: ;lTho Stat man, Salem. Oregon Friday Nflwmlxf 5, 1943 For Sale- -Miscellaneous For Rent Rooms For Sale Real Estate' Tor Sale4-Real Estate FoSaleRealE. TBeyll Do It Every k rr? Tii -TUP AKPPAI?-LEAD DAN'CAM SHOOT IT OUT FbR HOURS IU1HE LAST SULP S, AMD MEVER HIT ANTHlAkS 8UT FClRNrTURE.' ILE NEARSI6HT0P "HAND SOME HARR7 WTTH A SlILE SHOT FROM. THE HIP CAMALWAVS POLISH OFF THE HEAVy AS HE GALLOPS OERTHEHORlZOKl FIVE MILES AVvAy Grain Cereals Move Higher CHICAGO, Nov. 4 -fl5)- Buy ing of grains, touched off by the surprise election results, contin ued on the board ot trade today. All cereals moved higher with the biggest gains in Jnly and September wheat, where previous short sellers decided they were on the wrong side of the market. The July wheat contract came within cent of its seasonal high while September, in which there has been trading for only about month, made a new seasonal top At one time gains ran to more than 4 cents in these contracts, but some late profit - taking shaved that advance. Wheat closed a-3 higher, ' som was higher, oats were unchanged to V higher, rye was 1 to 2 cents higher, soybeans were 24 to 5 cents higher, and lard was 15 to 45 cents a hundred pounds higher. Stock Market Scores Gains 4 "NEW YORK, Nov. 4 -JF)-The stock market snapped out of post - election slump with gains erf tractions to more than X points today. Demand was fast and heavy a good part of the day. Blocks of 1.000 or more shares frequently changed hands. . , A small handful of stocks man aged to wipe out yesterday's los ses but generally the market had quite a way to go to get back to the election even level of Mon day. Turnover sjnounted to 1,530, 000 shares, even less than half of yesterday's 8,230,000 shares but stQl a hefty piece of business. The Associated Press average of 60 stocks advanced JJ of 4 point to 68.4,' the best averall change in a coudIc of weeks. Of the 1,075 'stocks which changed hands, 753 advanced and 166 declined. About 12 per cent of the 250,000 eases of total blindness m tne United States are due to the eye disease glaucoma. LlVestoek and Poultry M NEW ZEALAND" white does, bred and with litters. Reasonable: Rt. 4. box 484. Wiltsev Road. POULTRY equipment at less than half price. 2 four hundred chick brood ers, feeders, waterer. and tank sprayer. 1308 Rex, BEAUTIFUL Palomino .mare yr. Id. Gentle. 'Ladies or children can A stylish Tennessee Walker colt. ible. 2i mile east of 4 corners. S. Box 125. LARGE RED Cow. Fresh if few days. 8250. Ph. 2-2673. WANTED: Thin cows and heifers for feeders, also butcher cattle. Get my bid. h will cost you nothing. Earl Du Chien, 1493 n. stn. saiem. rnone z-it30. HORSES FOR SALE Registered American saddle - bred stallions, brood mares, yearlings and spring colts Rt. 4. Box 270. Salem. Phone 2-1143 Roy H. Simmons WANTED Any kind ot cattle bogs sheep Will call at farm Licensed f bonded buyers Prompt service E Snethen St Son 1530 Lancaster Dr Salem Ph 1 1345 NEW HAMPSHIRE baby clucks. Weekly hatches. Ph. 2-286L Lee's Hscfi fi?rv BONDED LIVESTOCK buyer E C MeCandlish. 1127 S. 23th. Ph. 3-8147. HIGHEST PRICES paia. Cattle and ones wanted for fox feed. Call col lect Sherwood 4432. Help Wanted WANTED: Walnut pickers. Large grove. Excellent picking. First time ever. Call 3-6268 or 2-1387. WANTED: Night clerk. Senator Hotel. Help Wanted Male ... Steady Income For men with certain Industrial pro duction experience. Immediate placement In expanding industry with opportunity for advance snent. increased earnings; future secur- Report to Teamsters Union. Room 500, Labor Temple. Portland, ' - $70 WEEK to start and chance to Jearn business. Steady work, good hour,. Must have $5,000 Investment which Will be fully secured. Write Box tSS ee Statesman. 1 Help Wanted Female RELIABLE woman for winter's work, oom. board. $80 mo. P. O. Box 68, Wilms. Ore eon. LADY PRESS operator. Salem Laun- try Co. 263 S, High. Salesman Wanted SALESMAN to sell Frirldalre. May tag j Easy appliances. Will train to learn our products. Good starting sal ary. Opportunity for advancement with reliable and established firm. Apply BogS' Bros, 280 State St. Time a-ftto n ir- .r ---w-i- i st -i ,u jt- r J it Salesman Wanted REAL ESTATE SALESLADIES AND SALESMEN WANTED Our, staff is too small to handle our volume of business. Exceptional ' opportunity for 3 tales men and 3 saleswomen. Only reliable and aggressive persons apply. Ralph Bent - 2330 S. Cora'I St. Situations Wanted WANTED: Clerking Job. 3 years ex perience in a Self-Serv. grocery- Mrs. Alfred Ras, 1480 Broadway. WANTED, job in- service station or carpenter's helper. 2 years experience. Alfred Ras. 1480 Broadway. COMPLETE motor overhaul St tune up at Sunnyside. All work guaranteed. N. F. Craig. Bt. 9. Rox 498. Ph. 2-6131. CATSKINNER. D-6. D-7. or D-8. R. E. Scott. Ph. 103M. Independence, Eves. POE'S mimeographing, typing, book keeping service In our home. Quality work. Lower prices. 669 N. 16th St. Ph. 3-3643. EXPERT hand-tinting of photographs in oils. Portraits and landscapes. Sat isfaction guaranteed. 