 -t hirthdav par street, I101101 ihdi- ter members. Salem WCTU membership tea. 4 30 with Mrs. F.merson TeaKiie 2 to . 590 North 15th street , American I.egnn auxiliary 134. 8 30 basement of Salem Woman s club house. Pi Beta Phi mothers luncheon, chap ter house. 1:30 p m Marion-Polk county Medical auxil I lary with Mrs A T. Kme. IK35 Sii I mau sr.. 7 o clo-k dc-M?it supper . ; Ea-tern Star social afternoon club. Masonic Terr le. 1 15 p Laurel Social Hour club, with Mrs. Monte Jones. Koutc i. Box 591. I 30 p m. BPW club ba7a.i. Salem Woman's club. 8 p.m. AAl'W board n;t.-tmi w ith Mis'Elise Schroeder. 338 N. Winter st . 7.30 pin. WEDNESDAY Wednesday afteinoon literary group of the AAITW. with Mrs Raymond Walsh. 1515 Jetferson street. 1:15 p ni Knight Memorial church, luncheon, 12:30 p.m.. business meeting of Wom en'? Fellowship following AAl'W literature group with Mrs. Raymond Walsh. 1515 Jefferson St.. 1 15 p.m. THURSDAY Chapter CB. PEO with Mrs. Robert Dow. 1220 Center St., 1:30 deiuert luncheoa. SajournNt meet at Satem Woman' ltdshoute, 1:13 p.m. rHMAY AAUW Music group with Mrs Setti 1 Hunting.. 71 N. cpttl r . 1 M ? m. t''!P .rf Ui f ;rM ml : 0 t 1 i " -- -- t ' - Ai3. Air.---:' O. Arr--3 ! : it. - i cr; 1 1 1 if ! 5 A Ml N if 1 Mrs. Alvin Russell (Leata Vandiver), daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Vandiver, whose marriaqe took place on October 22 at the First Christian church. The new lyweds will live in Salem. (Jesten-MiUer). Delegates Meeting to A numler of Salem clubwomen will be m Gearheart Monday to attend the annual Third district meeting of the Oregon Federa- tion of Women's clubs at the Gearhart hotel. I Attending from the Salem Jun- I lor Woman's club will be Mi... Cedtic Reaney. pre.-ifUnt. Mis. Fred C Cast. le!l and Mr-. From the S; will go Mrs. president. Ml Mrs. Charles Mrs. Sam C'arni' Milo Van Huiiten ilein Woman's club Guv Hickok. the . Clifton Mudd. A. Rat-liff. Mi. Gemge Ro Brunk. Mrs. sman. Mr.-. Estill George Alhng, Mr.-. Howard Hunsaker, Mrs Bert Walker and Mrs. Frank Marshall. Mrs. William B Chandlee. Hillsboro. state president, will be the afternocjn seaker and will tell about the General Federa tion board meeting she attended last month in Washington. D. C Mrs. Charles Ratclifl of Salem, state federation chairman ol in ternational relations, will be the main speaker in the morning., urging club unity and more club aggressiveness "111 pursuing the ideals oX the United National pro gram.' New Members Of Auxiliary SILVERTON The Lions auxi liary met Monday at the double J cafe and received two new mem bers. Mrs. Oscar Fdlund and Mrs. William Fdlund. Mrs. Harry Sher wood presided at the business meeting. Report was given on the randy sale held recently as a benefit for the Girl S out troop. Several mem bers reported attending the tea in Salem for Mrs Kugene Briggs and Mrs Oliver Pe-nonen and Mrs Men ill ( ). Ohlmg. w ives of otfi-ici- ot Lions international. f.M'haime of gills be feat- rued at the December 6 meeting. The: PFP Teachers club held it.; fir-t meeling ot the ear al Chuck'- ta c-i 11 'edn,'-d.i . Mrs. Lauietta Mai tin presid-d over .1 shoit bu-irv m'-tin.g tollow uig the dinner Attending were Mrs. Lauretta Martin. Mrs Cleoia Pa ike. Mis. Vivian Hoenig. Mis. Vestal Matter, Mrs.' Lillian Mc Kay, Mis. Lelty Genre. Mrs Al'j Simmons. Mrs. F-sther Franz, Mrs. Wilma Hammond. Mrs. Mil dred Cooper. Mrs Elsie Carpen ter. Mrs Charlotte Jones. Mrs. Maxine Pierce. Mrs. Inez Green. Mrs. Marguerite Burton, Miss ' Mathilda Gillis and Mrs. Arvilla ' Boyer. Hostesses were the Salem Sleights teachers. Mr. and Mrs. Robert MrEwan are being welcomed Dome lrom a month's motor trip south. They made stops in Boise. Salt Iake City and Denver. In Dallas, Texas they were joined by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fish of Silverton. The four then toured the southern states and Mr. and Mrs. Fish went on t5 Mexico City before returning home. The McEwans spent some time in New Orleans and drove west by w ay of Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Cordon Kruegrr and daughter. Katherine Ann. left Friday for Seattle to spend the weekend as house guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Overlock. This afterncxMi the two couples will at tend the Oregon - Washington game. 222 WALNUT MEATS Brills your Walnut Meats in as soon as they are thoroughly DRIED and get the hest cash price. Willamette Grocery