The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 05, 1948, Page 3, Image 3

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    Neiv MarltetiOutJineWl No Less
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Brief momenta of sunshine Wednesday moraine bronsht Into relief tbo decorative detail fat eonereto on
the front of the Elmer 0.fBerr supermarket being bnllt at Center and North 12th street. Tbo $99,000
building Is owned by the Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co. (Photo by Don Dill, Statesman staff
S. K.Dyer and Ruth V. Dyer
vs James .Harrison Royer and
Vivian Marie Royer: Defendants
file answer admitting and deny
Atlas Lumber company vs
Keith Brown Building Supply:
Defendant files answer admitting
and denying.
State vs Vincent Hallett: De
fendant sentenced tog six months
.In county jail and placed on pro
bation on charge of unlawful use
of an auto after waiving grand
jury hearing ( and pleading guilty
to cnarge.
Cecil Ray Woolery, Salem route
2, charged with non-support, con
tinued for plea to November 5;
posted $500 bail.
Dallas E. Whitesides, 1748 Beller
vue st., charged with non-support,
continued for plea to No
vember 5; held in lieu of $500 bail.
Donald Webster, 755 Union St.,
charged with writing a check with
Insufficient funds, continued for
Elea to November 5; posted $250
Willard A. Roscoe, 3955 State
st., charged with aiding an in
mate to escape, trial set for Jan
uary 11; posted $500 ball. 1
Joseph D. Justis, 1433 State st.,
charged with aiding an inmate to
escape, continued for plea to No
vember 8; held in lieu of $500 baiL
Clara B. Danielson guardian
ship estate: Order appoints Ern
est Boesch, Leonard Bergen and
L. D. Lenon as appraisers.
Mary Goschio estate: Order
authorizes sale of personal prop
erty. Emma C. Lassas estate: Ordes
authorizes sale of personal prop
erty. William Walter Jensen and
Carol Gail ! Jensen guardianship
estate: Guardian's report approv
ed. i
Ian Donald McCusker estate:
Time for hearing on final account
set for December 8.
Amelia Gerig Bickell guardian
ship estate:; Order denies petition
seeking to increase payments for
John Bertelson estate: Order
appoints Jay Montgomery Bertel
son and Warren Christian Bertel
son as joint executors and Dor
thie A. Lott, Doris T. Hoffman
and. W. J. Braun as appraisers.
Leland Westling estate: Estate
appraised at $2,600.
Leo Balliet, 22, radio repair
man, 1393 S. Commercial st., Sa
lem, and Eunice Gibson, 19, book
keeper, Rosalia, Wash.
Melvin L. Pavlik; 30, painter,
255 Center st., and Edra Lucile
Dunigan, 30, secretary, route 7,
box 337, both of Salem.
Dewey E. Gibson, carpenter,
4386 Hager st., Salem, and Mabel
A. Morrow, domestic, Birming
ham, Wash
Charles Bytd, '40, hospital at
tendant, and Mary Mason, 30,
hospital attendant, both of Salem.
Henry Friesen, 14, carpenter,
1995 N. 23rd st, and Erma L.
Darby, 20, secretary, route 5, box
27, both of Salem.
R. Lb Kroeplin, Salem, charged
with failure to yield right of way
to pedestrians, taken under ad
visement Dallas Whitesides, charged with
driving while intoxicated, con
tinued to November 26.
Arthur H: Eggleston, 388 N. 14th
st., violation of basic rule, fined
John Camenzind, Salem route
9, no operator's license, continued
to Nov. 5.
Christian R. Engh, 549 N. Cot
tage St., no operator's license and
failure to stop, posted total of
$7.50 bail.
Fredrick H. O. Cords, 840 W.
Mardona ave., violation of basic
rule, fined $10.
Peter L. Bryant, Salem, void
driver's license and violation of
basic rule, posted total of $15 bail.
Elmer H. K. Dorr, 4310 Silver
ton rd., reckless driving liquor
involved, fined $250.
George Don Lee, Corvallis.
violation of basic rule, posted $10
Lloyd A. Patterson, Salem, vio
lation of basic rule, posted $7.50
Robert W. Gormsen, 1175 Hines
st., failure to stop, posted $2.50
Richard C. Easton, 1912 Hazel
ave., excessive speed at intersec
tion, posted $15 baiL
SILVERTON Traffic, cases
held in justice court this week
include L. V. Barr charged with
having no vehicle license, paid
$5 and costs; E. L. B rend en, Wil
ton MortelL Mino Wilson and
IMayor Elf strom t
To Open 'Mum'
Show Saturday
Mayor R. L. Elfstrom will of-
tficially open National Flower
week, so far as Salem is concern
ed, Saturday night at 7 o'clock
when he Welcomes the spectators
to the style show which Is being
featured as part of the Optimist
Chrysanthemum show Saturday,
and Sunday at the Salem armory.
The show itself opens to the pub
lic at 2:30 p. m. Saturday and
closes; Sunday night at 9 p. m.
Salem Opti-Mrs. of which. Mrs.
Kem Foster is president ;is ar-.
ranging the style show which wilj
be repeated Sunday at 4 p. m.
Mrs. Sidney Jary has headed the
group who has been making the
contacts with the local merchants
who are furnishing the styles.
The show will be divided into
horticulture and artistic arrange
ment divisions with the usual
classifications In each division.
One section has been set aside for
the Garden clubs.
Special divisions In the ar
rangement group, is one featuring
driftwood and another featuring
Thanksgiving table settings com
plete. A third division will show chry
santhemum corsages while the
fourth group is given over to the
Junior division.
Prange Heads
Tdastmasters 4
Joseph Prange Is president of
the new local Willamette Toast
masters club following election of
permanent officers at the club
meeting Wednesday night in the
Bright Spot cafe.
Other officers elected include
LeRoy Marker, vice president;
Cyril Meusey, secretary, and Jo
seph Ultican, sergeant-at-arms.
Installation of officers will take
place at the next meeting of the
club,. Wednesday, November 10,
in the Bright Spot beginning at
6:15 p. m.
Stayton Mum Show Is
Scheduled November 13
STAYTON The Stayton Gar
den club will hold a chrysanthe
mum show at the Women's club
house Saturday, November 13.
Mrs. W. A. IngUs has been named
Usual show classes are being ar
ranged with all entries to be in
by 12 noon on the day ofxthe show.
They will also be received Friday
night after 8:30.
Orville Rogdeberg, each, paid $5
and costs for having no operator's
licenses: William Starker paid $5
rand costs for having no stop light
on truck, and Frank Beckelhym
paid $7.50 and costs for basic
rule violation.
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V Periian Lamb ., 395.00
V Persian Lamb Pw 198.00
V China Mink .595.00
V China Mink Paw 299.00
V Russian Squirrel Back ........299.00
V Russian Squirrel Locke 169.00
- . - .,.- -
Htre Arm A Few of the Many
Fine Fur Coats Drastically Reduced!
V Russian Squirrel Paw ............. J.......269.00
V Northern Back Muskrat 1,
V Silver Muskrat M.M..mM..... '1
V Mouton Lamb J,
V Bombay Paw ...I.
i -1
V Bombay Lamb -
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