2381 State St. Ph. 2-1957. WANTED: Housework by the hour. Phone 3-6364 evenings. WILL GIVE kind pro. care to re tarded or crippled child. Private home. write statesman 36Z BULLDOZING and grubbing. Have 24 in. Breaking plow. By hr. or con tract. L. C. Mitchell. Ph. 3-5337. MAN WANTS odd Job of any kind evenings from 6 to 1. 778 S. 13th. CURTAINS washed, stretched. 2-3448. CEMENT WORK. All kinds. Prompt service. Ph. 24751. 571 S. 17th. SWEATER MENDING. Phone 16F31. Chimney sweep. Northness. ph. 3-4450 SEWERS and septic tanks installed and repaired. Scharff Bros. Phone 25668. Mike's Septic Service Tanks cleaned. Roto Rooter Service on Sewers. Phone 3-9468 or 3-5327. OIL CIRCULATOR Furnace and chimneys e leaned Vac Bum used. B. F. Ensley. Ph. 3-7176. DRAWING house plans. Ph. 3-9621" Painting & Decorating WE SPECIALIZE IN INTERIORS 2-5444 DICK REY 6265 STEEL CLOTijESLtNE POSTS. Rail tag in neck and ' order. 1145 N. Liber 2L WANTED: Furniture to clue and re pair Lee Bros Furniture Reftntshinc CO Pn 1-1233 4020 E State St CHILD CARE training by elderely lady who is trained nurse. Reasonable rstes. 1675 N. 4th St. or call 37506. CHILDREN given good care week days while mothers work. S204 Simp son. For Sale Miscellaneous NORTHERN . BACK muskrat coat. size iz. years old. Excellent cond $150. Ph. 2-1834. . FOUR, male, black Cocker Spaniel pupa. Phone 3-5714. THE CLOCK DOCTOR SPECIALIZES ON CLOCKS. 190 S. 14TH. 12 lAUbi hammerless pump gun with box of shells. $50. Call at 930 N. Coml St. between BjS.m. and 5:30 p.m. TWO REGISTERED black Cocker Spaniels, females. 3 yrs. old. $25. 6 mo. pig, saa. nonei-z-35l2. WALNUTS, hand, sorted havles for your holiday boxes. Also broken meats. Supply limited; Ph. 3-5778. PHILCO console radio-phonograph. A good buy.: Phone 3-6588. MONK SAWDUST burner 8c all con trols. See at 1907 Hazel Ave. Duck Hunters! 12 ga. pump, like new, $60. 3 1 out board motor, $50. Rt 3. Box 703. Ph. 2-1423. , A. B APT. size elec. range, nearly new, $85. 1480 ?N 13th. PIANO. Plain mahogany case. Perfect mechanical cond. Ph. 3-6387. SELECT: YOUR Christmas nlinn Investigate Tallman's lay-away plan. A small, deposit holds a grand. sDinet or any upright, for Christmas delivery. Start payments next year. Fine se lection at present. Shop early at Tall man's and save. 395 S. 12th. A mile from high: prices. CEDAR POSTS Ph 68F22 Commercial Sand & Gravel Crushed rock. Readv mix. All kinds of sand and gravel. River silt and fill dirt. ' Ph. 21966 REG. Cocker! SDaniel frmil. a nuns Second litter. Aumsville Tel. office. COUCH and Chair $10. sins-lc kerosene stove and oven $3. kerosene heater $2. .wash tub 75c. portable elec tric washing '.machine $10. Laundry hamper $1, chest of drawers $10. oil cir culator $40 with storage barrel, bassin ette and mattress $2. bookcase 1. camp tove $1. miscellaneous household goods. 2308 Rex. Oil Burner Service Parts Available Cn Cy Younger - Phone 3-6072 INSIDE DR. Jambs $3 90 per set. 1 panel doors $9 JO & Up. Shingles, roof ing, shakes, plyboard. insulation board. Wd Gutter.- Masonolte. Eola Lumber Co. Salem-Dallas HI way. Paone 2-3950 ALWAYS a ible Moes Woodry's Furniture Mkt. Ph. 3-5110. PIPE AND 1 PLUMBING, new and used toilets, bathtubs, wash basins. kitchen sinks, water beaters St laun dry trays at great savings. Capital Bar galn House. 145 Center St. gravel, sand and slit Delivered, or on your truck at the pit. Ph. 2-4002. Lloyd M. Hill, Inc. Cat. Shovel and truck work of all kinds Phone 2-4367 - Rt. S. box 32-B ELECTRIC ! RAZORS at only $5.98.' Fullv Cuaranteed Ideal Christmas Gifts . . . Order to day . . Money back guarantee If not satisfied Forbes-Way Sales Service. 7904 Santa Monica : Blvd, Suite 210. Hollywood. California. By Jimmy. Hatlo b c Urol A For Sale Miscellaneous Building Materials New plywood: . , and in. at low prices. in. wall board in 4 x I ft sheets, only $67.50 per M. 100's of In terior and exterior doors, cheao. C. G Long. Rt. 2, Box 31. Ph. 2-5821. 1 mile North of Keizer. Free Linoleum 1 yd. absolutely free with a purchase of each 10 yds. Gold Seal Congolium, Popular patterns. First class quality Lowest prices in town. GLENN WOODRY FURNITURE MKT, 1605 N. Summer St. UAVtSTOKT 913.00; Velour Daveno 6c Swing Rocker both for $59.50; 5'ngle Bed, Coil Spring St Matt. $16.00; Ch ome Table. 4 Chairs $39.50; Dresser $12.50; Highchairs. use $3.50. new. $7.50: Port able Battery Radio $16.50; Baby Jump er sz.au; Mimeograph $20.00: Baby Bed Metal Spring & Matt. $15.00; Due-therm Oil Circulator $35.00; Bedroom Sets for Girls Rooms $49.50. complete, 2 only; wood Kge $20.00: Baby Buggy $15.00 Dinette Set $22.50; Butane 2 Burner Plate $12.50; ironing Board $3.00: Trunk $4.00; Coil Spring Rollaway Bed with innerspring Matt. MARTIN'S FURNITURE CO. , 420 So. Com"!. St. BOY'S BICYCLE, washifl machine, miscellaneous tools & furniture. 425 N. cottage. Ph. 3-6565 LOCKER MEAT. 1 year old beef. 878 Phone 2-3300. BABY BUGGY. Plavnen and Dad. irooq conqition. call 2-4870. WRECKING house at 1336 State St. Lumber and materials. USED WASHING machine, cheap. Macieay Rd. FUR COAT, size 18. ODDossum dyed black, like new, half price at $73. Inq. barber shop. Turner. Oregon USED DAVENO. good cond. 851 south St. Phone 3-3317. M vu. fx. nome ircczer, upngni, n.p. avervraator compressor, self-con talned. I yr. old. $350. Ph. 2-6571. BOY'S BIKE. 26-in. wheels. 