Company MS Soutk Cottai Straw! Phra: 34148 Many Attend Spinsters Benefit Over 250 women attended the Spinsters benefit bride tea Fri day afternoon at the chamber of commerce. Bouquet of autumn leaves and chrysanthemums pro vided the decorative note about the rooms. The tea table was centered with an arrangement of purple and green grapes and leaves flanked by tapers in single crvtal can- d'esticks. Mrs. Linn C. Smith and Mrs. George A White of Port- ; land pre ided at the urns. Winning prizes in bridge were Mrs. James Humphrey. Mrs. John Mc-Cu Hough. Mis. Arthur A. Rogers. Mrs. W F. Lesley. Mrs. John Hughes. M;. Maurice Saf fron and Mrs. John Carson Spec ial prices went to Mrs Carlton .? .Mclorl and Mis. William tH. Poster, Mis- Betty Jean M-nolc-he-iried the directorate, for the successful atfaii. with proceeds to go to the YWCA building tund. Mrs.-Woodfield a : Club Hostess Mrs. Jack Wood field entertained at bridge Wednesday night at her country home for members of her club, which has recently been organized. A late supper was served by the hostess. ; Members of the club are Mrs. Charles Winkenwerder. Mrs. George Schroeder. Mrs. Robert Sullivan, Mrs. Robert Bailey. Miss Evelyn Johnson. Miss Georgia Hull. Miss Cleo Eaton' and Mrs. Woodfierd. Plaimiiir Conference Plans for the mid-winter, con ference of junior YWCA mem- j bers. the Y-Teen and Ti i-Y girls. i w ill be made at an all day olan ning meeting today at the YWCA between 9:30 a m. and 4:30 p.m. j The conference will be held in Salem in Februarv with the Sa lem girls ;js official hostesses. Representatives from Coralli. Springfield. Snverton. Portland and Astoria will attend the all day meeting. lMivlli CutlerV Birllulav Phyllis Cut I r celebrated her 18th birthday w hen he r t on Thin -day ni"ht t I .Ti of her h ih -rhi m 1 1 1 ier:ds the home of M 11 Jie and dancing and enjoyed during the biithd-tv 1. ike ar.d following. at 1 Dai t v at Smith. Games singing were e etiing M refreshments IIMIK IllSni 1 S nrR The Future Home.nakers of America chapter at it e state s hool for the blind is observing FH.A week with a comedy as sembly in the school and the group will attend tre rust Atem- idist church together Sunday 1 Ir. c- u. . 1 , Blome are in charge ot tne wee of the Temlers of the .nationwide or ganization of girls number 237. 133 and there are 6.107 chapters. Mrs. Walter Spauldinr Ls spend ing the weekend in Portland with her grandchildren. Becky and Jimmy Bennison. while their par- i ents. Mr. and Mrs. James Benni son. go to Seattle' to attend !1he Oregon-Washington game this af ternoon. Campfire girls and Bluebirds will meet at the chambei ot mr rherce this morning to put Chii-t-mas seals on envelopes-'which will carry seals hi Maiioii county resident-. Seal.- v(. ill be pi.e cd at in-ide envelopes lor mailing on Monday moiling at Marion county health as.-ociation oltne Mari-m county health a--1 1 1 1 ion ol I ice. Mr. and Mfs. Russell Scott and children. Tommy a:ii Jiuiy. are leaving today by train for Roa nke. Virginia to vi-it her ' parents. "Mr., and Mrs Frank Rader. Mr. Scott will go to Richmond on business v.lult in Roanoke home by way Francisco, pi, a month. hi familv remains They will return of Denver and San inning to be away From I.os Angeles romes news of the birth ol a vm to Mr. and Mrs. Nelson J. Saiassi (Jean Alice Carkin) on November 1. The baby's grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. John H. Carkin of Salem anfj Mr. and Mrs Joseph Sanesi of Los Angeles Mr.-. Carkin left for the south Friday to greet her new grandson. LABIS.H CENTER An mil day meeting of the Christian Service circle was tyeld Wednesday at the home of Mrs. H. E. Boehm with a no-host dinner served at noon. Plans were made for the Fall Fes tival to be held November 19 in the church basement. There will be hand made articles. doll clothes, a canjjy booth, white ele phant and plant booths, and a snack bar. Doors will open at 5 o'clock and proceeds will go to ward completing the church kit chen and basement. HAYESVILLF The Oirl Scouts are planning a jitney supper, ba zaar and negro minstrel for Tues day night. November 9 at 6 o'clock at the Hayesville school. The in terested public is invited to at i tend. Surprise Party Wayne Gil more surprised his wife with a party on her birth day Thursday night at their North Capitol street home. Cards were in play during the evening with a late supper following. Honoring Mrs. Gilmore were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sprague. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dyck. Mr. ard Mrs. Richard Jones. Mr: and Mrs. Warren Doolittle. Miss Carol Kunz. Roy Shelton and Wayne Gilmore. Special meeting mt the auxiliary to the 369th boat and shore regi ment and 409th quartermasters will be held Monday night at the Quonset hut at 7:30 o'clock. Plans will-be discussed for the regimen tal party in December. Toilav's Pattern You will look slimmer! Every line is cleverly designed to pay you compliment.-. A new softly rounded collar and cuffs give this dress the perfect finish. Pattern 4733 in sizes 34. 35,' 38, 40. 42, 4 4, 46, 48, 50. Size 36, 4 yds. 35-in.; 34 yd.; contrast. Srna IHI.MI-flVL ccnti In cotni for tins pattern to Tlve Orecon Sla(r- ,an Ann. Adams 16 Firt t. san I Francisco 5. AUIIKISS, Calif. Print plainly N !!.. sTVLi: ' ZONE. S1Z E and M M BI'K riif new slltiouttM air very -u -able! Send tilteen cenl- n.ore for our new ANNE ADAMS Fall and Winter Pattern Book. Fashion unlimited, for an time, purse, or fifure! Christmas C1'" '", " '' umil.t, and printed in tlie book is a fHKt pattern of a ho- 1 lery rate. Send for thia colorful bok today' A TTdDnD IS THE ; LAST BAY For Elfslrom's Sensational Crazy House Jusl Z-Pc. Suile - Ilystic Velour Cover. Re. 198.50 1 English Club Sofa In Blue Frieze. Re. 316.50 Lawson Pillow Back Sofa Rtg. 297.00 . 2-Pc. tlodern Suite Blue Floral Tapestry. 2-Pc. Hodern Snife Res:. 1.30.00. Save 186.50 SEE tlO CmtI Roaroe Colby Elerteil Gervais Mayor Tuesday GERVAIS Roscoe Colby was electted mayor of Gervais Tuesday; Emil C. Ronner, recorder; Mrs. Carol Gould, treasurer; Allen Dean and Robert Jones, council men for two-year term: Rex Cutsforth and Albert Ban man, council men for four-year term. Colby replaces G. J. NJoisan. who is retiring after 32 years er ice. ZJmiiierniaii Eleeteil .Mayor at Aurora AURORA This city's newly elected city of lifers are Allan j. Zimmerman. rnaor: G'en Blair. Willis Matlhieu. Louis Giendu and Mcrritt Wirth. councilmen. ISeeilleeraft Make this oft inuggly kitty for your Cuddlcr! A favorite toy' on rjCtn istmas Day and all year. Thrifty use sc raps of fabri' . Dressed up Kitty is a great joy maker! Pattern 642; transfer of : 13-mch kitten: clothes pattern. I Laura Wheeler's unproved pat tern makes needlework so simple j with its charts, photos and con- ' cie directions. ! Sena fHtM CISTS in coin lor this pattern to I n Oregon statesman. Laura Wheeler. 1st and Stevenson l.. San Francisco. C'alil Print olainiy pTTIR M. MHI.K our N sMK U- Ii' NEW! If uondeiful our J-aura Wheeler Needlecraft C'atal. Send fif teen cents for 108 illustrations ot new est designs that beginner find easy, expert prefer . . . crochet, knitting, embroidery, toys., dolls.; household and personal accesMjries. Free scrap quilt pal le 1 n printed in boiik. I 1 : X"J 7 Tlx CVJ Look al These Values! Reg. .T17. 50 THEM IN Ol"! WINDOWS i 'rr-Valioy? J ! t AMITY Mr. and Mrs. Mari DeReave,, Amity,; are the parent! of a daughter, Cheryl Denise, bow October 30 at Salem General hos pital.' Grandparent are Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Tarter, Hoiewell, and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred DeRea,ve, Amity. i DETROIT A; daughter war born to Mr. and Mrs, Eric Ny beiB -at Salem Memorial hospital Wednesday- morning. t) AUROI A Mr. aind Mrs. Lowell Cribble ol Pendletim are parents ot a daughter. Barber Diane, bom Novembeif 1 at Emmanuel hospi tal in Portland, fhe little girl, who hastw brothers, is tha gianddauihter ot Mr. an.i Mis.i W. Millei of iSalem and Mr. and Mm Gribble of AUrora. ! ), lUtesvjlle The 'teen-agers are plann iig a party at the YMCA , Satiirdayl N cmlier ti. at - 730 ; p m Hosts for the evening ifn j elude Mr. and Mrs. CValen Sid- dall. Mi and Mrs. tivvrett Buiwii. ind Mrs. R. L jTuers and Mr. Mrs. A. Katka. ' T; ' . - j j r iir'Miiv CH CIIMSTMA$! is what yopr Christmari Carpls will 1 3a y you are certain - 1 are sent Well in aJL-j vance of thr? Holiday.' You are I an after". thought" Is their mes-i; sage, when they j or rive late! j i For this reason, and - - ! - k because 4he selection; i3 wide, the Resigns un usual, place we urge you to your t-hnstmcrr ; - .1; Card order now. You'll; ij j escape the crush 'of th. ! " i ;i holiday rush and hav- plenty of tirne to mail; your cards places. to distant JSB - I L. L 1,1 9 - V ' i M250 243