Paeth Named WU Director Of Admissions Dewey Meets -Press Courthouse Fund Reaches $493,181 The Marion county courthouse const ruction fund has reached a, cash total of $493,181, according to the October monthly report Issued Thursday oy m. J. llutjer, county treasurer. ! 1 I ! . Other funds reported Included $551,065 in the general road fund, $308,479 in the general fund and $115,688 in the county school fundj i. i- a ..u . ; ( Mil' 'finrn vmp ttat i M4..4J L IFarrens Can Still Smile t - a aaa UIUUIUJ as Urge as 30 feet In diameter and Dr. G. Herbert Smith, Willam ette university president, Thurs day announced the appointment 3 of C. A. Paeth as director of ad missions. hi'-, 'f V, Paetli replaces Walter E. Erick- son, who resigned August 30 to take the vice-principal post at Cleveland high school in Port land. Dr. Raymond A. Withey, dean of students, has been taking charge of admission duties since Enckson resigned. Paeth is a graduate of Wash ington State college where he majored in psychology. He holds master of arts and science de grees. He has serv ed as personnel psychologist for the Fred Meyer ft ... company since then. Paeth will arrive on the Willamette campus November 8. 7' Oregon; Friday. WotwW S 1943 imp I f i. iih.II . it I . IAN FRANCISCO. Nor. 4-Gov. Earl Warren, republican vice presidential candidate pears coffee far mm smiling members of his family at breakfast; la a - San Francises beteL And the gererner can r. aUIl saaBe. tee. Left to right: Dorothy. Nina, Warren. Mrs. Warren and Virginia. AP YVirephoU to The Statesman.) Apprenticeship Rule Expanded The state apprenticeship coun cil is authorized to approve a business establishment as an ap prentice training institution for veterans under the federal serv icemen's readjustment act. subject tu certain restrictions. Attorney Ceneral George Neuner held Thursday. Such approval, however, would of necessity be confined strictly t the federal statute and would not be an expression of the recog nition of the program a at? ap proved apprenticeship under the apprenticeship law of the state. The opinion was asked by W. T.. Kimsey, state labor commis sioner and chairman of the state apprenticeship council. "Water District Growth Sought Marion county court has under advisement five petitions filed with it this week seeking addi tions to the Vista Heights water district. The petitions were received from C. Hcbart and Ethel M. Smith, Thomas and Jaae LaDuke, Thomas and Viola LaDuke, Roy and Lois Davidson and Levi and Ida Webb. Each group represent ed land owners! whose properties lie adjacent to the water district. Walter A. Barkus, Paul Griebe- now and A. A. Taylor, water dis trict commissioners. indicated their approval of the annexations on each or tne petitions. Jobless Pay Checks Low Unemployment payments for October continued to establish new low marks for the postj-war period, the state unemployment compensation commission report ed Thursday. Benefit payments to civilian workers last month aggregated $408,274, a seasonal gain from September but more than 7 per rent below October. 1947. Read justment allowances; to veterans dropped to $103,858, neany la per cent under the ; previous month and the lowest since October, 1945. Coos Bay, where several wood products plants are closed, paid $49,941 in benefits and allowan ces against $18,169 a year ago. Fish canneries' slowdown boost ed Astoria's total to $18,331. No payments were; made to long shoremen and others directly in volved in labor disputes. $T0RES SALEI-I 'i Mile North of the Underpass At the Foot of the Bridge Brands 2 Tl!Pi.AiH' Grade A UUAIJbU TUIIA can lb White Star Can ....'-.. 