2 mo. old. $35. Ph. 2-6682. 1480 N. 15th. USED 7 FT. elec refrigerator, elec. range $22.58, toilet. 610 s. Com l St. APT. GAS Stove $15. Steamer trun $8.00. 2339 State. Phone 3-6163. STOP! LOOK I at our bargains in furniture and ap pliances. Here are some ox our bar gains: electric ranges as low as $42.50, Wood ranges as low as $10, wood heat ers $8 and up, oil heaters $15 St up, Electric heaters $3 and up. 7-way floor lamps $12.50. Electric washers $39.50 St up. Many other items to choose from. Terms and trade. Hard man Bros. 4'i ml. ri. ot Salem on Portland highway. Open from S a.m. to 9 JO p.m.. 7 days a week. SEE THE AVERY 2-PLOW MODEL A TRACTOR AT WARDS Own the tractor that will bring you unequalled field performance at un- Siualled fuel economy: It's the Avery odel A 2-plow tractor now on display at Wards Farm store. Avery owners will tell you that Model A packs more profit making features than any outfit of its size on the market. Let Wards prove it to you. Ask for a free demonstration at Wards big Farm store. WARD'S FARM STORE Trade St High Sts. Salem, Ore. NEW, electric RCA Victor radio- pho nograph comb. Gasoline motor, black coat, size 14. $10. 302 N. Cattron St. Monmouth. Oregon. USED DOORS. 2 ft. 8 in. by 6 ft. 8 in. Like new with frames and hardware. J12.50. Windows, double and single sash, also 3 French windows, large plate glass window and large plate glass front door, dining buffet wjth leaded glass. Ph. 3-7238. SMALL DROP leaf antique table, also girl's show skates, size 6'a. Ph. 2-2973. HOYT ST. SURPLUS OIL CIRCULATORS, small and med ium size $29.95. Wood circulators, hot air furnace with blower. Hot water or steam furnace. New and used washers. Tubs, showers, lavatories, toilets, kitch en sinks. Tents and tarps, small and large. Extra toilet tanks. 'V ealv. oiDe. Jackets, B-15 Navy Field Jackets. Army Field Jackets, Navy Tank Jackets. White aprons' 75c. See our Apt. size electric ranges. Table top electric ice boxes and table top water heaters for apartments and motels. Collins Electric Water Heaters. G.E. Electric Welder, 130 Amp. 47 GMC 1 Ton 16' fiat bed Truck priced to sell. Fire Engine. Fire Extinguishers. 24"x24" Monel Metal American Washer $275.00. Tumbler. Laundry Presses. Bakery electric oven. Laundry Dryer. Large Dish Washers. Steam kettles, steam cookers. Electric light plants, small and large. Saw Mill Engines., 7V H.P. Electric irrigation Pump $180.00. Butane Range, also COLEMAN OIL CIRCULATORS like new $37.50. National Cash Register $100.00. Bunk Beds and mattresses. Camp Cots. Wall Safe $65.00. Turn East one block where the new sewer crosses South 12th. Tel. 3-7916. Walling Sand & Gravel Co. Crushed Rock For roads St driveway Cement Ready -mix Concrete Garden sand Bulldozing, drainage and ditching i yd. .shovel St dra g line. Phone 3-9249. 3 TABLE Model radios, new navy cot. new sun lamp, work bench and vise, also lady's small size dresses. Ph. 3-3501. REFRIGERATOR, reconditioned. 875. Spanish style couch $25. Call at 3520 Brooks. DUO THERM oil heater $30. 1959 N. Church. GOOD Collapsible baby buggy. $15. m. a. box 4io u. Keizer-Chemawa Rd. WOOD BOSS chain saw. Cut only 140 cords. See at 685 S. 12th. SACRIFICEinew $300 fur coat to so at $185. Pert. cond. Ph. 3-5812. 1110 S. 18th. Apt. 4. NEW STEELAGE modernistic desk. See at 455 Court St. or phone 2-3629. TIME TO FERTILIZE USE ORGANIC FERTILIZER PERFECT FOR LAWNS St GARDENS 0 SACKS $5 or $10 PER TON Free Delivery Anywhere in Salem WEST MUSHROOM FARM Ph. 3-8127 days: 2-4397 eve. or 3-8127 FERTILIZER, cow or chicken. De- llvered in Salem, well-rotted or fresh. $5 per cu. yard. Also by sack. $1 oer sack at place or will del. S sack order. pnilllpa Bros. Rt. 8. Box 118. Ph. 68F22. WHITNEY Baby Buggy. Teeterbabe. baby scales, bathinette, Bissell's carpet sweeper like new. Phone 3-1417. WOOD SAW; 28 Che v. motor, good table, on 2-wheel trailer. 2514 N. River Rd. DUO THERM (Model 715) oil circu- lator. almost new. 14 In. burner. 53 BTU output, heats S.833 cu. ft. in this area. Also 120 gal. storage tana. Best offer takes. Call eves. 2-2083. new ZENITH, ir ft. reffigerafr. $197.50 terms. Phone" 3-6331. BOY'S BIKE. 26 in. wheels. 2 mo. old. S33. rn. i-seaa. iao Ti. 15m. DUO THERM oil circulator, and 2 barrels. 715 Salem Heights. Ph. 2-2995. HELENS CURTIS Empress perman gh 3-8171. See a 2070 Market St. WOOD CIRCULATOR, oil circulator. oak dining table and buffet: leas than hair price. Rt. 4. Box 410. Ph. -2047. 'MEN'S BICYCLE, tike new. Lots of extras. $45. 1295 Shadylane.. LUMBER direct f ram milL Call V556I or 2-4594. FUR 3-4829. JACKET, size 38. $25. Phone Save On Gems plete stock of genuine, unmounted stones, and have our craftsmen mount it for you. Save up to half. Fire Opals - - the Oct. birthstone. represented to all their matchless beauty. Also Am ethysts. Garnets. Topaz. Aquamarine. 1 Zircons. Sapphires. Rubies, and minv c-ners. v. u nm Agate oem snop. -- Lancaster Dr. Salem. Open iiwin 1 to v.jv p. m. Produce DRESSED fryer rabbits, will deliver. I rnone 2-4397. Wanted Miscellaneous CAN' DRY more walnuts and filberts. Ph. 3-1632 or 3-1634. WANTED: Small refrigerators and apt, size ranges. Ph. 3-6277. PIANO TUNING Wills Musio Store. Salens Wanted Furniture FURNITURE, household, etc.. men's clothing and shoes, trunks, luggage. etc. Sundale Exchange St Pawn Shop, o m. Liperry. jrn. z-saii, USED FURNITURE. Phone 3-5110. USED FURNITURE. Phone 3-9185. Miscellaneous REIMANN Sheet Metal Co. for oil burner service,. Phone 3-3995. J HIS AU and 40c will mend one hose. Mail or bring to Mrs. Don Good man. No. 5 Roberts Ave. WEATHER strips Pullman. Ph. 3-5865. WATER WELL drilling Domestic or irrigation Duffield Bros. Rt 9. Box 423 Phone 2-1313 HAVE YOUR Singer sewing machine repaired by s qualified Singer repre sentative. Ph. 3-3512 for free pickup Bt delivery service on all makes of ma chines. Free estimate given before work is started Singer Sewing Ma chine Co. 130 N Commercial MEN S SUITS; ladies plain dresses and coats $1, cash and carry. Delivery service $1.13. Dyeing, alterations and repairs. PANTO RIUM CLEANERS 942 N Com'l. Ph 24589 Mattresses. Capital Bed Co. Ph. 3-4069. nlorri Sand Cravol To - Contract Work Roads Cleaning Ditching Sewer S Basement Eauioment Rental IS B-' yds $12.00 per hr 10 B-,a yds. s.so per nr D-7 Cat & Dozer $60 per hr D-0 Cat Dozer 8 40 per hr D-4 Cat a Dozer 7 00 per hr Phone days 3-9408 Evenings 3-8248 or 2-4400 Salem Oregon Dental Plate Repair TWO -HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mail Your Plates for Repair DR HARRY SEMLEn, DENTIST Adolph Bldg.. State St Com. Ph. 3-33U. DOGS BOARDED by day or month. training and grooming. Horse meat. Free pick-up St del. Le Gray Kennels. Ph. 3-1398. AUTO Daintlnx. lust a shade better by Ray ETTER. Call Shrock Motor Co. 3-9101. WANT TO Buy Used Cameras St tenses McEwan Photo Shop 435 Stat. Financial MONEY TO LOAN Wanted: Real estate mortgage loans. See us about refinancing your pres ent contract or mortgage. Approved city loans. Low Interest rates. Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State Sfr Ph. 2-3663 Ed Byrkit and Company riRST MORTGAGE loans at 4 H A St construction loans 339 Chemeketa Phone 3-3101 5 INTEREST on your savings. We have a choice supply of real estate mortgages, properties in Salem and vi cinity. Amounts $500 to $10,000. See these for sound investments. ' State Finance Co. 153 S. High St. Lie. S-216. M-222 Money to Loan FARM and cm LOANS 4 and 5 Your own terms of repayment with in reason Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. JOT Pioneer Trust Bldg Phone 7162 Private Money On Cars. Trucks. & Trailer Homes Long or Short Terra Payments Rov H. Simmons 136 S. Commercial St. Phone 3-9161 LOANS $25 TO $500 Your wav and Fast on Personal's "PICK-YOUR-OWN-PAYMENT" plan It's simple as A-B-S. Just do this: A Tell us how much you need and a few facts about your credit and job in person or by phone if you re busy. B Then you sign without endors ers and get the cash. Proof: 4 out of 5 who ask us for a loan, get it. C Then repay In monthly Instal ments which you select to fit your purse. Don't borrow unnecessarily but If a cash loan solves a problem, get in touch with Mrs. Gallinger. Personal's IE5 MANAGER, today. Loans $25 to $300 on salary and fur niture up to $500 on auto. Personal Finance Co. 518 State St.. Rm. 125 Phone 2-2464 E. Gallinger. Mgr. Lie. S-122. M-165 CASH -NOW $25.00 to $500.00 Salem's largest and oldest some-owned loan company offers money when you need it! You can pay anytime to reduce net cost! No endorsers or help from friends I On cars, trucks, trailer homes to $500,001 On furniture, livestock, equipment, salary or other personal property up to $300.00! Phone or visit our office today I Lie. No, S138 and M33S General Finance Corp. PH. 3-9161 136 S. COML ST. AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO 182 S. Church St. Ph. 2-3457 Parking Aplenty Lie. M159-S154 LIGHT Housekeeping rm. Laundry faculties, utilities paid. Good location. 1810 Trade St. ROOM IN exchange for light house work. For emp. woman. Kitchen priv lleges. Phone 3-5477. FURN. SLP. RM. Heated.' kit. and home privileges. Ph. 2-7758. LOVELY RM. for 2 or 2 office girls: No irn'oking. Ph. 2-6962. SLEEPING ROOM for rent. Phone 3-7176. NICE ROOM, business man preferred. garage, near bus. 1140 Center St. SLEEPING ROOM for man. 1973 N. sary. 1790 N. Capitol. ROOMS TO RENT by the month. Hotel Salem. 161 S. Hirh St. Telephone 3-3101. FOR RENT: Clean beds for clean men. 2033 McCoy. Ph. 3-6903. PLEASANT sip. rm. for man. 1060 Norway. Phone 2-4547. SLP. RMS. $20 St up. 395 NTTTth. NICE" SLEEPING rooms, men or wo men. 835 Hood St. SLEEPING ROOM En nice 60 Phone 3-7558. For Rent Apartments FURN. APT. 3 rooms St bath, close in. Employed couple or lady preferred. Statesman Box 367. $ ROOM Furnished ant. in West Sa- lem. available Nov. 10th. $43.00 per mo. Phone 3-8018. SINCLE PULLMAN furn. apt. 444 N. Cottage. Phone 2-1887. FURN. 2 RM. downstairs apt. Rea sonable. 1397 N. Com'l St. FURN. 2 and S room apt. No drinking. Will take small children. 2310 N. 4th. APT. for rent. Electric range, refri gerator. 791 Gerth. Ph. 3-4361. 2 RM. FURN. APT. Ph. 2-5093. 2605 Maple Avenue. 2 RM. FURN. Apt. Private bath St ent. 1795 Court St. 2 RM. FURN. Apt. Ph. 2-4921. ask for Slack. 