270 660 T7fT TF Mayflower and i'liilili Cttrljra 2sqts. 390 Plus Deposit VEGETABLES SPUDS ib. ODIOUS io L TOIIATOES en.. CABBAGE bl 890 290 for 30 HEAT DEPARTIIEnT Slake Sarins Center Your Holiday Meal Buying Center BEEF ROAST snonT ribs GRADE 'AV T-B0IIE STEAKS EVISCERATED TUBKEYS ..... j FBYEBS .Jb. lb. Jb. I?0 Both Stores Open 8 am. to pjn. Including Sundays Tuo Eloney Saving Llarkeis Hallett Placed On Prohation Vincent Hqllett, 965 N. 5th st, who was bound over to the Mar ion county grand jury Wednes day on a charge of unlawful use of an automobile, was later sen tenced on the same day to six months in the county jail and placed on probation by Circuit Judge George Duncan. Hallett was originally charged with larceny of an auto following his arrest by city police on the night of October 26. This charge. however, was dropped and a new one of unlawful use of an auto was substituted in its place dur ing preliminary hearing in Mar ion county district court Wed nesday. Although Hallett was bound over to the grand jurv Wednes day morning in district court he appeared that same day before Judge Duncan, pleaded guilty and waived grand jury hearing. He was charged with unlawfully us ing the car of Harold D. Robin son, Salem route 9. Yule Seal Sale Supplies Sent Supplies for the annual tuber culosis Christmas seal sale, slated to begin November 20, are to go out today from the sponsoring of fice of the Marion County Tuber culosis and Health association to various community chairmen over the county. Mrs. Ruby Bunnell, association executive secretary, also took supplies Thursday to Alice Smith at Mill City; Mrs. Elmer Klein, Aumsville; Mrs. Lloyd Girod, Idanha; Anne Erwert. Mt. Angel: Mrs. John Powell. Stayton; Mrs. Paul Smith, Jefferson, and Mrs. Edward Martin, Silverton. Supplies, including posters. seals and envelopes, will be given today to Mrs. Edwin Miller, Au rora; Mrs. Ronald Jones, Brooks; Mrs. Robert Jones, Gervais; Mrs. Clarence Friend, Hubbard; Jars. Carl Smith, St. Paul and Irs. Carl Magnuson, Woodburn. Lions Hear Fred Lathrop About 125 Investment compa nies in the United States now ser vice some 1,000,000 investors and a total of $2Vi billions, it was re ported to Salem Lions club in a luncheon talk Thursday by Fred A. Lathrop, an investment coun selor for Conrad Bruce & Co. Lathrop told the club meeting in Marion hotel that investors who suffer fewest disappoint ments are those who plan invest ments wisely to meet fneir par ticular requirements. Tear Kitchen and Bath Can Be Forever Lovely When Tea Install C0L0TYLE Local Bakery To Alter Plant Cherry City Baking co.. 1195 Broadway st., received a permit from the ciry engineer's office Thursday to complete $5,000 alter ations at its plant. Partitioning of second floor space for offices and moving rest rooms are included in the construction.' A. L. Frankum was authorized to construct a house and garage at 1185 N. 24th st. Other permits issued Thursday went to M. K. Crothers, 1517 Court st., house re pair, $500; Western Union, 437 State st., office repair, $200; and Jary florists, 365 Court sL, store repairs, $200. Some gears are as small as pin-heads. V NEW TOKK. Nar. 4 Oae hand la Us east packet, a sober-facea1 Ger. Thomas E. Dewey gestures with his left hand as ha speaks to reporters In New York, after conceding the electien to president Truman. He said It is "pore fiction" that ha Is planning to resign aa Governor. (AP WIREPHOTO U The Statesman.) YOU'RE WRAPPED UP IN COMFORT Is . . . when your home Is Insulated! Our top notch Insu lating materials keep your home 'warmer in winter, coot r in summer, comfort-tight the year round. The saving on fuel bills alone will more than pay the cost! of Insula tion in a few years. ' Convenient Monthly Payments Arranged ' Fred U. Smith Lnmbsr Yard WHERC THE HOME BEGINS" State SL Four Cornem ; Dial 3-8515 '?7x ' x- ii. . .' ; A -As, y i .-. . 1 smoked CHESTERFIELDS between scenes while mahing my new picture, JOHNNY BELINDA, they're WILDER .. . It's Al ugmette." STABKINO H JOHNNY BELINDA A WARNER BROS. riCTURS 1 ' f I 2 v 1 ) It f A 5- i-- .- ( ' - ;. :': 'J- '': i.. :' . . - 7 : . T . ..V:. f 4.,..? i :: ' . : . "; i ' ' . y ... . . .-, . . , ft ?.W': 'i smoko Chostcrfields betauso I Itnow tb hind of tobacco that's in tncm. s smoWng tobacco...mcllow, npo uMMB- TOtACCO FARMER, FARi. ..iuf, ,0M A SU Of ITATIMIMI1 .r r.OM TOMCCO - i ! Imagine walls that clean as easily as a china dish. They're yours with this wonderful new alastie - coated wallboard. Na mora grease spots ar wall scrubbing and na mora repaint ing. JUST GET GOLOTYLE Terms as Low aa 5.5f per Month Get a Free Estimate Vi Mile North of the Underpass SALEU At the Foot of the Bridge U. SALETI A Ik S r Mm Tawn te 14 Caart St. Ph. 2-24SS . . . . . . . .