2 RM. APT. with bath. 2035 McCoy. Phone 3-6093. MODERN 3 RM. upstairs, couple, no drinking. Eves. 960 N. 19th. Furn. NICE FURN. apt. all elec.. to lease. 12 adults. 1075 N. Capitol. Ph. 2-4631. DOUBLES and singles, all furn. Elec. heat, city and school bus. 3580 S. Com'L For Reut -Houses ONE BEDRM. elec. house. $55 mo. Refs. 1935 N. 20th. Call after 1 p.m. 5 BEDRM house. Phone 3-4353. 2 B.R. HOUSES. 1 mi. n. city limits. No children or pets. 1st and last mo. rent In advance. $45 mo. See at 3890 N. River Rd. MODERN Cabins, single St double, oil heat, partly furn. 2860 S. Commercial. 2 BEDRM. FURN. house with lai A. ilb Close in. N. Salem. Geiger Real Estate. Phone 2-1073, CABIN Vacancy. Rates, on bus line. 3 mi. on Dallas hiway. Box 822. 2 B.R. HOUSE, h.w. floors, fireplace. auto, heat, near State house. Ivan G Martin. Phone 3-4419. APT SIZE 3-room house, new and mod. unfurn. $50 mo. at 1090 S. 16th. I See T. E. Riedel. 2475 Maple. FURN. 3 RM. house. Adults 4143 N. River Rd. Phone 3-1721. 3 RM. FURN. cottage Adults only, 1955 N. Capitol St. MODERN 2 ' RM. Cottages. Castle Hall. 12th St. Junction. Ph. 2-5769 NEW 2 bedroom house for lease. Call at '450 Tryon Ave. For Rent ntONERS by the week Phone 2-4439. GOOD Used Piano H L. Stiff TRAILERS 75c first nr. SOc Era folio wine Woodry's Mkt 160$ N I Summer "RXnT-A-CLARKE high speed floor sender and edgers. We sell everything to ao professional jod. rtowser Bros. 008 Edgewater. Ph. 3-3646. BUSINESS Room. H. L. StUt. TRAILER Space, shade, clean rest rooms. Reasonable rates. Fir crest Trailer Prk. 3910 N. River Road. U-DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT Blankets-furn. 197 S. Liberty. Ph. 2-9062. ATMORAYS. ozone Good neaitn. Rent-sell H. C. Pugh. 684 N. 17. 3-4692. trucks ana cars tor rent, uian-eis furnished- Smltfy's Clipper Service Center and Church. Phone 3-9600. STORE FRONT for rent on Ferry St Inq. 3-3575. Capital Bowling Alley, phone Wanted to Rent S RM. APT. or 3 or 4 rm. house. pref. unfurn. Walking distance of busi ness dist. Refs. Ph. 3-8225. MOTHER with 2 small boys needs small, partly furn. house. Close in. South pref. Ph. 2-2377. FURN. apartment. 3 adults. Phone 3-8509. . RESPONSIBLE Party desires 2 or 3 bedrm, unfurn house preferably north. Phone 3-3992. CARPENTER St family wish small house, reasonable rent. Would con sider repairing house for part of rent. Phone 2-6205. MODERN 2 bdrm. unfurn, house. Ph. 3-8269. DESIRE 3 bedroom home. Permanent government employe -Ph. 3-7156 be tween 8 a. m. and 5 p. m. 2 BR house or apt. Furn. or unfurn. Preferably in Englewood dist. Ph, 33095. Lots ,$895, Edge of City, N. Junior A. with garage St some used lumber. $250 dn., bal. $20 mo. Also lg. city lot. 82 x 218, $1650 or will di- vlde. call onmm, 3-wnv. SEVERAL lovely' wooded lots on Ratcliff Dr. By owner: Ph. 3-4284. LOT 100x18 on Sunnyview ave. $425. Phone 22057. For Sale Real Estate LARGE HOMES 3. 4 St 5 BE homes. Some can be j . 1 m . ur.tl 1 . " . for details. B. Isherwood, Realtor Ph. 6F11, Wallace Road. R. 1. Box 343 or Ph.; 2-8836 - 1289 0th St.. West Salem FOR Efficient and effective salea service call the Salem Realty Co NOW. NEW 4 RM. MOD. house. Immediate possession. Terms or 4 off for cash. $3450, Phone 2-7202. HAVE blx.N transferred must seu imm. 4 bdrm. sub. home and lfc A. School, store St bus at door. Price cut to $6960. Phone 2-3183., BY OWNER: Modern 2 B.R. home on lis acres. Lovely yard, lots of trees and shrubs all electric heat. $7,500. Call 2-7334.: , SMALL, mod. 2 B.R. plastered home. corner tot. $5300. or 2 lots $5900. Close to store, bus. Terms. C. W. Shaffer, 3162 Moody Ave., off Park. 2 BR. MOD. no use. Lge. 101. city bus.- SI 500 down. 3810 Monroe. OWN vour own home. Englewood. For quick sale $5950. terms. Ph. 3-3461 or 29940. BY ! OWNER: Nice new suburban home.! 1 block to school 8c stores. Bus by door. Immediate possession. On Gar den , Road one block west of Swegle School. 2 BEDRM. house, nearly furnished. Reasonable if sold st once. Inquire 1195 Reedy Drive. NEW HOME for sale: FHA. Built by myself. Phone 2-2268. NEW 4 BEDRM- dbl. garage, full basement, oil furnace. Phone 3-4284. BY OWNER: New 2 BH house. hard- I wood i floor, large liv. rm., nearly ' 'acre, fruit trees. Will go FHA, $8500. Ph. 20694. CALABA'S COLUMN NORTH 16th ST. - $4500 Good location, 2 bedroom home, wired for range, elec. water heater, gar age- Move right in. ALL THIS JUST $6850 Nearly brand new. attractive S bed room home, has oil floor furnace, part hardwood floors, att. garage. A good oeat. BEST SUBURBAN BUY North. 1 acre good soil, modern S room home, built about - 7 years ago. has fireplace, oil furnace. tt. garage and many' other good features. Look it over, price is only $8900. ENGCEWOOD SCHOOL DISTRICT Modern 8 room home with unfinished upstairs, bedrooms are good sized. 5 large closets, auto oil furnace, attrac tive fireplace, weather stripped and insulated, wall to wall carpeting a good home for $12,500. j We need more listings of good city 1 and suburban properties. Rudy Calaba & Co., Realtors 231 N. Hieh St. i Py" 35838 - Eve., 33779. 35514, 27423 Lovely Big Home or Big Income zeal choice location, near us Beautiful big living room, fireplace nice big dining room big kitchen, builtins and nook S nice bedrms.. 2 down. 3 up Many closets and built ins Full basement with big windows Priced to sell with easy terms Estep Real ' Estate Co. 850 E St. Ph. S-8708 1075 N. Capitol Ph. 3-4631 Nice N.E. $10,000 G.I. Home Estep Real Estate Co. 1075 N. Capitol Phone 2-4631 850 E St. Phone 3-8706 OWNER CALLED away so you may have immediate possession. One bed room down. 3 up, living room, dining room, kitchen, nook. bath, basement and garage. The price is $6800. Close to bus. store and school. The key is herf? P. H. Bell, Realtor 361 Chemeketa Street Phone 3-4896. 2-1545 Eves. 2-6696. 2-8568. 2-7563 $750 DOWN $50 per mo. 3 bedrooms. LR. DR. kitchen, builtins,' bath, bsmt, oil air cond. furn. Insulated. Dbl. garage. Large lot. Only $7900. A real buy Hurry. $1900 DOWN, $51.25 per mo. 3 bedroom new home. Oil furn, bath tub St shower, step saver kitchen, laundry, many closets, built ins, near schools. Just reduced to $10,- 000. . $3750 DOWN Balance easy monthly payments. 3 bedroom modern home in Walnut Park. Large living room, fireplace, dining room, kitchen, brkfst room. 2 complete baths, full bsmt, dbl. garage. Price just reduced to a very attractive figure, CHAS. HUDKINS & SON REALTORS 250 N. High St. Phone 2-4129 ELECTION SPECIALS Va acre good soil, small modern house garage, only S3150. 1360 Shady Lane. $1500 down will handle this nearly new 5 room house, garage, and 1 acre, near 4 corners. $6950 Is the full price of a new 3 Bdrm. stucco home, garage, on large acre near urusn college, acre plus, 4 corners. S room home, garage, barn, chick, bouse, workshop, $7950. Good terms. Yes. we have Englewood names. 3. 3. I or J bedrooms. Want a good buy in a farm or some acreage 7 call us. Burt Picha, Realtors Ph. 2-3649. eve. 2-3390 337 N. High St NICE. NEW 3 BJl- all elec, near here. Priced s400 cash. ESTEP REAL ESTATE CO. 1075 N. Capitol Phone 3-4631 850 E Sstreet Phone 3-8706 NOTICE INVESTORS New duplex. 3 BR, hardwood floors thruout on each side located In Hollywood district. In sulated, weathers tripped and range and refrigerator go. S3500 cash wlU handle. balance at 4. Goodwin and McMillin, Realtors 484 Court Phone 3-4707 Evenings 2-7283 or 1-5148 15 ACRES in filberts. 3 room cottage. electric pump, ' water and lights in house. Priced at $8000. IMM. POSS 4 bedroom house, living room, dining room, kitchen, nook, bathroom, small basement, close in, bus. stores. . and school. Price is S6800. Another 4 bedroom home, living room, dining room, Kitchen, Venetian blinds, . electric water heater, circu lating heater, garage. This is an older type house and is a very good buy. Price $8950. A new 2 bedroom .home. living room. sutcnen ana noox combined, all elec trie utilities, bath. Priced at $8500. P. H. BELL. REALTOR 361 Chemeketa St. Salem Ph. 3-4896, 2-1545. Eves. 3-6686. 3-8568 2-7565 SUBURBAN, RESTRICTED DIS 3 BR Modern home. auto. heat, wal nut trees and assorted fruit. A good buy for $6950. BETTER 4 BR CLOSE IN Dble plumbing, extra lge rooms, nice fireplace, oil furnace, well planted yard, convenient to schools and state buildings. Call us today for more de tails. Joe Hutchison Realtor 455 Court St. Salem. Oregon Phone 2-3629 - Eve. 2-4789 or 3-3632 MY EQUITY in 3 B.R. home. Holly wood Dist near bus St store. Payments $35 a mo for late model car. Ph. 2-0960 between 3 8c 9 p.m. REDUCED $500 An excellent buy in a beautiful King- wood home. Strictly modern, rancn type. One of the year's finest buys vat $15,000. REDUCED $1000 Smart brand new 2 B.R. home, at tractive kitchen, nice den. fireplace, steel windows, basement and fireplace. Excellent Dist. A buy at $11,900. Walter Muscrave Realtors 1233 Edgewater St Phone 3-8 los New 3 B. R. Down phis floored attic. Bendix washer and kitchen fan. Lots of built-tns and clos et space.' Oak floors, electric heat. In sulated and weather-stripped, blk. from bus, on paved st. Near Leslie and Bush schools. $2200 down. Bal. FJLA. loan. R. C. Lee St Co. 1130 Oxford St. Phone 2-5422. ENGLEWOOD District New 2 BR all modern house with a 1-room kitchen ette apt. attached for guests. BE SURE TO SEE THIS. Goodwin and McMillin, Realtors 404 Court Phone 3-47Q7 Evenings 3-7233 or 1-3143 13750 3 rooms plus bath, plastered, wired for range, elec. water heater, attached garage, oil circulator, elec. range and washing machine included. Call Mr. Bickett. SALEM REALTY CO. Realtors 148 N. High St. Phone 3-7000 Eve. Ph. 3-4773. '3-4591. 3-5580 ALMOST NEW 1 BJL house St lot Garage, extra lot suitable for bldg. Will sell furnishings; shown by ap pointment only. By owner Ph. 3-8960. ,$1050 DOWN By owner. Payments $50 per mo. 7 rm. almost new home. Lot 76x195. En glewood school dist. G. L contract. 097 Norman Ave. IN DALLAS. 4 rm. unfin. house. Suit- able for handyman to finish. Must sell. Very low price. Elmo Bennett Agency. Ph. 3528. Dallas. 013 Court SL, Dallas. GRABENHORST SPECIALS NEW 2 BDRM. HOME f alem Heights Avenue. 2 bdrm, new, large kitchen, liv. rm. nice bath, large lot. close to schools. $1,500 down $50 fer mo. Full price $7,250. Call Roy errls. - BUSINESS LOCATIONS j No. S business zone lot 100 x 125 ft, A good warehouse site, trackage. A bargain at $1,500. Will take car or pickup in trade. No. 3 Business zone Lot 50 x 97 ft. paved St.. sidewalk in. A fine lo cation for shop, small store or restaurant. Will take car or pick up in on sale. Price $2,500. Call G. H. Grabenhorst. Jr. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS L. 134 S. Liberty Street . ! fhone 1-2471 Evenings 3-2948. 3-5089. 3-4369. 33-F-14. 1-8010 LEE OHMART & f tfmfmn a svv at : BEST SUBURBAN BUY 1 acre and a mod 2 bHrmm Ixtnta located on East Center St. about 3 miles east of Lancaster Dr: onlv 4 years old; unfinished upstairs: 3 blks to city bus: rood oil circulator in. eluded; nice lawn; extra building site; you can buy this property today for $7,950. See Mr. Brasher or Mr. Stew art now. $1,250 DOWN Buys a new 2 bedroom hum. !-u.4 suburban south; good, oil furnace; im mediate possession, bal. $32.00 per month. F.H.A. m SHOE REPAIR Small shoe reDair stmn- Km inde pendent; full price $2,000. Good lease. See Mr. Sullivan. LEE OHMART TV jus! savsvssj e- aVeF-f Eve. Ph. 3-4722 EXCELLENT inrinnM I70 tn Church. 2 Bedrooms. LR. 5 V Kltchn. Wired for range. Nice Back yard, lots of fruit and nuts. Ga rage. Work shop. CALL PHIL DAHL. WELL BUILT rooms and attic, full basement, oil P ped furnace, hdw firs, thruout. fire- CALL VhIl - bu REALLY A BUY Very reasonably priced at $6950. 3 LR;r,Din-S' KUchen food lot 'I t.AI.I l Ed Byrkit & 339 Chemeketa Evening SPECIAL TO NOV. 7, ONLY by owner. 3 bedroom house, din. rm Ige. liv. rm kitchen, flrepl. Hard wood firs thru out. Utility wired for dryer. 3 LARGE EAST VIEW WINDOWS Lot 100x165. EXCELLENT DIST. with new houses on Pioneer Drive. Iniulau3 5," i:KrPJ ,mU t Witional after Sunday. Noy 7u " ---.- ariiiet 1VIS) 4wV . NELSON NEWS HOME, 3c RENTAL INCOME 3 Bdrm mod, home 3c 3 rentals In business lone. Sound investment on rapidly expanding, street. $25,000. COUNTRY HOME WITH INCOME A substantial 7 rm. plastered house with bath. 3 toilets, ele. lights, wired for range, barn with concrete flr lge, chicken hse, good well with ele. pump, water to house Jc barn. Supplemental income.' from cherries, peaches, fil berts ac other misccL. fruit. Only 4k m. out. Price $114X10 Includes 3 500-ca- pacity brooders, on beater, etc. 3 BDRM.. EAST Plastered mod. home with hardwood firs, utlL rm, lge lot with shaded picnic grounds. G. L approved. $6950. 3 BDRM. NORTH LR. Dining rm, kit, 1 bdrm, St bath 1st fir. 3 bdnns-. 2nd fir. Fireplace, basmt., util. rm, era furnace, ele. water htr, 273 gal. oil tank. dble. gar, paved siaewauc. dik. so ous. ssvao. GOOD CLOSE IN APT. 0 rentals 8c spacious. owner quarters. All private baths. Ideal location. This is s first cuss property. $30,000. GOOD FAMILY FARM 33 acre. 20 aft. comL fruit St T. or chard. ac. Straw B, $2000 from cer tlfled plants), 12 ac. pasture, creek, springs, some irrigation. ' nice 7 rm. house with view. barn, electrictv. 826.- 9W. If none of the above meet your re quirements tell us what you want if we ao not already nave it listed, we probably know where to find it for- you quicauy. Nelson & Nelson Specializing Realtors 703 N. High Phone 3-4622 WE NOW have a 4 BR home within walking distance ot downtown Salem. Lge.' LR. fireplace, DR, den. kit, bath. hwd. firs, excellent location. Only $16,000. SEE US FOR YOUR CITY OR SU BURBAN HOMES. WE HAVE A GOOD SELECTION OF THESE IN ALL PRICE BRACKETS. RANCH STYLE - ACRES - VIEW, Make us an offer on this charming' all elec. home. Features lge LR- DR, BR. ac anotty pine den. r ire place with heat unit. On pavement, few minutes from &aiem, call us en this. - Larsen Home & Loan Co Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 164 S. Com l St. - Ph. 3-8389. Eve. 3-7440 Olson & Reeve Realtors BARGAINS $11,500. 2 bedrm. home. North. All hwd. firs, fireplace, basmt, oil fur, very nice fir. plan. Large lot. This home is in first class cond. Call Maddy $7800. 2 beditm home East, with room for mote. Hwd firs, fireplace. V. B. Large lot. Good terms. Imm. doss, Hurry. Call Maddy. 10 A. WITH CREEK Partly completed new small hse. Call Dent. $6500 New 2 bedrm home. East. $1500 down. $35 per month. Call Dent. S5S30 4. A. highway frontage 90 E. Nice small bouse. This to good property. Terms. Call Dent. TODAY'S BEST BUY $8330. 3 bedrm home (aU on one fir.) 10x20 living rm, large kitchen done In knotty Dine, breakfast bar. large din- ins;, rm, hwd firs, oil beat. This a truly: good buy. f79 DOWN New unfinished hse. East off Center. Oiled SC Bus line. Olson & Reeve Realtors 043 9- Commercial. Ph. 34590. Eve. 33481 Bargain Bunzalow Lovely modern 3 Brm bungalow 1U yrs. old, with an unusual view of Sa lem. Hwd firs. Oil fir furnace. At tached garaje. Lge. lot. Near bus and stores. A real value st $7500.00. Reason able terms. Amundson Realty Co. Ph. 2-6687 Realtors 354 Ferry St. TTVX BEDROOMS . a acre on lovely Wallace Road one mile from bridge. Full basement, auto, oil furnace, fireplace, double plumb ing, city water. All this and only $0850. Better ask to see this one. SALEM REALTY CO. Realtors 149 T7. High St. Phone 3-7860 NEAR ST. VINCENT school. $8500. Uv. rm, din. rm, 3 BJL on 1 floor, kit. with nook, full basement, furnace, laundry trays, corner tot. T walnut trees. A real value. Olson & Reeve, Realtors Phone 3-4590 345 S. Coml St. STORE WITH LrVTNQ QUARTERS Store bldg. with 1 seta of living quar ters located close to City of Salem. Excellent opportunity for grocery or restaurant. Large corner lot and ex ceptionally good buy at $6,500. FOR DETAILS Call Coburn L. Grabenhorst. S bdrm. modern home, dble. plbg Ige. liv. rm, with fireplace, full basmt. din. rm, with corner cupboards. This is real buy at $9350. Call Earl. West. UPON A. HILL '. I. This nice, new 3 bdrm. horns hat' view of the mtns beautiful hdwd. nrs, large garage which the children can play in, warm inside utility rm. " plenty of room for a 3rd bedrm. $2,350 down will put you In possession. Call w a. oeiser. CO., REALTORS f f I - - .. . ' LOOK - Run mi re f n'T 1 bIk utheast of McKinUy School; a low rambling ranch' home: vertical white siding with red stained: shingle roof; 3 bedrooms St den; flag stone fireplace; lots of paneling: Urge '?v'l00,lt ""Port St ML Jefferson; 12x21 ft. concrete swimming pool; completely insulated At weatherstrip-P-Jf Invite you to compare the con struction with any other. Built in 1946; excellent F.H.A. financing; Immediate Hwcwon umy ajjao down. Bal 4',t, See Mr. Stewart or Mr. Sullivan at . DRIVE BUYS j! "53 ft- $500. P 234 E. Salem Hta. An. UUA 68 Wild Wind Dr. on $3000 ttowa C0 RFATTOIIQ - -- ww 477 Court St. I t - 3-0770 8-5000 MODERN NEW j BR home NX, 1 BIk to bus hdw CALLED. U buy ' : ! " : "FECIAL ; j ! .' v View home, lovely room home, full' bsmnt, Hdw firs. - fireplace, oil fur nace, large lot. Lawn and shrubs, s bur t $12,000. CALL ED. " S 7 V ' ' VIEW HOME AND t ACRES I ' t Bedrooms, full basement, furnace,1 , barn, garage and chicken house, bus hjf' door. $9750. CALL PHIL DAHL. , 1 "- Co., Realtors' ' phone 33277 Office ph. 33101 ! , , 1 T i 81000.00 DOWN I 1 $7800.00. Partly furnished 3 bedroom home on one acre. North. Very soo NEW HOME RARftAtr r For $8300.00 I can sell you a 3 bed room horns all on one floor. Auto, oil heat. Hdw. firs. Urge lot 73 x 154. First com first served. Several good acre agea and farms for sale or trade., y-H Huff Real, Estate Co. Kfltors . j Li4i Chemeketa si s-ximiw amn Eves. 2-5260 TWELVE I isr.r srviu. Large Liv. room with irnln- t-L ln room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms St bat down. Six rooms St bath up. Full baee ment. OH furnace, hot water heat. Urse -w weswis, MUHifj UTVM. rrlC9 919.VKMJ. Rostein & Adolph, Inc. 110's N. Commercial St, ( j Phone 3-3030 - Eves. 3-8314 I NEW HOME i : t We have new suburban 3 I B.R, hom. N.E, that could sell for $93ol but Is on the market for only $83V0t. U KJL W!nL fc" ' f o took at this one. . 1 , 1 Sullivan Realty Co.! S383 Portland Rd. Phone 3-33 $ B.R. Home ! First time listed, this very attractive home. Lge. liv. rm, din. rm, kitchea " St nook.! double plumbing, fireplace, full bsmt. auto, heat, large garage, close to Englewood "sen. and bus. lnuav poss. Call Maddy. Ml Olson & Reeve Realtors ! 943 S. Commercial. Ph. 34590. Ive. 23481 I TOP BARGAINS ' 1 i New 3 bedrm. suburban (north ii4-J I firs, approx; 900 sq. fL fir. area. .le lot. $5900L $1000 down, rest In small payments, Mi.' Lovely 2 bedrm. city, full basement, lge D.R, 4c nook. On S. Church. Truli ""w w cunuvn. fiu.uuu. 3 bedrms. on 1 fir. (Kalzar rfi.tl yrs. old. Close to sen. store St city bus. A real buy. Only $8950. 1 i i want 10 seu or buy, give us a try. RAWLINS REALTY S700 DN. NEW 2 bed. R homa. Hwd. firs. In LLlWFrplce. Nice Kitchen, at tached garage. Lg. lot. Near bus ad swre. cau umer. 1 . j Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Phone 341 Chemeketa Si, -9271 Eves. 3-&Q91 L SPECIAL LISTINGS; Major oil company service station S4 Inventory. Exceptional locatioon. Prici . i : I i : i $4506 " ; ! ; : 3 bedrm. plastered house In tows. Bus. s blk. Terms may be had.; j $6500 -I . Tri: Excellent, new 3 bedrm. mod. home. well-located, paved street. An excep tlonally well-built house. Good term. $7200 ' ';h.,''.;! ; i: 3 bedrm. home on H A. Lawn St shrubs. Paved street, bus at door. $1500 wui nancue. a gooa ouy. i Our Special, $7500 mL from Salem. 3 A with eleasi 3 bedrm. well-built home. On bus line, good 4 -stanchion barn Ac other Class, out bldgsi, Stream on edge-of property affording: excellent fishing. - I i i Attention I .. -' 1 . . i : We have other good 1. t. 3. 4 and I bedroom homes to choose frem. Alai farms St business listings In all prie ranges. Liu us at any ume. ' H. EJ COREY, itEAl ESTATE 1464 Marion SL Ph. 3-3819 orv3-3243 day of eve. $6500 - ROOM. 3 bedroom homC about 3 years old In new district ai 3Sth 3s fD- Sts. , ! , Rostein & Adolph, Inc. 110 N. Commercial St. Phone 3-3030 - Eves. 3-8314. f $S75-NEW RM. home with att. it i extra lgJ Iv. rm. St D. rm. Carpeted 1 wall to wall. Fireplace, . OIX i furnace, t Call Mr. Walters. . it Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors j 341 Chemeketa SL rnww j-gzn CTves. s-z w BEAUTIFUL KTW RANClfTStYlJC ! story S r. house with wonderful east view of city and mountains locat- , ea uv soutnwest part of city. Has now. floors, electric heat. firepL etc. 812.600. . uwu -v . .till i